SPC Practice Test

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SAFe Practice Consultant Practice (6.0)

Assessment Feedback
You have failed the SAFe Practice Consultant Practice (6.0).

Manohar Dondlapally

Sunday, 17 December, 2023

Your percent score is 77

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• The option marked is what you selected in the practice test.

• The information in the bar below each question indicates the score correct out of total possible points for the question.
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Topic Score
Thriving in the digital age 100%
SAFe® as an Operating system for Business Agility 100%
Seven Core Competencies for Achieving Business Agility 100%
The Lean-Agile Mindset 50%
SAFe® Core Values 100%
SAFe® Principles 80%
Cross-functional Agile teams 100%
Built-in Quality 100%
Organize Agile Release Trains around the flow of value 100%
Focus on Customer Centricity with Design Thinking 50%
Prioritize the ART Backlog 100%
PI Planning 75%
Develop on Cadence; Release on Demand 100%
A Continuous Delivery Pipeline with DevOps 100%
SAFe® Portfolio 100%
Connect the Portfolio to Enterprise Strategy 0%
Maintain the Portfolio Vision 0%
Portfolio Vision through Epics 100%
Lean Budgets and Guardrails 100%
Portfolio Flow 100%
Lead by Example 0%
Lead the Change 100%
SAFe® Implementation Roadmap 100%
Establish the Vision for Change 100%
Build a Powerful Guiding Coalition 100%
Identify Value Streams and ARTs 67%
The Implementation Plan 50%
Prepare for the ART Launch 50%
Train Teams and Launch the ART 100%
Coach the Train and the Teams 100%
Continuously Improve ART Performance with Inspect and Adapt50%
Launch more ARTs and Value Streams 100%
Enterprise Solution Delivery 100%
Agile Portfolio Operations 0%
Lean Governance 100%
LPM Implementation 100%
Establish Organizational Agility 100%
Build a Continuous Learning Culture 100%
Measure and Grow 50%
Coaching Flow 50%
Assessment result 77%

Question Feedback
Block 1: Candidate
Agreement Block 2:
Block 3: Questions

Feedback 1 of 60
What is one way Design Thinking measures success?





1 out of 1

Feedback 2 of 60
What does flow ve ocity measure?

How many items are currently in the system

The amount of each type of work in the system over time

How well teams, ARTs, and Solution Trains deliver on their PI Objectives

The number of backlog items completed in a given timeframe

1 out of 1

Feedback 3 of 60
Which of the following is one aspect of the Strategy and Investment Funding dimension of Lean Portfolio
Management (LPM)?

Measure Portfolio performance

Forecast and budget dynamically

Coordinate Value Streams

Establish portfolio flow

0 out of 1

Feedback 4 of 60
Who has the content authority for an Agi e Re ease Train (ART)?

Solution Management

Product Management

The Product Owner

Business Owners

1 out of 1

Feedback 5 of 60
Who faci itates team- eve events?

The Agile Team

The Scrum Master/Team Coach

The Product Owner

The Release Train Engineer (RTE)

1 out of 1
Feedback 6 of 60
Which of the following outlines the policies and practices for budgeting, spending, and governance for a specific

Lean budgets

Strategic themes

Portfolio Vision
Lean budget Guardrails

1 out of 1

Feedback 7 of 60
What is the next step for the portfo io after the future state portfo io canvas?

Develop the LPM adoption plan

Identify Epics and Enablers

Communicate decisions to Business Owners

Reorganize Agile teams

I O out of 1

Feedback 8 of 60
Why do organizations often start with Essentia SAFe?

A smaller number of teams is better when getting started

It provides the minimum set of roles and artifacts for an ART to be successful

It is adequate for the needs of most organizations

It prevents launching multiple ARTs in parallel

1 out of 1

Feedback 9 of 60
Which of the fo owing are three of the steps in the LPM Adoption Roadmap?

Align, Strategize, and Execute

Implement, Organize, and Measure

Operate, Review, and Measure and

Organize, Operate, and Govern

1 out of 1

Feedback 1O of 60
Which of the fo owing is one of the three e ements necessary to create a powerfu guiding coa ition?

