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of Printed Pages – 3 CS206

Roll No.


Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 60

Note : (i) Attempt ALL questions.
(ii) Choices are given in each question set.

1. Attempt any Four of the following questions: 3 x 4 =

(a) What is comparability of two sets? Are sets A={a,b,c} and
={a} comparable? Explain.
(b) Find the number of proper subsets of the set of letters of the
(c) Explain partial order relation with example.
(d) Consider the relation R={(a,a),(a,b),(a,c),(b,b)(b,a),
(c,a),(d,d)} on A{a,b,c,d}. Check and explain whether R is
equivalence relation or not.
(e) If f: IR and are two mappings such that f(x)=2x and g(x)=
Then find (g o g) (1)
(f) Explain pigeonhole principle with example also write its

2. Attempt any Four of the following questions: 3 x 4 =

(a) Define abelian group and cyclic group with example.
(b) Prove that the intersection of any two subgroups of a group
G is also a subgroup of G.
(c) Show that the group G={1,-1, i, -i} is cyclic. Find its

1 P.T.O.

CS206 CS206
(d) Define the following terms: 4. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 6 x 2 =
(i) Coset (ii) Monoid 12
(e) What is the difference between Homomorphism and (a) Verify if the proposition is a contradiction.
Isomorphism of groups? Give examples. (b) Explain the following:
(f) For the set show that the modulo 4 operation is a field. (i) Free & Bound variables.
(ii) Universal & Existential quantifier.
3. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 6 x 2 = (c) (i) Construct the truth table for:
12 (ii) Show that two propositions and are logically
(a) Find the least upper bound and greatest lower bound of the equivalent.
following subsets- {b,c}{g,e,a}{e,f} in reference to the figure
given. 5. Attempt any Two of the following questions: 6 x 2 =
(a) What are planar and nonplanar graphs? Prove that K5 is
non-planer graph.
(b) Prove that the graphs G & H are non-isomorphic.

(b) What is the difference between Binary tree and Binary search
Tree? Check if the given tree is Binary search tree or not:

(c) What are the recurrence relations? Find the recurrence

relation satisfying
(i) +B

(c) Fine the SOP expression for F(P,Q,R,S)= using K-map. Also
explain the don't care condition.

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