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American Journal of ORTHODONTICS

Founded in 1915 Volume 81 Number 6 June, 1985

Copyright 0 1985 by The C. V. Mosby Company


Chinese NiTi wire-d new orthodontic alloy

Charles J. Burstone, D.D.S., MS.,* Bai Qin, MS.,** and Dr. Burstone
John Y. Morton, B.S.*
Farmington, Corm., and Beijing, China

Chinese NiTi wire was studied by means of a bending test to determine wire stiffness, springback, and maximum
bending moments. Chinese NiTi wire has an unusual deactivation curve (unlike steel and nitinol wires) in which
relatively constant forces are produced over a long range of action. The characteristic flexural stiffness of
NiTi wire is determined by the amount of activation. At large activations NiTi wires has a stiffness of only 7% that
of a comparable stainless steel wire, and at small activations 28% of steel wire. For the same activation at
large deflections, the forces produced are 38% that of a comparable nitinol wire. Chinese NiTi wire demonstrates
phenomenal springback. It can be deflected 1.8 times as far as nitinol wire or 4.4 times as far as stainless
steel wire without appreciable permanent deformation. NiTi wire is highly useful in clinical situations that require a
low-stiffness wire with an extremely large springback.

Key words: Nickel, titanium, stiffness, bending moment, springback

T he first nickel-titanium orthodontic alloys

were introduced to the profession by Andreasen.’ They
has unique characteristics and offers significant poten-
tial in the design of orthodontic appliances. Its history
are known as Nitinol wirest and are based on the orig- of little work hardening and a parent phase which is
inal research of Buehler,‘, 3 who developed specialized austenite yield mechanical properties that differ signif-
nickel-titanium alloys that have unique shape-memory icantly from nitinol wire. In addition, Chinese NiTi
characteristics. Although Andreasen has suggested that wire has a much lower transition temperature than
the shape-memory effect of nitinol wire could be useful nitinol wire.
and has carried out experimentation to demonstrate this It is the purpose of this article to describe the me-
possibility, nitinol wire has won wide clinical accep- chanical properties of Chinese NiTi wire with particular
tance because of its high springback and its low stiff- reference to its orthodontic applications. Since stainless
ness, rather than its thermal characteristics.4. ’ steel is the most commonly used arch wire material,
A new nickel-titanium alloy has been developed NiTi wire will be compared to both stainless steel and
especially for orthodontic applications by Dr. Tien Hua nitinol wires in contrasting their mechanical properties.
Cheng and associates at the General Research Institute
for Non-Ferrous Metals in Beijing, China. This alloy METHOD
Nominal 0.016-inch stainless steel,* nitinol, and
This research was supported by NIHiNIDR Grant DE023953.
*Department of Orthodontics. School of Dental Medicine, University of Con-
Chinese NiTi wires were submitted to a flexural test
necticut Health Center. using a cantilever configuration. A torque gauge ap-
**Beijing Medical College, Beijing, China.
Wnitek, Monrovia, Calif. *Unitek, Monrovia, Calif.

446 Burstone, Qin, and Morton

Fig. 2. Bending moment/deflection characteristics of stainless

steel, nitinol, and NiTi wires. Both loading (activation) and un-
loading (deactivation) curves are shown. NiTi wire produces
lower moments and forces than nitinol wire.

