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ÉRETTSÉGI VIZSGA ● 2011. május 12.

2011. május 12. 8:00

Az írásbeli vizsga időtartama: 120 perc

Pótlapok száma


Kémia angol nyelven középszint — írásbeli vizsga 1011

Kémia angol nyelven— középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

Important informations

• The examination test should be solved within 120 minutes, after 120 minutes the work
should be finished.
• The sequence of answering the questions is free.
• For the solution of the problems, calculators without text-storage capability and four-
place logarithm tables can be used. Use of other electronic or written help is forbidden.
• Read the introductory text of the questions carefully and keep its instructions.
• Write the answers in ink. If you cancel an answer or part of an answer, the canceled
work can not be evaluated.
• For the calculations, you can get maximum number of points only if the main steps of
the calculation are indicated, too.
• Please, don’t write anything into the gray squares.

írásbeli vizsga 1011 2 / 16 2011. május 12.

Kémia angol nyelven— középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

1. Four types of association

Below, you have to compare two metals. Write the correct letter mark in the empty cells of
the table.

A) Copper
B) Calcium
C) Both of them
D) None of them

1. In the ground state of its atom, the electrons are placed in

4 pieces of shells.

2. In the ground state, its atom contains 2 pieces of unpaired


3. In its compounds, one of its characteristic oxidation number

is +2.

4. It is an alkaline earth metal.

5. It is a heavy metal.

6. It can be dissolved in cold water.

7. In air, it is slowly, completely oxidized.

8. It is the positive pole of the Daniell voltaic cell.

9. The color of its oxide is blue.

10. The size of its cation is smaller than that of the atom.

10 points

írásbeli vizsga 1011 3 / 16 2011. május 12.

Kémia angol nyelven— középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

2. Essay
Read the following text carefully and answer the questions.

Atmospheric sulfur dioxide and environmental pollution

The pollution of air by smoke and sulfurous fumes is no new problem, one of the
earlier tracts on the matter is dated back to 1661 (“Fumigation, or the Inconvenience of the
Air and Smoke of London Dissipated”).

There are vast amounts of volatile sulfur compounds in the environment as a result of
natural processes. Especially volcanic activity releases large amounts of sulfur dioxide
together with smaller quantities of hydrogen sulfide, sulfur trioxide, elemental sulfur and
particulate sulfates. From a global viewpoint, this accounts for less than one percent of the
volatile sulfur compounds. By far the most important source is the biological reduction of
sulfur containing compounds. In this case, mostly hydrogen sulfide is released, but other
compounds (for example metal sulfides) are also formed. One source of atmospheric sulfur
compounds is sea water, in which sulfate is the second most abundant anion, its number of
moles being one seventh of that of chloride. Though much sulfur is transported by wind-
driven sea spray, its environmental impact is not severe. Much more serious is the effect of
volatile sulfur compounds, mainly sulfur dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of
man’s domestic and industrial activities. The amount of this sulfur dioxide has been estimated
to be annually about 200 million tonnes, while the amount of all the sulfur released by natural
processes is 3.1⋅108 tonnes per year. Unfortunately, by the very nature of its origin, the sulfur
dioxide is released in the heart of densely populated areas. It does great damage to the
respiratory organs of man and animals, to buildings and perhaps most seriously – as a result of
“acid rain” - to plants, lake waters and generally to aquatic life. Dispersal by means of high
chimney stacks is inadequate since this merely transfers the fume and gases to neighboring
regions. For example, only one-tenth of the SO2/H2SO4 pollution of lakes and streams in
Sweden is a result of emissions in Sweden itself, one-tenth is due to emissions from the UK,
and the remaining four-fifth is originating from northern Europe.

