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“I also like you the second best, Kirishima-kun”

Even though me and Hayasaka-san both have the person we like

the most, we are dating our second best.

Nevertheless, it’s certainly the truth that me and Hayasaka-san

are lovers. We go home together, see each other in secret, and do
things we can’t tell to other people.

But the second best is still the second best, so if the feeling with
someone we like the most becomes mutual, then this
relationship will end. We had such promise.

“I’m sorry. I’m an idiot, and I keep falling for you more and

Even though we both got close to the person we like the most, we
keep on getting deep into each other, we couldn’t stop, and we
couldn’t just let go of each other no matter what…

The result of this already unrecoverable, 100%

dangerous, unadulterated, morbid, complicated love is.


Drama Harem Romance School Life Slice of Life

After school, we took the long way home so no one would see us together. We walked
along the empty railroad line, a narrow lane with fences and brick walls on both sides.

-It’s hot.

Hayasaka-san says as she walks beside me. She is wearing an impeccable summer
uniform, her hair is short with a shy expression on her face.

-I’m thirsty.

Hayasaka-san said before taking a sip of the tea she had just bought from the vending

-Do you also want some, Kirishima-kun?

-Are you sure?


She hands me the bottle with the greatest of ease. I already have a drink in my bag, but
with the hot weather, I’m in the mood for something a little cooler. But is this a good

I can’t help but notice Hayasaka-san’s cool lips, since she’d just take a sip. If I drank it,
then it would be an indirect kiss.

But Hayasaka-san was not thinking about it at all and had a pure smile on her face. If
I hesitate here, I will be letting her know that I am aware of this situation. So I
proceeded to drink the tea without worrying about anything.

-That’s an indirect kiss.

As soon as she said that, I started coughing.

-… You’ve got to be kidding me, Hayasaka-san.


Hayasaka-san makes a peace sign, though her expression is rather bashful and her
cheeks are flushed.

-Don’t be embarrassed about something you just said.

-I’m not ashamed.

Hayasaka-san is clearly embarrassed despite her denial, so she tries to deflect the

-During the break, you were talking very enthusiastically with your friends.

-Yes, he seems to be in love.

-What? Kirishima-kun giving advice to his friends about love situations?

-Yes, although I don’t look like that kind of guy. I’m a bit simple and I wear glasses.

-But I like the way Kirishima-kun looks. You’re like a manga character who is a good

-You still don’t get it.

-So, what advice did you give to this friend?

-I explained the simple contact effect.

When I said that, Hayasaka-san, whose eyes were shining, suddenly became droopy
and said, “Ah, yes.”

-Why that name? It sounds like it was created by Kirishima-kun.

-That’s definitely not a compliment.

The single contact effect is a psychological effect that is explained as follows; “It is easy
to have a favorable impression of what you see and hear often”.

This explains why we buy things we have seen in advertisements, and why we like
people who are close to us more than those who are far away.

-People like what they know. So I advised him to see the girl he liked every day. To say
hello to her, to interact with her every day, to do his best to like her.

-I see, so that’s how it works.

Nodding, Hayasaka-san’s expression changed to a mischievous look.

-… Well, let’s do it too.

He then proceeds to place the back of her hand on the back of mine little by little.

-L-Let’s hold hands.

-I’m not talking about that kind of contact. I’m talking about perceptual contact, like
seeing and hearing…

-But, if the contact is direct, doesn’t that mean it would have more effect?

She shifts the bag on her shoulder to the opposite side from me and moves closer to
my side. She’s so close that I can’t help but get nervous.

…Certainly, if direct contact is achieved, it can become more effective. Although

Hayasaka-san said it very casually, it could carry a lot of weight in the face of that point
of view.

We men are weak before women. If a girl touches your shoulder, it is inevitable that
you get nervous, and if she hugs you in a place where you are alone, falling in love with
her is inevitable.

Perhaps it is a mechanism of the heart that cannot be controlled by the mind. There is
a special power in the act of touching.

What would happen if I were to shake hands with Hayasaka-san here? I might fall in
love with Hayasaka-san more than I think in my head.

Or I may end up liking it more than I think I will.

-Hey, Kirishima-kun
Hayasaka-san puts the back of her hand on mine again.

She is getting closer and closer that my arm almost touches her breasts. Hayasaka-san
has the face of a young girl, but her body is quite mature.

I was suddenly embarrassed and turned my face away.

-Holding hands goes against all logic. It is inappropriate for examining the
psychological effects of…

-It’s a bad habit to try to escape by reasoning like that, Kirishima-kun.

Hayasaka-san tried to hold my hand, but I quickly hid it in my pants pocket.

-Hmph, I guess I’ll link arms with you then.

When Hayasaka-san made a gesture to hug my arm, I hurriedly moved out of the way.

As I walked away from her, my eyes naturally fell on her white blouse and chest since
she said she would link arms.

-Hehehehe, I’m beginning to understand why Kirishima-kun is embarrassed.

-I don’t know what you mean.

-If we touch each other a lot, we might get to know each other even better, right?

Hayasaka-san’s expression turns mischievous and she tries to stick to me. It was
completely unavoidable to start running, and I ended up being chased by her through
an alley.

Hayasaka-san, she looks like a child in both her facial expressions and in what she
does, but her arms and legs extending from her uniform do nothing but reflect the
high school student that she is. She has beautiful skin, and her cheeks are strangely
sexy whenever she takes a breath and turns red.

I’m still not ready to touch Hayasaka-san’s skin, so I just ran away. I’m not an athletic
person, so I tripped over my feet and fell to the ground, while Hayasaka-san overtakes
me and stretches out at the end of the path.
-Haah… You leave me no choice.

She steps in the middle of the alley as if trying to prevent me from leaving the place. I
got up and headed towards her as I tried to break through the wall that is her body.

-You’ve gone too far, Kirishima-kun!

Hayasaka-san collides with me using her body, and pushes my shoulder back with
great force.

-Stop, it’s too early for us!

-It’s time to take the next step.

Wait a minute… What do you mean by taking the next step? I thought this was all about
the simple contact effect. What do you want to do with me?

-W-What are you doing?

This is quite exhilarating! But still…

-Hayasaka-san, you’ve never had contact with a man. You should be ashamed of
yourself. Don’t pretend to be an experienced woman!

After I said those words, Hayasaka-san’s eyes began to fill with tears, after all, my
words were right.

-W-W-W-What are you trying to say, Kirishima-kun?

-You’re too shy to want to do something like this.

-I-I-It’s Kirishima-kun’s fault!

And as if a malevolent idea began to germinate in her head, she continued speaking
while making a mischievous expression with her face.

-It’s been a long time since you shook my hand!

She is too strong a girl. Despite her cute face, and her innocent good girl attitude, it’s
impossible to beat her in physical ability. But, even so, I tried to face her and push
Hayasaka-san back, but it was impossible. Every time I managed to get rid of her, she
clung to me again.

-Hey, don’t push yourself too hard, your face is too red.

-I’m not pushing myself, this is just a fever I got this morning!

-What’s that got to do with it?

It seems that she still felt embarrassed, or maybe she was telling the truth…
The next morning, the whole classroom followed Hayasaka-san with their eyes. She
unfolded her textbook and began to prepare for class.

She writes something in her notebook and says; “Good morning” every time someone
greets her.

She has always been a very sociable person, but today she has a very unusual energy.
I think she’s pushing herself too hard.

-Good morning, Hayasaka!

A boy from the other class came in with a rather relaxed attitude, and spoke to her in
a very casual manner.

-Tonight we have band rehearsal in the studio. Do you want to come and listen?

-I’m sorry… I can’t go at night. They don’t let me leave the house so late.

-I see. Well, I’ll call you later.

As the boy leaves the classroom, he says to himself; “damn, I didn’t get it”. The kids in
the class who were watching the situation start talking to each other.

-Hayasaka-san’s still very sheltered.

-Don’t you get it? That’s what’s good about her. She’s perfect. Her feelings, her purity,
the way she treats people. She is the reflection of a girl who is being well educated by
her parents.

-According to my own research, rumor has it that her father is the only man in her
phone contacts.

The boys’ conversation is taking place right behind me, but I don’t plan to join in. I
don’t plan to comment on Hayasaka-san.

-She is so shy that even if you could talk to her, it would be difficult.

-And that makes it even more perfect. I wish Hayasaka would tell me; “Um… It’s
embarrassing to walk hand in hand with you”.

-I’ve heard that Hayasaka-san has received many confessions, but she has never been
with anyone. In other words, she is a very naive girl in relationships.

Their voices are so loud that Hayasaka-san looks at her textbook and buries her head
in it in embarrassment.

-Hey, you guys, don’t have weird fantasies about Akane-chan.

One of the girls nearby exclaimed. Akane is Hayasaka-san’s first name.

-I have zero tolerance for that kind of talk!

Finally, the bell rings and everyone returns to their seats. The boys look at Hayasaka-
san with regret, and the girls cast threatening glances to protect her.

Through all the conflict generated, I saw her raise her face from the book little by little,
and she rested her gaze on the boys in curiosity.

“Don’t look too much, or people will notice.” I said in my mind at the same time as I
signaled her with my eyes.

Her gaze was gentle, and her cheeks were slightly red. I wish I was with her, but I
turned my gaze to the board and turned my attention to the class. The relationship
between her and me is a secret to everyone.

And this same pattern of behavior between the two of us takes place again even at

I’m eating alone, and Hayasaka-san is talking to a boy sitting next to her. They were
talking about the survey on future careers that the teacher explained today.

-Will you study liberal arts or science, Hayasaka-san?


-You’d look good in a literature department-a literary girl reading a novel on a campus
The other students join the conversation.

-Why not study English literature? It goes more with your style and personality.

-Or even Home Economics!

While everyone was talking very devoutly, Hayasaka-san said in a reserved manner.

-I would like to study nursing.

For a moment, they all stare at each other with a confused expression on their faces.
That is not the image Hayasaka-san was conveying to them.

-Oh, I see!

exclaimed one of the boys who seemed to be a genius at reading the atmosphere of
the place.

-So you’re going to be a nurse! I’d really like the angelic Hayasaka-san to take care of

Suddenly, the mood of the people around them returned to normal.

Hayasaka-san watches me slyly and smiles faintly.

These people are disgusting. They see her as a symbol or an object. A fashion icon that
can only represent seriousness, innocence and beauty.

Although it is inevitable that they will see it that way.

Taking notes in class, writing notes for classmates who forgot to ask about the scope
of the exam, and helping the professor with materials even when he or she is not on

She is a little uncomfortable with physical activity, but strives to jump the hurdles, and
overcome all obstacles.

As for her career, Hayasaka-san wants to go to veterinary school because she wants to
spend all her time with furry animals, so she’s not too far from that image.
Everyone loves her. But sometimes that love seems to be the same as that of a pretty
doll. They only see her as a symbol.

Because of that, everyone is not aware that Hayasaka-san’s behavior is different from
usual. I was so worried that I couldn’t bear to look at her, so I got up and went to her


Hayasaka-san expressed great confusion. It was something normal, since we have

never crossed paths like this during classes.

-Hayasaka-san, why is your face red?

It was then that everyone realized that Hayasaka-san had not been feeling well all day.

You’re asking too much of yourself, Hayasaka-san. You said so yourself yesterday.

-You have a fever, don’t you?

Just before fifth period started, I slipped out of class.

I saw Hayasaka-san through the window, leaving early to go home. After a while, I
caught up with her as she trudged through the school gate.

-Kirishima-kun, what’s wrong?

-let me walk you home. I’ll hold your bag.

-… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you.

-Hayasaka-san, you are trying too hard.

-… Yeah. But, you know, when I’m in front of everybody, I tend to act like a good girl.
Even if the truth is otherwise.

She said as she lowered her head, and continued speaking.

-I’m worse than people think.

She looked like she was about to collapse, and I couldn’t help but hold her hand.


Hayasaka-san’s eyes widen when she sees our hands together.

-Well… I thought I’d try the single contact effect with you.

-Um, so… Does it work?

-I don’t know. I’m starting to feel hot. It’s like I have a fever…

-I think I like it a lot.

Hayasaka-san squeezes my hand even tighter and pulls his body closer to mine.

-Maybe there is an effect.

The weight supported and the heat transmitted. It makes its presence even stronger
than unusual.

-People at the school would be very surprised to know that I’m doing this with you…

-It would be a scandal.

Hayasaka-san now has a sweet expression that she never shows in the classroom.

-I have always wanted to touch Kirishima-kun.

After saying that, she clings to me happily with a flushed face. It’s as if she enjoys being
with me.

-I think I’ll try catching a fever more often.


-Because Kirishima-kun is kind to me when I do.

Hayasaka-san clings to me with her face and body much closer and tighter than

-You’re doing this on purpose.

-When I feel better, we’ll do more and more pranks!


-Yes, after all, I’m not a good girl.

I took Hayasaka-san by the arm and walked her home. Her appearance reflected how
very sick she was, but she smiled contentedly as she said; “Hehehe”.

If someone saw us, they would think that a girl as pretty as her ended up dating a
boring looking guy like me out of pity. But in a way, she and I are lovers, so that thought
wouldn’t be so wrong.

But we have a secret that we can’t tell anyone. I like someone other than Hayasaka-

And Hayasaka-san has someone she likes other than me. In other words…

We are dating even though we have other people we like.

The Mystery Research Club room is located at the end of the second floor of the old
school building. It was formerly used as a reception room for visitors, so it has a hot
water kettle, a refrigerator, an air conditioner and a set of sofas.

It is a very comfortable space. Next to it, there is a music room, where you can always
hear the sound of the piano after class. Some students use it for private practice.

-Who is the most popular girl in our school?

Said Shota Maki, the student council president.

It was after school, in the club room. I was relaxing on the couch as usual, listening to
the sound of the piano playing next to me, when suddenly he came in, uttering those

-If it’s popularity we’re talking about, it would have to be Hikari Tachibana and Akane

-I see.

-Which one do you like best, Kirishima?

-It’s been a long time since you last showed your face around here. Why do you ask?

-You like Tachibana, don’t you?

That’s right. I once told this man about a girl I liked… You could say that Tachibana-
san is my favorite. And my second favorite is Hayasaka-san. I can still remember the
feeling of our hands touching for the first time.

-You are the type of person who likes super cars. Ferrari, Lamborghini and other high-
end cars.
-What’s that got to do with it?

-Because Hikari Tachibana is like that. She has beautiful skin, she’s attractive, and her
expression is so neutral that she doesn’t show any kind of emotion.

She has long hair, is tall and slim, her body is like that of a model, and she always has
a relaxed attitude and no expression on her face. She is often alone, and the
temperature seems to drop when you are by her side.

-On the other hand, Hayasaka is a good quality Japanese car.

-That was very rude.

-You are wrong. My goal is to marry Hayasaka. She seems to be a homely girl, and she’s
very innocent. Besides being an honor student, she will never be able to cheat on me.
The number of boys who have confessed to her and have been rejected is greater than
that of Tachibana, so she is someone trustworthy.

-Don’t get carried away by public image alone.

Hayasaka-san is a very nice girl and well-liked by everyone. And when she is the center
of attention, she always smiles a little as if she is in trouble.

But despite her modest demeanor, there is one hidden feature: she has a body that
would destroy your instincts in a matter of seconds. In other words, she has killer
breasts and legs that could blow your mind.

-However, I will never tell her.

-Why aren’t you going to tell her?

-Because if she thinks I’m looking at her with erotic eyes, my chances of being with
her will die.

-I think she already knows that.

-Of course not. She’s a high-class girl. She has no such impure thoughts.

Everyone sees her as an icon of purity and seriousness. No matter how popular and
good looking a girl is, there will never be someone who does not have impure

And at that moment I remembered what Hayasaka-san had told me, “I’m not a good
girl.” She is trapped by an image that was created by her environment.

-Maki, did it ever cross your mind that Hayasaka-san is actually an ordinary girl?

She is just an ordinary person who wants to walk hand in hand with the guy she likes,
as well as spend time with him. Even Tachibana-san might have the same thought.

As those thoughts invaded my head, I heard a change in the melody of the piano in the
music room next door.

-Do you think the girl I like is someone ordinary?

-It’s possible, you shouldn’t focus on the outside.

-You’re right. But, even if there was such a possibility, I wouldn’t know unless we were
a couple.

But Hayasaka-san and Maki are not a very likely couple. Is it okay for them to go out

-What about you? Is there a chance you could be with Tachibana?

-Zero chance. But I don’t think it’s complicated either.


-It’s a common thing that you can’t be with the person you love the most. Some people
are liked by everyone, and others are very popular. But only one person gets to have a
relationship with that person they want. Which means everyone else will be

-You are very cynical.

-I’m just being realistic.

Pure love is an illusion. In reality, we deceive ourselves and deceive others into falling
in love.
-You have a lot of resentment towards love.

-Did you come all the way here to talk to me about love?

-No. I’m here to invite you to Nozaki’s karaoke party.

-Hey, but I’m a terrible singer.

-It doesn’t matter. We’ll just be there for support. Come on, that kid is desperate. We
have to help him.

-Well, that’s fine.

I replied sharply as I looked at the clock.

-Well, I have some things to do, so I’d better get going.

-Hey, you’re not going to listen till the end?

Maki points to the music room next door.

-I have to visit a friend who has a cold.

-I see.

But even so, Maki continues to talk.

-Your life is just like that American novel. The boy who looks at the light of the mansion
where his dream girl lives while drinking alcohol on the shore of the lake that
separates them.

-The Great Gatsby.


-I’m not as sentimental as Jay Gatsby.

-No, but still, every day you hear the piano playing of the girl you like through this wall
that separates you.
He is right. The person who practices the piano is Tachinaba-san. The girl I want the
most in my life.

-Just so you know, I was the first one in this room.

-Were you expecting something?

-Not really.

To be honest, Maki is right.

-Being with Tachibana is impossible.

-I know, she has a boyfriend.

My attraction to Hayasaka-san is the same as her attraction to me. We like each other
as lovers, but without prioritizing our relationship as official boyfriend and girlfriend.

At the beginning of the summer we discovered that we had a great connection, so we

went with it. And that’s where our adventure began. We are not as different as an
ordinary couple, except for the fact that we already have someone else we love more.

That’s why I’m so excited to hold her hand, and if she has a cold, it gives me reason to
go visit her.

-Hello, sorry to bother you.

I was standing in front of the door of Hayasaka-san’s house. And it was she herself in
person who greeted me.

-Why aren’t you lying down?

-Because I’m home alone.


-Come on in.
Everything happened so naturally. Hayasaka-san turned her back to me as if she didn’t
care, and I entered the place without even thinking about it.

When I took off my shoes, I was momentarily taken aback.

Hayasaka-san is wearing a hoodie over her pajamas, it seems that the cold is affecting
her too much. She looks too sexy though, perhaps because her outfit is too tight, and
highlights the lines of her body.

I almost wondered what would happen if I hugged her from behind, but quickly
dismissed the thought. I’m sure she wouldn’t like me doing something like that in such
a delicate state as her cold.

-This is my room.

Hayasaka-san showed me into her room. It was a very clean and tidy place. The pencil
case and pencils on her desk were colorful and very feminine.

-Here, I brought you a drink and a yogurt.

-Thank you. You can sit there.

She sits on the floor with me and swallows half a bottle of the energy drink I brought
him. She still had a fever and her face was burning.

-I’m sorry for coming so abruptly, I’d better go and come back when you’re not alone.

-No, I’m glad you’re here, Kirishima-kun. I want to talk to you more.

-But you aren’t in a good shape.

-Well, I can lie down on the bed. So don’t go yet, let’s keep talking some more.

Hayasaka-san lies down on the bed and covers her head with the blanket. I told her
what happened at school today and she smiled happily as she listened to my words. I
didn’t tell her about the conversation I had with Maki after school, I just told her that
I was invited to karaoke.

-I want to go with you.


Nozaki is our classmate, he doesn’t have enough courage to approach the girl he likes,
so he decided to ask everyone out in a kind of “party” as a front to conquer that person.

-Why, Hayasaka-san?

-I have also received the invitation. The number of people is getting quite large. I didn’t
know Kirishima-kun was going, so I replied that I would go when I got over my cold.

-I see, so he’s gathering people at random.

-We have to pretend we don’t know each other.

-Right. If I get along with Hayasaka-san, I’ll earn the hatred of all the boys.

-No, I don’t mean it.

Hayasaka-san showed me her smartphone screen, opened the group chat where all
the guests were, and pointed to an icon with her finger.

-A bear?

-You don’t know what it’s about?

-I don’t know anyone who has a bear.

-Unlike the icon, she is a very beautiful person. A very luxurious and special girl.

-It can’t be…

-Yes. This is the icon of Tachibana-san.

Hayasaka-san looks at me and says with her usual annoyed smile.

-Should I help Kirishima-kun get along with Tachibana-san?

-You don’t have to do that.

