Sanitation Issues

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ICOAGPG-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1190 (2023) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1190/1/012007

Environmental sanitation knowledge of environmental

engineering's students at Hamzanwadi University

B L Widiyanti1,2* and H Hartini1,2

Environmental Engineering Program, Faculty of Engineering, Hamzanwadi
University, Indonesia
Centre for Environment and Health Research, Hamzanwadi University, Indonesia


Abstract. The current study aimed to assess environmental sanitation knowledge of university
students, especially the student of the environmental engineering department, who have take the
Environmental Sanitation course. The data collect by using a paper-and-pencil instrument test
and quantitatively analysed. Determination criteria of level knowledge using total scores or
scores of each answer of questions in instrument test and using the normal distribution with 5
classifications. The results of data analysis have revealed that the mean scores of test are 72.1,
categorized well, with the highest and lowest values are 87.5 and 25. Students who have a total
score categorized as good and excellent exceeds half of the population studied (90.12%). This
shows that student of 4th semester for 4 years in environment engineering department classified
as good. Based on factors influence the knowledge, in this research shows that probably factor
affected the level of student knowledge was 4 parameters: interest, mass media exposure,
experience and social relationship.

1. Introduction
Environment consist of many aspects, such as physical and non-physical, include the culture [1] .
People’s health has strong connection with environment. Quality of environment will affect the man
health (Nguyen-Viet et al., 2009). People’s responsible for their environment condition and quality [2],
which could be change through many factor, especially from human activities [3].
Lack of sanitation is a major cause of most deadly disease, especially at development countries [4]
[5], [6], [12], [13]. Sanitation need to be improve because it affect all aspect of people life [5]. Sanitation
has a very broad meaning because there are many activities in human life related with this matter.
Environmental sanitation is the control of all physical environment which have relation or affect the
health of people life [6]. Many things or activities can be done to improve environmental hygiene and
sanitation conditions [7], [8], for long life time goals [1],[9].
Essential components of environmental sanitation when we learned about it, were management of
material and source of pollution; all of house sanitation aspects including food; water supply, public
place sanitation; pest and vector control; and hygiene education and promotion [10], [11]. The most
affected of poor sanitation are children. Good environment with healthful living and free of hazard free
is basic right of all people. That is the importance of having knowledge about environmental sanitation
as part of environmental literacy [14],[15].
Environmental Literacy describe as an understanding of human-environment interactions including

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ICOAGPG-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1190 (2023) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1190/1/012007

skills and ethics to adopt it into daily life [16]. Environmental literacy is a conscious attitude to keep the
environment in balance with responsive attitude and ability to provide solutions to environmental issues
[17]. Character of people affect the environment, they can protect it and able to overcome the problems
arising from the act of using it. Based on [18], [19], environmental literacy defined as knowledge about
the environment and the attitude of a person, to make effective decisions in a variety of environmental
contexts. In other words, if someone has ability to act on environmental issues, it mean they have
environmental literacy
Public knowledge and understanding also with awareness was basic things to prepare if we want to
solve environmental problems (Dean, Fielding, Newton, & Ross, 2015). The concept of “sanitation
literacy” integrates knowledge of sanitation, with a large scope in it. Psychological models of
environmental behavior underlined the importance of knowledge to generate the changes of behavior
(Dean et al., 2015). Some research shows that basic knowledge about environment in lined with support
for public policies (Posner, McKenzie, & Ricketts, 2016; Stiglitz, 1999).
Students in general, as part of the community prepared as agents of change need to have
environmental literacy skills [20]. Measurement of environmental literacy consist of four components:
environment knowledge, attitudes toward the environment, cognitive skills and behavior towards the
environment [21]. The knowledge of environment covers the basics of the environment literacy skills.
Attitudes towards the environment include views about the environment, sensitivity to environmental
conditions, and feelings towards the environment. Identification of environmental problems,
environmental analysis and planning for implementation at the real life become the measurement of
cognitive skill [22], [23]. Concrete actions on the environment as component of behavior. These
components used as reference to assess environmental literacy abilities of someone [24].
Students’ awareness of environmental issues [11] is in line with the level of environmental
knowledge and literacy. Students who are more familiar with complex environmental phenomena
(maybe they get that information by mass media, both online and offline) should have environmental
literacy skill at high level. Improving environmental literacy skills should prepare people to understand
the problem comprehensively and hope that they can solve environmental issues around them [25].

