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How to Care for an: African Elephant

12-14-2018 By: Daniel

I chose the African Elephant. The African Elephant is

one out of the two different kinds of Elephants.
Description: The African Elephant is grey, and it is one of
the biggest animals in the world. They are about 3.3m tall, They usually weigh
about 6000 kg to about 2700 kg, depending on the
type of elephant. They live up to 60-70 years naturally.
Basic Needs: Some necessities of the African Elephant are:
a habitat (savannahs, tropical/subtropical forests
and Grasslands), food (fruits, bark, leaves, roots, etc.),
a herd, which is just a group of elephants, water, a habitable temperature
and mud or dust. Their skin is very sensitive, so to protect it from
the sun, they cover their bodies with mud, and sometimes dust.
Best Living Conditions: Elephants have to live at a temperature of about
60-75°F. All elephants have to have shade or some kind of cover to
protect them from direct sunlight, and need to have enough space to live in.
Most Important Considerations:Elephants also have to socialize with other elephants,
like other animals. To care for an elephant, you must give it the
proper space, friends, shade, food and water, habitat, temperature,
and herd to help it survive.

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