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 PART 1

 Home/ accommodation
What kind of housing/accommodation do you live in?
I just bought a new apartment last month which located in Binhthanh district with a living
room, a kitchen 2 bed rooms and 2 bathrooms. It is not very spacious apartment but it just right
for me and my family.
What’s the difference between where you are living now and where you have lived in the
Before I was living with my parents and 2 brothers. d it’s very noisy because there are a lot of
people there and I don’t have my own space.
 Study
Describe your education
I started school when I was 7. I finished my primary education 5 years later and I went to
secondary school at 12. Then at 16, I made it to a high school for gifted pupils in my hometown.
In my country, highschool education lasts 3 years, then I went onto higher education at the
Foreign Trade University where I’m currently studying economics.
What is your area of specialization?
I am majoring in programing languages like Java, CSS that I can creat an attractive apps or
website with more functionality and fearture for my customers.
Why did you choose to study that major?
As we know technology nowaday is very important for human life. It affect variety aspects
like economic or education and so on. Not only does it help me to contribute for the
deverlopment of my country but also it is giving me a well-paid job to cover my living
Do you like your major? (Why?/Why not?)

What was your favourite subject as a child?

 Work
What do you do?
What are your responsibilities?
As a technician, my job is to create, update and maintain the project with clients. So my
responsibility is collect all the clients request, give an idea then apply to the product. Also, I
work on renew all the contract expired with my customers because I interact diractly with them
so I understant whay they need rather than other marketing steam work with them.
 Wild animals
1. Do you like to watch TV programs about wild animals?
Yes, I’m a big fan of nature documentaries because I love wild animals. I like to see them in
their natural habitats, not in cages like in the zoo.
Did you learn something about wild animals from school?
Yes, I had to take lessons about the ecosystem in my biology classes. Wild animals are an
important part of it. I learned about their impact on different aspects of nature.
Where can you see wild animals in Vietnam?
You could see wild animals in zoos, aquariums, national parks and so on . As I said, I prefer
seeing animals in their natural habitats so I really hope I can go on a tour to a national park one
In which country do you think you can see many wild animals?
Actually, my country, Vietnam, has countless wild species. You can visit our national parks
such as Cat Tien and Cuc Phuong to see spectacular terrestrial animals. If you prefer marine
animals like dolphins or sharks, we have an impressive aquarium in Nha Trang.

 Advertisement
What kinds of advertisements do you watch?
Well, there is a wide range of adverts I encounter every single day, from billboards and
leaflets on the street to pop-ups on the Internet like Facebook or Instagram. No matter how
annoying or creepy they might be, I can’t skip or block all of them.
Where can you see advertisements?
Advertisements are encountered every where. We all can see them on TV, Newspaper, online,
billboard, even hear them from radio or postcast. The advertising industry is a kill money-
making, as a result ithey appear every where.
Have you ever bought something because of its advertisement?
Yes I have done that serveral times, but I don’t easily get attractive by the ads that I watch. I
always check the review of the product before making a decision because I really want to make
sure that product is high quality.
Do you watch advertisements from the beginning to the end?
Absolutely yes. Firstly, I don’t have any choice to skip due to it appear on TV which I spend a
lot of time on. Secondly, if I watching my favourite youtuber channel, I want them to make
money from their hard-working.
 Flowers
What kinds of flowers do you know?
To be honest, I am not a big fan of flowers, if I have to name a few types, I would say there are
rose, tulips and sunflowers. Which I mostly can see in the tradition market when I go to buy
food in daily basis.
Are there any flowers that have special meanings in Vietnam?
According to my very limited knowledge about flora, lotus is the flower representing our
country Vietnam because of its elegant beauty. it is the flower that grows in muddy water but
rises above the surface to luxious bloom. For this reason, the lotus is voted as our national
Have you planted any flowers?
Unfortunately not yet, I considered myself a clumsy person and I’ve been afraid that
my clumsiness would kill the plant. I wish this would change soon.
Have you sent flowers to anyone?
Yes in my country, sending flowers to our parents, lovers and teacher is a part of our culture.
So every year I often make an effort to buy flowers and give to them, to people who are near
and dear to me on the special occasion like birthday, teacher day, valentine day.

 Barbecue
Do you like barbecues?
Absolutely, I’m a huge fan of them. Grilled foods are tastier and offer unique flavours that
cannot be found in steamed or stir-fried dishes. Besides, outdoor celebrations make perfect
opportunities for family-bonding or social gatherings.
Did you enjoy barbecues when you were a child?
Yes, my family used to have BBQs ON WEEKENDS, but not in the typical western style. We
would roast a whole pig on wood or charcoal as a special delicacy reserved for wedding parties
or festival events only.
What kinds of food do you often eat for barbecues?
Without a doubt, there is a wide variety of food served in a barbecue. If we are throwing a party
in a BBQ restaurant, then exotic foods like lamb could be found. Street stalls, on the other hand,
offer an array of local ingredients, including pork, corn, sweet potatoes and especially delicious
Do you like to have barbecues with family or friends?
That’s a tough one. I wish I could enjoy more family outings or get-togethers as I’m currently
living away from home. However, I also love hanging out with my buddies since I feel more
comfortable around them. So I’d rather not choose one over the other.

 Car trip

1. Do you like to travel by car?

Yes, I do. As I don’t like riding cause I’ll get all sweaty. When I travel by car, there is no need
to rush from place to place. It’s a perfect opportunity for slow travel and take my time. That
way, I can catch the scenery and relax,

2. When do you travel by car?

When I take trip with family or friends, we usually travel by car. We usually spend 1 or 2 days
traveling to somewhere near HCM. The advantage of traveling by our own car is that we do not
have to follow someone’s schedule, it is easy to stop or make a longer pause for rest.
3. Where is the farthest place you have traveled to by car?
The farthest place I have traveled to by car is probably Nha Trang, which is a coastal city in the
central. It took us about 6 hours to get there, and we had many opportunities to experience the
breathtaking, scenery on the way, and even pulled over several times took photos.
4. Do you like to sit in the front or back when traveling by car?
Well, for me, sitting in the front is much more interesting than in the back, as I can see more of
the road, or other vehicles in front, and the scenery along the way seems to be more beautiful
from the front seat view. And when I sit in the front, I can also watch out for potential
dangers that could happen and warn the driver if that is necessary.

 Relax
What would you do to relax?
Listening to music gives me a great relief when I’m stressed. In addition, any time I need to let
off a bit of steam, I call my friends and and talk. I believe friendly chit-chat is an
excellent stress buster.
Do you think doing sports is a good way to relax?
Yes, doing sports is a good way to relax. The physical action involved in sports is not only
beneficial for our physical health but also our mental and psychological well-being. Also,
playing sports helps us sleep better and gives us a chance to socialize with other players.
Do you think vacation is a good time for you to relax?
Yes, vacation is a good time to relax. Taking a vacation is a good way to unplug from work and
other day-to-day activities. It is also a great time to spend with family and helps strengthen
family bonds. It recharges our batteries and leaves us feeling refreshed.
Do you think students need more relaxing time?
Yes I think so! students nowadays are under tremendous stress to build their careers.
Relaxing your brain is fundamental for learning better. Not only does it help to boost
a student’s level of concentration but also their accomplishments.
 Special costumes
Do you like to wear special costumes?
Not at all, I don’t really like wearing costumes and special one. I don’t like attracting a lot of
attention. So I tend to wear things that are low-key and don’t draw anyone’s eye. Whenever I
can, I avoid dressing in a way that will make me stand out.
Did you try any spell costumes when you were young?
Our school always holds a lot of costume contests, and my class and I have participated in
many of them. I remember when I was in fourth grade, I wore a very beautiful Central
Highlands ethnic costume.
When was the last time you wore special costumes?
I went to China last month to attend my friend's wedding. It was a traditional wedding, so we all
had to wear the traditional Chinese costume of cheongsam.
Did you ever buy special costumes?
As I said earlier, when I went to China for my friend's wedding, I bought a cheongsam for the
wedding day.

Do you often visit museums?
Seldom did I go there, because personally I can’t find anything meaningful in those materials.
Did you visit museums when you were a child?
Yes, when I was in primary school, my school organized a tour in the museum in my
hometown, but I only have a vague memory about that.
Are there many museums in your hometown?
Not so many, actually there is only one museum in my small county about the local history. It
allows the local residents to know better about their traditions and historical celebrities.
When was the last time you visited a museum?
If my memory serves me right. The last time was when I traveled to China by tour oganizaion, I
went to the National History Museums. I was memorized by its architecture. That was
stunning. Also I learned more about their history and cultural.

 Getting lost
1. Have you ever got lost?

This is embarrassing but it has happened many times before. The reason is I have a very bad
sense of direction, plus a bad memory, so you can imagine the struggle when it comes to
finding my way around the city.

2. How can you find your way when you are lost?

An easy solution is to use navigation apps on my phone such as Google Maps. Another solution
could be to pull over and ask people around the area for direction.

3. Can you read a map when you get lost?

Definitely. I think learning navigate using a map is an essential survival skill, which I picked up
from playing video games as a child.

4. Have you ever helped someone who got lost?

I certainly have, but I only do this when I’m 100 per cent sure of the directions. Otherwise, I
would just be honest and tell them to ask someone else.

 Concentration
Is it difficult for you to stay focused on something?

To tell you the truth, my concentration is very not good. So it is very difficult for me to stay
focused. My computer is the main distraction as I often get distracted by many online
programs. Also when the weather change, I suffer from light headache. It will influence my
level of concentration
What do you do to help you concentrate?

Well, people often have diferent ways to maintain their concentration. But the most suitable
one for me is to set up a goal or create a daily to-do list, which motivatives me to stay alert and
work to achive my target. Secondly, I installed app to remider me stay focused. Finally, I can
find a quiet location where I can forcous on my work or stydy without being disturbed.
What may distract you when you’re trying to stay focused?

There are tons of distractions around me; they might come from my friends, family, neighbours
or social networking sites, such as Facebook notifications. For example, last weekend when I
was working on my new project, I couldn’t really focus on my work because my neighbour had
a party and the music was too loud.
When do you need to concentrate the most?

There are many situations when I need to focus 100% on what I’m doing. For instance, it is
necessary to stay focused all the time when I’m driving on the road, to avoid accidents . Or
when I have to study for exams, do a test like this or work my butt off to meet deadlines,
concentration is a important key to success.

Do you con centrate when you study at school or lesson

Well, when I was a student, I always to concentrated on studying as my parent attched emphasis
to my school record, so I always tried my best to focus on lesson to get high score and sastify
my parents.
 Pets and animals
1. What’s your favorite animal? Why?
My go-to animal is the dog. Because They are friendly, adorable, and entertaining. Also They
are companions loyal to their owners.

4. What is the most popular animal in Vietnam?

I suppose the most popular animal in my country is the dog. A lot of Vietnamese children grow
up with their puppies as their best friend. Besides, you can see that there are many dog rescue
groups in my country, which aims to save dogs from being abandoned or kidnapped.

2. Have you ever had a pet before?

I used to have a puppy corgi when I was a kid. He and I were best friends, actually. I remember
taking him to the park and training him with many cool tricks. Sadly, when I got older, I
discovered that I am allergic to dog fur, so I had to give him away.

Q4. Where do you prefer to keep your pet, indoors or outdoors?

I prefer to keep my pets indoors where they can avoid illness by weather change like get too hot
or cold outside. Also my family would like to have them inside where we can keep an eye on
them. and they follow us from room to room.
 Public garden and parks
1. Would you like to play in a public garden or park?

For sure, I’m a outdoorsy person so I love playing in green spaces. I’ve been going to various
parks and botanical gardens where ahve may interesting flora and fauna, which really makes
me feel at peace with nature.

 botanical gardens: vườn bách thảo

 flora and fauna: thảm thực vật động vật

2. What do you like to do when visiting a park?

There are a lot of things I can do in a park. But what I love most is going jogging. It can help me
get fit and lean and feel relaxing rather than surrounded by the flowers, trees and birdsong in
the park.

3. How have parks changed today compared to the time you were a kid?

Well, I suppose parks nowadays have transformed dramaticaly compared to the past when I was
small. The park now is more crowded by having more recreational as opposed to the past,
when all I could see in a park was only grass, lakes, and trees.

4. Would you prefer to play in a private garden or public garden?

I’d say that I have a stronger preference for the latter. It’s because not only do public gardens
have a wider range of flora and fauna than private gardens, they also better foster social
relationships due to number of people come here is larger than privite gardens.

 Science
1. Do you like science?
To be HONEST, I’m not a big fan of science ‘cause it has always been a closed book to me.
EVEN I know it helps me to acquire an in-depth understanding of the world, but I always find
it complexible

2. When did you start to learn about science?

Like most people, I started learning about science in elementary school. The first thing I can
remember learning about is magnets. The teacher showed us how magnets could attract and
repel each other. it was really fun to play around with magnets and feel the magnetic force
between them.