To establish the moment of yield, wires were cycled

through a loading and unloading sequence until 1” of
permanent deformation was recorded.
It is useful to compare the properties of the Chinese
Fig. 1. Apparatus for cantilever bending test. Force is always NiTi wire with both stainless steel and nitinol wires.
normal to the free end of the wire. The torque gauge measures
the moment. The magnitude of the activation is measured by Three wire characteristics will be described: (1) the
the protractor. springback (the range of action of the wire), (2) stiffness
(the force or moment produced for each unit activation),
paratus was used to apply an angular deflection to the and (3) the maximum moment (the largest bending cou-
wires at the fixed ends. The angular deflection of the ple that a wire is capable of delivering).
wires at this support was measured with a protractor.
The couple necessary to create the angular displacement Springback
was measured by the torque gauge. The couple was The moment deflection characteristics of the stain-
resisted by a force at the free end through an anvil less steel, nitinol, and Chinese NiTi wires are shown
placed against the wires. The force remained normal to in Fig. 2. The amount of springback is defined here as
the wires throughout the range of activation. The ap- the difference between the deflection (activation) of 80”
paratus is shown in Fig. 1. Two torque gauges were and the residual deformation after unloading to 0 gm-
used, depending on the magnitude of the moments to mm. Based on the 80” activation, the springbacks for
be recorded. Ranges were 0 to 800 gm-mm and 0 to 0.016 inch wires are 16” for steel, 52” for nitinol, and
6,000 gm-mm with an accuracy of 2% of full scale. 73” for Chinese NiTi. Chinese NiTi wire has 1.4 times
The low stiffness of the wires required a .5-mm span the springback of nitinol wire and 4.6 times the spring-
length instead of the IO-mm span used in a previous back of stainless steel wire for 80” of activation; at 40”
study.6 Angular displacements to 80” were used. For of activation NiTi wire has 1.6 times the springback of
each data point of the curve, at least three separate nitinol wire.
wires were measured. At critical points of the loading
and unloading curve-particularly where a marked Stiffness
change in slope would occur-up to eleven separate A bending test was used to evaluate the moment-
wires were measured to further define the shape of the angular deflection characteristic of the wires. The stiff-
curve. ness was determined from the unloading curve, which
The basic study was carried out with instantaneous is analogous to clinical use.
loading at room temperature. In addition, in a similar The clinician is interested in the amount of force or
study the temperature was varied. Temperatures of moment produced for any given deflection. This prop-
22” C, 37” C (mouth temperature), and 60” C were erty of the material is its stiffness. In this study stiffness
used. Time-dependent effects were also studied. is measured as induced bending moment per degree of
Volume 87 Chinese NiTi wire 447
Number 6

- ---- Daacti”allc.”


d P

0 m 40 w W

0 20 40 60 w Fig. 4. Comparison of NiTi and Respond wires. Note unusual

unloading curve for NiTi wire. The average stiffness in the mid-
dle range of deactivation for NiTi wire is the same as Respond
Fig. 3. Activation and deactivation curves for nitinol wire. The wire. The moment level is higher.
average unloading stiffness (straight line fit by linear regression)
is the same for all activations.

deflection. Stainless steel and beta-titanium exhibit ap-

proximately linear relations between moment and de-
flection during unloading; hence, a single constant can
describe the relationship.
The nickel-titanium alloys, particularly NiTi, ex-
hibit nonlinear relationships between bending moment
and angular deflection. Therefore, a single constant
does not give an adequate measure of wire stiffness.
In Fig. 2 the loading (activation) curve is shown
for stainless steel wire, with an initial linear and a
nonlinear portion. As the wire returns to a passive po- 0 m 40 60 W

sition, the unloading relation is a curve. The curvature

is slight and, therefore, a straight line may be fit, to the Fig. 5. Activation and deactivation curves for NiTi wire. Unlike
data. A straight line established by connecting the data the stainless steel and nitinol wires, unloading curves change
point at 80” with the unloaded point at 0 gm-mm or by at different activations.
linear regression gives approximately the same stiffness
of 191 gm-mm per degree. As might be expected for seen from Fig. 3 that the average unloading stiffnesses
steel wire, the same deactivation stiffness is obtained for different activations from 25” to 80” are approxi-
independent of the amount of activation produced. mately the same if represented by a straight-line fit.
Nitinol wire has a much lower deactivation stiffness These average stiffnesses represented by the straight
than stainless steel wire (Fig. 2). The average stiffness line can be useful in describing the stiffness of nitinol
from full load to the point of complete unloading is 39 wire. The stiffness of the wire will vary from this line
gm-mm per degree. The average stiffness can be ob- primarily in the range of initial deactivation and final
tained by connecting the point of maximum loading deactivation with fairly good predictive values for the
with the point of complete unloading or by carrying out middle range of deactivation.
a linear regression of all points on the unloading curve. The stiffness pattern for Chinese NiTi wire differs
As with steel either method gives approximately the significantly from stainless steel and nitinol wires. In
same result. It should be noticed that the unloading Fig. 4 the loading curve begins as a straight line and
curve for nitinol wire is less linear than that for steel the wire exhibits linear elastic behavior. At 10” the slope
wire. The average stiffness may be somewhat mis- of the line changes and continues as a straight line to
leading because the stiffness between the deflection at 80”. The unloading curve (which has more clinical sig-
80” to deactivation at 70” is 72 gm-mm per degree; the nificance) is particularly unusual. Initially, the moment
stiffness from 40” to complete deactivation is 20 gm- drops very rapidly during unloading. This is followed
mm per degree; and the intermediate stiffness between by a long range of deactivation whereby a relatively
40” and 70” is 39 gm-mm per degree. It can also be constant moment is produced. Finally, just before total
448 But-stone, Qin, and Morton Am. .I. Onhod.
Junr 1985

