Notes Legal Ethics

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SECTION 4. Authority of lawyer to bind client. - A lawyer 2.

Special Appearance - Here, in this case, a

can bind a client in a legal engagement only when so defendant appears in court solely for the
authorized through a written agreement. The lawyer, purpose of objecting to the jurisdiction of
however, cannot compromise a client's litigation, or the court over his person.
receive anything in discharge of a client's claim, without
Entry of appearance - It is the written manifestation
a special power of attorney for such purpose.
submitted by the counsel of record to inform the court
ANNOTATIONS: that he will act as the counsel of a party made before the
date of the hearing
Authority of lawyer to bind client
Appearance of counsel - It is the verbal manifestation of
A lawyer can bind a client in a legal engagement the counsel in order for the court to recognize his
only when so authorized through a written agreement. presence during the hearing of the case.
Extent of authority Presumption of authority of lawyer to appear
The lawyer, however, cannot. compromise a A lawyer is presumed to be properly authorized
client's litigation, or receive anything in discharge of a to represent any cause in which he or she appears.
client's claim.
Voluntary appearance without authority
Exception: There is a special power of attorney for such
purpose. An attorney may not appear for a person until he
is in fact employed by, or retained for such person. An
Authority of counsel to compromise attorney willfully appearing in court for a person without
GR: The attorney has no authority to compromise his being employed, unless by leave of court, may be
client’s case because the client, even if represented by punished for contempt as an officer of the court, who has
counsel, retains exclusive control over the subject matter misbehaved in his official transactions.
of the litigation. The client can, of course, authorize his Parties who can challenge lawyer’s appearance
lawyer to compromise his case, and the settlement made
by the lawyer will bind his client. 1. The court, tribunal, or other government agency
may, on its own initiative; or
XPNs: 2. On motion of either party.
1. When the lawyer is confronted with an Effects of unauthorized appearance
emergency where prompt and urgent action
is necessary to protect the interest of his 1. The party represented is not bound by attorney’s
client and there is no opportunity for appearance in the case neither by the judgment
consultation with the latter; and rendered therein;
2. Settlement of monetary obligation to client 2. Court does not acquire jurisdiction over the
is full payment in cash. person of the party represented;
3. The adverse party who has been forced to
NOTE: The ROC requires lawyers to secure special litigate as a defendant by the unauthorized
authority from their clients when entering into a action on the part of the attorney for the plaintiff
compromise agreement that dispenses with litigation may, on that ground, move for the dismissal of
the complaint; and
SECTION 5. Authority of lawyer to appear. - A lawyer is
4. If unauthorized appearance is willful, attorney
presumed to be properly authorized to represent any
may be cited for contempt as an officer of the
cause in which he or she appears, and no written power
court who has misbehaved in his official
of attorney is required to authorize him or her to appear
transactions, and he may be disciplined for
in court for the client.
professional misconduct.
The court, tribunal, or other government agency
Ratification of unauthorized appearance
may, on its own initiative or on motion of either party, on
just cause, require a lawyer to produce or prove the 1. Express - It refers to the categorized assertion by
authority to appear on behalf of the client. client that he has authorized a lawyer or that he
confirms his authorization to represent him in
the case.
Appearance - It is the coming into court as a party either 2. Implied - It is where a party, with knowledge of
as a plaintiff or as a defendant and asking relief fact that a lawyer has been representing him in a
therefrom. case, accepts benefits of representation or fails
to promptly repudiate the assumed authority.
Kinds of appearance:
Forms of implied ratifications
1. General Appearance - It is as such when a
party comes to court either as plaintiff or Implied ratification may take various forms, such as:
defendant and seeks general reliefs from the
1. by silence or acquiescence; or
court for satisfaction of his claims or
2. by acceptance and retention of benefits
counterclaims respectively.
flowing therefrom.
Requisites of implied ratification by silence SECTION 3. Prohibition on Ambulance Chasing. — It shall
be unlawful for any person to engage in ambulance
1. The party represented by the attorney is of age
chasing or the act of soliciting, personally or through an
or competent or if he suffers from any disability,
agent, from seafarers, or their heirs, the pursuit of any
he has a duly appointed guardian or legal
claim against them employers for the purpose of recovery
of monetary claim or benefit, including legal interest,
2. The party or his guardian, as the case may be, is
arising from accident, illness or death, in exchange of an
aware of the attorney’s representation.
amount or fee which shall be retained or deducted from
3. He fails to promptly repudiate assumed
the monetary claim or benefit granted to or awarded to
the seafarers or their heirs.
NOTE: Ratification retroacts to the date of the lawyer’s
Maintenance of suit
first appearance and validates the action taken by him.
Maintenance is the intermeddling of an
Remedies against persons without authority
uninterested party to encourage a lawsuit. It is a taking
Require a lawyer to produce or prove the in hand, a bearing up or upholding of quarrels or sides, to
authority to appear on behalf of the client. the disturbance of the common right. (Funa, 2009) A
lawyer owes to society and to the court the duty not to
SECTION 6. Fiduciary duty of a lawyer. - A lawyer shall stir up litigation.
be mindful of the trust and confidence reposed by the
client. Evils sought to be prevented: (Fo Su Mu D)