The major source of sulfur dioxide pollution is in coal-based power generation. This
(together with other coal and coke based technologies) accounts for 60% of the emissions.
Ultimately, pollution can only be avoided by complete removal of sulfur dioxide from the
effluent gases, but this codified perfection is both technologically and economically
unattainable. Many processes are available to reduce the sulfur dioxide concentration to very
low values, but the vast scale of power generation and domestic heating by coal and oil still
results in substantial emission of sulfur dioxide. Sulfur dioxide can be removed by scrubbing
with a slurry of “milk of lime” (Ca(OH)2). An alternative possibility is given by partial
reduction of sulfur dioxide to hydrogen sulfide, followed by conversion of the two gases to
sulfur and water.

After “Greenwood: The Chemistry of Elements”

a) Chemically, what is the difference between smoke and fog?

írásbeli vizsga 1011 4 / 16 2011. május 12.

Kémia angol nyelven— középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

b) Give the geometry and polarity of the molecules of two compounds which are
released into air as a result of volcanic activity.

c) Calculate the concentration of sulfate ions in sea water if chloride ions are present in
sea water in a concentration of 30 g/dm3.

d) What is the ratio of annual amount of sulfur released by natural processes relative to
all the sulfur contained in sulfur dioxide released into the atmosphere by man’s
domestic and industrial activities. Describe the way of calculation.

e) List 3 examples for the damages caused by sulfur dioxide released into the

f) Write a balanced equation describing the removal of sulfur dioxide from air.

15 points

írásbeli vizsga 1011 5 / 16 2011. május 12.

Kémia angol nyelven— középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

3. Simple choice

Write the only correct letter mark into the empty cell on the right-hand side of the answers.

1.) Which compound contains a hydrogen bonding in solid state?

A) CH4
B) NH3
D) C2H4
E) C2H2

2.) Which of the following atoms contains the highest number of neutrons?
35 36 36
Cl, S, Ar

A) The atom of 35Cl.

B) The atom of 36S.
C) The atom of 36Ar.
D) 36S and 36Ar contain the same number of neutrons.
E) All three contain the same number of neutrons.

3.) The following statements are referred to sulfuric acid and nitric acid. Which
statement is not true for both acids?

A) It is well miscible with water.

B) Iron can be dissolved in its diluted solution.
C) Its concentrated solution gives a yellow color with proteins.
D) Its concentrated solution is one of the components of nitration mixture.
E) Its concentrated solution passivates aluminum.

4.) In one of the statements about the following procedures, there is a mistake. Which
one is it?

A) During electrolysis of hydrogen chloride, chlorine gas evolves at the negative pole.
B) During the metallurgy of iron, coke is a reducing and alloying agent and furthermore,
burning coke keeps the blast furnace at a relevantly high temperature.
C) During electrolysis of anhydrous aluminum oxide, cryolite is used to decrease the
temperature of electrolysis.
D) The essential feature of steelmaking is to give better mechanical properties to the
metal by decreasing the carbon content.
E) The initial substances of bakelite production are phenol and formaldehyde.

írásbeli vizsga 1011 6 / 16 2011. május 12.

Kémia angol nyelven— középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

5.) The equilibrium process of the formation of hydrogen iodide is shifted neither to the
left nor to the right direction, if in the originally gaseous equilibrium system

A) the pressure is increased.

B) the amount of hydrogen is increased.
C) the temperature is increased.
D) the amount of hydrogen iodide is increased.
E) the amount of iodine is decreased.

6.) The thermochemical equation of the complete combustion of ethane is as follows:

2 C2H6(g) + 7 O2(g) = 4 CO2(g) + 6 H2O(l) ΔrH = –3122 kJ/mol
Which of the following statements is not correct?
A) For the combustion of 2 mol ethane, 7 mol oxygen gas is needed.
B) For the combustion of 1 dm3 ethane, 3.5 dm3 oxygen gas (in the same state) is
C) During the combustion of 1 gram of ethane, 52 kJ heat is released.
D) During the complete combustion of 1 mol ethane,
3122 kJ heat is released.
E) During the combustion of 2 mol ethane, 108 cm3 water is formed (4 ºC, standard

7.) Which of the following substances contains the highest oxidation number of nitrogen

A) Ammonia.
B) Ammonium nitrate.
C) Ammonium chloride.
D) Nitrogen dioxide.
E) Nitrogen.