-That’s good. I really like you, Kirishima-kun. It would be a bit painful for me if you had
asked me something like that.

Hayasaka-san is a bit unsteady due to her fever, and inevitably, the conversation
stalled, as we have run out of topics of conversation.

We were alone in her room, with no one else in the house. Everything was completely
silent, and I could hear the clock ticking. I tried to stand up as I said, “Well, I guess this
is it.”

But before I did anything else, Hayasaka-san stopped me.

-Hey, Kirishima-kun. Come here.

She expressed, as she flipped the sheet over.

-Let’s try the simple contact effect.

Yesterday she seemed so excited to have held hands. She even seemed to wish the road
would never end.

-Hayasaka-san, do you want me to sleep with you?

-I thought it was obvious.

I am terrified that she would say those words with such seriousness.

-I want to hold your hand. Let’s get under the covers together.
I don’t know if this is a temporary loss of reason due to fever, or if it is really Hayasaka-
san from behind the image of her purity and innocence.

-You have a high fever, you are not being rational right now.

-No, you’re wrong.

-I am telling the truth. A person’s ability to think is reduced when they have a fever.
The frontal lobe of the brain functions with difficulty.

-You’re wrong, I’m completely rational.

-And I don’t have to get under the sheet with you. I can hold your hand from the

-I don’t think it’s good for you, Kirishima-kun.

Hayasaka-san makes an angry face. But he also looks like he’s having a bit of fun.

-Kirishima-kun doesn’t want to get under the covers with me?

-It’s not that I don’t want to, but I have a feeling that holding hands won’t be enough.

-I… I wouldn’t mind.

-Hayasaka-san, you must calm down, this is not-…

-Isn’t that what people think when they are in love? If I’m a good girl, I should follow
the proper order of a relationship. But Kirishima-kun said we could be together
without being tied by those things.

We are slaves to an image created by the people around us. People have dreams, others
want to have many friends, and others want to make a living from something they are
passionate about. But when you feel obliged to act according to everyone’s
expectations, it becomes painful.

Hayasaka-san is tied to the image of what is expected of her. For this reason, we had
decided that, at least in our love relationship, we would not borrow the values and
image by which everyone is governed. We would do things our own way.
-Hey, Kirishima-kun. I don’t have to be a good girl in front of you, do I?

The expression on Hayasaka-san’s face as she flipped the sheets over and waited for
me was strangely sexy.

-Then you should at least get under the covers with me and hold my hand.

-… Okay.

It’s not as if I didn’t expect something to happen having entered a girl’s room. But why
would she want me to hold her hand while lying on the bed?

Those thoughts invaded my head as I approached her.

Hayasaka-san was sweating a little from the heat, and I could feel the humidity and
heat in the air. Her pajamas were sticking to her skin.

-No, this is not a good idea!

I came to my senses and got out of bed. I was almost carried away by the situation.

-Aaah! I was so close!

Hayasaka-san looks disappointed. But she did not give up at all, and immediately
thought of something and spoke with a wry smile on her face.

-Why don’t you think of it as practice?


-You can practice for when you are in the same bed with Tachibana-san someday.

-No, such thoughts are not good, Hayasaka-san.

I don’t know if this is the right thing to do. Even though we are lovers, I don’t want to
use her to fill my loneliness…

-Even if you deny it, there is a part of you that says otherwise.

Hayasaka-san continued speaking.

-So why don’t you use me for practice? Or am I so unattractive that you don’t even
want me for that?

-Not really…

I’m not sure I’m ready for this.

-I’m starting to feel cold.

-Hurry up and jump in!

-If I don’t, my cold will get worse.

-Do it already!

-Well, when I am dead, please weep at my grave.

-Hayasaka-san, you’re a cheat!

I had no choice but to climb into the bed, for if I don’t, Hayasaka-san will be left
uncovered and will not be able to recover.

-I’m just going to hold your hand.

-Yes, we’ll just hold hands, I promise.

I crawl into the futon with trepidation. Hayasaka-san looked so happy to see me. When
I lay down, Hayasaka-san pulled the blanket over me.

-You don’t have to be so distant.

-Hayasaka-san, give me your hand.

-All right.

But I couldn’t find her hand under the sheets. Meanwhile, the tip of my hand slips into
something soft.

Hayasaka-san let out a sweet sound, and I hastily withdrew my hand as I apologized
to her. All that remained in my fingertips was the taut fabric and the feeling of softness
under it. I think it was between her thighs.

-Kirishima-kun… You’re very aggressive.

Hayasaka-san looks embarrassed.

-No, no, no, no, I was just trying to hold your hand.

-Then grab it quickly.

-I don’t know where your hands are.


I moved my body to look for his hand and approached Hayasaka-san. That’s when it
happened. Hayasaka-san went beyond holding hands and clung to me with all her

-You promised we would only hold hands.

-I don’t remember saying that.

Her body was soft, warm and slightly damp with sweat.

-Hehehehe, I can smell Kirishima-kun.

Hayasaka-san’s breath on my chest makes my skin warm.

-I’ve always wanted to do something like this.

Her face is wet and her hands grip my uniform shirt tightly.

-Don’t you want to hug me, Kirishima-kun?

-I don’t think it’s the right thing to do.

I kept my hands out of it.

-I’m afraid I’ll lose control if I hug you.

-I don’t mind if you do.

-Hayasaka-san, you are completely on fire.

-When you heard that Tachibana-san was going to the karaoke, you seemed a little


-No problem. She’s someone very beautiful, she’s the perfect girl. Although, there are
some things I beat her at.

-What do you mean?

-My body.

He clings to me tighter as he says those words.


Then she squeezes my leg between her thighs. What a complicated situation, she
keeps squeezing her breasts against me tightly, and since she is in her pajamas, she
has no bra, and I can feel her naked breasts.

-Kirishima-kun is my boyfriend, so he can do whatever he wants to me. I’m happy no

matter what he does to me.

-That’s a very ridiculous thing to say.

-Fufu, I’m not such an innocent girl now, am I?

Hayasaka-san seems to be enjoying the situation.

-But it’s okay, I’ve been a good girl at school and at home. When I dress shabbily or say
things like that, people are very disappointed.

Many not only become disappointed, they even become angry. They do not want their
image of her to be destroyed.
-I don’t have to be a nice girl in front of Kirishima-kun, do I?


-So, let’s do bad things together.

I hugged Hayasaka-san’s body tightly, and I could feel her body so clearly, the smell of
her hair, her breath, the fabric of her pajamas, everything trapped me in such a way as
if I never wanted to leave. She placed her hand on my back and hugged me even more

-I feel that I have become Kirishima-kun’s property.

-You are very emotional.

-I want you to drag me further.

I felt her warm breath on my chest, hugging me tightly or weakly, as if she wanted to
feel my touch.

-Hey Kirishima-kun, remember how I feel. Remember it when you sleep alone and feel
lonely. From now on, every night I’ll feel lonely without you by my side. Because this
feels so good.

-Hayasaka-san, it’s time for me to leave.

-I want to do worse.

Hayasaka-san pushes me down and climbs on top of me while pressing her breasts
against me. It’s clearly an intentional act, I no longer feel embarrassment at this
situation, but there is no trace of reasoning in my mind anymore.

Maybe it’s not good for me to do this while I’m in love with someone else. Maybe it’s
wrong, maybe it’s not. But we’ve made our own decision to do this. So I want to go as
far as I can.

-Hey Kirishima-kun, I want to give you my cold.

-In fact, I was thinking a moment ago that I’d like it too.

-If it’s Hayasaka-san’s cold, I don’t care.

-But, can you catch a cold just by hugging me? Isn’t there a better way to catch it?
You’re smart, Kirishima-kun, think of something.

Hayasaka-san’s words make me go for it without hesitation.

-Through saliva.

-That’s right!

-Are you sure?


And with that, we kissed. Hayasaka-san’s lips were soft, warm and moist.

-I think I like it. But is it the right way to go?

-I don’t know.

It is also my first time.

-Kirishima-kun, I want more.

I kissed her again and again as we let ourselves go.

-More, more, more, more…

Finally, Hayasaka’s tongue enters my mouth.

But it stops moving immediately. I don’t know what to do next. Hayasaka seems
embarrassed to do it herself and, despite her clear act of invitation, she stiffens and
closes her eyes tightly.

Hayasaka-san’s tongue is so good that it makes me feel good. Then, awkwardly, our
tongues begin to frolic with each other.
I pushed Hayasaka-san’s tongue back and this time I entered her mouth. Her mouth is
small, warm, moist and softly compressed.

-Kirishima-kun, give me your saliva.

We exchange saliva with each other. The sound generated by our kisses reaches our
ears, making us more and more excited.

Because we are lovers, we want to do the most fucked up things, do things that people
blame us for, things that make them frown, things that are immoral and bad.

Before I knew it, I was placing Hayasaka-san on top of me, following my impulses.
Hayasaka-san’s pajamas have fallen off and her breasts are bare.

We looked at each other for a moment and then she responded by saying:

-It’s alright.

I’m sure it takes a lot of courage for a girl to say something like that. I have no choice
but to go through with it, so, very carefully, I carefully unbutton the buttons of her

But the next moment, I notice that Hayasaka-san still has a stiff expression on her face.
Maybe she’s not ready for something like that, so I stop my hand and pull it away from
his body.

-I’m sorry, I was a bit hasty. I could have been more careful, but I’ve never done
anything like that before…

But Hayasaka-san shakes her head at my words.

-It’s not Kirishima-kun’s fault. I feel that way too. But…

She apologized as she hid her face behind a pillow.

-… The face of the other person I like appeared in my head.

-It is not good to go too far.

Hayasaka-san said as she straightened her messy clothes.

-Because we like someone else?


After that, we were sitting on the bed. Just like I have Tachibana-san, Hayasaka-san
has another person whom she loves very much.

The feeling we have for each other is noble, but we were hesitant to cross a dangerous
line until we had come to a conclusion about the person we most wanted in the first

-Maybe because we are lovers, I tend to be aggressive in some ways. If only you were
that special person I want, I would be someone different around you. But it’s not good
for me to be that way with you, not just for that person, but for you too.

It is true that being lovers has its advantages, and its limitations as well.

-We’d better add some rules.

When we decided to be lovers, we set two rules. First, we must not let the other person
know that we are together.

Number two, when one of us is ready to be with that special person, we will dissolve
our relationship.

This means that we will give priority to such sentiment.

-What rules do you want to add?

-We can only kiss.

-Yes, I think that would be best.

Even though we are lovers, it does not mean that we can treat each other

-Well, I’d better get going.


As I was getting ready to leave. Hayasaka-san showed me her phone. Again, she
showed me the Karaoke chat group, and this time, she pointed to the icon of an
American superhero.

-Whose icon is that?

-Tachibana-san’s boyfriend. Looks like he’s joining us.

-I see.

We are in the same year, so I assumed it would happen.

-Kirishima-kun, can you do it?

If things continue like this, I will watch the scene where Tachibana-san and her
boyfriend treat each other affectionately.

-No problem at all. In fact, it’s fine, I’m looking forward to it.

-You can’t say that to me when you’re shaking like that.

I am cold. My vision is distorted. I think I’ve already caught a cold.

-It’s alright, when that day is over, let’s meet in a place where no one can see us.

Hayasaka-san hugs me from behind.

-I will be a great comfort to you.

During the weekend, quite a number of people gathered for karaoke. Few people know
this event is about Nozaki wanting to conquer a girl. So everyone thinks that we are
here to have fun and nothing else.

About 20 people gathered in front of the station in the early afternoon. We were
worried about the safety of so many people, but Maki quickly led them in and got them
into the party room.
At first I sat down without thinking about it, but when I saw how they were organized,
I decided to sit next to Maki.

-After all, Hayasaka-san is popular.

When I sit down again, Maki reproaches me with his words.

-You’ve been beaten, eh.

Hayasaka-san was surrounded by many boys, just as if she were a princess with her
suitors around.

-Hayasaka-san, what kind of song will you sing?

-You look very pretty in those clothes.

-Would you like me to get you a drink?

Hayasaka-san becomes the center of attention when all the boys start talking to her
from all directions.

-Well, I, um, well, I, um, haha…

Hayasaka-san is a very shy person when she is the center of attention, so it is

inevitable that she just smiles awkwardly. She is still treated as if she were a doll.

-They are working hard to win her over.

Maki said.

-You’re right, she stands out more than Nozaki-kun, the star of the show.

-In that sense, Kirishima is great. Since he’s dressed as he should be.

-… Hmm, thanks, I guess.

Did you just tell me that I didn’t dress appropriately?

-Hayasaka is a real angel, isn’t she? She’s so kind to those people who have a lot of
ulterior motives.
-Yes, I’m impressed, but surely she must be upset deep down.

-Really? I’m just worried she’ll fall in love with the wrong guy.

-I only say what I see.

-And doesn’t that drive you crazy? Do you want to be by her side?

-Not exactly.

-Kirishima, look over there.

In the middle of the whole noisy room, there is a girl handling the Denmoku with a
cold expression on her face. She was wearing a bare-shouldered dress, and
maintaining a good posture.

It was Tachibana-san, who was sitting by the wall, and her boyfriend was beside her.
He was a young and handsome boy, his teeth were shiny and he is from a rich family,
not to mention his good figure.

In other words, it’s the complete opposite of me.

-It’s like he’s watching her, it’s really annoying.

-No, it’s completely natural for couples to be together. I can’t help but feel envious.

While talking to Maki, Tachibana-san looked up for a moment. My eyes met hers, and
I couldn’t help but lower my gaze.

-Kirishima, why are you looking down? You should burn that image into your retina.

-No, I see her whenever I can.

-Tch, through her boyfriend’s account? Come on, man…

Tachibana-san’s boyfriend posts pictures of her on social media every day. He seems
to be unconcerned about his partner’s privacy.

-I don’t know how you are able to put up with such a punishment.
-I also ask myself the same question. I feel pain in my heart when I see her. Still, I can’t
help but look at her every day.

-You’re a little stiff.

But still, I wonder if the two of them are doing well in their relationship.

Being in this place is torture.

I can’t help but look at Tachibana-san, as she sang a song her boyfriend requested, and
also clapped her hands as she did so. What is this, why do I have to watch this scene
of the girl I like?

Tachibana-san continues with a cold expression on her face. But I guess she will laugh
when she is alone with her boyfriend. I was so desperate, I even sang a song about my
lost love.

And it didn’t work at all to get her attention, as she kept driving the Denmoku the
whole time while I was singing.

No one looked at me, and they didn’t applaud either. It was really pathetic. Once the
song was over, everyone looked at each other, as if I was telling them to react to my
performance. I guess I wasn’t very good.

But, one of the girls spoke in a reserved voice.

-I-I think it’s been good.

It was Hayasaka-san.

-It was truly unique, and quite remarkable…

But as expected, such words unleashed chaos in the place.

-Why is Hayasaka-san siding with Kirishima?

Everyone was asking the same question. Hayasaka-san also noticed and hurried to
calm the situation.
-No, that’s not what I meant. I just meant that, even if you’re not good, you can make
it look like you are. Kirishima’s song sounded like a pig cry, didn’t it?

Hayasaka-san, I agree that no one should know about our relationship, but you don’t
need to be so cruel.

-Oh come on, Kirishima, he’s a good boy.

Maki pats me on the back.

-You sang it wrong on purpose, didn’t you?

-… Ah yes. You’re right, it was all on purpose.

As I spoke, I sent a message to Hayasaka-san; “Just pretend we don’t know each other.”

It would be a disaster if Hayasaka-san’s best friend found out that I’m dating her. When
she reads my message, she shudders and starts making circles with her fingers.

When everyone finished singing, it was time to chat.

It was decided that we should talk about our first love. It’s a good way to liven things
up. The kids who are good at talking about their first love will share their funny

When it was my turn, I told him a story about my school days.

-During the summer vacations I stayed at a relative’s house. I stayed there for a week
and made friends with a girl who lived there.

She was very beautiful and she was always on my mind. In other words, I was in love.
My first love. We played together in the park day after day and I was happy. But one
day I saw her playing with another boy, and I felt a pain in my heart, so I left.

-I don’t want you to be friends with any boy other than me.

I know now that it was jealousy, but at the time I didn’t know what I was feeling and I
couldn’t control it.

-I guess those words were unpleasant for her, because the next day, she stopped going
to the park.

It was a story of a bitter first love gone wrong. I looked at Tachibana-san, but she had
no non-expressive reaction to my story. She didn’t seem to have any particular
impression. Some of the girls teased me, partly to liven things up.

-The jealousy of men is disgusting.

-You are right


I guess so. I think so, too. But one of the girls didn’t like the responses she was getting
from the rest.

-I don’t think it’s disgusting.

Again, it was Hayasaka-san

-… I would be jealous too if the person I like was friends with someone else.

Once again she defended me, but this time, her words made everyone feel very

-Is there someone you like too, Hayasaka-san?

-Have you ever been jealous?

-I want Hayasaka-san to be jealous of me!

Her eyes roll from side to side as the men ask her questions.

-W-W-W-What if I like someone? Well, I… I don’t have anyone yet!

He responded awkwardly and nervously.

-You guys are harassing her!

One of the girls exclaimed.

-No more questions, come on, leave.

The boys are still happy and eager to keep asking questions. On the other hand,
Hayasaka-san seems more awkward than usual.

So I sent her a message again through my phone.

“You don’t have to worry about me!”

Hayasaka-san looked at her phone and turned red while making circles with her
fingers. You don’t know what you’re doing when you react to me. While I was trying to
reprimand her, one of the girls came up behind me and spoke to me.

-Oh, by the way, Kirishima, you’re in the mystery research club, right?

She told me that het brother is a graduate of the school and a former club member.

-Now you can try again with that first love of yours.


-Because I know what’s hidden in that club. And it is the manual of love.

-Ah, so that’s what you mean.

There was once a high school alumnus who attempted to write a mystery novel on the
subject of love. First, he focused on the three components of a mystery: how, who and

He wanted to write a mystery romance, but, perhaps as a result of his adolescence, he

completed a book of secrets that was simply a study of love, and he called it “The
Handbook of Love” which has been handed down from generation to generation.

-It tells you how to pick up girls, doesn’t it?

The “How to” section of the love notes. The single contact effect was also mentioned

-According to my brother, the guy who did it is a genius with an IQ of 180.

-It’s hard to believe.

Some of the research is based on psychology and behavioral science, but much of it is

-Huh? Is there really such a thing as a romance manual?

Other boys who were listening to us, intruded on the conversation.

-Kirishima, are you reading that book?

They seemed to find it interesting that a person like me was talking to them about

-So reading a manual on how to flirt, you’re really trying too hard.

-If you’re doing that kind of research, does that mean you’re going to get better

-Stupid, reading doesn’t make you more handsome.

The guys started making fun of me, and I also started doing the same towards myself,
after all, I’m a big skinny guy who wears glasses, so teasing is the order of the day. It
was all jokes and nothing more, not aiming to offend me, but there was one girl who
didn’t like that I was the center of the teasing.

-That is not true.

Of course, it was Hayasaka-san. It seems that my message did not get through at all.

-Kirishima-kun is a good boy!

She clutches the hem of her skirt tightly. But then she realizes that the room has gone
quiet and hurries to correct the situation.

-I mean, it’s good to be serious about your love life, and Kirishima-kun’s appearance
is quite normal…

Hayasaka was speechless at that moment, hesitated and then said.

-I like that about you, Kirishima-kun…

This is not good at all. Hayasaka-san, you’re getting too nervous. And as expected,
everyone lost their heads.

-Hey, did you just say you like Kirishima?

-It’s a lie, isn’t it?

Who Hayasaka-san likes is the boys’ biggest concern. She has to deny it quickly.

I can’t use my phone this time, so I’m praying that she denies the situation completely.

-Huh, no. When I say I like Kirishima-kun, I mean I like him as a character…

Girls around Hayasaka-san respond to her words

-Why is everyone going crazy?! It’s like Hayasaka saying she’s in love with a clown.

-Um, but if you think about it properly, it could be.

-Right… It would even be interesting.

-Akane-chan, are there any tricks you want Kirishima to do?

-What do you mean by that?

Hayasaka-san’s face becomes serious. And he turns his head with dark eyes as he
begins to whisper.

-Everyone treats Kirishima-kun like that, but… The truth is, I don’t care about anyone
else and Kirishima-kun is… He’s unique…

He had a dangerous atmosphere, and it seemed that he was going to say something
terrible. Everyone sensed that Hayasaka-san’s mood was different from usual, and
they did not know what to do.

I’m the only one who can save the day…

-Hayasaka, tell me what you want!

I am willing to sacrifice

-Tell me something I can act with! I’m trying to make people laugh!


Hayasaka-san shouts in confusion.

-I don’t remember you having that kind of character, Kirishima-kun.