2. Methods

2.1. Participants
Participants of this study were 71 Indonesian university students, enrolling Department of
Environmental Engineering at Hamzanwadi University, a private university in East Lombok, West Nusa
Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Seventy-one students who became respondents were students who took
environmental sanitation courses in 4th semester for 4 years report, from 2019-2022.

2.2. Data Collection

To solve the proposed research questions, a paper-and-pencil instrument test collected the data of the

2.3. Data Analysis

The result of test analyzed quantitatively. Determination criteria for level of knowledge using total
scores or scores of each answer to the questions in the test instrument. Determination of knowledge level
for environmental sanitation using the normal distribution with classification: if total value < 21 (VL =
very less); 21 - 40 (L = less); 41-60 (E = enough); 61 - 80 (W= well); and > 80 (VW = very well).

3. Results and Discussions

Competition in the world of work is determined by one of them competence possessed by everyone,
both foreign workers and foreign workers Indonesian workers. So it is important for every citizen of
Indonesia to have a higher education. Here can pursued in college or university.
College or university is an educational institution organized by the Ministry of National Education

ICOAGPG-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1190 (2023) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1190/1/012007

in order to implement education in academic and non-academic fields. College has become a means for
students to have the ability and character that can apply and developed in the world of work and social
life. Higher education also aims to channel knowledge and knowledge technology to increase the
scientific level of students.
Achieve that goal, started by having a level of understanding of some topic at specific matter. This
also applies to environmental sanitation courses which are the object of assessing the level of
understanding of students as a basis for knowing their environmental literacy. Seven subject of learning
about environmental sanitation for 4th semester in Universitas Hamzanwadi, Environmental Engineering
Department became the material in the test instrument to assess the level of student knowledge.
Table 1 depicts the summary of the environmental issue related to sanitation used as the parameter
on the test instrument of student level of knowledge. As shown in Table 1, the Health of Housing and
Policy of Housing and Settlement Health become the ones that get less correct answers. The mean scores
of test are 72.1, categorized well, with the highest value is 87.5 and the lowest value is 25. Based on the
rating scale used, the number of students who have a total score that categorized as good and excellent
exceeds half of the population studied (90.12%). It can be said that the level of knowledge of 4th semester
students at environmental engineering department classified as good.

Table 1. Environmental Sanitation Issues and Percentage of Correct Answer

Environmental Sanitation % Correct (n)
Issues 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Food sanitation 93,75 (15) 73,68 (14) 66,67 (2) 81,82 (27)
Health of Housing 56,25 (9) 78,95 (15) 66,67 (2) 81,82 (27)
Clean Air 81,25 (13) 84, 21 (16) 100 (3) 90,91 (30)
Policy of Housing and 81,25 (13) 73,68 (14) 33,33 (1) 78,79 (26)
Settlement Health
Sanitation at Public Place 75,00 (12) 89,47 (17) 66,67 (2) 81,82 (27)
Clean and Safe Water 93,75 (15) 78,95 (15) 100 (3) 90,91 (30)
Treatment of Water and Waste 87,50 (14) 84,21 (16) 100 (3) 87,88 (29)

Table 2 depicts the distribution of value from each question of the test consist of maximum and
minimum value also with the average From the table we saw that the issue that students do not fully
understand was the issue of food preservation related to food security and the health of housing.
This showed by the number of students who get points at 5 and below for this issue.