8.) There is a mistake in the name of one of the constitutional isomers of C6H12. Which
name is not correct?

A) cyclohexane
B) 2,2-dimethylbut-3-ene
C) hex-3-ene
D) 2-methylpent-2-ene
E) 2,3-dimethylbut-2-ene

8 points

írásbeli vizsga 1011 7 / 16 2011. május 12.

Kémia angol nyelven— középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

4. Alternative question
In the following question – depending on your field of interest – you have to solve only one
version. At the corresponding place of the examination paper, you have to indicate the
letter mark of the chosen question (A or B). If it doesn’t happen and the fact of your choice
doesn’t emerge unambiguously from the test-paper, in every case the solution of the first
alternative question will be evaluated.

Letter mark of the chosen question:

A) Analytical question
Take the following organic substances containing two carbon atoms and also one or more

glycine ethanol acetaldehyde glycol ethylamine acetamide dimehyl ether

Below, give the name of the corresponding compound(s) and answer also the questions
a) Which of the listed substances is a polyvalent alcohol? Give also its scientific name.

b) Constitutional isomers of each other:

c) Contains delocalized π bonding(s):

d) Its crystal lattice is held together by ionic bonding. Give the structure of the particles in
the lattice points (constitution, half-constitutional formula).

e) It is a solid substance at 25 ºC and standard pressure:

f) It has the lowest boiling point among the listed substances:

g) Its aqueous solution is basic:

h) It is an amphoteric substance. Write the equation of an example when it behaves as a base.

i) It gives the silver mirror test. Write balanced equation for the reaction.

írásbeli vizsga 1011 8 / 16 2011. május 12.

Kémia angol nyelven— középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

j) They can be converted into each other by a redox reaction. Write the equation of the
corresponding reaction.

B) Calculation problem

The “Berger mixture” used to prepare a white fume was named after the French chemist,
Berger. It contains zinc, zinc oxide and carbon tetrachloride. The concept of its working is
that in a couple of reactions, strongly hygroscopic zinc chloride is produced, which forms a
heavy, opaque fume with the humidity of air. The occurring reactions are as follows:
Zn + ZnO + CCl4 = 2 ZnCl2 + CO
2 Zn + CCl4 = 2 ZnCl2 + C
In the process, carbon is also formed and therefore, the fume often becomes a gray tone. The
mixture can be ignited even by a match. The mixture should be used immediately after
preparation, otherwise the solvent will be evaporated. The evaporation of carbon tetrachloride
used in excess can lead to the formation of phosgene which is highly toxic.

The mass percent concentration of 40.7 g of freshly prepared Berger mixture is as

follows: 25.0 % Zn, 25.0 % ZnO, 50.0 % CCl4.

a) What is the mass of zinc chloride formed from the mixture, assuming that ZnO has
been used up completely in the reaction?

b) State, whether we should worry about the formation of phosgene by using the above
mixture immediately after preparation.

írásbeli vizsga 1011 9 / 16 2011. május 12.

Kémia angol nyelven— középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

c) What is the minimum mass of water which can form a fume with the zinc chloride
prepared from the above mixture? (At the temperature of the experiment, 100 g of
water can dissolve 541 g of zinc chloride.)

13 points

írásbeli vizsga 1011 10 / 16 2011. május 12.

Kémia angol nyelven— középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

5. Analytical question

Sodium hydroxide and its reactions

a) Give the trivial name of NaOH.

b) Some pellets of NaOH were put onto a watch glass and allowed to stand in air. After a
while, the surface of the pellets became deliquescent.
• Which property of NaOH can explain the observations?

c) In the laboratory, a bottle of NaOH has been standing for a long time. A small portion is
taken from the cloddy solid substance in the bottle. It is put onto a watch glass and some
drops of hydrochloric acid are added. A strong effervescence is observed.
• Which component of air was bound by sodium hydroxide upon standing?

