Simulating Temperature-Dependent Biodegradation-Induced Settlement

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Waste Management 104 (2020) 74–81

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Simulating temperature-dependent biodegradation-induced settlement

at a landfill with waste lifts placed under frozen conditions
Courtney S. Berquist, Paul J. Van Geel ⇑
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Instrument bundles placed within the Ste. Sophie landfill (Quebec, Canada) have been collecting temper-
Received 30 January 2019 ature and settlement data since January 2010. Previous modelling efforts simulated settlement based on a
Revised 19 December 2019 three-component model to account for primary or instantaneous compression, secondary compression or
Accepted 2 January 2020
mechanical creep and time-dependent biodegradation-induced settlement. In northern climates where
Available online 18 January 2020
waste may be placed under frozen conditions, a time-dependent biodegradation-induced settlement
term is unable to simulate settlement due to biodegradation as waste temperatures transition from
below zero to optimal values for anaerobic degradation. This paper presents a temperature-dependent
Municipal solid waste
biodegration-induced settlement model. The model simulates heat generation as a function of tempera-
Modelling ture and tracks the expended energy as the waste degrades. The ratio of the expended energy to the total
Temperature dependent potential expended energy is used in the proposed temperature-dependent biodegradation-induced set-
Biodegradation tlement term. The new term better accounts for the delayed biodegradation process observed in wastes
placed under frozen conditions. The model was able to simulate the settlement trends observed at the
Ste. Sophie landfill. The goal of developing and including a temperature-dependent biodegradation-
induced settlement term in the model was to study the effects of operating conditions on waste settle-
ment and stabilization. An optimized waste lift placement strategy could enhance waste stabilization
and improve the airspace utilization within a landfill, simultaneously bringing increased revenues to
landfill operators while decreasing the post closure environmental burden of landfills.
Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction development options at a closed landfill site are also limited by

the long-term settlement at the site.
Canada’s cold climate poses a significant challenge for the man- Landfill settlement models generally fall into one or more of the
agement of municipal solid waste (MSW). When MSW is placed at following categories: soil-mechanics based, rheological, empirical
the curbside during winter months, a portion of the liquid fraction and biodegradation-induced settlements (El-Fadel & Khoury,
within the waste may freeze. As a result, a significant amount of 2000). Most settlement models assume three components; instan-
energy is needed to heat the waste to an optimum biodegradation taneous settlement, time-dependent mechanical creep and
temperature of approximately 35 °C to enhance waste stabiliza- biodegradation-induced settlement. A comprehensive survey of
tion. This may take several months to years to occur, depending proposed MSW settlement models can be found in Van Geel &
on the operating and climatic conditions at the site. The rate of Murray (2015) and Reddy et al. (2018). Several research groups
waste stabilization is an important consideration as it will impact have developed coupled hydro-bio-mechanical models that
the settlement at the landfill. Increased settlement pre-closure will address the coupling of these processes which impacts settlement
provide more airspace in the landfill, which allows more waste to (Reddy et al., 2018). McDougall (2007) proposed a hydraulic,
be placed within the landfill without exceeding the approved max- biodegradation and mechanical (HBM) model. Biodegradation-
imum landfill elevation. Post-closure, waste settlement will affect induced settlement was linked to the biodegradation model and
the integrity of the final cover system, the landfill gas collection the loss of organic matter. A loss in organic solids leads to a corre-
system, and the leachate collection and recirculation systems. Re- sponding increase in void space which in turn impacts the
mechanical properties of the soil. McDougall (2007) introduced a
decomposition hardening multiplier which allows for strain-
⇑ Corresponding author at: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Carleton
University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa K1S 5B6, Canada.
softening as a function of the loss of solids due to biodegradation.
E-mail address: (P.J. Van Geel). It was noted that very little is known about this parameter and a
0956-053X/Ó 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
C.S. Berquist, P.J. Van Geel / Waste Management 104 (2020) 74–81 75

