A Mixture Model For Duration Data Analysis of Second Births in China

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A Mixture Model for Duration Data: Analysis of Second Births in China

Author(s): Lei Li and Minja Kim Choe

Source: Demography, Vol. 34, No. 2 (May, 1997), pp. 189-197
Published by: Duke University Press on behalf of the Population Association of America
Stable URL: https://www.jstor.org/stable/2061698
Accessed: 04-12-2023 12:11 +00:00

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In this paper we introduce a mixture model in which we com- mating the separate effects of covariates on the probability
bine logistic regression and piecewise proportional hazards mod- and timing of an event is not widely recognized, and com-
els for analysis of duration data. The model allows simultaneousputer programs for easily implementing this estimation are
estimation of two sets of effects of covariates: one of the probabil-not readily available. To our knowledge, Yamaguchi (1992)
ity of an event and the other of the timing of the event. We illus-
and Yamaguchi and Ferguson (1995) are the only published
trate the application of the model through an analysis of the effects
demographic studies that recognized this distinction by us-
of women s characteristics and of the acceptance of a one-child
ing mixture models.
certificate on the birth of second children in China. Both factors
affect the probability of having a second child, but only the accep- In the following section, we present a new mixture
tance of a one-child certificate has a significant and strong effect model and its estimation. Then we illustrate the application
on the second-birth interval. of the model with an analysis of the births of second chil-
dren in China.

n this paper, we propose a mixture model that combines THE MIXTURE MODEL
logistic regression with a piecewise proportional hazards Background
model and discuss the estimation of the model using the EM
algorithm. The most important advantage of the mixture In studying events such as death, researchers mainly empha-
model is that it permits the simultaneous estimation of the size timing because the event is certain to occur for every-
separate effects of covariates on the probability and the tim- one sooner or later. By contrast, in studying events such as
ing of an event. As an illustrative application, we estimate the birth of a second child, we must ask how various factors
the effects of women's demographic and socioeconomic will affect the probability and timing of having a second
background characteristics and the acceptance of a one-child child. A substantial proportion of women in China will never
certificate on the birth of second children in China after the have a second child, and this proportion, along with the tim-
implementation of the one-child family policy in 1979. ing of the second births, contributes to the momentum of
Duration data, such as data on the time to the next birth, population growth. It is possible that some factors that affect
time to the failure of a contraceptive method, and time to the probability of having a second birth do not affect the tim-
reemployment are common in demographic analyses. Logis- ing of that birth and vice versa.
tic regression models had been used for analysis of these data Conventional models used for binary data, such as logis-
until regression models for duration data, like Cox's propor- tic regression models or probit models, are often used to esti-
tional hazards model (Cox 1972), became easily accessible. mate the effects of covariates on the probability that an event
Neither type of model, however, makes a clear distinction will take place. To analyze data on duration until the occur-
between the probability and the timing of an event. This dis- rence of an event using those models, we must transform the
tinction is important in many situations, as Ryder (1980) il- observed duration into a dichotomous variable that indicates
lustrated in a study of fertility dynamics in low-fertility whether or not the event has occurred within a specified pe-
populations. The analysis of second births in China provides riod. One serious problem with this approach is that the
a good example of the importance of this distinction because choice of period used for the analysis can affect the result.
population policies in China have consistently emphasized Another problem with using these models concerns cen-
the elimination of high-parity births and the lengthening of sored observations. Some individuals who have not experi-
intervals between births (Feeney and Wang 1993). enced the event at the time of data collection may experi-
Until now, there have been few applications of mixture ence it eventually; but they will be misclassified as not hav-
models for duration data. The idea of simultaneously esti- ing experienced the event. Of course, a simple way to avoid
this misclassification problem is to exclude all individuals
*Lei Li, Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Porteus Hall 107, with unknown duration from the analysis. In doing so, how-
2424 Maile Way, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI 96822; e- ever, we may discard a substantial part of data. A more seri-
mail: Ilei@hawaii.edu. Minja Kim Choe, Program on Population, East-West ous concem is that if the probabilities of censoring and of an
Center. We wish to thank the State Family Planning Commission of China
event are not independent, our estimates may be biased.
for making the data available. We also would like to thank the editors of
Demography, three anonymous reviewers, Noriko Tsuya, and Norman
Regression models for duration data, such as Cox's pro-
Luther for helpful comments, and Sidney Westley for editorial assistance. portional hazards model, provide alternative ways of han-