To this end, a lawyer shall not abuse or exploit the 1. Fomenting of litigation with resulting burdens on
relationship with a client. the courts and the public
2. Subornation of perjury
ANNOTATIONS: 3. Mulcting of innocent persons by judgments upon
manufactured causes of actions
Fiduciary duty of a lawyer
4. Defrauding of injured persons having proper
A lawyer shall be mindful of the trust and causes of action but ignorant of legal right and
confidence reposed by the client. court procedure by means of contract.
Reason for such duty Instances of condemnable delay: (TeBe MuSe AMID)
So, a lawyer would not abuse or exploit the 1. Report to technicalities as a means to frustrate
relationship with a client. justice.
2. Befuddling of the issues in the case by counsel
SECTION 7. Prohibition against frivolous suits and abuse which invariably will be exposed for what they
of court processes. - A lawyer shall not: are.
(a) file or encourage the filing of any suit or proceeding 3. Filing of multiple or repetitious petitions
not authorized by law or jurisprudence and without any 4. Filing of several actions covering the same
evidentiary support; subject matter or seeking substantially identical
(b) unduly impede the execution of an order or judgment 5. Filing of frivolous appeals for purposes of delay
which is warranted; or 6. Filing of motions for postponement and other
(c) abuse court processes. kinds of motions for dilatory purposes.
7. Indiscriminate filing of suits against a party
ANNOTATIONS: clearly intended for harassment.
8. Delaying cases or services for money.
Reason for the rule

To prevent barratry and ambulance chasing. SECTION 8. Lawyer's duty to encourage settlement. - A
lawyer shall encourage the client to avoid, end or settle a
What is Barratry? controversy, whether pending or not, in order to reach a
settlement or a compromise if the matter can be
Barratry is the offense of frequently exciting and
compromised under the law and will admit of a fair
stirring up quarrels and suits. It is the lawyer’s act of
fomenting suits among individuals and offering his legal
services to one of them for monetary motives or To this end, the lawyer shall actively assist the parties and
purposes. the court, tribunal, or other government agency to effect
mediation and/or dispute resolution.
What is Ambulance Chasing?

Figuratively speaking, is the lawyer’s act of ANNOTATIONS:

chasing an ambulance carrying the victim of an accident Duty to encourage settlement
for the purpose of talking to the said victim or relatives
and offering his legal services for the filing of a case “A lawyer shall encourage the client to avoid,
against the person who caused the accident. end or settle a controversy, whether pending or not, in
order to reach a settlement or a compromise if the
Section 3, R.A. No. 10706. matter can be compromised under the law and will admit
of a fair settlement.”
The function of a lawyer is not only to conduct When is supervising lawyer not liable?
litigation but to avoid it where possible, by advising
settlement or withholding suit. Liability of the supervising lawyer does not
attach upon proof of exercise of diligence of a good
The lawyer must act as mediator for compromise parent of a family in the selection and supervision of
rather than an instigator of conflict. subordinate lawyer, paralegal, or employee.
Advantages of amicable settlement SECTION 11. Responsibility of a supervisory lawyer over
a supervised lawyer. -A supervisory lawyer shall co-sign
1. Accord respect to the just claim of the other
a pleading or other submission to any court, tribunal, or
other government agency with a supervised lawyer. A
2. Save the client additional expenses. supervisory lawyer shall be responsible for a violation of
the CPRA by the supervised lawyer in any of the following
3. Help prevent clogging of the docket. instances:
SECTION 9. Duty to call client to rectify fraudulent act. - (a) the supervisory lawyer orders or directs the specific
A lawyer who receives information that a client has, in conduct or, with knowledge of the specific conduct,
the course of the representation, perpetrated a fraud in ratifies it; or
relation to any matter subject of the representation
before a court, tribunal, or other government agency, or (b) the supervisory lawyer knows of such conduct at a
against any officer thereof, shall promptly call upon the time when it could be prevented or its consequences
client to rectify the same. Such fraudulent act on the part avoided or mitigated, but fails to take reasonable
of the client shall be a ground for the termination by the remedial action; or
lawyer of the engagement. (c) the supervisory lawyer should have known of the
ANNOTATIONS: conduct so that reasonable remedial action could have
been taken at a time when the consequences of the
Duty to call client to rectify fraudulent act conduct could have been avoided or mitigated.
A lawyer who receives information that a client A supervisory lawyer is a lawyer having direct supervisory
has, in the course of the representation, perpetrated a authority over another lawyer, including a supervising
fraud in relation to any matter subject of the lawyer under Rule 138-A of the Rules of Court.
representation before a court, tribunal, or other
government agency, or against any officer thereof, shall ANNOTATIONS:
promptly call upon the client to rectify the same. Applicability to law student practitioner
Effect of fraudulent act by the client A supervising lawyer under Rule 138-A of the
Such fraudulent act on the part of the client shall Rules of Court exercises supervision and direction over a
be a ground for the termination by the lawyer of the law student practitioner.
engagement. Accountability of legal clinic director and supervising
SECTION 10. Responsibility over a subordinate lawyer, lawyer (see Section 40, Canon III of CPRA)
paralegal, or employee. - A lawyer or law firm shall be A law student clinic director and supervising
responsible for the mistakes, negligence, and/or acts or lawyer, under Rule 138-A of the Rules of Court shall
omissions of a subordinate lawyer, paralegal, or provide meaningful training to law students. They shall
employee under the lawyer's direct supervision and assume responsibility for any work performed by the law
control, who is acting within the scope of the assigned student while under their supervision and shall comply
tasks, that cause damage or injury which brings dishonor with all the laws, rules, and guidelines pertaining to Law
to the profession or violates the rule on confidentiality. Student Practice.
However, such liability of the supervising lawyer does not SECTION 12. Responsibilities of a supervised lawyer. - A
attach upon proof of exercise of diligence of a good supervised lawyer acting under the direction of the
parent of a family in the selection and supervision of supervising lawyer, managing partner, or other partners
subordinate lawyer, paralegal, or employee. of the firm is nevertheless bound by the CPRA.
Supervisory lawyer Responsibilities of a supervised lawyer
A supervisory lawyer is a lawyer having direct A supervised lawyer acting under the direction of
supervisory authority over another lawyer, including a the supervising lawyer, managing partner, or other
supervising lawyer under Rule 138-A of the Rules of partners of the firm is nevertheless bound by the CPRA.
SECTION 27. Confidentiality of privileged
Responsibility over a subordinate lawyer, paralegal or
contmunication. - A lawyer shall maintain the
confidences of the client, and shall respect data privacy
A lawyer or law firm shall be responsible for the laws. The duty of confidentiality shall continue even after
mistakes, negligence, and/or acts or omissions of a the termination of the lawyer-client engagement.
subordinate lawyer, paralegal, or employee under the
lawyer's direct supervision and control, who is acting
within the scope of the assigned tasks, that cause Confidentiality of privileged communication
damage or injury which brings dishonor to the profession
or violates the rule on confidentiality.
Matters disclosed by a prospective client to a Client identity is privileged where a strong
lawyer are protected by the rule on privileged probability exists that revealing the client’s name would
communication even if the prospective client does not implicate that client in the very activity for which he
thereafter retain the lawyer or the latter declines the sought the lawyer’s advice.
employment. It covers crimes and offenses already
committed by the client. (Mercado v. Vitriolo, A.C. No. General rule on naming one’s client
5108, 26 May 2005) A lawyer may not invoke privileged
Two-fold Purpose of the Rule communication to refuse revealing a client’s identity.

