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TRERR 1000 Basic English Words PaAMLS FAIR Dress 1000) Table of Contents cry, drive, funny, hope, laugh, nice, smile, strong, student, young; big, boy, child, have, loud, story, swim, today, watch, worry able, clone, animal, become, c monkey, thin, word; baby, clean, eat, enjoy, fami jump, kind, man, parent address, afternoon, come, home, letter lunch, make, need, people, start; cook, day, drink, front, great, pla see, send, small, time again, bad, buy, end, find, friend, say, speak, sweet, true; answer, learn, like, long, minute, sing, sit, star, think, town breakfast, corvy, cheap, count cut, earl finish, flower, food, vegetable: begin, excuse, heavy, market, meat, money, put, station, visit, yesterday cold, dark, dinner, dish, evening, sick, snowy, sugar, tea, world har late, ie, ook, love night, same, sleep, water, weal fine, ve, help, hout, meet, poge, pay, rain, sel te chair, hear, number, park, poor, ready, ride, table, work, write door, easy, grow, hate, morning, music, o'clock, ring, stop. study: mirror, nurse, pocket, pretty, problem, pull, ad, try, want, wrong high, keep, know, let, move, pass, point, push, quick, together: fall, lady, rest, run, season, short, sky, stand, tall, wear bottle, change, cool, cover, cry. egg, expensive, fst, fish, knife; full, garden, hot, ill, kitchen, light, milk, potato, warm, wash beautiful, bicycle, city, east, far, map, open, road, shoe, side; air, fly, half eft, ttle, new, shop, show, use, wait ‘ask, break, desk, seat, stairs, stay, talk, understand, walk, year; act, bring, glad, lesson, listen, pencil, question, Tight, teach, way aT = ~ ©: a | Anawer Key lady < eh 8 Cote 1000 Basic English Words is a four-book series designed to introduce basic English words to EFL learners and to reinforce the students’ learning through the systematic repetition of each of these words. The 240 words presented in each level, combined with the additional target words featured in the appendices included in each book, provide learners with over 1,000 practical, high-frequency English words. The words introduced in the series are commonly used in both spoken and written English. While the series focuses mainly on reading and writing skills, the listening tracks provide opportunities for listening practice as well 1. ERGY Word List and Practice $. Reading and Writing Alternating activities in odd and even units add variety to the practice activities. Post-Reading ‘ Writing Practice Z BEEN Word List * Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. = ery [krar] x show sadness He cries when he is sad. drive [draiv} FE to make a car move He drives to work. ih SEE adj. causing to laugh The dog looks funny. hopethoup) to want something to happen She hopes the sun comes out. vy. to show how happy you are Jan laughs a lot. hice [nis] _ an Ratt oj kind Mary is very nice. smile (smal) SSE v to make a happy face She always smiles. aa; ##+ satay od). powerful ‘My uncle is very strong. student [‘stu:dnt]_ cae 1a person who goes to school The student has many books. young [jn] cod) living only a short time so far The young gil loves her grandma. ek Eke By ale és Exercise 1 © Look at the word. Circle the word or phrase with the SAME meaning. learner not weak old sing old | table young strong move funny pen not nice tall sleep new | game —_not funny friendly cry L | J Exercise 2 “© Match the words with the correct definitions. 1. funny + + a. to wish for something to be true 2 cry + + b, making us smile and laugh 3. hope + +c, to show that something is funny 4. laugh + + d. to make the sides of the mouth go up 5. smile + * e@. tomake a sad sound mT Word List + Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. = big [big) eo adj. large The red apple is big. boy [bo] BR rn. ayoung male The boy is ten years old. child [t/arld] (plural: children) BF 1n.@ young boy or gil The child plays in the sand, have [hav] a \ to own something She has a cat. loud [lava] ime «adj. making a lot of sound The music is too loud. story (sto:ri ac _n. the events in a book We read a story at bedtime. ‘swim [swim] ik v. to move through water using the arms and legs qi He can swim. today (tose) cad. on this day What day is it today? Jes worry [‘ws:rl 2b to feel troubled about something She always worries before a test. wateh (wa:t/] me v. to look at something They watch a movie. Exercise 1 ia “® Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. & boy shave “swim story 1. The teacher reads a to the class. 2. We blue car. 3. The is very strong, 4, tis my birthday _ 5. I like to in the lake. Exercise 2 Use the hints and the words in the box to complete the puzzle. |. 1__ the child swim. - huge = not quiet . akid - Donot__. ItisOK. Reading Practice A. Read the passage. =" First Day of School Sam watches the big yellow bus. It stops, and the bus driver opens the door. He smiles and says, “Good morning!” Sam gets on the bus. It is very loud onthe bus. The children talk and laugh. They are happy to see their friends. Sam sits next to a young student. He looks ». like a nice boy. Sam looks at his mother and little sister, Jill, Jill makes a funny face, and Sam laughs. His mother cries. jill hugs her and says, “Don't worry, Mom.” Jill hopes school is fun for Sam today. B. Circle T for true or F for false. 1. The children on the bus are loud. T F 2. Sam's mother laughs. TO OF C. Choose the correct answers. 1. Who does Sam sit next to? a. Ayoung boy b. A strong girl 2. Why does Sam laugh? a. Jill tells a funny story. b. Jill makes a funny face. Writing Practice Lo A. Change the bold words. Write true sentences about the reading. 1. Asmall yellow bus stops in front of Sam. 2. It is nice on the bus. 3. The young student looks like a strong boy. 4. “Don't smile,” Jill says to her mom. 5. Jill hopes school is fun for Sam tomorrow. B. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading. Use the words in the box. es f cries hopes today young It is Sam's first day of school . He gets on the bus. He sits next toa boy. Sam laughs, but his mother Jill school is fun. © Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. en ‘) ees sae ‘able [‘exb!] ae adj. having enough skill to do something She is able to swim. GIGHE [o'loun) mee) adj. without others She cries when she is alone. Gnimal |‘ the middle part of the day He cleans his car in the afternoon. come [kam] x to get to a place Please come with me. home (houm] R .ahouse or apartment Their home has three bedrooms. letter [eter] na message in writing ‘She often writes funny letters to her family. luneh [lant{] ot n. the middle meal of the day She eats a sandwich for lunch every day. make [meik] ‘i y. to cause to be My parents make good pies. BE to have to get or have something We need water to live. people [pi:pl) (singular: person) A human beings There are a lot of people here. ‘start [sta:rt] Fe to begin The man starts to run. Look at the word. Circle the word or phrase with the SAME meaning. jump afternoon meal arrive morning meal play evening meal call late meal Exercise 2 message country man family country house address time © Match the words with the correct definitions. 