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MSJ0010.1177/1352458517695892Multiple Sclerosis JournalE Giacomini, F Rizzo


Original Research Paper

Thymosin-α1 expands deficient IL-10- Multiple Sclerosis Journal


producing regulatory B cell subsets in DOI: 10.1177/

relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis patients © The Author(s), 2017.

Reprints and permissions:

Elena Giacomini, Fabiana Rizzo, Marilena P Etna, Melania Cruciani, Rosella Mechelli,
Maria Chiara Buscarinu, Francesca Pica, Cartesio D’Agostini, Marco Salvetti,
Eliana M Coccia and Martina Severa

Abstract Correspondence to:

EM Coccia
Background: B cells are key pathogenic effectors in multiple sclerosis (MS) and several therapies have Department of Infectious
Diseases, Istituto Superiore
been designed to restrain B cell abnormalities by directly targeting this lymphocyte population. di Sanità, Viale Regina Elena
Objectives: Moving from our data showing a Toll-like receptor (TLR)7-driven dysregulation of B 299, Rome 00161, Italy.
cell response in relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) and having found a low serum level Elena Giacomini
of Thymosin-α1 (Tα1) in patients, we investigated whether the addition of this molecule to peripheral Fabiana Rizzo
Marilena P Etna
blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) would influence the expansion of regulatory B cell subsets, known to Melania Cruciani
dampen autoimmune inflammation. Eliana M Coccia
Martina Severa
Methods: Serum Tα1 level was measured by enzyme immunoassay. Cytokine expression was evaluated Department of Infectious
Diseases, Istituto Superiore di
by Cytometric Bead Array (CBA), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), and real-time reverse Sanità, Rome, Italy
transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). B cell subsets were analyzed by flow cytometry. Rosella Mechelli
Maria Chiara Buscarinu
Results: Tα1 pre-treatment induces an anti-inflammatory status in TLR7-stimulated RRMS PBMC Marco Salvetti
cultures, reducing the secretion of pro-inflammatory interleukin (IL)-6, IL-8, and IL-1β while sig- Centre for Experimental
Neurological Therapies
nificantly increasing the regulatory IL-10 and IL-35. Indeed, Tα1 treatment enhanced expansion of (CENTERS), Sapienza
CD19+CD24+CD38hi transitional-immature and CD24low/negCD38hi plasmablast-like regulatory B cell University of Rome, Rome,
subsets, which likely inhibit both interferon (IFN)-γ and IL-17 production. Francesca Pica
Conclusion:: Our study reveals a deficient ability of B cells from MS patients to differentiate into regula- Department of Experimental
Medicine and Surgery,
tory subsets and unveils a novel anti-inflammatory and repurposing potential for Tα1 in MS targeting B University of Rome Tor
Vergata, Rome, Italy
cell response.
Cartesio D’Agostini
Department of Experimental
Medicine and Surgery,
University of Rome Tor
Keywords: Multiple sclerosis, B-lymphocytes, regulatory, thymosin alpha1 Vergata, Rome, Italy/Clinical
Microbiology Laboratories,
Tor Vergata Hospital, Rome,
Date received: 4 November 2016; revised: 16 January 2017; accepted: 1 February 2017 Italy
E.G. and F.R. shared first
co-authorship. E.M.C. and
M.S. equally contributed to
this work.
Introduction pathology of MS has provided momentum to explore
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a complex disease affect- more specific and hopefully more effective immune-
ing the central nervous system with both autoimmune based therapeutic strategies.
and neurodegenerative features, in which the strong
interaction between specific genetic components and In this study, for the first time we explore the potential
environmental factors leads to chronic activation of ability of Thymosin-α1 (Tα1) to modulate the inflam-
inflammatory processes. The complexity of the dis- matory milieu in MS.
ease and its diverse clinical course has lead over the
years to many therapeutic options. However, despite Tα1 is a 28-amino-acid peptide, mainly produced in
the enlargement of the drug armamentarium, approved the thymus gland, belonging to a family of hormone-
disease-modifying drugs display only partial efficacy. like molecules discovered back in the 1960s for their
Advances in understanding the pathophysiology and ability to stimulate the immune system.1 Considered a 1
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 