1. To encourage a client to make a full disclosure of Exceptions:

the facts of the case to his counsel without fear. A lawyer, however, may invoke privileged
2. To allow the lawyer freedom to obtain full communication even if such would reveal his client’s
information from his client. (Pineda, 2009) identity under the following circumstances:
Requisites for confidentiality: 1. When there is a strong possibility that revealing
1. There is attorney-client relationship or a kind of the client’s name would implicate the client in
consultancy requirement with a prospective the activity for which he sought the lawyer’s
client; advice;
2. The communication was made by the client to 2. When disclosure would open the client to civil
the lawyer in the course of the lawyer’s liability; or,
professional employment; and 3. When the government’s lawyers have no case
against an attorney’s client and revealing the
3. The communication must be intended to be
confidential. client’s name would furnish the only link that
would come from the chain of testimony
Note: The party who asserts that the communication is necessary to convict him.
privileged has the burden of proof to establish the
existence of the privilege unless from the face of the Reasons why a Lawyer may not invoke Privileged
document itself, it clearly appears that it is privileged. Communication to refuse revealing a Client’s Identity
The mere allegation that the matter is privileged is not 1. Due process considerations require that the
sufficient. opposing party should know their adversary;
Forms of communication covered by the privilege 2. The privilege pertains to the subject matter of
the relationship;
1. Oral 3. The privilege begins to exist only after attorney-
2. Written client relationship has been established hence, it
3. Actions or signs does not attach until there is a client; and
4. Other means of communication 4. The court has a right to know that the client
whose privileged information is sought to be
Parties covered by the privilege: protected is flesh and blood.
1. Lawyer
SECTION 28. Protecting client confidences. - A lawyer
2. Client, current or prospective
shall not reveal the confidences of the client, including
3. Third persons who by reason of their work have
data from the client's files, except;
acquired information about the case being
handled such as: (a) When a written informed consent is obtained from the
a. Attorney’s secretary, stenographer, and client;
b. Interpreter, messengers and (b) When required by law, such as anti-money laundering
transmitting agents’ communication, or statutes, or the Rules of Court;
others assisting the attorney; and (c) To the extent necessary, to collect the lawyer's fees;
c. An accountant, scientist, physician,
engineer who has been hired for (d) In defense of the Lawyer, or the lawyer's employees or
effective consultation. associates; or

Limitations to the privileged communication, ( e) By judicial order, but only if material.

confidence of clients, secret of clients, data privacy,
personal information: ANNOTATIONS:

1. The communication or the physical object must GR: A lawyer shall not reveal the confidences and secrets
have been transmitted to the counsel by the of his client.
client for the purpose of seeking legal advice. Exceptions:
Otherwise, there is no privileged
communication. 1. When authorized by his client after
2. The privilege is limited or has reference only to acquainting him of the consequences of the
communications which are within the ambit of disclosure;
lawful employment and does not extend to
those transmitted in contemplation of future NOTE: The only instance where the waiver of
crimes or frauds. the client alone is insufficient is when the
person to be examined regarding any
Client identity privileged communication is the attorney’s
secretary, stenographer or clerk or other
persons assisting the attorney, in respect to
which, the consent of the attorney is likewise Disclosure to protect attorney’s rights
The lawyer may divulge the confidential
2. When required by law; or information of his client in a proper judicial proceeding,
3. When necessary to collect his fees or to defend if that is necessary to protect his right. This exception is
himself, his employees by judicial action. intended for the protection of the lawyer’s rights, his
employees or associates.
NOTE: Payment of retainer fee is not essential Effect of breach of the duty
before an attorney can be required to
safeguard a prospective client’s secret The lawyer is subject to disciplinary action for
acquired by the attorney during the breach of trust.
consultation with the prospective client, even Betrayal of trust by an attorney
if the attorney did not accept the employment.
A lawyer who gives an incriminating information
Work product rule which the client had confided to him, to a third party who
A legal principle that protects materials prepared in turn used is as basis for filing of a case, the lawyer has
by an attorney in anticipation of litigation from being violated the rule.
discovered by the opposing party. Waiver of the privilege
Duty of confidentiality by: If the client had authorized his lawyer after
a) former lawyers having been fully informed of the consequences to reveal
his confidences or secrets, there is a waiver to invoke the
SECTION 29. Duty of confidentiality by former lawyers lawyer-client privileged.
of a law firm. - A lawyer shall continue to be bound by
the rule on confidentiality pertaining to clients of his or Note: The waiver must be sufficient. When the person to
her previous law office or law firm. be examined regarding any privileged communication is
the attorney’s secretary, stenographer or clerk involving
b) members of law firm facts acquired in such capacity, the consent of the lawyer
is required. In short, both consent of the client and the
SECTION 30. Duty of confidentiality of members of a law lawyer are required.
firm. - A lawyer may disclose the legal matters entrusted
by a client of the firm to the partners and associates, as SECTION 13. Conflict of interest. - A lawyer shall not
well as paralegals, legal assistants, law clerks, legal represent conflicting interests except by written informed
researchers, law interns, and other non-legal staff, who consent of all concerned given after a full disclosure of
are or will be involved in the handling of the client's the facts.
account, unless expressly prohibited by the client.
There is conflict of interest when a lawyer represents
A lawyer directly entrusted with a client's confidences inconsistent or opposing interests of two or more
shall adopt necessary measures to prevent other persons. The test is whether in behalf of one client it is the
members of the law firm, both legal and non-legal, to lawyer's duty to fight for an issue or claim, but which is
whom the client's confidences have been shared, from his or her duty to oppose for the other client.
disclosing or using them, without the written informed
consent of the client. Kinds of conflict of interest:
1. Concurrent - It generally occurs when a lawyer
represents clients whose objectives are adverse
NONE to each other, no matter how slight or remote
such adverse interest may be;
SECTION 31. Prohibition against filial disclosure. - A 2. Sequential or successive representation - It
lawyer shall not discuss a client's confidences even with usually involves representation by a law firm of a
family members. present client who may have an interest adverse
to a prior or former client of the firm.
Tests to determine conflict of interest
1. Conflicting Duties - When, on behalf of one
Not every member of the lawyer’s family has the client, it is the attorney’s duty to contest for that
proper orientation and training for keeping client’s which his duty to another client requires him to
confidences and secrets. oppose or when possibility of such situation will
SECTION 32. Non-disclosure of legal consultation. - A develop.
lawyer shall not reveal that he or she has been consulted 2. Invitation of Suspicion - Whether the
about a particular case except to avoid possible conflict acceptance of the new relation will prevent a
of interest. lawyer from the full discharge of his duty of
undivided fidelity and loyalty to his client or will
Reason invite suspicion of unfaithfulness or double-
dealing in the performance thereof; and
By the consultation, the lawyer already learned 3. Use of Prior Knowledge - Whether a lawyer will
the secrets of the prospective client. It is not fair, if he be called upon in his new relation to use against
will not be bound by the rule on privileged the first client any knowledge acquired in the
communication in respect of matters disclosed to him by previous employment.
a prospective client.
Modes of conflict of interest?
General rule on conflict of interest existed between them before the lawyer-client
relationship commenced.
A lawyer shall not represent conflicting interests
by written informed consent of all concerned NONE
given after a full disclosure of the facts. SECTION 17. Prohibition against conflict-of-interest
Rationale for prohibiting conflict of interest representation; prospective clients. - In relation to
prospective clients, the following rules shall be observed:
To prevent a lawyer from putting himself in a
position where he may be required to choose between (a) A lawyer shall, at the earliest opportunity, ascertain
conflicting duties. the existence of any conflict of interest between a
prospective client and current clients, and immediately
SECTION 14. Prohibition against conflict-of-interest disclose the same if found to exist.
representation; current clients.
In case of an objection by either the prospective or
SOBRANG HABA!!!!!! T.T current client, the lawyer shall not accept the new
Duty not to testify in behalf of client
(b) A lawyer shall maintain the private confidences of a
A lawyer shall avoid testifying in behalf of his prospective client even if no engagement materializes,
client. and shall not use any such information to further his or
Rationale her own interest, or the interest of any current client.

The function of a witness is to state the facts as ANNOTATIONS:

he recalls them in answer to questions. The function of
Purpose of “Conflict Search”
an advocate is that of a partisan. It is difficult to
distinguish between the zeal of an advocate and the By conducting a conflict search, the lawyer will
fairness and impartiality of a disinterested witness. be able to determine, in the first instance, if he is barred
from accepting the representation through conflicts with
Matters which a lawyer can testify on:
his present clients or the lawyer’s own interest.
1. On formal matters, such as the mailing,
authentication, or custody of an instrument and SECTION 18. Prohibition against conflict-of-interest
the like; representation; former clients. - In relation to former
2. On substantial matters in cases where his clients, the following rules shall be observed:
testimony is essential to the ends of justice, in (a) A lawyer shall maintain the private confidences of a
which event he must, during his testimony, former client even after the termination of the
entrust the trial of the case to another counsel; engagement, except upon the written informed consent
3. Deposition; and of the former client, or as otherwise allowed under the
4. Acting as an arbitrator CPRA or other applicable laws or regulations, or when the
Matters which a lawyer cannot testify on: information has become generally known.

