Information About Foreign Policy of Pakistan by Shan Ali Junejo

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One Liner Complete Information About

Foreign Policy of Pakistan Important MCQs
By: Shan Ali Junejo
 Foreign Policy of Pakistan is: Bilateralism
 Pakistan foreign policy is the safe-guarding of its sovereignty, security and: “Territorial
 Zia established a course for Pakistan that enabled the government to manage a complex
“Foreign policy”.
 In the simplest in way foreign policy can be defined as: “Association amongst the
favorite states and Association amongst the foreign states”.
 The guiding principles of Pakistan foreign policy are firmly based in country’s: “Islamic
 Pakistan’s strategic location made it a focal point of the: “Whole World”
 The factors which are discernible in the formulation of Pakistan’s foreign policy are:
“Ideological obligation and theatrical legacy, Geographical location and Indian
threat and Economic compulsions”.
 In 1954-1962” the aligned years in Pakistan’s: Foreign policy
 Which country was the first to formally recognize Pakistan after its creation: Iran
 Afghanistan opposed Pakistan’s application to join the UN in 1947 due to: Durand line
 In “1952”, Pakistan got first loan from: USA.
 In “May 1954”, Pakistan signed Mutual Defence Assistance agreement with: USA.
 When US informed Pakistan that America recognized the Durand Line as the Pak-
Afghan boundary in: April 1979
 On “November 1977”, Jimmy Carter (President of USA) administration cut off the
military and economic aid to: Pakistan.
 Pakistan joined Baghdad pact in “1955”.
 In “1954” Pakistan joined the South East Asia Treaty Organization.
 Pakistan’s foreign policy is divided into “Six” phases.
 In beginning Pakistan joined the defence pacts with “USA” on the part largely to protect
her frontiers against possible aggression from: India.
 In “December 1979 Soviet Union send its forces entered into: Afghanistan.
 In 1951 year American economic aid to: Pakistan started
 Pakistan’s earlier efforts at promoting the Islamic unity failed because: “Environment
of world policies copied & National style of diplomacy copied from European
 In “1962° year Ayub Khan supported China’s Membership of the: UN.
 Soviet troops landed in Kabul on: “26th December 1979”
 On “February 1989 Soviet Union completed its troop withdrawal from: Afghanistan
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 Pakistan’s desire to cultivate friendly relations with China obviously annoyed: “USA”.
 An agreement on the demarcation of boundaries was concluded between China and
Pakistan in “1963”.
 In 1990 President Bush suspended the economic aid to Pakistan because he was unable
to make the necessary certification to Congress.
 By “Tashkent Pact” agreement hostilities between India and Pak came to an end in: 1966
 In Tashkent Declaration Z.A. Bhutto was the foreign minister of Pakistan
 USSR mediated between Pakistan and India resulting in the Tashkent Declaration
 In 1972” Simla accord was signed by the President of Pakistan and Indian PM.
 When was Pakistan became a Major non-NATO ally of the United States: 2004
 America declared Pakistan is our friend and front line state against terrorism in: 2001
 Kargil issue was the main cause of war between Pakistan and India in 1999 and war was
stopped by the intervention of: “USA”
 A U-Turn came in foreign policy of Pak after the attacks on World Trade Center in:
 Pakistan faced sanctions under the Presler Amendments in 1992 by the: “USA”
 In “1970” year China gave assistance to develop transport industry in: Pakistan
 India has always denounced “Pak-China treaty 1963”
 USSR offered her assistance to Pakistan for building a steel mill in: 1956
 On “May 2007 Pakistan go to the chairmanship of Muslim countries in UNO
 In “1956” Soviet Deputy PM came to Pakistan and openly declared that problem of
Kashmir should be decided by the: will of the people.
 In “1956” year USSR offered technical and economic assistance to Pakistan.
 “China” declared that it will establish eight nuclear power plants in Pakistan
 “Pakistan Security and Foreign Policy” book was written by: “Agha Shahi”.
 “Pakistan’s Foreign Policy. A Historical Analysis” book was written by: SM Bruke and
Lawrence Ziring
 Soviet leader Stalin extended an invitation to first PM of Pak to visit Moscow in: 1949
 Who said “Our foreign policy is one of the friendliness and goodwill towards all
nations” “Quaid-e-Azam”
 “Major Phases of Pakistan Foreign Policy” book was written by: “Hassan Askari
 The first president of Pakistan “Gen. Pervez Musharraf visited: Bosnia-Herzegovina
 President of Pakistan “Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Wrote the book “Foreign Policy of
 Pakistan has bought Mirage Fighter Aircrafts from: “France”.
 USSR gave a credit of 19 million Dollars to Pak for purchase of heavy machinery
 During the War of 1971, Russia openly sided with “India”
 In “1972” ZA Bhutto visited Moscow first time.
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 Pakistan and India agree to start bus service from Sri Nagar to Muzaffarabad on “15th
January 2005”
 Total “US$ 7.5 billion” aid will flow to Pakistan under Kerry-Lugar bill over the:5 years
 Pakistan’s largest trade partner is: “China”
 Pakistan becomes a member of International Labour Organization (ILO) in: “1947”
 The first Water Accord was signed among the provinces in: “1991”
 “Liaquat Nehru Pact” was signed on 8 April 1950
 Heavy Electrical Complex and Heavy Forge and Foundry, the two big engineering
projects in Pakistan were established with the technical and capital assistance of: China
 Pakistan and Afghanistan have a ‘Transit Trade Agreement signed in: 1965
 Proposal for Joint Defense between Pakistan and India was made by: Ayub Khan
 Pakistan’s foreign policy ought to be determined primarily by: National interests &
Economic interests
 China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) is the most ambitious and potentially game
changing example of: Regional economic cooperation
 RCD became defunct after the Iranian Revolution, and a Pakistani-Turkish initiative led
to the founding of the: Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO)
 Pakistan is the leading member of the: Coffee Club
 Pakistan was one of the first countries to open its Embassy in: Baku
 Pakistani pilots assisted the Syrian air force during the: Yom Kippur War of 1973
 Pakistan was the first country to accord formal recognition to: United Arab Emirates
 Pakistan established full diplomatic relations with Bangladesh on: January 18, 1976
 Pakistan supported Tunisia on the issue of its complete control on: Ras ben Sakka
 Aman Ullah Khan is the leader of: Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front
 Pre-partition India consisted of: 584 Princely states
 Shive Sena is the name of: A politico-fundamentalist party
 Who wrote “The Military and Politics in Pakistan”? Hassan Askari
 Diplomatic relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan were established in: Feb. 1948
 Diplomatic relations between Pakistan and the People’s Republic of China (PRC) were
established on: 21 May 1951
 Pakistan Maintains 2 Infantry Battalions and a Squadron of Helicopters under the UN
peacekeeping Banner in: Central African Republic
 Durand Line came into existence in: 1893
 Changing global trends in regional trade and the growth of Asian economies is forcing
Pakistan to readjust the focus of its foreign relations especially: Neighborhood.
 Islamabad was hosted the: 2nd OIC Summit
 Afghan Mujahideen took power in Kabul on: April 20,1991
 U2 incident took place in: 1960
 A central part of Pakistan’s foreign policy is Maintaining close relations with: China

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 Pakistan was one of only two countries, alongside Cuba, to offer crucial support for the
PRC in after the: Tiananmen protests of 1989
 Pakistan also played an important role in bridging the communication gap between
China and the West by: Facilitating the 1972 Nixon visit to China.
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