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Kémia angol nyelven középszint

Javítási-értékelési útmutató 1112

ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA ● 2011. október 25.




Kémia angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

Basic guidelines of the evaluation of written exercises

Evaluation of the written test-papers should follow the distributed correction instructions.

Evaluation of theoretical questions

• No deviation from the correction instruction is allowed.

• ½ points can not be given, the questions can only be evaluated according to the
allowed part-points in the correction key.

Evaluation of calculation problems

• Test-papers following the way of solution of the correction instruction, must be

evaluated according to the part-points of the correction key.
• Beside objectivity, attention must be paid to honesty. During the evaluation,
punishment with a pedagogical intention can not be applied!
• In a given – errorless – solution no points can be subtracted because of the lack of
not required (but in the correction key given) subresults. (Those subresults help
only the evaluation of partial solutions.)
• Approaches differing from the correction key – if correct – get maximum points or
part-points according to the nodes of the correction key.
• For a bare result without any derivation or explanation only 1-2 points can be
given as a maximum according to the points of that result in the correction key.
• A calculation problem gets maximum points even if it contains a theoretically
incorrect reaction equation which is not necessary to the solution (and the question
did not ask to write it).
• In case of a problem containing several subproblems, part-points for a given
subproblem can be given even if the candidate makes the calculation using an
incorrect result of a beforegoing subproblem – if the solution doesn’t lead to a
• Relations which can be regarded as trivial can be used without any derivation in
calculation problems of the maturity examination, and they get maximum points –
even without detailed explanation. For example:
• conversion of mass, number of moles, volume and number of particles,
• trivial facts following from Avogadro’s law (equal stoichiometric ratios or volume
ratios in case of gases under the same conditions, and so on),
• using the mixing (dilution) equation, and so on.
• For each calculation error maximum 1-2 points can be subtracted (if the candidate
continues the calculation correctly with the incorrect subresult, he or she should get
all other part-points for the further part of the calculation).

• In case of a smaller error, the candidate doesn’t get points for the incorrect part of
the calculation, but the following steps of the calculation using incorrect data should
get the corresponding points. A smaller error is for example:
• incorrect use of density in the conversion of volume and mass,
• other incorrect simple mathematical procedure,

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Kémia angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

• incorrectly balanced equation,

which doesn’t lead to an obviously unrealistic result.

• In case of a gross error, the candidate doesn’t get further points for the given
subcalculation as allowed in the correction key even if he continues the calculation
correctly with the incorrect subresult. A gross error is for example:
• a calculation based on an incorrect (e. g. not occurring) reaction equation,
• if the result estimated from the data is obviously unrealistic (for example if the
mass of the solution calculated from the mass of the solute is smaller than the
mass of the solute dissolved in it, and so on.).
(The solution of further subcalculations which can be regarded as independent
calculation units can be evaluated of course also in this case according to the
previously discussed principles. Points can be given – if calculating correctly with
incorrect subresults - if the calculation doesn’t lead to unrealistic results.)

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Kémia angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

1. Simple choice (5 points)

1. D
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. E
For every correct answer one point can be given.

2. Essay (14 points)

a) Heterogeneous, suspension 2 points
b) Fe2O3, SiO2, TiO2 (1 point for two correct formulae, 0 point for
one correct formula) 2 points
c) 850 m3 · 1.6 t/m3 = 1360 t red mud in a day 1 point
Beside 15% solid particles, 85% solution is present:
the mass of the solution is : 1360 t · 0.85 = 1156 t 1 point
pH = 12.00 hence the concentration of the NaOH solution is 0.01mol/dm3, 1 point
the volume of the solution is 1156 m3,
which is 1 156 000 dm3 · 0.01 mol/dm3 = 11 560 mol NaOH 1 point
11 560 mol · 40 g/mol = 462 400 g = 462.4 kg. (462 kg) 1 point
d) By decreasing the water content of the red mud, its volume is decreased. 1 point
By increasing the content of solid components above 50%, the consistency
of red mud is changed, too. 1 point
e) As it becomes thick, it is easier to treat and store. 1 point
The recovered water is recycled into the procedure. 1 point
The smaller amount needs less place. 1 point

3. Four types of association (12 points)

1. D
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. D
6. B
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. D
11. B
12. A
For every correct answer one point can be given.

