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Classical Greece influenced modern Western society and culture

Yes, I agree. Classical Greece has significantly influenced modern Western society and culture.
The civilization of ancient Greece was immensely influential in many spheres: language, politics,
educational systems, philosophy, science, and the arts. Greek culture influenced the Western
culture in general. The Byzantine Empire is a direct result Classical Greek culture, The
Byzantine tradition, without involvement of Latin and preservation of classical Greek learning in
medieval, put influence on the Slavs and later on the Islamic Golden Age and the Western
European Renaissance. A modern revival of Classical Greek learning took place in the
Neoclassicism movement in 18th and 19th –centuries in Europe and the America.

Literature-wise, Greek philosophy, including the works of Plato and Aristotle, laid the
groundwork for Western philosophical thought. Greek philosophical culture is exemplified in the
dialogues of Plato, who turned the questioning style of Socrates into written form. Aristotle,
Plato's student, wrote about topics as varied as biology and drama. Building on the discoveries
and knowledge of civilizations in Egypt and Mesopotamia, among others, the Ancient Greek
philosophy and science was characterized by reason and inquiry as a major aspect. It emphasized
and entailed logic and prioritized the idea of unbiased and reasoned observation of the natural

In Education, it influenced major contributions to math and science. Geometry and the concept
of mathematics such as Pythagoras theorem, Euclid, and Archimedes principles are some of the
ideas we owe to ancient Greek Philosophers. A concept that places the Sun at the center of the
solar system was a Greek philosopher’s idea which is studied to date.

Additionally, Greek art and architecture, for example Parthenon, continue to inspire modern
aesthetic (beautiful) designs. These magnificent influences highlight the profound impact of
Classical Greece on the development of Western civilization. Many modern building have
borrowed the Greek architect for example United States Capitol Building, and The Jefferson
Memorial among others.

Art, plays and theatre. Plays and theatre, which were very connected, were a very important
aspect in the ancient Greek society. Greek theatre began in Athens with the performance of plays
at religious festivals which further inspired the genre of Greek comedy plays which became very
popular with performances spreading over the Mediterranean Hellenistic theatre. Romeo and
Juliet originally a theater play now turned into a movie was a result of the influence of the Greek
plays and theatre that Shakespeare borrowed. The Greek Arts which they sculptured as a way of
celebrating their gods has inspired and evolved into modern day sculptures for example the
statue of liberty in the New York at the liberty Island which was gifted to the Americans by the
French. A concept that was influenced by the Greeks.

The Games such as Olympics which began in the city of Olympia was a game that was invented
by the Greeks in honor of their king god Zeus, a game that has continued to thrive in the modern
world as the common wealth countries took it on in celebration of the British colonies.

 Cartwright, M. (2018, May 15). Ancient Greek society. In World History Encyclopedia.
Retrieved September 10, 2022, from

 Khan Academy, Classical Greek culture,

 Anonemus, (UPDATED:NOV 20, 2023), 11 Ways Ancient Greece Influenced Modern


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