Hayasaka-san had a little emotional misunderstanding. When she saw me being made
fun of, she would get angry, partly because of me, because it frustrated her that
everyone was trying to impose their image on me, even if it was just jokes and nothing

In any case, I will do my best and reverse this situation.

-So tell me something I can use to make everyone laugh!

-That’s not what I’m talking about…

Hayasaka-san looks in all directions in grief. But my tension draws her to me, and her
expression brightens, which is a good sign.


I thought she would know what I was trying to do. But, the harsh reality is… She turned
out to be more clumsy than I imagined!

-Um… How about a rap?

Eh… Did you really ever feel that I would be good at rapping? My face became
expressionless at the situation, and Hayasaka-san was nervous as she wondered if she
had said something wrong. But that makes it perfect, as it makes it more believable in
the eyes of the rest.

-Sing an acapella!
Maki shouted.

How good it is to be able to count on your friends in the most difficult moments of
your life. Well, I have no choice but to do it. So I picked up the microphone, and started
checking its status by tapping it a couple of times.

The atmosphere that was created was pleasant throughout the room. Everyone had
already forgotten about the love Hayasaka-san had expressed for me, and that was

I would put a difficult song on karaoke to ruin it, and I would sing it badly anyway.
Once the song is finished, people can tweak it nicely and everything will be back to

Even though I was satisfied with the result, I couldn’t help but feel a little sad when I
saw Tachibana-san still not paying attention to me. It’s painful when the girl you want
the most is still not paying attention to you.

A moment later, she lifts her gaze and looks at me with her usual expressionless face.
I can’t read her emotions at all, I wish someone would end this pain soon. She’s not
even able to at least smile a little for me?

What I want from her is not only her feelings. I want her to see me the way I see her.

I want her to be able to accompany me wherever I go, to walk beside me in the hallway
at school, and to think about me before he goes to sleep.

The place where I am now is too far away from that place, but, anyway, Tachibana-san
has a boyfriend, and he is by her side right now.

But even though everything was going well, it started to go relatively wrong from one
moment to the next. Someone cut off the microphone’s operation. And to my surprise,
this time it wasn’t Hayasaka-san. It was someone else from whom no one would expect
such an act, Hikari Tachibana.

-This type of behavior is not allowed.

Tachibana-san expressed her displeasure with a firm tone. As she was a girl who gave
off a slightly intimidating presence, everyone was completely silent in the room as
they were expectant of her next words. She proceeds to take a sip of her melon drink,
as if her work was already done.

And before sitting down, she added.

-Some people don’t like such behavior, so I don’t think you should do it.

Tachibana-san did not say who she was referring to, and proceeded to forget the
subject. But we all knew in our minds who he was referring to, and everyone looked
at Hayasaka-san at the same time.

Her face was dark and dejected. This was all because she didn’t like me playing the
role of the fool in the group. And then I indirectly forced her to keep me playing such
a role.

-I’m sorry.

Hayasaka-san said as everyone’s eyes were on her.

She tried to smile again, but such an expression did not last long on her face and it
darkened again before she finally hid her face in her bangs.

-I don’t think I’ve recovered from my cold yet. I’m going home now.

She grabbed her wallet, stood up and placed her hand on the doorknob.

-I’m sorry, Tachibana-san, I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable.

She looked down, said nothing more and ran out of the room. Everyone was

-Don’t you find it strange that Hayasaka-san was protecting Kirishima at all times?

One of the boys sitting next to him said unconcernedly.

-Are you trying to say she likes him?

-I don’t think so. Hayasaka-san is so kind that she just can’t help but protect anyone.
All the boys began to convince themselves with that idea, that she was nothing more
than an angel who was willing to protect the weakest.

-Um. My sister is calling me.

I used that excuse so that I could leave the place. When I was about to close the door,
I looked back once more, and saw Tachinaba-san fiddling with the Tenmoku in a
carefree manner.

It was dusk, and Hayasaka-san was walking down an alley just off the main street.

-I’m sorry.

As soon as she sees me reach her, she looks down.

-I know I didn’t behave well today.

Hayasaka-san keeps her bangs down to hide her expression.

-I knew it was a joke, but I didn’t want Kirishima-kun to be treated lightly. Did it bother

-Not at all. I was happy.

-But you made a mistake by chasing me. From Tachibana-san’s point of view,
Kirishima-kun seems to like me.

I have my doubts. First of all, Tachibana-san hardly paid any attention to me.

-But what you say is true, I like you, Hayasaka-san.

-I’m your lover, remember?

-My favorite lover, that means I like you very much.

-I see.

Hayasaka-san hugs me while expressing an “Aah.”

-I wanted to help Kirishima-kun, but Tachibana-san ruined everything.

-Actually, it seemed to help you.

-No, I did all that to help you, but I think she noticed. Are you upset?

-It doesn’t matter. Besides, she has a boyfriend.

I can’t aspire to be with the girl I want most at the moment.

-But still, Kirishima-kun, you really like Tachibana-san, don’t you?

-I don’t know.

-When she was at karaoke, all you did was watch her.

-I don’t remember.

-You looked at her all the time, and you were less and less cheerful.

Hayasaka-san continued.

-You were angry because Tachibana-san put a straw in her boyfriend’s drink. That
doesn’t mean anything, I usually do that too with guys I’m not interested in.

Yes, that’s right, Hayasaka-san had placed a straw in the drink of the boy next to her.

-Yes, and that’s when I got depressed again.

-Oh, I see. You were jealous.

Hayasaka-san seemed satisfied.

-I couldn’t help you, but as I promised, I will comfort you a lot.

Hayasaka-san approached me, but stopped at the last minute while looking at her feet.

-Today I feel a little embarrassed, I don’t know why.

-You don’t have to do something you don’t want to do.

-No, no. I want to do it for you now. It is very important.

However, Hayasaka-san’s face was still red and she could not move. So this time I
hugged her from my side.


Hayasaka-san’s arm goes around my back. It’s true that I feel calmer. I am very happy.
Just as I think this, Hayasaka-san closes her eyes and looks at me. I had imagined a
hug, but Hayasaka-san had a different idea.

-It tastes like melon soda.

After kissing me, she smiled and pressed her face against my chest with a sweet

-Hayasaka-san, you have a habit of hugging.

-Yes, I like it.

We stayed like that for a while.

-I’m sorry, Kirishima, but you’re still not number one for me.

-I know.

The feeling is mutual.

A few days later. Nozaki-kun scored a date with the girl he wanted. Surprisingly, the
other girl also liked Nozaki-kun.

The fact that the two started dating was shocking to everyone, as there were a lot of
guys who were heartbroken when they heard the news.

It is always difficult to be with the person you love the most. For this reason, the
decision I made with Hayasaka-san to be lovers was the right one.

But there are always rules which we must follow, once we both have achieved our goal
of being with that person, this will be over, in case one of us achieves our goal and the
other does not, the relationship is still broken.

In other words, for both me and Hayasaka-san, only one of us will be unhappy. Or
possibly both of us will be happy with that person. It’s a 50-50 bet, anything can

After lessons in the club room on the second floor of the old school building. I was
wondering why I couldn’t hear the sound of the piano in the next room, when suddenly
my name was called.


I looked up to see who it was, and before I knew it, there was a girl standing at the
entrance. It was Tachibana-san.

When I looked at it again, she was very sparsely pigmented, like a summer mirage. But
it was real.


Tachibana-san nodded her head, trying to say something.

-I’m sorry, I forgot what I was going to say.

-Then I guess it wasn’t important.

-I guess… I’ll start practicing the piano now.

-All right.

Tachibana-san proceeded to turn around and go on her way, but before that happened,
she turned to look at me.

-The karaoke the other day.

He expressed with a brusque tone.

-You were a good singer.

-I see.

-You were trying to hum a low note, weren’t you?

Tachinaba-san continued speaking.

-Kirishima-kun, when you entered the room that day, you were sitting next to the girl
from the book club. You were saving a place for Nozaki-kun, weren’t you? When I
heard that the two of them started dating, I could understand everything.

It’s true that Nozaki-kun took care to be by the side of the girl he liked. Tachibana-san
saw that.

-Is that what you were trying to do?

-It’s nice to help other people.

-What about the clown character you submitted to Hayasaka-san?

-What do you mean?


I started to wonder why Tachibana-san came to tell me all those things related to
Karaoke, and when I thought he would leave again, he took out a paper from his pocket
that was folded.

-I came to give you this.

Tachibana-san holds out the paper to me. When I took it, I touched her thin, white

-What is this?

-Open it.

I opened the paper and saw that his name was written in beautiful handwriting.

Membership form. Mystery Research Club, Year 2, Class 6. Hikari Tachibana. No… Is
this for real?

-What is this about?

-I guess it’s more than obvious. Is there a problem?

Tachibana-san does not look away. The iris of her beautiful eyes has the power to make
you say no.

-No… There is no problem.

When I said that, Tachibana-san nodded and said “Good.”

-See you tomorrow, Chairman.

What the hell is she up to?

-By the way, Tachibana-san, there is something I want to clarify.


-This is a research club, not a study group.

-President, you are very strict.

-I know.
A short walk from the school there is a coffee shop that makes a good cup of tea. The
store has a rather relaxing and rustic atmosphere at the same time. Inside are shelves
and counters full of literary works, perhaps it is the owner’s hobby.

I opened the door and entered the store, where Hayasaka-san was sitting in the back
drinking tea happily. Hayasaka-san loves to drink tea. As she was holding the cup with
both hands while blowing on it, she looked very tender.

-Hello, Kirishima-kun.

Hayasaka-san cheerfully waves her hand in greeting when she sees me. I took a seat
across from her and ordered a coffee.


I held out a plastic umbrella as I said:

-Hayasaka-san, you put this in front of the club room, didn’t you?

-I hope it has helped you.

-You didn’t have to.

-It’s nothing. If I can help Kirishima-kun, I will be happy to do so.

-You helped me the other day too, have you forgotten already?

During the break, some of the guys were making jokes regarding Hayasaka-san’s body.
All of them related to the erotic. And the worst part was that they were talking so
loudly, she could hear everything.

Before I knew it, I was kicking a trash can, and then arguing with the boys over such
reprehensible behavior. After that, they all said in unison things like “Kirishima likes
Hayasaka”. And so it went for the whole break.

-After what you’ve done, it’s no wonder people talk about how much you like me.

-That is true.

-But it wouldn’t be good if Tachibana-san thought that way too.

-I had actually been asked if I was attracted to you.

-And what did you answer?

-I said I wasn’t in love with you. In other words, I lied, and it was a little painful.

-You did the right thing.

Hayasaka-san replied with a smile on her face.

-Although, you and Tachibana-san are in the research club, right?

Hayasaka-san said while fiddling with the teacup in her hand. The expression on her
face is the same as always, but I can feel the sadness emanating from her.

-I’d like to hear more about the two of you. Have you gotten to know each other better?

-Are you sure?

I felt a little uncomfortable talking to Hayasaka-san about my relationship with

Tachibana-san. But she smiled and gave me an unexpected answer.

-Yes, I want to hear it.

Tachibana-san goes to the club every day after school to practice the piano in the
music room next door. And when she finishes, she goes to the club room and reads a
foreign mystery novel.

Maybe it’s because I get nervous, or because Tachibana-san is very quiet, but we don’t
usually talk much. The only topic we’ve had is about the piano she plays.

-What is your favorite song?


-You can hear her, can’t you? When she plays the piano next door.


-Well, what is your favorite song?

-Well… There’s one she’s been playing over and over again lately. “A Sigh”…By Liszt.

And so it is with everything we do. After Tachibana-san was finished with her novel,
we chatted a bit, without the conversation transcending further.

-And does she have any skills?


-Ah, so she’s a word cheat.


Come to think of it, there was one day when we talked more than usual. It was after
school and it was pouring rain.

-Hey, president.

Tachibana-san called, sitting across from me on the couch, and holds out a very
particular notebook for which this club is very famous throughout the school.

-It is a manual on love, made by a former student of the Institute.

-Ah, yes, they say that love and mystery are the same thing.

-Yes, represented by the three elements: how, who and why.

How, who and why. With this book, you will learn how to make someone fall in love
with you, and how to find out who is the one you like.
-But there are a lot of blank sheets.

-It’s probably because the ‘why’ in love is not a simple answer.

Why did you fall in love with that person? Of course, there are many answers: their
appearance, personality, kindness or even their reliability.

-But even if you like someone because they are nice, if someone else were just as nice
to you, you wouldn’t necessarily like them.

The person I fell in love with was only nice to me.

-And that’s what makes love and mystery similar.

Tachibana-san replied, “Why do you say it that way? Did you commit a crime and don’t
want to say it?

-But love is different.


-You don’t need a reason to fall in love


-Besides, I think it is unreasonable to ask “why”. Not only in love, but in everything.

It’s not fair for you to say that when I have a fierce urge to say those very words to you.
I would like to ask Tachiaba-san, who is standing in front of me, “Why? Why did you
join this club?”.

But I didn’t want to ruin this delicate moment, so I didn’t say anything.

-Feelings come first, reasons come later.

– You don’t fall in love with someone because they are handsome or cool. You love
someone because they are kind and understanding.

-I see
-So, what is it like to fall in love?

Tachibana-san asks me with a serious expression on her face.

-How can you say that when you are in a relationship?


It sounds like she’s never loved anyone before.

As she thought about it, she leaned forward and I couldn’t help but see through the
collar of her shirt.

I think I’m about to look at her underwear. But before that could happen, Tachibana-
san says something shocking.

-All you have to do is tell me how you feel about Hayasaka-san.


I feel that time has stopped

-You like Hayasaka-san, don’t you?

-W-What are you talking about?

-Everyone was saying it today at lunchtime.

-… Oh, well.

What a relief, he still doesn’t know about my secret relationship with Hayasaka-san.
So I’m still out of danger.

-You were arguing with those boys because you were upset that they talked about her
like that.

-It was simply an act of common sense.

-There is a difference between kindness and romantic feelings.

-So you’re not in love with Hayasaka-san?

-That is correct.

-But you’ve been in love before.

-Also correct.

-If so, please tell me.

Tachibana-san approaches me. Her hair hangs beautifully in front of her.

-What does it feel like to like someone? What kind of feeling can you experience when
you love someone?

Tachibana-san’s words and actions were those of a girl who had never been in love. I
was perplexed and tried to respond.

-Most commonly, your heart is pounding.

-I see.

Tachibana-san becomes a little thoughtful at my words.

-Have you ever been excited, Tachibana-san?

-I haven’t really been aware of it, but, well, maybe I have.

But she has a boyfriend. What do those words mean? When I couldn’t resist asking her
about it, Tachibana-san opened the notebook of love and put it on the coffee table.

-President, let’s do this.

That’s the “How To” section of the Love Notes. How to make someone fall in love with
you. In other words, it’s a page on how to seduce someone.

-The hundred ways to make your heart beat.

The name of the book makes it hard to believe that the author had an IQ of 180, and
the content is typical of shoujo manga where the protagonist uses the Kabedon, aka
the wall slam.

And that’s a kind of trick that I can’t use because I’m not handsome. I’m too

-I wish I felt more excited.

-Even if you say that…

Perhaps Tachibana-san has never been in love. If that is the case, it is possible that the
relationship she has with her boyfriend is fake.

But even if it’s a fake relationship, in terms of public values, you shouldn’t do those
things with someone who has a boyfriend. That’s why…

-It’s time for me to go home, it’s starting to rain.


Tachibana-san gets up from her seat, and prepares to leave.

-I feel like I’m asking for trouble.

-It’s okay, I don’t feel like you’re a bother.

-“President” , she sounded concerned.

So it’s my fault it stopped that way.

-I won’t ask you to do something like that again.

She left the club room with a sad expression on her face. I feel like I’ve hurt her, and
my heart aches. I don’t know what to do, I guess I’ll just have to live with it.

I slapped my cheeks with both hands to get out of my sad state. I put one of my hands
in my pocket and placed my foot on the wall to block Tachibana-san’s exit.

-W-Wait a minute!

Tachibana-san seemed surprised at my sudden attitude, because she reacted with an

“Aah”. It’s the first time I’ve seen such a bright expression coming from her.

-A-An ashidon…?

When the heroine is about to leave, it is the MC’s duty to stop her by force. And the key
to Ashidons is to keep your leg up while pressing it hard to the wall, all while keeping
the tone of your voice and the gestures of your whole body in a violent and imposing

That was what was written in the book.

-President, you are very energetic.

-You will stay until the rain has passed.

-It’s making me a little nervous.

-It’s okay, I just want you to stay here for a while.

I have always been aware of an image of the world that does not exist, and I am always
trying to fit into it. That’s why I try to be original, at least in love.

-Then let’s do it.

-Yes, let’s do it.

And that’s how it happened.

First, it was decided that we’d do the basic kabedon. I had Tachibana-san stand in front
of the wall. My height is just over 5’7″ and Tachibana-san’s is 5’6″. So naturally, my
gaze was averted downward.

-Even if it’s a way to make you feel excited, I think it won’t be entirely useful if the act
only depends on one person, and only one of us gets to enjoy it.

-On the other hand, it is possible for the president to get excited, isn’t it?

Oh, Tachibana-san, when you say such things, you make my world go round and round.
-Well, to clarify, what I’m going to do now is everything that is usually used in shoujo
manga. I personally don’t think any girl would get excited about something like that.

-What if there were?

-Only a child would be excited about something like that.

-I see.

-Okay… Here I come!

I put my hand against the wall next to Tachibana-san’s face. But all I hear is a sound
generated by a soft object being struck by something solid, making me feel like an
idiot. And Tachibana-san nods her head after what happened.

-It was pretty boring. Nothing compared to what you did with your foot.

But that wasn’t all, Tachibana-san continued talking.

-There’s one more thing missing, chairman. Say a great line while you’re at it.

-I could have done that, but the act of improvising made it all sudden, and at the same
time embarrassing.

-I’m the one who feels embarrassed.

I’m surprised she’d say that, since most of the time her face is completely

-Well, okay, I’m going to do it again. But don’t make fun of it.

-Of course.

Again. I slam my hand against the wall with great force as I say;

-Look only at me.

I put aside my embarrassment. And Tachibana-san nodded with a fine expression of

-Okay. Let’s do the Hijidon.

I seem to have done well.

-Try to change your lines every time we do it. A little effort doesn’t hurt.

-All right.

Tachibana-san is very picky about these things. Maybe she’s secretly an artist.

-Let’s go.

Next, I leaned my elbow against the wall. This technique is somewhat similar to
kabedon. But unlike kabedon, the distance between us is narrower than it is when
using my hand.

-I won’t let you go tonight.

She looked me straight in the eyes, and did not flinch in any way. Up close, Tachibana-
san’s eyes were as transparent as glass, and her beauty was unreal.

-Did it excite you?


Suddenly, she pulled my tie. Our faces came closer until we were face to face. Her long
eyelashes, her beautiful white cheeks. Everything about her was perfect.

-Hey, are you excited?

Tachibana-san asked me. I’m so excited that it’s hard for me to answer, but even if he
hadn’t done this to me, I would still be excited. Since, Tachibana-san is my favorite
person in the whole world.

-Tachibana-san… W-Why the Nekukui?

-It was written in the notebook.

Nekukui is a technique in which a girl pulls a boy’s tie, making them face each other.
-Tachibana-san is quite an attractive person.

-Let’s continue.

And just like that, we both performed the techniques of the love notebook one after
the other. We also made use of the headphones together. We each took one side and
were together listening to the same songs. Of course, all this was without physical

It is a well-known fact that Tachibana-san does not touch men. When she comes across
someone between the desks, she turns her slender body upright to avoid hitting him,
and when a male teacher tries to put his hand on her shoulder, she puts the tip of her
mechanical pencil on her shoulder to control him.

I lay down on the couch being exhausted from all the tests he gave my heart in making
it beat faster. And right away, Tachibana-san came to me and came to my side.

-Finally, a man who can lean on me.

Katazun, a situation where a man puts his head on a woman’s shoulder. It is said that
the weakness and gentleness of the man is emotional.

-Are you sure?


I sat back down shallowly and rested my head on Tachibana-san’s shoulder.

I can feel her thin body. I wish I could say something about it, but I feel like I would
ruin it.

The sound of the rain outside the window is soothing. Suddenly, Tachibana-san
touches my head with her other hand, as if she wants to caress me.


I’d like to know what you mean by that, so I’m going to ask you. Despite everything, I
was the only one who was nervous. While Tachibana-san was still expressionless as
-What’s going on?

She had a puzzled look on her face as she asked. Tachibana-san really seemed to be
doing this out of pure curiosity.

-It’s time for me to go home.

-I see.

Without saying a word, we turned away from each other and thus concluded the club
activities. I got ready to go home and left the club room.

As I opened the door, I heard a bang, as if something had fallen. It was a plastic

It looks like someone was here. It wasn’t long since they’d left.

-Tachibana-san, do you have an umbrella?

I said as I took the plastic umbrella. Tachibana-san looked inside her bag, and after a
short pause replied.