Table 2. Value Distribution of each Question

Number of Value Distribution
Questions (point) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1 (10) Min:4 Min: 6 Min:6 Min:5
Max: 10 Max:10 Max:10 Max:10
Ave: 6.43 Ave: 7.43 Ave:7.33 Ave: 7.33
2 (10) Min:2 Min:4 Min:5 Min:5
Max:10 Max:10 Max:8 Max:10
Ave:7 Ave: 7 Ave: 6.3 Ave:7.2
3 (15) Min:3 Min:4 Min:5 Min:5
Max:15 Max:15 Max:13 Max:15
Ave:10.38 Ave:10 Ave:8.67 Ave:9.12
4 (15) Min:5 Min:5 Min:4 Min:5
Max:15 Max:15 Max:14 Max:14
Ave:10.63 Ave:10.38 Ave:8.67 Ave: 9.30
5 (15) Min:3 Min:6 Min:5 Min:5
Max:15 Max:15 Max:12 Max:15
Ave:10.25 Ave:10.79 Ave:8.67 Ave:9.54
6 (15) Min:0 Min:5 Min:6 Min:6

ICOAGPG-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1190 (2023) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1190/1/012007

Number of Value Distribution

Questions (point) 1st 2nd 3rd 4th
Max:15 Max:15 Max:15 Max:15
Ave:9.82 Ave:10.79 Ave:10 Ave:10.61
7 (20) Min:5 Min:6 Min:7 Min:5
Max:20 Max:17 Max:14 Max:20
Ave:13.25 Ave: 11.58 Ave: 10.33 Ave:12.03

This is because of the confusion in understanding the terms food preservation and food security [26]
which they consider to the same thing. They interpret the term word by word, not as a unified term. It
can also be said that students here are less interested in reading, so understanding of vocabulary related
to their major study is still inadequate [27]. Understanding of the health of housing is inadequate because
the related subject matter is quite broad and quite complex, so students find it difficult to identify all
related aspects. In addition, students understand this context based on their own living environment,
where the principle is that "as long as you have a place to live, whatever the conditions, you must be
grateful". They do not feel that the house must have certain standard criteria that must be met, especially
from the health aspect with high standard.

Figure 1. Graph of Value Distribution of Sanitation Knowledge Test of

Environmental Engineering Students at Universitas Hamzanwadi

The average value that shows the highest points in each class is in the last question which discusses
water treatment and sewage treatment. It’s probably due to the fact that in that semester, there are special
courses that discuss about the system and supply of clean water and liquid waste management. This
causes students' understanding to become more comprehensive. Factors that influence knowledge [28]
are age, education, mass media exposure, social economy, social relations, and experience. Another
expert added the factor with one more parameter, the interest [29].
Another interesting fact found in this research is that students who get good grades are usually female
students [30], which is 52,12% of the population research. This is likely because female students are
more diligent and more focused in the learning process [31]. The reading interest of female students is
higher than the men in this case. Based on factors influence the knowledge, in this research shows that
probably factor affected the level of student knowledge was 4 parameters: interest, mass media exposure,
experience and social relationship. Interest becomes the point to make the change of knowledge level
[32]. Interest is desire and savour towards something. Interest makes someone try to pursue a matter and
can get a deeper knowledge. Interest could be a motivation to learn.

ICOAGPG-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1190 (2023) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1190/1/012007