specific regulator of lymphocyte functions and intra- steroids or any disease-modifying drugs for at least
cellular pathways, Tα1 has long been regarded as a three months prior to their enrollment in the study.
molecule retaining pleiotropic effects toward several Additional exclusion criteria included presence of
pathological conditions,2–4 especially acting as a mod- other disorders that may be associated with abnormal
ulator of immune responses and inflammation.5 In immune response and pregnancy. Demographic and
this regard, effects of Tα1 were shown on different clinical data are detailed in Table 1.
immune cell subsets, most importantly on dendritic
cells (DC)6,7 and on subpopulations of T cells.8,9 In Twenty age- and sex-matched healthy donors (HD)
particular, we recently demonstrated that Tα1, by act- were also enrolled (median age ± SD = 37.5 ± 7 years,
ing as a context-dependent molecule, could regulate range = 27–53; female-to-male ratio = 1:5). Demo-
microbial-induced functional maturation in DC and graphic data are listed in Table 2. The study was
dampen pro-inflammatory cytokine milieu depending approved by the Ethics Committee of S. Andrea
on cell insult.7 Furthermore, Tα1 treatment was shown Hospital (CE 204/10), and all the subjects involved in
to drive regulatory T cell differentiation and prolifera- the study gave written informed consent.
tion in different settings.8,10

Synthetic Tα1 has been used worldwide and is cur- Cell isolation and stimulation
rently in advanced-stage clinical trials for the treat- Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) were
ment of many malignancies and infectious diseases as isolated from peripheral blood (~40 mL) withdrawn
well as an adjuvant in vaccine formulations display- from MS patients and paired HD by density gradient
ing an excellent safety profile and tolerability and centrifugation using Lympholyte-H (Cedarlane
increased effectiveness of chemotherapies or anti- Laboratories, Burlington, ON, Canada) and cultured
infection drugs in combination therapies.11 (1 × 106cells/mL) in Roswell Park Memorial Institute
(RPMI) 1640 (Lonza, BioWhittaker Europe, Verviers,
Tα1’s ability to establish a regulatory environment for Belgium) supplemented with 2 mM L-glutamine,
balance of inflammation and tolerance might be of 100 U/mL penicillin, 100 µg/mL streptomycin (Gibco,
key importance in novel therapeutic applications Thermo Fisher Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA), and
toward autoimmune diseases and MS. 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS) (Lonza, BioWhittaker
In light of growing evidences on the disease-driving
relevance of B cells in MS12 and moving from our data Whole PBMCs were then stimulated with optimal
showing a Toll-like receptor (TLR)7-driven dysregu- dose of a specific TLR7 agonist (25 µM 3M001, a
lation of B cell response in MS patients,13,14 in this in kind gift of Dr Mark Tomai, 3M pharmaceuticals).13,16
vitro study we assessed the capacity of synthetic Tα1 Where indicated, 100 ng/mL Tα1 (Sigma–Tau,
to modulate the inflammatory milieu and the genera- Pomezia, Italy) was added 2 hours before the TLR7
tion of regulatory B cell (B reg) subsets induced by agonist treatment as previously described.7
T cell-independent stimuli in MS-affected individuals, Supplementary Table 1 and Supplementary Figure 1
interestingly showing a low serum level of endoge- report preliminary dose-response experiments that
nous Tα1 as compared to matched healthy controls. were conducted to choose dose to be used in the study
and evaluate impact of 10 or 100 ng/mL Tα1 on the
survival of CD19+ B cells, CD3+ T cells, and CD14+
Materials and methods monocytes (Supplementary Table 1), as well as Tα1
effect on Immunoglobulin (Ig) M or IgG production
Patients (Supplementary Figure 1) upon 7 days of culture.
A total of 20 untreated patients with definite relapsing–
remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) according to
McDonald’s criteria15 [median age ± standard devia- Flow cytometry analysis
tion (SD) = 39 ± 7 years (range = 20–51); female-to- Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) for CD24 (clone #ML5,
male ratio = 1:5] were enrolled at the S. Andrea R&D Systems), CD19 (clone #HIB19), CD38 (clone
Hospital MS Center (Sapienza University, Rome, #HIT2), CD86 (clone #FUN-1), CD27 (clone #M-T271),
Italy). CD138 (clone #M-T271), IgD (clone #IA6-2), and CD5
(clone #UCHT2) as well as IgG1, IgG2a isotype con-
Median Expanded Disability Status Scale was 1 trols (BD Pharmingen, San Diego, CA, USA), conju-
(range = 0–3), and median disease duration was gated with different fluorochromes as needed, were used
4 years (range = 1–9). Patients had not been taking to stain PBMCs. Briefly, cells (1 × 105) were collected

E Giacomini, F Rizzo et al.

