Unit 3-On Screen (2023)

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FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.


1) document (n) /’dɒkjumənt/: văn bản  grip (v): hold sb’s attention or interest.(thu hút sự
 legal document (n): văn bản pháp lý chú ý)
 document (v): lưu trữ E.g. The plot of this story really grips me.
E.g. His interest in chess has been well-  gripping (adj): exciting and interesting.(lôi cuốn)
documented by the media. E.g. I found the book so gripping that I could not
 documentation (n): official documents or put it down.
reports 9) image (n): a picture of idea in your
E.g. All applicants must provide supporting mind /’ɪm.ɪdʒ/: hình tượng
documentation. E.g. He doesn’t fit my image of how an actor
 documentary (n) /ˌ
dɒkju’mentri/ should look.
E.g. They showed a documentary on animal  imagine (v)
communication.  imagination (n)
2) drama (n) /’drɑːmə/  imaginative (adj): new and original (có tính
E.g. She has been in several television dramas. sáng tạo)
 period drama (n): phim truyền hình lịch sử E.g. The author has created an imaginative plot.
 historical drama (n)
 drama (n)  unexpected event causing worry or
 imaginary (adj): existing only in the
excitement mind/unreal (không có thật)
E.g. We had a little drama last night when the oil E.g. As a child, I used to have an imaginary friend.
in the pan caught fire.  imaginable (adj): possible to think of (có thể
 dramatic (adj) /drə’mætɪk/: lớn lao, ấn tượng nghĩ ra)
E.g. Computers have brought dramatic changes to E.g. The store has fruits of every kind imaginable.
the everyday workplace.
 dramatically (adv) /drə’mætɪkli/ *Fill in the blanks with imaginative, imaginary or
 dramatist (n): a person who writes plays (nhà imaginable.
soạn kịch) a) The equator is an ____________ line around the
 dramatize (v): sân khấu hóa middle of the earth.
E.g. This novel has been dramatized for television. b) Anthony had the ability to take bold ______________
 docudrama (n): phim dựa trên sự kiện có thật decisions.
3) bulletin (n): bản tin /’bʊlətɪn/ c) Doctors have tried every _____________ treatment
 news bulletin (n) for her skin disease.
4) comedy (n) /’kɒmədi/ d) All the characters in this book are ______________
 comedic (adj) and do not exist in real life.
 comedian (n): a person whose job is to make e) A more _____________ solution is shown in Table 1.
people laugh. (diễn viên hài) f) My mother loves to stock every _____________ type
 situation comedy (n) = sitcom of Italian pasta.
E.g. “High Kick” is my all-time favourite sitcom. g) We must protect children from harm, whether it is
5) opera /’ɒprə/
real or ________________.
 operatic (adj) /ˌ
 grand opera (n): kịch nhạc giao hưởng 10) real (adj)  unreal (adj)
 soap opera (n) /’səʊp ɒprə/: phim truyền hình nhiều tập E.g. In real life, the star of the film is a devoted
6) convince (v) /kən’vɪns/: thuyết phục
husband and father.
E.g. He managed to convince the jury of his  reality (n): thực tế
innocence. E.g. He seemed very young, but he was, in reality,
 conviction (n) older than all of us.
 convincing (adj): có tính thuyết phục  Reality TV (n): a TV program about real life of
E.g. I didn’t find the ending of the film very ordinary people.
convincing.  realistic (adj): thực tế
 convinced (adj) E.g. Let’s be realistic about the situation.
E.g. I’m convinced that she’s lying. 11) excerpt (n) /ek’sɜːpt/: phần trích, trích đoạn
7) spectacle (n): /’spektəkl/: an impressive E.g. An excerpt from her new movie will appear in
performance/sight this weekend’s magazine.
 spectacular (adj) /spek’tækjələ(r)/ 12) violent (adj) /’vaɪələnt/  non-violent (adj)
 spectacularly (adv)  violently (adv)
8) grip (n): an understand of sth (hiểu)  violence (n)  non-violence (n)
E.g. I’m just trying to get a grip on what’s
E.g. It seemed that the attack was a mindless act
of violence.

FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)

13) series (n): 1 loạt  series (plural) : set of TV or 21) visible (adj) /’vɪzəbl/  invisible (adj)
radio broadcasts. E.g. The comet is invisible to the naked eye.
E.g. “Nhu Y Truyen” is said to be a successful  visibility (n)
online series of Zhou Xun.  invisible ink (n): mực tàng hình/mực bảo mật
14) combat (v) /’kɒmbæt/: chống lại 22) sympathy (n) /’sɪmpəθi/: sự thông cảm 
 combat + crime/inflation/disease/… understanding (n)
E.g. The government is spending millions of dollars E.g. I don’t have much sympathy for her – she
to combat drug abuse. brought her troubles on herself.
 combat (n)  sympathetic (adj)
E.g. There was a fierce combat between the two 23) loyal (adj) /’lɔɪəl/: trung thành  disloyal (adj)
sides. E.g. Kathy has been loyal to her principles.
15) conflict (v) /kən’flɪkt/: mâu thuẫn  loyalty (n)
E.g. If the two sides conflict with each other again, E.g. Companies are eager to build brand loyalty in
it will be disastrous. their customers.
 conflict (n) /’kɒnflɪkt/ 24) obesity (adj) /əʊ’biː.sə.ti/: sự béo phì
E.g. There was a lot of conflicts between him and  obese (adj)
his father. 25) likely (adj) /’laɪkli/ unlikely (adj)
 conflict resolution (n): giải quyết tranh chấp E.g. It is likely that the discussion will never take
16) progress (v) /prə’ɡres/ place.
 progress (n) /’prəʊɡres/  likelihood (n) = probability (n) (khả năng xảy
E.g. I’m not making much progress with my ra)
French. E.g. In all likelihood, this TV programme is
 (be) in progress (adj): đang diễn ra going to be rescheduled.
E.g. Th repair work is in progress at the moment.  likely (adv)
 progressive (adj) E.g. The illness was caused, most likely, by a
E.g. There’s been a progressive decline in the virus.
standard of living over the past few years. 26) depress (v) /dɪ’pres/ sb: làm ai buồn
17) habitat (n) /’hæbɪtæt/: môi trường sống  depressing (adj) vs depressed (adj)
 natural habitat (n): môi trường sống tự nhiên E.g. Rosy became deeply depressed about her
E.g. The panda's natural habitat is the bamboo upcoming exam.
forest. E.g. Looking for a job these days can be very
 habitation (n): the act of living in a building.(sự depressing.
cư trú)  depression (n): the state of feeling unhappy
E.g. A third of the island is unfit for human  depression (n): bệnh trầm cảm
habitation. E.g. If you suffer from depression, it’s best to get
 inhabit (v) = live/dwell professional help.
 inhabitant (n) = dweller: cư dân 27) speak (v)
E.g. The inhabitants eat healthy food and even E.g. Sue speaks with a British accent.
have a little time for leisure.  speak highly of sb (v): đề cao ai
E.g. Her old boss spoke highly of her.
 habitable / inhabitable (adj): having conditions  Actions speak louder than words.
that are good enough to live (có thể sống được) 
uninhabitable (adj)
 speech (n): formal talk
E.g. He had to make/give a speech at his brother’s
 co-habit (v): live together without marriage wedding.
(sống thử)  cohabitation (n)  spokesman (n) = spokesperson (n): phát ngôn
18) load (v) /ləʊd/: tải xuống viên
E.g. Can you help me load the music player? 28) assume (v) /ə’sjuːm/: cho rằng
 download (v) /ˌ daʊn’ləʊd/  upload (v) E.g. I assume that you know each other because
19) legal (adj): /’liːɡl/: hợp pháp  illegal (adj) you went to the same school.
 legality (n): tính hợp pháp  assumption (n) [C]
E.g. Several ministers have questioned the legality E.g. People tend to make assumptions about you
of the ban. when you have a disability.
 legalize (v): hợp pháp hóa  Assuming that + SV,…: cứ cho rằng
E.g. The government has legalized the use of the E.g. Assuming that there is inflation, how much
new drug. does the price increase?
20) honest (adj) /’ɒn.ɪst/: thành thật  dishonest 29) correct (adj) /kə’rekt/  incorrect (adj)
(adj) E.g. It is correct to say that Camus's philosophy
E.g. To be honest, I don’t think it will be possible. can be divided into two periods.
 honesty (n)  correction (n) [C]
 Honesty is the best policy. (Thật thà là cha quỷ quái) E.g. She’s made a few small corrections to my
FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)