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Kémia angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

4. Panel question (16 points)

1. C2H6O 1 point
2. CH3-CH2-OH 1 point
3. CH3-O-CH3 1 point
4. Ethanol (ethyl alcohol, grain alcohol, spirit of wine) 1 point
5. CH3-CH2-OH + Na = CH3-CH2-ONa + ½ H2
(1 point for the correct choice, 1 point for the correctly balanced equation) 2 points
6. Redox reaction (gas evolution can also be accepted) 1 point
7. C2H4O2 1 point
8. CH3-COOH 1 point
9. HCOO-CH3 1 point
10. Acetic acid (ethanoic acid) 1 point
11. C12H22O11 1 point
12. Saccharose (cane sugar, beet sugar) 1 point
13. Yes 1 point
14. Glucose and fructose (grape sugar, fruit sugar) together: 1 point
15. Glucose (grape sugar) 1 point

5. Alternative question (15 points)

A) Panel question
1. CaO 1 point
2. CaCO3 = CaO + CO2 1 point
3. Blue-jack (or copper vitriol) 1 point
4. CuSO4·5 H2O (CuSO4 can also be accepted) 1 point
5. Zn + Cu2+ = Cu + Zn2+ 1 point
(Zn + CuSO4 = ZnSO4 + Cu)
6. Calcium carbide (calcium acetylide) 1 point
7. CaC2 + 2 H2O = Ca(OH)2 + C2H2 2 points
(1 point for the correct formulae, 1 point for the correct chemical coefficients)
8. Na3PO4 1 point
9. E.g. softening of water, washing-up 1 point
10. Sodium carbonate (soda) 1 point
11. Na2CO3 + H2SO4 = Na2SO4 + CO2 + H2O 1 point
12. Ammonium nitrate 1 point
13. NH3 + HNO3 = NH4NO3 1 point
14. E.g. artificial fertilizer (ammonium nitrate) 1 point

B) Calculation problem
a) The equation of the occurring reaction:
2 NaHCO3 = Na2CO3 + H2O + CO2 2 points
(1 point for the correct formulae, 1 point for the correct chemical coefficients)

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Kémia angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

b) The number of moles of sodium hydrogen carbonate:

m(NaHCO3) = 3.36 g : 84 g/mol = 0.0400 mol 1 point
n(CO2) = 0.0200 mol 1 point
The volume of carbon dioxide at 25°C and standard pressure:
V(CO2) = 24.5 dm3/mol · 0.0200 mol = 0.490 dm3. 1 point
The residual solid substance is sodium carbonate, its number of moles is:
n(Na2CO3) = 0.0200 mol 1 point
The mass of sodium carbonate is:
m(Na2CO3) = 0.0200 mol · 106 g/mol = 2.12 g. 1 point
c) The color of the precipitate is white. 1 point
Na2CO3 + CaCl2 = CaCO3 + 2 NaCl 2 points
(1 point for the correct formulae, 1 point for the correct chemical coefficients)
d) The number of moles of the filtered and dried calcium carbonate is:
n(CaCO3) = 0.0200 mol 1 point
its mass is: n(CaCO3) = 0.0200 mol · 100 g/mol = 2.00 g. 1 point
e) The number of moles of calcium chloride in the saturated solution is:
n(CaCl2) = 0.0200 mol
its mass is: m(CaCl2) = 0.0200 mol · 111 g/mol = 2.22 g. 1 point
74.5 g
The saturated solution is: = 0.427, that is 42.7 % by mass, 1 point
174.5 g
2.22 g calcium chloride is contained
in: 2.22 g : 0.427 = 5.20 g saturated solution. 1 point