Demography, Volume 34-Number 2, May 1997:189-197 189

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dling censored data without information loss. These models p(Y = 1 1x;1) depends; let f3 be the column vector of param-
however, also assume that censoring is independent of the eters to be estimated. A logistic function is used to link p(Y
event. The assumption of independence is reasonable if ev- = 1Ix;13) and x. Then
eryone in the population will eventually experience the event
and if the survival function approaches zero. If a substantial p(Y= ljx;3) = 1 / [1 + exp(-xp)]. (1)
proportion of the population will never experience the event, Let z be the vector of covariates upon which the length
the censored observations will contain both those who will of the interval between the first and second births (hereafter
eventually experience the event and those who will not. Be- called second-birth interval) depends, and let y be the col-
cause the individuals who will never experience the event umn vector of parameters indicating the effects of z on the
will always fall in the censored group, it is incorrect to as- second-birth interval. The two sets of covariates-x, associ-
sume that the event and censoring are independent. ated with the probability of having a second birth, and z,
Therefore, when the observation period is limited and associated with the timing of a second birth-can be differ-
the event will not be experienced by everyone, neither con- ent or can overlap. Because the hazard rate is 0 for women
ventional binary response models nor regression models for who will never have a second birth, the hazards model is
duration data will correctly estimate the effects of covariates sensible only on the condition that Y = 1-that is, the case
on the probability or the timing of the event. The idea of mix- in which a woman eventually will have a second birth. We
ing a logistic regression model with a survival model has divide the period after the first birth into k segments, (Tj ,,
been introduced to overcome this problem (Boag 1949). T), where To = 0 and Tk= +oo. The piecewise proportional
hazards model assumes a constant baseline hazard rate
The Model within each segment and proportional hazards relationships
For ease of illustration, we consider the event of second for covariates. Thus the hazard rate for a woman with
births to women. The mixture model assumes that women covariate vector z is expressed as
who have one child are composed of two subgroups: a group
of women that will have a second child with probability p, hI(t,z;ylY= 1) = kXexp(zy), TI < t < T. (2)
and another group of women that will have only one child in There are several reasons for choosing the piecewise
their lifetimes with probability (1 - p). The proportion of proportional hazards model. First, this model is flexible. It
women who do not have a second child within t months after does not require us to make assumptions about the shape of
the birth of their first child consists of two subgroups: those the survival function as with parametric survival models: It
who will have a second child sometime in the future, and can approximate any form of survival function closely as
those who will never have a second child. Thus the propor- long as the period is divided into a sufficient number of seg-
tion may be expressed as S(t) = pS1(t) + (1 - p), where S1(t) ments. Second, this model is computationally more efficient
is the conditional probability, for those who eventually will than Cox's proportional hazards model. The number of ex-
have a second birth, of not having a second birth by time t. tra parameters that need to be estimated is not large because
This type of mixture survival function has been in use it is generally unnecessary to divide the time period into a
for quite a long time (Boag 1949), and 1 - p has been called very large number of segments. The estimation procedure of
the cure rate or the risk-free fraction. Yet regression-type the mixture models is in general very computation-inten-
models based on this mixed survival function have been de- sive. When Cox's proportional hazards model is used, the
veloped only recently. Logistic regression generally is used estimation procedure suggested by the Kuk and Chen
to model the proportion of the subgroups p or 1 -p. Various (1992) yields only approximate estimates of the parameters
models have been used to estimate the effects of covariates and requires an enormous amount of complicated computa-
on the survival function S,(t). Farewell (1982) used a tion. With the piecewise proportional hazards model, how-
Weibull failure time model. Yamaguchi (1992) and Yama- ever, we can obtain the maximum-likelihood estimates in a
guchi and Ferguson (1995) proposed to use a failure time relatively simple manner.
model based on an extended family of the generalized On a practical level, the piecewise proportional hazards
Gamma models. Kuk and Chen (1992) studied the use of model is familiar to demographers and suitable for demo-
Cox's proportional hazards model within mixture models. A graphic analysis given the nature of demographic data
primary reason for using these different models is to in- (Allison 1982). Demographic analysis typically involves
crease the flexibility of a model in delineating the variation very large data sets, and the information on time is available
of the survival function. only in the unit of interval, such as months or years. It is,
We propose to use a logistic regression model to esti- therefore, easy to group time into a number of segments and
mate the effects of covariates on the probability, p, of the to handle efficiently the computation required by very. large
event and a piecewise proportional hazards model to estimate data sets using the piecewise proportional hazards model.
the effects of covariates on the conditional survival function, Moreover, with the piecewise proportional hazards
SI(t). We denote the birth of a second child by a dichoto- model, it is easy to separate the effects of covariates on the
mous variable Y, which equals 1 if a woman eventually will probability and the timing of an event as suggested by
have a second birth and 0 if she will not. Let x be the vector Yamaguchi (1995). As noted earlier, the estimated effects
of covariates upon which the probability of a second birth, on the probability of an event can be confounded by the