 correctional (adj): mang tính trừng phạt E.g. Their policy also emphasizes the creation of
E.g. He is currently being held in a correctional wealth.
centre.  creative (adj): sáng tạo
 corrective (adj): (để) sửa chữa, hiệu chỉnh E.g. David is a creative artist.
E.g. Doctors performed corrective surgery to  creativity (n): sự sáng tạo
restore his sight. E.g. Too many rules might deaden creativity.
 correct (v) 37) surprise (v/n) /sə’praɪz/
E.g. Their eyesight can be corrected in just a few  surprising (adj) vs surprised (adj)
minutes by the use of a laser. E.g. It’s surprising how many people applied for the
30) legible (adj) /’ledʒəbl/: đọc được  illegible (adj) job.
E.g. The signature was still legible. E.g. I was surprised at how quickly she agreed.
 legibility (n)  illegibility (n)  surprisingly (adv)
E.g. Please ensure accuracy and legibility of clinical E.g. Surprisingly, my father agreed straight away.
and legal documents.  unsurprising (adj): not causing surprise
 legibly (adv) E.g. It’s unsurprising that people with dogs walk more
31) depend (v) /dɪ’pend/ on sth: lệ thuộc than others.
 dependence (n) on sth 38) satisfy /’sætɪsfaɪ/ (v): to make sb pleased
E.g. His classmates laugh at his dependence on his E.g. Nothing satisfies him – he’s always
parents. complaining.
 dependent (adj) on sth  independent of sth  satisfied (adj) = pleased (adj)  dissatisfied
E.g. The seasons change, independent of anyone's (adj)
wishes. E.g. The athletes were satisfied with the
E.g. Norway's economy is heavily dependent on performance.
natural resources.  satisfying (adj): giving pleasure
 dependent/dependant (n): người phụ thuộc E.g. It was satisfying to play the match really
E.g. The loan would become a burden to your well.
dependents.  satisfactory (adj): good enough for a particular
 dependable (adj) = reliable (adj): đáng tin cậy purpose/condition.  unsatisfactory
E.g. The service was not entirely dependable and E.g. Her essay was satisfactory but not
flights were often cancelled. outstanding.
 dependability (n) = reliability (n): sự đáng tin  satisfactorily (adv)
cậy  satisfaction (n)
32) dimension (n) /daɪ’menʃn/ /dɪ’menʃn/: kích E.g. The supermarket is trying to improve
thước customer satisfaction.
E.g. Please specify the dimensions of the room.
33) type (n) /taɪp/ *Choose the correct answer to fill in the blanks:
E.g. Which type of clothes does she wear? 1. The onions were …………… enough to put in the
 blood type (n): nhóm máu soup, but I wouldn't use them in a salad.
E.g. She had a very rare blood type. a) satisfied b) satisfactory
 (be) sb’s type (adj) c) dissatisfied d) satisfying
E.g. He’s a nice guy but he’s not my type. 2. Most outlets are reluctant to take back ……… goods.
 typical (adj): đặc trưng a) satisfied b) unsatisfactory
E.g. This wine is typical of the region. c) dissatisfied d) dissatisfying
34) entertain (v) /ˌ
teɪn/ sb WITH sth 3. Research indicates that over 81% of doctors are
 entertainment (n) ………… with their salary.
E.g. The town provides a wide range of a) satisfying b) unsatisfactory
entertainment. c) dissatisfied d) dissatisfying
 entertainer (n): someone whose jobs is to 4. We need to ensure that the repairs have been
entertain people. ………… carried out.
E.g. Sinatra remains one of the top entertainers of a) satisfyingly b) unsatisfactorily
all time. c) dissatisfied d) satisfactorily
 entertaining (adj) = amusing, interesting
35) accept (v) /ək’sept/
39) respond (v) /rɪ’spɒnd/ = write/say sth as a reply
 acceptance (n)
E.g. He responded that he didn’t want to see
E.g. Please confirm your acceptance of this offer in
 respondent (n): someone who responds
 acceptable (adj)  unacceptable (adj)
E.g. Only 62% of the respondents said they were
E.g. For this course a pass in English at grade B is
 response (n)
36) create (v) /kri’eɪt/: tạo ra
 in response to sth
 creation (n)
E.g. I am writing in response to your letter of June
FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)

