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Cheat Sheet Cee ‘A cloud digital leader can explain the features of Google Cloud's essential products and services as well as their advantages for businesses. Additionally, the Cloud Digital Leader can discuss typical business use cases and how cloud technologies assist an ‘organization. Anyone who wants to show their understanding of the fundamentals of cloud computing and how Google Cloud's products and services might well be utlized to further an organization's objectives should pursue this certification ‘You can learn with the aid of our cheat sheet as you get ready for the Google Cloud Digital Leader Exam, ‘Candidates who pass the exam will eam the Google Cloud Digital Leader Certification, ‘The Cloud Digital Leader exam evaluates your ‘expertise in the following areas: Digital transformation with Google Cloud 10% Innovating with data and Google Cloud 30% Infrastructure and application modernization 30% ‘Google Cloud security and operations 30% &skillCurb ‘Aremote virtual resource pool with shared, ‘on-demand resources that can be quickly and extensively employed is what is known as Cloud Computing. Compute, storage, database, and networking services are a few of these resources. ‘Types of clouds: ‘© Public Clouds * Private Clouds © Hybrid Clouds Cloud Service Models: ‘* Software asa service (SaaS) ‘¢ Platform asa service (PaaS) * Infrastructure as a service (laaS) Pere Ree ee Modem digital technologies—including all types of Public, private, and hybrid cloud platforms—are used in digital transformation to develop or modify corporate practices, culture, and consumer ‘experiences in response to shifting market and. business dynamics. ‘The Application modernization solutions from Google Cloud allow you to innovate more quickly while spending less money since they provide a Uniform development and operational experience as well as leading tools and advice. 6 © Oo 0 eo 8 en Ras ‘The Google Cloud Platform is a collection of cloud ‘computing services that Google offers. It employs the ‘same internal architecture that Google does for its ‘consumer products, including Google Search, Gmail Drive, and YouTube, ‘You can deploy, scale, and troubleshoot production issues using the Google Cloud Console user-friendly web interface. Acollection of tools for creating and managing Google Cloud resources is called the Google Cloud CLI. ‘These tools enable you to automate a variety of typical platform operations using scripts, other ‘automation methods, or the command line. ‘You can explore and learn about Google Cloud using the interactive shell environment known as Cloud ‘Shell, and you can also manage your projects and resources from a web browser. io rae Regardless of traffic or user location, GCP promises the greatest service availabilty level of any of the most well-known service providers — 99.95%. This implies that your system, website, or app will always be accessible and have 24/7 availabilty. oe ZOO” So »o5-- “© crocus EY ~"“O@ ©... oro Businesses can create and execute apps on Google's infrastructure due to the cloud computing services offered by Google Cloud Platform. GOP's core services includes: ‘App Engine: A platform-as-a-service that enables programmers to develop and operate apps on Google's infrastructure. Google Cloud Storage: A cloud storage service that provides users with access to Google's global network of data centers. Google Compute Engine: itis the infrastructure-as-a-service (|aaS). GCE lets users run virtual machines (VMs) on Google infrastructure. Google Kubernetes Engine: Kuberetes Engine is a powerful cluster manager and orchestration system for running containerized applications. Its available as @ managed service on the Google Cloud Platform (cep), More core services included Networking, Datastore, and Databases. essa Dataproc: You can use open-source data tools for ‘batch processing, querying, streaming, and machine earning using Dataproc. Dataflow: A cloud-based data processing service for batch and real-time data streaming applications. Firebase: Google's mobile development platform, Firebase, gives you the tools to create and expand your app quickiy. ii Vertex Al: Vertex Al unifies the Google Cloud services used for machine leaming development under a single Ul and API. You can now simply train and compare models in Vertex Al i Tensorflow: A Python library that offers APIs to enable a seamless transition from local TensorFlow debugging and training to distributed training in Google Cloud. Peet Cloud Armor: Helps you protect your Google Cloud deployments from multiple types of threats, including distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks and ‘application attacks like cross-site scripting (XSS). DLP: Allows you to control what users may share and ‘guards against unintended disclosure of private data such as identification or credit card detail. Google Cloud Platform also offers security and. identity products that help you meet your policy, regulatory, and business objectives. A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a legally binding ‘agreement between a client and a supplier that ‘outlines the expected level of service. A Service Level Objective (SLO) is the objective that the provider has committed to achieving. SLOs are represented as a particular goal percentage over time. Cloud Support API: It can be used for integrating Cloud Customer Care with your organization's ‘customer relationship management (CRM) system, It enables users to complete various support tasks directly in your CRM, including ‘© Creating and managing support cases. ‘¢ List, create, and download attachments for cases. ‘* List and create comments in cases. ‘TAM: Technical Account Managers are dependable technical consultants who concentrate on your, ‘* Organization's operational rigor. ‘© Platform health. © Architectural stability Cloud Billing Account: A Cloud Billing account is set Up in Google Cloud and is used to define who pays for ‘a given set of Google Cloud resources and Google Maps Platform APIs. ‘There are two types of Cloud Billing accounts: ‘¢ - Selt-serve (or Online) account ‘¢ Invoiced (or Offline) account Charging Cycles: For self-serve Cloud Billing accounts, your Google Cloud costs are charged ‘automaticaly in one of two ways: Costs are charged on a regular ‘Threshold billing: Costs are charged when your account has acorued a specific amount For Google Payments Profile You typically receive ‘one invoice per month and payment terms are determined by the agreement you made with Google. CEI Billing Account Creator Create new self-serve (online) billing accounts. Billing Account Administrator Manage biling accounts (but not create them), Billing Account Costs Manager Manage budgets and view and export cost information of billing accounts (but not pricing information). Billing Account Viewer View biling account cost information and transactions. Billing Account User Link projects to billing accounts, Project Billing Manager Link/unlink the project to/from a billing account. Billing Reports: Use the billing report to view and analyze your Google Cloud usage costs using many selectable settings and fiters, Pay-as-you-go pricing for the Google Cloud Platform ensures that you only pay for the resources you really utiize. There are no up-front costs or commitments of ‘any kind, Up to a specific usage threshold, the Google Cloud Platform is free to use, Google Clo Pricing Calculator Free Trial: 90-day free trial is offered by GCP. ‘Additionally, new users receive $300 in complimentary Credits to evaluate Google Cloud, Free Tier: The Google Cloud Platform (GCP) free tier offers your business time to sample out public cloud ‘computing for free, allowing you to lear more about it and utlize it for fee. (On-Demand: A consumption-based model means you only pay for what you use, based on a ‘consumption metric: ‘* By time: Hourly, minutes, seconds, milliseconds ‘Can be multiplied by configuration variables.vCPUs and Mem * ByAPI calls: $1 every 1000 transactions (On-demand pricing is ideal for: ‘© Low cost and flexible * only pay per hour ‘© short term, spiky, unpredictable workloads ‘© cannot be interrupted © For first-time apps Google Pricing Calculator: A free online application that can be used to determine the general cost of various GCP resources. ‘You can create your own Custom Price Quote for the products offered through Google Cloud based on the ‘number, usage, and power of servers.

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