Table 1.Moments at yield (based on 1” permanent

M)‘Cld Degrees oj
Wire (gm-mm)I SD I activation

Stainless 1,400 27 9
steel, 0.016
Nitinol, 0.016 97.5 69 25
Chinese NiTi, 805 24 40
0.016 inch

Although the moments would decrease at a rate equiv-

alent to that of NiTi wire, they would be delivered at
Fig. 6. Comparison of average NiTi wire stiffness at activations very low force levels. Note that the moment produced
from 80” to 5” from unloading curves shown in Fig. 5. Stiffness at 80” of activation with the Respond wire is approxi-
increases 3.8 times from the largest to the smallest activations. mately one half that of the NiTi wire.
With the steel and nitinol wires, the average un-
loading stiffness is the same regardless of the amount
of activation. This is not true for Chinese NiTi wire.
Fig. 5 shows the loading and unloading curves for ac-
tivations between 5” and 80”. Fig. 6 plots the average
stiffness (using linear regression) for activations of 5”
to 80”. The average stiffness varies from 53 gm-mm
per degree at 5” to 14 gm-mm per degree at So”. For
activations of 10” or less, the unloading curve and the
loading curve are identical. Because linear behavior is
occurring, use of a modulus of elasticity (E) in this
range is valid for predicting forces or moments.
Fig. 7. Activation (original 80”) and reactivation (to 40”) curves The change in stiffness among different activations
for NiTi wire. The moment decreases to 383 gm-mm after 40 is related to another clinically interesting finding;
of deactivation. If the wire is untied and retied into a bracket namely, that the magnitude of force increases if a wire
(reactivation), the moment increases to 700 gm-mm. is retied into a bracket. If one were to use a stainless
steel or nitinol wire, a certain amount of force would
deactivation, the stiffness increases as the moment val- be produced if one engaged an arch wire into a given
ues drop rapidly. For 80” of activation the average stiff- bracket. If the tooth moved toward the arch wire, and
ness (based on a linear regression) is 14 gm-mm per the clinician then untied the wire and retied it, the force
degree-only 36% that of nitinol wire. For the first 5” would be the same after retying. This would not be true
of unloading the stiffness is 61 gm-mm per degree, and with the Chinese NiTi wire. Following an 80” activa-
for the final 8” of unloading it is 27 gm-mm per degree. tion, if a tooth moved to the 40” position, 380 gm-mm
The unloading stiffness in the middle range from 15” would remain (Fig. 7). If the wire is then untied and
to 75” is 11 gm-mm per degree. Thus, through most of retied, a higher moment (700 gm-mm) is produced-
the range of deactivation, the stiffness of the Chinese almost twice the moment as is produced when the wire
Niti wire is about 11 gm-mm per degree. The loading is left in place. As the wire continues to deactivate, the
characteristic of a stainless steel braided wire (Re- moment produced by the twice-activated wire ap-
spond,* 0.0155 inch) is also shown in Fig. 4. Although proaches the moment from a single activation.
the braided wire also has an average slope of 11 gm- Accurate prediction of orthodontic forces from NiTi
mm per degree, the clinical force system delivered wire is difficult because considerable nonlinearity oc-
would be entirely different. During unloading the mo- curs during deactivation and stiffness depends on the
ments produced by the braided wire are much smaller. degree of activation. The average stiffness values for
the NiTi wire given in this article are based on the linear
*ORMCO, Glendora, Calif. regression method. A straight line connecting points
Volume 87 Chinese NiTi wire 449
Number 6