 responsive (adj): reacting quickly (trả lời ngay) 41) agree (v): /ə’ɡriː/  disagree (v)
E.g. We try to be responsive to the needs of the E.g. I agree with you on this issue.
customer.  agreement (n)
40) propose (v) /prə’pəʊz/ + V-ing  suggest (đề E.g. If the three parties cannot reach agreement
nghị) now, there will be a war.
E.g. He proposed dealing directly with the  agreeable (adj) = pleasing
 agreeably (adv)
 proposal (n)

EXERCISE 1: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words in the bracket.
1) Yash joined a theatre group founded by the late DRAMATIST B.V. Karanth. (DRAMA)
2) Antonia is a woman with a vivid IMAGINATION. (IMAGINE)
3) Students are encouraged to aim to become more INDEPENDABLE of their teachers. (DEPEND)
4) RESPONSE to our current advertisement campaign have been disappointing. (RESPOND)
5) ASSUMPTION that you get a place at university, how are you going to finance your studies? (ASSUME)
6) “Jurassic World - Dominion” turned out to be a ____________________ thriller. (GRIP)
7) It was very ____________________ watching the news on television tonight. (DEPRESS)
8) Working for a pharmaceutical company, Janssen knows how important ____________________ is.
9) The local ____________________ do not like noisy tourists in summer. (INHABIT)
10) For ____________________ information about present national boundaries, consult an up-to-date atlas.
11) J. K. Rowling is said to be clever at creating ____________________ worlds for children. (IMAGINE)
12) The ____________________ of the exterior scenes was done in Hong Kong. (FILM)
13) The owning of private weapon was permitted to ____________________ by the law of the Han Dynasty.
14) Brierley's book has the merit of being both informative and ____________________. (READ)
15) It is widely accepted that ____________________ can increase the risk of heart disease. (OBESE)
16) It seems that the whole argument rests on a false ____________________. (ASSUME)
17) She could never ____________________ the idea of living in the countryside. (ENTERTAINER)
18) There is (CONVINCE) ____________________ evidence of a link between (EXPOSE)
____________________ to sun and skin cancer.
19) It would be ____________________ to expect such a process ever to be completed in no time. (REAL)
20) ____________________ thinking is a prerequisite for design. (CREATE)
21) Those who think this is a harmless ____________________ drug should wise up. (RECREATE)
22) It would be ____________________ to ignore the situation. (RESPOND)
23) I’m looking for someone ____________________ to look after the children while I'm at work. (DEPEND)
24) The new Latin-American restaurant stocks every ____________________ type of extra virgin olive oil.
25) Derek was troubled by the ____________________ interests of a career and a family. (CONFLICT)
26) Congress has rejected the latest economic ____________________ put forward by the president.
27) It was a secret message written in ____________________ ink. (VISIBILITY)
28) Although I cherish my children, I do allow them their ____________________. (DEPEDENT)
29) The brain needs a ____________________ supply of blood. (CONTINUE)
30) The architects have made ____________________ use of glass and transparent plastic. (IMAGINE)
31) Education is a ____________________ discovery of our ignorance. (PROGRESS)
32) The company is highly ____________________ to changes in customer demand. (RESPOND)
33) Airlines are already increasing their prices on the ____________________ that fuel prices are going to rise.
34) The talks are aimed at finding a mutually ____________________ solution. (AGREE)
35) The group does not advocate the use of ____________________. (VIOLENT)
36) Can you see what this note says? His writing is almost ____________________! (LEGIBILITY)
37) The ____________________ of the Foreign Ministry announced the news to the reporters. (SPEAK)
38) If the Earth becomes ____________________, the surviving humans will be fleeing to Mars. (HABITAT)

FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)

39) Meredith is a good doctor with a ____________________ bedside manner. (SYMPATHIZE)

40) Public figures have a duty to conduct themselves ____________________, even in their private lives.
41) The new version of the program comes with a much better user ____________________. (FACE)
42) Some animals are in danger because their natural ____________________ are being destroyed. (INHABIT)
43) There has been a ____________________ shift in public opinion towards peaceful negotiations. (DRAMA)
44) I was dismayed to learn of their ____________________. (LOYAL)
45) The new magazine hopes to attract a wider Japanese ____________________. (READ)
46) Film studios spend millions of dollars on ____________________ for new movies. (PUBLIC)
47) Readers can ______________ Yuval Noah Harari’s latest work to read on a computer or electronic book.
48) Now Brian could concentrate on his first television situation ____________________ series. (COMEDIAN)
49) Moving the news programme would free a peak slot to attract more viewers with dramas and light
____________________. (ENTERTAIN)
50) ____________________ and originality are more important than technical skill. (CREATE)

EXERCISE 2: Choose the best answer to complete the following sentences.

1) I’d love to work in show ________. It’s so glamorous.
A. industry B. commerce C. business D. trade
2) Could you ________ in the paper and see what’s on TV tonight?
A. examine B. watch C. look D. see
3) I can’t stand magazines that are full of celebrity ________.
A. chatter B. gossip C. rumours D. stories
4) Melinda became a TV ________ after winning a reality show.
A. person B. figure C. character D. personality
5) The documentary was first ________ on BBC television last year.
A. played B. recorded C. performed D. broadcast
6) TV advertising in the late afternoon tends to ________ young children.
A. point B. target C. aim D. focus
7) The actor is ________ for his dislike of the paparazzi.
A. notorious B. marked C. influential D. qualified
8) “Smoking is ________ prohibited in the theatre”.
A. seriously B. exactly C. strictly D. strongly
9) Joe tole me a joke today but I didn’t ________ in at all.
A. get B. bring C. fetch D. collect
10) I’ve got a/an ________ for the school play tomorrow. I really hope I get the main part.
A. rehearsal B. practice C. audition D. performance
11) Did you read that ________ of the new Lloyd-Rice musical? It said it was awful.
A. review B. criticism C. report D. summary
12) I’m going to stay in and ________ TV tonight.
A. see B. watch C. look at D. view
13) My father hates television and is always ________ the disappearance of the art of conversation.
A. grieving B. lamenting C. complaining D. moaning
14) We really ________ ourselves at the party! Thanks so much for inviting us.
A. entertained B. had fun C. enjoyed D. occupied
15) My sister loves watching TV but I’m not really ________ it: I much prefer reading a book.
A. into B. up to C. in D. out of
16) Ellie does a/an ________ each week for the local newspaper. It’s usually quite funny.
A. comic B. comedian C. animation D. cartoon
17) I don't know. ________! – I do know, but I'm not going to tell you.
A. Correct B. Incorrect C. Corrective D. Correction
18) The water park we went to yesterday was fantastic, but the entrance ________ was a bit expensive.
A. ticket B. fee C. charge D. cost
19) Everyone in the audience ________ enthusiastically when the performance ended.
A. applauded B. impressed D. interrupted D. resembled
FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)