Release Train Engineers (RTEs)

Product Managers

Trained Lean-Agile leaders

Enterprise Architects

1 out of 1

Feedback 11 of 60
What is a risk that can be understood from the ART Panning board?

No work is planned for the Innovation and Planning (IP) Iteration

A Feature has an excess of dependencies associated with it

Teams do not understand their Features and Epics

Teams' work in process (WIP) limits are being ignored

1 out of 1

Feedback 12 of 60
Which of the fo owing is a benefit of a minimum viab e product (MVP)?

It enables independent decision-making by stakeholders

It removes the need to analyze Epics

It creates a container for all work to be visible

It helps prove or disprove the Epic hypothesis

1 out of 1

Feedback 13 of 60
Which of the fo owing is an input to PI Panning?

Non-functional requirements (NFRs)

SWOT/TOWS analysis

The Portfolio canvas

Prioritized Epics

0 out of 1

Feedback 14 of 60
When shou d a Lean portfo io be estab ished?

When it is part of training the executives

When the lack of alignment between strategy and execution impacts value delivery

When there is a minimum of six Agile Release Trains (ARTs) that require coordination

When it is necessary to operate in a completely centralized environment

1 out of 1
Feedback 15 of 60
According to John Kotter, what is the first step to successfu change?

Creating a sense of

urgency Building a guiding

coalition Forming a

strategic vision Generating

short-term wins

Feedback 16 of 60
What is the recommended size of an effective Agi e Re ease Train (ART)?

75-150 people

25-125 people

50-150 people

50-125 people
11 out of 1

Feedback 17 of 60
What is one common reason an organization starts a SAFe transformation?

There is a 'burning platform,' and the company is failing to compete

There are SAFe-certified employees on staff

To partner with other Agile leaders in their industry

Because SAFe is becoming a standard in the industry

1 out of 1

Feedback 18 of 60
Time to market is too long, and the ART is unsure which part of their processes is problematic. What should be done

Ask leadership for direction

Facilitate a Value Stream mapping workshop

Start reporting on Progress Metrics and impediments daily

Redo the weighted shortest job first (WSJF) calculations and adjust as necessary

1 out of 1

Feedback 19 of 60
Which of the fo owing is a benefit of training a the teams on the ART together?

Accelerated learning

Alignment to business objectives

Easier to plan

Quicker to schedule

1 out of 1

Feedback 20 of 60
The design of an Agi e Re ease Train (ART) shou d remove what?

Dependencies between teams

Budgetary restrictions

Silos that inhibit flow

Geographic boundaries

1 out of 1

Feedback 21 of 60
Which of the fo owing is an area of responsibi ity for a SAFe Practice Consu tant (SPC)?

Coaching flow

Building High-Performing Teams

Coordinating an Epic's development

Supporting PI execution

0 out of 1
Feedback 22 of 60
Which SAFe core competency supports coordination across mu tip e ARTs?

Agile Product Delivery

Lean Portfolio Management

Lean-Agile Leadership

Enterprise Solution Delivery

1 out of 1

Feedback 23 of 60
Which of the following operates as a closed loop that supports frequent value delivery and continuous learning
about customers' needs?

Customer Centricity

Rapid Prototyping

Lean Thinking

Continuous Delivery Pipeline

11 out of 1

Feedback 24 of 60
What is the second operating system organized around?

Systems Value




1 out of 1

Feedback 25 of 60
According to SAFe Principe #10, what shou d the Enterprise do when markets and customers demand change?

Create a reliable decision-making framework to empower employees and ensure a fast flow of value

Reorganize the network around the new value flow

Create an initiative to focus on accelerating the flow of value

Apply development cadence and synchronization to operate effectively and manage uncertainty

1 out of 1

Feedback 26 of 60
Which SAFe Principe has the benefit of reducing the cost of risk-taking by truncating unsuccessfu paths quick y?

Unlock the intrinsic motivation of knowledge workers

Base milestones on objective evaluation of working systems

Apply cadence, synchronize with cross-domain planning

Build incrementally with fast, integrated learning cycles

1 out of 1

Feedback 27 of 60
What is one benefit of organizing an ART using the "p atform" ART topo ogy?