Table II. Moments and springback at 80” deflection

Moment Permanent deformation Springback
Wire (gm-mm) SD (degrees) (degrees) % Recovery

Stainless steel, 3,067 29 64 16 20

0.016 inch
Nitinol, 0.016 2,112 38 28 52 65
Chinese NiTi, 1,233 29 7 13 91
0.016 inch

from the beginning to the end of the unloading curve recovery. The Chinese NiTi wire has a recovery of 91%
gives a slightly higher stiffness. The overall conclusions for 1,233 gm-mm. Thus, the NiTi wire, in comparison
remain the same. to other wires, has a wide range of useful springback
beyond the point where initial permanent deformation
The maximum moment is observed.
Varying types of tooth movement require the deliv-
ery of different magnitudes of force. Unless an ortho- Temperature-dependent effects
dontic wire is capable of delivering an adequate moment The mechanical properties of stainless steel do not
before permanently deforming, it may not be satisfac- vary at the temperatures commonly used for clinical
tory for a given application. It has been suggested pre- purposes. Nitinol wires show negligible differences in
viously that two maximum moments should be consid- stiffness or springback between room temperature and
ered-the point of yield measured at 1” of permanent mouth temperature (Fig. 8). Chinese NiTi wire, on the
deformation (M,) and the highest moment produced other hand, exhibits some small differences at varying
after considerable yielding (M,,,).6 In this study the mo- temperatures because material components have lower
ment for stainless steel at 1” of permanent deformation transition temperatures. In Fig. 9 the stiffness is ap-
(M,) was found at 9” of activation and its magnitude proximately the same between room temperature at
was 1,400 gm-mm (Table I). The nitinol wire exhibited 22” C and mouth temperature at 37” C. At a temperature
M, at 25” with a moment value of 975 gm-mm and the of 60” C, the loading curve is slightly higher and the
Chinese NiTi wire. at 40” with 805 gm-mm. The ulti- unloading curve loses its S shape and exhibits greater
mate moment (M,,J, which occurs after considerable permanent deformation and less springback. Since the
permanent deformation, is somewhat easier to establish wire is normally used between room temperature and
with stainless steel wires. M,it occurs where the change mouth temperature, these temperature-dependent ef-
of the slope of the loading curve becomes minimum or fects are clinically insignificant.
when an increase in deflection produces little or no
increase in the measured moment. This ultimate mo- Time-dependent effects
ment is much more difficult to determine with nitinol Stainless steel wires are resistant to additional per-
and NiTi wires because the geometry of loading manent deformation that occurs with time. Some stress
changes with the large deflections required. Therefore, relaxation may occur, but the effects are not significant.
for convenience, we have used the moment produced The 0.016-inch stainless steel, nitinol, and Chinese
at 80” of activation instead of the maximum ultimate NiTi wires were engaged in brackets placed interprox-
moment that can be produced by the wire. At 80” the imally 3 mm apart with a 6.5 mm occlusogingival dis-
ultimate moments produced were: 3,067 gm-mm for crepancy between the center bracket and the adjacent
stainless steel wire, 2112 gm-mm for Nitinol wire, and ones (Fig. 10). The wires remained tied in for periods
1,233 gm-mm for Chinese NiTi wire. As shown in of 1 minute, 1 hour, and 72 hours. It should be noted
Table II, these values should be taken in the context of that, over 1 minute, the Chinese NiTi wire deformed
the amount of permanent deformation produced in the a limited amount, compared to the nitinol and stainless
wire. Although the stainless steel wire delivers 3,067 steel wires which deformed considerably. Furthermore,
gm-mm, the percent of the recovery of the wire is only the nitinol wire continued to show a time-dependent
20%.* The nitinol wire at 2,112 gm-mm has a 65% deformation past the initial 5 minutes. This has been
reported previously.’ Although NiTi wires show some
Springback time-dependent effects, these are insignificant at room
*Percent recovery = ~ x loo.
Activation temperature.
450 Burstone, Qin, and Morton Am. J. Orthod.
June 1985