20) According to the latest news ________, three mountain climbers have bene killed in the blizzard.
A. notification B. statement C. bulletin D. announcement
21) Vanilla Sky ________ Tom Cruise, Penelope Cruz and Cameron Diaz.
A. acts B. plays C. stars D. contains
22) Grace Kelly had a brief but highly successful ________ as an actress.
A. profession B. occupation C. work D. career
23) The play wasn’t supposed to be a comedy, but everyone started laughing when some of the ________ fell
over and hit one of the actors.
A. scenery B. scenes C. stages D. acts
24) Unfortunately, their last CD didn’t ________ expectations so it sold poorly.
A. live up to B. catch on C. come in for D. look down on
25) I like current affairs programmes that aren’t afraid to tackle ________ subjects.
A. concurrent B. contradictory C. consecutive D. controversial
26) When you’re learning to play a musical instrument, it’s important to ________ for an hour or two every day.
A. rehearse B. practise C. perform D. train
27) Have you ________ the joke about the guy who fell off a 20-metre-high ladder? He was fine – he fell off the
bottom rung!
A. listened to B. overheard C. heard D. paid attention to
28) Louis de Bernieres ________ Captain Corelli’s Mandolin, which is set on the Greek island of Cephalonia
during the Second World War, was an international bestseller.
A. fiction B. account C. anecdote D. novel
29) Being the conductor of a large ________ is an extremely demanding job. You have to make sure about a
hundred musicians playing in time.
A. group B. band C. company D. orchestra
30) That comedian is very good at ________; he can take off the President perfectly.
A. impressions B. duplications C. reproductions D. similarities

EXERCISE 3: Choose the correct answer to complete the following e-mail.

To: Karen Karl, Staff Writer

From: Liz Steinhauer, Editor in Chief
Date: January 2
Re: Cover Article Assignment
Hi Karen,
Thank you for agreeing (1) ______ on an article about Veronica Zettici’s (2) ______ role (3) ______ her recent film
as actress and director. By the end of the week, please submit an overview explaining how you plan to focus the
interview with her. Once our editors approve your (4) ______, make sure to confirm the interview day and time with
one of our staff photographers. It would be ideal if the article (5) ______ the two roles Ms. Zettici played in the
production of the film. (6) ______
I will be available throughout the week if you have any questions.

1) A. working B. to working C. to work D. worked

2) A. double B. doubles C. doubling D. to double
3) A. on B. about C. off D. in
4) A. drawing B. hiring C. proposal D. edition
5) A. comparing B. compared C. to compare D. were
6) A. For example, you might ask her about the next project on her schedule.
B. Furthermore, it should discuss the distinct skills she brought to each aspect.
C. In short, your work should be completed in two weeks.
D. In addition, the article will be published in the April issue.
EXERCISE 4: Read the following article and answer the questions

FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)

British women have more free time than those in Europe says a recent survey and they spend most of it in front of
the TV. The average woman in Britain spends five and a half hours relaxing each day according to the Organisation
for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). As many career women in Britain have to bring up childing
and also have to hold down a job, this figure is surprising.
According to the report British women at home spend much of their leisure time watching TV, more than two hours
each day. Conversely, they spend just under 20 minutes each day on sport; but apart from the rare gym rat an
overwhelming majority probably do nothing.
Oddly, the report classified child care as ‘unpaid work’. However, many mothers with a career would disagree and
say that it should be classified as ‘leisure time’. Therefore, woman at home actually have longer than give and a half
hour of leisure.
British women who stay at home and are glued to the TV each day, are wasting a colossal amount of time and
their own talent. It might be better for them to do something more useful like reading a book, joining volunteer
activities, going to a museum, working in the garden, or learning to play musical instrument.
In addition, Britain’s children are not doing well in educational achievement tables and obesity among young people
is on the rise. By watching so much TV this survey suggests that British housewives are not setting the best example
for their children.

1) A recent survey has found that British women…

A. have more leisure time than other women all over the world.
B. have more free time than those in Europe.
C. like to work overnight and don’t care about their family.
C. watch TV and don’t have children.
2) The OECD has found that British women spend…
A. more than five hours at leisure. B. less than five hours enjoying the
free time.
C. around half the day watching TV. D. the whole day doing nothing.
3) According to the article, women in Britain…
A. watch TV more than doing anything else. B. watch TV for nearly half their
leisure time.
C. watch TV for a few minutes each day. D. watch TV mostly in the evening.
4) The writer states that…
A. British women go to the gym regularly.
B. British women work out like rats in the gym
C. British women don’t spend much time in the gym.
D. British women find the cost of gym membership unaffordable.
5) How does the OECD classify child care?
A. It is a hobby B. It is a leisure
C. It is unpaid work D. It is an obligation
6) What does the writer think about spending a lot of time watching TV?
A. It is educational and stimulating activity.
B. It is important to bond the members in a family.
C. It is something that should be done over a long time period.
D. It is unproductive and useless.
7) The underlined word “colossal” in the 3rd paragraph is closest in meaning to
A. surprising B. considerate C. massive D.
8) Which activity is not listed up by the writer as one of the useful activities?
A. Learning to play the violin B. Working at a charity shop
C. Going to the gym D. Playing with pets