• Write the equation of the reaction of binding.

• Write the reaction occurring with the drops of hydrochloric acid.

d) Two test tubes contain (in unknown order) aqueous solutions of acetic acid and phenol
(the latter is not saturated).
• Can you identify the content of the test tubes using NaOH solution? Explain your answer.

• Which of the following substances can be used to make a difference between acetic acid
and phenol? Put a ring around the symbol or formula.


• Write the equations of the identification reaction(s).

e) Glyceryl tristearate is added to a NaOH solution in a test tube, and the content of the test
tube is heated for a while.
• What is the everyday name of the process?

• Give the names of the products.

13 points

írásbeli vizsga 1011 11 / 16 2011. május 12.

Kémia angol nyelven— középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

6. Panel question

Fill the table below.

Name of the molecule: Buta-1,3-diene Vinyl chloride

Constitution of the 1. 2.
Number of σ 3. 4.
bondings in the
Number of π bondings 5. 6.
in the molecule:
Phase state (at 25 ºC 7. 8.
and standard
Name of one of its 9. 10.
Its reaction with 11.
bromine in 1:1 molar
ratio, signing the
constitution of the
Equation of its 12.
preparation from
Which plastic 13. 14.
material is prepared
from it in the

14 points

írásbeli vizsga 1011 12 / 16 2011. május 12.

Kémia angol nyelven— középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

7. Analytical question and calculation problem

A container of volume 12.25 dm3 contains a mixture of hydrogen and chlorine gas at 25 ºC
and standard pressure. Using an electric spark, the reaction is started in the container. At the
end of the reaction, the mass of hydrogen chloride in the colorless mixture is 14.6 g.
Absorbing the hydrogen chloride into water, a pH=2.00 solution is prepared.

a) Which substances can be used to prepare the gases in the laboratory?

• hydrogen:

• chlorine:

b) How should the gas-collecting cylinder be hold at the preparation of the given gases?
• while collecting hydrogen, open end:……………………

• while collecting chlorine, open end:…………………………

• Explain the answer shortly.

• Support your answer also by calculation (or by comparison of corresponding

numerical data).

c) Calculate the volume of the prepared pH 2.00 solution.

d) Determine the composition of the initial gas mixture in volume percent.

15 points

írásbeli vizsga 1011 13 / 16 2011. május 12.

Kémia angol nyelven— középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

8. Calculation problem
On each pan of a double-pan balance, there is a beaker with nitric acid solution. Both
solutions have a volume of 100 cm3, a concentration of 2.00 mol/dm3 and a density of
1.065 g/cm3. The balance is in the state of balance.
Andrew put 5.00 g lime-stone powder into one of the beakers. Adalbert got the task to turn the
balance to his side using a solid substance with a smaller mass (it means that after addition of
another substance with a smaller mass, the content of the beaker must be heavier than that of
the other one). After some calculation, Adalbert put 3.00 g calcium cuttings into the beaker. In
both beakers, the solid substances were completely dissolved.

a) Write the equations of the occurring reactions.

b) State, whether Adalbert solved the task correctly. Support the answer also by

c) Calculate the mass percent concentration of Ca(NO3)2 in the solution of Andrew’s

beaker after the reaction.

12 points

írásbeli vizsga 1011 14 / 16 2011. május 12.

Kémia angol nyelven— középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

írásbeli vizsga 1011 15 / 16 2011. május 12.

Kémia angol nyelven— középszint Név: ........................................................... osztály:......

maximum reached
points points
1. Four types of association 10
2. Essay 15
3. Simple choice 8
4. Alternative question 13
5. Analytical question 13
6. Panel question 14
7. Analytical question and calculation problem 15
8. Calculation problem 12
Points of the written exam 100

marking teacher



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írásbeli vizsga 1011 16 / 16 2011. május 12.

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