1. start . 2. afternoon + 3. make . 4. need . 5. address + + a, to build +b. to begin a journey or activity +c. to have a use for something + d. where to send something animal baby parent persons + @. the time between morning and evening EID Word List > © Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. S23 to use heat to make food Dad cooks dinner for us. none of the seven parts of a week Which day do you have art class? drink [drunk] ig \-to put a liquid in your mouth and swallow it What kind of juice do you want to drink? front [frant] a the forward part of something The boy stands at the front of the classroom. great [greit] BURA «acl. very good Nick does a great job on tests! play [ple] v:to do © sport or game We are able to play soccer after school today. ra = vv to notice with your eyes He sees the baby smile. cause something to go somewhere | send about ten emails a day. small [smo:!] aN oo). not large Betty has a smalll dog. fa certain minute or hour shown on a clock What time is it now? Ec" A 20 cook [kuk] RE day [dex] x see [si:] aa) send [send] BE time [tam] Asia ni Exercise 1 © Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. great days drink sends see 1. Grandma me presents from Canada. 2. Goodbye! Have a trip! 3. Michaels in this photo. Do you him? 4. You should water after exercise. 5. Aweekend is only two Exercise 2 ® Use the hints and the words in the box to complete the puzzle. time front play small cook . not the back - little . to make something toeat |. What __is the mov- ie? }- to__ computer games 21 Reading Practice 22 A. Read the passage. EE” Come to My Party From: ‘To: Subject: Come to my party! Hi Anna, My birthday is this Saturday. | will have a small party at my home. We will have lunch and play games. My parents will cook lots of great food. We can drink juice or water. My sister will make a big cake. About eight people will come. I hope to see you there. Can you come? Please send me an email. I need to know by Thursday. Let’s have fun! Day: Saturday, June 17 Time: 1:00 to 5:00 in the afternoon 10 Address: 760 14" Street Your friend, Brian B. Circle T for true or F for false. 1. The party is at Anna's home. T F 2. Brian has to cook for the party. U F C. Choose the correct answers. 1. What should Anna do by Thursday? a. Call Brian b. Send Brian an email 2. What time does the party start? a. 1:00 p.m. b. 5:00 p.m. A. Change the bold words. Write true sentences about the reading. 1. Brian plans a big party. 2. They will eat fruit at the party. 3. His sister will buy a cake. 4, They will watch games. 5. The party starts at 1:00 in the morning. 8. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading. Use the words in the box. afternoon people come ‘cook Brian wants Anna to to his birthday party. It is on Saturday . It will be a small party, with about eight His parents will, and the kids will play games. 23 EET’ Word List * Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. == again [o'gemn] BK cd. another time He needs to write the letter again. bad [bzed] SmeY ed). not good The fruit is bad. buy (bay) x to pay for with money She buys a small gift. end [end] aR ‘nthe last part Some people cry at the end of a movie. find [faind) Hal \to look for and see something He finds his lunch in the bag. friend frend) ABR ‘pa person you enjoy being with He plays baseball with his friends in the afternoon. SAY [ser] wa v. to tell Please say your address again. Speak [spi:k] WHE talk The teacher speaks to the student. sweet [swi:t] EL) dj, having o lot of sugar ‘She likes to eat sweet snacks. true [tru:) Bey adj. correct Isit true that you have a monkey? ls ea3e@ 24 © Look at the word. Circle the word with the OPPOSITE meaning. Exercise 2 © Match the words with the correct definitions. 1. say + + a. one more time 2. again + +b. to speak 3. sweet + +c. when something finishes 4. friend + + d, tasting like sugar 5. end + +e. someone you know and like 25 26 answer [2nser] SR . what you say or write when someone asks a question Karen is able to give the right answers. learn (Is:rn] 3 v, to. come to know He learns how to make pizza. like (lark) ax » to enjoy He likes to drink milk. long [lo:n] +89 cod). not short That is a long word! minute [‘minit] De 1. sixty seconds Class starts in five minutes. sing [sin] OBB v. to make music with your voice She sings a great song. sit [sit] 3 to rest on your bottom The man sits under the tree. star (sta:r] 5 \ to have the main part in a movie or play Beth stars in the play. think (61k) ae v. to use the mind He thinks about what to cook town [taun] SB a small city Three hundred people live in this town. Exercise 1 © Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. minutes E stars sits sing town 1. My friend’s house is ten from here. 2. Marty in the musical at his school. 3. The has one store. 4. She likes to when she is alone. 5. Mike ‘on the sofa. © Use the hints and the words in the box to complete the puzzle. think learn like long answer 2. We__about countries in class. 4, Ido not know the 1, L__about my family. 2. 1___toread. 3. The songis__. 27 Reading Practice 28 A. Read the passage. CREED Summer Song Do you want to find a movie to watch? Go see Summer Song with your friends! Two great actors star in this true story. It is about a man who cannot speak. He can only sing, but he is a bad singer! The people in the town think he is too loud. What do they do? You learn the answer at the end! Buy a sweet snack. Sit down and enjoy Summer Song! You will like every minute of it. [ cannot wait to see it again. B. Circle T for true or F for false. 1. The writer does not like the movie. T F 2. The man in the movie cannot sing well, T F C. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading. | sing town true Summer Song is a story. A man in the movie can only The people in the do not like his singing. What do you think they will do? Writing Practice na A. Change the bold words. Write true sentences about the reading. 