EXERCISE 5: Read the following article and answer the questions

FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)


The Lost World is a sequel to the movie Jurassic Park which was one of the highest-grossing
movies ever made. Both movies were directed by Steven Spielberg, who decided to make another dinosaur
movie by popular demand since Jurassic Park was so successful. Spielberg is well-known for directing and
producing crowd-pleasing blockbusters. One reason for the success of these dinosaur movies is the compelling
idea of a lost world where there are still dinosaurs alive today which is attractive to modern people.
Visitors to the dinosaur park, located on a small island, think that the place is great at first. That is
until the dinosaur becomes upset and there’s a lot of screaming and running when the prehistoric beats
attack. The difference between The Lost World and Jurassic Park is that there is more human drama in The
Lost World. There are two different groups in the park who are opposed to each other. One group is a bunch
of hunters who want to steal some of the dinosaurs in order to get a lot of money. The other group is
dinosaur advocates who want to protect the beasts from outsiders. Unfortunately, the hunters upset the
dinosaurs who cannot tell who is trying to help them, and who is trying to hurt them.
The Lost World has even more dinosaurs, and more special effects than Jurassic Park. It also has
more to the story than just a lot of frightened people running away from dinosaurs. Though it was expensive
to make the movie because of all the special effects, it made up for the costs to make it the first week it was
shown because of its success.

1) Spielberg wanted to make another dinosaur movie because…

A. he wanted more people to know about dinosaurs.
B. the previous part became so common.
C. the cast of the previous part asked him to do so.

D. he aimed to earn double from the tickets.

2) Which of the following statements is TRUE about The Lost World?
A. Its sequel is Jurassic Park.
B. Its script is written by Steven Spielberg.
C. It has the same cast with the previous part.
D. Its director is the same as that of its previous part.
3) According to the passage, dinosaur movies by Steven Spielberg attract modern people because…
A. the ideas are original.
B. the plots are unpredictable.
C. the soundtracks are beautiful.
D. the cast are first-rate actors and actresses.
4) Compared to Jurassic Park, The Lost World…
A. has fewer scenes of prehistoric animals.
B. conveys more messages about the natural environment.
C. puts more emphasis on human activity.
D. has less violent scenes.
5) The underlined word “advocates” in paragraph 2 can be best replaced by
A. adventurers B. poachers C. supporters D. researchers
6) According to the passage, which of the following is not TRUE about the special effects in The Lost
A. There are more special effects in The Lost World.
B. The special effects made the production cost more efficient.
C. The high cost of these special effects was compensated by the movie’s success.
D. These effects seemed fake and not welcomed by a huge number of viewers.

EXERCISE 6: Put each of the following words or phrases in the correct place in the passage below.

viewers subjective mass media quiz shows indoctrinate

channels objective soap operas commercial switch

FG(10)-Unit 3: ON SCREEN Teacher-in-charge: Nguyen Thuy Lien (0903.141.108)

(1) ______________ is a phrase often used to describe ways of giving information and entertainment to very
large numbers of people. It includes newspapers, advertising and radio, and, of course, television. In most
countries, people can (2) ______________ to any of three or four different (3) ______________. Do television
programmes influence our minds? Do they (4) ______________ us? Is the news completely (5)
______________ (neutral) or is it (6) ______________ (considered from one particular point of view)? Don’t
the (7) ______________ for alcohol, food and other goods condition our minds? Even the (8) ______________
going on week after week telling the story of one family or group of people sometimes make us want to copy
the life-style we see on the screen. Also, (9) ______________ which give people big prizes for answering
simple questions can make us greedy. Some programmes are watched by tens of millions of (10)

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