3. Which science subject is interesting to you?

I think that out of all the subjects, biology is the most interesting to me. It’s so fascinating to
learn how the human body works. I also like about animal biology. Because we have much
more in common with animals
4. What kinds of interesting things have you done with science?

If i am not mistaken, I remember there was one time when I almost burned the class down
because of my clumsiness during a chemical experiment. The whole class was in smoke and
everybody actually burst into laughter.

 Shoes
1. Do you like buying shoes? How often?

Yes, I love purchasing footwear, especially sneakers. I have subcribed a famous- world sport
brands like Nike, Adidas to get fashion-forward items. Just last week I ordered a pair of Nike
Air Max and it was delivered to my doorstep in 1 week.

2. Which do you prefer, comfortable ones or fashionable ones?

Well, it depends on different situations. For example, when I’m at home, I definitely prefer
wearing flats because they are super comfortable. But when I go to work or parties, wearing
fashion shoes such as leather boots would be a better option for me because they boost my
confident and attractive.
2. Have you ever bought shoes online?
Yes but I’ve stopped doing it because I have lost confidence in online shopping . In my eyes now,
online retailers are nothing but unscrupulous characters, finessing customers by playing down
products’ less desirable features. The result is that the actual product does not look anything like
advertised. like the Nike sneaker, I mentioned earlier which came to my house with torn fabric
and bleeding colour.
3. How much money do you usually spend on shoes?
Only a small fraction, like 5-10% of my monthly income. The reason is that I enjoy being
a frugal shopper and saving money for contingency. Having said that, I never compromise
quality like buying refurbished shoes, and the way I go about this is by either shopping from
trusty local dealers or using vouchers. Some of my dress shoes were actually bought this way
and they saved me hundreds of bucks.

Q1. Do you use headphones?
Yes, I use headphones. I use them mainly for listening to music, audiobooks, or when I am on a
phone call in a crowded place.

Q2. What type of headphones do you use?

I just bought Sony wireless headphones from Amazon. They are convenient as I can keep my
phone in my bag and keep my hands free.

Q3. When would you use headphones?

I would use headphones for listening to music when I am on the bus on my way to work. I also
use them while working out at the gym. Sometimes when I have an important assignment, I use
them to concentrate on my work and not get distracted.

Q4. In what conditions, you won’t use headphones?

I don’t use headphones when I am driving a car, bike, or motorcycle. They block out our hearing
senses and can be distracting. I also don’t use them when I am with friends and family. I think
it’s rude to use them while interacting with people, and I should be paying full attention to

 Handwriting
1. Do you often write with your hand(s)?

Well, I rarely write with my hands. When I was a kid, I did that on a daily basis but not anymore
now; most of the time I type on my laptop. I haven’t written anything up to 300 words for several
years, so I reckon my handwriting is kinda spidery now (laugh).

2. Do you prefer handwriting or typing on the computer?

Typing obviously. Most, if not all, of my work involves a lot of keyboard tapping. I spend on
average 6 hours a day typing, and I don’t think I actually hand-write anything except for when I
need to sign, take note list or, write love letters (laugh).

3. Would you say that having good handwriting is important?

I reckon students with neat and clean cursives may have an edge over those with bad
handwriting. My former teachers would complain all the time that my words are illegible, some
of whom even gave me bad grades (laugh). However, it’s not that important in the 21st century’s
world of work – office workers do not bother writing anything with hands.

1. Cursive: chữ viết (có nét nối mà học sinh tiểu học hay viết)
2. Have an edge over: có lợi thế
3. Illegible: không đọc được

4. Do you think that computers will completely replace handwriting?

Yes I do. With laptops and smartphones, typing and texting have become our go-to method of
word processing in the 21st century. Writing has had its day, and I think it will be much less
important in the next 20-30 years.

 Mobile apps
1. What mobile apps have you recently used?
Well, I have been using several apps on my smartphone. And I guess my most commonly-used
app is Netflix which is basically a streaming movie platform. It’s a amazing app with (ə
ˈklektik) variety movie genres which I find absolutely attractive.
2. What kinds of mobile apps are you usually interested in?

because I’m a health-conscious person, so I prefer an healthy app that inform me about how
long I have walked a day or how many calories I should consume on a daily basis to get fit and

3. What was the first mobile app you used?

It was a long time ago so I guess the very first I used was the Oxford Dictionary. That was when
I was a freshman in high school and I was on the go with my study, especially with my English
study. This app truly did wonders for me, especially in boosting my vocabulary.

4. What kinds of mobile apps would you like to use in the future?

Actually, I haven’t thought about this that much. But I have a plan to go Canada for working in
next year, so apps that can help me explore cultures would be something I opt for.
 Colours
1. What is your favorite colour?

Well my go-to color is definitely green. This is because I have been painting everything green
since I was a kid. And also, this color is very easy on the eye.

2. What is the colour that you dislike?

I am not a fan of black. Because I think it will bring unluck to me, also it is seen as the colour
of death, which explains why Vietnamese people often wear black clothes to funerals as an
3. Are colours important to you?
To me personally, colours are indeed important. Not only can colours make our life more vivid,
they can also indicate feelings. For instance, I often wear yellow clothing when my mood is up,
but go for black if I am feeling down.

4. What colors do you want to paint your house with?

I would have my future house painted with cream as it may make my house a lot larger. This
color also brings me coziness and a sense of security as well. Also, green is definitely not a bad
choice as those who want their living space to be close to nature.
5. What colour would you choose to paint the walls of your room?

I am a big fan of simplicity, so white is my go-to colour using wall paint. Scientists have proved
that white can make a room seem more spacious. Plus, looking at this colour will help me to
ease (ez) my mind.

 Weather
1. What’s the weather like in your country?

AS YOU KNOW, Vietnam is a tropical country, so the climate here is quite hot and humid . I’m
currently living in the CENTRAL of Vietnam, I would say the weather is a bit comfortable
because it has all four seasons but sometimes the weather can also get pretty extreme, especially
in the summer, the temperature can reach up to 40 degree celcius, and in the spring, it can rain
dogs and cats in the morning and suddenly clear out in the afternoon.

2. What is your favorite season?

I really like the fall, mainly because of its cool weather, which makes me feel really comfortable
and ready to go out any time of the day. In contrast, the other seasons, like the summer is really
hot . Winter is too cold and it rains dogs and cats in spring. So hands-down, autumn is my go-
to season.

3. What’s the weather (usually) like in your hometown?

It depends on the season, but most of the time it’s really hot in my hometown. And it’s been
getting hotter and hotter in recent years … I think the main reason is because of global

4. có thể sống ở nơi có thời tiết khác hometown không -> why

Definitely yes. I can move to different places with different weather because of my living
purpose. In the past, I was shifting to Australia for higher education. The weather in there is very
cold in the winter. But I tried my best to finish my study in there in come back to Vietnam for
working. Currently, I am living HCM city and looking for a well-paid job. Even in here have
only 2 seasons are rainy and dry but it doesn’t matter affect to me at all.
5. mọi người thường như nào khi sống ở nơi có nhiều nắng hơn -> why

I believe that the weather always affects us in every aspect. Especially, those who are living in
sunny place will change to suit with the weather in here. Firstly, their fashion. Due to hot
weather lead people wearing thin clothes and jacket to avoid skin cancer when moving under
the sun.
Secondly, the sunny days make people feel alive and upbeat. In contrast, If it is a gloomy day,
I'm pretty sure everyone will easily get bored or tired of whatever they are doing.
(6. Does the weather affect people’s lives in your country?)
Is there any difference in the weather in different parts of Vietnam? Do you prefer dry or

I prefer the former because It can make more productive for me so I can work more eficiently.
And also I go out any time in the day. This is good for walking my dog and to enjoy the
outdoors activity. However, havy rain become hassle in my city as we are usually using
motobike for traveling. It will lead to traffic congression in my city as well. Then I become
lazy by it.

 Holidays:
Where did you go for your last holiday?
Went to Vung tau- coastal city, it take 3 hours by driving from HCM. It aquire reputation by its
coach and seafood
Do you like holidays? Why?
Who woudn’t? I mean I have a crazy work scheldule so one in a while I would go on holiday to
relieve stress . I think it is important to have a break from work from time to time, or you might
go crazy you know.
Which public holiday do you like best?
It would have to be the Tet holiday, which is the biggest holiday in Vietnam. The reason why
it is my favourite is that during this time of year, I get to take a break from my work and it is
also a time for me to spend some quality time with my family.
What do you do on holidays?
Whenever i am on vacation, one thing i always do is try the local dishes and specialties. On
top of that, i also pay a visit to some of the famous attractions and take photos, and of course
before leaving, i might buy some souvernirs for my friends back home.
 Festivals:
How do you celebrate festivals in your country?
With each different festival, we have different traditional customs to celebrate. For example,
during Tet, I will cook traditional Vietnamese dishes such as sticky rice, spring rolls, etc., and
on Independence Day, I often go to square Ho Chi Minh square to watch the flag-raising
ceremony. However, what all festivals have in common is that I always try to spend as much
time as possible with my family and close friends.
What special food and activities do you have for these festivals?
Banh chung banh tet present for sun and earth. Stay whole night
How do you celebrate Spring Festivals?
Well, Tet is our most important Spring festival. On New Year’s Days, which usually last for 5
days, families often visit their friends, neighbors and relatives and wish them luck and
fortune for a new year. Children are most excited about Tet Holiday as they are given lucky
money and are allowed to eat as many sweets as they want. The whole family spend time
together and enjoy a big feast with an ample variety of traditional food.
What is your favorite festival of the year?
 Wallet
Do you use a wallet?
Yes, I don’t think I can go anywhere without a wallet in my trouser pocket (laugh). Inside it I
keep my IDcard, my driver’s license,money, and last but not least, a photo of my family.
Have you ever lost your wallet?
I would say occasionally. If my memory serves me right, the last time I lost my wallet was 3-4
years ago when I was vacationing in Dalat. I was absent-minded. After paying for the bill in
coffee shop, I put it on the table and forgot to bring it following. Luckyly, I found it on the
receiption. It was taken by a nice tourist man.
Have you ever bought someone a wallet as a gift?
Yes, I think a wallet makes an amazing gift, and I remember giving one to my bosom friend as
a birthday present. I am not sure whether he likes it or not, but I think it’s a decent gift. I think
I’ll ask him after the test (laugh).
Do most of your friends use wallets?
Yes, all of my male friends have wallets. The ladies, I think, use purses to keep their personal
items, which include more than just ID cards. You know, lipsticks, foundation, something like

 Sky and stars

Do you often look at the sky?

I used to look at the sky at midle night when I was single. Curently, I have got maried and have
2 kids. My work now is up to the ears due to tight schedule. And When I get home, I have to
raise my kid as well. So i have less time for my hobibies.
Can you see the moon and stars at night where you live?
Lucky to me, my apartment have a bacony which is my favious place where I can take a rest by
taking a cup of coffee and enjoying the beautiful sky at night
Do you prefer the sky in the morning or the sky at night?
I keen on looking the sky at night rather than in morning. Because after hard-working hour in
my work in the morning. I got stressful. So in the everning is the best time to me enjoy the sky
to relief all the worries of the world behind
Is there a good place to look at the sky where you live?
My apartment is on 19th floor and have bacony as I mentioned above which is the best place to
look at the sky with out light polution comparing to the ones are below.
 Weekend
1. What do other people in your hometown usually do on weekends?
2. What will you do next weekend?
I guess it is going to be the same routine for me next weekens, but who knows, I might catchup
with my close friends over a coffee because it has been a while since I saw them
3. Did you do anything special last weekend?
Not that i remember. It was a pretty unevenful weekend for me. I did a bit of reading and
cooking. I actually tried this new fried chicken recipe and it wasn’t to bad to be honest.
4. What do you usually do on weekends?
Well, i work very hard during weekdays so I think I deserve a break on weekends. So I usually
spend my saterdays and Sundays just louging around. But sometimes I would read a book or
two to enrick my knowledge.
 Technology in your work or Study
1. What technology in the work?
I quite enjoy using all the new items like laptops and smartphones I also frequently use World
Wide Web for communication purposes like video conferencing for talking. Or research
information on the internet.
2. Do you use the Internet in your studies/work?
Yes I sure do. It is safe to say that almost everyone does it nowadays, and i am no exception. I
gess It is mainly because internet is a wonderfull tool and it allows me to find many great
sources of meterials to support my studies with the touch of a button.
3. Do you have your own computer?
Well i don’t have a PC but i do have a laptop. My mother bought it to me when I got in to
university as i was going to need for my group assigment and presentation at school. Also it
is useful for different purposes in education or entertaiment.
4. Can your school use technology equipment while studying?
Yes but not all. More often than not. We are free to use any high-tech devices in class as long
as they are for studying purpose. However, if one uses it for entertaiment, it is definitly not
5. Why should not students use it while studying?
I guess one of the main reason for this is that technological equipment is great distractor. It
will shift our focus to other thing and disturb uor concentration during class. That why
student should try to cut down as much screen time as possiple when studying.
 Primary school