1. Two great actors send in this movie. 2. Itis about a strong singer. 3. You learn the answer at the start. 4, You will eall every minute of the movie. 5. The writer wants to watch it alone. B. Fill in the blanks with ideas from the tip box or your own ideas. 1. | want to find 2. Itis about 3. At the end, | will +a great book +a great actor “laugh a lot +a funny movie +a good friend sry +a sad song +a true story *sing the song “a computer game +a bad friend play it again 29 BEEN Word List © Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. S==5 breakfast (brektast SiR p. the first meal of the day What time do you eat breakfast? carry [keer Fo vv to move something as you hold it, She carries the animal to the car. cheap [t/i:p] any ‘adj. not needing a lot of money to buy She buys cheap clothes. Count [kaunt] ee to say each number in order He counts the people again. Cut [kat] a \. to open or divide something with a knife Lisa cuts fruit for her friends to eat. early [s:r] 8 adv. before a set time; sooner than at other times. Rob gets up early on weekdays. finish [‘finr{) eh to end They finish running. flower [flaver] & 1. the colorful part of a plant She finds a red flower. food [fu:d] ay 1 fruits, vegetables, meats, and other things people eat This food is not sweet. vegetable [‘vedstebl] mR 1. a food that grows on a plant, often in a garden My family likes to eat vegetables. 30 Exercise 1 © Look at the word. Circle the word or phrase with the SAME meaning. think sing star bring Exercise 2 © Match the words with the correct definitions. 1. 7 food count . early . flower . vegetable find afternoon mea start late meal | morning complete a | a buy _ evening | meal a. b. 2 a big chop low-cost. play funny like long | sit to say “1, 2, 37 etc. not late . what people eat a part of a plant that smells a part of a plant that is eaten 31 32 i a List © Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. 280 begin [br'gin} Fe to start The horses begin to run. EXCUSE [1k'skju:s] 0 1. @ reason given for doing or not doing something Her mother does not like her long excuse. heavy [hevi] mn ‘adj. having a lot of weight The bag is heavy. market ['ma:rkit] Thi a place where things are sol, often outside She buys vegetables at the market in town. ‘Meat [mit] a 1. a part of an animal that is eaten He cuts the meat. money [mani] Ef 1n. coins or bills used to buy things Itis true, He has a lot of money! ‘Put [put] wi v to move something to another place She puts money in the piggy bank. Station ['ster{n] Bay 1n.a stopping place for buses or trains She sits in the train station. visit ['vizrt] Fab v to go to see someone She speaks English when she visits her friends. yesterday (jestorder) tee 1p. the day before today Yesterday was bad, She was alone all day. Exercise 1 ma © Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. f excuse begins meat put yesterday 1. was Monday. | played with my friend. 2. She thinks of a(n) to go to town. 3. Where did you the paper with Tom's address on it? 4. Cook the for 20 minutes. 5. Jill laughs when the man to sing. © Use the hints and the words in the box to complete the puzzle. station visit heavy market money . a place to buy fruits and vegetables P| z . not light | |. to spend time with aaa fie al ak i —" = ite) 2 . The bus comes to the 33 Reading Practice 34 = ‘A. Read the passage. GEES" Market Day Itis Friday. Itis a big day. Anna gets up early. She eats breakfast. She picks some vegetables. She cuts some flowers. She puts them in a basket. The basket is heavy. Anna carries it. She goes to the market. It is by the bus station. Many people visit Anna. They like her food. Itis cheap. They give her money for the food. She counts it, She is happy. Now she can buy some meat. ‘The market finishes at 2:00 in the afternoon. Anna begins to walk home. She thinks about the meat. She smiles and says, “I love the market!” B. Circle T for true or F for false. 1. Anna needs to buy vegetables. TO OF 2. Anna eats the meat on the way home, Tee C. Choose the correct answers. 1. Where is the market? a. At Anna's home b. By the bus station 2. What does Anna buy with the money? a. Meat b. Flowers A. Change the bold words. Write true sentences about the reading. 1. Anna goes to the country. 2. She cuts the vegetables in a bosket. 3. Anna carries a thin basket. 4, Anna's home is cheap. 5. She sells the money. B. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading. Use the words in the box. flowers money market early Anna gets up . She puts vegetables and _ ina basket. She carries the basket to the - People buy her food. She has enough to buy meat. She is happy. 35 BEGIN Word List cold {kould) wee) cd). not hot Its very cold today. dark [da:rk} me cod) having little or no light I cannot see well when it is dark. dinner [diner] eae nthe last meal ofthe day =e We eat a lot of food for dinner. (of dish (4:4) ae na plate or bow! Where did you find this dish? evening [i:vnin] 58 1. the early part of the night They drive home in the evening. SICK [stk] Eee adj ills not well He goes to bed early because he is sick. snowy [snoui] Fan od) having a lot of snow Itis snowy by our home. sugar ['fuger] a ‘n. something added to food to make it sweet 1 do not put sugar on fruit. tea [ti:] R 1a dink made with hot woter and leaves — ike to drink tea. world [ws:rid] HR nthe earth ond everything on it We learn about the world in school. 36 © Look at the word. Circle the word with the OPPOSITE meaning. hot big loud sweet Exercise 2 early bad heavy sunny cheap morning dish well | _— today meal true | | yesterday breakfast emol I time vegetable © Match the words with the correct definitions. 1. tea . 2. snowy + 3. world + 4. dish + 5. sugar + + a. where people, animals, and plants live + b. akind of drink +c. something food is put on or in + d. avery sweet thing to put on or in food * @. covered in snow 37 EET Word List . © Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. == Z hard [ha:rd] cares adj. not easy Itis hard to carry the heavy box. late [lext] LS) ad). getting somewhere after a set time He is late. | hope he has a good excuse! life (larf] #5 1 the time a person is alive The man has a great life. Took [luk] a v to move the eyes to see He looks at the flowers. love [lav] z v. to like a lot Billy loves his dog. night (nart) La ry. the time after evening when it is dark The market is also open at night. [sem] He adj. not different I think the apples are the same size. sleep [sli:p] Fat close your eyes and rest He sleeps for a long time. water [‘wo:tar] k rp. the thing people drink and need to live | need to drink more water. weak [wi:k] Ei) cad) not strong The rope is weak. 38 Exercise 1 a © Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. night sleep _iife water love 1. You should eight hours every night. 