Flg. 9. Effect of temperatures on the mechanical properties of

NiTi wire. Very small reduction in springback at mouth temper-
Fig. 9. Effect of temperature on the mechanical properties of ature. Higher temperature (So0 C) reduces springback and in-
nitinoi wire. Negligible increases in stiffness occur with rising creases stiffness. Higher temperatures are beyond usual clinical
temperatures. range.

Clinical significance and discussion approximately one half of the moment. Nevertheless,
Because of its high range of action or springback, from this point on, with continued unloading, the stiff-
Chinese NiTi wire is applicable in situations where ness of the wires would be the same. Thus, the NiTi
large deflections are required. Applications include wire in its middle range of deactivation could deliver
straight-wire procedures when teeth are badly mal- a higher level of force than a given braided wire, al-
aligned and in appliances designed to deliver constant though both deliver equivalently constant forces for the
forces during major stages of tooth movement. The same activation.
amount of deformation without notable permanent set The moment at yield of the NiTi wire, although
is remarkable-4.4 times that of the stainless steel wire lower than that of the stainless steel wire, is comparable
and 1.6 times that of the nitinol wire (based on 1” of to the nitinol wire and considerably higher than what
permanent deformation). I-6 would be available in braided steel wires of comparable
Achievement of relatively constant forces has been stiffness. The ultimate maximum moment of the nitinol
obtained traditionally by lowering the load-deflection wire is much higher than that of the NiTi wire. This
rate of the orthodontic appliance. This has been accom- may or may not be advantageous since, at these levels,
plished by configurational design; for instance, placing nitinol wire exhibits much permanent deformation.
helices or additional wire in the appliance. The newer The prediction of force magnitudes delivered by
wire materials such as those used in nitinol and TMA* Chinese NiTi wire is more difficult than with other
reduce the load-deflection rate without a large reduction alloys when the modulus of elasticity can be used with
in the maximum moment. This is caused by their ex- appropriate formulas.8 Nitinol wire’s unloading char-
cellent ratios between yield strength and modulus of acteristic is somewhat problematic because of its non-
elasticity. Another approach is possible with Chinese linearity. Nevertheless, a linear regression line for the
NiTi wire because of its unusual loading-unloading unloading curve could approximate the force conditions
curve. In the middle range of unloading, the load-de- during clinical use, recognizing the inherent inaccuracy.
flection rate is low. The higher stiffness found in the Chinese NiTi wire is even more problematic because
NiTi wire during the final stage of unloading helps the unloading curve is complex and the stiffness de-
assure that not only are the forces delivered at a more pends upon the amount of activation. If one used the
constant rate, but a higher magnitude of force level is linear regression lines from the bending data to deter-
maintained. One might compare the NiTi and the Re- mine the stiffness, the stiffness of a 0.016-inch NiTi
spond wires as they are charted in Fig. 4. If given the wire at large activations (80”) would be 7% that of
full 80” activation, then each wire was allowed to relax stainless steel wire; however, the wire stiffness for a
to 70”. The NiTi wire at 70” would deliver 800 gm- small activation (10”) would be 28% that of stainless
mm and the Respond wire would deliver 439 gm-mm- steel wire (Fig. 11). In other words, for a small acti-
vation NiTi wire would feel more like a 0.015inch
*ORMCO, Glendora, Calif. nitinol wire, and for a large activation it would have
Volume 87 Chinese NiTi wire
Number 6

Fig. 10. Time dependent effects. A, The 0.016~inch wires placed into three brackets. B, The shape of
the wires after removal. Top row-stainless steel wire, middle row-nitinol wire, bottom row-NiTi
wire:A, 1 minute. S, 1 hour. C, 3 days. Note small amount of permanent deformation of NiTi wire and
its increasing deformation over time with nitinol wire.