1. What did you like to do the most when you were in primary school?
Well, my favorite thing of primary school was to play with my friends during recess. I couldn’t
wait to get outside for a break after a long lesson. My friends and I had a lot of fun games and
activities during recess, like hide and seek,
2. How did you go to your primary school?
Well, I lived within walking distance of my primary school, so most of the time I just walked to
school with a group of friends. There was very little traffic, so it was quite safe. But
sometimes when there was bad weather, like it was raining heavily, my parents would give me
a ride to school,
3. How do you like your primary school?
Oh very much, primary school is the best time of my life, as I had the chance to meet some of
my best friends. They were the most important thing to me, and also the reason that I was
excited to go to school everyday, and many of them are still my friends for life. Besides, I was
allowed to try everything at school. My primary teachers gave me the space to discover what I
was capable of, from drawing, singing to dancing, which have taught me a lot about
myself and helped me build myself-esteem.
4. What did you do in your leisure time in your primary school?
There are many activities and games for me to choose during recess. If the weather was bad,
we often chose to stay indoors and play chess, or solve some puzzles, like sudoku, or
crosswords, the harder the challenges were, the more excited we were. If the weather was nice,
we had loads of games and things to do outside, like skipping, badminton, or hopscotch,

 Environmental protection
Would you like to work in a company related to environmental protection?
How can we protect the environment?
There are various ways through which we can save our environment, such as
1.Reduce, reuse and recycle
2.use cycle to cover short distance rather than drive car or motorbike. Or using public transport
thereby reduce cacbon emission
3.Plant trees.
4.Buy less plastic and bring a reusable shopping bag. As plastic takes thousand years to
5.Do not send chemicals into waterways.
Do you think you’ve done enough to protect the environment?
No definitely not, I still throw away various single-use plastic products everyday. Currently,
there aren’t any recycling programmes where I live. I hope this will change soon.
Is there education about environmental protection at school in your country?
Yes. There is a science subject in primery and secondary schoolwhich taugh us about the
important of environment. And i must say that was one valueable lesson I learned in school.
 PART 2 & PART 3

 1. Describe an occasion when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone
You should say:
When it was
Where it was
Why you were not allowed to use your mobile phone
And how you felt about it
When I was in high school, there used to be numerous rules and regulations. And, one of them
was the rule of “bringing no mobile phone under any circumstances”.
At that time cell phones were not extremely popular. However, despite it cost an arm and a
leg, but my parents still bought me one. I had to spend a lot of time outside the house, so my
parents wanted to keep in touch with me. However, the principal of our school completely
banned a cell phone on the campus as she believed that such a device was a distraction during
the class.
Adhering to this rule, I never dared to take the phone to my school. However, I did not feel
uncomfortable and believed that such a restriction was necessary. Without smartphones,
students could devote their breaks to communicating with each other instead of just staring at
their phones’ screens. Besides, this rule helped us to focus more on our study and not be
distracted by these devices in class.

 Part 3:
How do young and old people use mobile phones differently?
There are a world of difference in the way two generations make uses of their phone:
- Youngsters: are hooked on last versions of smartphone, although they have to pay an
arm and a leg. Beside basic funtions of calling and sending messages, they allocate
most of their time for browsing the net using social networking site and chatting via
apps like facebook. Also spend on mobile game and study.
- The elderly: they don’t foloww the trend, go for basic design and mainly use it for
communicating with others. Some old people who are young at heart also spend time
on soial media but the amount of time is less than younger generation.
What positive and negative impact do mobile phones have on friendship?
positive =>share information, communicate more easily
save time...
negative => myopia - eyesight, distract, do not respect each others while talking
addicted – overuse
a lack of face to face conversation  lead to misunderstandings.
Is it a waste of time to take pictures with mobile phones?
- save unforgettable memories
family/class reunion,
- addiction to taking pictures
-> a waste of time
be addicted to = be obssessed with
=> depend on users
Do you think it is necessary to have laws on the use of mobile phones?
some people => take others's pictures without permission
intentionally insult people on social media, affect their privacy
when driving in traffic => lead to traffic accidents

 2. Describe your favorite singer or actor

You should say:
Who he/she is
What his/her personality is like
What kind of style his/her music/acting belongs to
And explain why you like him/her
I’d like to talk about Jenny who I really want to go out for dinner with. She is a well-known
singer and a talented songwriter in my country and I have known her since I was a high
school student.
As you may know, she’s now known as a very successful pop singer with many songs and
albums released every year. But not everyone knows that she used to pursue a career in
country music before. She become famous at a very young age, at around 16 and was
considered as the country music’s most-visible young star at that time.
After many years devoted to music, she has won a lot of prizes and just recently, she won
Album of the Year again at the 2021 Grammy, which is also her 11th Grammy Awards. She’s
now a super star and her fans come from every corner of the world. They love her not only
because of her beautiful voice and talent, but also her good-looking appearance and
I really want to have dinner with her because I’m a big fan of her. And ofcourse every fan
loves to see their idol in real life. If I am really given this precious chance, I will take her to the
best Western restaurant in town and enjoy her favourite food, which is beefsteak and bread.
I will take advantage of this chance to ask her about her daily life and her hobbies so that I’ll
get to know her better. And if I could, I will ask her to take some photos with me so that I can
post them on social media and hang them in my beloved bedroom
I really admire Jenny and she always set a good example for me to follow. She inspires me to
work harder to pursue my ambitions and make my dreams come true. That’s all I want to say
about the topic.

 Part 3:
What kind of music do people like at different ages?
I think the taste in music is generational.
According to scientist, music without lyric make baby more intelligen, so their parent always
open it for their kid.
Youngsters: are into pop, rap, rock music. the lyrics touch their heart with similar concerns
about love, life,...
Adults: are less keen on these new genres of music, show preference for ballads, classical or
country music with gentle melody
What is the difference between popular music now and popular music in the past in
I’m not a master of various genres of music.
 As far as I know, pop-ballad music has gained the most widespread popularity
in my country. These songs’ lyrics focus on lovesick or romantic stories + slow and
melody → attract listeners of all ages
 Interestingly, there has been an emergence of rap music in Vietnam, a potential
music trend in near future, I guess. After years of being nurtured by the underground
community, rap became mainstream last year thanks to two TV shows, namely “Rap Viet” and
“King of Rap”
I’m not a master of various genres of music.
 As far as I know, pop-ballad music has gained the most widespread popularity
in my country. These songs’ lyrics focus on lovesick or romantic stories + slow and
melody → attract listeners of all ages
 Interestingly, there has been an emergence of rap music in Vietnam, a potential
music trend in near future, I guess. After years of being nurtured by the underground
community, rap became mainstream last year thanks to two TV shows, namely “Rap Viet” and
“King of Rap”
I’m not a master of various genres of music.
 As far as I know, pop-ballad music has gained the most widespread popularity
in my country. These songs’ lyrics focus on lovesick or romantic stories + slow and
melody → attract listeners of all ages
 Interestingly, there has been an emergence of rap music in Vietnam, a potential
music trend in near future, I guess. After years of being nurtured by the underground
community, rap became mainstream last year thanks to two TV shows, namely “Rap Viet” and
“King of Rap”
I’m not a master of various genres of music.
As far as I know, pop-ballad music has gained the most widespread popularity in my country.
These songs’ lyrics focus on lovesick or romantic stories + slow and gentle melody →
attract listeners of all ages
interestingly, there has been an emergence of rap music in Vietnam, a potential music trend
in near future, I guess. After years of being nurtured by the underground community,
rap became mainstream last year thanks to two TV shows, namely “Rap Viet” and “King of
Do Vietnamese parents require their children to learn to play musical instruments?
It is a widely held belief in Vietnam that the most crucial task of a teenager is to accomplish
academic study with flying colours → the importance of knowing to play instruments is often
However, People with average income and who live under the poverty line can’t afford to buy
their kids a piano or guitar for daily practice or to send them to professional classes
Why do some people like to listen to live music while others prefer CDs?
I think that it really depends on the listeners’ personality and what gives them the
most pleasure. Some people love the vibrant atmosphere of live concerts. And they would like
to see their idol in person,
One the other hand, there are people who like quiet atmostphere. They don’t want to have
their music undisturbed by cheers and yells, or more specifically, listen on CDs is cheaper and
more convenient. they can enjoy the favorite songs in the comfort of their home any time.

 3. Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study

You should say:
What it is about
Why you make it
What you need to do first
And explain how you would feel if it is successful

I would like to tell you about a plan which is AN OUTDOOR activity near the sea that I want
to try, which is scuba diving.
It is a water sport that is becoming increasingly popular in famous islands in Vietnam such as
Phu Quoc or Ly son in Central Vietnam.
In order to be able to dive under the water surface for a long time, I will have to experience a
few training sessions under the expert guidance of a professional. Besides, I also have to equip
myself with diving clothing and underwater breathing equiment.
Although it sounds difficult, I know how to swim already and I think it will not be too
challenging for me.
The reason why I like this sport is that it can help me challenge myself.. Besides, doing this
activity can improve my physical health and reduce stress after hard-working days.
Also i love playing this water sport is because I am really curious about what the seabed looks
like. Moreover, watching coral reefs and marine animals swimming around has always been
an idea that fascinates me, but I’ve never had a chance to try it before. So, next time if I have
an opportunity to travel to an island, I will certainly experience this sport with my friends and
family members.

 Part 3:
Do you think making plans is important?
Absolutely. We’re living in a chaotic world and I believe making smart plans are the key to a
happy and fulfilling life. Firstly, plans allow people to manage their time wisely and
productively. Without any specific plans, they might not know what to prioritise or what they
should do next. As a result, they could end up wasting their time on trivial tasks that make no
difference. Secondly, those who make plans regularly tend to take better control of their life
and be more satisfied about it. This is mainly because they are more well-prepared for
unexpected situations and are less prone to worries or anxiety.

What should be planned on a daily basis?

Well, the way I see it, daily plans should focus on setting priority and urgent tasks people
must perform for both professional life and personal life. Those who don’t make a detailed
plan or to-do list each day might fall behind their schedule, or even worse, forget a major event
such as a birthday of someone who is dear to their heart. however, many also make daily plans
for what to eat or what to wear, which I find unnecessary.
Should parents make plans for their children?
That’s an interesting one! I have mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, since parents are
more experienced, their plans might be more relevant and actionable than what their children
could come up with for themselves. On the other hand, children tend to dislike being told what
to do, especially if it’s against their will, they may ignore or rebel. I suppose the best solution
is for adults to listen to and guide their children in making their own plans.

When should children start to make plans for themselves?

I’d say that, probably. This skill is improtant to their future so it’s better for them to practice
and master it as soon as possible. Of course, timely parental guidance is always needed.

 4. Describe a puzzle (jigsaw, crossword, etc.) you have played

You should say:
What it is like
How easy or difficult it is
How long it takes you to solve
And how you feel about it
Well, let I tell you about the toy that i used to play as a child. Back in the day, i was super into
playing with toys just like another kids. So i was pestered my parent for toys. They were ok with
that. But one condition for that i had to get straight As in class. So I study very hard for it,
finnaly I did very well in class. And then instead of getting me supperhero figuring \, my
parents got me a jigsaw puzzle because they think it is beneficial to my mental health. When it
come to the appearance and how it look. There was a stunning landscape printed on the
puzzle. I mean there were padding fields in the foreground and mountains in the
background. And the puzzle was made up of 1000 peices. I I started accembling the peices,
after 2 hours, I was 10% done. Then I was run out of patience
So what i did next was i took a break because i thought i was overconfident.
A few day later, i gave a puzzle another shot. Finally, I finished it. It took me 4 hours.
I felt a great sense of achievement. Thank to the puzzle, i learn to be more patient
I think I am going to buy a more challenging one to work on when i have a bit more spare
 Part 3:
Why do parents let their children play puzzles?
Well, there could be several reasons but I suppose the most compelling one is that these
types of games are fun, relaxing and easily accessible. Puzzles can take various forms and be
categorised into multiple levels and themes for children to choose. They don’t cost much and
are generally safe for children of all ages to play on their own. Above all, puzzles offer
amazing educational benefits. Parent think These games can do wonders for children’ mental
health, concentration ability and intellectual abilities.
What kinds of puzzles improve people’s intelligence?
I’d say that all of them could boost people’s intellectual capacity one way or another. For
example, if children play jigsaws on a regular basis, they may develop better imagination and
creativity. Likewise, crosswords and sudoku could help people improve their language and
maths skills. Most importantly, all these types of games are designed to sharpen critical
thinking and problem-solving skills of players.
Why are detective stories attractive to people?
I think, generally, we are fascinated by mysteries and we love solving puzzles. Detective stories
are puzzles in story form. So when we read or listen about these stories, it enables people to use
their imagination and solve the mystery. it could be extremely satisfying if we get the right
Which do you think is better? A detective movie or its original novel?
I think original novels are much better. In the book, you can have the feelings that you are the
main character trying to solve a case. On the other hand, watching a movie is like watching
someone else working on a puzzle. It is less attractive to me! Moreover, Movies need to
capture the entire novel in a few hours and some important parts get left out.
 7. Describe a piece of local news that people were interested in
You should say:
What it was about
Where you saw/heard it
Who was involved
And explain why people were interested in it
Today I will describe an interesting piece of local news that all residents in our areas are
interested in, which is the construction of a new leisure center.
The news announces that Vingroup will construct a high-rise building named Vincom Center in
my city. It will be a 15-storey building located right in the center of the city.
This center will cater mainly for shopping and recreational activities.
People in my locality are excited because they could go there to watch films, play video games,
buy clothes, shoes, electronic devices or whatever consumer goods they want. Besides, family
members could drink coffee or eat there because there are a lot of restaurants and coffee shops
At the moment, my area lacks a large entertainment area for children and their parents to
spend their weekend in, or for young people to hang out in their spare time. Therefore, the
appearance of a new leisure center excites all.