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estimated effects on (2)its

We divided the period into segments
timing if sothethat the number
not eventually approach zero. In the piecewise proportional of observed second births were relatively evenly distrib-
hazards model, the survival probability in the last open time uted over the segments. We typically used four or five
segment always complements the cumulative survival prob- segments.
ability in the previous segment so that the survival function (3) We performed a life-table analysis to estimate the start-
always approaches zero. The survival probability can be ing values of the hazard rates over the time segments to
very small in the last open time segment if one sets the determine the baseline hazard, X..
beginning point of the last open segment at a relatively late (4) We obtained the starting values of y from a proportional
point in time, depending on the distribution of the observed hazards model, ignoring the fact that some women may
durations. never have a second birth.
(5) We obtained the starting values of i from a logistic re-
The Estimation gression model, treating the observed birth of a second
Because the dependent variable Y denoting the birth of the child as the outcome.
second child, in equation (1) is not completely known and is
used as a condition in equation (2), the models must be esti- AN ILLUSTRATIVE ANALYSIS: SECOND BIRTHS IN
mated simultaneously. The maximum-likelihood estimates of CHINA
parameters can be obtained conveniently through the EM al- Data and Covariates
gorithm. The EM algorithm has some convenient properties
that result in the robust achievement of convergence of the China's 1988 Two-per-Thousand National Fertility and Birth
estimation procedure (Dempster, Laird, and Rubin 1977). Control Survey collected birth history data from ever-mar-
The algorithm converts the estimation problem involving a ried women sampled in 28 provinces and autonomous re-
complicated log-likelihood function into an iterative process gions of the country. We restrict the analysis to "Han"
consisting of two seemingly independent and relatively women who bore their first children during the years 1978-
simple components: estimation for the logistic model and es- 1982 and who were aged 15-40 old when they first gave
timation for the piecewise hazards model. birth. This cohort of women is the first to be influenced by
The mathematical details of the estimation procedure the one-child family policy.
through the EM algorithm are given in the Appendix. Here The observed time after the first birth is either the sec-
we provide a more narrative explanation of the estimation ond-birth interval or the interval from the first birth to the
procedure. The essence of the estimation procedure involves date of the survey. We used six duration segments in the
the log-likelihood function of the piecewise proportional piecewise proportional hazards model: 9-20, 21-32, 33-44,
hazards model. In contrast to the usual log-likelihood func- 45-56, 57-68, and 69 or more months. We assumed that the
tion, each woman in the sample is thought of having a weight probability of having a second birth within nine months after
between 0 and I as her contribution in the log-likelihood first birth was zero. Women with twins and other multiple
function. If she is observed to have a second birth, the weight births were excluded from the analysis.
is 1; but if she is not observed to have a second birth, the One of the main covariates we analyzed was the accep-
weight is estimated as the probability of her eventually hav- tance of a one-child certificate. To help implement the one-
ing a second birth. One can build models (1) and (2) tenta- child family policy, the Chinese government introduced the
tively to predict a probability of a second birth for each one-child certificate program in 1979, mainly targeting the
woman, which should depend on the observed values of the "Han" majority (Park and Han 1990). After pledging not to
covariates and the observed birth interval. Using the pre- have a second child and accepting a one-child certificate,
dicted probability as a preliminary estimate of the weight in couples and their children are eligible for various benefits,
the log-likelihood function, we can reestimate models (1) and such as cash rewards and priority in obtaining housing,
(2) and compute the new estimate of the predicted probabil- schooling, and health care services. In exceptional circum-
ity. We repeat these steps until the preset convergence crite- stances such as the death or disability of a single child,
ria are reached. The estimates derived at the last step are the couples with one-child certificates are permitted to have a
maximum-likelihood estimates. second child; otherwise having a second child after obtaining
This estimation procedure is quite time consuming. We the one-child certificate results in penalties. We use the ac-
can see that at each step, two separate loops must be com- ceptance of a one-child certificate as an indicator of a couple's
pleted to derive the parameter estimates of the logistic model compliance with the government family planning policy.
and of the hazards model. In addition, the EM algorithm con- It is possible that some women accepted a one-child cer-
verges slowly. We can speed up the convergence of the esti- tificate because they wanted to stop childbearing after hav-
mation procedure by choosing the initial parameter estimates ing one child anyway, making the causal relationship be-
carefully. We performed the following preliminary analyses tween the acceptance of a one-child certificate and birth of a
before implementing the estimation procedure for the mix- second child ambiguous. These women, however, seem to
ture models: constitute only a small proportion in China. For example, a
(1) We standardized the continuous variables so that their study in rural Hebei, a central province surrounding Beijing,
means equal 0 and variances equal 1. found that 79% of the couples who had a one-child certifi-