sensitivity analysis was used to estimate the value of the decompo- ditions, and the red coloured lifts correspond to those placed under
sition hardening multiplier. White & Beaven (2013) developed a warm ambient conditions. The waste lift heights have since
multiphase landfill degradation and transport (LDAT) model. A decreased from those noted in Fig. 2 due to settlement over time.
detailed biodegradation model based on Monod kinetics is used Quarterly elevation data in late 2013 indicated regrading in the
to simulate the loss of organic mass. Biodegradation-induced set- area of the instrument bundles which led to an additional 1 m of
tlement was accounted for assuming a loss in organic mass corre- cover. The placement of a final cover over the summer of 2014
sponds to a loss in volume assuming the waste density remains as led to another 1 m of cover. These two 1 m soil lifts will be referred
a function of stress. de Cortázar and Monzón (2007) developed a to as lifts 6 and 7 to simplify the discussion of settlement in
coupled model (MODUELO) in which the biodegradation was response to waste lifts 1 through 7.
assumed to follow first-order kinetics and similar to LDAT, Each instrument bundle is equipped with an oxygen sensor
biodegradation-induced settlement was a function of organic mass (percent by volume), a moisture and electrical conductivity sensor,
loss due to biodegradation and a corresponding volume change a total earth pressure cell, a vibrating wire piezometer and a liquid
(strain). Hubert et al. (2016) developed a coupled thermo-hydro- settlement system. Each of the instruments is mounted on a 60 cm
biochem-mechanical model based on a multi-phase model devel- by 60 cm steel plate. Two hollow plastic lines run from each instru-
oped for unsaturated soils. They introduced a chemical hardening/- ment bundle to the nearby instrument shed which allow leachate
softening to address the loss of organic matter over time and the or landfill gas samples to be obtained, or for injection of air to the
corresponding increase in settlement. Bente et al. (2017) adopted bundles. For more information concerning the sensors, the reader
a coupled thermal, hydraulic, mechanical and chemical model used is referred to Van Geel & Murray (2015) and Megalla et al. (2016).
for porous media to simulate MSW processes. To include a Temperature data collected at the Ste. Sophie landfill are pre-
biodegradation-induced settlement term, Bente et al. (2017) also sented in Fig. 3. As noted in an earlier study by Bonany et al.
argued that the settlement rate is a function of stress (creep) and (2013), the temperatures at bundles 3 and 4, located at in the cen-
density, which is linked to biodegradation. It was also noted that tre of the first waste lift, indicate the waste remained at a relatively
it is difficult to separate the creep and biodegradation induced set- constant temperature below 0 °C for a period of 12–16 months
tlement terms to accurately assess the parameters used to support before rising above zero due to the heat flux from the underlying
these two processes. The difficulty in separating these two pro- soil below the landfill. Bonany et al. (2013) hypothesized, and
cesses is noted by several researchers (e.g. Chen et al., 2010). demonstrated via a numerical simulation, that during the 12–
In northern climates, biodegradation is delayed until favourable 16 month period a portion of the heat entering the base of the
temperatures are reached within the waste. However, previous landfill was converted to latent heat to thaw the frozen liquid frac-
empirical biodegradation-induced settlement models do not tion of the waste. Megalla et al. (2016) subsequently developed a
account for changing waste temperatures. A temperature- thermal model to simulate the temperature profile in the waste
dependent biodegradation-induced (TDBI) settlement model was at Ste. Sophie through to October 2014 and demonstrated via the
developed that accounts for the changing temperatures observed calibrated model results that portions of the waste remained fro-
in cold climate landfills and is presented here. zen (below 0 °C) for up to two years. The impacts of placing waste
under frozen conditions can be observed in the temperatures
recorded at bundle 6 where the waste temperatures remain close
2. Ste. Sophie field site instrumentation to 0 °C for almost two years.