 Part 3:
1. Do people read newspaper where you live?
Yes, people in my city love to read the newspaper. In fact, there are so many people in my
society who read almost 2-3 newspapers every day. In an ever-changing world, it’s critical to
stay on top of what’s going on. So, people love to read newspaper so that they have some
content to discuss with their colleagues or neighbours.
2. Do people prefer local or international news?
I think there are lot of factors which decide whether a person would read local or international
news. For example, because of Covid everyone is equally interested in both international as
well as local news. People know about the development of vaccine and they also want to know
about the number of Covid cases in their city. also, we can say that small businessmen or
people from weak economic backgrounds are mostly interested in local news whereas those who
are working for multi-national companies are more interested in international news.
3. Do you think it’s important to have a national identity?
Yes, I think it’s very important to have a national identity because it encourages people to
understand the country they live in and work for the betterment of their country. Also, for
countries which have gained independence, it helps the people to realize the sacrifices made
by their ancestors and it teaches them to uphold those values.
4. How can people develop their national identity?
I think there are many ways in which people could develop their national identity. The first and
easiest way would be to wear the traditional clothes of their country. Secondly, they can raise
the national flags outside their house or their country. In my country the government has
installed huge National flags in majority of the city centres.
 8. Describe a place you visited on vacation
You should say:
Where it is
When you went there
What you did there
And explain why you went there
 Part 3:
What are some popular attractions that people like to visit in your country?
Do old people and young people choose different places to go on vacation? Why?
What do young people and old people think about when making travel plans? How do people get
to know a new place?
 9. Describe a businessperson that you admire
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew this person
What kinds of business this person does
And explain why you admire this person
 Part 3:
1. What do you think should be the retirement age for men and women?
I think rather than based on genders, and the retirement age should be based on professions. In
professions where physical fitness is crucial, the retirement age should be on the lower side,
while the retirement age could be more in office jobs. In general, I think 60-65 years is the ideal
retirement age.

2. What qualities do people need to run their own business?

I think the prime quality is financial management because ultimately, the success of any
business depends upon whether it is profitable or not. Besides that, people need to have good
leadership qualities, and they must be able to delegate responsibilities effectively. A lot of
people who get anxious about delegating responsibilities are not able to grow.

3. What do you think are key factors the contribute to the success of a business?
I think many factors determine whether a business would be successful or not, and the
importance of factors varies according to the type of business. For example, a successful
restaurant needs a good location, good quality service, and tasty food more than anything else.
In general, I would say if the business is providing a product that has a demand and only the
particular company can provide it, it is going to be successful.

4. If you had the opportunity to open your own business, what would it be and why?
I am not very good with money management, so I think it would fail at running a business.
However, if I had to start one, it would be a bakery. I love to bake, so it would be following a
passion rather than running a business for me. And I have heard, if we are truly passionate
about something, it is hard to fail.

 10. Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like
You should say:
When and where it happened
Who he/she was
Why you didn’t like this person
And explain why you were friendly to him/her on this occasion
Well, most people prefer to make friends and spend with those who are like-mindset because it is
not easy to adjust with opposite personalities.
Who he/she was?
Here I would like to share my experience when I had to be with one of my friends whom I
never liked. Actually, Raj is my neighbour as well as my classmate, but still, we were not
Why didn’t you like this person?
We had nothing in common where he was cold, introvert and a boring personality. I was quite
friendly and fun-loving. That’s why we had a different group of friends at school as well as in
the locality.
When and Where it happened?
Unfortunately, one day coming back from school, I had an accident, and my leg got fractured.
Now I was on bed rest for almost one month and couldn’t attend school.
And explain why you were friendly to him/her on that occasion?
To avoid the study loss, my mother requested Raj to come at our house every evening to help
me in my studies. Though he was not willing but agreed on my mother’s request.
Now I had to be very polite and formal to a person with whom I never wanted to be. He used
to carry a lot of attitudes while teaching me, but I had to follow everything because I was in

To be honest, after few meetings, we got used to each other. Despite his boring company. Now I
can say he is my friend as well. But still not a good friend. Overall it was the time when I had
to be friendly with someone I don’t like.

 Part 3:
Why are people friendly with the person they don't like?
Some people are friendly with people they don’t like because they need to maintain a civil,
polite relationship with them. There could be different reasons such as situation demands or
the purpose. For example, if a husband and wife get divorced, they will likely continue to be
friendly towards each other for the sake or their children. Or If two employees have a falling
out, they will continue to be polite since they work together.
People who are usually friendly are those who are in careers that require them to deal with
people on a daily basis. The best example of this would be teachers and nurses. Teachers and
nurses work with people of all ages every day, and often these people are vulnerable. They need
to be very friendly in order to make people feel at ease. Plus, some people are more naturally
friendly than others if they are more extroverted. They are more outgoing and enjoy being
around people.

What are the differences between being friendly and being polite?
As far as I know, being friendly means you are nice, pleasant when talking to some one.
Meanwhile, being polite is to follow the social norms anf behaviour and doesn’t show level of
comfor. For example, you can show your politeness by giving the seat for some one who is
prenant, but you don’t want to do so.
What are some qualities of a good friendship?
A good relationship is one in which both parties can point out each others ‘s weakness and
make posible changes togerther accordingly. This process take many other qualities to pull out
such as trust or loving affection. It is also a friendship where one can feel safe and both
parties are equal.
4. What do you think about people who are always straightforward?
I think these people are actually the best people in the world for one can always expect an
honest answer from them. However, I also believe that it is nearly impossible to be
straightforward all the time.
Is it important for people to have a good friendship with their colleagues?
Lack of positive connection can reduce productivity, frienship at work place can get possitive
attitude and job satisfaction, other, can give a hand when run into difficult, also improve
communication skill.
 11. Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way
You should say:
Who this person is
What the problem was
How he/she solved it
And explain why you think he/she did it in a smart way
Well, cleverness is something that one must have to deal with difficult situations in life.
Though I’m not that cunning, but I feel lucky to have few clever friends who always make
difficult things easy for me.
Who this person is?
Here I would like to talk about raj, my best friend from schooldays who always have clever
solutions to my problems. Actually, I had to attend a reunion party last year, and I was really
excited about it.
However, I got a little disappointed to read the invitation as it was a theme party which means
I had to dress up according to the theme. Every guest had to dress up like a hollywood star to
attend the party.

What the problem was?

Since I did not have a suitable suit to wear I had to buy one. I checked out multiple stores, but I
couldn’t find anything that fits into my pocket. The suit that costed an arm and a leg. At this
point, I got upset I was literally crying because I couldn’t attend the party to meet my friends.
Fortunately, my clever friend raj visited my place in the evening, and I discussed my problem
with him. To hear my problem, he rather started laughing and said the problem could be solved
within seconds.

How he/she solved it? and explain why you think he/ she did it in a smart way?
He took me to a fashion store where one can rent some of the most elegant suit, and I never
knew about it. I found the same suit at the store which I wanted to wear and rather than buying it
I could rent it just for one 200 thousands for a day.
I was on cloud nine, and I hugged my friend tightly for helping me out at the party. I was the
centre of attraction, and it all happened just because my friends solved my problem.

 Part 3:
Do you think children are born smart or they learn to become smart?
Personally, I suppose that it is a combination of both. Some people are born naturally gifted
with a high level of intelligence, whereas others have learning disabilities that may affect their
intelligence. Nonetheless, any child can become more intelligent with the proper supports and
How do children become smarter at school?
Well, Schools play a important role in shaping the children. This is because, children are
exposed not only to learn new ideas but also to interract with their peers
.And also the competive between them is the motivation to deverlop their intelligence.
therefore They have to study hard in order to master it and to win each others.
Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?
Being well-rounded or being good at one thing depends on your personality. Some people are
naturally curious (to mo)to learn a lot of things and so they become well-rounded. However,
others find one thing that they are good at try to master one skill and become experts. Either
way, most people tend to focus on things they are good at rather than things they struggle
Why does modern society need talents of all kinds?
Well, modern society needs talents of all kinds because that is the best way to have a healthy
workforce and consequently a healthy society. everyone cannot be proficient in all the things.
If everyone was good at science and became doctors, then no one would become an author or a
teacher or a business person. It is much better to have a multi talented society so that everyone
can contribute something different. so that they can work together for the benefit of the
whole society.

 12. Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading

Being an avid reader. I have read many exciting books in my life, there is one book that has
caught my attention.
When you read it?
Last month I had to go for a job interview in the capital city. Since the journey was too long, I
decided to take the advantage of my free time for productively by reading a book.
Before boarding the train, I purchased a book by the name of “The Habits“.This book is
written by American author John Gray. If my memery serves me right, this book was
published in 1992.
What kind of book it is?
This book is a self-improvement book.
The central focus of this book is on the habits of people. It says that we can bring a change in
our lives by replacing our bad habits with good habits.
By making a tiny improvement per day, we will improve our performance better in the future
And explain why you think it is exciting?
I find this book exciting because, after reading it, you can handle all the conflicts in your life
There is no denying that most people have to hard-working to gain success in their life.
This book has explained the process of the success in a consummate manner. (hoan hao)

It adds excitement to your life by giving you hope.

I could say, this book is really interesting and helpful for everyone. I would suggest everyone
should read this book at least once to enrich their knowledge as well as improve themself.
 Part 3:
What kinds of books do Vietnamese people like reading?
I think reading preference doesn’t depend on any countries. It depends on personal preference
and the book itself. For example, Harry Potter is famous all over the world, because it is a
imaginary book. I think it was mainly for children, but I have seen a lot of adults calling
themselves Potterheads.
Do boys and girls like the same kinds of books?
I suppose that this depends on the person’s preferences. I have experienced a few differences
in the magazines read by boys and girls. For example, I a lot of girls in my friend prefer to
read fashion magazines whereas boys pay attention on sports and business magazines.
However, as far as reading books is concerned, both genders have more or less the same
Do you think it is important to read the book before watching the movie version of it?
No, not really. Some movie adaptations are really good. A lot of my friends haven’t read the
Game of Throne series, but they still enjoyed the TV adaptation. however, If we know the
storyline, it will not be excited in watching the cinema.
I would prefer reading a book after watching the movie version, mainly because in movies
every detail are not captured so we can read about it
What are the differences between reading a book and watching the movie version of it?
Reading books can give you many more details than watching a movie and also helps brain
function among other things like imaging the main character look like,.... Watching movies is
great for social life and a great form of entertainment among other things. Moreover, Movies
need to capture the entire novel in a few hours and some important parts get left out. I think
Both are great for stress relief, enrich the knowledge
 13. Describe a cafe you like to visit
You should say:
Where it is
What kinds of food and drinks it serves
What you do there
And explain why you like to go there
Well, it is pretty common these days to visit cafe’s to have a cup of tea or coffee. Here I would
like to talk about a cafe I offen visit to sit and enjoy talks with my friends.
Where it is?
This cafe is right in the city centre. It’s a medium-sized coffee shop named Highlands Coffee..
It is a very famous brand known for its authentic taste. This place has both indoor and
outdoor areas which is very comfortable for smokers and non-smokers.
What kinds of food and drinks it serves?
Highlands Coffee has a wide range of coffees and snakes, but I mostly order a cappuccino with
a sandwich.
And explain why you like to go there? and What do you do there?
Well! Mainly I visit cafes to get refreshments and to take some rest. Sometimes I also visit to
have a chit-chat with friends over coffee and we discuss all ups and down in life.
this cafe is quite peaceful and without being disturbed.
I must say the staff in here is not only friendly but also kind. They talk very politely and give
the best service experience.
Overall, it is my favourite cafe. It’s great to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life.
 Part 3:
Do Vietnamese people like to drink coffee?
Not really, It’s a trend that there are more young people who have adapted to coffee culture,
and enjoy drinking coffee and hanging out with their friends at coffee shops. . But honestly,
older people in Vietnam, like people of my parents’ generation , rarely go to a cafe. They are
more used to having a meal with others at a restaurant to socialize.
Why do many people like to drink a cup of coffee before work?
As we know, people always spend 8 hour hard-working per day that can make them being
stressful and tiered. They would like to have a little spare time in the morning to have a cup
of coffee before work. The main reason for that is they want to have a possitive attitude at the
beginning of day by having a comfortable time to chat-chit with their coluages which is not
permitted at work place. so they will get more productivity at work. Moreover, coffee can
provide nicotine which help people awake and some people are addicted by it as well.
What kind of people would like to go to a cafe to work or study?
I think young adults like going to a café which is a nice place to meet up with your friends
after work or on the weekends. also I think people who enjoy drinking tea and coffee don’t
have time to make them or can’t make them as good as shop. Certain people also visit to study
there or work there when they cannot do so at home for some reason like by disturbed.
Why do young people like studying in a cafe instead of at home?
I think it’s because of the atmosphere. Moreover, there are so many distractions at home and
they will not feel pressure from their parents Another important reason could be at a cafe,
their friends can join them and they could give other a hand while doing their assignment in
group for example.. What's more, most of student are living in big city for studying with tight
budget so they rent a small room so they could be bored as their room like the prison
 14. Describe a time when you got up early
To be honest, I’m a person who stays awake till late at night but finds it really hard to get up
early in the morning. But here I would share one occasion when I had to get up quite early in
the morning, in fact, 3 a.m.
When was it? and Why did you get up early?
What happened exactly that in last summer’s my family decided to go for a weekend trip to
Shimla as the weather was really hot, so we decided to go to Shimla, which is a beautiful hill
station and famous for its pleasant weather but my father decided to start this journey at 3 in
the morning.
As soon as I heard it, my excitement turned into disappointment because I never wanted to get
up that early in the morning anyhow. I had to get up just like other family members, we all got
up at around 2 a.m., and we got ready for this journey.