-I don’t have any.

-I’m glad the umbrella came in handy.

Hayasaka-san looks at the umbrella while saying those words.

-And, you both used the same umbrella, right?


Why are you so curious? I can’t even tell Hayasaka-san half of what had happened
between me and Tachibana-san.

She may have passed in front of the club room out of mere curiosity, and seeing that it
was raining, and I had Tachibana-san’s company, she thought it was a good idea to
leave the umbrella in front of the club room.
So I just told her that we had returned home together using the umbrella. I didn’t
mention anything about the kabedon or about me resting my head on her shoulder.

If I tell her that I get along well with Tachibana-san, Hayasaka-san might get hurt.
Although I think I’m being conceited in thinking this way.

-And how did it go?

-It was a little awkward. It was hard to walk close without touching each others

-I see…

-It was not necessary for you to leave me the umbrella.

I know it is difficult for her to help me with Tachibana-san.

-No problem. Kirishima-kun is always helping me, so, for once, I wanted to do the same
with you. By the way… Are you still watching Tachibana-san’s boyfriend’s social

-Yes, it has become a habit.

Hayasaka-san knows about this strange habit of mine. And it’s not something I told
him, in fact, that’s how our relationship started.

It was in May, two months ago, when I had not even had a conversation with Hayasaka-

My phone had fallen on the station platform. Hayasaka-san, who was nearby, picked it
up and handed it to me. And at that moment, he saw the screen of my phone showing
the image of Tachibana-san.

-Kirishima-kun, do you like Tachibana-san?

To which I nodded at those words. Surely she had already noticed that my gaze was
always on Tachibana-san.
-And I like you too.

I said that to hide my embarrassment at finding out who the person I love was.

-Why are you looking at me like that?

When I asked such a question, Hayasaka-san’s face turned red and she answered

-Because, I like you too, Kirishima-kun.

And that’s how our relationship began.

As I was reflecting on it. The waiter noticed that my cup was empty, and I went back
to order another coffee.

-I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to keep doing that, Kirishima-kun.


-Doesn’t it bother you to always be looking at a picture where Tachibana-san and her
boyfriend are getting along?

-Yes, that makes it very painful.

-Exactly. It’s bad for your health.

-But, the more I suffer, the more real my feelings for Tachibana-san become.

-Kirishima-kun, I only want the best for you.

-I know. Thank you, Hayasaka-san, but I’m fine.

I picked up my phone as I said those words. I kind of know what’s going on.

I opened the social network page, and saw a selfie of Tachibana-san’s boyfriend doing
the Kabedon.
I see… So she was just practicing with me and then doing it with her boyfriend. It’s
normal for her to want to feel that kind of thing with her boyfriend.

-Kirishima-kun, are you okay?

-Yeah, I’m fine. Just, I’m seeing something interesting.

-You can’t tell me you’re okay with that look on your face.

Hayasaka-san stepped on my foot with those words.

-Can I be honest with you?


-I really like it when Kirishima-kun is depressed about Tachibana-san.

-Hayasaka-san, you’re a little twisted, aren’t you?

-Yes. There is a part of me that wants to support you, Kirishima-kun. But there’s also a
part of me that’s jealous of Tachibana-san. That’s why I’m glad when you’re depressed.

She paused slightly and then continued speaking.

-And when I saw her profile, I felt a little relieved. I knew that I could still be Kirishima-
kun’s girlfriend.

-Well, I honestly doubt anything will happen between me and Tachibana-san at the

-Still no chance?

-Yes. Tachibana-san doesn’t seem to be interested in me.

-I’m sorry, I thought the umbrella would be a good idea. I feel like a bad girl.

-That sounds great.

That’s us. We both love each other so much that we want to support each other’s love,
but we also want to make sure they don’t leave us.
-Let’s not think too much about that. Let’s focus on our weekend plans.


That was the purpose of our meeting. In the quiet of the restaurant, over the sound of
coffee being served, we discussed what we were going to do over the weekend.

The only time we could fit it in was on a Saturday morning, so we decided to go out
together. In the afternoon, Hayasaka-san had an appointment with her senpai.

-Don’t you like the idea, Kirishima-kun?


-Y’knoe, since I’m going to leave you and go with my senpai.

-Ah, it’s okay, no problem.

-Kirishima-kun, I don’t like that you are almost not jealous of me. Is it because I know
that you are in love with Tachibana-san? You don’t even know who I’m in love with.

-Well, I guess there’s some truth to that.

The person Hayasaka-san is in love with goes to a different school, so I hardly see him.

-But Kirishima-kun, it’s okay to feel jealous from time to time.

-I will do it next time.

-Eeeh… Well, okay.

After making plans for the weekend, we left the store and walked home holding hands.

Hayasaka-san was enjoying the feel of my hands in different ways of gripping.

-I like to touch Kirishima-kun.

-Do you not think this is too excessive?

-No, it’s not, I still have to keep experimenting.

-You should restrain yourself.

-Hmm? Do you want me to do this?

After those words, the next thing I felt was Hayasaka-san hugging me.

-Hayasaka-san, this is not good. It doesn’t matter if we are far from school…

-Hey, Kirishima-kun. I wish you could come to my house again.

-Are you listening to me?

-I feel that the more I touch you, the more I know you.

-For some chimpanzees, skin-to-skin contact is the only way to avoid conflict…


Hayasaka-san’s eyes light up after those words. I think I said too much.

-Then let’s have a lot of skin-to-skin contact. Let’s eliminate all our conflicts!

Hayasaka-san said, as she walked beside me and pressed her face against mine and
kept hugging me tightly.

The sun was setting and the air smelled like a summer night. For some reason, my
heart was beating fast.

Summer is the time of festivals around the city, and fireworks shows, so perhaps we
subconsciously expect something fun to happen.

Hayasaka-san trusts me unconditionally. And yet, in my conversation with Hayasaka-

san… I lied to her.

The first lie comes when I told her that I don’t know who her senpai is. In fact, I know
him, and we get along very well.

And the second, it was regarding Tachibana-san. I told her that things were not going
well between the two of them. But the reality is different.
-Tachibana-san, do you have an umbrella?

-No, I don’t.

After a few moments of looking at each other in the rain-swept road, I decided to take
the first step.

-Do you want to go to the station with me?

Tachibana-san nods silently. We walk together, sharing the plastic umbrella as if it

were second nature. I am surprised by her quite natural expression standing next to

-You don’t have to be so far away from me.

Tachibana-san lifts the edge of the umbrella with her fingers.

-President, your shoulder is getting wet.

If she says so, I guess it’s okay. I moved to the center of the umbrella to be more
protected from the rain. As I walked beside her, our shoulders collided.

I guess Tachibana-san is a girl who has never really been in love. So being so close to
each other, it doesn’t represent anything strong for her.

But things are different, she feels more like a love interest, and is learning to feel
various emotions. She seems to be a more sensitive girl than I am, and I am sure she
will be more open soon.

I wonder what kind of girl I’ll see when that happens.

-We have done a lot of things today.

-Yes, it was very exciting.

-Yes, President, not bad, you made this little girl excited.

-I guess.
I can smell the fresh fragrance of Tachibana-san beside me. And on the other hand, I’m
sweating. Being under an umbrella next to her makes me feel uncomfortable and I try
to move away a little. But before that happened, Tachibana-san tugged on my shirt

-You’re going to get wet.


It’s like she was telling me to stay close. So I decided to walk that same distance.

It’s not just our shoulders that collide. Tachibana-san’s sleeves brush against my arm,
as does her long hair.

My attention is focused on that. Tachibana-san was as carefree as ever.

When we arrived at the station, we got separated as we entered the ticket office
because we were going in opposite directions.


Tachibana-san waved her hand at me. Her movements were quite natural, as was her
cheerful expression.

It’s nice to see a girl who doesn’t usually smile. Tachibana-san turned around and said;

-President, want know something?

-What is it?

-I think I can be a good girl.

-I was worried about you.

Maki, the student council president, said. It was lunchtime and I was in the club room
studying for my final exam when he walked in.

-Kirishima-kun, you’re crazy.


-Because you keep looking at Tachibana’s boyfriend’s social network.

-Oh, that.

-I’m surprised you’re taking it so well.

I’m not the only one looking at that guy’s profile. The kabedon photo he took with
Tachibana-san was very damaging to many of her suitors.

Now, their mentaly struck corpses lie everywhere in the school building.

-I see that some still refuse to accept the truth.

-They are stubborn, they still think they have a chance with her.

-Was there ever any hope?

-Tachibana-san doesn’t like to be touched, does she? And it looks like her boyfriend
hasn’t done it yet.

Today, when her boyfriend reached out to stop her in the hallway, she ducked and
dodged him splendidly. It seems that many people have seen that scene.

-Yet they still have a long way to go just to be her boyfriend.

As we were talking, we heard footsteps approaching the club.

The door opens and Tachibana-san enters. She was carrying her study material in her
hand. Lately she comes to this place at lunchtime.
-Well, I have to go.

Maki left the club room, and I was left alone with Tachibana-san.

-What were they talking about?

-Nothing interesting.


Tachibana-san sits on the sofa and unfolds her textbook and notebook. She seems to
be trying very hard.

She is a girl who is good at music and art, but not so great at other subjects. Chemistry,
world history and mathematics to be more precise.

I came to think that she was a pretty good all-around girl because of her cold
expression and meticulous thoughts, but the reality was different. She is quite
different from Hayasaka-san, who always scores above average in all subjects.

After a few moments of reading her book, she began to grumble. She had become
bored with studying and sat down on the couch, only to fall asleep.

Even in her sleep, she looks like a rather elegant and unattainable girl. But no matter
how much I look at her and think about her, I will never be able to decipher what she
thinks and feels.

I fiddled with my phone and went back to looking at Tachibana-san’s boyfriend’s social

There were all kinds of pictures with her. And no matter how many you saw, there was
not one in which he had body-to-body contact with her.

Many questions invaded my mind about it. Why wasn’t there any photo where they
are touching each other?

Doesn’t she like it even if her boyfriend is doing it?

When she opened her bag in front of the club room the other day, there was a folding
umbrella in it. So why did she hide the fact that she had one?
But in the end, I couldn’t ask her anything, and I just watched her sleeping face.
-Do you like it?

Hayasaka-san shyly asked me. She was wearing a light blue shirt, and a white knee-
length skirt. It looks like she meticulously chose her clothes.

I can’t stop looking at her.

-Hey, say something, Kirishima-kun.

-… You look very pretty. Quiet discreet, I’d say.

-What a relief.

It was Saturday morning. The purpose of our date today was to go shopping together.

Despite being exposed to other students seeing us, it felt great to walk with her. People
kept looking at her every time she crossed their gazes. I am very proud to have such a
girl as a girlfriend.

-You’re getting taller and taller

-Yes, I’ve grown up lately.

-Every girl has her own taste in men.

Hm? What do you mean by that? Well, I guess it doesn’t matter.

-Let’s go in here.

We entered the station building.

-Kirishima-kun, take it easy.

After a quick visit to a women’s fashion store, Hayasaka-san asked me.

-I understand that boys are not used to this kind of thing. Do you feel uncomfortable?

-Don’t worry, I’m fine.

I know what it’s like for a boy to go shopping with a girl. Feeling nervous is totally
unavoidable. Being in a place where fashion is the main theme, in addition to being
next to a gorgeous girl, makes you feel out of place.

But I’m open-minded about it. What’s bad is bad, and there’s no point in trying to be

-You mean me?

Hayasaka-san shakes her head.

-No, I know Kirishima-kun can be even cooler.

She grabs my sleeve and leads me to a housewares store.

-I think you should try using this kind of stuff.

Hayasaka-san takes a hairdressing product from the shelf. She puts a sample in my
hand and combs my hair up and to the side.

I looked at myself in the mirror, and noticed the look Hayasaka-san had done to my

-I like it. I’ll start using it tomorrow.

-But don’t get too handsome.


-If Kirishima-kun becomes popular, I’ll be jealous.

-You say that as if you’re not popular yourself.

I’m surprised at Hayasaka-san’s honesty about these things. After that, she bought
herself an apron at the same store. It looks like she’s started practicing the culinary
arts recently.

-What’s your favorite dish, Kirishima-kun?

-Boiled eggplant.

-I see. I’ll do my best to learn it!

Oh Hayasaka-san, you have no idea how many points you gained with those words.
You’re the perfect lover.

After that, we went to different stores.

-Kirishima-kun, come here.

When we passed by an accessory store, Hayasaka-san suddenly pulled on my sleeve.

-You just looked at a woman.

-What’s wrong with that?

I couldn’t help but look at a girl who was dressed very elegantly, her ample breasts
jutting out before me.

-Despite our evolution, we are still animals. It is possible for our eyes to be naturally
attracted to things that move.

-Whenever Kirishima-kun acts reasonable, it’s because he wants to escape from an

unfavorable situation.

-I’m not trying to escape, I’m innocent. If there was a trial for love, I would be deemed

-I wonder if you’re telling the truth.

Hayasaka-san takes my arm and clings to it, at the same time pressing her breasts, as
if telling me “if you want to look at breasts, look at mine”. And as usual, she blushes as
she does so.
It was a funny moment, a situation out of a dream. However, I came back to reality
when I saw Hayasaka-san looking at her watch.

-Is it time to go?

-No, but it’s almost time.

Our date only lasts until noon, then she’ll go meet her friends.

-We only have an hour left.

-Let’s have coffee somewhere.

And so, we started to walk through the place to the coffee shop, but suddenly, a girl
came out of the bookstore, walked past us, then stopped and looked at us again as if
she had just noticed our presence.


It turned out to be Tachibana-san. She was wearing a short-sleeved blouse and shorts,
a radical change from her usual calm appearance. She had a complete air of a summer

But I am strangely nervous due to the fact that I can clearly see her legs extending
from her shorts, and her arms which were bare up to her shoulders. Both were truly
a feast for the eyes.

Tachibana-san looked at me, then saw Hayasaka-san, and then started shaking her
head between us, as if she was having a hard time processing what she was seeing.

But before she could say anything, Hayasaka-san was quick to deny the situation.

-I-It’s not what you think. We met by chance, so we decided to go shopping together.


Tachibana-san looks at me again.

-Yes. I came to buy some hair products, and since I don’t know much about it, I asked
Hayasaka-san for help.
And I quickly showed the shopping bag.

-And I bought an apron and nail polish!

Hayasaka-san does the same thing, but she trembles as she does so. She’s not a very
good liar.

On the other hand, Tachibana-san was silent, as if she was thinking whether to believe
or disbelieve what she had just heard.

-That’s a nice apron.

Tachibana-san approaches Hayasaka-san while saying those words, and Hayasaka-san

can’t help but blush while also getting nervous. She’s the kind of girl who manages to
make even someone of the same sex nervous.

-Umm, Tachibana-san… Since we’re here, why don’t the three of us have tea together?

Hayasaka-san says.

-Won’t I be in the way?

-No problem, I’ll settle for being second.

Hayasaka-san says those words while making the peace sign with an awkward smile.

With those words, she makes it clear that she feels obligated to help me despite her
clear feelings for me. It must be painful for her to have Tachibana-san join us when it’s
supposed to be just the two of us on this date. I admit, I would have done the same in
that position too.

In this way, the three of us decided to go for some tea together, so we went to a coffee
shop on the top floor of the building.

I had a normal coffee, Hayasaka-san had black tea, and Tachibana-san had a drink with
a sweet name. Tachibana-san had asked the sales clerk to add various toppings to her

The three of us sat at a round table.

-What did you buy at the bookstore, Tachibana-san?

Hayasaka-san asked. It’s more than obvious that the two of them don’t get along very
well, but that won’t stop them from talking nicely to each other at times like this…
Even if it’s just for appearance’s sake.

-Music scores and a mystery novel. I plan to read them at the club.

-I see. So, Tachibana-san, did you join the same club as Kirishima-kun?

-How do you know about that, Hayasaka-san?


-I didn’t tell anyone that I joined that club.

-Well, it’s because…

Hayasaka-san rolled her eyes at that moment.

-I’m sure you and the president are very close. It’s okay, it’s fine.

Tachibana-san said in a calm tone with her usual expression. She then continued
talking about her book.

-Actually, I am the kind of person who likes ebooks, but it’s somewhat complicated to
be able to share it with the president, for this reason, I decided to buy it in person.

That reminds me, Tachibana-san usually puts her books on the shelf after reading
them. So she was thinking about me.

-Then why don’t you just lend him your tablet?

Hayasaka-san manages to regain his composure and asks a question to Tachibana-san,

who turns to the side and says, “It’s embarrassing.”

– I don’t want you to see my other books. And I also have shoujo mangas.

-Tachibana-san, do you read shoujo mangas?

-Yes, I have an interest in love.

Hayasaka-san, who was completely shocked, asked; “Love? At this point?”

-The more I read, the more things I learn.

I would like to ask her what she learned from shoujo manga, but before I could,
Tachibana-san said something shocking.

-Hayasaka-san, you like the president, don’t you?


At that question, it looked like Hayasaka-san was going to spill her drink, as she was
so surprised, the cup she was holding in her hand was shaking and shaking.

-N-No. Why?

-Somehow I just had a feeling.

-No, Tachibana-san, you’re wrong.

-My mistake. My instincts are never wrong… But, if you’re telling the truth, does it
mean you don’t mind if I do this?

Suddenly, Tachibana-san grabs my arm and stands very close to me. Hayasaka-san
froze, unable to react. Even I am surprised.

-Tachibana-san, doing this kind of thing is…

-President, be quiet.

-I don’t mind. You look good together.

A smile appears on Hayasaka-san’s face, and suddenly her gaze falls on me… Hey hey,
why are you looking at me like that? I’m not doing anything, it’s Tachibana-san who is
so interested in love.

-I’m in love with someone else.

Hayasaka-san said, while shaking her head. At that moment, Tachibana-san’s eyes lit
up with curiosity. It seems that when it comes to love, she can’t help but get excited.

-Who is he?

-Well, he’s a year older than me.

-Someone older? That’s unexpected.

Tachibana-san was completely surprised. It seems that she hadn’t contemplated the
possibility of falling in love with someone older than her.

-What does he look like?

-He’s tall, thin but sturdy, since he plays sports. And his face… I don’t know how to
describe it, but it’s cute.

-What’s his personality like?

-He’s the kind of person you can trust.

-He’s nothing like the president.

-Yes, he’s not like Kirishima-kun at all.

These two girls are pretty cruel.

-Hayasaka-san, do you feel nervous when you’re with that person?

-Yes, I get nervous. But instead of my heart pounding hard, I long for that feeling of him
seeing me the way I see him.

-Hmmm… I see you like that too.

We then talked about what we would do in the classroom for about an hour.

Through our conversation, I discovered that Tachibana-san and I had a common

hobby. She likes late-night radio shows and always watches curling at the Winter
Olympics. It’s quite nice to know that we have common interests.
-Well, I’d better get going.

Hayasaka-san said as she looked at her watch, then stood up to address Tachibana-

-It’s time to meet him.

-Really? That’s great.

-Yeah, it’s not all great though. Since we’ll be with a bunch of other people.

-Still, I hope it works out.


Then she turned to me and apologized for what happened.

-I’m sorry for leaving so soon.

She felt a little guilty about leaving. So she held up two fingers again in a peace sign as
she said;

-I’m fine with being second.

And as a result, Tachibana-san and I were left alone.

-President, I’m guessing you feel bad.

-That’s not true.

-Of course it is. It’s because Hayasaka-san is going to meet the person she likes, right?

I see she’s still clinging to the idea that I have romantic feelings for her.

-Between you and me. The boy Hayasaka-san likes, he was my senior in high school.

He’s someone nice, has a great personality, and he’s handsome.

-And you’re okay with Hayasaka-san dating someone like that?

-Of course.

After all, I was the one who arranged that outing for Hayasaka-san to be with her
Senpai. So I can’t regret it.


Tachibana-san wasn’t so convinced of my words.

-Why don’t you try to think of her Senpai’s face?

-Okay… And?

-Imagine Hayasaka-san hugging or kissing her Senpai?

-Okay… I’m imagining it.

-At that moment, Hayasaka-san has an expression on her face that she has never
shown you before. She feels happy and relieved. An expression that only her Senpai
will be able to see, one totally different from when she’s at school… What does it make
you feel?

-It doesn’t make me feel anything.

-You’re spilling your coffee.

I think I underestimated the feelings of lovers. That was pretty painful to imagine.

When I was doing club activities with Tachibana-san, I wondered if Hayasaka-san felt
that way too. I am very happy to be in a situation where I have Tachibana-san of all
people in front of me. It’s a very happy situation.

But no matter what I say or do, Tachibana-san has a boyfriend.

First of all, Tachibana-san has a boyfriend. And second, I have Hayasaka-san, whom I
can hug and kiss, but unfortunately, she likes someone else.