Table 1. Main demographic and clinical characteristics of MS patients.

Sex Age (years) Disease duration EDSS Gd+ lesions on

(years) MRI
RRMS1 M 45 1 0 +
RRMS2 M 42 1 1 −
RRMS3 F 45 3 3 −
RRMS4 F 26 4 1 −
RRMS5 F 34 2 0 +
RRMS6 F 42 3 3 +
RRMS7 M 45 7 1 −
RRMS8 M 39 3 0 −
RRMS9 M 46 8 1 −
RRMS10 F 33 4 0 −
RRMS11 M 39 2 0 −
RRMS12 F 51 9 3 −
RRMS13 F 33 8 3 −
RRMS14 M 34 1 2 +
RRMS15 F 37 7 2 −
RRMS16 F 33 5 0 −
RRMS17 F 20 1 0 −
RRMS18 F 44 6 3 +
RRMS19 M 35 7 1 −
RRMS20 F 45 5 0 −
EDSS: expanded disability status scale; Gd: gadolinium; MRI: nuclear magnetic resonance imaging; RRMS: relapsing–remitting
multiple sclerosis.
The reported characteristics are referred to patients at the moment of blood withdrawals.

Table 2. Main demographic characteristics of healthy and washed once in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
containing 2% FBS, then incubated at 4°C for 30 min-
Sex Age (years) utes with Fixable Viability Dye (eBioscience, San Diego,
CA, USA) to exclude dead cells (see Supplementary
HD1 M 51
Figure 2 for live gating strategy) as well as mAbs. For
HD2 M 27
intracellular interleukin (IL)-10 production, PBMCs
HD3 M 34
from HD or MS patients at day 7 of culture were treated
HD4 M 35
HD5 F 39
for 6 hours with phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (40 ng/
HD6 M 30 mL) and Ionomycin (1 µg/mL) (Sigma–Aldrich, St.
HD7 F 39 Louis MO, USA). Then, upon surface labeling with B
HD8 F 47 cell lineage markers and dead cell exclusion, intracellu-
HD9 F 53 lar staining for IL-10 (anti-IL-10-APC mAb, clone
HD10 F 36 #JES3-19F1; BD Pharmingen) was performed using the
HD11 F 35 Intracellular Fixation & Permeabilization Buffer Set
HD12 F 35 (eBioscience).
HD13 M 39
HD14 F 36 After staining, cells were fixed with 2% paraformal-
HD15 F 27 dehyde and run on a Gallios Instrument (Beckman
HD16 M 44 Coulter, Brea, CA, USA). Data were analyzed by
HD17 F 39 Kaluza software (Beckman Coulter) and Flow Jo soft-
HD18 M 35 ware (Tree Star, Inc., Ashland, OR, USA).
HD19 F 43
HD20 F 44
HD: healthy donor. ELISpot assay
The reported characteristics are referred to donors at the PBMCs from MS patients were cultured for 7 days
moment of blood withdrawal.
with the specific TLR7 agonist 3M001 (25 µM) in the 3
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 

RNA purification and real-time RT-PCR

DNase-I-treated total RNA was purified from MS- or
HD-derived PBMCs using the RNeasy Mini Kit
(Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA) and reverse-transcribed
by the Murine Leukemia Virus Reverse Transcriptase
(Invitrogen Life Technologies, Carlsbad, CA, USA).
Quantitative RT-PCR for the housekeeping gene
TATA-box-binding protein (TBP) and for IL-10, IL-35/
p35, and IL-35/EBI3 transcripts were done in dupli-
cates using the LightCycler FastStart DNA SYBR
Green I Master Mix in the presence of 3 µM MgCl2 on
a LightCycler Instrument (Roche Diagnostics, Basel,
Switzerland) as previously described.14

Sample values of each messenger RNA (mRNA)

were normalized to TBP using the formula 2−ΔCt.