The Ste. Sophie landfill, owned and operated by Waste Manage- 3. Settlement equation
ment Canada (WM), is located approximately 50 km north of Mon-
treal, Quebec, Canada, near the village of Ste. Sophie. The entire site Van Geel & Murray (2015) assessed the settlement at the Ste.
is 298 ha. Landfilling operations at the site started in 1964 and WM Sophie landfill using the three-part model proposed by Marques
acquired the site in 1997. The site is permitted to accept one mil- et al. (2003):
lion tonnes per year. The landfill accepts municipal solid waste, as  
well as industrial, commercial and institutional (ICI) waste, con- DH r 0 þ Dr  0
¼ C 0 C log þ bðDrÞ 1  ect þ EDG ð1  edt Þ ð1Þ
struction and demolition (C&D) waste, and contaminated soils. H0 r0
The landfill gas (LFG) is collected and approximately half is trans-
ported via a 13 km pipeline to a pulp and paper mill. The remaining where C 0 C is the compression ratio; r0 is the initial vertical stress;
LFG collected from the site is flared. Dr is the change in vertical stress; b is the coefficient of mechanical
WM began filling the southern portion of the landfill cell, creep; c is the rate constant for mechanical creep; t is the time
labelled Zone 4 by WM (approximately 600 m by 400 m), with since load was applied; EDG is the total amount of strain that can
MSW in 2009 (Fig. 1). Twelve instrument bundles were placed in occur due to biological decomposition; d is the rate constant for bio-
the southeast section of Zone 4 in two vertical columns within logical decomposition; and t is the time since the waste was placed
the waste, in various waste lifts. Waste lift 1 was placed in January in the landfill. The first term represents the instantaneous or pri-
2010 and contains bundles 1 through 6. Waste lift 2 was placed in mary settlement due to an applied load as a result of the placement
December 2010 and contains no bundles. Waste lift 3 was placed in of an overlying waste lift. The second term represents the secondary
January 2011 and contains bundles 7 and 8. Waste lift 4 was placed settlement due to mechanical creep, and the third term represents
in August 2011 and contains bundles 9 and 10. Waste lift 5 was the settlement due to biological decomposition.
placed in March 2012 and contains bundles 11 and 12. A total of Van Geel & Murray (2015) determined the parameters for these
1,267,000 tonnes of material were landfilled over the period in settlement equations using regression analysis for the first four
which the bundles were placed (corresponding to approximately years of data. The regressed parameters are shown in Table 1 for
560,000 tonnes/year); 53% residential, 8% commercial, 10% sludge the odd numbered bundles. The first waste lift uses regressed
and construction and demolition wastes and 29% soil used as daily parameters termed ‘fluff’ parameters. In the first waste lift, the first
cover. The average density of waste placed over this period was waste layer was placed on top of the leachate collection system as
approximately 930 kg/m3. The vertical bundle arrangements and a single 1–1.5 m thick waste layer. Subsequent waste layers were
initial waste lift heights are summarized in Fig. 2. The blue placed in approximately 0.3–0.4 m thick layers. Each of these sub-
coloured lifts correspond to those placed under cold ambient con- sequent layers were compacted using a sheepsfoot waste com-
76 C.S. Berquist, P.J. Van Geel / Waste Management 104 (2020) 74–81

Fig. 1. Aerial view of Zone 4 where the instrument bundles and instrument shed are located.

To improve the simulation of the temperature data in the field,

Megalla et al. (2016) used the settlement parameters from Van
Geel & Murray (2015) to simulate settlement in their heat budget
model of the Ste. Sophie landfill. This allowed for a better compar-
ison between simulated and field data because the model could
account for settlement and the fact that the instrument bundles
are getting closer together over time, which impacts the thermal
gradients and corresponding heat flux. The model could also track
the location of the instrument bundle and compare the value sim-
ulated at this location to the value measured in the field. This was
difficult to do without properly accounting for settlement.
Van Geel & Murray (2015) and Megalla et al. (2016) only con-
sidered time-dependent biodegradation-induced settlement for
the fourth and fifth waste lifts of their Ste. Sophie landfill models
because the temperatures of the first, second, and third waste lifts
were not initially warm enough for anaerobic biodegradation to
occur. However, over time it can be noted that waste lifts one
through three do increase to temperatures favourable for anaero-
bic biodegradation to take place. Therefore, not including
biodegradation-induced settlement for waste lifts one, two and
three does not provide an accurate representation of the overall
settlement occurring. Instead of the time-dependent
biodegradation-induced settlement term proposed by Marques
et al. (2003), a temperature-dependent biodegradation-induced
settlement term was proposed and developed and is presented in
Fig. 2. Lift placement dates and heights.
this paper.
It is widely recognized that biodegradation rates are
pactor, until the first lift was complete. Van Geel & Murray (2015) temperature-dependent, as are corresponding heat and gas gener-
assumed that this placement sequence would impact the esti- ation rates. Hanson et al. (2013) proposed temperature-dependent
mated settlement parameters for the first waste lift, and therefore heat generation rates. It was proposed herein that the
different values of b and c were assigned, termed bfluff and cfluff. temperature-dependent biodegradation-induced settlement could
One notable shortfall of the analyses conducted by Van Geel & be linked to the heat generation model.
Murray (2015) was the assumption that the instantaneous and The temperature-dependent heat generation term proposed by
creep settlement parameters in the Marques model were the same Hanson et al. (2013) reflects a typical landfill gas generation curve.
for waste at temperatures above and below 0 °C, which is likely not As the temperature of the waste increases, the heat generation rate
the case as the frozen waste is likely to be stiffer than waste at increases (Fig. 4). By integrating the heat generation vs. time plot,
temperatures above 0 °C. the heat generation can be expressed as a function of expended
C.S. Berquist, P.J. Van Geel / Waste Management 104 (2020) 74–81 77

Fig. 3. Temperatures collected from the Ste. Sophie landfill from all bundles (ambient air temperature shown as ‘Air Temp’).