What did you do after getting up?

in fact, I helped my mother pack the food and luggage, and we started our journey and sharp 3
a.m. My father made a good decision because we avoided travelling in the Sun during this
time the temperature was quite low and we had a comfortable journey in our car.
Another thing that I must say is that there was hardly any recall on the road, so we covered the
distance in much lesser time. We also avoided the peak hour traffic of major cities on the way.

How did you feel about it?

Our early start gave us extra time to spend in Shimla doing a variety of activities. Because of
this journey, we did not get tired as well though being a night person, I was not willing to get up
That day I realized the importance of getting up early or having an early start.

 Part 3:
Why do people get up early?
I think the main reason for people to get up early is that they can finish their household chores
before going to work. After coming back from school or work, it hard to finish them due to
work tiredness and stress.
Is it easier for older people to get up early than young people?
Why do young people tend to stay up late more often than old people?

What kinds of occasions need people to arrive early?

I think people should always arrive early for formal commitments like interviews, office
meetings and medical appointments. For other occasions like family meets, I don’t think it is
necessary to reach before time, but one should try to be on time.
 15. Describe a time when you waited for something special that would happen
You should say:
What you waited for
Where you waited
Why it was special
And explain how you felt while you were waiting
Well, we are always and excited for something special to happen.
What you waited for?
And here I would like to share my experience when I was really excited about my holidays.
Why was it special?
Well, the thing is that my family plans holidays once a year and we always eagerly wait for
these vacations. The fact is that we go on vacations in the group; my uncles, my aunts and my
nephews, nieces, and cousins, we all travel together. This thing really makes the holiday fun
and enjoyable.
Unfortunately, approximately six months ago, when we planned our holiday, my
grandmother suddenly fell sick. She had to be hospitalized, and we had to be available for her

Although we were a little disappointed, of course, our grandma’s health was more important.
Well, after few months she got perfectly fine and once again we planned the holidays.

Explain how you felt when you were waiting?

This time we were even more excited. In fact, we had made all the arrangements to go for the
vacations, and this time to search for corona cases; the state forced lockdown, and once again,
we couldn’t travel. We had really frustrated, but we really couldn’t do anything about it.
Finally, last month when corona restrictions were eased, we were keeping our fingers crossed
because this time, we didn’t want the vacations to get canceled.

 Part 3:
On what occasions do people usually need to wait?
I think that waiting is a big part of our everyday life, and we have to wait for many of the
situations in our life. It could be when we are meeting someone, when we order food at a
restaurant or when we need to travel by public transport. In general, if the situation or the task
requires two or more people to complete it, then the waiting factor kicks in automatically.
Who behaves better when waiting, children or adults?
I think adults have more patience when it comes to waiting because they are more mature and
from their past experience they know that some things are worth the wait. On the other hand,
children want everything with the click of a button and lack patience.
Do you think people are less patient now than they were in the past?
Yes, people are less patient nowadays because technology has made things a lot faster and
convenient for people. People can now order food online and it is delivered to their homes in
less than 30 minutes, so people expect that everything can be done faster. However, this is also
making them impatient because if they have to wait for something which they feel can be done
in less amount of time, then they start feeling uncomfortable.
What are the positive and negative effects of being patient on society?
From a positive point of view, I think that it helps to develop patience in people and society
becomes more tolerant. When people are willing to wait for others, it shows that they care for
them. From a negative perspective, I think waiting can have bad effects sometimes. For
example, if we have to wait long for an ambulance, the consequences can be causing death.
Secondly, waiting for long periods in offices or other places can hamper productivity.
 16. Describe a natural talent (sports, music, etc) you want to improve
You should say:
What it is
When you discovered it
How you want to improve it
And how you feel about it
Now I want to describe one of my talents which most of my family members and friends often
compliment me on, which is my ability to cook.
My mother was the one who taught me how to cook when I was around 10 years old. Because
my parents are often very busy with their work, I’ve often taken care of cooking in my house.
At the weekend, when my cousins or friends come over my house, I will be the cook. Most of
the time, people enjoy my food and ask me to cook for them next time.
However, I still try to improve my cooking skills as well as experimenting with new cuisines
in my free time. I often watch videos on Youtube channels which share the way to cook
different dishes or read cookbooks to learn new recipes and how to mix ingredients to create
delicious courses.
I feel very satisfied after I have devoted a lot of time and effort for food preparation and people
enjoy my dishes. It is a kind of feeling that makes me want to learn how to cook more tasty
courses and satisfy eaters.

Part 3:
Do you think artists with talents should focus on their talents only?
Yes, I think that artists with talents should definitely focus on their talent because talent is
unique by birth, so if you really focus on natural talent and you would definitely become good
artists. One should work hard in improving his natural talent, they would become a very
famous artist with unique talent compared to the other artists.
Is it possible for us to know whether young children will become musicians or painters
when they grow up?
I do not think it is possible to predict what a child will grow up to be in the future at such a
young age. Children at the age of 3 or 4 are very curious and show their interest in almost
everything as they are discovering the world around them. It would be very difficult to
identify that they will become an artist in the future or not, even if the child has some innate
talent, as most of the parents do not pay much serious attention to what their child is doing.
Why do people like to watch talent shows?
People love to watch Talent Show because Talent is something unique by birth. There are
varieties of talent shown by different types of people across the world in a talent show, and it
is a real show. People feel very happy and relax if you watch the talent show and learn from
the show that if you have any such can unique talent, you can also showcase talent. You can
also improve on your talent and make him a career if you wish to.
Do you think it is more interesting to watch famous people’s or ordinary people’s shows?
Of course people are attractive by famous people show by their talent will be presented in
professional way. But I suppose normal people could also bring an impressive performance
like a famous artist. Many people are highly talented but haven’t been discovered and trained
professionally. The audience might be ignored by their raw talents. That’s why TV shows like
America’s Got Talents have been famous over the world
 17. Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike
You should say:
Where it is
What it is used for
What it looks like
And explain why you like or dislike it
I want to describe a high-rise building that I like named Vincom Center in my city. It was a 15-
storey building located right in the center of the city.
It is painted in elegant colours, mainly brown, and with the front side made of glass so that
people can look inside the building when travelling outside.
The center caters mainly for shopping and recreational activities. People could go there to buy
clothes, shoes, electronic devices or whatever consumer goods they want. Besides, family
members could drink coffee or eat there because there are a lot of restaurants and coffee shops
I like this place because it is near my house and I could watch films in the cinema here at the
weekend. The movie theater is situated on the 5th floor. I also enjoy spending time in the
bookstore in this center. Being able to immerse myself in books without charge always makes
me want to travel there in my free time.
 Part 3:
What are the disadvantages of living in tall buildings?
Do you think there will be more tall buildings in the future?
Why aren’t there many tall buildings in the countryside?
Why do some people like to live in tall buildings nowadays?
 18. Describe an occasion when many people were smiling
You should say:
When it happened
Who you were with
What happened
And explain why many people were smiling
What happened?

- My brother’s wedding party which was the time when everyone was all smiles

When it happened?

- If i’m not mistaken, it takes place 4 years ago

- My brother has been dating his girlfriend for 3 years
- After getting their parent’s blessing to tie the knot
Who were there?

- It was a big day for my brother  nervous because a lot of guest and relative
bothside. All they dress up beautiful to celebrate one of the happiest days of my
brother life.
- that was the beautiful restaurant and the venue look quite romantic and elegant: great
decor, lighting, flowers, big screen, wall paiting by local artists art gallery
And explain why everyone smiled:
- alot of people haven’t seen for a while  all with a bright smile on their face.
- At the beginning of the party, sit around and swapped life stories, all ups and downs
in life.
- Enjoy yummy sit down meals
- Some performed love song, some dancing and singing  the atmosphere so warm
and cozy
- At the end, they took turn to take a photo with newlywed couple
- Hopefully, My furture wedding will be as fascinating as him.

 Part 3:
Do you think people who like to smile are more friendly?
Yes, it seems to me that people who like to smile tend to be friendlier. Smiling is probably the
quickest way to express good intentions. It makes you come off as a warm and friendly
person. So anyone who enjoys smiling is probably outgoing and welcoming.
Why do most people smile in photographs?
most people smile in photographs because most photographs are taken to keep unforgetable
memories in happy events, such as birthday parties, vacations, weddings, or holidays. When
people are happy or laughing, they smile naturally. Plus, smiling is so common in photographs
because it makes the person look nicer on camera. Actually even from a very young age
parents teach their children to smile when someone is taking a photo, so this becomes a habit
that children carry into adulthood.
Do women smile more than men? Why?
I think it all depends on their personality. Some people like to smile because they are very
warm, extrovert and just generally happy people. Others can be more shy or more private, and
so they do not smile often. However, sometimes we expect people to smile, especially those
who are in a customer service position. Nurse, teacher, so on.
Do people smile more when they are younger or older?
 19. Describe a time when you saw two of your friends argued
You should say:
What they argued about
Why they argued with each other
What happened at the end
How you felt about it
When it happened?

- The first years of uninersity oriented team on the assigment devided task

What it was about?

- technology topic complete 1 week model to desmontrate write an analytical

report and give the presentation-->
- up to the ears  start argue each other missing the meeting and did not contribute
much 1 week left for the deadline.
- Both think they are right, other is wrong verbal fighting to real fighting accusing
and blamming

How it was solved?

- Come and stopped it > time –consuming > if not going together, could not stay on
- All gave him a hand by wake whole night to finish his task. Finally, the presentation
went good.

How you felt about it?

- Unsastify, disappointed  it may reduce my score.

- Future, will careful in select the team member.

 Part 3:
1. Do you think arguments are important?
There is no denying that arguments sometimes time-consume. Yet arguments are neccessary
because they help us in clearing our doubts. Moreover, through arguments, people can highlight
various issues affecting our society. All those societies where people have healthy arguments
grow rapidly.
2. What do family members generally argue about?
Usually, family members talk they argue about small issues. Like what to cook, and who will
handle which duty?. Even small talk could lead to an fighting. Another important issue which
families argue about is the education of the children in the family.
3. Is it easier for you to have arguments with your friends or your family members?
I find it easy to have arguments with my friends because I am more open with them. With them,
I have the freedom to discuss any kind of topic. Moreover, being of my age, they understand
me better as compared to my family members. On the other hand arguments with family
members can lead to big trouble, because all members of the family are of different age
groups and this thing increse the gap between them.
4. Do you think people should change the way they think when they have arguments?
Yes, people need to have a dramatic change in their thinking process while having arguments.
Because their central focus should be on finding a solution through debate, rather than
winning the argument.
5. If two people argue, do you think a third person should be involved in the settlement?
If the argument is going towards a healthy debate, then the third party should not envolve.
However, if the argument is leading to an fighting then the third person should enter the debate
and cut down the situation.Because the involvement of a third party brings a new perspective
to the discussion which could help in finding a suitable concluson.
 20. Describe a time you helped a friend
You should say:
When it was
How you helped him/her
Why you helped him/her
And how you felt about it
Now I would like to talk about a time when my close friend asked me to help him choose a
meaningful present for his sister 3 months ago.
I think the reason why he asked me for help because he didn't have time and was not good at
choosing and giving gifts.
At first, I did not know what to choose, but after that when I went across a bookstore. I
immediately had a thought of buying a book. After that, I choose a book whose name is “Heart
The reason why I think it is suitable because it contains so many tricks to help readers to
behave better and control their feelings in real situations. Besides, it always leads people to
good values. Anyone who wants to have a better life and become a better person should read
it at least once in their lifetime.
I was sure that both my friend and his sister would be satisfied with this gift because it is a
precious book and many people enjoy reading it. I felt very happy when I could help him to do
this, and I will be willing whenever any of my friends need my help.