Primer pairs used in this study were as follows:


Figure 1. Determination of endogenous Tα1 in sera of TBP reverse: 5′-CCCAGATAGCAGCACGGTAT-′3;
RRMS patients and matched healthy controls. Sera from IL-10 forward: 5′-TGAGAACAGCTGCACCCACT
20 therapy-free RRMS and 20 sex- and age-matched
healthy donors (HD) were collected and Tα1 levels
evaluated by EIA test. p-values for comparisons between IL-10 reverse: 5′-GCTGAAGGCATCTCGGAGATC-′3;
two groups were calculated by Mann–Whitney U-test. IL-35/p35 forward: 5′-TGCAGGCCCTGAATTTCA
***p = 0.0008.
IL-35/p35 reverse: 5′-CAAGGGAGGATTTTTGTG
presence or absence of 100 ng/mL Tα1. For ELISpot GC-′3;
assay, cells were recovered and incubated for 3 hours IL-35/EBI3 forward: 5′-CGTGCCTTTCATAACAG
at 37°C in IgM- or IgG-coated 96-wells flat-bottomed AGCA-′3;
microtiter plates. Wells were subsequently washed IL-35/EBI3 reverse: 5′-GACGTAGTACCTGGCTC
and incubated overnight at 4°C with alkaline phos- GG-′3.
phatase-conjugated goat anti-human IgM or IgG
(Sigma, Ronkonkoma, NY, USA). After extensive
washings with PBS-Tween, the alkaline phosphatase
Tα1 serum level determination
substrate 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl phosphate
Sera from 20 HD and 20 MS sex- and age-matched
(Sigma) was added to each well. After rinsing and
individuals were collected and Tα1 levels were evalu-
drying, the spots were enumerated under a stereomi-
ated by Tα1-specific enzyme immunoassay (EIA) test
croscope with 40-fold magnification.
(ALPCO Diagnostic, Salem, NH, USA), according to
manufacturers’ instruction.

Cytokine determination
Supernatants from PBMCs, cultured for 1 or 7 days as Statistical analysis
indicated, were harvested and stored at −80°C. Statistical significance of differences was determined
Determination of IL-6, IL-1, IL-8, IL-10 was using Ministat 2.1 software. Student’s t-test was used
performed by Cytometric Bead Array (CBA; BD for paired data. For unpaired data, Mann–Whitney
Biosciences, San Jose, USA). IL-17 and interferon U-test was applied for comparisons between two
(IFN)-γ production was measured by specific enzyme- groups, whereas two-way ANOVA was utilized for
linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kits (R&D comparisons between more than two groups using
Systems). Shown values represent the means ± stand- two-tailed p-values.
ard error of the means (SEM) of the cytokine concen-
trations detected in the supernatants of cultures Results were shown as mean values ± SEM. p ⩽ 0.05
collected from independent individuals. was considered significant. In the figures, star scale

E Giacomini, F Rizzo et al.