Table 1 occurs as the temperature of the waste is changing. For the model
Best fit Marques et al. (2003) parameters for odd proposed herein, it was assumed that the total biodegradation
numbered bundles determined by Van Geel & Murray
induced settlement (EDG ) is achieved when the total expended
energy is exhausted and biodegradation is complete. Likewise, it
Parameter Value was assumed that if 50% of the expended energy was expended
b(fluff) 0.00432 or released, then 50% of the biodegradation-induced settlement
c(fluff) 0.0142 had occurred.
C0C 0.0376
The proposed TDBI settlement model replaces the time-
b (kPa1) 0.00119
c (day1) 0.0208 dependent biodegradation-induced settlement term proposed by
EDG 0.112 Park and Lee (1997), and used by Marques et al. (2003), with a
d (day1) 0.00406 temperature-dependent biodegradation-induced settlement term
P 2
s 2.08 as follows:
R2 0.990
DH r 0 þ Dr 0
¼ C 0 C log þ bðDrÞ 1  ect
H0 r0
Expended Energy
energy rather than time. Hanson et al. (2013) then developed a þ EDG ð Þ ð2Þ
family of curves for temperatures between 0 and 80 °C, expressed
Total Expended Energy
as a function of expended energy (Fig. 4). It then becomes possible Hanson et al. (2013) determined the heat generation parame-
to track the position on each curve as the temperature of the waste ters, including the total expended energy, for two waste cells at a
is changing. This effectively allows the simulation of waste degra- landfill in Michigan, USA, by best-fit nonlinear regression analysis
dation as the waste temperature changes. It also makes it possible of temperature data collected at the site. Cell D contained predom-
to estimate the amount of biodegradation-induced settlement that inantly residential waste, did not include leachate recycle and the

Fig. 4. Typical gas and heat generation curve expressed as a function of time (left) and total expended energy as proposed by Hanson et al. (2013) (right).
78 C.S. Berquist, P.J. Van Geel / Waste Management 104 (2020) 74–81

