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Q1: Which type of database management system represents relations using tables??

a None

b Network DBMS

c Relational DBMS

d Object Oriented DBMS

e None

f Hierachical DBMS

Q2: Which of these elements are all <table> elements??

a None

b <table><tr><tt>

c <table><tr><td>

d <thead><body><tr>

e None

f <table><head><tfoot>

Q3: Choose the correct HTML Tag to make a text Italic?

a None

b <il>

c <italic>

d None

e <it>

f <i>

Q4: What is HTTP middleware in Laravel??

a HTTP middleware is a technique for installing Laravel via HTTP.

b HTTP middleware is a technique for filtering HTTP requests.

c None

d None

e HTTP middleware is a technique for updating Laravel via HTTP.

f HTTP middleware is a web server used by Laravel similar to Apache and Nginx.

Q5: What is the default size of a file set in upload_max_filesize??

a None

b 2 MB

c None

d 500 MB

e 10 MB

f 300 MB

Q6: How to update the container's configurations which shows all the update options.?

a None

b None

c $ docker update --help

d $ docker update help

e $ docker update -help

f None

Q7: PHP scripts are enclosed within _______?

a <? .... ?>

b <?php . . . ?>
c <?php

d <p> . . . </p>

e <php> . . . </php>

f ?php . . . ?php

Q8: Which licensing authority is responsible for WordPress??

a GPLv2 (GNU General Public License)

b MIT license

c None


e None


Q9: Which of the following is a hosted service that provides a Registry with build and
testing facilities for Dockerized application images, tools to help you set up and manage
your host infrastructure.?

a Docker Universal Control Plane

b Docker Cloud

c Docker Compose

d None

e None

f Docker Hub

Q10: The clause ORDER is used to sort records in either ascending or descending order.?

a None

b None

c None
d None

e False

f True

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