was assigned as follows: *p ⩽ 0.05; **p ⩽ 0.01; Consistently with a promotion of an anti-inflamma-
***p ⩽ 0.001. tory milieu by Tα1 treatment, together with an
increased IL-10 gene expression upon 1 week of cul-
ture, we also found an induced transcription of the
Results two subunits p35 and EBI3 composing IL-35, another
immune-suppressive cytokine produced by regulatory
Tα1 serum level is halved in sera of MS patients cells17 (Figure 2(c)).
as compared to healthy individuals
MS patients show a highly inflammatory condition
and dysregulated immune responses. Because of that Tα1 in vitro affects the differentiation of
we wanted to evaluate whether the endogenous Tα1 plasmablasts in TLR7-treated PBMCs from
serum levels would differ in matched healthy and therapy-free RRMS patients
MS-affected individuals. Quantitative determination Having found that Tα1 impacts cytokine production
in sera collected from 20 HD and 20 RRMS subjects in TLR7-stimulated PBMCs derived from therapy-
clearly showed that endogenous Tα1 was signifi- free RRMS patients, we sought to investigate whether
cantly lower in patients than in controls (Figure 1). this molecule could exert any immune-modulatory
effect on TLR-induced B cell responses.
Providing that Tα1 molecule is considered as an
important player in controlling central and peripheral Together with TLR9 ligands, TLR7-specific agonists
immune tolerance and inflammatory status,5,7 this were shown to sustain B cell differentiation and matu-
result may suggest an association of the deficient ration status by driving in vitro cytokine production
endogenous production of Tα1 with the altered and proliferation into Ig secreting cells.18
inflammatory condition observed in MS.
In our experimental setting, we found that a 7-day
stimulation with TLR7 agonist in the presence of Tα1
Tα1 promotes a regulatory milieu in cells of MS significantly increased the differentiation of circulat-
patients upon TLR7 stimulation ing CD19+ B cells derived from RRMS patients into
Since we recently demonstrated that TLR7 pathway is CD38+CD138+ plasmablasts (Figure 3(a)) to a level
dysregulated in MS patients affecting B cell-mono- closer to that found in TLR7-treated cells derived
cyte crosstalk,13,16 next we investigated whether the from HD (Figure 3(b)). Conversely, Tα1 displayed no
exogenous addition of synthetic Tα1 to MS cells effect in HD (Figure 3(b)). However, this enhanced
would modulate TLR7-induced responses. differentiation into plasmablasts did not correlate
with an increased maturation status. Indeed, CD86
In this study, we analyzed the effect of an in vitro expression, whose signaling normally enhances Ig
exposure to Tα1 on PBMCs derived from therapy- secretion,19 was significantly reduced (Figure 3(c)
free RRMS patients treated for 1 and 7 days with a and (d)). Furthermore, when Tα1 was added to TLR7-
specific TLR7 agonist (3M001). Culture superna- treated RRMS PBMC cultures, the capacity of B cells
tants were then harvested and assayed for level of the to differentiate into IgM- or IgG-secreting cells was
pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1β, IL-8, and IL-6 by also lowered (Figure 3(e)). This scenario is in line
CBA (Figure 2(a)). Interestingly, the increasing with a more regulatory phenotype of these cells.20
TLR7-induced production of these inflammatory
factors in culture was drastically reduced at both
analyzed time points when PBMCs were pre-treated Tα1 treatment expands IL-10-producing
with Tα1. Moreover, Tα1 drove an enhancement of regulatory B cell subsets in TLR7-treated PBMC
IL-10 production in TLR7-treated PBMCs of MS cultures of RRMS patients
patients (Figure 2(b)). In particular, the already Over the last decade, many studies have identified
higher induction of IL-10 observed in cells stimu- distinct human B reg subsets.21 In particular, two pop-
lated for 1 day was even more pronounced at day 7 of ulations have been characterized in health and dis-
culture in the presence of Tα1 and TLR7 agonist as ease, CD19+CD24+CD38hi transitional-immature B
compared to TLR7 stimulation alone. IL-10 is a reg arising from CD27− B cells22 and CD24low/neg
potent anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive CD38hi plasmablast-like B reg cells differentiating
cytokine that blocks immune responses by acting from CD27+ memory B cell subset.23
directly and indirectly at different levels inhibiting
production of pro-inflammatory factors, antigen Our in vitro studies show that upon TLR7 stimula-
presentation, and cell proliferation.17 tion in PBMC cultures of RRMS patients B 5
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 

Figure 2. Recombinant Tα1 treatment skews the TLR7-induced pro-inflammatory status in RRMS patients toward a
more anti-inflammatory and regulatory environment. PBMCs from therapy-free RRMS patients were stimulated for 1
or 7 days as specified with either 100 ng/mL synthetic Tα1, 25 µM 3M001 (a specific TLR7 agonist) or both of them.
(a) Levels of IL-1β, IL-8, and IL-6 or (b) IL-10 were measured in culture supernatants by Cytometric Bead Array.
*p ⩽ 0.03. (c) Transcription level of IL-10 gene and genes encoding the subunits IL-35/p35 and IL-35/EBI3 were
evaluated by quantitative real-time RT-PCR in total RNA of PBMCs cultured for 7 days as described above. Tata-binding
protein (TBP) was used as housekeeping gene and Ct values normalized by 2−ΔCt formula. **p = 0.01. Data are shown as
mean ± SEM obtained from six MS patients. p-values for paired data were calculated by Student’s t-test.

cells differentiate mainly in CD19+CD24intCD38int HD cells than that found in RRMS, and Tα1 did not
(primarily mature) and CD19+CD24hiCD38− (primar- change their frequency (Figure 4(b) and (c)).
ily memory) B cells (Figure 4(a)). However, Tα1 treat-
ment expands both transitional-immature and In accordance, the combination of synthetic Tα1 and
plasmablast-like B reg subsets, which were almost TLR7 ligation strongly enhanced the intracellular
completely absent in RRMS PBMCs treated only with IL-10 production in CD19+-gated B cells (Figure 5(a))
TLR7 agonist (Figure 4(a)), to the levels found in HD to a level similar to TLR7-treated HD cells (Figure
(Figure 4(b) and (c)). Interestingly, both populations 5(b)). Interestingly, IL-10 expression was confined to
differentiated at a much higher level in TLR7-treated both transitional-immature and plasmablast-like B reg

E Giacomini, F Rizzo et al.

