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Anureiya Leonce


Week’s 2-4 reflections

Week 2 Sigmund Freud and Erikson

Sigmund Freud psychoanalytical theory speaks to the level of consciousness. He speak

on what children current knows/offhand knowledge e.g. students knows what letter are. To the

second level which is the pre conscious level the knowledge that we hold in our minds, e.g.

students knows what are letter however they will know how to write a letter if they are thought

how to. The third level speaks to unconscious level which is the use of previous knowledge e.g.

students are aware of what a letter is, knows how to write one but are unaware of the different

types of letter and how to write them9 structure). They will learn how to do this once he right

environment is provided for them. He also paid attention to the functional structure of the mind

the ID, ego and superego. He mention shat the mind is in constant battle with itself.
Week 3- The Bio-Ecological Systems Theory

Urie Bronfenbrenner developed the theory of ecological system which focuses on the

different factors that influences an individual’s development. Be acknowledged that humans

construct the environment which that in turn influences our growth. This is because human are

social beings, It’s a social context that may affect our overall development. I agree with his point

of view because I believe that our environment do in fact shape our development. He added that

the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem and macrosystem had varied effect on a child’s


In many of the Caribbean households children are trained not to be vocal/ talk back to

their parents. It is seen as a form of disrupt hence many children find it difficult to express

themselves as kids and eventually adult. Likewise in our classroom teachers tend to shun

students who wishes to voice their opinions which tends to affect their relation with said teacher,

and their education. Teachers, parents and everyone involved in a child’s social life should take

into considers that what they do and say affects the way the child develops.

Developmental assets also plays a key role in helping children to be nurtured the in the

best way possible. It is of utmost importance to adolescents and may present itself in various

forms, e.g. in their religious live, school and community. All of which helps as an act of support

and guide for the said teen.

Week 4-Cognitive Behavioral therapy (CBT)

CBT is founded on the indication that our thoughts, feelings, and actions are all linked,

and that negative ideas and feelings can keep you trapped in a vicious cycle. At some point in an

individual’s life they will breaking down due to overwhelming situations. Therefore the CBT

seeks to help them to deal with it in a more helpful and positive way. Individuals are thought

how to work through and break negative/harmful tendencies and to overall enhance their mood.

This is especially useful in the education system-secondary. Children enters into our

classroom from different backgrounds, some carry more pressure than other, not knowing how to

actually cope with their feelings and are expect to still perform well in school. Even though some

persons may only see schools as place for students to learn it can also be a safe place for them to

be helped. The CBT focuses on the child’s issues at hand and focuses less on the past. Instead of

expecting a drastic change the CBT works on improving your emotional health on a daily basis.

It has been proven to help person with a long list of mental illness including depression, bipolar

any anxiety.

Teachers must be made aware of the step to be taken in the assessment of their students.

They must be able to identify critical behaviours, identify if they’re excessive or not and also

evaluate these behaviours. As a teacher many students would come to be with their problems

looking to me for a solution. I intend to use the knowledge gained about the different theories
and approaches gained and apply it to my school setting so at to be of greater help to my


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