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“How a single book changed my life?

Intro: Teenage is the defining period of one’s life. It is the time when you are emotionally
vulnerable, inexperienced, and ignorant about the many facets of life. So it is natural for you
to get confused in situations when you have to make a decision between choices. My mom
gifted me a book after my exams were over, for me to understand how to deal with
circumstances that life throws at you when you get into the grind……. it changes gears from
the service lane to the main road. So far we have been enjoying our ride from the back seat
but now it’s time to prepare ourselves to take the driving seat.

Now a very warm good morning to one and all present here, I am Shaurya Saxena of class
11- A, and today I will be sharing my experience on “ How a single book changed my life”?
that is “ The defining decade”- Why your twenties matter and how to make the most of them
now. This book weaves the latest science of the twentysomething years and is also a practical
guide to making the most out of the years we cannot afford to miss.

I myself as a teenager face these dilemmas, so I can very well connect with the teenagers
who face these dilemmas on day to day basis.

Now I am in the midst of figuring out what I should really do with my life, why my
relationships have been debilitating, and what kind of academic and career choices I should
make. I got Many of my queries answered like :

1.)How do I know if I am right about my choices and not confused?

2.)How do I know if my companions are the right influence?

Body: Work:

Q. Now How many of you are certain of what you want to pursue in your life?

As a teenager, we often struggle for motivation, view our future as murky waters, and knee a
bit of fire in our bellies. I was stranded in the middle of the ocean and I had no clue in which
direction I should swim. Then after some time, I asked myself “What do you want to pursue
in life?”, and my answer was to be a chef because I love cooking, I thought I am a born
natural chef. And here is the proof. After having brief satisfaction with my talent, I asked
myself yet another question, “Will this fit with the world around me?” For the most part,
Naturals are myths. People who are especially good at something may have some innate
inclination, but they have also spent about ten thousand hours practicing or doing that
thing. Many teenagers do not realize that the choices they make are in fact shaping their
years ahead. They are fueled by fantasies than by experiences. So it’s time we create an
identity capital and do something that adds value to what we are and plan ahead because
Inaction breeds fear and doubt and action breeds confidence and courage.

Q.Now how many of you are well aware of the factors that lead to a healthy relationship?

People who have control over their emotions have great life satisfaction, optimism, purpose,
and better relationships with others because people love those who are like themselves.
One of the simplest ways through which you can identify your company is through The Big

1.)Openness: Are they open to new experiences, are they intellectually curious,

Imaginative or creative?

2.)Conscientiousness: Are they disciplined, efficient, responsible, or dutiful?

3.)Extraversion: Are they outgoing, enthusiastic, active, or even talkative?

4.)Agreeableness: Are they cooperative, kind, compassionate, or trusting?

5.)Neuroticism: Are they moody, tense, sensitive, or prone to sadness?

Earlier I used to be taken for a ride because of the choice of my company, but now I make
conscious efforts to recognize my companions with whom I should keep my company with.

It’s the people we hardly know and not our closest friends, who will improve our lives most

Brain and Body

Q How many of you feel anxious when someone criticizes you?

It was during my music classes this year, I felt anxious and demotivated when my teacher
criticized me for not singing the way she expected despite my love and hard work toward

When teens have their competence criticized, they become anxious and angry. They are
tempted to march in and take action. They generate negative feelings toward others, but as
we grow old we become wiser and learn to overlook them. With age comes positivity, we
become more interested in positive information and our brains react less strongly to any
negative information or behavior.

Closing: Confidence doesn’t come from the inside out. It moves from the outside in. People
feel less anxious and more confident on the inside when they can point to things they have
done well on the outside. Real confidence comes from mastery experiences which are the
actually lived moments of success, especially when things seem difficult. Decisions need to
be made because they do impact our future. Your life matters, so make the most of it by
taking deliberate actions earlier than later, especially in the direction that you may want to
go in.

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