1. He cannot serve conflicting interests; (b) A lawyer shall not use information relating to the
former representation, except as the CPRA or applicable
2. Having accepted a retainer, he cannot be a
witness against his client; laws and regulations would permit or require with
3. When such would adversely affect any lawful respect to a current or prospective client, or when the
interest of the client with respect to which information has become generally known.
confidence has been reposed on him; (c) Unless the former client gives written informed
4. When he is to violate the confidence of his client; consent, a lawyer who has represented such client in a
and legal matter shall not thereafter represent a prospective
5. When as an attorney, he is to testify on the client in the same or related legal matter, where the
theory of the case prospective client's interests are materially adverse to the
former client's interests.
SECTION 15. Conflict of interest of a lawyer hired by a
law firm. - When a lawyer joins a law firm, it shall be the ANNOTATIONS:
duty of the lawyer to disclose to the law firm, at the
earliest possible opportunity, his or her previous clients NONE
that may have a potential conflict of interest with the
SECTION 19. Corporate lawyers; conflict of interest. - In
current clients of the law firm. If there is a potential
relation to organizational clients, a lawyer who
conflict of interest, the lawyer shall not act on the case or
represents a corporation or any organization does not, by
cases of the affected current client.
virtue of such representation, necessarily represent any
ANNOTATIONS: constituent or affiliated organization, such as a parent or
A lawyer for a corporation or other organization, who is
SECTION 16. Prohibition against dating, romantic, or also a member of its board of directors or trustees, shall
sexual relations with a client. - A lawyer shall not have determine whether the responsibilities of the two roles
dating, romantic, or sexual relations with a client during may conflict. In the event of the latter, the lawyer shall
the engagement, unless the consensual relationship disclose the conflict of interest to all concerned parties.

Rule when the lawyer of the corporation and BOD of Amicus Curiae
such Corporation is same
Literally means “a friend of the court.” He is an
The interest of the corporate client is paramount experienced and impartial lawyer invited by the court to
and should not be influenced by any interest of the give an opinion in the disposition of novel and/or difficult
individual corporate officials. A lawyer engaged as legal issues before it.
counsel for a corporation cannot represent members of
the same corporation's Board of Directors in a derivative SECTION 24. Active involvement in legal education. - A
suit brought against them. To do so would be lawyer shall keep abreast of legal developments,
tantamount to representing conflicting interests which is participate in continuing legal education programs, and
prohibited by the CPR. support efforts to achieve standards of excellence in law
schools as well as in the practical training of law students.
SECTION 20. Legal services organization; conflict of
interest. - A legal services organization is any private In addition, a lawyer shall assist the Integrated Bar of the
organization, including a legal aid clinic, partnership, Philippines (IBP), law schools, law alumni associations,
association, or corporation, whose primary purpose is to law associations, or civic organizations, in educating the
provide free legal services. public on the law and jurisprudence.
A lawyer-client relationship shall arise only between the The IBP Chapters shall provide supervising lawyers to the
client and the handling lawyers of the legal services legal aid clinics in their jurisdiction.
organization. All the lawyers of the legal services
organization who participated in the handling of a legal ANNOTATIONS:
matter shall be covered by the rule on conflict of interest Participation in the Legal Education Program
and confidentiality.
This duty carries with it the obligation to be well-
ANNOTATIONS: informed of the existing laws and to keep abreast with
NONE legal developments, recent enactment, and
jurisprudence. It is imperative that they be conversant
SECTION 21. Lawyers in government service; conflict of with the basic legal principles.
interest. - A lawyer currently serving in the government
Unless they faithfully comply with such duty,
shall not practice law privately, unless otherwise
they may not be able to discharge competently and
authorized by the Constitution, the law or applicable Civil
diligently their obligations as members of the Bar. Worse,
Service rules and regulations. If allowed, private practice
they may become susceptible to committing mistakes.
shall be upon the express authority of the lawyer's
superior, for a stated specified purpose or engagement, The latest circular of the Supreme Court provides
and only during an approved leave of absence. However, for the mandatory attendance of all lawyers in the
the lawyer shall not represent an interest adverse to the “Mandatory Continuing Legal Education” (MCLE)
government. program of the IBP. Law practitioners have to comply
with the thirty-six (36) hours of mandatory legal
ANNOTATIONS: education as a pre-condition to the non- revocation of
NONE license to practice law.
A member who, for whatever reason, is in non-
SECTION 22. Public Attorney's Office; conflict of interest.
compliance at the end of the compliance period shall pay
- The Public Attorney's Office is the primary legal aid
a non-compliance fee. Any member who fails to
service office of the government. In the pursuit of its
satisfactorily comply with Section 2 of Rule 12 shall be
mandate under its charter, the Public Attorney's Office
listed as a delinquent member by the IBP Board of
shall ensure ready access to its services by the
Governors upon the recommendation of the MCLE
marginalized sectors of society in a manner that takes
Committee, in which case, Rule 139-A of the ROC shall
into consideration the avoidance of potential conflict of
interest situations which will leave these marginalized
parties unassisted by counsel. Three-fold Obligation of a Lawyer under this Canon
A conflict of interest of any of the lawyers of the Public 1. He/She owes it to himself/herself to continue
Attorney's Office incident to services rendered for the improving his/her knowledge of the laws.
Office shall be imputed only to the said lawyer and the 2. He/She owes it to his/her profession to take an
lawyer's direct supervisor. Such conflict of interest shall active interest in the maintenance of high
not disqualify the rest of the lawyers from the Public standards of legal education; and
Attorney's Office from representing the affected client, 3. He/She owes it to the lay public to make the law
upon full disclosure to the latter and written informed a part of their social consciousness.
SECTION 25. Support for legal internship,
ANNOTATIONS: apprenticeship, and training. - To prepare the next
generation of lawyers for ethical practice, lawyers shall
support legal internship and apprenticeship programs
SECTION 23. Amicus curiae. - A lawyer shall not decline, and accept law students for training.
without just cause, a request by any court, tribunal, or The lawyer shall treat the apprentices as junior
other government agency to act as amicus curiae in any colleagues and future counsels, and shall conscientiously
proceeding relating to the lawyer's expertise or field of supervise them.