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cate went on to have a second child during the period 1979- TABLE 1. LIST OF COVARIATES WITH DESCRIPTIVE STA-
1988 (Cooney, Wei, and Powers 1991). Another study con- TISTICS
ducted in 1985 in rural Jilin Province, where the fertility rate
More-Developed Less-Developed
declined to 1.02 children per woman in 1985, suggests
Covariates Areas Areas
strongly that most women who stopped childbearing after
one child did so in response to the government campaign: One-Child Certificate (%)
Among women with one child, 75% indicated that they were Accepted 54.8 19.6
using contraceptives in response to the government cam-
Not accepted (*) 45.2 80.4
paign, whereas only 19% reported to use them voluntarily
(Choe and Tsuya 1991). The study also revealed that less Place of Residence (%)
than 1% of women with one child were using permanent con- City 27.1 10.2
traceptive methods (male and female sterilizations), com- Town 23.4 27.8
pared to 71 % of women with two children.
County(*) 49.5 62.0
We also examined several covariates representing each
woman's demographic and socioeconomic background char- Education (%)

acteristics, including her age at her first child's birth (hereaf- Junior high or less 85.4 87.9
ter refered to as age at first birth), place of residence, educa- Senior high or more(*) 14.6 12.1
tion, and sex and survival of her first child. Because the ef-
Sex of First Child (%)
fect of age at first birth is usually quadratic, we also included
Female 49.6 48.7
its square in the model. Place of residence has three catego-
ries-city, town, and rural area (termed "county")-and edu- Male(*) 50.4 51.3
cation level has two-junior high school or less and senior Mean Age at First
high school or more. The effects of the sex and survival of Child's Birth 24.7 23.3
the first child reflect a woman's desired family size and sex
Total Number of Women 2,547 4,946
After preliminary analysis, we deleted the survival of the Note: Reference categories used in the analysis are d
first child from the model and excluded from the analysis all
women whose first child had died. We found that the effect of
the survival of the first child on the probability of a second women having a second child two to four years after their
birth frequently was not estimable from the logistic regres- first birth. The probability of a second birth does not appear
sion model because almost every woman whose first child to taper off in more-developed areas. The difference in the
died had another child. Because of the low child mortality shapes of survival curves in the two area types indicates that
rate in China, only a small proportion of cases were deleted. our division of areas is justified.
To simplify the model specifications, we divided the
country into two types of areas and performed separate analy- Results
ses for each. The first type, labeled "more-developed areas," The estimated parameters from the mixture models appear in
is characterized by high socioeconomic development and low Table 2 for more-developed areas and in Table 3 for less-
probability of second births. These areas consist of three developed areas. For a comparison, the corresponding results
municipalities (Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai), three eastern from the conventional logistic regression models and Cox's
coastal provinces (Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Shandong), and two proportional hazards models are presented in Tables 4 and 5.
northeastern provinces (Liaoning and Jilin). In these areas The parameter estimates (f3) and the odds ratios (exp(f3)) in
fertility had already declined to the replacement level or be- the upper panel of each table indicate the effects of the
low by the time the one-child policy was implemented in covariates on the probability of a second birth; the parameter
1979. In the other, "less developed areas," total fertility rates estimates (y) and the relative risks (exp(y)) in the bottom
ranged from 2.5-6.0 in the late 1970s (Coale and Chen 1987). panel indicate the effects of the covariates on the second-
The distribution of covariates and women's mean age at birth interval. The negative sign of a parameter estimate in-
first birth in the two area types are shown in Table 1. Com- dicates an effect reducing the probability of a second birth or
pared to women in less-developed areas, women in more- lengthening the second-birth interval.
developed areas have higher levels of education, higher ac- In Tables 2 and 3, we can see that in both area types the
ceptance of one-child certificates, and a higher mean age at acceptance of a one-child certificate is a significant and strong
first birth. The overall cumulative probability of a second determinant of the probability of a second birth and the length
birth in the two areas, estimated by the Product-Limit life- of the birth interval: Accepting a one-child certificate de-
table method, are plotted in Figure 1. Among women who creases the odds of having a second birth by more than 10
had a first birth during the period 1978-1982, nearly 80% of times and decreases the hazard of a second birth among
those in less-developed areas had a second child compared women who will have a second child by more than 5 times.
with about 40% in more-developed areas. The second-birth In general, women's background characteristics influ-
interval was shorter in less-developed areas, with most ence the probability of a second birth significantly and