I don’t know which way to go with my emotions. I don’t see myself having a future
with any of them. I will end up being alone at some point in my life.
-You’re leaving already?

-Yes. It’s summer, and I’m very hot.

-I see. Well, I’m going to buy some clothes.

I said goodbye to Tachibana-san and left the station building. I wonder what will
happen now. But when I think about it, I don’t think I can do anything about it.

With this feeling of stagnation, I boarded the train and sat down on the seat. That’s
when a message came on her phone. It was from Yanagi-senpai, the person Hayasaka-
san is in love with.
Hayasaka-san had never told me about him before, but luckily I know the guy.

We were in the same high school. Other than that, we played on the same soccer team
and competed a couple of times. The difference between the two of us is that he was
good and I wasn’t, but we became great friends.

Even though we went to different high schools, we didn’t lose touch.

He had been a member of the youth team of a professional soccer club since high
school. But he quit the team in the winter of his sophomore year of high school. He
had been looking for the right time to quit. Now he is in his third year of high school,
studying for his exams and playing indoor soccer on weekends to relax.

Only once did I participate in an indoor soccer game. His team was short on players
and he told me it was a mixed team, so even beginners could join.

Yanagi-senpai is very popular. Many people came to cheer for him at the match. One
of them was Hayasaka-san, who had not yet become my second girlfriend.

-Look who ‘s there.

-Oh, it’s Hayasaka-chan.

-Does she come here often?

-Yes, to support me.

-And do you like her? If so, I can help you with her.

Yanagi is very popular, but she’s also very insensitive. During the match, Hayasaka-san
kept looking at Yanagi-senpai, but he didn’t even pay attention to her the whole time
she was there.

And I couldn’t help but remember what Hayasaka-san had said to me that day on the
platform when he saw my phone.
-Do you like Tachibana-san?

I didn’t know what to answer, tell the truth? Lie? So I went for a third choice.

-And you like Yanagi-senpai, don’t you?

-Yes, although it’s a complicated love. I can just watch from a distance, I’m too nervous
to do anything about it.

That same month, after exchanging words for the first time with Hayasaka-san, I
received a call from Yanagi-senpai.

-I tried to ask her out, but she just said “awawawa” and hung up.

-She’s very shy. Please call her again. Next time, wait until she feels comfortable and
then ask her out.

The next day, after that call, Hayasaka-san was looking very cheerful at school, so it
seems that it paid off.

This is how things had turned out between Yanagi and Hayasaka. I did it all on my own,
and if I go out to oppose that relationship, I’ll look like an idiot. Only now I have to
endure the pain of seeing the two of them together, and it hurts my heart just to
contemplate it.

The Hayasaka-san who hugs me, who asks me to kiss her, that bad girl who only shows
me her true intentions… I’ve completely fallen for her.

As I took a seat, I looked at Yanagi-senpai’s message. “Kirishima, do you like Hayasaka-


The train was still not starting. From the window, I could see a large electronics store
in front of the station. And on the rooftop of that building, that’s where Hayasaka-san
is located.

I looked at my phone again and proceeded to answer.

-“Where’d that come from?”

-“Hayasaka-chan is a very popular girl.”

There are a lot of people who play indoor soccer who are interested in Hayasaka-san.

“If you like her, I won’t let anyone get close to her.”

“No, I don’t like her.”

“Really, Kirishima? You’re the kind of guy who passes the ball even when he can score
the goal.”

“Soccer is not the same as love.”

“Sure, but it’s all a matter of character. Well, it’s alright. Practice is about to start. If you
feel like it, Kirishima, you can come anytime.”

My feelings are mixed.

I want Hayasaka-san’s feelings to be reciprocated by that person she loves the most.
But at the same time, I want her to come back to me.

My emotions are running high and I feel a little overwhelmed. I want to go home and
sleep as soon as possible, but the train is still not moving.

After a while, the bell finally rings. The train doors were about to close. A long-haired
girl slipped into the train with light steps.

-You know what?

It turned out to be Tachibana-san, who sat next to me.

-Let’s go to the activity club.

-It’s the weekend.

-It’ll be weekend practice.

I see she’s very serious.

Tachibana-san is wearing a pair of summer sandals with white straps. The soles are a
bit thick, which is odd since they are not normally that thick.

-President, you are not feeling well.

-What are you talking about? I’m fine. I feel like running and jumping right now.

Tachibana-san looks out the train window at the scenery. She has a calm expression,
but I can only assume she’s been following me.

The train is going in the direction where my house is, but her house is in the other
direction and on a different line from mine.

-Tachibana-san, you said you wanted to do a club activity. Where do you plan to do it?

-At school.

-Then, the right thing to do would be to go home and change our clothes, it’s not right
to go in civilian clothes.

-We can go in the back door. No one will tell the teachers if they don’t see us.

It is certain that no student would do anything to harm Tachibana-san. She is a girl

whom everyone admires and many are in love with. But by nature, she is a girl who
doesn’t let anyone tell her what to do.

I look at Tachibana-san in profile again. Her hair is long, as are her eyelashes, her nose
is straight and her cheeks are white. Maki compared Tachibana-san to a sports car, and
she’s right. She is a truly special girl.

She doesn’t look like someone real, and it makes me uncomfortable every time I look
at her. To be honest, she’s someone who gives me peace of mind and excites me at the
same time.

While I was looking at her, Tachibana-san suddenly leaned towards me.


Her small head rests on my shoulder and I can also feel her slender body on my left

-President, now you look like someone smarter.


From the moment Tachibana-san decided to organize a club activity, I expected this
kind of thing to happen from depths of my heart. My desires to hug and kiss Tachibana-
san now are greater than ever.

To make up for the fact that Hayasaka-san has left me to go with someone else, I
unconsciously want to replace her presence with Tachibana-san’s, but it is somewhat
illogical, since she is supposed to be the one I am really in love with.

And without realizing it, I gently touched her cheek.

-What’s wrong, President?

-Nothing, just something went through my head.

-And what is it?

-Honestly, I’ve been thinking about you.

-I see.

After a brief pause, Tachibana said.

-I like that.

Her eyes were like glass, staring at me. It was as if they could see through all my sly

I hugged Tachibana-san instead of Hayasaka-san. This is too good to be true. I’m not
dreaming, am I?

-I don’t mind if it’s you.

It was a bit of a thrill to attend school without anyone being able to see us in civilian
clothes. I entered the club room and couldn’t help but laugh.

Tachibana-san also wiped the sweat from her neck with a hand towel and cheerfully
said, “Fufu.”

-There’s a quiet atmosphere in the place.

-Wait a moment

I took out a cup of barley tea that was in the fridge. When I handed the cup to her, she
deliberately touched my finger. Tachibana-san took it without feeling upset about
what happened.

-I’ll leave the book here for you.

Tachibana-san places the book she bought at the station building on the bookshelf.
Then, we each take a book and proceed to read in silence.

I am more interested in Tachibana-san, who is in civilian clothes, than in the novel in

my hand. Both her shorts and short sleeved shirt are more revealing than her uniform,
so more of her white skin is exposed than usual.

Witnessing her like this is something that will probably never happen again in my

-I’m sure she’s out with that someone she loves right now.

Tachibana-san noticed my gaze and lowered her book.

-I hope things are going well with Hayasaka-san.

-Me too.

-When you play soccer, you tend to expose yourself to a lot of physical contact.

-I bet she must be very excited.


-President, you’re shaking.

-This room is too air-conditioned…

-If you don’t support her, why don’t you tell her?

Tachibana-san was holding the book of love in her hands. She was reading the
thirteenth page, and on those pages were a series of games invented by the author.

This must be a joke.

The game is presented as a way for men and women to get to know each other, but the
author’s desire to make out with girls is blatantly obvious.

Perhaps the author’s research into romance led him to want to take on the girls
himself, and he finally got the drop on the last page.

It’s the kind of game a man with an ulterior motive might play at a party.

-But isn’t that what boys want to do with girls?

-But if Hayasaka-san does this with the Senpai she likes, I’m sure she’d be happy, right?

-I don’t know, I doubt it would work.

-Well, let’s give it a try, then.

-You want to try?

-Let’s do a little experiment.

On the page she showed me, there was a game called “Secrets In the Ear”. I would love
to be able to play this game with her. But given the fact she has a boyfriend, it wouldn’t
be right to do this kind of thing. And it’s not easy for me to have to say no to her, it’s
too painful.
-It’s time to go home. It’s late.

-It’s only three o’clock.

The sky is clear and cloudless, and the cicadas are chirping.

-Anyway. I’m going home. I feel like I’m asking for trouble.

Tachibana-san wrinkles her forehead and closes the book.

-This time won’t change if you’re bothered.

-President, you look worried.

Sure, it’s my fault that we’re here.

-It’s okay, I won’t ask you again.

With a sad look, Tachibana-san starts to prepare to leave. I feel like I’ve hurt her, and
my heart aches. I’ve seen this before, but I can’t help it. I slap my cheeks and yell at her.


I sit down next to Tachibana-san, and whisper in her ear.

-The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

After hearing the title, Tachibana-san whispers in my ear.

-Arthur Conan Doyle.

When I heard Tachibana-san’s whispering voice in my ear, I felt a wave of pleasure run
down my back. Her voice is too beautiful.

-President, I see you are in a good mood.

Looking away, Tachibana-san speaks to me with a smile.

-Okay, let’s do it.

-Yes, let’s do it.

And like this, we start whispering things in each other’s ears.

Secrets in the Ear is a quiz game in which one person gives a title of a mystery novel,
and the other person responds with the name of the author.

What makes it different from a normal game is that the questions and answers are
whispered in the other person’s ear.

It should be noted that whether the game is fun or not depends on the tastes of the
person playing it. However, the author’s intentions in creating this game are clear.

-Is this position okay?

-I think it’s fine.

We sit next to each other on the couch in the corner of the room, turning our bodies
to face each other. Then we bring our faces closer together and cross them.

-So we just have to alternate questions?


The game started and I began with the first title.

-Ten Little Indians.

-Agatha Christie

After Tachibana-san answered, she asked the next question.

-Dogra Magra

-Kyusaku Yumeno
We tell each other the title and answer with the author. In a closed room in summer, a
certain rhythm is born like a metronome.

Tachibana-san’s voice whispering in my ear was very pleasant, and it made me feel
like I was drunk. I think she is quite aware of how to transform her voice to sound that

-Arsene Lupin, gentleman thief.

-Maurice Leblanc

-Akuma ga Kitarite Fue wo Fuku

-Seishi Yokomizo

Every time Tachibana-san’s breath hits my ear, my spine tingles. And for some reason,
I feel provoked, so I lower my voice a little so I can breathe in her ear.

-Le piege de la marionnette.

-Jiro Akagawa

-Celebration of the ephemeral sheep.

-Honeobu Yonezawa

This is but a game in which we breathe in each other’s ear. Tachibana-san’s breath
tickles my ear. Each whisper caresses my eardrums.

Sometimes high, sometimes low, sometimes loud, sometimes faint. Sometimes I shake
my shoulders, sometimes Tachibana-san shakes hers. It’s the rhythm we constantly

Words mean nothing and I can’t think of anything. I feel like an idiot. I can only see
Tachibana-san’s ears. I can only hear Tachibana’s voice. I can only think of Tachibana.

There is no longer any doubt in my mind that the author of that book has an IQ of 180.

-Initiation Love
-Kurumi Inui


-Kanae Minato

We are in close contact with each other before we know it. Tachibana-san’s knees are
between my legs, which should have been knee to knee. It can be said that they’re
almost embracing.

My reasoning is breaking down. Every time I responded softly, Tachibana-san stiffened

her back and let out a sweet “Ah”. Her breathing is agitated. I get excited and do the
same thing again, but this time, I want her to feel more excited.

-A love story in a parallel world.

-Keigo Higashino

-My pretend girlfriend


Tachibana-san’s lustrous hair, her white nape, her scent, her breath. Us alone in a
room, whispering things in each other’s ears.

Yes, I want you to shake your thin shoulders more. I want you to squirm. I want you to
melt. And I want you to breathe in my ear more. I want you to feel me. I want you to
break me.

-My blood & bones In a flowing Galaxy

-Yuyuko Takemiya

That’s when it happened.

“Huh?” I can’t help but make a strange noise.

-What’s wrong?

-Your tongue…
I felt a tongue trace the contour of my ear. It didn’t quite touch me, but I definitely felt
something wet, and an incredible feeling of pleasure ran down my spine.

-Yes, it might have gone in a bit.

Tachibana-san doesn’t flinch. Or maybe she’s trying to hide it somehow?

-Let’s move on

-… It’s okay.

We whisper in each other’s ear again. But before I know it, I’m on the defensive. From
time to time, Tachibana-san’s tongue would come in contact with my ear. There may
be some awkwardness. Each time, I shake my shoulders in pleasure. It was when I got
used to such stimulation.

“Wow!” And again I made a strange noise.

-President, please be quiet.

-Hey, but I felt you bit my ear.

-It’s normal for bites to hurt.

-Yes. It didn’t hurt, though. It felt like a sweet bite, like a dog would give its owner.

-Then you may have been right.

-Then we have no choice but to go on…

-No, no, no!

She even stuck her tongue in my ear when she spoke, though that felt good.

When the game resumed, she kept intermittently licking and biting my ear.

My awareness is slowly fading.

-You look better. You were so pale on the train. You like Hayasaka-san, don’t you? She
disappointed you, didn’t she? Are you feeling better?

-No, it’s just that…

Before I knew it, I collapsed on the sofa where Tachibana-san was slouching.

-That’s enough…

-We’re just playing a game. Right?

Tachibana-san is a very sensitive person. And, despite her cold appearance, she has a
great spirit.

Ever since she found out that I liked Liszt’s “Sigh”, every time we practiced the piano
in the music room next door, she would play that music for me.

Hayasaka-san went to be with Yanagi-senpai and I was completely hurt, so I wanted

to be with Tachibana-san to make up for it.

I don’t normally do these things. But, would she like it? That was what I imagined. I
wanted to ask. But instead, I answered.

-I don’t want to go on.

-Well, then I’ll go on. So I’m going to ask all the questions from here. You just have to


Tachibana-san grabbed my head with both hands and started licking my ear quite
directly. She didn’t even hold back at all.

She licks along the intricate inner lines of the ear, dips her tongue into the hollows and
takes the earlobe into her mouth and then bites it sweetly.

The sound from Tachibana-san’s mouth came directly to my ears. The back of my head
is numb. I was at the mercy of her tongue, letting it violate my ear. Every now and then,
she would follow up with a question and I would respond.

-Asura Girl

-Otaro Maijo

-Disuko Tantei Suiyobi

-Otaro Maijo

It seems like Tachibana-san likes Otaro Maijo’s books.

I don’t know what to think, but I don’t hear any of those excuses, only the sound of
Tachibana-san’s saliva and her agitated breathing fill my ears.

-School seizure syndrome

-Otaro Maijo

-Smoke, dirt or food

-Otaro Maijo

I close my eyes and let my ears experience the sensation of Tachibana-san’s tongue
and lips. Just like me, she was very excited.

I can feel her gasping breath. But Tachibana-san should be more aware of this. I’m a
man too, and if she continues like this, I’ll get excited and want to do all kinds of things
to her.

As I writhe in agony, Tachibana is happy. I want to do something to her too, and I want
to punish her. So I use the last of my strength to fight.

I raised my head and put my tongue in Tachibana’s ear. Then, I moved it a little roughly.


Tachibana screams inaudibly with a single blow, her body shudders and collapses on
me. She’s has a strong offense, but very weak defense. That’s what it’s all about. I
whispered in his ear for the last time.

-I love, love, love, love, love, love you.

A moment later, Tachibana-san looks up in surprise.

-Um, president, did you…?

She is confused. Despite her mature appearance, she is still a girl in love at heart. I
didn’t confess to her. I just posed the question, it’s the title of a book.

Tachibana-san finally realized that it was a question because of the game. She tried to
get up while her face was reddened. But she didn’t have enough strength, and fell back
to the ground.


Tachibana-san is weak. So we called it a day, and prepared to leave quietly.

What the hell just happened?

-Now I understand why it was forbidden to take that book out of this place.

-I agree. It’s not something to be taken lightly.

Tachibana-san is also back to her usual behavior. It’s as if nothing has happened. But
the feeling is still there in my ears.

-Hey… You shouldn’t do this kind of thing with me. You’re supposed to have a

Finally, I mentioned her boyfriend. But the answer I got was totally unexpected.



-Why can’t I do it if I have a boyfriend?

I’m a little confused why Tachibana-san is asking me this question in such a

nonchalant way.

-I don’t think that’s something that’s approved or allowed.

-Who doesn’t approve of it?


-And who is society? Do I need someone’s approval or permission to do something

with the president?

-That’s not what I mean.

As I said this, I came up with a sensible answer.

-This is not good for your boyfriend.

-He’s not my boyfriend.

When I heard those words. I was very relieved… For a moment, because the next thing
she said broke me in two.

-He’s my future husband.

Hikari Tachibana was lying in bed, playing with her tablet, when her mother knocked
on the door and came in.

-What are you doing?

-I’m looking at sandals.

Hikari opens the mail order page of a major fashion website.

-Isn’t that where you bought them the other day?

-I need a lower heel.

-That’s unusual. You always wear high heels. Do you want to be shorter?

-Something like that.

-All right, try not to waste so much money.


-Speaking of which…

Hikari scratches her head in embarrassment and looks at the screen of her tablet. It
shows her e-book purchase history. There are several bulk purchases of shoujo manga

-I didn’t think you’d be so interested in that sort of thing.

-It’s a recent interest.

-It’s like I’ve gone back to a time when I was a teenager interested in love.
Hikari’s mother begins to laugh at such a discovery and continues speaking.

-Don’t worry about it, thanks to your father, the company’s business is going well. You
don’t have to worry about money. You are still a child, so you can afford to be more

-Mom, I’m not a child anymore.

-Oh well, I’ve learned to understand people’s feelings. So I can get an idea of what
you’re going through.

-They’re just manga.

-And how are things going with Shun-kun?

-I usually talk to him a bit by message, and sometimes we have dinner together.

After those words, Hiraki frowned and continued.

-Although, Shun-kun at school is very annoying.


-Everyone thinks he’s my boyfriend.

-He’s just trying to push away all those people who have ulterior motives with you.

-I don’t want that.

-But you have to be nice to him. He’s your cousin.

-I know, but…

-I’m having dinner with his parents. You should come too.

-I’m busy with club activities.

-I see.

Hikari’s mother left the room after those words.

At the same time, her phone starts vibrating. Shun had sent her a message.

Hikari doesn’t open it and throws the phone away. Next, she lies down on the bed and
grabs a receipt that was on her bedside table.

It’s from the coffee shop. The date was from when she had been with Kirishima, and
he paid Tachibana and Hayasaka’s bill, but for some reason, he hadn’t wanted to keep
the paper, and gave it to Tachibana.

Next, she presses her face against the pillow.

He continues to press his face against the pillow and whispers


She mumbles as she shakes her feet.

-President, president, president, president, president, president, president, president,


After a while, Hikari raises her head.

-I’m going to run out of oxygen.

The hallway near the club room is known as the best place for confessions. That day I
was lying on the couch. The window was open, so I could hear the voices of all the
students around.

-I’m sorry for calling you out of the blue. Did I disturb you?

The boy was a third-year basketball member. He was a very flamboyant person and
attracted everyone’s attention.

-I don’t want to be rude, but…

Hayasaka-san’s voice sounds a bit scared. It’s the fourth time a boy confessed his love
to Hayasaka-san in that hallway. Or so I understand.

-Don’t be nervous. I mean, I’m the one who is. You know what I’m trying to do?


-Does this happen to you often?

-Yes, occasionally.

-I can see that.

From the atmosphere in the air, he knew his confession would not succeed. But since
he had come this far, he had no choice but to make it.

-I’ve been in love with you for a long time. I’d like to ask you to go out with me.

-I’m sorry. But I can’t.

-So, do you already have a boyfriend?

After a pause, Hayasaka-san answered in a weak voice.

-… Not yet.

Good answer, you shouldn’t say that you have a boyfriend. If you do, and Yanagi-senpai
finds out, you’ll be in trouble.

-So, there’s someone else you like… -I’m sorry.

Then footsteps of someone running away from the place can be.

-Is it over already?

Maki, who was lying on the sofa on the other side of the room, asked about the
situation outside.

-You shouldn’t get up yet.

Apart from Hayasaka-san, who has run away, there is one other person left.
Heartbroken students hang out in the hallway for a while.

Once I hurried to sit up and our gazes met, which was awkward.

-It’s not easy to be a pretty girl.

Maki says.

-Hayasaka-san is having a hard time lately.

-Have you heard anything about it, Maki?


This man is the president of the student council, but he’s dating a teacher. Miki-chan,
the English teacher.