the stiffness of a 0.008-inch stainless steel wire.’ In the Wire Stiffness for
1.0 Identical Cross Sections
future, if NiTi wire is used for calibrated appliances Reference Stiffness (s.s.) = 1.0
with known dimensions and activations, the actual force
system can be determined experimentally and, there- 0.8
fore, the problems of force prediction can easily be
It has been shown that there is a force difference if
the appliance is left in place throughout the deactivation
or if it is removed and retied. The clinician should be a4
aware of this characteristic and should design his treat-
ment accordingly. If no change is desired in the mag-
nitude of a force, it is better to leave a wire in place.
On the other hand, if it is thought that the force levels
have dropped too low for a given type of tooth move- ~
ment, then the simple act of untying and retying can S.S. Nitinol NiTi N iTi Respond
increase the magnitude of the force. (small A) (large A)

The potenial uses of NiTi are many inasmuch as it Fig. 11. Comparison of NiTi wire stiffness to that of wires com-
offers a low-stiffness and high-springback wire for tooth posed of other materials. Stainless steel has a stiffness number
alignment. In addition, if larger cross sections are used, of 1 .O. At small deflections NiTi wire delivers 0.28 x the force
they are capable of delivering the larger moments re- of steel. At large deflections only 0.07 x the force of steel is
quired for major tooth movement, such as root move- delivered for the same activation.
ment and translation.
2. At 80” of activation the average stiffness of
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS Chinese NiTi wire is 73% that of stainless steel wire
The new nickel-titanium alloy (Chinese Niti wire) and 36% that of nitinol wire.
described here has the following unique mechanical 3. The unusual nonlinear loading curve builds into
properties: the NiTi wire a constant force mechanism in the middle
1. The wire has a springback that is 4.4 times that range of deactivation. This is potentially a significant
of comparable stainless steel wire and 1.6 times that of design feature for constant-force appliances.
nitinol wire, if springback is measured at yield based 4. Unlike wires of other orthodontic alloys, the
on a S-mm span cantilever test. characteristic stiffness is determined by the amount of
452 Burstone, Qin, and Morton

activation. The load-deformation rate at small activa- 3. Buehler WJ, Gilfrick JV, Wiley RC: Effects of low temperature
phase changes on the mechanical properties of alloys-near com-
tions is considerably higher than that at large acti-
position TiNi. J Appl Physics 34: 1475-1484, 1963.
vations. 4. Andreasen GF, Bigelow H, Andrews JG: 55 Nitinol wire: force
5. NiTi wire deformation is not particularly time- developed as a function of ‘elastic memory ’ Aust Dent J 24: 146.
dependent and, unlike nitinol wire, will not continue 149, 1979.
to deform a significant amount in the mouth between 5. Andreasen GF, Montagano L, Krell D: An investigation of linear
dimensional changes as a function of temperature in an 0.010 inch
%obalt-substituted annealed nitinol alloy wire. AM .I ORTHOD 82:
6. Chinese NiTi wire is highly suitable if low stiff- 469-472, 1982.
ness is required and large deflections are needed. Its 6. Burstone CJ, Goldberg AJ: Maximum forces and deflections from
higher stiffness at small activations make it more ef- orthodontic appliances. AM J ORTHOD 4: 95-103, 1983.
fective than wires of traditional alloys whose force lev- 7. Lopez I, Goldberg AJ, Burstone CJ: Bending characteristics of
nitinol wire. AM J ORTHOD 75: 569-574, 1979.
els may be too low (as teeth approach the passive shape
8. Burstone CJ: Variable modulus orthodontics. AM J ORTHOD 80:
of the wire). l-16, 1981.

1. Andreasen GF, Hilleman TB: An evaluation of 5.5 cobalt substi- Reprint requests to:
tuted nitinol wire for use in orthodontics. J Am Dent Assoc 82: Dr. Charles J. Burstone
1373-1375, 1971. Department of Orthodontics
2. Buehler WJ: Proceedings of 7th Navy Science (ONR-16 Office University of Connecticut Health Center
of Technical Services, US Department of Commerce, Washing- School of Dental Medicine
ton, DC). Vol. 1, unclassified, 1963. Farmington, CT 06032


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