The results of observations in the teaching and learning process in class, there are several problems
with student learning motivation. The problems that occur include: 1) there are still students who do not
do the assignments from the lecturers themselves, 2) some students ignore the lecturer when delivering
material in class, 3) disturb and make a noise in class when teaching and learning activities take place,
5) students do not take part actively in class learning activities, 6) some students often come in late, 7)
and are not active in discussions. Students think it influences their learning motivation by the teaching
skills of the lecturers in class and the conditions of the campus environment where they study. According
to them, lecturers who have teaching skills can foster their learning motivation in class, as well as the
campus environment. When conditions are conducive, it can affect their learning motivation.
Based on small talk with 12 students of the Hamzanwadi University Environmental Engineering
study program, we got information that the lecturer’s teaching style can also make them lazy to learn or
thrilled to learn. It is possible that if they think that the lecturer’s teaching style makes it easier for them
to understand lecture material, this will motivate them to have a higher curiosity. Conversely, when they
think that the lecturer’s way of teaching makes it difficult for them to understand lecture material, it will
reduce their motivation to know more about lecture material. It concluded that awareness of positive
views on feedback from lecturers and students who are actively seeking new information is a significant
aspect of learning motivation, meaning that this aspect drives/motivates them to achieve outstanding
achievements in the learning process.
Other factors that might influence students in understanding the course subjects can come from the
student himself or come from outside. Factors that come from within the students themselves, such as
intelligence quotient (IQ) or intellectual intelligence. External factors, such as the lecturer’s method of
carrying out learning in the classroom, class conditions, problems in the learning process that students
may face, can cause variations in student learning outcomes. This is possible because the habit of reading
books is still low, students rarely make preparations such as studying before entering class, and
regarding visits to the library, students may prefer to access e-books or use e-learning for learning.
We can see student characteristics from the understanding of course subject from each student. The
understanding possessed by students is the ultimate result of a learning process. Several things certainly
influenced the learning process of each student. Besides interest, in this case is learning activities
teaching between lecturers and students.
Lecture activities on the 2020/2021 academic year differ from previous years, which is teaching and
it does not do learning face to face directly. It is because Indonesia is one country affected by the
outbreak of the Corona Virus Disease (Covid-19) then makes lecture activities done differently, through
online. Lectures that held online give the impression that it cannot fully control activities of learning
and teaching because of the distance. In doing online lecture activities between students and lecturers,
do not are in one room to carry out teaching and learning activities. Activity online learning in lectures
really needs to be considered because it remembers that it related the learning process to the level of
student understanding.
Talk about learning and teaching process, not only focused at the students as learner, but also from
the other side, the lecturer. For students, the aspects underlie students to study are intentions, interests,
active, commitment and responsibility. Learning strategy given by lecturers to students based on a
constructive approach places more emphasis on learners/students as leaner-centered. This approach
states the importance of students as individual actively building knowledge and understanding through
guidance from lecturers.
The direct instruction approach states the need for a structured and student-centered approach.
Lecturers only provide direction and control. Lecturers’ expectations are high for student progress, the
maximum time generated by students is to complete academic assignments, and there are lecturers’
efforts to minimize negative influences in the learning process. In a teacher-centered learning process,
students will be passive in the learning process. Lecturers place a lot of emphasis on theories and
concepts that students need to understand, and the learning process is more in a classroom situation.
This learning process only develops students’ cognitive elements.

ICOAGPG-2022 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1190 (2023) 012007 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/1190/1/012007

Figure 2. Learning atmosphere in class, lecturer-based learning (left) and assignment presentation
session by one of the female students (right)

Other research found the dominant factor influences knowledge level of environmental sanitation are
education, age, occupation, income and information [33]. For increasing public knowledge, the priority
must be information to conduct community education for specific themes [10,34]. Compared to research
conducted on a group of university students, the factors of education, income, and age can ignore
because in this group, the parameters are already homogeneous. So, the factor left just 4 parameters such
as describe above, interest, mass media exposure, experience and social relationship.
Many students feel confused and overwhelmed about environmental problems around them. Students
create a narrow understanding of the environmental problems they are able to handle. In this research,
when we try to get information about what the most familiar environmental sanitation issue around them,
most of them will answer that question with “garbage” and “pollution”. They feel that the problems they
given at case study for discuss in class are so large and complex. They thought they cannot do anything
about it and give up and just take care of themselves. Apathy and cynicism often become dominant
attitudes influences by mass media. Arising knowledge should empower students to create a better
society and community to faced and solved problem, in and out their circle, instead of making them
passive [15,35,36]. The real challenge is what it to involve in environmental issues related to sanitation
With this interest build by arising knowledge, we hope that they will try to study it more deeply, so
their level of knowledge becomes higher than well as increased of awareness. Learning process not only
focusing on the cognitive aspects but also necessary to apply the attitude aspect, because the attitude
aspect felt very necessary instilled to change the behaviour [38,39] or personality and character of
students. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an education curriculum review [40].

4. Conclusions
Mean scores of test are 71.2, categorized well, with the highest value is 87.5 and the lowest is 25. The
number of students who have a total score categorized as good and excellent exceeds half of the
population studied (91.12%). Knowledge level of 4th semester environmental engineering students
classified as good, even some students have a little confusion at specific term.

Thanks to students of Environmental Engineering at Universitas Hamzanwadi, who have been
participated at this research.

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