2. People go to bed at 3.1 to drink tea. 4. Some people do not have clean 5. [hope | have a long Exercise 2 © Use the hints and the words in the box to complete the puzzle. weak same hard late look |. not powerful . not early . difficult 39 Reading Practice 40 A. Read the passage. == People all over the world love to drink tea. It can be hot or cold. Many people drink tea in the evening after dinner. It helps them sleep at night. Sick people drink lots of tea. Tea is not hard to make. Heat some water. Put tea leaves in a pot. For strong tea, use more leaves. Pour hot water on the leaves. For weak tea, add more water. Wait a few minutes. Then pour the tea into a small cup. Add sugar and milk if you like. Tea is good for you. It can help you live a long life. B. Circle T for true or F for false. 1. Tea can help you sleep well ve LG 2. You can add sugar to make it weak. T F C. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading. water life world People around the drink tea. It is good for us. It is not hard to make. You just need hot and tea leaves. Drink tea if you want along Writing Practice mm A. Change the bold words. Write true sentences about the reading. 1. People drink tea when they are cheap. 2. Tea can be hot or snowy. 3. Tea can help people sing at night 4, You can put meat and milk in your tea. 5. For strong tea, add more water. B. Fill in the blanks with ideas from the tip box or your own ideas. 1. I drink tea when | am. 2. Idrink tea 3. Tea helps me “tired sin the morning + relax «thirsty sin the afternoon “feel better cold sin the evening «stay awake sick + at night «stay healthy 4 aw MZY Word List © Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. == fine [fain] ‘(FBS ‘adj. good It is a fine day to go to the country. give [g:v] % «to let someone have something He buys flowers and gives them to his friend. help [help] cc) v. to make it easier for someone to do something They give food to help people around the world. hour (aver) Nit rn sity minutes She slept for only one hour last night. meet [mi:t] RE v. to. come together They meet for dinner in the evening. page [perds] ‘n.a piece of paper I could not finish the last page of the book Pay [per] sett to give money to get something She pays $5 for the vegetables. rain (rein) \.to fall as water from clouds It starts to rain on her way to town. selll [sel] Rg \ to give something to someone for money She sells shoes at the mall. tree (tri a a woody plant All of those trees are snowy. a 42 Exercise 1 ® Look at the word. Circle the word or phrase with the SAME meaning. weok iif get think visit | ie together same paper o look sing | make dark person lecrn find easier dish pay for | offer sit down Exercise 2 ® Match the words with the correct definitions. 1. sell + a, alarge plant 2 rain + +b. one of twenty-four parts in a day 3. tree + +c. touse money to buy 4, hour + +d, to give for money 5. pay + +e, when water falls from the sky 43 44 Z List > © Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. == A» Re Les Hallo et chair [tfeer] BF 1. something for a person to sit on The chair is red. hear (hror) FB listen to —— She thinks she hears a person singing. number [‘namber] Ke .@.word or symbol that shows an amount Can you count to the number 10 in Spanish? park (pa:rk] aa . agrassy place in or near a city Yesterday, we went to the park. Poor [puer] BH co. hoving little money The poor man needs money. ready [red] eB eFA adj. set to do something They are ready to go. ride [raid] Be v to sit in or on something that you or someone else moves She rides her bike to the market. table ['terbl] RF 1 Something that people sit at to do things lke eat The table is heavy. work [wa:rk] Le n.ajob He is late for work. write [ratt] 3 \ to make words with a pen or pencil He starts to write a letter. na Exercise 1 “© Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. “ready write poor work rides 1. Blake his horse in the park. 2. Are you to go to school? 3. My friend is . He does not have a lot of money. 4. Please your address on this paper. 5. He goes to early in the morning. Exercise 2 ® Use the hints and the words in the box to complete the puzzle. chair hear table park numbers . touse the ears = 1, 2,3, etc. |. aseat . a place to play . where some people sit to work 45 Reading Practice 46 A. Read the passage. =" Work Day Dear Grandma, ‘Yesterday, my class took a field trip. We met in our classroom in the morning. Then we rode buses to the park. We did a lot of work to help people. We planted trees in the park. In the afternoon, I sat ina chair at a table. I sold flowers and candy. One person even paid to hear me sing a song! We gave ~ the money to poor people. We were there for eight hours. | had fun, but I was ready to go home. Thope you are fine! Danny . Circle T for true or F for false. 1. The class met at the park. T OF 2. Danny did not want to go home. Tate . Choose the correct answers. 1. How did the class get to the park? «a. They rode buses. b. They walked. 2. What did Danny sell? a. Trees and plants b. Candy and flowers Writing Practice na A. Change the bold words. Write true sentences about the reading. 1. Danny sat in a bus at a table. 2. Aperson carried Danny to sing. 3. They were at the park for eight minutes. 4, Danny bought flowers and candy. 5. They gave the money to sick people. B. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading. Use the words in the box. sold poor hours park Danny's class went on a field trip to the . They were at the park for eight . They planted trees. They candy and flowers. They gave the money to __ people. 47 © Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. == 48 Bak cee aA i 5 door (do:r] 0 1 something that you open to go into a building or room He goes through a big door at work. easy [i:zi) ‘adj. not hard to do Tea is easy to make. Grow [grou] get bigger The plant needs water to grow. hate [her] \ to dislike very much He hates vegetables. morning [mo:rng] 1 the fist part ofthe day She drinks coffee early in the morning. muse [mju:zrk] 1 sounds made by instruments or voices He learns to play music. o'clock [e'kla:k] cody. being on the hour It is five o'clock. Fing [nn] 1». apiece of jewelry worn on the finger This ring is not cheap. Stop [sta:p] v to no longer move Cars stop when the light is red. study (stadi] y, to read and practice in order to learn He studies for two hours every night. Ba KKK tk Se ga ir Exercise 1 ® Look at the word. Circle the word with the OPPOSITE meaning. ready sleep | sell | visit tel night late love finish == write. == _-yesterday | tide go dinner | Exercise 2 © Match the words with the correct definitions. 