She’s a second-year college graduate and has a kind character. She doesn’t talk to Maki
much, but judging by the fact that Maki doesn’t show any interest in the other girls,
they must get along well.
And Miki-chan is a very approachable teacher and many girls often approach her for

-Someone seems to have stolen her gym clothes, and she’s also been sent a lot of
creepy love letters.

-Creepy love letters?

-They have no name and the sender is unknown. And then they write the next day to
ask for a response.

That is a little scary.

-Even a guy in the same high school uniform was following her home.

-So that’s happening with Hayasaka-san… I hope she’s okay.

-Well, it didn’t seem to bother her that much.

Maki said, and continued talking.

-When something like that happens to pretty girls, they feel like “here we go again”. I
think she’s been experiencing it since she was very young, like it’s a routine

-I see.

-Hayasaka is shy and reserved, right? So I guess she’s had a lot of trouble in the past
about it. She keeps getting courted by strange men and revered by girls.

-Sounds likely.

I say to myself as I get up from the couch. Surely there’s no one left in the hallway. But
when I looked out the window, our eyes met.

To my surprise, it was Hayasaka-san who had stayed behind.

When she notices me, she speaks to me in signals.

“Can I come in now?”

I guess she thought I was alone. Thereupon, she made a heart symbol on her chest
with her hand mischievously. This was a terrible mistake.

-What’s this all about?

Maki, who had gotten up from the sofa, looked at me and Hayasaka alternately and

-You guys aren’t just friends, are you? I mean, she’s not the Hayasaka I know. Her
expression with you is very different from the one I see on a daily basis.

She gently covered her face with her hands. I could almost hear her say, “Forget
everything you just saw.”

-I’m sorry.

Hayasaka-san hid her face with her hands. She had come into the club to chat with me.
I had tried to resolve the misunderstanding, but it was somewhat futile.

-It must have been embarrassing for Kirishima-kun to be seen by Maki-kun.

-Just a little

“I’ll talk to you later”, Maki said smiling as he left the room.

-I was trying to make Kirishima-kun feel embarrassed. I’m sorry.

-It’s okay, I don’t mind.


The space between her fingers slowly opens up and she looks at me between them.

-You’re not upset?

-No, it’s all good.

When I said that, Hayasaka-san finally lowered her hands.

-Maki-kun will ask you if we’re dating.

I don’t think so. He’s a surprisingly reserved guy when it comes to these things, and
Hayasaka-san seems to have calmed down. She looks around the room curiously.

-So, this is the research club room. It’s very cozy.

-It used to be a drawing room.

-How are things going with Tachibana-san?

-Very complicated.

-I’m sorry, I should have known. You follow her boyfriend on social media, don’t you,

-It’s my daily routine.

-It’s definitely not good for your mental health.

-I’ve become so tolerant that I don’t care. I don’t feel like I have to look at social media
once a day and grind my teeth anymore. I want to feel the frustration tomorrow and
the day after.

-You look like you’re serious.

Hayasaka-san laughs after those words.

– And you know what they’re doing?

-Yes, Tachibana-san is studying with her boyfriend.

For the past few days, Tachibana-san has been studying for her exams in the library
with her boyfriend.

Pictures were frequently posted on her boyfriend’s social network. She would appear
writing in her notebook or reading a book. And we haven’t been able to see each other
since, mostly because the clubs are closed during exam weeks.

-I thought Kirishima-kun would be the one to help her study. Because Kirishima-kun’s
grades are better than mine.

-I thought so too, but you can’t compare me to her studying with her boyfriend.

And I don’t know why I say he’s her boyfriend anymore. The way it is, he’s her fiance.
The fact that she’s going to get married once she graduates makes her completely

-Kirishima-kun, you’re completely out there.

-Sorry, I know I should be happy because I’m with you.

-No, I know you’re probably depressed, so I was trying to cheer you up. I want you to
know that you can always count on me… Or am I not good enough?

-No, you’re wrong. I like you very much, Hayasaka-san.

As soon as I said that, she got up from the sofa she was on and sat down next to me.
He raised her index finger and looked at me expectantly.

-Kirishima-kun, say it again.

-… I like you very much, Hayasaka-san.

The next moment, Hayasaka-san took me in her arms and pressed her body against
mine tighter than ever.

She pulls her legs together as well as her upper body. I can’t help but notice how short
her skirt is.

-Hayasaka-san, what are you doing?

-I’m trying to cheer you up, Kirishima-kun. Isn’t it hard for you to see Tachibana-san
so close to her boyfriend?

-We’re at school.

-I like touching you, Kirishima-kun. When you came to visit me the day I was sick, and
you crawled into bed with me, I was so happy to have you close to me and to be able
to touch your whole body, just like you touched all of me.
-Remember when we made that rule about not doing anything extreme?

-I don’t think I have a bad body. A lot of guys look at me in a lewd way. The guy who
confessed to me earlier also looked at my breasts a lot.

-Hayasaka-san, are you listening to me?

Despite my warnings, Hayasaka-san didn’t stop.

-So I think I can cheer Kirishima-kun up. I think I can make him happy with this body
of mine.

-Hayasaka-san, you may not have noticed, but you’re saying some pretty troublesome

-I don’t like other guys looking at me like this, but if it’s Kirishima-kun, I don’t mind at

She grabbed my hand and tried to guide it between her white thighs that stretched out
from her skirt.


-What? Why don’t you want to touch me, Kirishima-kun?

-No, no, no, no, you’re going too fast. What’s wrong with you all of a sudden?

When I said that, Hayasaka-san made a sad expression and asked: “Too fast?” After a
moment, she nodded her head and said, “I see, that’s right.”

-I think we should start with this, I really like it too.

Then she closed her eyes, turned to me and lifted her chin. She’s clearly expecting a
kiss. What’s going on with her?

Just because I told her I like her, she’s so rampant. There might be some reason…
Anyway, I have to do it.

-Hayasaka-san, I think you’re still unaware of the situation.

I pointed to the window that was without curtains, this room is in view of the hallway.
And at that moment, Maki was there waving at us.

Silently, Hayasaka-san covered her face with her hands again.

-I won’t do something like that in school again. I don’t want Tachibana-san to see me
here. I don’t want to do anything that might cause trouble for Kirishima-kun.

Hayasaka-san seemed to have regained her composure this time. And this time Maki-
san also left.

I helped Hayasaka-san sit on the sofa and made him a cup of coffee, although I wasn’t
sure if he would drink it.

-What happened to you all of a sudden? You’re not like that.

When I said that, Hayasaka-san looked away awkwardly and said,

-Lately, I’ve been feeling that Kirishima-kun has been avoiding me.

-I don’t mean to.

-Despite the club activities being closed for exams, we haven’t seen each other even
once all week.

-I’m sorry, I’ve been busy studying for exams…

-You’re right. We shouldn’t neglect our studies.

But her words didn’t stop there, Hayasaka-san blushed and continued speaking.

-I felt insecure, and when you told me that you liked me, I was so happy that I couldn’t
control my feelings. I’m sorry for being so heavy.

She took a pencil from my pencil case on the coffee table and began to touch it.

-Can I ask you something that has been bothering me for a long time?

-Kirishima-kun, why do you bring so many pencils?

-I guess it’s a habit I’ve had since elementary school. It doesn’t mean anything in

I bring twelve sharpened pencils every day to class.

-I really like it. Kirishima-kun’s pencils.

-Then, I’ll give you two.

-You will? Thank you.

Hayasaka-san held a pencil in both hands and smiled happily. It was such a beautiful
scene that, if this was a commercial, it probably would have raised pencil sales by 20%.

After that, Hayasaka-san asked me many questions. How and where did I buy my
glasses? Why do I always wear a tie, even in summer?

-Honestly, I don’t know much about boys, that’s why I’m so curious.

-Just ask. If it’s Hayasaka-san, I’m sure everyone will want to please her.

-But I don’t know how to talk to anyone except Kirishima-kun. I don’t know when to
talk to them, and when I’m with them, I can only nod my head.

That’s true. Hayasaka-san attracts a lot of attention, but besides being cute, she’s

-And I can’t feel free to talk to any guy either. Then everyone will start saying things
like; Do you like him? Are you dating him?

-So, do you think you’ll be misunderstood and get into trouble?

Hayasaka-san smiled faintly as she said, “Probably.”

-Have you had any problems with that recently?

-Not really, it’s the same old confessions, but I’m used to it by now.
-I see, so, no missing gym clothes, no nameless love letters in your shoe locker, no boys
following you home… Seems reasonable.

– Huh?

Hayasaka-san is surprised and freezes for a few moments.

-Kirishima-kun, did you know that?

-Yes, I’m sorry. It’s a piece of information I just heard.

-Don’t worry about it. Actually, I was, although it’s been a long time since I received
love letters and I try to go home with some friends. So everything is fine.

-How often did that happen?

-Since a while ago. And when I was in high school, it used to happen a lot. Do you think
if I say I have a boyfriend it will stop? Then he’d be less likely to harass me.

But suddenly, after those words, she started to shake her head.

-It’s not like I want to reveal my relationship with Kirishima-kun or anything. If I do

that, it’ll be hard for Kirishima-kun to get close to Tachibana-san.

-And you shouldn’t be saying that you have a boyfriend either. Even if your favorite
person is from another school, you never know who he’s related to.

-Yes, you’re right. Well, I’d better get back to class.

She got up from the sofa while saying those words, but suddenly called back to me.

-Hey, Kirishima-kun

-What’s wrong?

-I… I’m your girlfriend, right?

-Yes, you don’t have to ask again.

Hayasaka-san smiled with a “hehehe” in a satisfied manner and left the club room.
Once alone, I scratched my head. So she’s worried that I’m avoiding her.

I think it might be time for us to spend more time together, especially now that the
club is not active because of exams.

To be honest, I lied that I was busy studying for exams.

I put my hand in my pocket and pulled out some letters. Hayasaka-san said that she
hasn’t received love letters for a while.

For the past few days, I’ve been collecting them to keep them out of Hayasaka-san’s

Even Maki-san said she didn’t seem to be distressed by what was happening, but that’s
only because I’m very careful and patient. I try to protect her from anything that might
happen to her, even though I’m very afraid of getting into trouble.

Hayasaka-san is the kind of girl who is weak, and she tends to put too much pressure
on herself. Therefore, I plan to get rid of the person who is harassing her.

-What? Did you really know?

Maki exclaimed. We were standing in the corner of the field during PE class.

-Yes. I still didn’t know about the gym clothes.

The girls were playing tennis. Hayasaka-san had an old-fashioned gym uniform that
she borrowed from the infirmary.

Many times I’ve seen Hayasaka-san in front of her shoe locker with a letter in her hand,
and a troubled face.

-By the way, I’m also the one who chased her home.

-You, Kirishima? What do you mean?

-I’ve been watching her from a distance to make sure she’s not being stalked.
-You don’t seem to have noticed that you’re the stalker.


One time, I saw her about to walk into her house, but she suddenly turned around and
I panicked. She didn’t see my face, but it made her think I was suspicious.

-So, the problem that remains to be solved now is, who has her gym clothes?

-Yes. And the culprit could be one of those who participate in the active clubs.

The only time you can put a letter in the shoe locker is after school.

-It’s exam week, but many students are still here to do volunteer work. We’re still here
too. It’s not going to be easy to find the culprit, is it?

-Actually, it will be easy.

I’m confident it’s something we can find out soon. It’s just a matter of time.

-Really? I thought it was going to be hard to find the culprit. I thought it was going to
be difficult to find the culprit.

-Mysteries are deliberately complicated to surprise the reader.

What happens in reality is much simpler.

-That’s a big statement. So do you have an idea who did it?

-That’s what the mystery is all about. The culprit could be a teacher, a girl, or me, but
that’s because it’s written to surprise. And this time, the culprit would be a boy.

-Kirishima, I think you’ve been reading a lot of mystery books.

-And what else did you think was done in a mystery club?

-I thought the mystery was me, for being a weird guy who pushed into the abyss of
jealousy. The guy who keeps checking the social networks of the boyfriend of that
special someone he’s in love with day and night, while listening to the sound of the
piano emerging from the room next door.
-Well, you’re not so wrong.

I have three possible suspects. The first one is Yamanaka-kun, from the manga club.

He’s the one who watches Hayasaka-san most closely during physical education class.
His interest in gym clothes is unmistakable.

My second suspect is Ichiba-kun. Rumor has it that he got a zero on his midterm,
although he is supposed to be smart. Plus he’s a member of the soccer club. He talks
loudly about playing with girls from other schools, but always looks sideways to see
how Hayasaka-san reacts.

My third suspect is Nohara-senpai, from the Badminton club. For a girl, her feelings
and tastes are not so far from those of a boy. She is a third-year student and has
confessed her feelings to Hayasaka-san twice, and was rejected both times.

She still hasn’t accepted being rejected by Hayasaka-san. Several times she comes to
our class posing as a second year student, and keeps giving her longing looks. She’s
the kind of girl who makes drama over everything.

The second time she confessed her feelings to him and was again rejected, she cried
in front of everyone.

These three people desire Hayasaka-san, and what they have in common is that they
do not accept rejection. This is a very difficult problem to solve when you are in love
with someone.

-So, how do we identify the culprit from here?

-There is one more clue.

-The collected love letters?

We can determine who is responsible by their handwriting.

-Can you ask Miki to give you a copy of the tests?


-That’s a very frivolous answer. If they find out, you’re in big trouble.
-Miki-chan will do anything I tell her to.

No doubt, this man says the most unbelievable things.

-Anyway, Kirishima, please tell me about your relationship with Hayasaka. You are
very protective of her.

-It’s not something I usually talk about with other people.

-It’s okay. But it’s not fair since Kirishima is the only one who knows my secret with

-I guess I don’t have a choice.

I proceeded to briefly explain my relationship with Hayasaka-san.

-Eeeeh… You guys are messed up.

Says Maki. Not the kind of thing you want to hear from someone dating a teacher.

-So you’re dating each other to fill the emptiness.

-You could say that.

-That’s what you’re thinking in your head, but I don’t think it works that well.

Maki was skeptical of the 25% chance of heartbreak method.

-There’s at least one serious oversight.

-What kind?

-The possibility of the lover becoming the main partner.

In other words, a radical change of mutual feeling for wanting to take things further
between Hayasaka-san and me.

-If either of you deliberately makes the other person want to strive to take the first
place, then it would result in one of you getting hurt.
What Maki-san says makes a lot of sense.

-I hope you won’t go to that extreme.

Classes were over, and I was facing a stack of papers in the club.

I was trying to match the love letters to the writing on the test, but most of the letters
on the test paper are alphabetical.

Miki is an English teacher, so it’s no surprise. The name and translation are in
Japanese, but there are too few letters to do a handwriting analysis. And we only have
the second grade answer sheets, so third and first grade are out of our reach.

It was a completely careless mistake that I could have solved with a bit of thought… I
sigh and put the two love letters I’ve picked up from the shoe locker on my desk and
look at them.

One compliments Hayasaka-san’s appearance and the other urges her to respond. It’s
certainly creepy to ask for a response without a name.

In one of the love letters to Hayasaka-san, they asked her to show them her gym
uniform. I looked at the letter in my hand, and then I realized something.

The letters are written very carefully. It’s natural for a letter addressed to a girl. That
is, it’s different from usual handwriting.

I’ve heard that handwriting analysis is difficult, even for professionals, and there’s no
way I could do it if I hadn’t been so observant in art class.

I wonder if there are any other clues. However, I’m not a nimble person, and once I’ve
decided to solve the problem by handwriting analysis, it’s hard to use my head from

I could go to the three people I have narrowed down and tell them one by one that
they are the culprits, in the hopes one of them will confess. Although, if I don’t have
proof, it will be very difficult to get away with it.

Miki-chan had asked us to return the exams in the afternoon, and the clock is ticking.
Well, I guess it’s inevitable.

I gave up and was determined to go home to sleep. That’s when I put the exam paper
in the envelope to return it… But then, I had an idea.

I left the club room. I went downstairs to the first floor.

I headed to a room in the old school building on the opposite side of the club. I opened
the door and walked in.

In the place there was a guy sitting at the desk. I go behind him and put my hand on
his shoulder.

-Can I have Hayasaka-san’s gym uniform back, Please?

The boy turned his body towards me, and was silent for a moment thinking about what
he would say.

-How did you know it was me?

-You didn’t put your name.

-I see, so that’s what it was.

The boy responds in a calm tone. I put the two letters on the desk and say.

-You can’t do that. You have to put your name on everything that’s important.

Hayasaka-san is playing tennis. But she is awkwardly hitting the ball towards her

She wipes the sweat from her forehead with her hand, her face is glistening. The gym
uniform she’s wearing this time is her own.

The culprit was Yamanaka-kun, a member of the manga club. He is careless and forgets
to write his name on exams and in his love letters.

But to be precise, that letter is not a love letter…

The day I visited the manga club, I saw a Tablet on Yamanaka’s desk. On it was a
character that looked a lot like Hayasaka-san. She was wearing a gym uniform and had
just started drawing the scene.

– You mean you were always watching her?

When I asked, Yamanaka-kun nodded.

-I couldn’t draw her well, and I wanted her to be my model.

-And that’s why you wrote her a letter and put it in her locker. But when she didn’t
respond, you borrowed her gym clothes.

-Yes, it was very selfish of me, and I did the wrong thing.

And it seems like the reason he’s doing this is because the end of the cheerleading
competition is coming up, and he needs to turn in his work.

-I wanted it to be of the highest quality possible. But it wasn’t enough for me to wear
the gym clothes, I wanted to see it up close, so I wrote another letter.

If you don’t put your name on the letter, how did you expect me to respond?

-I knew I had to return the gym uniform. But when I was leaving school, I saw
Kirishima-kun behind me, and I didn’t see the opportunity to be alone with her. I’m

-You should have been more direct with her and asked her whatever you want. And
don’t praise her looks so much either, it gets to be too creepy for girls.

Then Yamanaka-kun shuts up.

-Do you like Hayasaka-san?

-If I didn’t, I wouldn’t have made her the heroine of my manga.

He’s right about that.

-It’s not like I want her to be my girlfriend or anything. No, to be honest, if she had
accepted my request to be my model, I probably would have told her my feelings. But
now it’s different, it’s not something I intend to do.

Then he went on to tell me about how he actually liked to observe everyone, since, in
this way, he could interpret the environment and the people around him to create a
good story.

-And, besides, I could tell that Hayasaka-san is always watching you, wherever you go.
And Kirishima is doing all this for her. You know what that means, don’t you?

-Hayasaka-san loves someone else.

-I know.

Yamanaka-kun was in the same high school as Hayasaka, and at that time he overheard
her talking to her friends about who she likes.

-There was a very popular boy in the grade above me at another high school. And I
think I know you know him, since you went to that same school.

-Yes. It’s Yanagi-senpai, and she’s still in love with him.

– What’s that got to do with it? You love Hayasaka-san, don’t you?

Yamanaka-kun said something so unexpected that I couldn’t help but say, “What?” So
he grabs his tablet and shows me a manga he’s working on.

-I tend to look into people’s eyes. They contain emotions. Even if I’m drawing the same
character, I draw the eyes differently depending on the scene and the speaker.

-You’re quite an artist.

-I’m just a simple mangaka.

Yamanaka-kun draws a story in which the main character, a girl, has a love triangle
with two boys. The girl’s model is Hayasaka-san.

-One of the boys is the senpai whom the heroine admires. And the other is a simple

-So, it’s a shoujo manga.

-Yes, I’ve liked them since I was a kid, all thanks to my sister.

I understand that feeling, I also read a lot because of my sister.

-The heroine at the end chooses her classmate instead of her senpai. Why do you think
this happens?

-In shojo manga, the classmates are stronger than the attractive and gentle senpai.

-I see that you are an educated man.

But Yamanaka’s reason for ending the story that way is different.

-Admiration is a completely different thing from liking. It’s easy to confuse the two
because they’re so similar. But the secret is in people’s hearts. There are many positive
feelings, such as admiration, desire for affection and tenderness. But the pure feeling
of love is much more special, and it is different from all the others.

-You have a very sensitive understanding of emotions.

-Maybe so. So, I think Hayasaka-san’s feelings for her senpai are only admiration. One
day she will realize that. That’s not the same as liking someone. That’s why,
somewhere deep inside me, I couldn’t give up Hayasaka-san. But, recently I have been
able to realize that the true love reflected in her eyes is directed at the person she
closely looks at every day.

-Which is?

Then I ask another question.

-By the way, do you also watch my eyes?

-So, do you want to know who you’re in love with?

-There are times when we don’t understand our emotions.

Yamanaka smiles at my words and says:

-I won’t tell you. I see a little resistance of acceptance in your eyes, not knowing that
you are heartbroken. Kirishima-kun, you must be very confused.
-I see.

-Kirishima-kun, love is a cruel thing. I’ve been in love with Hayasaka-san since high
school. I can’t think of anything else but her. There were nights when I had no choice
but to keep sketching Hayasaka-san’s image in the back of my eyelids. But these
feelings have nowhere to go, and will end up with no reward.

