Idea Presentation Format SIH2023 School

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Basic Details of the Team and

Problem Statement
Problem Statement Title: kids nowadays don't read
much because of phones and fast-faced lives, hindering
the enhancement of their knowledge through books.
Theme Name: EnlightenEd: Fostering a Reading Renaissance for Future

Team Name: PageTurn Innovators

Team Leader Name: Aryaa

School Code:

School Name: Sacred heart school

Idea/Approach Details

Describe your idea/Solution/Prototype here:

By implementing a thoughtful rewards

system, we aim to inspire a love for
reading among the youth. Describe your Technology stack here:

• Integration with Kindle:

• Am azon Kindle API for seamless integration with Kindle devices, allowing
tracking of reading activity and providing a user-friendly experience.
• OAuth or similar authentication mechanisms for secure user access to
Kindle features.
• Add a quiz system based on the understanding

•M onitoring and Analytics:

• Integration with analytics tools like Google Analytics for tracking user
engagement and program effectiveness.
• Logging mechanisms for monitoring system performance and identifying
potential issues.
Idea/Approach Details
Describe your Use Cases here Describe your Dependencies / Show stopper here
1.Rewards for Reading: earn points •School Administrative Approval for Grading System
Integration: A critical dependency is obtaining approval from
for reading books school administrations to integrate the extra points earned
through the reading program into the official grading system.
Delays or resistance from the school authorities could pose a
2. Make Reading Cool: Make significant show stopper.
people think reading is awesome •Parental Consent and Understanding: Successful
and something to be happy about. implementation relies on obtaining consent from parents or
guardians for the incorporation of reading program points into
their child's academic evaluation. Lack of parental
understanding or resistance could impede progress.
•Technical Integration with School Systems: Seamless
integration of the reading program's data with the school's
grading system is crucial. Technical challenges or
compatibility issues between different systems could act as
show stoppers.

Team Member Details
Team Leader Name: Aryaa
Class (11th ): Stream* (Arts): Age (16): Gender (F):
Team Member 1 Name: Riddhi
Class (11th): Stream* (Arts): Age (16): Gender (F):
Team Member 2 Name: Shiva Kumar
Class (11th ): Stream* (Arts): Age (15): Gender (M):

Team Mentor 1 Name: Sajita ma'am

Category (Academic/Industry/Parents): Expertise (AI/ML/Blockchain etc): Domain Experience (in years):
Team Mentor 2 Name: mark sir
Category (Academic/Industry/Parents): Expertise (AI/ML/Blockchain etc): Domain Experience (in years):

*Stream is only for class 11th and 12th Students. For students below 11th Class, they can write NA.

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