1, door + + a. apretty circle you wear on your finger 2. o'clock + + b. aword used in telling time 3. music + +c, to become bigger and taller 4. ring + + d. asong 5. grow + +e. what people open to go into a house 49 ECISE Word List Sy © Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. =) mirror [muiror] ar . something that people look in to see themselves He looks in the mirror when he gets ready for work. nurse [ns:rs] Pt n. @person who helps sick people and works with a doctor The nurse helps the sick woman. pocket [‘pa:kit} ne rn. something on clothing to put things in 5 He puts the number in his pocket. adj. nice to look at The tree is pretty. 1. something that is hard to do She has a problem with her cor. pull [pul] Ed «to hold onto something and move it toward you She pulls the bag. sad [seed] HEAD adj. not happy The child is sad. try [tray] RA AN v. to make an effort to do something * The cat tries to catch the fish. want [wo:nt] 8 to wish for She wants new shoes. «dj not correct I wrote the wrong answer. 50 pretty (‘priti] SB problem [pra:blam] (aga wrong [ro:n] AD “cmea tries mirror problem pocket pulled © Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. 1. They the table into the room. 2. lookin the when I brush my teeth. 3. Howard always to make us laugh. 4. Steve puts the money in his 5. She has a . Her chair broke. Use the hints and the words in the box to complete the puzzle. want nurse pretty sad wrong - wanting to cry . cute . someone who helps sick people |. to hope to get something - not right 51 A. Read the passage. GEE Mark: Lucy: Mark: 5 Lucy: 10 Mark: & Friend’s Problem Why are you so sad this morning, Lucy? Ihave a problem. I can't pull my mom's ring off my finger! She hates it when I play with her pretty things. Oh, Lucy! It was wrong to put her ring on. Yes, but I wanted to see it on my finger. So I put it in my pocket. Then I went into the bathroom and closed the door. I put it on and looked at it in the mirror. Then | tried to take it off. It was easy to put on, but it’s hard to get off! My momisa nurse. She can help you. B. Circle T for true or F for false. 1. Mark has a problem. T F 2. Lucy did not ask to try on the ring. TO OF C. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading. f easy ring pocket Lucy saw her mom’s pretty . She put it in her She went to the bathroom to put it on. It was to put on. But now she cannot get it off. Mark’s mom can try to help. Writing Practice A. Change the bold words. Write true sentences about the reading. Lucy is funny this morning. mE . She has a child. . She put on her mom’s snowy ring. |. She wanted to see the ring in the door. . Mark's mom is a teacher. B. Fill in the blanks with ideas from the tip box or your own ideas. 1 a 3. lam My mom is Ihave +a doctor +a teacher +a cook van artist this morning. +a pet +a secret acold ‘a fever 53 54 © Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. = Gag. Fe List high (har) a cd) far above the ground The pretty balloons are high in the sky. keep [ki:p] AK to put and leave something in one place We keep the sugar in a jar. Know [nou] sie \ to have information already She knows how to fix the problem. let [let] it to allow; to agree to ‘Mom lets me listen to music when | study. move [mu:y] Bm to put in a different place They move the chair. GSS [pas] fet to throw to another person He is ready to pass the ball point [point] 8 \ to use your finger to show someone where something is, He points to the numbers on the page. push [pu/] c v to move something away from you The nurse pushes the wheelchair. quick [kwik} tae od) fast The boy is quick. together (te'gedor] -e adv. with others They play together in the park. Exercise 1 © Look at the word. Circle the word or phrase with the SAME meaning. have pass alone "understand easy hate pull at the try far up same time move | point forward onebyone want wrong move sell backward inagroup. = shear quick © Match the words with the correct definitions. llet + + a. to send to another person 2. move + +b, to use a finger to show something 3. pass + +c. to say someone can do something 4. point + + d. able to move with speed 5. quick + +e. to change the place of something 55 i Fr (bw BF so ox ® Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. fall [fo:1] #8 v. to come or go down quickly He fell when he ran to the door. lady [eri] at n.@ woman The lady is sad. Fest [rest] oe to take a break She rests after work. Fun [ran] as \:to use the legs to move fast I run at six o'clock in the morning. ‘Season ['si:zn] a rp. the time of year when something usually happens They are ready for football season. short [fo:rt] 5a09 od}. not tal; not ong This tree is short. It does not grow tall sky [skai] RE the space above us and around the world The sky is dark at night. stand [steend] SANZ be on your feet He stands in the same place for many hours. tall (to: aay ‘cd. long from top to bottom Kayla is a tall girl wear [weer] = v. to have clothing or jewelry on the body He wears a jacket with a pocket. nm © Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. wears short sky fall tall 1. Lam enough to reach the high book. 2. can hear the plane in the 3. She her ring every day. 4. Stacy is not tall. She is very 5. Be careful! Do not on the ice. Exercise 2 © Use the hints and the words in the box to complete the puzzle. rest lady stand season run. |. not to sit - not a man }. to move quickly |. one part of the year - to sleep for a short time 387 Reading Practice 58 A. Read the passage. GEE Larry's Big Game It is the last game of the football season. There is only one minute left in the game. The coach stops the game to let the players rest. Larry knows they can win if they work together. down, Steve passes the ball to Larry. Itis high in the air. Larry catches it and keeps it in his hands. They win the game! B. Circle T for true or F for false. 1. Itis the first game of the season. T 2. Larry's team wins the game. T C. Choose the correct answers. 1. What happens when Larry pushes the other players? a. They run fast. b, They fall down. 2. Who catches the ball at the end of the game? a. Lary b. Steve Larry’s team has the ball. They move it up the field. > Steve points to Larry. Larry starts to run. He is tall and \ ~@ very quick. He pushes the other players, and they fall e) on™ ‘lias 4 q Wtng rate = A. Change the bold words. Write true sentences about the reading. 