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1.00 -

.75 -

Less-Developed Areas
n 50 -
.50- More-Developed Areas

.25 -

.00 -

9 21 33 45 57 69


strongly, but these characteristics are far less important in TABLE 2. RESULTS FROM MIXTURE MODELS FOR MORE-
influencing the birth interval. As shown in the upper panel DEVELOPED AREAS
of Tables 2 and 3, most of the estimated coefficients (f) are
Probability of Second Birth
significant and the odds ratios (exp(p)) are very far from
unity. As shown in the bottom panel of Table 2, most of the Covariates f3 Standard Error exp(,)
estimated coefficients (y) are not significant. As shown in the
Accepted One-Child
bottom panel of Table 3, although some of the estimated co-
Certificate -2.322* 0.313 0.098
efficients (y) are statistically significant, the corresponding
Place of Residence
relative risks (exp(y))-with the exception of the relative risks
for living in a city-are close to unity. City -3.556* 0.286 0.029
In both area types the probability of a second birth de- Town -0.453 0.241 0.636
creases as age at first birth increases. In more-developed ar- Education, Junior High
eas, there is a moderately concave pattern of the effect of or Less 0.825* 0.373 2.282
age at first birth: The probability of second birth rises Sex of First Child, Female 1.205* 0.211 3.337
slightly as a woman's age at first birth increases until age Age at First Child's Birth -0.236* 0.095 0.790
21, and declines thereafter. Age at First Child's Birth,
The relationship between the age at first birth and the
Squared 0.095* 0.042 0.909
second-birth interval are quadratic in both area types, but the
direction of this relationship varies across area types. In Second-Birth Interval
more-developed areas, very young or very old age at the first
Covariates y Standard Error exp(y)
child's birth is associated with a shorter second-birth inter-
val, whereas these ages are associated with a longer interval Accepted One-Child
in less-developed areas. Certificate -1.703* 0.191 0.182
Place of residence is the most important background Place of Residence
characteristic. Women living in a rural area ("county") are City -0.021 0.220 0.979
30 times more likely to have a second child than women liv- Town 0.058 0.098 1.060
ing in a city in terms of the odds ratio (1/0.029 in more-de- Education, Junior High
veloped areas and 1/0.031 in less-developed areas). Living or Less 0.002 0.272 1.002
in a town has a significant effect on the probability of a sec- Sex of First Child, Female 0.125 0.095 1.133
ond birth in less-developed areas, but only a borderline sig-
Age at First Child's Birth -0.051 0.046 0.950
nificant effect in more-developed areas. Both women's edu-
Age at First Child's Birth,
cation and the sex of the first child have significant effects
Squared 0.068* 0.023 1.070
on the probability of a second birth. Higher education is as-
sociated with a lower probability of a second birth, and not *p < .05