It helps identify dependencies and bottlenecks

It is effective for parts of the system that depend on specialist knowledge

It reduces cognitive load on other teams

It aligns with the existing organizational structure

0 out of 1

Feedback 28 of 60
When calculating and assessing team PI performance for the ART predictability measure, which statement is true
about the actual business value delivered?

It includes miscellaneous work

It includes uncommitted objectives

Actual business value can never exceed planned business value

Actual business value is scored using a modified Fibonacci scale

1 out of 1

Feedback 29 of 60
What is one reason the SAFe Imp ementation Roadmap inc udes a step to train Lean-Agi e change agents?

They approve funding for the implementation

They are responsible for the success of the SAFe Implementation

They are the focal point for change management activities

They provide the knowledge needed to implement change

1 out of 1

Feedback 30 of 60
Which of the fo owing is a critica ART event?



System Demo

Backlog refinement

1 out of 1
Feedback 31 of 60
Which is an aspect of systems thinking?

Mastery drives intrinsic motivation

Optimizing a component does not optimize the system

The length of the queue impacts the wait time

Cadence makes routine everything that can be routine

0 out of 1

Feedback 32 of 60
Why is it important for the SAFe Practice Consu tant (SPC) to support the ART in its first prob em-so ving workshop?

To address ART-level issues

To maximize the ART improvement items for the next PI

To prioritize senior management voices

To provide the tools needed to improve ART performance

11 out of 1

Feedback 33 of 60
Which statement is true about mu tip e Agi e Re ease Train (ART) ro outs?

Only one ART should be rolled out at a time to limit work in process (WIP)
ART rollouts should be incremental; one ART should start when another reaches the accelerate step in the
ARTs should only be rolled out if their system team has been identified

ART rollouts can be done sequentially or in parallel

1 out of 1

Feedback 34 of 60
Which of the fo owing is a benefit of organizing around Va ue Streams?

It ensures clearly defined roles and responsibilities

It is an efficient use of shared services

It reduces handoffs and allows for faster delivery

It improves resource utilization

1 out of 1

Feedback 35 of 60
Which flow metric indicates how many items are current yin the system?

Flow distribution

Flow load

Flow velocity

Flow efficiency

0 out of 1

Feedback 36 of 60
What is Business Agi ity?
The ability to compete and thrive in the digital age by quickly responding to market changes and emerging
opportunities with innovative business Solutions.
A customer-centric approach to defining, building, and releasing a continuous flow of valuable products and
services to customers and users.
How Lean-thinking people and Agile Teams optimize their business processes, evolve strategy with clear and
decisive new commitments, and quickly adapt the organization as needed to capitalize on new opportunities.
Applying Lean-Agile principles and practices to the specification, development, deployment, operation, and
evolution of the world's largest and most sophisticated systems.

1 out of 1

Feedback 37 of 60
The benefit hypothesis justifies the Feature imp ementation cost, and what e se?

It provides a high-level estimate of complexity

It provides architectural guidance

It provides business perspective when making scope decisions

It provides acceptance criteria

1 out of 1
Feedback 38 of 60
What is an examp e of app ying cadence-based synchronization in SAFe?

Teams align their Iterations to the same schedule

Teams meet regularly to schedule capacity

Teams deliver on a regular release schedule

Teams have the same length iteration

1 out of 1

Feedback 39 of 60
When is the right time to create the So ution Train Engineer (STE) ro e?

When problems coordinating Agile Release Trains (ARTs) are identified in the Inspect and Adapt (I&A) event

When a large Value Stream has enough Agile Release Trains (ARTs) to launch a Solution Train

When the second Value Stream is launched in a portfolio

When the first Agile Release Train is launched in a large Value Stream
1 out of 1

Feedback 40 of 60
Which of the fo owing is an aspect of the eading-by-examp e dimension of Lean-Agi e Leadership?

Lifelong learning


Psychological safety

Customer centricity

0 out of 1

Feedback 41 of 60
What is the fina activity on day one of PI Panning?

ROAMing risks

Business value assignment

Management review and problem-solving

Draft plan review

1 out of 1

Feedback 42 of 60
Who does the fina pan review in PI Panning?

Teams and Business Owners

Product Management

Teams only

Product Owners and Scrum Masters/Team Coaches

1 out of 1

Feedback 43 of 60
Why is it important that a SAFe Practice Consu tant (SPC) provide ongoing coaching?