1. The coach stops the game to let the players eat. 2. They can win if they work fast. 3. Larry's tall and pretty. 4. Steve stands the ball to Larry. 5. Larry catches the ball and moves it in his hands. 8. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading. Use the words in the box. high season pushes knows Itis the last game of the Larry his team can win. He runs and the other players. Steve passes the ball in the air. Larry catches it. Larry's team wins! 59 SEITEN Word List Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. (223. bottle ['ba:t!) oF 1. a glass or plastic container for liquids The bottle is on the table. change [t/eind3] Ete v. to become different It changes into another animal. C00! [kul] ree adj. alittle bit cold He wears a jacket on a cool day. Cover [kavar] v to put something over something else He covers the food to keep it warm. ary (dray] eT v:to toke oway water we The lady dries the dishes. 299 [eg] oR 1. something round made by a mother bird I give the eggs to my mom. expensive [1k'spensiv] aay cod costing a lot of money The car is expensive. fast [fest] RNY adj. able to move quickly The plane high in the sky is very fast. fish [ff] ‘nan animal that lives in water The fish is ready for me to eat. knife [naxf] aD ‘na sharp tool used for cutting My parents do not let me use the knife. Bie fy © Look at the word. Circle the word or phrase with the OPPOSITE meaning. quick | sad show meet sell not hard | stay the slow | orecuy push Sane hold onto i | | short | | nothot fall keep make wet | orcold | together tall | pretty stop pass keep © Match the words with the correct definitions. 1. egg . + a. having a high price 2. bottle + + b. a food that is white and yellow when cooked 3. knife : +c. ananimal that swims 4. fish . + d. something with a sharp edge 5. expensive + +e. something you put juice in 6 BEIT Word List 4 Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language, 2%" ecw El fully iat adj. having no room for more The bags are full. garden [‘ga:rdn} ta nan area where flowers or vegetables are grown The plants in the garden are short. hot [ha:t] FAS «adj, having a lot of heat The soup is hot. ill (a) adj. sick; not well Betty is ill, She needs to rest. kitehen [k:tf1n] a 1. @ room where people cook food There is not a table in the kitchen. light [lart] Sd start a fire The matches are easy to light. milk (rt) 5 n. a white drink that comes from animals | like to drink milk. potato [pa'tertou} +5 na round vegetable that grows under the ground She pulled the potatoes out of the dirt. warm [wo:rm] ise) dj. alittle bit hot She knows how to stay warm. wash [wo:f] to clean Dave stands at the sink and washes the dishes. 62 mo Exercise 1 “© Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. full milk hot wash il 1. The nurse helped the sick man his hai. 2. Jane was yesterday. She was not at school. 3. The glass is of water. 4. Chis likes to drink with his breakfast. 5. Put the eggs in water. Exercise 2 © Use the hints and the words in the box to complete the puzzle. potato warm gorden light kitchen }. to set on fire . a place to grow plants |. a vegetable with a thin brown skin . aroom in a house }. not hot or cold 63 Reading Practice 64 > A. Read the passage. (IE Potato Breakfast like to cook a lot. [have everything I need in my kitchen. I even use food from my garden. Try this easy meal. It is not expensive to make. First wash three potatoes in warm water. Then, dry the potatoes. Cut them into small pieces with a knife. Put them in ahot pan. Next, put four eggs in a bowl. Mix ina full cup of milk. Cover the potatoes with the eggs and milk. Stop cooking when the color changes to brown. It is good with fish, too! B. Circle T for true or F for false. 1. Itis not cheap to make this food. T F 2. Cut the potatoes before you wash them. T F C. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading. milk hot potatoes This is how you make an easy breakfast. First, wash and cut three . Cook them in a pan. Mix four eggs with acup of _ - Pour it in the pan. Cover the pan, and let the food cook. Enjoy! Wt Pract = A. Change the bold words. Write true sentences about the reading. 1. Ihave everything in my pocket. 2. use food from my bottle. 3. Wash three potatoes in cool water. 4, Mixin a high cup of milk. 5. Dry the pan, and let the food cook. B. Fill in the blanks with ideas from the tip box or your own ideas. 1. leat food from 2. | like to eat food 3. Wash “the store “from my garden + your hands “my garden sin a restaurant *the car +restaurants “that is healthy “the dishes the market = that looks good your face 65 EEE Word List @ Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. ==" beautiful (bju:tif] Se05H9 adj. very nice to look at The sky is very beautiful today. bicyele [barsiki] ae 1p. thing with two wheels that you can ride They ride bicycles together. city [siti] sir na very big town There are many tall buildings in the city. east [i:st] aR aay, the direction from which the sun rises We need to go east. far [fa:r) inate adv. not close He goes far to get to work. map [mzp] so 1.@ drawing of an area that shows where places are Ihave an old map of the world. open [oupan} Fee v. to let people in They open the store at eight o'clock. road [roud) B ro wide and hard thing that people drive cars on like to drive on this long road. ‘shoe [{u:] ae , something that covers the foot He wears these shoes to run. side [said] a 1. the place right next to something They stopped on the side of the road. Exercise 1 Look at the word. Circle the word or phrase with the SAME meaning. bottle breakfast kitchen bike egg _ season street Exercise 2 © Match the words with the correct definitions. i 2. east side . open map . city a, b. sneaker —_ close to very pretty | ritror | | high full pocket fast | cool . to make not closed an area with many people and buildings . a drawing of the land |. the opposite of west . a place away from the center of something 67 BEI Word List © Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. == Gif [ear] Be 1 the gases around the earth that people breathe The air is not clean. It makes people ill. fly [flax] +t v. to move through the air The bird flies high in the sky. half (heef] —* adv, by 50 percent The glass is half full. left [left] ae adv. on or to the side opposite of right Turn left on this road. little (rt!) DNs) adj. small It drinks from a little bottle. EW [nju:] are) adj. not old She wants a new ring. shop [fa:p] we p.asmall store The lady works in a flower shop. show [fou] Rx v.tolet someone see He shows her a pink shoe. use [ju:z] a put something into action He uses the knife to cut the fish. wait [wert] ae v-to stay in one place until something happens He waits for the bus. 68 mm Exercise 1 ® Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. new shop use fly air 1. | want to over the water. 