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I. Thesis Statement: The perils of Artificial Intelligence, evolving alongside its
progress, encompass issues such as, entrenchment of inequality in job
market, undermining talent, creating ethical dilemmas, enabling social
manipulation, evading accountability, and changing power dynamics and
II. Job displacement
A. Amazon placing (Sparrow) Robots in warehouses.
B. World Economic Forum’s Report 2020
III. Undermining talent
A. A.I-driven song gets nominated for Grammys awards.
IV. Creating ethical Dilemmas
B. CNN-Mark Zuckerberg’s deep fake video
C. Bruce Willis’ deep fake video
V. Fabrication of information and facts
A. Henry Kissinger’s experiment
VI. Social manipulation
A. Pew Research Center’s Report
B. Cambridge Analytica Scandal 2018
VII. Undermining rights
A. A.I power paradox- A report from co-founder of Deep mind and
Inflection A.I
VIII. Lack of Accountability
A. USA- Self-driving car killed a pedestrian
IX. Leakage of Data
A. Capital One data leak 2019
B. Equafix data leak 2017
X. Financial market at greater risk
A. USA-Flash Crash 2010
B. Harvard Business Review- The hidden costs of autonomous decision
XI. Technologists being empowered more than policymakers
A. A.I power paradox- A report from co-founder of Deep mind and
Inflection A.I
XII. Change in the conception of global power
A. Michael Beckley- Director of Asian programs at the Foreign Policy
Research Institute
B. United States-Replicator Initiative Effort
XIII. Conclusion


The recent development in the field of Artificial Intelligence (A.I) has sparked
widespread debate over its uses, risks and hyper evolutionary nature; challenging
and creating heralds in the growth and development of society, politics, economy
and morality. These heralds, that could not only stunt growth and development but
also could trigger a new wave of destruction and debauchery. The perils of Artificial
Intelligence, evolving alongside its progress, encompass issues such as,
entrenchment of inequality in job market, undermining talent, creating grave
ethical dilemmas, fabrication and manipulation of veracity of information and facts,
social decline, undermining the very essence of democracy, weakening
accountability system, leakage of personal information, creating problems in
financial and health sector, empowering technologists more than policy makers,
posing itself a deleterious weapon and changing the dynamics of global power. As,
entrenchment of inequality in job market results in loss of millions of jobs; pushing
poverty and unemployment at extreme levels. Additionally, undermining talent
cause novelty and invention to be covert forever. Additionally, creating ethical
dilemmas by deep fake technology triggers new waves of social chaos. Moreover,
fabrication of information and facts muddles the truth across the board.
furthermore, social manipulation develops and strengthens tools of repression of
populace. similarly, by undermining democracy, it strengthens autocracy and other
form of suppressive government. Likewise, accountability remains to be blurred
because of automation especially. Moreover, leakage of information used to train
Artificial Intelligence (A.I) algorithms creates distrust and dissent among
organizations and stakeholders. In addition to that finance heavily relies on A.I
which jeopardizes monetary valuables. Moreover, empowering technologists more
than policy makers results in futility of policies. also, A.I having capability of
changing conception of global power, can possibly incite new waves of cold wars.
The world has already been suffering from the excruciating poverty and increasing
unemployment and the advent of artificial intelligence (A.I) especially robots and
autonomous machines, further entrenched the rift of inequality in the job market.
As, A.I has not only displaced job market but also outdated some of jobs and created
a situation of rapidly changing job-market; demanding novel set of skills and
expertise at a very short period of time. Such as, in the first quarter of 2023,
Amazon, a multi-billion-dollar company, placed A.I robots named sparrow robots,
in the warehouses across USA by replacing employees. Further, according to World
Economic Forum’s report "the Future of Jobs report 2020, that by 2025, automation
and A.I could displace around 85 million jobs. Therefore, one of the most
detrimental perils of artificial intelligence is job displacement and inequality.
Furthermore, another crucial peril of A.I is creating problematic dilemmas
especially, through deep fake technology that can potentially frame anyone from
political leader to freedom fighter into the illicit scenarios and pose them as
criminals and vice-versa. Such scenarios can easily deceive masses. such as Mark
Zuckerberg's, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Meta, a deep fake video went viral in
2020 created widespread both amazement and awe; implying both admiration and
dangers of A.I. another example is of a Hollywood actor, Bruce Willis, whose fake
videos went viral. in conclusion, the A.I-driven ethical dilemmas can lead to
disparagement and distrust in society.
Another major peril of A.I is that it is challenging peoples’ talent by its enforced and
highly trained algorithm. This algorithm is trained on huge data which makes it
nearly impossible for the human mind to outsmart. For instance, in September
2023, the A.I-driven track named-Heart on My Sleeves" of artist named-
Ghostwriters, was nominated in Grammys award for best rap song of the year. To
include, talent is being subdued by A.I and making the talented people despondent
while it itself is winning the world.
Moreover, the A.I systems are trained in a way that it generates satisfying and
plausible answers, instead of strictly factual or actual. and this characteristic makes
it to fabricate the information more often. This training of A.I is a flaw in itself. Such
as, Henry Kissinger, an American diplomat, political scientist and geo-political
consultant, along with others wrote in a The Wall Street Journals named "Chat GPT
heralds on Intellectual Revolution", that they asked Chat GPT to give six references
on Henry Kissinger's thoughts on technology and the provided list of articles, all
were plausible rather than actual, except one, and some were even called "facts",
but they were yet to be proved or discovered. To conclude, the A.I often falls in
stochastic parroting and provides convincing and ostensible information which can
surely lead to wrong decisions.