Figure 3. In vitro Tα1 stimulation of PBMCs from RRMS patients enhances TLR7-induced CD38+CD138+ plasmablast
differentiation but reduces their maturation status and Immunoglobulin (Ig) production. PBMCs from therapy-free RRMS
patients or healthy donors (HD) were stimulated for 7 days with 25 µM of specific TLR7 agonist 3M001 in presence or
absence of 100 ng/mL synthetic Tα1. B cell phenotype was assessed by staining with CD19, CD27, CD138, and CD38
surface antigens and analyzed by flow cytometry in gated Fixable Viability dye negative live cells. The percentage (%)
of CD38+CD138+ plasmablasts was evaluated in CD19+CD27+ B cell gate. (a) Representative dot plots derived from one
RRMS patient are depicted. (b) Mean ± SEM of results derived from six MS and six matched HD are shown. p-values
for paired data were calculated by Student’s t-test; *p = 0.022. p-values for unpaired data were calculated by two-way
ANOVA test; **p = 0.0015. CD86 expression was evaluated in CD19+ total B cell gate. (c) Representative overlays on
untreated cells derived from one patient. (d) Mean ± SEM of results derived from six MS and six HD. (e) In the same
culturing conditions, IgM- and IgG-secreting cells (SC) were detected and enumerated by isotype-specific ELISpot assay.
Values represent mean ± SEM of results obtained from six MS patients. p-values were calculated by Student’s t-test. For
IgM: **p = 0.01, for IgG: *p = 0.036. 7
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 

Figure 4. Tα1 treatment drives proliferation of regulatory B cell subsets in PBMC cultures of RRMS patients. PBMCs
from therapy-free RRMS patients were stimulated for 7 days with 25 µM of specific TLR7 agonist 3M001 in presence or
absence of 100 ng/mL synthetic Tα1. B cell subsets were characterized by staining PBMCs with CD19, CD27, CD24, and
CD38 surface antigens and analyzed by flow cytometry in gated Fixable Viability dye negative live cells. The percentage
(%) of CD24hiCD38hi transitional-immature B reg and CD24low/negCD38hi regulatory plasmablasts was evaluated in
CD19+ total B cell gate. (a) Representative dot plots derived from one patient are depicted. (b) and (c) Mean ± SEM of
percentage (%) of subsets in CD19+ B cells derived from six MS and six matched healthy donors (HD) are shown. p-
values for paired data were calculated by Student’s t-test; whereas p-values for unpaired data were calculated by two-way
ANOVA test; **p ⩽ 0.01.

subsets and in our settings, it was mainly a preroga- Discussion

tive of CD24low/negCD38hi regulatory plasmablasts Accumulating evidence has brought B cells into focus
(Figure 5(c)). as critical players in MS immune-pathogenesis.12,26
However, even if historically B cell implication in MS
In inflammatory conditions, the regulatory activity of was linked to abnormally increased Ig levels in the
IL-10-producing B reg subsets is exerted by function- cerebro-spinal fluid of patients as well as Ab-deposition
ally suppressing IFN-γ+ Th1/IL-17+ Th17 CD4+ T cell in brain lesions,27 important Ab-independent patho-
responses.23–25 Taking advantage of our experimental genic roles of B cells are emerging, also in light of
setting based on the mixed cell population of MS successful results of B cell-depleting therapies in
patient–derived PBMCs, we evaluated whether the MS.28
expansion of both Tα1-induced transitional-immature
and plasmablast-like B reg subsets correlated with the In particular, B cells can efficiently present antigens
reduction of pathogenetic Th1 and Th17 populations, to T cells and modulate local immune responses by
as evaluated by the release of IFN-γ and IL-17. secreting soluble factors. Distinct B cell subsets with
Interestingly, the addition of Tα1 to TLR7 agonist- different functional properties have been identified in
treated PBMC cultures partially decreased the release humans based on their ability to express on one hand
of IFN-γ and dramatically suppressed the production IL-10 and IL-35 (B reg cells) and on the other hand
of IL-17 suggesting the involvement of IL-10- Tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α, lymphotoxin (LT),
producing regulatory B cell populations in this inhibi- IL-6, or granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating
tory effect (Figure 6). factor (the so-called pro-inflammatory B cells).17 This
cytokine network was found dysregulated in patients
All together, these findings highlight the therapeutic with MS, whose B cells exhibit a decreased average
potential of Tα1 in MS as well as in other autoim- production of the anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10.29
mune conditions that show reduced differentiation of Furthermore, B cells of MS patients exhibit aberrant
B reg subsets and chronic immune activation. pro-inflammatory responses, with increased LT:IL-10