2. The is clean in the country. 3. My dad bought a(n) car. 4. Con your phone? 5. The book opens in the afternoon. Exercise 2 Use the hints and the words in the box to complete the puzzle. little half eft show wait 1, ____me the road on the map. . Should go___or right? . by % or 50% . Ido not like to for the bus. . not big 6 Reading Practice A. Read the passage. GHIE5" 70 The Big Sale From: ‘To: hallie? Subject: Big sale! Hi Hallie, Did you hear about the big sale? It is at Shelly's Shoe Shop in the city. New shoes are half off! The shop opens at nine o'clock. I have a map we can use. It shows us how to get there. Let's ride our bicycles. We do not have to go far. It is on the same road as the little park we like. Call me if you want to go! I cannot wait to get some beautiful new shoes! Your friend, Jamie B. Circle T for true or F for false. 1. The shop sells shoes. TOF 2. Shelly's Shoe Shop is far from the park they like. TO OF C. Choose the correct answers. 1. What happens at nine o'clock? a. The sale ends. b. The shop opens. 2. How does Jamie want to get to the sale? a. Ona bus b. On her bicycle Writing Practice Ea A. Change the bold words. Write true sentences about the reading. 1. Shelly's Shoe Shop is in the country. 2. Jamie has a knife they can use. 3. They can ride their animals there. 4. They do not have to go east. 5. Itis on the same side as the little park they like. B. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading, Use the words inthe box. f half Jamie wants to go to Shelly's Shoe __ __ There is a big sale. shoes are __ off. She wants to ride there on her . Hallie should call her if she wants to go. 7 EIEN Word List © Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. = 72 ‘2 J oe ask [sk] a say a question She asks the students about the book. break (brerk] 77 cause to be in two or more pieces | broke the egg to make breakfast. desk [desk] RR ‘na small table in an office or classroom There are many desks in the room. seat [si:t] Fete naplace to sit The seats are by the side of the pool. stairs [stearz] cd n.aset of steps Sara's litle shop is at the top of the stairs. stay [ster] Be v.not to leave Bill tells his dog to stay. It waits for Bill to come back. tallk [to:k] ie speak to another person The beautiful lady talks to the man. understand [andor'stzend) ae know the meaning of He understands a house and car are expensive. walk [wo:k] = v to use the legs to go from one place to another He walks on this road to get home. year [j:2r] = twelve months These birds fly east at this time of the year. ® Look at the word. Circle the word or phrase with the OPPOSITE meaning. “understand | run | | put together ‘open cover | 0 show tog Pp || 9 Bal | cover shear cit [al rest use | i c | | | | pa | | dry wear answer | | © Match the words with the correct definitions. 1. desk . * a, 365 days 2. seat . + b. togetanidea 3. understand + + c. aplace to study 4. year : + di things used to go up or down 5. stairs . +e. achair 74 ® Learn the words. Write the meanings in your own language. (== aa) = i 5 Get [zt Ey behave in a certoin way They know how they must act in class. bring [brin) we v. to take something to another place She brings the food to the table. glad [gle] adj hoppy They are glad they live in the city. lesson [lesn ® 0. an activity used to teach He teaches a lesson about maps. listen [rs oF v. to use the ears to hear She listens to a beautiful song. Pencil (pens! ee . a.writing tool She uses a pencil to write. 1. a sentence that osks for an answer The man asks a lot of questions. Fight (cart TE adj. correct She does not know the right answer. teach [ti:t/ x help someone learn Kayla's mom teaches her how to grow a garden. way [wer] BE rn. how someone does something ‘My mom shows me a way to cook eggs. Exercise 1 ‘* Complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. mm f pencil listen lesson ways oct 1. Please bring your to class. 2. There are many to get to school. 3. We to the news on the radio. 4. Donot like a child! 5. The today is about animals. © Use the hints and the words in the box to complete the puzzle. f question teach right bring glad a . the opposite of an —_ le . She gave the answer, = nena |. tocarry toa place . to show how to do something 78 76 ‘A. Read the passage. GEES Classroom Rules Welcome back! I hope you had a nice summer. | am glad you are in my class this year. Here are my rules. Please follow them. Always bring a pencil to class. Stay in your seat at your desk during lessons. Listen while I teach. Do not talk to your friends. Raise your hand ® toask a question. Walk when you use the stairs. Do not run! I do not want you to break ; ; ava a leg! Please act the right way in class. I hope O you understand these important rules. Thank you! w Mrs, Hart B. Circle T for true or F for false. 1. Itis the last day of school. T OF 2. Students should bring a pen to class. T OF C. Fill in the blanks to complete the summary of the reading. f understand glad Mrs. Hart is to have the students in her class. She hos many important rules for them to follow. She wants them to. the right way in class. She hopes they her rules. Writing Practice mn A. Change the bold words. Write true sentences about the reading. 1. Always bring a potato to class. Stand in your seat at your desk. . Do not listen to your friends in class. |. Raise your hand to ask @ way. . Walk when you use the map. B. Fill in the blanks with ideas from the tip box or your own ideas. 1. 2. 