 Part 3:
How do people usually help each other?
People help each other in many ways. For example, people help tourists by telling them about
directions. People also help each other financially by loaning some money. Or giving advice to
In student life, intelligent students help others with their homework or studies during after
school hours.
How is online help different from real-life help?
From my point of view, there are a number of things that help on the Internet that differ
from those in reality. Firstly, helipng by money transfer for someone in emercency needed is
faster and safe. Secondly, helping on Internet is much more convenient , you can give an
advice to your friend or your fammily members wherever they are. Finnaly, as a technician, I
always use teamviewer which is the remote control app that help me fix problem from my
clients’s computer.
Should schools be responsible for teaching students how to cooperate?
Yes of course schools must teach students to corporate with others. Because school is the
second home for the children and they learn valuable social skills and ethical values from
schools. I think they play a big part in that process. For example, teachers can implement
opportunities for cooperating into their lesson plans. They can assign group projects that
require students to work well together. In that way, they can help students practice
cooperation while showing them how important it is to work as a team.
What are the differences between help from friends and help from family?
Well, there is a difference in the help of friends and of family. Friends assist in personal as
well as professional problems. While family also help but they fell more comfortable in
sharing problem with their friends rather than their parent because they don’t want their
family worry about them. But in some important case friends can’t help as family like support
finace or give an crucial decission.
 21. Describe a leisure activity near/on the sea that you want to try
You should say:
What it was
What you need to prepare
How easy or difficult it is
And explain why you want to try it
I would like to tell you about a recreational activity near the sea that I want to try, which is
scuba diving.
It is a water sport that is becoming increasingly popular in famous islands in Vietnam such as
Phu Quoc or Ly son in Central Vietnam.
In order to be able to dive under the water surface for a long time, I will have to experience a
few training sessions under the expert guidance of a professional. Besides, I also have to equip
myself with diving clothing and underwater breathing equiment.
Although it sounds difficult, I know how to swim already and I think it will not be too
challenging for me.
The reason why I want to experiment with this kind of water sport is because I am really
curious about what the seabed looks like. Moreover, watching coral reefs and marine
animals swimming around has always been an idea that fascinates me, but I’ve never had a
chance to try it before. So, next time if I have an opportunity to travel to an island, I will
certainly experience this sport with my friends and family members.
 Part 3:
What are the advantages and disadvantages of vacations to the seaside?
Seaside vacations offer many benefits. However, the main advantage is the beautiful sights
and the chance to try on some water sports. It’s amazing to walk around and smell the ocean,
or to go relax at a beach. Another advantage is a fresh seafood that you can try. On the other
hand, people can get heat strokes and bad tans if they spend too much time in the sun.
Additionally, there may be accidents like drowning, etc. Or there might be crowded by the
high number of other tourists.
Why do people like spending time on the sea?
People like spending time on the sea because it is relaxing. For some people, they like the sea
because of all the different activities they can do, such as surfing, scuba divine, swimming,
and sailing. Plus, Seeing the gorgeous water and enjoying the bright sun is definitely an
experience worth having. The sea is an excellent place to connect with nature and to see
something different that you wouldn’t see every day.
Why do children like the sea better than adults?
Children love doing water sports and they don’t realize the high risks that come with the sea.
Children can have fun and play around in the water Moreover, Children can explore and get
to know new knowledge and materials which they haven't seen before like coral reefs and
marine animals
What types of job positions can be found on or near the sea?
People can find jobs like swimming instructors, lifeguards, fishing etc. Moreover, people can
also find work at seaside restaurants as there are many sea food restaurants on the seashore.
Finally, seaside locations are very popular tourist destination so there are many hotels in their
vicinity. So, these locations can provide jobs in the hospitality industry.
 22. Describe a time when you shared something with others
You should say:
What you shared
Who you shared it with
Why you shared it
And explain how you felt about sharing it
I have always enjoyed sharing things with others. Today, I would like to talk about one of those
things which I shared with a roommate of mine when I was a college student.
It was about 8 years ago or so when I was living with a roommate in the same room at a hostel.
Even though we studied in different faculties, we both got along well and decided to share the
room with one another.
The reason why we shared the room with each other was because we could save a considerable
amount of money each month. It is common when most students are often still dependent on
their parents and sharing their room with others could allow them to spend more money for
food or other learning activities.
I enjoyed sharing the room as it gave me a friend to talk to every day, otherwise I would feel
very lonely. Although we had some problems in organizing our possessions in the room, but
that issue got solved quickly as we both started to utilize the space more smartly.
 Part 3:
Do Vietnamese people like to share things with others?
Well, sharing is a good habit. almost people in my country woould like to share what they
have to someone needed. they share notes,clothes and electronic equipment for friends or
share work with their colluages, share food and money to poor people.
What are the consequences if children don’t like to share?
I think it might be difficult for children to make new friends if they are hesitant to share.
When children grow up, they might face even bigger problems. For example, when they are
working in a company and they are asked to share their responsibilities with others. If they fail
to do so, they might even lose their jobs.
Do you think students like to share accommodation with others on campus?
Because there are some benefics when sharing a room to others like save money, improve
community skills or study together and give other a hand. But most of people include student
and me. We are prefer to have a privite room where we can find more comfortable with out
disturbed by roomate. Also we don’t want to share with someone have different mindset or
How could parents and teachers teach young children to share?
It is a fact that children always copy their elders or can say they follow their elder’s footsteps.
So if their parents and teachers share things with others, then children will learn and like to
share their things. or teachers and parent can give a work in group for children. when they
work together, depend on each others, they would automatically learn to share
 23. Describe an article on health you read on magazine or the Internet
You should say:
What it was
Where you read it
Why you read it
And how you felt about it
I have read many articles in my life. Today I will talk about an article about healthy lifestyle
that I read last year. I read this article from the website fitness.com. I was browsing through a
website, when I saw the link to this article. The name of the article was very eye-catching. It
was “Look Younger, Live Longer”. I clicked on the link and it opened this article.
Nowadays, we all are living with less doing excisite and facing many health-related
problems.This article opened my eyes that to become healthier, it was all about making small
lifestyle changes. I came to know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
We should have a healthy and wholesome breakfast and never skip it. This habit helps boost
our health and also helps us go through the day with full energy. I have never skipped
breakfast since I’ve read this article and I can concentrate on my work and studies better. It
also said that walking for an hour a day is as good as one hour of gym. Since then, morning
walk has become a part of my routine.
I feel very fit and healthy and have rarely fallen sick since I made these small changes. I have
bookmarked this article and read it often. I have also shared it with many of my friends and
 Part 3:
Do you think people are healthier now than in the past?
How can you tell whether a website is reliable or not?
What activities can schools organize for children to keep fit?
What can governments do to improve people’s health?
 24. Describe an older person that you admire
You should say:
Who this person is
How you know this person
What kinds of things you like to do together
And explain how you feel about this person
I will describe an old person I admire the most who is my grandmother. She is around 70 years
old now.
In the past because my parents were on the go due to tight scheldule, she was the one who
took care of and spent most of the time with me.
The reason why I admire her is because she is very knowledgeable and teaches me a lot of
skills like cooking, time management and other life skills. Besides, She can speak English
very well too and is my first English teacher. It is thanks to talking to her that I can improve
my English communication skills greatly.
I can learn a lot of valuable lessons just by talking to her and listen to her life stories. I feel very
attached to her and consider her as an important person who influences my character
immensely. For all of these reasons, my grandmother is the one I admire the most.
 Part 3:
What can young and old people learn from each other?
I think young and old people can teach a lot to each other. Old people can use their life
experience to teach young one’s the important life values lessons, whereas the youngsters can
help the elderly by teaching them about the latest technological trends such as how to use
computers and mobile phones.
Has old people's quality of life improved when compared to the past?
Definitely yes, I believe there has been a significant improvement in the quality of life of the
old people. With the advancements in the field of medicine, thus making their life more
comfortable and longer. Also, social media has helped old people to stay in touch with their
friends and family who live far away, instead of living an isolated life as compared to the
Why is there a generation gap between the young and the old?
I believe there are two main reasons behind the generation gap. First is due to the change in
priorities, while the elderly believed in working hard and saving money, the younger
generation wants to work smartly and party hard. So, the elderly often think that the younger
generation is not serious about life. From the view of young people, they often see the elderly
as boring and they think the old people are not ready to adapt to the changing trends in
What do old people usually do in their daily life?
I think old people do many things in their life but mostly it depends on their economic and
social status. Those who are wealthy, love to travel, play golf, spend time in clubs and enjoy
their retired life. Others usually like to stay home, read books, spend time with their
grandchildren, and sometimes they vissit to the church or temples to pray for their family
 25. Describe your favorite film/movie
You should say:
When you watched it
Where you watched it
What it was about
And explain why you like it
I am a person who likes to spend free time with my family. The activity we usually do is
watching films together. I remember one Korean movie all my family members enjoy
watching at home was “My family is the number one”.
We watched this series 4 years ago on TV after dinner in the living room. This comedy movie
was about the life of a large family with three generations living in a house. All characters
had a great sense of humor. They used simple sentences in daily conversations to cause
audience to burst into laughter. The actress I liked the most was the small girl, Heri.
Although she was just around 6 years old, her acting was very natural and lovely.
I love this movie because it amused all my family members and helped us relax and reduce
stress after class or work. Besides, I also learned many things from this movie, such as family
love. It taught us to care more about others and valued the relationships with friends and
 Part 3:
What kind of movies do Vietnamese people like to watch?
The majority of Vietnamese often spend their evenings watching TV together with their
family, and movie series are an important part of the Vietnamese lifestyle. There are countless
dramas that come out every year, and they are attracting attention. I think movie series are
becoming more popular because movie producers know how to make movies that
Vietnamese people can relate to, such as family relationships, marriage problems, that sort of
Are movie stars important to a movie?
not really, simply because there are many factors that can determine the box office success of
a movie, apart from its famous cast. A successful movie requires a good script, or a storyline,
maybe a story that the audience can relate to, and touch their hearts. Besides, I suppose there
are also other classical factors, such as producer, director, special effects, things related to
cinematography, because it needs to be represented artistically.
Are foreign movies popular in Vietnam?
yes. there are a lot of foreign movie genres that are popular in Vietnam. Hollywood
blockbusters is Action films have existed and dominated for the past decade. And of course,
science-fiction like Harry Potter could be a great example for young children in my country
Is it important that a country has its own film industry?
it is nessecery. the reasons why the movies in my country aren’t as good as Hollywood
movies are. First of all, the budget is really low for local movies and that is why there are very
limited opportunities. Not all scenes are impressive by less technology equiment like
cinematography that dominates in Hollywood. Furthermore, the actors in local movies
aren’t so famous and talented, incontrast in Hollywood they are hire a lot of famous acts
over the world. so invest local industry can bring great benefit of economic country
 26. Describe a quiet place you like to spend your time in
You should say:
Where it is
How you knew it and how often you go there
What you do there
And explain why you like the place
Now I want to describe a quiet place that I often visit on the weekend. It is called Provincial
Library. It is located right in the center of Bien Hoa city, where I am living now and near my
place of residence. It takes me only 5 minutes to travel there from my home.
The first time I travelled there was 5 years ago when my class in high school organised a trip
to visit historic buildings in the city. Since then, I have been there at least once per month.
In my free time at the weekend I will go to this place to enjoy myself in a world of books.
There are many types of my favourite books there from novels to scientific ones.
The reason why I want to devote my spare time here is because reading in a library is much
more interesting than reading at home. At the same time, it is quiet and not noisy like in a
coffee shop. Although I like the atmosphere in these places but I often can not focus on what I
am reading and are often distracted. I am a bookworm, so this library is my favourite place to
read and relax.
 Part 3:
Is it hard to find quiet places in cities?
Why is it quieter in the countryside?
Why do people go to quiet places?
Compared with young people, do old people prefer to live in quiet places?
 27. Describe a company where you live that employs a lot of people
You should say:
What it does
How many people it employs
What kind of people work there
How you feel about it
I want to describe a corporation named FPT. It is a company operating in technological sector
and among the 100 largest Vietnamese companies.
The company was established in 1988, experiencing a few decades of development, and it now
has more than 30,000 employees. Their products are not used only in Vietnam, but also
exported to other countries like Japan or America. FPT is a reliable partner of many large
corporations in the world like Microsoft, Amazon Web service, SAP.
At the beginning, it was a food-processing company, but then people knew this company as a
communications and software company. At the moment, it covers a wide range of fields
including software, communications, education and retail. However, the focus of this group is
technology and most of their employees are engineers.
Many Vietnamese households now use Wifi or communications services provided by FPT, and
I hope in the future Vietnam will have more large corporations like FPT, It is a great
environment with well-paid jobs for any graduate from the major of information technology.
 Part 3:
Should big companies be punished more seriously if they break the law?
The law is equal for all, so it doesn’t matter how big or small a company is. So I think the
government should give strict punishment to the company for breaking the law.
Should big companies donate more to charities?
More businesses, large and small, are discovering advantages of supporting charitable causes
because doing so can improve their companies. When they get publicity for their charity work,
they are getting advertisement for free.
What are the benefits of working for a big company?
Working for a big company provides global exposure and many perks.
For example, most large companies can offer a range of insurance options. Apart from this,
you get a higher payout and chances of travelling are more as compared to a small company.
What are the differences between big companies and small companies
Big companies work on a larger scale and they have several branches and offices whereas
small companies have fewer branches and offices.
Apart from this big companies provide a wide range of products and services as compared to
small companies.
 28. Describe a time you saw something interesting on social media
You should say:
When it was
Where you saw it
What you saw
And explain why you think it was interesting
 Part 3:
1. Why do people like to use social media?
I think the main reason why people use social media is to stay in touch in with friends and
family members. Another major reason is to keep abreast with the latest news and
information. Last but not least, it is just a way to fill up spare time.
2. What kind of things are popular on social media?
Many things are popular on social media, but the most popular is to share pictures and videos
about oneself. People also share the latest news and information they find interesting.
Nowadays, even businesses have started using social media to advertise their products and
create a name for their brand.
3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using social media?
I think the main advantage of using social media is that it is very easy to access information,
provide information and communicate via social media. It lets us make friends and keep in
touch with old friends very easily. On the other hand, the main drawback is the lack of
privacy and lack of reliable information. There are many instances where people have used
social media to share false information for example, recently people spread misinformation
about the harmful effects of covid vaccination, which caused a lot of hesitancy among people
about vaccination.
4. What do you think about making friends on social networking sites?
I think it’s not safe to make friends on social media because it’s very easy for people to
pretend to be someone else. I think we should rather use it to keep in touch with real life
 29. Describe an art and craft activity (e.g. painting, woodwork, etc.) that you had
You should say:
What you made
How you made it
What it looked like
And how you felt about the activity
My hobby is to photograph landscapes of the area that I travel to. So, I have learned how to
edit and add effects to the original pictures, which makes them look better.
I do not do this activity often because I only have time to travel at the end of each month.
However, I usually take as many photos as I can. So, after each trip I spend a great deal of
time on my laptop to deal with them.
Because I am not a professional designer, I do not have any design application on my laptop
and have to use a website on the Internet to edit them more quickly and simply. It is not very
complicated to improve the quality of pictures. I often just adjust the brightness, change
background colours and apply ready-made effects of the website to my photos.
I feel very interesting when I edit the photos I take by myself. I could spend hours to deal with
them and enjoy the final pictures. After that, I share them on Facebook and Instagram and feel
so happy when my friends give compliments to my landscape photographs.
 Part 3:
What traditional handcrafts are popular in Vietnam?
Being a tropical country with advantageous climate patterns for bamboos and woods, it is not
hard to find crafty products from these materials in Vietnam, you know something like small
baskets made of woven bamboo. Not only are they favoured in Vietnam, but they also
successfully reached some international major markets such as Europe and the US.
What do young people think of traditional handcrafts?
I think most young people including me really appreciate traditional handicrafts. However, I
also believe that young people don’t have the patience to do these traditional handicrafts as
people did in the earlier times.
Do people in your country send handcrafts as a gift?
I think sadly most people don’t have the time to make handicrafts. So it has become less
common. However, there are many old people who gift handicrafts. For example, my mother
hand knits a sweater for my granddad at the beginning of every winter season.
What are the benefits of making handcrafts?
there is no doub that handicrafts have various benefits for our society from the individual to
the national level. Firstly, I suppose that handicrafts bring amount of income for artics to
ensure a decent life qualifies for their families. Furthermore, it also benefits the nation as it
helps maintain a lasting cultural identity in Vietnam for our young generation.
 30. Describe a time you bought something from a street (or outdoor) market
You should say:
When it was
Where the market was
What you bought
And how you felt about it
I still remember the time when I was shopping in a street market in Da Nang, Vietnam. It was
in December and Christmas was approaching, my friends and I decided to go out and shop in a
street marker near my university campus.
The street market was located downtown and not far from the campus. It was such an
crowded and unforgettable scene with the special Christmas atmosphere that I believe I
would always remember it even after I came back. The kids were happy looking around with
their parents and the things on sale were various and not commonly seen at non-festival time.
I bought a few postcards as I wanted to send best wishes to my loved ones through these
I felt excited that I got the chance to buy those postcards with meaningful wishes. In terms of
my feelings about the shopping experience, I would say it would remain as one of the most
amazing experiences, shopping in a street market at a special time. Also, I would always
remember the friends who were at my side and shared that excellent experience. From that
time on, I believe I fell in love with the street markets.
 Part 3:
What kinds of markets are there in Vietnam?
All types of markets are out there in Vietnam. There are malls, supermarkets, street markets,
and small street shops. tradition markets
Do you think small markets will disappear in the future?
No, I do not think small markets will disappear in the future because they have their own
importance. Small shops cater to the immediate needs of the people. So small shops small
markets will never disappear although they might suffer a decrease in sales.
Have people’s shopping habits changed in recent years?
Yes, people have started shopping online, and going to small markets and shopping malls has
gone down. The recent COVID-19 pandemic has also given a big boost to online shopping
trend and this change has come around only in the last few years.
What are the differences between shopping in street markets and in big shopping malls?
In big shopping malls, the prices are fixed and people grab products on their own and there is
nobody to provide instruction or advice. However, in street markets, the price is negotiative
and the products are properly introduced in detail by the salespersons.
 31. Describe a piece of equipment that is important in your home
You should say:
What it is
How often do you use it
With whom you use it
And explain why it is important
I am describing my laptop as it is the equipment I often use at home. It is a black coloured
laptop of Dell brand and I bought it almost five years ago.
This electronic device has helped me in many aspects, including work, study and
communication. The first important usage is saving data. I can save numerous e-books,
pictures, audio and video clips in it, and the 300GB hardware capacity has allowed me to save
plenty of them.
Moreover, I can access the Internet using this laptop. By connecting to the Internet I can
access every website, check my email and watch online movies or documentaries. This laptop
has assisted me to raise my knowledge not only in my career and study but also in learning
the English language. I also communicate with others with this laptop and this is the primary
means of communication with my friends.
I have already become dependent on my laptop. Definitely, the use of internet and computer
has become unavoidable in this modern era and this is indeed a very important tool for me.
 Part 3:
What kinds of machines are there in people’s homes?
What are the differences between the young and the old in their attitudes towards machines?

