Podcast Mavericks - Podcast Script

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Modern vs.

Traditional Education Podcast - Transcript

Interview 1:
Amina (Podcast Host): I just wanted to ask you a few questions about our education system.
Interviewee 1: Alright.
Amina: So my first question would be: If you could summarize it, how do you think our
education system has evolved over time?
Interviewee 1: I think it evolved for the better. Now we have more computers and different
ways of writing because we can now write on laptops and submit everything online so it makes it
more convenient for both teachers and students.
Amina:Okay. Is the traditional education system inherently bad? Or are there positive aspects
that we may not be seeing clearly?
Interviewee 1: I think in our society today it wouldn’t really work the traditional way, but of
course I think there are bad things and positive things with the aspects of traditional education.
Amina: Okay. And so what are some of the main differences between the traditional and modern
education systems?
Interviewee 1: I would definitely say that we have laptops and just the way now that we can,
like I said before, hand everything in, it's more convenient. But, I also think the traditional
education system is in a way better for the teacher and the student to kind of have more
communication than it is online so…
Amina: Yea. Okay, thank you so much Professor Green it was so nice talking to you today.

Interview 2:
Amina (Podcast Host): Okay today we have our student his name is Jason and I’m going to be
asking him a couple of questions about our education system here in the United States. So our
first question is: How does the modern education system promote critical thinking, life skills, and
decision making skills used in technology?
Interviewee 2: It’s kind of hard to explain because a lot of teachers nowadays assume most
young people already know how a lot of modern technology works. And some of them do, some
of them don’t but it definitely promotes it. It definitely has a good way of just integrating it into
or making sure that a lot of modern assignments and stuff have it involved in some way shape or
form that is in some way better or worse. Because sometimes it's more suited for hands-on work
and sometimes the digital stuff can come in handy. But overall the use of modern technology is
definitely promoted even if it’s not always used for say critical thinking. Critical thinking is
definitely something that has to do with whatever the lesson is rather than whatever technology
is involved because whether or not technology is involved in a good way is dependent on the
teacher or the professor.
Amina: Thank you so much Jason. Does the traditional education system hinder the
development of talented students who may not excel in academics or is that just an excuse?
Interviewee 2: I don’t think I’m the right person to answer that but yea probably, I think it does.
A lot of well known and successful people today don’t really need an education. Their
educational system is not “traditional” you know, sometimes they flunked a bunch of classes that
a lot of people have to pass. It's not that suited for everyone, it's more suited for just the average
person or just what people perceive to be the majority of people. It's definitely not perfect and
definitely has a lot of inaccessibility to it but some people don’t really have a choice. And I’m
probably oversimplifying it because there are probably a lot of ways that can work for the people
that it's not built for. But the fact that some people have more trouble than others in ways that are
out of their control is definitely something to consider.
Amina: Thank you so much.

Interview 3:
Amina (Podcast Host): Okay we now have another student interview whose name is Laura. So
Laura in the traditional education system the learning process is teacher-centered. How does this
affect student’s ability to improve their talents?
Interviewee 3: Yea, great question. I think with a teacher-centered education system the
academics are very generalized and it can’t be adapted as well to fit every individual's needs. I
think this lack of flexibility in how students can learn does affect student’s ability to improve
their talents because a student who doesn't do well in the traditional system may feel left behind
at all times and the system cannot keep up with them to change that.
Amina: Thank you. In the modern education system the learning process is learner-centered,
how does this adaptability benefit students?
Interviewee 3: Well, as I mentioned previously, different students learn in many different ways.
Some students memorize things better, others cannot and prefer more hands-on activities. So in a
more modern learner-centered education system the students are benefited by being able to do
what’s best for them instead of doing what everyone is supposed to do.
Amina: Thank you. Last question: Is there a better education system or do both the traditional
and modern education systems have their own purposes and benefits?
Interviewee 3: I think both education systems have their own importance. I think the traditional
education system has a lot of important elements like respect for your professors that I think
sometimes is lost in the modern education system. But in general the adaptability of the modern
education system is, in my opinion, much superior to the traditional system of education.
Amina: Thank you so much.

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