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TABLE 3. RESULTS FROM MIXTURE MODELS FOR LESS- having a son is strongly associated with a higher probability
DEVELOPED AREAS of a second birth.
The cumulative probability of a second birth in the two
Probability of Second Birth area types, based on the estimated baseline hazard rates from
Covariates , Standard Error exp(,)
the mixture models and the mean values of the covariates, is
plotted in Figure 2. Note that the cumulative probability has
Accepted One-Child an upper limit of one and approaches this limit faster in Fig-
Certificate -2.742* 0.284 0.064 ure 2 than in Figure 1. The model-based estimates in Figure
Place of Residence 2 are only for women who will have a second birth, but the
City -3.475* 0.348 0.031 product-limit life-table estimates in Figure 1 are for all the
Town -1.164* 0.272 0.312 women included in the analysis. The distribution of the sec-
Education, Junior High ond-birth intervals in more-developed areas is spread out
or Less 1.076* 0.252 2.933 evenly, whereas in less-developed areas the distribution is
Sex of First Child, Female 0.425* 0.198 1.530 concentrated in the 2-4 year range.
Age at First Child's Birth -0.544* 0.175 0.580 Finally, we compare our findings to the results from the
conventional analyses shown in Tables 4 and 5. In both area
Age at First Child's Birth,
types, the estimated effects of the variables on the probabil-
Squared 0.118 0.102 1.125
ity of having a second birth were similar to the estimates
Second-Birth Interval from the logistic regression models. The estimated effects on
the second-birth interval were less similar to the estimates
Covariates y Standard Error exp(y)
from the proportional hazards models, particularly in more-
Accepted One-Child developed areas. The reason stems from the composition of
Certificate -1.672* 0.130 0.188 the sample under study. Our samples are composed of three
Place of Residence types of women, as shown in Figure 3. In the figure, A rep-
City -0.559* 0.221 0.572 resents women who were observed to have second births, B
Town 0.021 0.043 1.021 represents women who were not observed to have second
Education, Junior High births but eventually would have second births, and C repre-
or Less 0.257* 0.085 1.293 sents women who never would have second births. In the lo-
gistic regression, the status of women in B may be mis-
Sex of First Child, Female 0.117* 0.038 1.124
classified, but this should not cause much bias. Because we
Age at Birth of First Child -0.048* 0.021 0.953
used an observation period of up to 10 years after the first
Age at First Child's Birth,
birth, B should be a very small proportion of the total num-
Squared -0.044* 0.013 0.957
ber of women. In the proportional hazards model, however,
*p < 0.05 women in C were erroneously treated in the same manner as



.75 _

> |Less-Developed Areas


2/ More-Developed Areas
.25 -

.00 .

9 21 33 45 57 69


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Logistic Regression Model Logistic Regression Model

Covariates ,B Standard Error exp(p) Covariates ,B Standard Error exp(,B)

Accepted One-Child Accepted One-Child

Certificate -3.117* 0.128 0.044 Certificate -3.484* 0.116 0.031
Place of Residence Place of Residence
City -3.042* 0.199 0.048 City -2.934* 0.179 0.053
Town -0.207 0.139 0.813 Town 0.593* 0.124 0.553
Education, Junior High Education, Junior High
or Less 0.737* 0.216 2.090 or Less 1.097* 0.148 2.994
Sex of First Child, Female 1.001* 0.123 2.720 Sex of First Child, Female 0.381* 0.113 1.463
Age at First Child's Birth -0.214* 0.066 0.807 Age at First Child's Birth 0.307* 0.066 0.736
Age at First Child's Birth, Age at First Child's Birth,
Squared -0.046 0.033 0.955 Squared -0.056* 0.031 0.946

Proportional Hazards Model Proportional Hazards Model

Covariates y Standard Error exp(y) Covariates y Standard Error exp(y)

Accepted One-Child Accepted One-Child
Certificate -2.141* 0.084 0.118 Certificate -2.008* 0.072 0.134
Place of Residence Place of Residence
City -2.092* 0.155 0.123 City -1.638* 0.115 0.194
Town -0.074 0.072 0.929 Town -0.102* 0.037 0.903
Education, Junior High Education, Junior High
or Less 0.443* 0.144 1.557 or Less 0.413* 0.063 1.511
Sex of First Child, Female 0.441 * 0.065 1.554 Sex of First Child, Female 0.133* 0.033 1.142
Age at First Child's Birth -0.150* 0.035 0.861 Age at First Child's Birth -0.079* 0.018 0.924
Age at First Child's Birth, Age at First Child's Birth,
Squared -0.021 0.019 0.979 Squared -0.040* 0.011 0.960