SECTION 26. Prompt payment of membership dues. - A SECTION 36. Pro bono Limited Legal Services. - A lawyer
lawyer shall promptly pay the annual membership dues appointed by the court as counsel de officio shall not
in the IBP, unless expressly exempt from such payment by refuse to render Limited Legal Services pro bono on the
law or rules. ground of conflict of interest. Instead, the lawyer shall
disclose to all affected parties such conflict of interest.
In any case, the lawyer may not refuse to render such pro
NONE bona legal services to the person concerned if only to the
extent necessary to safeguard the latter's fundamental
SECTION 34. Active participation in the development of
rights and not to deprive such person of remedies
the legal profession. - A lawyer shall participate in the
available under the law or rules.
development of the legal system by initiating or
supporting efforts in law reform, the improvement of the A lawyer currently serving in the government shall not be
administration of justice, strengthening the judicial and exempt from pro bona service and may be appointed by
legal system, and advocacies in areas of special concern any court, tribunal, or other government agency as
such as the environment, indigenous peoples' rights, counsel de officio, unless prohibited by law, or the
human rights, access to justice, and good governance. applicable Civil Service rules and regulations, or when
there is a conflict of interest with the government.
Participation in the Improvement and Reforms in the
Legal System Counsel de officio
By reason of education and experience, lawyers A lawyer appointed by the court to defend an
are especially qualified to recognize deficiencies in the indigent accused/defendant in a criminal case.
legal system and to initiate corrective measures therein.
Appointment of Counsel de Officio
Thus, they should participate in proposing and
supporting legislation and programs to improve the The duty to appoint a counsel de officio rests
system, without regard to the general interests or desires upon the presiding judge. If an accused appears without
of clients or former clients. counsel, it is the duty of the judge to inform him that
under the Constitution, it is his right to have an attorney
Examples: to represent him. The accused must be asked before the
arraignment whether he desires the aid of an attorney. If
1. Presenting position papers or resolutions for
he desires and is unable to employ one, the court must
the introduction of pertinent bills in Congress;
assign an attorney de officio to defend him. However, if
accused wants to defend himself without counsel, the
2. Petitions with the Supreme Court for the
Judge may allow him to go to trial without counsel but he
amendment of the Rules of Court.
cannot later claim he was not accorded due process for
Endorsement by a Lawyer lack of counsel.