To help the teams work independently of the Architectural Runway

To enable the business owners to release on demand

To build the ART's ability to decrease work in process (WIP)

To build the organization's Lean-Agile competencies

1 out of 1

Feedback 44 of 60
A prob em-so ving workshop focuses the Agi e Re ease Train (ART) to take what action?

To create improvement backlog items

To identify risks for the upcoming PI

To define the work needed for the Architectural Runway

To prepare for PI Planning

0 out of 1
Feedback 45 of 60
Which discip ine is necessary for a earning organization?

Lean budgets

Mental models

Design Thinking

Continuous Exploration

1 out of 1

Feedback 46 of 60
What is an examp e of traditiona mindset for Lean Portfo io Management?

Objective milestones

Lean budgeting

Demand management

Centralized annual planning

11 out of 1

Feedback 47 of 60
App ying which of the fo owing flow acce erators minimizes interruptions and increases productivity?

Reduce queue lengths

Minimize handoffs and dependencies

Optimize time in the zone

Remediate legacy policies and practices

O out of 1

Feedback 48 of 60
In SAFe Principe #1, how are ead time, product cost, va ue, and deve opment expense used?

To identify and evaluate economic trade-offs when making daily decisions

To limit work in process (WIP) through the system

To take into account sunk costs

To recover money already spent

1 out of 1

Feedback 49 of 60
What approach enab es Organizationa Agi ity?

Applying design thinking

Implementing a continuous delivery pipeline

Adopting a customer-centric mindset

Engaging in market sensing activities

1 out of 1

Feedback 50 of 60
What are specific and quantifiab e business performance measures for the va ue streams in a portfo io?

Objectives and key results (OKRs)

Lean budgets

Key performance indicators (KPls)

Flow metrics

1 out of 1

Feedback 51 of 60
Who typica y faci itates the ART sync

Value Management Office

Scrum Master/Team Coach

Release Train Engineer

Product Management

1 out of 1

Feedback 52 of 60
Which statement fits with the SAFe Core Va ue of Re ent ess Improvement?

Create a trust-based environment

Build a problem-solving culture

Provide ready access to needed information

Build long-term partnerships through mutual benefits

1 out of 1

Feedback 53 of 60
Which of the fo owing a igns strategy to execution via a co ection of the deve opment Va ue Streams?

An Enterprise strategy

A Portfolio Vision

A SAFe Portfolio

A Value Stream canvas

1 out of 1
Feedback 54 of 60
What is Customer Centricity?

A set of tools for building empathy with customers

A solution that delights customers

A mindset that focuses on the customer

A process for better understanding customer needs

0 out of 1

Feedback 55 of 60
Which statement is a va ue from the Agi e Manifesto?

Working software over processes and tools

Responding to change over following a plan

Individuals and interactions over contract negotiation

Customer collaboration over comprehensive documentation

I O out of 1

Feedback 56 of 60
What is a benefit of bui ding qua ity in?

Decreased need for telemetry and monitoring capabilities

Reduced number of items on the Architectural Runway

Reduced need for standards and documentation

Improved velocity and delivery predictability

1 out of 1

Feedback 57 of 60
Which of the fo owing is one responsibi ity of the Va ue Management Office (VMO)?

Coordinates Portfolio governance

Creates the Portfolio Vision

Translates the strategy into a plan

Manages the ART Backlog

0 out of 1

Feedback 58 of 60
Which of the fo owing is a princip e of Lean Thinking?

Build in quality for each product

Respond to changing requirements

Foster relentless improvement

Identify the Value Stream for each product

1 out of 1

Feedback 59 of 60
Which of the fo owing inc udes business outcomes, eading indicators, and non-functiona requirements?

Epic hypothesis statement

Minimum viable product (MVP) definition

Epic t-shirt size estimates

Weighted shortest job first (WSJF)

1 out of 1

Feedback 60 of 60
What is the benefit of timeboxing the preparation for the first PI Panning event?

To assure people that they will have sustainable pace of work

To reduce risk

To minimize the expansion of work during preparation

To maximize the quality of the preparation

0 out of 1

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