*p < 0.05 *p <.05

Our model affords sufficient flexibility to handle the varia-

those in B. This procedure might cause relatively greater bias
tion of underlying hazard rates, and its computation is rea-
because C should be a large group, particularly in more-de-
veloped areas. sonably efficient.
Analysis of second births in China using our model re-
CONCLUSION vealed that the probability and the timing of having a sec-
ond child are affected by different factors. Acceptance of a
When there is reason to believe that the event for analysis,
such as the birth of a second child, will not be experienced one-child certificate had a significant effect on both the
by a substantial proportion of individuals under study, both probability of a second birth and the second-birth interval.
conventional models for binary response data and hazards Certain women's background characteristics-particularly
models have serious limitations and may result in biased living in a city-were important determinants of the prob-
estimates. These models are inadequate in properly treating ability of a second birth, but they generally had little influ-
the censored individuals and individuals who will never ex- ence on the second-birth interval; their effects on the birth
perience the event. Mixture models in which logistic re- interval were not significant in more-developed areas, and
gression and a form of survival model are combined have were small in less-developed areas. In contrast, results from
been introduced recently to overcome this problem (Kuk the conventional models were confounded and did not re-
and Chen, 1992; Yamaguchi, 1992), but they either lack veal the insignificant impacts of the covariates on the sec-
flexibility to handle variations in underlying hazard rates ond-birth interval.
or are impractical because of the complex computational A few methodological issues should be mentioned. Es-
procedures they require. We have introduced a new mix- timates from the mixture models tend to have greater stan-
ture model that combines a logistic regression model with dard errors than those derived from conventional models. It
a piecewise proportional hazards model as an alternative. is not surprising that uncertainty is greater when a larger

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More-Developed Areas Less-Developed Areas

A = Had Second Births Before the Survey

B = Expected to Have Second Births After the Survey
C = Will Never Have Second Births

number of coefficients are estimated from the same amount APPENDIX. ESTIMATION PROCEDURE USING THE
of information. A relatively long observation period is EM ALGORITHM
needed to obtain reliable estimates. If the observation pe-
riod is too short to identify individuals who will never expe- In the mixture model, the proportion of women who do not
rience the event of interest, the estimation procedure may have a second child within t months after the birth of their
not converge. first child is expressed as S(t) = pS,(t) + (1 - p), where p is
An issue that is still unresolved concerns the robustness the probability of ever having a second birth and S,(t) is the
of the parameter estimates. Yamaguchi (1995) suggested that conditional probability of not having a second birth by time
effects of covariates on probability and timing of covariates t among those who will eventually have a second birth.
may not be separable if the survival function used for mod- Let Y be a dichotomous variable indicating whether a
eling the timing does not eventually approach zero. One in- woman eventually will have a second birth (Y = 1) or not (Y =
dication that mixture models produce less robust estimates is 0); let T be a variable indicating second-birth interval for
the high correlations between parameter estimates of prob- those who had a second birth or the interval between first bi
ability and estimates of timing. In our example of second and the survey for those who did have a second birth; and let
births in China, the correlation coefficients between esti- be a dichotomous variable indicating whether a woman had a
mated effects were relatively small except in two cases: The second birth before the survey (6 = 1) or not (6 = 0). Let x be
effects of accepting a one-child certificate and of the woman's the vector of covariates upon which the probability of a sec-
education level had high correlations (-0.80 and -0.69, respec- ond birth p(Y= 1 Ix;|) depends, and let A be the column vecto
tively) in more-developed areas. We also calculated correla- of parameters to be estimated. For women who will have a
tion coefficients for the estimates from the mixture model second birth, let z be the vector of covariates upon which t
using the Weibull failure time model, in which the survival second-birth interval depends, and let y be the column vect
function definitely approaches zero, and obtained similarly of parameters to be estimated. We denote the hazard rate of
high correlations for these two variables in more-developed second birth t months after the first birth by hI(t,z;y) and
areas. We speculate that the two sets of effects are truly cor- corresponding survival function by S,(t,z;y).
related. A more rigorous evaluation of the mixture models is The mixture model assumes that
needed to understand the full implications of these correla-
p(Y=lx;f) = 1 / [1 + exp(-x3)].
tion coefficients.
Demographers can find numerous applications for the When we divide the period after the birth of the first ch
mixture model. Besides births, events such as marriage, di- into k segments, (T> ,, T.), where To = 0 anid Tk = +
vorce, migration, and employment also can be analyzed with
the model. hl(t,z; Y= 1) = Xkexp(zy), Tj, < t 5 Tj.
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