Question 1134933

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Class 09 - Science
Time Allowed: 1 hour Maximum Marks: 30

Section A
1. Rutherford's alpha-particle scattering experiment was responsible for the discovery of:

a) Atomic nucleus b) Proton

c) Electron d) Neutron
2. Isotopes of an element have

a) Same physical properties b) Different chemical properties

c) Different atomic number d) Different number of neutrons

3. Which one of the following is a correct electronic configuration of sodium?

a) 2, 1, 8 b) 8, 2, 1

c) 2, 8 d) 2, 8, 1

4. Number of valence electrons in Cl– ion is:

a) 8 b) 18

c) 17 d) 16
5. On the basis of Rutherford's model of an atom, which sub-atomic particle is present in the nucleus of an atom?
6. Name the three sub-atomic particles in an atom.
7. Where are proteins synthesized inside the cell?
8. A porter lifts luggage of 15 kg from the ground and puts it on his head 1.5 m above the ground. Calculate the work done
by him on the luggage.

9. An object of mass 15 kg is moving with a uniform velocity of 4 ms-1. What is the kinetic energy possessed by the
10. A force of 5 N is acting on an object. The object is displaced through 2 m in the direction of the force (Fig.). If the force
acts on the object all through the displacement, then work done is 5 N × 2 m = 10 N m or 10 J.

Section B
11. a. Calculate the relative molecular mass of water (H2O).

b. Calculate the molecular mass of HNO3.

12. What do you think would be the observation if the α-particle scattering experiment is carried out using a foil of a metal
other than gold?
13. Why are lysosomes known as suicide bags?

14. What is the work to be done to increase the velocity of a car from 30 km h-1 to 60 km h-1 if the mass of the car is 1500

15. Certain force acting on a 20 kg mass changes its velocity from 5 ms-1 to 2 ms-1. Calculate the work done by the force.
16. Define the atomic mass unit.
17. What is meant by the term chemical formula?
18. What are the limitations of Rutherford's model of the atom?
19. What are the limitations of J.J.Thomson's model of the atom?
20. Define valency by taking examples of silicon and oxygen.


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