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Shivali T-

Nelson Mandela has said "In the abolition of slavery, we find the
unwavering testament that freedom is not just a privilege; it is the
birthright of every human being. “

Aryan- Good morning, dear teachers and my dear friends, today

Shivali- I Shivali Thakur

Aryan- And I Aryan Shaindilya along with our classmates of 8D are happy to conduct an insightful
assembly on International Day for the Abolition of Slavery which is observed on 2nd December
annually. Here comes our classmate Ishaan with the ‘Thought for the day’

Ishaan- It’s easier to be ignorant and say I don’t know about the problem. But once you know,
you have seen it in their eyes, then you have a responsibility to do something. There is strength in
numbers, and if we all work together as a team, we can be unstoppable.

Shivali T- The best way of expression is through words which at times prove even stronger
than weapons. So let’s improve our vocabulary and learn a new word from Tanmay.

Tanmay- Today’s Renaissance (pronunciation - Rennessan) greeting word

is SUBJUGATION. It is spelled as S-U-B-J-U-G-A-T-I-O-N
It means:
the action of bringing someone or something under domination or
It could be used in a sentence as:
The colonial subjugation of the country was done by means of brute
military force.
Aryan- Aao Aaj ka Muhavra sunne

Parth- Namaste, mera naam Parth hai aur aaj ka Muhavara hai, एक ही
लकडी से हाकना

जिसका अर्थ है सबसे एक िैसा व्यवहार करना ।

इसका हम इस ताररके से वाक्य में प्रयोग कर सकते हैं -

गु लामी के प्रजत इतना बडा जवद्रोह हमें ये जसखाता है जक हमें प्रजत एक व्यक्ति को एक ही लकडी से
हकना चाजहए भेद भाव जकये जबना |
Shivali Th-

Let’s hear a beautiful self-composed poem by Nimish Pandey, a budding poet of our class
to familiarize us more with today’s theme.
Nimish- Hello Everyone, my name is Nimish Pandey and the title of my poem is Slaves Agony
which goes like this-
Ever yearning for freedom,
The slaves arise,
Early in the day,
When the sunshine still hides.
No one to help,
No one to sympathize,
The servants get to work,
With an expression devoid of any smile.
The labourers are humiliated,
Whipped by their cruel masters,
Now, they are not slaves anymore,
But, rather, they are survivors.
Darkness is still around,
descending with every gaze,
Unhappiness is still around,
Sitting on its throne of dismays.
Help these slaves,
Give them shelter and respect,
For they, too, are humans,
Treated unfairly in every aspect.

Aryan- Let’s welcome Shivali Gupta, Aarna and Sherin to share with us more about International
Day for the Abolition of Slavery
Shivali Gupta-

The International Day for the Abolition of Slavery is marked on 2 December by the General
Assembly, of the United Nations Convention. The focus of this day is on eradicating contemporary
forms of slavery, such as trafficking in persons, sexual exploitation, the worst forms of child labor,
forced marriage, and the forced recruitment of children.
In the face of historical injustices like slavery, it is imperative to
voice our opinions and take charge of our freedom. Silence perpetuates
oppression, while speaking out fosters change. It is crucial to
recognize our collective power in ensuring that the echoes of our
voices contribute to a future defined by justice and universal
As we commemorate this day, we must acknowledge that while slavery in
its traditional form may be officially abolished, the fight against
various forms of modern-day slavery continues. Human trafficking,
forced labor, and contemporary forms of exploitation persist in
different corners of the world. It is our collective responsibility to
stand against these injustices and enjoy the fruits of freedom and

Aryan- Let’s hear about the news headlines of the day

Zoya- Today’s news headlines are

News 1- zoya
News 2- ansh
News 3- zoya
News 4- ansh
Ansh- That’s all for today’s news, Have a nice day

Shivali T- Now I would like to call upon dear HM ma’am to address the assembly.
We hope that today’s assembly would have been fruitful to all of you. Have a wonderful day.

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