-I have often thought of those many unrequited loves.

-Hayasaka-san is many people’s special person. And yet, only one person likes you. If
the people you love don’t like you, it’s also very cruel. I want Hayasaka-san’s feelings
to be rewarded.

Yamanaka-kun then went back to his desk to work on his manga. He looked like he
wanted to cry, so I decided to leave the room.

-I hope you win the manga contest.

-Thank you.

There was no one in the library after school. Tachibana-san’s boyfriend is absent from
school, so her lovers’ study session will not take place today.

I found a copy of Tosa’s Diary on the shelf and spread it out on my desk. I need to catch

I jot down the conjugations of the auxiliary verbs in my textbook. Then someone walks
in. It’s Hayasaka-san. She sits down next to me with a slightly embarrassed look on his

-That’s where Tachibana-san’s boyfriend always sits, isn’t it?

-From the pictures on social media, I’d say so.

-Did you choose randomly?

-There’s no news on social media today, so I decided to sit here and feel the frustration
instead. So, her boyfriend is always here, always looking at her profile… It’s a shame.

-You’re beyond help.

Hayasaka-san laughs. She seemed to be in a good mood. Then, after a little hesitation,
she sticks her body toward me.

-I thought you said you wouldn’t do anything weird at school anymore.

-It’s all Kirishima-kun’s fault!

-My fault?

-Yes, it’s not fair for you to be so kind.

-I still don’t understand the reasons.

-Forget it, I’m just being pushy… Just a little, just this once.

Hayasaka-san smiles. It looks like Yamanaka-kun told her everything.

-Hayasaka-san, from now on, if you have any problems, tell me directly.

-Yes. But even if I don’t tell you, Kirishima-kun will help me, right?

She leans her face against my chest.

-Hey, Hayasaka-san, what if someone sees us?

-It would be exciting.

No, no, no. This is bad, she has the personality of a bad girl.

-I’m sorry I asked you if I was your girlfriend the other day. It must have been a little
upsetting for you.

-It wasn’t that bad.

-I won’t do things that are annoying anymore. From now on, I’ll be a better girlfriend.

-You’re already a good girlfriend.

-No, I’m always making Kirishima-kun worry about me, and you’re always careful
about everything. So, you can feel free to do whatever you want. Whenever you feel
down, I’ll be there to support you.

-I’m sorry about that, I don’t feel like I can do that.

-It’s okay. Because I’m Kirishima-kun’s girlfriend. I want to do what Kirishima-kun

wants. I want to be the girl Kirishima-kun wants. I want to do everything for you.


-Tachibana-san could have been hugged by her boyfriend in this very place, right?

Just imagining that scene makes my heart ache.

-I want you to do the same thing to me. I want you to do the same things that
Tachibana-san’s boyfriend does with her. It’s nice that you take care of me. But I’d
rather be touched, even if it hurts a little, than be displayed out of my reach.

Hayasaka-san seems to be very excited about the fact that I have solved her problem.
Her facial expressions and gestures show that she loves me.

It’s not often that I receive such unconditional love from someone. It’s like a miracle.

-Kirishima-kun, Kirishima-kun, Kirishima-kun, Kirishima-kun, Kirishima-kun,

Kirishima-kun, Kirishima-kun, Kirishima-kun.

But, isn’t that too much of an emotional accelerator? Hayasaka-san slowly grabs my

-I want Kirishima-kun to touch me.

She tries to put my hand on her chest and I rush to stop her.

-Hayasaka-san, wait a minute.

-Don’t you want to touch them?

I don’t know how to respond to this situation. I feel very confused. The other day I
went through this same thing as well…

-I don’t do this kind of thing just because I feel like it.

Hayasaka-san says

-I know I’m the second one, but I also want to be a proper girlfriend.

-Hayasaka-san is an exemplary girlfriend.

-But if we weren’t lovers, we’d do a lot more.

-Yes, but… But you have to think about it. We are true lovers, but we are aware that we
are each other’s number two. And you already have one person you love more than
me, Hayasaka-san.

-Yes. But even if it’s number two, everything is fine with Kirishima-kun. That’s how I
feel. So I want you to touch me. I want Kirishima-kun to let me in more.

Before I knew it, Hayasaka-san had unbuttoned the second button of her blouse.

-I also want to be a real girlfriend.

-Okay, but this is a library. There are a lot of windows.

-I don’t mind being seen. I want to show everyone how I feel about Kirishima-kun.

-If that happens, it will ruin Hayasaka-san’s image and there will be a big fuss.

-That’s fine. I’m not interested in people who impose that image on me. I didn’t like
them from the beginning. The boys just want to do dirty things with me. And girls just
want to have me as a pretty accessory by their side.


-Everyone tries to fit me into their image. Innocent, kind, but what is that? But not
Kirishima-kun. Only Kirishima-kun is different.

-You need to calm down a little.

-Kirishima-kun takes care of me properly. He cares about me, he helps me. That’s why
I want to do something more special with him.

-Hayasaka-san, listen to me.

-I’d like everyone else to leave. All that matters is Kirishima-kun and me.

Hayasaka-san, you’re completely excited. I wonder if it’s a reaction to being repressed.

But the more your words and actions fall apart, the more beautiful your expression
becomes. There is an unhealthy fascination in your empty eyes.

-Will you accept me as I am, Kirishima-kun? You will accept me, won’t you? This is who
I am. I won’t let anyone touch me. But I want you to touch me, Kirishima-kun. Please
come and touch me.

Hayasaka-san grabbed my hand and pulled it to her chest. I was completely swept up
by Hayasaka-san’s flow and couldn’t say a word.

-I like you, Kirishima-kun.

And my hand is about to touch Hayasaka-san’s chest. “Huh?” I’m even more surprised.
Because she tried to put my hand into her blouse.
I can see the lace fabric on her chest. And she tries to stick her fingertips into the gap
between the lace fabric.


It’s not a matter of touching or not touching. It’s a matter of going further.

-I want to give it to Kirishima-kun. I’ll never give it to anyone else. But I want to give it
all to you, Kirishima-kun. I want you to have it. You’ll have it, won’t you? Please take it.

The pressure’s on. When a girl gets serious, a guy probably won’t be able to resist.

At this rate, my fingertips are going to enter the hollow of her chest and touch
something soft. Someone stop me. And at that moment, I hear footsteps in the hallway.

The light returns to Hayasaka-san’s eyes, which were empty. She seems to have come
to her senses at the last moment.

We hurriedly separated, and at the same time the door opened. The hard footsteps
stopped. The one who entered…


It was Tachibana-san

-What are you doing?

She looked at me and Hayasaka-san alternately with a puzzled look and nodded her
head. It was Hayasaka-san who reacted immediately.

-W-We were just studying!

She’s behaving surprisingly suspiciously, but she’s back to her usual self.

-Tachibana-san should also have Kirishima-kun help her study! It’s easy to

After saying this, she hurriedly buttoned up her blouse and left the library. When she
left, Hayasaka-san clasped her hands together on Tachibana-san’s back, as if to say,
“I’m sorry about before”. And then, with a worried look, she held up two fingers at the
same time saying; “I will only be your second girlfriend.”

Thus the storm passed and Tachibana-san and I were left.

-What are you doing here, Tachibana-san?

-I have to study.

Tachibana-san replied with a sullen face. Then she sat down next to me with a frown
on her face.

-I always do it in this place.

She spreads out her study material and passes the pencil silently. I’m off to work on
my homework for now, too. It’s a relief to have some peace and quiet again. The time
is flying by.

I’m sure Hayasaka-san got lost in the heat of the moment. For now I’ll just try to calm

However, Tachibana-san grabbed me by the collar after she solved two math test

-Why were you studying with Hayasaka-san?

She said with an angry tone.

Hayasaka-san has a best friend. Aya Sakai, a girl who wears fringe glasses and bangs
that hang over her face.

She is a very quiet girl, but her appearance is nothing more than a facade. It was early
in the morning, I was running late and was about to enter the school through the back
door. As I climbed up and jumped over the iron gate, a car stopped a short distance
from the back door.

The body of the car was bright silver. A girl got out of the passenger seat, then
approached me, and also climbed over the gate.

—Just in time. Kirishima, help me.

So I helped the girl through the gate. As she landed, her bangs hung down for a
moment and I realized for the first time that it was Sakai.

—Without your glasses, you’re unrecognizable.

As I say this, Sakai hurries to take a case out of her bag and puts on her glasses.

—I wear them to school just in case.

It’s a pretty bland excuse, like she just thought of it.

—How much did you see, by any chance?

—Enough, so much so that I saw you making out with that boy.

—But, it’s not a strange thing for siblings to kiss each other. According to western
values, it’s something normal.

—Who knows.
Sakai brushes his hair and takes off the glasses he just put on.

—Well, he’s actually a college student.

She said it without hesitation. I can’t imagine her saying that in a normal situation.

—I’m not going to tell anyone.

—Thank you, let’s have a little chat.

We proceeded to sit in the bike yard, and stayed there for a long time.

—By the way, the other day there was a third grader in your class.

—Yeah, he was a pretty loud kid, yelling that his girlfriend was missing.

One of the third year boys had fallen in love with an unknown girl who was a
sophomore. The third year girls wanted to warn him not to get involved with her, but
he seemed to turn a deaf ear.

—It was you, wasn’t it?

—Yes, I was afraid to face him.

Without her glasses, Sakai’s image radically changes, to the point where she could be
someone else, maybe that was the reason.

—I like to try different things.

Sakai says.

—Do you think you can find your perfect partner after only one love? That’s a bit
vague. I think you have to fall in love over and over again and date many different
people before you find the one.

—I read in a book that, according to a social experiment in the U.S., a company needs
to meet a hundred people to hire the right person.

Maybe it’s the same with love. You have to fall in love with many people to find your
ideal partner.
—That’s why I try to get to know a lot of people very closely.

—You’re a free spirit when it comes to love.

—That’s the kind of love Kirishima is experimenting with, isn’t it?

A warm summer breeze blows over my body. The pool is clearly visible from the bike
yard. Through the fence, girls in navy blue swimsuits were soaking their bodies.

Tachibana-san was standing by the pool. The blue sky seemed to absorb her, like a
summer mirage.

She turned her gaze to where I was standing as if she felt my eyes on her. We looked
at each other for a moment. Then she jumped into the pool.

—Has Hayasaka-san told you about us, by any chance?

—She didn’t say anything. But Akane is not good at hiding things.

I see, so she doesn’t know yet.

—Hey, can you tell me about it?

—It’s not something I can talk to other people about.

—You know my secret, so it’s time for me to know yours.

Sakai continues to talk in a carefree manner.

—Kirishima, you’re very dear to Tachibana-san, aren’t you? She was looking at you
just now.

—I don’t know.

—That must be the reason why a girl joins a club alone with another guy.

—But she’s engaged.

—That doesn’t matter. From what I’ve seen, Tachibana-san only cares about Kirishima.
—If it weren’t for the fact that she’s engaged, I would have thought so, too.

—I don’t think so. But, I know she’s been learning to cook lately. She says she wants to
be a good girlfriend.

—Yes, she does so for Yanagi-senpai.

—Kirishima, what’s your favorite food?

—Boiled eggplant

—That’s what Akane is learning to make.

—Still, I’m still the second, these feelings have been very clear from the beginning.

Sakai removes the bow from her chest there and unbuttons her blouse. She had a small
bruise on her collarbone.

—Are you serious?

—Yes, it’s hickeys.

I imagine the man in the driver’s seat putting his mouth on Sakai’s neck. But the reality
is, such a scene took place in the morning on the bed in the room where the college
student is staying.

—Kirishima, your face is red.

—Sakai, you are more reckless than I imagined.

— I don’t know, I think it’s normal. I think it’s a very natural feeling to want to touch
and be touched by someone you like. Even boys want to touch girls.

—Is that what you think of girls?

— Yes, and I doubt Akane and Tachibana-san are exceptions. But, from a girl’s point of
view, you’re the kind of guy a girl wants to arouse that kind of interest in.

What do you mean by that?

— Do you think I’m cool?

— You might be… If it weren’t for your glasses.

I think it’s time to be clear.

— And why do you think that way?

-Because you’re too shy.

— Is that all?

—It’s important. A guy like you can keep a secret more than a guy with a pretty face
and good looks. That’s why we feel more comfortable doing things with men who
exude an air of security and secrecy.

Next, Sakai neatly buttoned up her blouse, put on her glasses and let her bangs hang
down. The usual bored-looking girl had returned.

—So, Kirishima, you might have it tough from now on.

In movies and dramas, girls are often portrayed as innocent. But in real life, girls can
be a bit more complicated.

“I’m not a good girl,” is what Hayasaka-san usually tells me every time she wants me
to touch her.

Maybe Sakai is right, maybe girls have these interests too. But what about jealousy and

I had told my first love not to be friends with any other guy. I wonder if girls ever feel
this way.

I was lying on the couch in the club room thinking about this.

I was seduced by the impact of Sakai’s progressive love life. But I fell asleep in the
meantime. I woke up in the middle of the second period to feel something wet and soft
against my ear. It was the same sensation I had one day. A pleasant sensation ran down
my spine.

—You’re finally awake.

She leaned over and looked at me.

—I’m sorry. I have a habit of licking you.

When Tachibana-san tries to lick my ears again, I hurriedly sat up.

—I have many things to say, but for now, I want my glasses back.

Tachibana-san was wearing my glasses, which she must have taken when I was asleep.

—You’ll damage your eyesight if you wear them too long.

—No, I want to wear them a little longer.

—If you don’t give them back to me, I won’t be able to see anything.

Tachibana-san discreetly touched the glass with her finger and then handed them
back to me. I quickly proceeded to wipe off the fingerprints with a wipe.

— I thought you were in class.

— I thought the same thing about you.

— I mean why are you here, Tachibana-san?

— I saw you in the bicycle yard, and when I went to the classroom, you were nowhere
to be found.

— I see. Now that I remember, I had seen you too.

— Why were you with Sakai-san?

— We met by chance. But how did you know it was Sakai? She doesn’t look like herself
without her glasses.
— The way she stood, the way she held her elbows when she spoke, everything was

Tachibana-san’s powers of observation are frightening.

— Well, it doesn’t matter much, let’s resume our club activities.

Tachibana-san takes out the love guide.

And the title of the page where it was located was called “Basic games without hands”.
It was another erotic product created by the author’s imagination.

— Tachibana-san, I told you that we can’t do club activities during exams.

Besides, this is the investigation and mystery club, not a romance club.

— It’s okay. I want to know more about love.

Tachibana-san pushes the notebook at me and I push it back.

— You’ve been avoiding me lately.

— I haven’t.

— Yes, you have. You made the sudden decision to cancel club activities.

— We’re supposed to be in exam week.

— I asked you to help me study and you refused.

— That’s not…

— And yet Hayasaka-san asked you and you accepted. You can’t imagine how much it
hurt me.

My heart started to ache after I saw that Tachibana-san had a sad expression.

— President, you like Hayasaka-san.

— You’re wrong.
— It’s true. And Hayasaka-san likes you too.

—What makes you think that?

— The way she treats you is very unstable, sometimes she’s kind, sometimes she’s
rude. It’s as if you love someone else.

—But you’re forgetting something very important. Hayasaka-san loves someone else.

—That. That’s the difficult part. I’m sure Hayasaka-san has someone she likes, but she
seems to like the president too.

Tachibana-san had a serious expression when she said those words to me.

—The president seems to like Hayasaka-san, but he also seems to like another girl.
Who is the other girl?


Those words went straight to my head. Tachiaban-san’s question was too direct.

— Don’t you like me?

She asked me that question. Very calmly, very matter-of-factly, surprisingly

emphatically. I answered as calmly as I could.

—If everything Tachibana-san feels is true, then it’s a very crowded situation, with
many people pointing the arrow of love in different directions.

— Yes, that’s why I want you to answer me.

Tachibana-san brings her face close to mine.

— Tell me the truth. Who is Hayasaka-san in love with? Who does the president really

— Well…
Of course, I couldn’t tell her the truth, even if I wanted to. So I decided to change the
subject and make it up as I went along.

—What about you, Tachibana-san?

—Do you know who you’re really in love with?

— I’m trying to find out. I’m almost at the point where I know who and what makes
me feel the way I do.

Tachibana-san holds the love guide in her hand.

—Let’s play this game. I want to explore my feelings more.

—No, that’s not how it’s supposed to be.

— What? Why not?

— I’ve told you before. If you’re engaged, you can’t do these things with another man.

— And who decided that?

— The people, it’s not right to do something like this.

— Is it the people, or the president?

She hit the bull’s-eye.

— It doesn’t matter.

— If you don’t do it, I won’t let you go to class.

— The only thing you’ll do is make me very angry.

When I say that, Tachibana-san energetically replies, “I want you to be angry.”

— I put my fingerprints on your glasses because I want to see your angry faces. I want
to see the different expressions you make. I want to know how you will feel when you
I see that Tachibana-san wants to push this situation to the extreme.

— Are you sure you don’t want to? You say that, but it doesn’t seem that way.

She manages to see right through me. It’s true that I’d like to play that kind of game
with her.

But I’m still prevented by the fact that she’s engaged. If it has a negative effect on her
family environment, and causes her to be unhappy, it would be very bad for everyone.

So, for the time being, I’ve decided to fight my impulses.

—Okay, let’s do it.

I grab her hand and pull her to me. Our faces are so close that I could kiss her at any

— But let’s not do any of the basics, let’s do the advanced.

There is not only a basic version, but also an advanced version of “The Game Without
Hands” in the Love Notes. Of course, the advanced version is more extreme.

—A-Are you sure?

Tachibana-san’s eyes widen and her face turns red.

— Of course!

After all, Tachibana-san is strong on the defensive, but weak on the offensive. To make
matters worse, I stroked her hair and blew in her ear.

— Kyaaa!

Tachibana-san made a strange noise, shook off my hand, covered her ear and walked
away from me.

Lately, I always defend myself by making her embarrassed, like this. But Tachibana’s
blush only lasted a few minutes before she quickly put on a straight face again.

— President, that was a dirty tactic.

— Do you really think so?

— I just want to know who the president really likes.

Tachibana-san is trying to understand love. Hayasaka-san’s feelings, her feelings and

my own feelings. But…

— Love is not an easy thing to answer. The human heart is difficult. That’s why we all
strive to imagine how the other person feels.

—Yes, I agree.

Tachibana regained her composure and said.

—Then I will answer it for you.


—Emotional testing

Sounds rather disturbing.

—The fault is yours. You refused to help me study, but you did with Hayasaka-san. It
makes me pull away from you, and at the same time you get closer to her, even
spending time with Sakai-san. That’s why I do things like this.

After saying this, Tachibana-san left the club room. I wiped my glasses again and
adjusted my uniform collar, which was disarranged when I fell asleep.

What the hell are you planning to do, Tachibana-san?

That’s what I thought, and at the next break, there was a shout from the guys who
were fans of Tachibana. The reason was that she was wearing a tie around her neck,
this is an indication that she has a boyfriend.

That was the beginning of Hikari Tachibana’s emotional ordeal.

In the morning, Tachibana-san calls me in front of the school gate.

—Good morning, president.

Her boyfriend’s tie is tied around her neck.

—What do you think of it?

—It looks good on you. Cooler than a ribbon.

—How do you feel now, president?

—Same as ever.

He didn’t seem amused by my reaction, so he said “Hmm” and walked away. The truth
is, it didn’t seem like a big deal to me.

I found the combination of a summer morning and Tachibana-san refreshing.

Meanwhile, the guys who were fans of Tachibana-san sighed in sadness.

All their hopes of being with her and being able to conquer her were gone in a second.

—Kirishima-kun, are you okay?

Hayasaka-san accosted me in the hallway. The first-class period was the chemistry
subject, and I was about to enter the lab.

—Why do you say that?

—Well, it’s because Tachibana-san seems to have taken things to the next level with
her boyfriend.

—Ah, well, I don’t care what happens with them.

— Are you feeling sorry for yourself again?

As we were talking, Tachibana-san appeared across the hall. In her hand was a
cardboard cup with black tea.


Tachibana-san called out to Hayasaka-san. Since they met at the station building, they
seemed to get along reasonably well.

—Do you like the president?

—N— No, I don’t like him.

When asked a direct question, Hayasaka-san is quick to answer.

— Hmm, I see.

—We-we are just good friends.

Thereupon Tachibana-san glued herself to my arm. At that moment, Hayasaka-san’s

face tensed up.

—Hey, Tachibana-san, we’re at school.

—I know.

—And you have a boyfriend, right?

—What’s wrong with that?

—I can’t believe you’re trying to get close to Kirishima-kun like that when you have a

—Contact is normal between the president and the club members.

—Oh yeah, right. It’s good that you guys are so nice. I’m glad that you guys are getting
along very well.

