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Ge Mil JSD K1K2 Ae all lil) Cael Ge Gul clude ag dale eye (5-3 ) ASAD Gb yl adel) le alld ceagis (Say Casa + All Jalyall Giy jas te all eli! roll Gay Jal Sala!) K10 (ula) chidall GUL Js (Say -1 a t K10-=(K1, k2,k3, kd, k5, k6, k7, k8, k9, k10). + Adnall Led OSs PIO Gl) GUL 5,8 Sale] Mlnye le 10 uly P10 3|5|2|7/4]10]}1} 9] 8/6 Hla Aawall Gy clidall GUIS Gass sled (K3, k5, k2, k7, k4, k10, k1, k9, k8, k6) 1110101000 este PIO Gy Gsm 1111100000 Gul lial) Guayis Stik SSDiL Lege IS Cabot gl} PIO GA py aly -2 (IH1O1) 3, K5, k2,K7, kes gall Cael (01000) + k10, k1,k9, k8, k6:g,lu) Gail Gi Wase: Shall Saal, GS falas Gudea Ge US Aah) oy Cogn (NOLL) = K5,K2,K7,k4K3 ised) Cael (10000) = KI, k9, k8, k6,k10:g,ad) aa toss) cli CALA: cial ASL) aa pall zu -3 KS, k2, k7, k4,k3, k1, k9, k8, k6,k10 52 . Campscanner 3 woe 4>9u 10-bit key S-DES Asa} of glial ats: (5-3) Joc ES Gale GUA sey Sapte CHUL Gs Sale| aay PB aye le Gules col Malatl te Geese 6 KL AY oll ctidall St gytell LL oa + dal a Shad 9u f jal) Be coe ntl Alayall duels gobell Gail Go US Gast ois 4 JS) Hoa le Cabealll Ge US cueme Wate LS-2 jel . (OLLL1) + K7,k4,K3,K5,K2 + cipal Gal (00010) + KB, k6,k10,k1,k9: gylasll mail pg oS ak KT, c4,k3,K5,K2K8,K6,K10,K1,K9 day)! Uayall li Geb —5 ape P8 ce 0111100010 debts gh K2 Ag dilall jo ll ctl deen 01010101 : K2 oll cial S-DES Azaj\ght atta!) dail -3-1-3 ila! diy WARS See Seal Ux Megane S-DES duis BS sgl pi of, oSW efx, oP (1-3) gall 3 Jaye col] ALA oe usa! gal gall Gasie P! ULall LA Dp aahealy fag Dall fb cle ‘i ale (1-3) AE dale hag «(1-3 ) a gi dul all Haya plall dale S88 oe od vaill pas al Sed = '(z,( (sw(,( ((orinex))}) (2-3) zit) pail Gis Je ili abs oe 5 jibe oh ley! oe 3a) ae Le! ciphertext Ky pa(shii(Pr0(sey)) (3-3) 23) fing Ayal db lee oe (4-3) rdglns 2 Je g iuajsi dee ol aH ee vail da lbs gb ood i afi sid P1000) al) Ageall Bay Lei (ir, ,(sw( fx, ( (Pl (cioheext) ))) plaintext = QOLO0101111 gat! tiall}10100101 S-DE} (Cipher text = 001100110 ) Cipher text 54 vamscanner +

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