E Giacomini, F Rizzo et al.

Figure 5. In vitro Tα1 stimulation expands IL-10-producing regulatory B cell subsets in TLR7-treated PBMCs of
RRMS patients. PBMCs from therapy-free RRMS patients were stimulated for 1 or 7 days as specified with either
100 ng/mL synthetic Tα1 or 25 µM 3M001 (a specific TLR7 agonist) or both of them. A total of 40 ng/mL PMA and
1 µg/mL Ionomycin were added for the last 6 hours of culture. CD19+IL-10+ B cells were measured by intracellular
cytokine staining. IL-10 expression in CD19+ live B cells was assessed relative to an isotype matched control mAb. (a)
Representative dot plots derived from one patient are depicted. (b) Mean ± SEM of percentage (%) of CD19+IL-10+ B
cells derived from six MS and six matched healthy donors (HD) are shown. p-values for paired data were calculated by
Student’s t-test; **p = 0.01. p-values for unpaired data were calculated by two-way ANOVA test; ***p = 0.0002. (c) IL-
10-producing B cell subsets were characterized by staining PBMCs with CD19, CD27, CD24, and CD38 surface antigens
and analyzed by flow cytometry in CD19+ live B cells. Representative dot plots from one patient are shown.

Figure 6. Tα1-expanded IL-10-producing regulatory B cell subsets are functionally suppressive. PBMCs from therapy-
free RRMS patients were stimulated for 7 days with synthetic Tα1 (100 ng/mL) in presence or absence of the specific
TLR7 agonist 3M001 (25 µM). IFN-γ and IL-17 production were assayed by specific ELISA kits in culture supernatants.
Shown values represent mean ± SEM obtained from experimental data of four independently processed RRMS patients.
p-values were calculated by Student’s t-test; *p < 0.05. 9
Multiple Sclerosis Journal 

ratio and exaggerated LT and TNF-α secretion, that in vitro settings22,23), understanding TLR7-mediated
may mediate “bystander activation” of disease-rele- skewing of MS B cells into regulatory cells might
vant pro-inflammatory T cells, resulting in new reveal important insights of this disease.
relapsing MS disease activity.30
Our study demonstrated a striking difference in the abil-
Thus, research in MS field is seeking for strategies to ity of B cells of RRMS patients, as compared to matched
target or modulate the pro-inflammatory responses into controls, to differentiate into both CD24+CD38hi transi-
a more anti-inflammatory scenario and, in this regard, tional-immature and CD24low/negCD38hi plasmablast-
manipulating B reg subsets might be successful. like B reg subsets upon TLR7 stimulation.

