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Lean Six Sigma (Black Belt)

Day 02

1. ... Null is denoted by the symbol of

A )Ho(
B )Ha / H1(
C Ta / Tb
D None of the above

2. ... Alternative is denoted by the symbol of

A )Ho(
B )Ha / H1(
C Ta / Tb
D None of the above

3. In case there is no relation between two variables, the relationship is.

A Null (Ho)
B Alternative (Ha / H1)
D None of the above

4. In case there is a relation between two variables, the relationship is..

A Null (Ho)
B Alternative (Ha / H1)
D None of the above
5. Which is also called "Goodness Of Fit Test"?
A Levene’s test
B Mood’s median test
C Chi-square test
D None of them

6. Which is also called "Test of Homogeneity"?

A Levene’s test
B Mood’s median test
C Chi-square test
D None of them

7. ?"Which is also called "Test of Independence

A Levene’s test
B Mood’s median test
C Chi-square test
D None of them

8. .Accredited for inventing Chi-square test in 1900 ..…

A Taiichi Ohno and Shigeo Shingo (Toyota)
B Karl Person
C Henry Ford (Ford Motor Co.)
D Jack Welch (GE)

9. ……… Chi-square test is all about

A written data
B Pictorial data
C Numerical data
D All of the above

10. is used to simultaneously compare more than two sample ……

.proportions with each other
A Levene’s test
B Mood’s median test
C Chi-square test
D None of them

11. If the Calculated Chi-Square Less than the Scheduled Chi-Square at

……… %5 we
A Except Null, No relationship
B Have a Significant Relationship
C Have a Significant Highly Relationship
D All of the above

12. If the Calculated Chi-Square Equal the Scheduled Chi-Square at %5

……… we
A Except Null, No relationship
B Have a Significant Relationship
C Have a Significant Highly Relationship
D All of the above

13. For applying Chi-Square, we should be

A .Randomness
B .Independence of the views
C .Min Sample size of 30
D All of the above

14. ?Non-parametric method is used to compare

A Mean
B Median
C Mode
D All of the above

15. ?Parametric method is used to compare

A Mean
B Median
C Mode
D All of the above

16. Control charts and their limits are the?

A Voice of the employee
B Voice of the process
C Voice of the customer
D Voice of the team

17. If the customer is willing to pay for the activity, it is considered ……

A Value-added (VA)
B Non-Value Added (NVA)
C Required
D Un-Required

18. Which of the following activities is value-added?

A Setup
B Process
C Storage
D Inspection

19. A null hypothesis requires several assumptions, a basic one of which

A That the variables are significant
B The variables are independent
C That the sample size is adequate
D That the confidence interval is ± 2 standard deviations

20. …… Variable is the one that affects and is not affected

A Independent Variable
B Dependent Variable
C Mediating Variable
D All of the above

21. …… Variable is the one that is affected by the independent variable

A Independent Variable
B Dependent Variable
C Mediating Variable
D All of the above

22. …… Variable is the one that have a role in influencing the dependent
A Independent Variable
B Dependent Variable
C Mediating Variable
D All of the above

23. …… People that coming from “OUTSIDE” your company, “BUY” a

product or a service and “PAYING” for it
A Internal Customers.
B External Customers.
C Front Line Staff.
D Back Line Staff.

24. …… Your work colleagues are customers?

A No
B Yes
C Maybe
D None of the above

25. Customer segmentation refers to:

Dividing a particular customer into parts that are more easily
B Grouping customers by one or more criteria
Maintaining secure customer listings to minimize communication
among them
D Eliminating or “cutting off” customers with poor credit history

26. What is affected when data is skewed?

A Mean
B Median
C Mode
D All of the above

27. What remains unaffected when data is skewed?

A Mean
B Median
C Mode
D All of the above

28. Lean requires greater mathematical sophistication compared to Six

A True
B False

29. Much of the Six Sigma methodology is used to identify and remove
causes for
A Process variation
B Material costs
C Excess inventory
D Lost sales

30. …… is any party who may have an interest in an organization’s

A Customer
B Stakeholder
C Six Sigma Team
D None of the above


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