A lawyer may, with propriety, endorse a Considerations in the appointment of a counsel de

candidate and seek endorsement from other lawyers. A officio:
lawyer should not use or attempt to use the power or
1. Gravity of the offense;
prestige of the judicial office to secure such
2. Difficulty of the questions that may arise;
endorsement. On the other hand, the lawyer whose
3. Experience and ability of the appointee.
endorsement is sought should have the courage and
moral stamina to refuse the request for endorsement if Who may be appointed as counsel de officio?
he believes the candidate lacks the essential
qualifications for the office or believes the opposing 1. A member of the bar in good standing who, by
candidate is better qualified. reason of their experience and ability, can
competently defend the accused.
SECTION 35. Limited Legal Services. - Limited Legal 2. In localities without lawyers:
Services refer to services for a specific legal incident, with a. Any person, resident of the province and
the expectation by the lawyer and the client that the of good repute for probity and ability.
lawyer will not provide continuing legal services in the Note: In relation to Sec. 34, Rule 138,
matter. This includes being appointed as counsel de Rules of Court this is only allowed in the
officio only for arraignment purposes or special municipal trial court.
appearances to make any court submission, to give b. A municipal judge or a lawyer employed
advice, to draft legal documents, to provide legal in any branch, subdivision or
assistance before courts or administrative bodies, and instrumentality of the government
the like. within the province.
In all instances, the lawyer shall state that the service When the court may appoint a counsel de officio in
being rendered is in the nature of Limited Legal Services. criminal actions
A lawyer who renders Limited Legal Services shall be 1. Before arraignment, the court shall inform the
entitled to compensation as may be agreed upon or accused of his right to counsel and ask him if he
provided by the Rules of Court. desires to have one. Unless the accused is
allowed to defend himself in person or has SECTION 39. Limited Legal Services of law student
employed counsel of his choice, the court must practitioners. -The Limited Legal Services rendered by a
assign a counsel de officio to defend him. law student practitioner under the Clinical Legal
2. It is the duty of the clerk of the trial court, upon Education Program shall be governed by the CPRA.
filing of a notice of appeal, to ascertain from the
appellant, if confined in prison, whether he ANNOTATIONS:
desires the Regional Trial Court, Court of Appeals
or the Supreme Court to appoint a counsel de
officio. SECTION 40. Accountability of legal clinic director and
3. The clerk of the CA shall designate a counsel de supervising lawyer. - A law student clinic director and
officio if it appears from the case record that: supervising lawyer, under Rule 138-A of the Rules of
a. The accused is confined in prison. Court 'shall provide meaningful training to law students.
b. Is without counsel de parte on They shall assume responsibility for any work performed
appeal. by the law student while under their supervision and shall
c. Has signed the notice of appeal comply with all the laws, rules, and guidelines pertaining
himself, the clerk of Court of Appeals to Law Student Practice.
shall designate a counsel de officio.
d. An appellant who is not confined in MODULE 6
prison may, upon request, be
assigned a counsel de officio within SECTION 41. Fair and reasonable fees. - A lawyer shall
ten days from receipt of the notice charge only fair and reasonable fees.
to file brief and he establishes his Attorney's fees shall be deemed fair and reasonable if
right thereto. determined based on the following factors:
When the court cannot appoint a counsel de officio? (a) The time spent and the extent of the service rendered
If the accused insists that he be represented by or required;
his counsel de parte who is not available during the trial. (b) The novelty and difficulty of the issues involved;
Note: If the judge appointed a counsel de officio despite (c) The skill or expertise of the lawyer, including the level
the protestation of the accused, the sentence rendered of study and experience required for the engagement;
is VOID.
(d) The probability of losing other engagements as a
Frequent appointment of counsel de officio result of acceptance of the case;
All courts are cautioned against the frequent (e) The customary charges for similar services and the
appointment of the same attorney as counsel de officio, recommended schedule of fees, which the IBP chapter
for two basic reasons: shall provide;
1. It is unfair to the attorney concerned, (f) The quantitative or qualitative value of the client's
considering the burden of his regular interest in the engagement, or the benefits resulting to
practice, that he should be saddled with too the client from the service;
many de officio cases.
2. The compensation provided for by Section (g) The contingency or certainty of compensation;
32 of the ROC (a fixed fee of P500 in capital (h) The character of the engagement, whether limited,
offenses) might be considered by some seasonal, or otherwise; and
lawyers as a regular source of income,
something which the Rule does not envision. (i) Other analogous factors.

SECTION 37. Duty of confidentiality in Limited Legal basis for right to attorney’s fees,
Services. - A lawyer who provides Limited Legal Services
fair and reasonable fees,
must protect the client's private confidences to the same
extent as if engaged under regular terms. guide in determining fair and reasonable fees,


SECTION 38. Termination of Limited Legal Services. -

Unless governed by Canon III, Section 36, a lawyer 'must
cease to provide Limited Legal Services to a client when
the lawyer becomes aware that there may be an actual
or potential conflict of interest, except with the written
informed consent of the client.
In all cases, the Limited Legal Services terminates upon
the completion of such services.



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