3. Always Walk Listen to *be nice to others help your friends “listen to the teacher + do your homework +in the classroom *to school by the pool *to your seat the teacher “the lesson *your parents “the rules 77 Wars 0 1 2 3 three 4 four 5 6 7 8 five six seven eight 9 nine 10 ten 11 eleven 12 twelve 13. thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen 16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty 30 thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 one hundred 1,000 one thousand first (1") second (24) third (3) fourth (4) fifth (5%) sixth (6%) seventh (7") eighth (8%) ninth (9%) tenth (10%) eleventh (11°) twelfth (12) thirteenth (13") fourteenth (14") fifteenth (15) sixteenth (16) seventeenth (17%) eighteenth (18") nineteenth (19%) twentieth (20") thirtieth (30°) fortieth (40") fiftieth (50") sixtieth (60%) seventieth (70°) eightieth (80) ninetieth (90%) ‘one hundredth (100%) ‘one thousandth (7,000") which how where spring summer ayy winter fall/autumn __ Months of the Year & Days of the Week 1 January, 2 February S7Teswnwe Jaseres Sasere BABBASS Tenwize TRVAZD 5 May 6 June Aone. 3 Moreh Sereswn Passe BAABBAS 17 9 September 10 October ZBABEIS BABAUSS 60 seconds 60 minutes 24 hours 7 days 4 weeks 12 months » > > Colors x2? k=) Ps Ld Ps SG | gg HO a Lille. Lhe reel aa IP re. hr I minute 1 hour 1 day 1 week 1 month 1 year > Sunday (Sun.) Monday (Mon.) Tuesday (Tue.) Wednesday (Wed.) Thursday (Thu.) Friday (Fri.) Saturday (Sat.) brown red pink orange yellow green light green blue navy purple beige black gray white 79 hair ear< ~face neck = shoulder < eye nose 80 »mouth >arm APPENDIX orange watermelon grape strawberry apple peor Conjunctions => Determiners. a/an another any after although and as all because before but however both each either enough every few little many if or since so much neither no other then therefore until while some that the this 82 Loan Words and Other Commonly Used Words Cars cake cheese chocolate coffee cream curry gum hamburger jam bear kangaroo juice pie pizza salad sandwich snack soup spaghetti steak koala coat album pen jacket apartment piano jeans bus program pajamas card skate scarf computer taxi shirt cup television/TV sweater game website T-shirt Internet zipper notebook ? © « ~ mm ~ chicken dog iguana ad t= +e yal } oe e panda rabbit sheep 83 84 able act i address itt afternoon FF again Hx air BS alone Alay animal ah) answer SH ask i baby 22) bad sRHY beautiful 329589. become AA: begin #6 bicycle BT* big X89 bottle fF boy BH break #74 breakfast Si call nub carry i catch HE chair oF change 24, cheap (#58) child BF city tai 12 74 18 18 24 68 12 12 26 72 14 24 12 cy 60 72 30 74 24 12 30 12 44 60 30 66 clean #2 cold #98) come 3X cook t= cool i988 count 0% country 4 cover Sia cy # cut #) dark seh day % desk it dinner a8 dish iF door iJ drink 08 drive FE dry early east [ali easy E89 eat Ma, egg 38% end 44% enjoy =x evening {ai excuse #0] expensive sf fall (8) family hz 14 36 18 20 60 30 12 60 30 36 20 So8EER 30 66 48 14 24 14 32 56 14 for imi fost Rak find $25) fine ‘ae#29 finish 25% fish & flower 2% fy % food a¥9 friend ARAL front Ai fruit 2% full 329 funny 955849 garden 722 give 722 glad 4 great vs grow x half —3. hard FARERD: hate it have @ hear 172!) heavy ai help #38p high = home # hope #2 hot #49 hour “at 30 60 30 68 30 24 20 14 62 62 42 74 20 48 68 38 48 44 32 42 54 18 62 42 jump 3 keep 7ik kind #3. kitchen 8 knife )\J) know 50 lady + late BRE. laugh A learn #3} left Giz: lesson if let ik letter (8 life 55: light 3% like Bex listen 07 little #9: long 89 look & loud wig love B lunch Ft make ‘ii, man BA: 54 14 62 60 54 56 38 26 68 74 54 18 38 62 26 74 68 26 38 38 18 18 85 86 map iH] market Tlf meat A meet ES milk 95 minute $4 mirror fF money monkey 38% moming S& move fal) music BR need = new tt) nice sat night a8. number > nurse iP o'clock #5. open FAB Mk page parent Stsska7e park A pass {is poy ht pencil $5 people A. play 322 pocket O22 point #5 poor 5h) 32 32 42 62 26 50 32 12 48 54 48 18 68 38 44 50 48 42 4 44 54 42 74 18 20 50 54 44 potato +5: pretty 2Hn89 problem jalf@ pull #7 push i put it question [alti quick te rain FAB ready 807A rest (hE. ride 14 right TEaBH) ring aie road % run Be sod #289 same —f¥f15 soy ith season =. seat tir see 3) sell 3 send Rik shoe #F shop mis short #889 show RR sick 42980) side —fll sing 8g 62 50 50 50 54 32 74 54 42 44 56 44 74 48 56 50 38 24 56 72 20 42 20 66 68 56 68 36 66 26 sit & sky FE sleep 8% small “89. smile #Z snowy FSH speak itis stairs #48 stand a8%Z star +5 stort FAS station #04 stoy @B stop RIE story a3 strong ait student 3 study #5) sugar #8 sweet AHBY: swim itfik table talk ie tall ao tea teach #& thin 3849 think 3 time 8tia) today SH together —# town {aise tree true Fad try BH 56 38 20 36 24 72 56 26 18 32 72 48 48 36 24 44 72 56 36 74 12 26 20 54 26 42 24 50 understand i2/% use FA vegetable Hi visit ##i5- wait fs walk want 16 warm AER. wash is watch Le water 7 way 755% weak 53H) wear word 15} work fe world tt worry #81 write 5) wrong ##i889 year yesterday BF young #428) 72 68 30 32 72 50 62 BEBRBOL Rass 87 aoe Unit 1 Part A Exercise 1 1. learner 2notweak 3. friendly 4, move Exercise 2 lb 2e 30a 4c 5d Part B Exercise 1 1. story 2.have 3. boy 4. today 5. swim Exercise 2 ‘Across. 1. watch 3.big 5. loud Down 2. child 4. worry Reading Practice BoO4T 2F Cg. Gla 2b wr ing Practice A 1.Abig 2.loud 3.anice 4. worry B today young cries hopes Unit 2 Part Exercise 1 1. thick 2.let go 4.together —_5.not soy Exercise 2 ld 2b 30 4e Sc Part B Exercise 1 clean 2. fruit 3. man 4. family 5. jump 88 Exercise 2 ‘Across. 3. parent Down 1.kind 4. parents B(RTH—) 1.strongarms 2. salad 4. enjoy 2. baby aT 2. fruit 3. become 2. fruit 3.catch 5.clean 3. swimming Unit 3 PartA Exercise 1 1arrive 2.afternoon meal 3. message 4, house 5. persons Exercise 2 lb 2e 30 4c 5d PartB Exercise 1 1. sends 2. great 3.see 4. drink 5. days Exercise 2 Across 2. front 5. small Down 1. cook 3.time 4. ploy Reading Practice BOL 2F mtb 20 Practice A Lasmoll 2. lunch 3.moke 4. play 5. afternoon B come aftemoon people cook Conway | Unit 4 PartA Exercise 1 1. good 2.sell 3. false 4.lose 5. listen Exercise 2 lb 2a 3d 4e Se Part B Exercise 1 minutes 2. stars 4.sing S.sits Exercise 2 ‘Across 2. learn 4, answer Down 1. think 2. like 3.long Reading Practice 8 LE 21 Cc tue sing town Writing Practice A 1.stor 2.abad 3.end 4. lke S.again 8 (BRT) 1. a great book 2agreatactor 3. laughalot Unit 5 Part A Exercise 1 1. bring 2.complete 3. morning meal A.low-cost 5. chop Exercise 2 Nceeizafi sb “aid? S.6 Part B Exercise 1 J.Yesterday excuse 3. put 4.meat 5. begins Exercise 2 Across I.morket 3. heavy 4.visit Down 2. station Reading Practice Braga 2F Cc 1b 2a Writing Practice A Lmorket puts 3. aheawy 4. food 5. counts B early flowers market money Unit 6 Part A Exercise 1 hot 2. sunny 3. well 4.moming 5. breakfast Exercise 2 lb 2e 3a 4¢ Sd PartB Exercise 1 1. sleep 2. night 4, water 5. life Exercise 2 Across 2. look 4, same Down 1. weak 2.late 3. hard Reading Practice BOLT 2F © world woter life Writing Practice A L.sick 2.cold 3. sleep 4. sugor 5. weak 8 (se7—) 1 tired 2.inthe morning 3. relax 89

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