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English I This, That, These, Those

Look at the following sentences:

This is my bag. This is my house.

That is my bag. That is my house.

We use THIS and THAT to point to a person, place,

animal or thing.
We use THIS if a person, place, animal or thing is near us.
We use THAT if a person, place, animal or thing is far away
from us.

QI. Fill in the blanks by using ‘This’ or ‘That’:

1. ________is a cat.

2. What is __________?

3. ________ is my friend.

4. Is ________your book?
QII.Tick the correct option

1. (This /That) girl has 2 story books and (this /that) boy has
5 story books. How many story books do they have in all?

2. (This /That) tortoise won the race and (this /that) hare lost
the race. So, who came first in the race?

QIII. Colour the correct option:

1. This That is a river.

2. This That is a shawl.

3. This That is a circle.

Look at the following sentences:

These are long pencils. These are my parents.

Those trees give us shade. Those are my clothes.

We use THESE and THOSE to point to people, places,
animals or things.
We use THESE when people, places, animals or things
are near us.
We use THOSE when people, places, animals, things are
far away from us.

QIV. Fill in the blanks with ‘These’ or ‘Those’:

1. ______________ are birds.

2. What are _________?

3. Are _________woollen clothes?

4. ________ are children.

QV.Look at the picture and colour the correct option.

Then frame a sentence.( One has been shown to you)

This is a ball.




Complete the passage using this/that/these/those:

Hello friends! I am in __________ garden.

_________________flowers are beautiful.
__________ trees behind me are tall.
____________ clouds are so high up in the sky.
I come to play in __________ garden and to look at
_____________ small flowers and insects with

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