Comparative Essay On Cybernetic Tradition vs. Socio-Psychological Tradition

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NAME: Alexandra Monique T.

Mangkikis DATE: 01/13/23




The Cybernetic Tradition is postulated as information processing, and aims to deliver

information successfully with less noise in the way to pass the message smoothly (Maguire, 2006,
as cited in Apuke, 2018). Podogorecki (2004, as cited in Apuke, 2008) coined the word
cybernetics in reference to denote artificial intelligence and elucidate how feedback compels
information process within the mind and of computers. Cyberneticians would find ways to carefully
and critically assess the reliability of an information, which compared to other traditions,
acknowledges the complexity of communication problems and sought to understand more about
the difference between the human and non-human information processing systems. Meanwhile,
the Socio-Psychological Tradition focuses on the individual cognition and how it would influence
behavior upon oneself and others, as theorists under this tradition ought to discern the ways
human beings process information and react to it (Patrick, 2013). It focuses on the individual’s
mind as the center of processing and discerning information, as it can compel the individual’s
mindset on what or what not to do, and what belief to choose and uphold.

It can be observed that these two traditions, in its essence, focus on how people process
information. Although upon a closer inspection, the difference between these two traditions is how
cybernetics only focuses on how the information process flows, and does not only limit to humans
but also to non-human information processors. The highlight in this tradition is on non-human
information processors, namely AI, which acknowledges its ability to think and understand more
about its capabilities as it is an ever developing technology. Meanwhile, socio-psychology focuses
solely on humans for the purpose of understanding why an individual thinks the way they do. It
also studies their behavior in the process, which is an effective tradition to study when someone
wants to persuade an individual’s way of thinking.

I see the Cybernetics Tradition present in my some of my day to day interactions, as I am

an avid online user and just recently, I learned about AI art, and as a digital artist myself, currently
trying to understand how it works as it came to my attention, it stirs up quite the controversy
between real life artists. In terms of the theories present under this tradition, Cognitive Dissonance
Theory, can be applied in my interactions as in my experience, which I still do experience until
now, is the dilemma between prioritizing my health and maintaining good grades to make my
family proud as when I choose one over the other, I feel immense guilt within myself for neglecting
one thing from another. The next theory, Hyperpersonal Communication, is quite the common
occurrence for me, as I am a socially anxious individual, but I am much more different online as I
feel more freedom to share my thoughts without the fear of getting judged and I get more sociable
when I come online that I somehow create meaningful friendships through the process, even if
they come from another country. For the Social Agenda Setting, as social media has become the
center for news, it is a very common occurrence as well in one’s daily life, and one example I can
think of from this theory is how my mother was exposed to an article explaining how Robin Padilla
sold his sports car and donated his money to the needy, it highlighted him in a good light and my
mom was not exactly aware of the others’ backgrounds and capabilities as a senator. And the
last from this theory, Spiral of Silence, as a quiet person myself that rarely speaks out their
opinion, it is quite the frequent occurrence in my daily interactions as well, and one I can think of
is how my family is in favor of Pres. Bongbong Marcos, and I was the only one thinking otherwise
of their side so I fell in to silence and going along the flow with them to avoid commotion.

As for the Socio-Psychological Tradition, I observe it quite frequently in my daily life as I

consider myself empathic, and I would try to understand someone’s thought process as to what
lead them to react such a specific way, especially when misunderstandings occur. For the theories
under this tradition, firstly, Elaboration Likelihood Theory, it also happens regularly, especially as
my basis of making friends, such as when I meet someone who has the same interests as me
and get the feeling that we would get along well, I would take the initiative to become friends with
them. For the Uncertainty Reduction Theory, I would usually do this whenever I meet someone
new and have no background of them whatsoever, so I try to think of questions that would make
me certain on what kind of person they may be and would later on be inclined to become friends
with them. As for the Uses and Gratifications Theory, this would occur in instances where I would
make art related to something specific, either a show or a game with a dedicated fan base, and
to get some attention on it to the public, I would first have to post it either on a group page of the
fan base or put a hashtag of the specific show or game so it would get recognition. Lastly,
Expectancy Violations Theory, in this context of seeing the expectation to be something negative,
I would say this occurs when I observed or assumed someone wrongly as I get to know them
more and such scenario happened upon my friend’s expectation of me, as her first impression of
me was that I was a mean person from the get go, but as she got to know me more, she was
surprised that I was a quiet and considerate person as she had told me.
Apuke, O. (2018). Another Look at Mapping the Territory: Seven Traditions in the Field of
Communication Theory, 4(2), 20-27.
Patrick, T. (2013). Socio-Psychological Tradition.

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