Wolf et al. first observed that B10.PL mice lacking B Interestingly, in the same patients we found, for the
cells suffered an unusually severe and chronic form of first time, a deficient endogenous production of Tα1.
experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, the MS Concentration of Tα1 in human serum is very high in
mouse model, suggesting that anti-inflammatory B fetuses and newborns, when the immune system is
cells in charge of negatively regulating inflammatory first developing but rapidly drops in early childhood
reactions might possibly be depleted.31 However, the coincident with the maturation of T cells in the body
term “regulatory B cells” was first introduced by remaining to a steady-state level through adulthood.
Mizoguchi and Bhan32 10 years later. Since then, the However, deregulation in Tα1 serum concentrations
family of B reg is expanding with many subsets iden- were found in different types of cancers or infectious
tified and shown to arise at different stages of B cell diseases and, more recently, in patients affected with
differentiation in a context-dependent manner.21 In chronic inflammatory autoimmune diseases (includ-
particular, among many others, two main B reg popu- ing psoriatic arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and sys-
lations have been deeply characterized: CD24+CD38hi temic lupus erythematosus), which have a much
transitional-immature B reg arising from CD27− B lower level of serum Tα1 as compared to healthy
cell compartment22 and CD24low/negCD38hi plasmab- controls.38
last-like B reg cells differentiating from CD27+ mem-
ory B cells.23 We hypothesized that the deficient endogenous Tα1
level found in sera of MS patients could be related to
While many studies showed that B cell-derived IL-10 MS-associated altered inflammatory status. Thus, we
production is strongly down-regulated in MS investigated whether the exogenous addition of
patients,29,30 only few studies have characterized so far recombinant Tα1 to MS cells would regulate TLR7-
B reg populations in MS using different Ab cocktails, induced responses of peripheral blood cells from
thus having contrasting results and showing either no RRMS patients. In vitro exposure to Tα1 drastically
difference or reduction in IL-10-producing B reg sub- reduced the TLR7-induced production of the pro-
sets in MS as compared to healthy individuals.33–36 inflammatory cytokines, IL-1β, IL-8, and IL-6, while
increasing expression of the anti-inflammatory medi-
Here, we set up an experimental procedure to study ators IL-10, and IL-35. Accordingly, Tα1 treatment
differentiation of B reg subsets not in cultures of puri- restored the ability of RRMS B cells to differentiate
fied B cells but in the context of the mixed cell popu- into IL-10-producing transitional-immature B reg and
lation of PBMCs resembling the peculiar in vivo regulatory plasmablasts to the level found in HD.
scenario found in either patients or HD. In particular,
upon stimulation with TLR7 agonist, PBMCs could B reg cells suppress proliferation of inflammatory
account for cytokine production as well as triggering CD4+ T cells as well as the release of IFN-γ, TNF-α
of CD40 signaling generating an in vitro B cell prolif- and IL-17; this mechanism is partially mediated
erating milieu unique for either healthy individuals or directly through the production of IL-10.22,25 In this
patients. study, the B reg subsets expanded in Tα1 plus TLR7
agonist-treated MS patient–derived PBMC cultures
Our interest on TLR7 pathways in MS is long-lasting. are likely to be involved in the reduction of IFN-γ and
Besides the knowledge that dysregulation in TLR7 IL-17 production, thus suggesting a suppressive activ-
gene expression was implicated at different levels in ity of these cells.
autoimmunity as well as specifically in MS disease
progression,37 we also recently demonstrated that However, further studies are needed to identify in a
TLR7 responses of MS-derived plasmacytoid DC and larger cohort of MS patients and at different stages of
B cells are dysregulated.13,16 Thus, besides TLR9 disease if the positive effects described in this study
stimulation (the most used stimulus in B reg inducing are ascribable to a specific group of patients or

E Giacomini, F Rizzo et al.

clinical stage or rather generalized to individuals Declaration of Conflicting Interests

affected by MS disease. The author(s) declared the following potential
conflicts of interest with respect to the research,
The results reported in this study are interesting in authorship, and/or publication of this article: Marco
view of the impressive number of data supporting the Salvetti received lecture fees from Biogen–Dompé,
potential clinical benefits and tolerability of synthetic research support from Bayer–Schering, Biogen–
Tα1 produced after 1985, when this molecule was first Dompé, Merck Serono, and Sanofi–Aventis. Enrico
used in a clinical trial. Since then, Tα1 was tested in Garaci is a thymosin patent holder.
combination with chemotherapeutic agents or antiviral
drugs for the treatment of cancer or chronic infectious Funding
diseases, as well as an adjuvant for influenza and hep- The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following
atitis B antiviral vaccines in subjects immunocompro- financial support for the research, authorship, and/or
mised due to age or hemodialysis.11 This clinical usage publication of this article: This work was supported
in cancer or chronic infections, in which a pro-inflam- by the Italian Multiple Sclerosis Foundation projects
matory activity and an immune potentiation is needed, #2013/R/9 (to E.M.C.) and #2014/R/19 (to M.S.) and
might seem difficult to reconcile with its use in auto- from Istituto Superiore di Sanità (to E.M.C.).
immune conditions where an anti-inflammatory action
is desirable. However, Tα1 was characterized as a
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