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1. Writers would often make their messages clear to the reader so that it would be fully
understood, but there are instances where the messages they want to convey are not directly
expressed in a text. What kind of information is being presented in these instances?
a. Implicit
b. Denotative
c. Connotative
d. Explicit
2. A claim is the central argument that the writer tries to prove in their text. When a writer uses a
claim of policy in their text, what are they trying to argue for?
a. Findings
b. Actions
c. Standards
d. Morals
3. Written texts sometimes allude, reference, or pay homage to other similar pieces of writing and
media. What kind of text development is being exhibited in these cases?
a. Context
b. Intertext
c. Hypertext
d. Subtext
4. When writing for a general audience, it is advisable to omit words that are only common to
people belonging to a specific profession or discipline. These words are known as __________.
a. Jargon
b. Slang
c. Colloquialisms
d. Idioms


1. Read the following sentence: “I’ll try to be on time, but don’t worry if I’m late.” The word “if” is
an example of what kind of transitional device?
a. Concession
b. Clarification
c. Conclusion
d. Condition
2. Imagery is the representation of sensory experiences through language. Which among the
following would be the focus of olfactory imagery?
a. Movement
b. Texture
c. Aroma
d. Flavor
3. Read the following sentence: “Ironically, long-term exposure to social media has resulted to a
younger generation with poor social skills.” This is an example of what kind of assertion?
a. Opinion
b. Convention
c. Preference
d. Fact
4. Read the following sentence: “Since it is held on the university field, the flag ceremony is
postponed whenever there is a heavy downpour.” The word “whenever” is an example of
a. Coordinating conjunction
b. Conjunctive adverb
c. Subordinating conjunction
d. Correlative conjunction


1. Identify the error in this sentence: “While I appreciate your efforts to ensure that the event runs
smoothly, it is interfering with my ability to give the artists the flexibility they require.”
a. to ensure that
b. it is
c. interfering with
d. they
2. Read the following sentence: “The approaching storm clouds looked ominous over the horizon.”
The word “looked” serves as what type of verb?
a. Auxiliary verb
b. Linking verb
c. Modal verb
d. Transitive verb
3. How many transitional devices are present in the following passage?
There are many more important issues—education, labor, reform, indigenous
people’s rights, among others—which is why we need more voices who will raise them,
including to candidates that we already support. Perhaps if we see elections not just as a
chance to choose our leaders but also as an opportunity to talk about the issues that will
shape our future and build coalitions around them, then our electoral system may yet be
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8

NOTE: which (subordinating conjunction), including (addition), perhaps (emphasis), if

(condition), not just/but also (emphasis), and (addition), then (order)

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