Another major peril of A.I is social manipulation by fudging media especially, social
media which can possibly annihilate the very peace and harmony of society. As,
social media has great influence over the people and its manipulation certainly and
explicitly betokens the manipulation of people. On this basis, research was
conducted by Pew Research center titled as, "The future of truth and
misinformation online" revealed that A.I-powered algorithms on social media
platforms can amplify misinformation, polarize opinions and contribute in the
spread of fake news for instance, in context of elections and public discourage. Such
an incident happened on march 17, 2018, The Cambridge Analytica, a consultant
fir, was found to be involved in authorized collection of information of about 50
million Facebook users which was used for political manipulation and target
advertising. So, the perilous of A.I is hazardous for society.
Furthermore, The A.I could be one of the biggest threats to human rights and could
result in an enduring suppression, misery, and depravity. as, it can be used to
suppress the voices of freedom and rights. Such as, according to the CEO and Co-
founder of Inflection A.I and co-founder of Deepmind, Ivan Bremmer, that the A.I
will empower those who wield it to surveil, and deceive, and even control
population; sharpening the tools of repression. Hence, it is explicit that A.I could be
deleterious for the dignity and sovereignty of society and it must be with governed
with tandem policies that could guarantee the safety of sovereignty and dignity of
In addition to aforementioned perils of A.I lack of accountability system for A.I
systems could be the most deleterious peril of A.I; endangering precious the lives
of common people. As, automotives have been jeopardizing and even killing
common people due to experiencing faults. Such as, In 2018, the CNN news
reported that an A.I-driven vehicle killed a pedestrian in United States of America
(USA). Therefore, it can be deduced that A.I powered automotives could be the next
major cause of fatal accidents across the world.
Furthermore, the vast amount of data required to train A.I systems is susceptible to
breaches and cyber-attacks and such breaches of data lead to serious privacy
concerns. These privacy concerns distress and create an atmosphere of distrust
among people and organizations. Such as, data breach of Capital One in 2019, a
diversified financial holding company, caused disclosure of personal information of
about 10 million people in United States and about 6 million people in Canada.
Another breach of data happened in a credit reporting company named-Equifax in
2017, resulted in the exposure of personal information of about 147 million people.
To sum up, the data breach due to A.I systems can create chaos in the society as if
acquired by illicit organizations.
Moreover, the financial sector heavily depends on A.I systems to provide accurate
and timely information which exposes this sector at a greater risk. It is because, a
little misinformation can result in loss of millions of dollars. For instance, the two
companies discussed above i.e., Capital One and Equifax, lost more than 500 million
dollars collectively in settlement of data of loss. Another example is 2010's "Flash
Crash" of United States in which the financial market was plummeted for a brief
period of time due to A.I algorithms and resulted in loss of about 1 trillion dollars.
To sum up, A.I could result in next global recession.
Another major peril of A.I is that it gives more power and authority to technologists
instead of policy makers or governing bodies of state which disturbs the balance of
power in states. This imbalance in power would further entrenches the affairs
between nation-states. Such as according to Ivan Bremmer, Chief Executive Officer,
and Co-founder of Inflection of A.I and co-founder of Deepmind, "the technologists,
not policy makers or bureaucrats, will exercise authority over a force that could alter
both power of nation-sates and how they relate to each other. To sum up,
technologists will have more power to intervene or interfere in affairs of nation.
Furthermore, A.I systems could be the next apparatus than can trigger a cold war,
if not hot, because having greater access to A.I based system and technology,
empowers the one who wields it. As, it has changed the dynamics of power and
threat which can be seen from the countries like, United Sates of America, United
Kingdom, China and others voraciously striving to get hold on A.I-powered systems.
Such as, United States' blockage of chips used for A.I powered systems implies the
supremacy of A.I according to Michael Beckley, director of Asian programs at the
Foreign Policy Research Institute. Also, on August 28th, 2023, United States’
announces “Replicator Initiative Effort” to modernize and increase United States'
arsenal by adding fleets of artificial intelligent, unmanned weapons and
equipments during the address titled "the urgency to innovate". To sum up, the
powerful leaders of world has shifted their focus to A.I in order to develop and
sustain power in the geo-politics and techno-polar order.
In Conclusion, A.I is a revolutionary domain and it can alter lives of common people
as by helping humans in utilizing scarce resources with maximum output.
Undoubtedly, the perils of A.I are detrimental, but they can be mitigated with
proper pragmatic and targeted tools and methods. Before alleviating the perils of
A.I, the policy makers need to assimilate the rapidly evolutionary nature of A.I. In
this regard, evolution, uses, risks and rewards of A.I are unpredictable; the A.I
governance cannot be fully specified at the outset, or any specific point in time; it
must be innovative and evolutionary as the technology it seeks to govern.
Additionally, the A.I governance must be all-inclusive, inviting all the participants of
all actors needed to regulate the A.I in practice; A.I cannot be fully exclusively state
centered. In this context, any regulatory party that excludes the real agents is
doomed to fail. Moreover, state must cover entire supply chain of chips like, from
manufacturing to end use that will be used for the A.I systems. Most importantly,
the state should always retain final veto power in order to subjugate the A.I.

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