What kinds of professions require people to use machines?

Office jobs (print, scan, sofware, computer) and service industry (raplace cashier by self-service
terminal like using online service, ATM in bank, market,
Will many people’s work be done by robots in the future?
In the near future, robots will be used to replace the heaviest and most dangerous jobs that people
do. Factories will completely automate.plane will become drones and self-piloting planes.
Building and construction will further automate. However, many jobs related to service,
entertainment and even education.
 32. Describe a time you tried to do something but was not very successful
You should say:
When it was
What you tried
Why it was not very successful
And how you felt about it
Well, let I tell you about the occasion when i used to play a toy as a child. Back in the day, i
was super into playing with toys just like another kids. So i was pestered my parent for toys.
They were ok with that. But one condition for that i had to get straight As in class. So I study
very hard for it, finnaly I did very well in class. And then instead of getting me supperhero
figuring \, my parents got me a jigsaw puzzle because they think it is beneficial to my mental
health. When it come to the appearance and how it look. There was a stunning landscape
printed on the puzzle. I mean there were padding fields in the foreground and mountains in
the background. And the puzzle was made up of 1000 peices. I I started accembling the peices,
after 2 hours, I was 10% done. Then I was run out of patience. It was such a hassle. And I
gave up halfway through because patient is not my strong suit.
I felt down in the dumps also waste of time and money.
I will try to be more careful in the future when it come to shopping.

 Part 3:
What things do children try to succeed in?
Well, from the very beginning, they try to succeed in many small actions. They try to learn
some life skills like swimming and riding a bike and feel really proud when they master those.
And of course The main thing that children try to succeed in are sports competition and
How much pressure do Vietnamese parents put on their children to be successful?
Most parents have too much concern about the future career of their children so they keep
them in a huge study timetable to achieve higher exam score. They think that being a
successful person will bring a lot of opportunities for children. For example, most parents
expect their children would become a doctor or engineer, and they can secure future jobs. As a
result, children have to study have to sastisfy their parents.
Which do you think is more important for people to become successful, hard work or
The most important thing for success is working hard. Even opportunity is necessary but
without hard work, you don’t get any opportunity. for example you take an opportunity by
some one else and get your dream job but without putting effort. you will lost the job.
Do you think people will be happy if they don’t have any goals to achieve?
I don’t think a life without goals could ever bring happiness. In fact, it would lead to
depression. People need goals in life not only just for happiness but also to survive. Goals
bring purpose to our lives and bring us something to look forward to.
 33. Describe an activity that you do after school/work
You should say:
What it is
When and where you do it
Who you do it with
And how you feel about it
My hobby after work is to photograph landscapes of the area that I travel to, edit and add
effects to the original pictures, which make them look better.
I do not do this activity often because I only have time to travel at the end of each month.
However, I usually take as many photos as I can. So, after each trip I spend a great deal of
time on my laptop to deal with them.
Because I am not a professional designer, I do not have any design application on my laptop
and have to use a website on the Internet to edit them more quickly and simply. It is not very
complicated to improve the quality of pictures. I often just adjust the brightness, change
background colours and apply ready-made effects of the website to my photos.
I feel very interesting when I edit the photos I take by myself. I could spend hours to deal with
them and enjoy the final pictures. After, I share them on Facebook and Instagram and feel so
happy when my friends give compliments to my landscape photographs.
 Part 3:
Why do some people enjoy extreme sports?
Well, some people are risk-takers. They tend to set new goals and to overcome them. They
believe extreme sports push them to overcome fears and explore their own limits.
Are men more likely to do extreme sports than women?
In my opinion, different gender have different interest. Women tend to take part in some
gentle physical activities like doing yoga. On the other hand, men love pushing their limits
with boxing or rock climbing. While men are born with steel and stone spirit and carefree
nature, women are likely to be careful and wary. It require high-spritted to join risky sports
so it’s suitable for men as they have passion to overcome natural barriers.
What are the most popular outdoor activities in Vietnam?
I think the most popular outdoor activities are sports and especially football. Besides sports, a
lot of people also like to go for walking or jogging. In fact, even in my city, most of the people
go for a walk in the morning.
What do young people usually do in groups?
Young people do many things in groups, first, they go to shopping malls and cinema theatres.
Also, many of the youth like to play outdoor activities and sports like football, volleyball and
so on. Another trend that is coming in big cities is going out and partying at clubs.
 34. Describe a habit your friend has and you want to develop
You should say:
Who your friend is
What habit he/she has
When you noticed this habit
And explain why you want to develop this habit
So today I would like to talk about my best friend, my partner-in-crime, Jenny. she is a
complete person with lots of good habits and that’s why she is the most likable person in our
One good habit she has “Early to Bed and Early To Rise. She does study in the morning time
because according to her there are fewer distractions in the early morning and no noise so
that she can concentrate keenly on her studies. According to her, if we complete all the task in
the early morning, we will get positive attitude for whole day.
I first observed this habit last year when our classmates made a plan to go to the cinema at
the late-night then she told me she could not go with us because she has a habit of early to bed
so that time, I knew her habit.
I know there are many advantages of waking up early everyday. One who wakes up early in
the morning will definitely become a healthy person. Whether we have work or not, if we
implement the habit of waking up early in the morning, we can go for walk or do exercises
which is obviously a healthy way of starting a day.
 Part 3:
What habits should children have?
I think children should wake up early and sleep on time. They should brush their teeth twice a
day, once in the morning and once at night. They should respect their elders, their parents, and
their teachers. These are basic habits I think all children must have, but there are also a lot of
other good habits, which parents should help children develop.
What should parents do to teach their children good habits?
I think the parents should encourage children to develop good habits. For example, they can
buy them a toy if they wake up early every day. Also, children pick up a lot of habits just by
watching their parents. So, if parents do something regularly, children would automatically
coppying the habits for their own.
What influences do children with bad habits have on other children?
Mostly negative influences I guess. First, kids are impressionable, so they tend to coppy their
friends without knowing whether or not the habits are bad. Bullying at school is one of the
examples, many kids actually think ít’s cool to be bullies. I mean, negative habits are very
spreadable so we as adults need to be really aware of that.
Why do some habits change when people get older?
Habits change when people get older because of tight schedules. For example, when people
get older, they have less time to exercise regularly. Similarly, people might have to stay awake
at night to finish work and thus, they can not get up early. In childhood, it is easier to
maintain habits because there is a lot of spare time. Another reason is health conditions,
many habits are not suitable for old people any more, so they might find other less physical
 35. Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is
You should say:
Who the person is
How you know him/her
What kind of person he/she is
And explain why you think he/she is interesting