6. Analytical question and calculation problem (14 points)

a) The structural formula of formaldehyde (showing bonding and nonbonding
electron pairs, too). 2 points
b) The molecule of formaldehyde is a dipole (polar one). 1 point
According to the principle ”like dissolves like”, it is well dissolved
in water which is also consisting of polar molecules. 1 point
c) Oxidation (redox reaction, dehydrogenation) 1 point
d) The mass of 1000 dm3 solution is:
m(solution) = 1000 cm3 · 1.11 g/cm3 = 1110 g 1 point
The mass of formaldehyde in the solution is:
m(HCHO) = 0.37 · 1110 g = 410.7 g 1 point
410.7 g
The number of moles of formaldehyde is: n(HCHO) = = 13.69 mol 1 point
30 g/mol
The concentration of the solution is:
13.69 mol
c1 = = 13.69 mol/dm3 (13.7 mol/dm3). 1 point
1.000 dm3
e) Its reducing effect (or: its easy oxidability). 1 point
f) Because of the twentyfold increase of the volume, the molarity of the
solution is decreased to the twentieth:
13.69 mol/dm3
c2 = = 0.685 mol/dm3. 1 point
The number of moles of formaldehyde in 50.0 cm3 of the diluted solution is:
n(HCHO) = 0.050 dm3 · 0.685 dm3 = 3.425 · 10–2 mol. 1 point
The number of moles of the obtained silver is: n(Ag) = 4n(HCHO) = 0.137 mol, 1 point
its mass is:m(Ag) = 0.137 mol · 108 g/mol = 14.8 g. 1 point

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Kémia angol nyelven — középszint Javítási-értékelési útmutató

7. Analysis of experiments (9 points)

a) Sulphur. 1 point
Because the condensed phase of sulfur is hold together by secondary forces
(dispersion interaction).
(The crystal lattice of the two other elements are hold together by primary forces.)
1 point
b) In case of aluminium. 1 point
It is dissolved under evolution of a colorless (odorless) gas. 1 point
2 Al + 6 HCl = 2 AlCl3 + 3 H2 2 points
(1 point for the correct formulae, 1 point for the correct chemical coefficients)
c) In case of sulphur and graphite. 1 point
In these cases, colorless gases are produced. 1 point
Sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide. 1 point

8. Calculation problem (15 points)

a) The gas collecting cylinder should be hold open end up. 1 point
The density of hydrogen chloride is higher, than that of air. 1 point
The ratio of the densities of ideal gases in the same state is equal to the
36.5 g / mol
ratio of their molar masses: d = = 1.26. 1 point
29.0 g / mol
(The answer can also be accepted, if the candidate refers to the ratio
of the two molar masses)
b) The number of moles of the initial sodium chloride is:
11.7 g
n(NaCl) = = 0.200 mol. 1 point
58.5 g/mol
According to the given chemical equation, the total number of moles of the
hydrogen chloride is the same: n(HCltotal) = 0.200 mol. 1 point
Its volume at 25°C and standard pressure:
V(gas) = 0.200 · 24.5 dm3/mol = 4.90 dm3. 1 point
c) After absorption, the molarity of the obtained solution is:
0.200 mol
c(HCl) = 3
= 0.100 mol/dm3. 1 point
2.00 dm
As hydrochloric acid is a monovalent, strong acid, hence the concentration
of oxonium ion in the solution is:
[ ]
H 3O + = 0.100 mol/dm3 = 1.00 ⋅ 10 −1 mol/dm3 .
The pH of the solution is pH = 1.00. 1 point
d) The equation of the occurring reaction is:
KOH + HCl = KCl + H2O. 1 point
The number of moles of potassium hydroxide necessary for neutralization is:
n(KOH) = n(HCl) = 0.200 mol, 1 point
its mass is: m(KOH) = 0.200 mol · 56.1 g/mol = 11.22 g. 1 point
The mass of potassium hydroxide solution is:
m(solution) = 11.22 g : 0.024 = 467.5 g, 1 point
its volume is: V(solution) = 467.5 g : 1.02 g/cm3 = 458 cm3. 1 point
The number of moles of the produced salt is: n(KCl) = n(HCl) = 0.200 mol, 1 point
its mass is: m(KCl) = 0.200 mol · 74.6 g/mol = 14.9 g. 1 point

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