temperature sensors were placed in horizontal arrays at four eleva- For bundle 3, both models predict similar settlements for peri-
tions during waste placement. The heat generation parameters ods 1 through 4 as these were the periods used by Van Geel &
were optimized using the first 5 years of data after the cell was Murray (2015) to estimate the Marques et al. (2003) parameters.
complete. In contrast, Cell B contained a higher ratio of construc- Just before the placement of lift 6, around October 2013, the TDBI
tion and demolition waste, included leachate recycle and a 13 m model begins to predict an increased rate of settlement in compar-
vertical array of temperature sensors was placed in the waste ison to the Marques et al. (2003) model. Referring back to the Ste.
5 years after initial waste placement. The heat generation parame- Sophie temperature data (Fig. 3), it can be noted that the temper-
ters were optimized using 4 years of data corresponding to years atures start to exceed 10 °C around that time. As the temperatures
5–9 since initial waste placement. Megalla et al. (2016) and the rise at bundle 3, the rate of anaerobic biodegradation is increasing,
research presented herein incorporated the heat generation model and therefore TDBI settlement also starts to occur, which is why
developed in Hanson et al. (2013) and found that the parameters the two models begin to differ in their predictions at this point
from Cell D resulted in the best fit to the Ste. Sophie temperature in time. Between October 2013 and October 2016, the field data
data. In addition, the waste characteristics of Cell D, without lea- indicate an increase in the rate of settlement. The TDBI model is
chate recycle, and the timeframe over which the heat generation able to simulate this rate of increase in settlement as temperatures
parameters were optimized (0–5 years after initial placement) increase. A similar trend is noted for the simulated data for bundles
more closely reflect the conditions at Ste. Sophie for this study. 5 and 7.
The inclusion of the TDBI settlement model should improve the Bundles 3, 5 and 7 all over predict settlement in the fifth, sixth
predicted biodegradation-induced settlement that occur as the and seventh periods because Van Geel & Murray (2015) only used
temperatures of the waste lifts increase. This is especially true data up to October 2013 to determine the regressed Marques et al.
for waste lifts 1 through 3. Settlement was modelled using the (2003) parameters. The TDBI settlement model produces a similar
commercially available finite element program COMSOL Multi- trend and is able to simulate the delayed temperature-dependent
physics. Results are presented and discussed in the following biodegradation-induced settlement which is occurring at these
sections. bundles.
Waste lifts 4 and 5, which contain bundles 9 and 11, were placed
under conditions warm enough for anaerobic biodegradation to
4. Results- Ste. Sophie settlement predictions
occur from the outset and therefore the Marques et al. (2003) model
with time-dependent biodegradation-induced settlement term may
Settlement at the Ste. Sophie landfill was modelled for each of
be applicable to these waste lifts. However, the overall settlements
the odd numbered bundles with both the time-dependent
of these waste lifts, and corresponding bundles, are a function of the
biodegradation-induced settlement presented by Van Geel &
settlement of the waste lifts below and hence similar trends were
Murray (2015) and Megalla et al. (2016), which assumes zero
observed at bundles 9 and 11 at later times due to the warming
biodegradation-induced settlement in lifts 1 through 3, and the
and increased rates of settlement in waste lifts 1 through 3.
TDBI model proposed herein. Fig. 5 presents the field data in com-
Finally, it should be noted that the settlement is over predicted at
parison to the Megalla et al. (2016) model and the TDBI model for
bundles 3, 5 and 7 (Fig. 5) in response to the placement of waste lift
the settlement of bundles 3, 5 and 7 which were located in the first
5. There are two reasons for this. First, the Marques et al. (2003)
three waste lifts placed under frozen conditions. These waste lifts
model parameters were fit to the settlement data early in the settle-
experienced temperature changes from near zero to above 30 °C.
ment history of the waste (up to October 2013). Second, the instan-
Timing of the 7 waste lift placements are shown by vertical grey
taneous primary settlement term of Marques et al. (2003) (Eq. (1))
bars on each of the plots. The segments of time between each
may not properly account for the stress history of the waste.
waste lift placement are referred to as simulation periods 1
One limitation of the modelling results presented in this study
through 7. The lengths of each of these simulation periods are:
is that the settlement characteristics and thermal properties of
331, 45, 207, 204, 594, 334 and 827 days for a total simulation time
the waste were assumed to be constant and not a function of
of 2542 days or approximately 7 years. It is important to note that
whether the waste temperature was above or below 0 °C. As noted
Van Geel & Murray (2015) used field data only up to November
earlier in the text, the settlement parameters provided in Van Geel
2013 (1384 days or 3 years and 9.5 months) to determine the
& Murray (2015) and used in this study did not account for a
regressed Marques et al. (2003) parameters. While the parameters
potentially stiffer waste under frozen conditions. Likewise, given
from Van Geel & Murray (2015) are used here, the settlement is
that ice has a greater thermal conductivity and lower specific heat
calculated through to December 2016. Recalibration of the
capacity than water, the thermal properties of the waste below and
Marques et al. (2003) parameters for the longer period of time
above 0 °C would also vary.
would have provided a better fit. However, the model still would
not be able to account for the impact of changing temperatures
on biodegradation-induced settlement.
6. Simulation of strategic waste lift placement sequence

5. Discussion At the Ste. Sophie landfill, waste remained frozen for two years
as a result of waste placement temperatures. Waste lifts 1, 2 and 3
Fig. 5 compares the predicted TDBI settlement with the were all placed under cold, winter conditions. Waste acts as an
Marques et al. (2003) model without biodegradation-induced set- insulator, due to its low thermal conductivity and high latent heat
tlement for bundles 3, 5 and 7, respectively. Bundles 3 and 5 are of fusion. As such, each successive cold waste layer makes it more
located in waste lift 1, and bundle 7 is located in waste lift 3. Recall difficult for heat to be transferred throughout the waste profile.
that for Megalla et al. (2016), waste lifts 1, 2 and 3 did not include Frozen waste upon placement means biodegradation is delayed
the time-dependent biodegradation-induced settlement term from until the waste thaws and temperatures rise to those favorable
the Marques et al. (2003) model because temperatures were not for anaerobic biodegradation, and therefore biodegradation-
initially warm enough to have anaerobic biodegradation occurring. induced settlement is also delayed, and waste stabilization takes
Similarly for this comparison, the time-dependent biodegradation- longer to achieve. In order to study the effects of optimally placing
induced settlement term was not included for the Marques et al. waste lifts throughout the year to maximize airspace utilization, a
(2003) model. simulation was completed whereby waste lift 2 was placed in July
C.S. Berquist, P.J. Van Geel / Waste Management 104 (2020) 74–81 79

