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& Challenges

9th Sept’23
High cost,
Insufficient time,
Bad data quality,
Lack of
communication, and
Limited technology
and IT capabilities.
Principal factors of CRM Roadblocks -

Process Perception

…Should see as a job enabler

Privacy Politics

1.Convincing Your People to Change

2.Getting Approval from Management
3.Handling Data Security
4.Leaving Favored Programs and Software Behind
5.Dealing with the Time and Cost of CRM Implementation
6.Trusting the Technology
7.Choosing the Wrong CRM
8.Lacking Scope Clarity
9.Managing Integrations
How to Overcome CRM Challenges…

Define Goals & 2
Choose Right CRM 3
Train & engage field
Strategy System force
Align with customer Communicate benefits to
Consider factors - budget,
segments, value proposition, HCPs – Training
business size, therapy, HCP
vision, mission &
needs Reward & Recognize efforts
competitive advantage
Compare different CRM vendors, Proper & Consistent CRM -
Define KPIs & metrics to platforms & evaluate their
tack progress & impact reliability, security, scalability & Listen feedback & suggestions
support from field, Involve in planning
How to Overcome CRM Challenges…

Maintain and update data Evaluate & Improve CRM system

4 5

To ensure HCP satisfaction & loyalty – Monitor & evaluate CRM system regularly,
Data should be clean, complete, accurate, using relevant metrics - CLV, conversion &
latest, updated, consistent & relevant. retention rate. Identify Strengths & Weakness.

Establish data quality standards, procedures Adapt & adjust CRM system to changing customer
and assign roles & responsibilities for data needs, expectations, and preferences. Look for
opportunities to enhance CRM system and add new
entry, validation, and maintenance
features or functionalities if reqd.

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