 Part 3:
Do you think having foreign friends is a good way to know other countries?
Being a social butterfly, I am active on social media, and due to this, I have a lot of friends
come from four conner of the world with different social background. In my opinion, we gain
a huge information from overseas friends regarding their culture, traditions and cuisines.
Thus, it is the best way to gain knowledge of other countries.
Do you think it is important to know the culture and language before going to another
Yes absolutely. It is important to learn the basic language and culture of other countries
before you go there. Your travelling experience will be much more worthwhile when you can
speak some basic sentences to communicate with the locals in the country you visit. On top of
that each country has different cultures, so learnning their cultures means you respect them
and their cultures, which will make you enjoy your travel better.
Why do many people like to work in international companies?
Most of people are attracted to the mutinational corporations because some of reason.
Firstly, working in a international environtment can provide a huge exposure to the employees.
Secondly, the salary and perks is much better. Finally, working in international companies
can help people improve their communication skills as well as their language which they use
to communicate in work place.
What abilities do people need to have when working in an international company?
People working in an international company need to have good language learning skills. Since
international companies normally have branches and stakeholders in more than one country,
their employees need to communicate with other co-workers, suppliers and clients from
different countries. Besides, people skills are also essential since communication makes up a
big part of their job. moreover knowledge of the culture and cooperative attitude are some of
abilities that people need to have when working in a international company
What is the disadvantage?
It is true that working in international can bring a lot of money to you but the disadvantage
following is you have to work under a lot of pressure. The work is up to the ears due to tight
scheldule. Moreover, the language people use to comunicate is not their mother tonge. So it is
easy make people misunderstand. Also, time zone is one of disadvantage, some time you have
to wake up at 1 or 2 am for extra work when you have to communicate with your clients in
another country. Moreover, sometimes, employees might face to difficulties related to cultural
 36. Describe a difficult decision that you once made
You should say:
What the decision was
When you made your decision
How long it took to make the decision
And explain why it was difficult to make
I am going to talk about the time i decided to move to HCM city to study which is one of the
biggest dicissions that i have ever made. At that time, I was still grade 12 and I was in two
mind about whether I was going to enter university in big city or stay in my home town and
study there. It may good sound for many people but for me, it was a serious one because I had
never been away from my family before that time. I knew that studying in the city would
ensure a great future for me but if I did that, i would not able to see my parents as much as I
want. Plus, living away from them mean that I had to get out of my confort zone and learn to
do every thing on my own. So I was nervous about that.
Later I ask my parents for their oppinion and they encouraged me to move to HCM for higher
study. Even they knew they would miss me alot. And I took their advice and choose to study in
here. Now looking back, i think I have made the right decision.
I have change a lot since the first time i set foot in here. I have become more independent and
a lot of mature. Compare to who I was few years ago.
I still get in touch with my parents often via mobile phone and alway to visit them every 2
 Part 3:
What decisions do people usually make in their daily lives?
People make different kinds of decisions every day from dawn to dusk such as what to eat,
what to wear, what to do, and when to sleep or wake up.
Which is easier, making a decision by yourself or making a decision after group discussion?
It is easier to make a decision after a group discussion because we have the advantage of
knowing different view on the issue. in short, different ways to solve the issue. However, in
some cases, too much consider with others ideas will lead to a delay in making the right
Why are many young people unwilling to follow their parents’ advice?
i think many young people think that their parent’s thinking might be outdated for today’s
time. Moreover, at a young age, due to hormonal changes, they have this tendency to not
paying enough attention to the advice of their parents. And they don’t want to have any more
pressure from their parents.
Why would middle-aged people tend to second-guess their own decisions?
I think second-guessing is not depend on age. We all tend to second guess our decisions when
it’s a difficult decision and when we are not confident about the decision. I think the best way
to avoid second-guessing or rethinking the decision is to limit the choices and discuss it with
close friends and family members.
 37. Describe a bicycle/motorcycle/car trip you would like to go
You should say:
Who you would like to go with
Where you would like to go
When you would like to go
And explain why you would like to go by bicycle/motorbike/car
1 Where: ( dac diem, vi tri, khoang cach, noi tieng, vi du)
- coastal city,
- in central Vietnam.
- It is an hour flight from Danang to HCM.
- Acquire reputation for its beaches
- Example: My Khue is one of the most beautiful beaches in corner of the world
2 When (stories)
- Back in the day
- When I was in first year in university
- Prepared the final exam
- up to my ears
- stressful
- need to let my hair down  travel Danang
3 What
- Did a lot of things
- Sight seeing: climb top of mountain impressive by breathtaking view  snap photo
and post FB envy me
- Beach: go went into a swim  crystal clear water and golden saint
- Eat: try a local cuisine fresh price seafood and reasonable
4 Why:
- I have an absolutely blast trip that I have never forgotten.
- Future to turn back.

 Part 3:
Which form of vehicle is the most popular in your country?
In Vietnam, most people prefer motorcycles for travelling within the city , while they prefer
cars when travelling to another city and when travelling with family.
Do you think air pollution comes mostly from mobile vehicles?
No, I don’t think that mobile vehicles are the leading cause of air pollution. They definitely
contribute a lot to the problem, and we need to cut down the use of mobile vehicles down
wherever possible. But I think that a lot of air pollution comes from ships and trains and other
forms of transportation as well. Factories also cause a ton of air pollution. You can see all
the dark smoke that comes out of them.
Do you think people need to change the way of transportation drastically to protect the
Yes, definitely! People need to radically change their transit options and think from an
environment perspective. Because vehicles running on fossil fuels are no doubt a great source
of air pollution. I believe the golden handshake between government and the public will do
wonders for the environment.
What are the differences between transportation systems in urban areas and the ones in
rural areas?
As far as I know, urban and rural communities are extremely different when it comes to
transportation systems. Compared with rural areas, urban areas are densely populated and
have more developed infrastructure, so urban residents have easier access to a network of public
transit. But you’ll never see a public transportation that good in villages. People who live in the
countryside normally ride a bike or just walk places within the … as the residential area of a
rural neighborhood can be very small.

 38. Describe a famous athlete you know

You should say:
Who he/she is
How you knew him/her
What he/she has archived
And explain why he/she is famous
Today i am going to talk about Luong Xuan Truong, a famous footbal player in Vietnam that
I look up to
He became a household name in Vietnam long time ago. When he took part in Hoang Anh
Gia Lai footbal clup and he was a leader of national football team in a footbal competition in
2017. He is almost unbeatable in my country. Apart from attending dometic football
competition, he also joins international championship and play for Korean football club.
Thank to him, our Vietnamese football team has gone so far. We are so Proud of him
There are many reason why I am inerested in him. First and foremost, Luong Xuan Truong is
always hard-working and try to do his best.
Second, he never gives up when facing difficult. For example, along time ago, he was onece
injured seriously, which may put an end to his career. However, he didn’t stop him from
working hard.
Third, he can speak English very well and have a beautiful voice. In a program on TV, he has a
talk with the MC in English without help
As i am a big fan of football, I really admire Le Xuan Truong and he inspires me to take up
some sport games.
 Part 3:
What kinds of exercises do Vietnamese people like?
Vietnamese people like all types of exercises, indoor and outdoor as well. They like weight
training and cardio exercises in indoor. jogging and swimming outdoor. The choice of
exercises is determined by age and gender.
What characteristics do you think an athlete should have?
I think of a few attributes of a professional athlete should have would be resilience,
perseverance and discipline. Pursuing a career in sports is not an easy and common way so
any individual following it should be resilience and perseverance because there are a lot of
challenges and problems such as injuries, low pay for example. Moreover, to become
excellent in any sports, a great sense of discipline is necessery to maintain continuous training.
Why are there so few top athletes?
To my mind, what is the different between a famous athlete and others is a mentality, which is
extremely hard to measure and therefore hard to improve. I think there are too many good
athletes in different sports, but only a few can reach succesful because not many players can
overcome stressful situations. There are different kinds of pressure situations such as by fans
and rival fans, pressure to execute the last shot of the game, etc. I have seen many sports stars
fail to overcome pressure, hence never deverloping to their full potential.
What’s the best way to become a top athlete?
In my opinion, many factors contribute to the success of a top athlete: hard working, talent,
mentality and luck. So if we look at those aspects, the things we can actually control would be
the amount of work we put in the training, physical and mental. We all have heard numerous
stories good sportsmen tell about how hard work pays off and it’s completely true. The only
thing an athlete can and should do is to practice and train as hard as possible and hope that
everything else would fall in line.
 39. Describe a creative person whose work you admire
 Part 3
Do you think you are a creative person?
I am a creative person since my childhood, I have been converting waste products into
something worthwhile. For example, recently I made a bag from my old pair of jeans. ALSO I
used an old CPU as a storage device in my study room.
Is it good for children to learn arts?
Yes, it’s great for children to study the arts. Children can develop their creativity through
activities like drawing and music lessons. Both of these activities teach children to express
themselves in creative ways. With drawing, they can use their imagination to create pieces of
art. When they take music lessons, they can use different parts of their brain to understand
music and express themselves by playing a song.
What kinds of jobs require people to be creative?
I think all jobs require people to be creative. If people are not creative, then their job may
become dull and boring. If any job has to be done over and over again, then some element of
creativity has to be added to it. For example, an engineer or architector needs to think of new
design to do things; a teacher has to bring up innovative methods to teach so that children
don’t get bored.
Do you think leaders need to have creative ability?
Yes, I think leaders need to have creative ability. If they are not creative, people then stop
following them as they would appear boring to them, but if they add creativity to their work,
talk, and way they do things, they will keep having followers.
 40. Describe a good service you received
You should say:
What the service was
When you received it
Who you were with
And how you felt about it
I’m going to talk about the service we received in a restaurant where my friend celebrated his
birthday last Saturday evening.
My friend had decided to book a table in a seafood restaurant for the party. It was a small,
family-run place but The atmosphere was cozy and the service was excellent.
There were about ten of us there - mostly people I’ve known since university - and it was really
great time to catch up with them and chat about what we had all been up to since we last got
The service was good because the restaurant staff and owners really made us feel at home. they
were not only polite but also kind. They brought out a cake with candles and sang ‘Happy
Birthday’ to my friend, although we hadn’t asked them to do this, All in all, the delicious
food, good company and friendly service made it an unforgettable evening.
 Part 3:
Is it important for companies to have a good relationship with their customers?
I think both companies and customers depend upon each other. Without sales, a company
cannot succeed and grow, and without good companies, people cannot get good quality
products and services. Thus, it is not surprising that the leading companies like Apple and
Amazon also have the best customer service.
What kind of services do people expect to receive from a big company?
I think companies should fulfil their promises most of all. For example, if companies make
promises like one-day installation, the promised work should be done within one day. In
addition, if the product provided doesn’t keep up to the standards promised, the company
should apologise and refund to the customers.
What kinds of jobs involve coping with the public?
nowadays, the customer has become the king. Most of the jobs these days require dealing the
clients. The most jobs which require direct interaction with the public are sales and services.
Services can be anything like car repair, product installations, healthcare services, teaching,
Why should companies react quickly when customers have difficulties?
I think The companies must react immediately to complaints because a delay on their part
could harm to brand reputation, and in today’s competitive era, brand image is paramount
to success. For achieving this aim, they have to work with determination, and discipline to
solve the pressing problems of their clients. Moreover, the review of customer on their website
lead their product is decreasing in sale.

1. What qualities, according to you, are required for any person to be admired?

FIRSTLY, the ability to lead people should be up there who can take people overcome the
problems. It’s beneficial for a society to have a good leader like Donald Trump, former american

And the second quality, I think it’s selflessness. People who sacrifice themselves for the needs
of other people should always get the recognition they deserve. Like: Firefighters, rescuers and

Do you think people who are famous are more admired than others?

I totally disagree for the view the individual acquire reputation are deserved more respect than
other because some reasons:
firstly, for me personality, famous people are respected by their success in life even by a kill
income or their talent. But it is not mean they deserve more admired than others. For me, I envy
them rather than respect because some of their talent is blessed by God, like singer who have a
good voice OR model who are beautiful. So they did not try hard to have it. Even some business
man they were supported by their parent about money, or completely depend on their family
business. I support people should have admired on their family, teacher who help you in real life
rather than others you respect but do not help or concern to your life.
secondly, I believe people who sacrifice themselves for the needs of people should get the
recognition they deserve. Like firefighters, rescuers and police

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