Fig. 5. Simulated temperature-dependent biodegradation induced settlement at bundles 3, 5 and 7 which were located in the first three waste lifts placed under frozen

2010, rather than in December 2010. The implementation of lower waste lifts, and will not differ due to biological decomposi-
expended energy and the TDBI settlement model allows this com- tion in the upper waste lifts as these lifts were placed under warm
parison to be made. Placing waste lift 2 during the summer instead conditions. The expended energy with time at bundles 3, 5 and 7,
of the winter resulted in increased temperatures across the entire however, do differ due to biological decomposition. The expended
domain. energies for the warm lift 2 simulation impact the temperatures
Fig. 6 compares the expended energies at each of the individual and hence, expended energies of the waste lifts above and below.
bundles for the actual waste lift sequence and the warm lift 2 Greater expended energies are attributed to greater temperatures
sequence. From these comparison plots, it can be seen that the at placement, which support anaerobic heat generation, due to
results at bundles 3, 5 and 7 differ to varying degrees, but that the placement of waste lift 2 during the summer months rather
the results at bundles 9 and 11 are very similar. As such, the differ- than the winter. The greatest difference in settlement, as reflected
ence in settlement at bundles 9 and 11 will be governed by the by the expended energy, occurs in June 2013. At bundle 11, the dif-
80 C.S. Berquist, P.J. Van Geel / Waste Management 104 (2020) 74–81

Fig. 6. Comparison of simulated expended energies for the actual waste lift sequence with waste lift 2 placed in December 2010 (Regular) versus a scenario with waste lift 2
placed July 2010 (Warm lift 2) for all bundles (B3, B5, B7, B9 and B11).

ference in settlement between the regular waste lift sequence and rate the impacts of temperature on the simulation of
the warm lift 2 waste lift sequence is 0.337 m. This means that by biodegradation-induced settlement. The TDBI settlement model
placing waste lift 2 during the summer rather than the winter was able to simulate the trends in settlement observed in the field.
could have resulted in 33.7 cm of additional settlement by June This is the only proposed landfill settlement model which links
2013. Waste Management began placing the final cover on Zone biodegradation-induced settlement to waste temperatures and
4 at the Ste. Sophie landfill in 2014. the corresponding heat generation rate, which tracks the expended
Zone 4 at the Ste. Sophie landfill is approximately 600 m by energy with time relative to the total energy within the waste. A
400 m. Assuming that, through an optimal placement strategy, TDBI settlement model is critical when simulating settlement in
0.337 m of airspace was gained over the entire landfill footprint landfills in northern climates as waste temperatures can take sev-
and assuming an average waste density of 1 tonne/m3, approxi- eral months to years to reach temperatures supportive of anaerobic
mately 80 000 tonnes of additional waste could have been placed degradation. Linking the biodegradation-induced settlement term
in Zone 4 before the final cover was placed. Assuming tipping fees to the expended energy term proposed by Hanson et al. (2013)
of $50 per tonne, this would generate an additional $4 million in allows for the simulation of biodegration-induced settlement as
revenue. More importantly, however, are the environmental bene- temperatures transition from below 0 °C (frozen) through to opti-
fit and potential post closure or post final cover savings. This is a mal conditions.
significant amount of waste, and if more waste can be placed into
existing landfills, then fewer new landfills need to be opened. In
addition, a more stabilized waste at the time of placement of the Declaration of Competing Interest
final cover should reduce maintenance costs for the final cover.
The authors declared that there is no conflict of interest.

7. Conclusions
A temperature-dependent, biodegradation-induced (TDBI) set-
tlement model, linked to heat generation and expended energy, Primary author would like to acknowledge scholarship support
was developed, and was found to be an effective way to incorpo- from SWANA Ontario and SWANA.
C.S. Berquist, P.J. Van Geel / Waste Management 104 (2020) 74–81 81

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