Hayasaka-san had an awkward smile on her face. This is bad, it’s not supposed to be
so obvious.

Tachibana-san is just testing us, as the expression of satisfaction after seeing

Hayasaka-san’s reaction was too clear.

—Oh, class is about to start.

She put a straw in her drink then took a sip as she entered the classroom.
—Kirishima-kun, let’s go back to class.

Hayasaka-san still had a tense smile on her face.

—Come, let me see your face.

Hayasaka-san said with a tense smile, “Let me see your face,” and we returned to the
empty classroom.

— It seems that you don’t get along with Tachibana-san.

— I’m sorry.

— It’s okay, I know it might be hard for you.

But Hayasaka-san’s hand holds the textbook so tightly that her fingers have turned

— Kirishima-kun, you look calmer than usual.

— Really?

— Yes, but what happened all of a sudden? She gets along well with her boyfriend, but
she sticks to Kirishima-kun.

— I think I know why.

I explain to her that Tachibana-san has started to test our feelings for each other.

— Hmmm, so she was trying to make me jealous by doing that.

— Maybe.

— Well, I don’t mind that kind of thing at all.

Even though you say that, it’s obvious that you do.

— The expression on your face says otherwise. You’re struggling to smile.

— I know I’m number two. You don’t have to worry so much about my feelings.

After a brief pause, Hayasaka-san looks at me seriously.

— By the way, Kirishima-kun, you bought a new hair conditioner, but you don’t use it
much, do you?

— I don’t have much time in the morning, so it’s inevitable that I’ll forget.

— It shouldn’t be like that, you need to worry more about your personal grooming.
Come, I’ll help you with it.

She took out her own hair cream from her bag. She brought it with her because she
has a swimming class today.

Hayasaka-san stood up, reached out and put some cream on my head.

—It’s done. You look very nice now.

It has a floral fragrance of cherry blossom and lily of the valley. It’s the same scent as
Hayasaka-san’s hair.

—When you’re in front of Tachibana-san, try to keep calm.

During the lunch break, I was lying on the sofa as usual. I wanted to listen to music,
but my headphones were lost, so I tried to sleep, and then Tachibana-san came in.

As soon as Tachibana-san approached, she touched my glasses’ lens with her finger

— I said, “That’s not going to make me angry.

— I just want to see another side of you.

Then Tachibana-san sniffed me. The next moment, she grabbed my head with both
hands and started sniffing me.

—Hmm, how strange.

She says with a cold expression.

—This is a challenge for me, isn’t it?

—Tachibana-san has a good nose.

—Hayasaka-san’s sweet smell doesn’t suit you, president.

And out of nowhere, Tachibana-san took out her own hair conditioner and put it in my
hair roughly, replacing the floral fragrance with a citrus mint fragrance.

I couldn’t even wash my hair, so I had to stay there. After the lunch break, we passed
each other in the hallway and Hayasaka-san got angry with me.

—It smells like Tachibana-san. Did you let her put her own hair conditioner on you?

When I turned around, Hayasaka-san looked at me and smiled.

—Good for you.

Her smile was very scary, at the same time her eyebrow was trembling.

—I don’t mind at all. I knew that I was number two from the beginning. I won’t get
jealous. I’ll be fine.

Hayasaka-san was mumbling in the hallway with vacant eyes.

—Why are you messing with my Kirishima-kun…? You already have a boyfriend… Just
because you’re beautiful you think you can do whatever you want…

Tachibana-san is a music lover, so she was wearing a pair of white colored wireless
headphones with a gold logo on them, which are famous for their bass sound.

The students say they are her boyfriend’s headphones. I also heard her humming
alternative rock songs that I never imagined she would hear.

The sharp sound is piercing. It’s a common belief that a girl’s musical taste is
influenced by the man she’s dating.
—What do you think?

—Your headphones look good.


Tachibana-san frowned, took out two pencils from my pencil case on the coffee table
and left.

I can make a poker face if I want to. But Hayasaka-san wouldn’t be able to, as she reacts

— How could you give your pencils to Tachibana-san?

During the break, Hayasaka-san approached me. She saw that Tachibana-san was
using my pencils in class.

— So, I wasn’t the only one you gave them to.

— I’m sorry.

— It’s okay, I don’t care!

This doesn’t look good at all.

— By the way, Kirishima-kun, can I borrow your gym uniform?

— My gym uniform?

— I need it for a technical class, but I forgot to bring mine.

— But I’ve already used it for PE. And it’s all sweaty.

— It’s okay, it doesn’t matter.

One of Hayasaka-san’s fans screamed at the top of his lungs after seeing her wearing
a boys’ gym uniform that wasn’t even her size.

There was no way that innocent Hayasaka-san would do something like that. The
conclusion everyone came to was that she had borrowed a gym uniform borrowed
from the infirmary. But why a boy’s uniform?

On the other hand, Tachibana-sana, who has a keen eye for observation, had not
overlooked it. After gym class, she caught me by surprise in the hallway.

—Those clothes Hayasaka-san was wearing are the president’s, aren’t they?


—Hmm, so she’s trying to get attention, huh.

—Don’t keep provoking her.

—She started all this when she took your pencils.

Is that why Hayasaka-san asked me for the pencils?

—In the meantime, can I borrow your gym clothes?

—I don’t think that’s possible today.

—Take it home when she’s done.

—What do you plan to do?

The mysterious battle between Hayasaka-san and Tachibana-san intensified day by


Tachibana-san took my deodorant spray out of my bag, sprayed some on her blouse in
front of me, and then deliberately walked in front of Hayasaka-san.

Hayasaka-san said she had forgotten her textbook and took mine. The two of them
were doing all sorts of things, so I finally ran to the student council room during recess.
—Kirishima, you’re pathetic.

Says Maki.

—Seriously, how far are you going to go with this?

—Those girls are going to finish me off. I don’t think I’m going to get out of this

So I proceeded to explain everything that was going on between the two girls.

—Everyone was talking about Tachibana being in love with her boyfriend? Was it a
hint to Kirishima?

—She’s testing her emotions. She doesn’t even know who she’s in love with.

—Hayasaka is weak, so she was easily provoked, and Tachibana is surprisingly

belligerent, so they got into a fight. No wonder all your stuff keeps disappearing.

Maki had noticed it all along. Pencils, gym clothes and much more.

—In girls’ schools, it’s a status symbol to come to school with a boy’s backpack. I guess
it’s a way to show off to your friends. That’s probably your situation.

—What do you think I should do?

—There’s nothing a man can do when two women fight. But I’m not going to abandon

Suddenly, the classroom door opens, and behind it stood Saki, Hayasaka-san’s best

—She will help you with your problem.

It’s probably because Sakai and Maki look a bit alike, I thought, but I didn’t say it. Sakai
doesn’t want people to know who she is.

Then Maki leaves, leaving me with Saki.

—You were talking about Akane, weren’t you? This fight with Tachibana-san is going
too far.

Saki seems to be aware of the situation too.

—If it continues like this, Akane runs the risk of being a yandere with you. Personally,
I think that it’s cute.

—Is she really that unstable?

—When we went home together, she kept talking to herself the whole time. She was
saying things like; “Tachibana-san, why are you doing this? Kirishima-kun is only
mine. Stay away from him… Wait, is it okay for me to get angry? I’m supposed to be his
lover… No, Kirishima-kun is mine. Uh, wait, ah, yeah, I’m the mistress, I should keep
quiet…” For me, it’s interesting to watch women fight, but as Akane’s friend, I wish
Kirishima would tell Tachibana to stop. Akane is mentally weak. She doesn’t have the
mental capacity to be a lover.

—But I’m not sure if Tachibana-san will listen to me. Maki said that a man can’t stop
women from fighting.

—Normally that would be the case. But Tachibana-san will listen to what Kirishima

—What makes you think that?

—Because Tachibana-san is testing Akane’s feelings, but not testing Kirishima’s


Sakai says that Tachibana-san has never been in love.

—You knew it all along, didn’t you?

—Knew what?

—… Kirishima, I think you’re getting dumber and dumber.

Sakai says.

—Have you seriously not noticed that the tie and headphones Tachibana is wearing
are yours?
How did I not notice when she showed off the tie and headphones? And the alternative
rock she was humming is one of my favorite songs.

—It’s about time you gave those back.

—I don’t think so, I really like these new possessions.

Tachibana-san touches her tie. In her chest pocket is an MP3 player with a headphone
cord coiled around it.

Tachibana-san is supposed to wear low-tech headphones that aren’t wireless, but

when I was sleeping in the club room she snatched them from me.

“I think she really wanted to wear her boyfriend’s things and see the look of jealousy
on Kirishima’s face.” As Sakai analyzed it.

“But she was afraid Kirishima would hate her because she had a good relationship
with her partner. So she could only test Akane’s feelings.”

I don’t know what the truth is in all this. But right now I’m only interested in getting
my things back.

Maybe Hayasaka-san knew whose tie that was, and that must have triggered all kinds
of conflicts in her emotions. And she also liked that I always wore a tie, even in

—I’ll give it back to you.

She says as she holds out the love guide.

—But first, you must play with me.

—I told you I’m not going to do that kind of thing.

—But it seems to me that the president wants to.

—You’re wrong.
I said firmly, and Tachibana-san suddenly shut up.

—I’m sorry, I was selfish.

—No, I’m sorry for being so abrupt.

—I won’t ask you again.

He takes her bag and starts to leave the club room. She still has my tie and headphones


I stood in front of Tachibana-san with my hands clasped behind my back.

—President, you have a lot of energy.

—I’ll play the game, but I want my tie back.

—Okay, I promise.

Tachibana-san smiles at me. She looks a little happy. Well, I’m glad she’s happy.

—Okay, let’s do it.

—Yes, let’s do it.

It will be a simple game without using hands.

The no-hands game is one of the dumbest games included in the love guide. As usual,
it is noticeable that it depends on the player’s taste whether the game is fun or not.

The rules were simple: for 20 minutes we had to stay in a closed room without using
our hands. Tachibana-san and I sat on the couch in front of the coffee table.

Once we had both hands behind our backs, the game began. But there is very little we
can do without using our hands.
And there are so few rules that we don’t even know what to do. Time passes in silence.
Despite being a game created by an author with an IQ of 180, it’s a real failure. And
that’s when it happened.

—My hair is bothering me.

Tachibana refers to a lock of hair hanging down her cheek.

—President, help me put it over my ear.

Well, there you go. This is the essence of this game. You ask your opponent to do what
you can’t do. But you can’t use your hands, so you have to use other parts of your body.


—Hurry, my hair tickles.

I approached Tachibana-san and I could smell a nice fragrance.

Then I brushed a strand of hair off her cheek with my mouth. As a result, my lips
brushed her cheek, but Tachibana-san kept her face calm.

I slowly tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. It’s not too difficult. But I find myself tracing
the outline of my ear with my tongue as I do so.

This is just like what Tachibana-san used to do with me. No, it’s not because I was
fascinated by the beautiful shape of the ears, or the complexity of the shape.

I wanted to make Tachibana-san feel embarrassed and end this sooner. That’s true. It’s
not an excuse. But Tachibana-san doesn’t seem to be embarrassed at all.

—Thank you. Oh, and I’m thirsty.

A paper cup with water is carefully placed on the table. The paper is soft, so you can
nibble on the edge with your mouth.

—Tachibana-san, it looks like you were very prepared. You understand this game

—Yes. Now, let’s start.

I hold the paper cup in my mouth. Then, I put the rim of the other side of the cup in
Tachibana-san’s mouth. Our faces are close to each other again, as if we were facing
each other.

Tachibana-san’s face is still beautiful and when I look at her closely, I feel
uncomfortable. The screws in my head start to loosen.

Tachibana-san puts her mouth on the rim of the cup. Of course, my mouth is on the
other side. Through the paper cup, we are connected.

It is not an indirect kiss. Our lips are simultaneously on the rim of the cup. A bridged
kiss, so to speak.

An existential act of kissing. No, it’s almost a kiss. It’s a connection. It’s like a deeper,
more intimate acceptance than a normal kiss.

I tilt the glass to give her a drink of water. But because of the sudden movement, most
of the water spills out. Ms. Tachibana’s pale lips and white blouse become wet.

—I’m sorry.

—I need to clean up.

Hand towels were also on the table. So I proceeded to grab one with my mouth.

I immediately went over to wipe her. Her skin is so white and delicate that you can
almost see the veins, so I wipe her very gently.

—My lips are still wet.


The fabric of the hand towel is thick, so there is no direct contact.

However, my lips and Tachibana-san’s lips definitely touched through the towel. I was
surprised by this fact.

Tachibana-san’s cheeks blushed. As I wiped her, I felt Tachibana-san press her lips
against mine.

How would it feel if we didn’t have these hand towels?

—I already wiped all the wet areas.


I bring my mouth to her neck and wipe it. Next, her blouse. It’s wet and a little see-
through. It smells nice. No matter what part of her body I clean, Tachibana-san doesn’t
resist at all. My heart is starting to fail.

She let out a sweet sigh. I would like to hug her slender body. That impulse comes to
me, but I suppress it.

I had to get away from her before I lost my mind.

—I’m done cleaning up.


Tachibana-san has a kind of ecstatic look. She’s also breathing shallowly. Maybe she’s
starting to lose her mind, like me.

—President, is there anything you want me to do?

—Now that you mention it, I’m starting to feel a little hungry.

On the table is a little silver bag of Pocky.

—You can eat this.

Tachibana-san takes one end of the pouch with her mouth, and then I reach over to
take the other end, so we both pull at the same time to open it.

After opening the bag, Tachibana-san takes a pocky stick with her mouth and holds it
out to me. I took a bite of the tip, and so on until the pocky got shorter and shorter.

There was a small part of the pocky left to bite, which means that, if I do, I’ll be able to
give her a kiss? Is this what you want?
Tachibana-san nods, and lifts her chin while offering me her lips. At last, the moment
I’ve been waiting for the longest.

However, just as I’m about to kiss her, she drops the cookie in my mouth. A
mischievous smile appears on her face.

I was so looking forward to it. I’m like a child who’s just been tricked. I was so looking
forward to being able to feel her lips.

I can’t stand it. I want to take Tachibana-san’s lips, even if I have to do it by force. But…
I started to feel something weird in my mouth, and then I quickly understood
Tachibana-san’s true intention. The part of the cookie that Tachibana-san had in her
mouth was moist and soft.

It’s a truly forbidden act, something dirtier and more perverse than kissing someone.
The moment I swallowed it, an inexplicable feeling of pleasure ran through my whole

—What do you think?

—Tachibana-san, you are very cunning.

—Are you still hungry?

—A little bit.

We did it again and again until the pocky bag ran out. The satisfaction I’m feeling now
is greater than anything.

We decided to go for the second bag. Maybe I can get a kiss next time. With such
expectations in mind, I was willing to do it again.

Tachibana-san’s moist cookie broke my brain and caught me. She was also breathing
hard, and her eyes were ecstatic.

After several attempts, we reached the last bag.

I had a hunch that this would be the one. With high hopes, we work together to open
the last silver bag.


Then the timer went off, telling us that 20 minutes had passed. With a silly sound, a
feeling of emptiness set in. We were ourselves again, and began to reflect on what had
happened. What the hell had we been thinking?

—I knew I shouldn’t have played Forbidden Games so lightly.

—You’re right.

We were in an awkward situation. Her skirt was disheveled, and her thighs were
exposed. If it was Hayasaka-san, I probably would have thought she was doing it
intentionally. But, coming from Tachibana-san, it’s hard to judge…

—Hey, the game is over, give me back my tie.

Tachibana-san takes off the tie and puts it around my neck. I’m a little nervous, it’s like
the classic newlywed scene where the wife helps her husband.

—And, I want you to stop bothering Hayasaka-san.


Tachibana-san nodded after those words.

—I have no reason to do it anymore.


—Hayasaka-san is in love with two people, isn’t she? I don’t understand, because I
only have one favorite. And the president likes two people too.

Tachibana-san stopped talking. Instead, she touched my cheek.

—Hey, let’s kiss. I’ve never done it and I’d like to do it.

She comes closer to my face and I stop her by grabbing her shoulder.
—I can’t.


—You shouldn’t do this when you have a boyfriend.

—He’s not my boyfriend.


—He’s a relative. He’s just pretending to be my boyfriend so no man will come near

That confession was a complete shock to me.

—And the engagement?

—It’s real, but it’s with someone else.

—And you’re not going to break it off, are you?

It was a very direct question. Tachibana-san nodded,

—My mother’s company is doing well thanks to his father. As per the agreements
between both families, I have to marry her son after I graduate.

Tachibana-san turns away from me and stands up.

—So, the president doesn’t like girls who are engaged.

—That’s not the case.

—But you won’t kiss me.

—That doesn’t mean you should do it with just anyone.

—I see. Then I can’t kiss anyone for the rest of my life.

—Why is that?
—Hey Shiro-kun

Tachibana suddenly calls me by my first name.


—Have you already forgotten when you talked about your first love in the karaoke

When I was little, I told the first girl I liked that I didn’t want her to be friends with
other boys.

—How can you remember what happened ten years ago?

—It was my first love.

—But the facts are a little different. To be precise, Shiro told that girl, “I don’t want any
other boy to touch you.”

—That’s even more embarrassing.

—Yes. And that little girl took it too seriously. Even now, ten years later, she can’t touch
another boy, she doesn’t want to be touched, and she can’t get excited about anyone
else but him.

Tachibana’s glassy eyes catch me and hold me.


A cold hand touches my cheek.

—Did you know?

—Know what?

Tachibana brought her face close to mine, so that if I moved, even a little, our lips
would overlap.

—Did you know that that girl is me?

I was speechless.

I know that if I say anything here, our relationship will change drastically. But for some
reason, Hayasaka-san’s face came to my mind and I couldn’t say anything.

Maybe I was afraid of the changes that would occur if she left me. After looking at each
other for a while, Tachibana-san turned away from me.

—Well, it’s okay.

This time, she prepares to go home and simply leaves the room. When I was left alone
in the place, I looked at Pocky’s bag, grabbed a piece and put it in my mouth.

It’s not enough. I can’t seem to be satisfied anymore without cookies moistened by

While eating the Pocky, I remembered what Tachibana-san had said, “Did you know
that that girl is me?”

That’s why Tachibana-san is special. And no matter what, she will always be my only
With summer vacation just two weeks away, Maki says to me:

—How do you feel about going to summer camp?

We were in the club room after the morning classes were over.

The reason was Miki-chan, and the restoration of the club without her permission. We
borrowed her name as an advisor when we brought our club to life, and even created
a history of activities in which she participated.

But she found out about it, and got mad at us for doing that.

—What kind of camp would that be?

—Hmm, how about looking for mysterious things? Then we can record it and upload
it to the internet. It’s a good way to get your name out there. And you can stay for free
at a hot spring hotel.

Then Maki shows me the website of an old hot spring inn on her tablet.

—It’s a publicity stunt. If we film a short film about an inn and upload it to a video site,
we can even get free accommodation. In addition, the number of people visiting these
places in summer is very low, so there will be plenty of rooms available. It’s a good
opportunity if you think about it.

The idea sounds good.

—Do you like the idea?


—Why are you whispering?

—For some reason my head hurts.

—Well, anyway, remember we have to do something great. If we don’t show something

that justifies the activities of this club, they’ll take it away from us.

—Thank you, you just gave me another headache.

—Well, you have no choice but to take it seriously.

Maki was more than willing to do so, since, deep down, he wants to be a film director.
He had even asked Yamanaka-kun to make a storyboard for him.

—We should look for actors.

—And the script?

—I’ve given it to Tachibana. She seems to be good at that sort of thing.

—I see, then I’ll talk to her.

—Why? Do you have something in mind?

—Not really. By the way, Tachibana has been absent from school lately. Do you know
the reason?

—She has a piano recital coming up, so she’s focusing most of her time on practicing.

That’s true. Although to be honest, the relationship between Tachibana-san and I

lately hasn’t been good. Ever since I refused to kiss her, we’ve been drifting apart a lot.

—Hmmm, what happened between you two now?

Maki says with a smile from ear to ear. For some strange reason, she has a good

—Although I guess it doesn’t matter if the relationship between you and Tachibana is
ruined. After all, you have another girl as a backup. If this were to come out, you’d be
the envy of the whole school.

Maki looks outside the school. In the distance, she sees Hayasaka-san standing at the
back door.

—Are you going to walk her home?


I stand up and get ready to leave.

—Things may be going well now, but you’re going to have a lot of problems in the

Maki says as he thinks.

—What do you mean?

—I’m not going to tell you. But you’ll know soon enough.

Surely, he must have heard something from Miki-chan.

—Well, let’s go to summer camp. If we don’t, they’ll take away our club.

—I know.

One thing bothers me, though.

—What will I be doing?

—Kirishima, you’re not very good at acting. Although… I’m sure you can play a great
role as a corpse.

—That’s the role you plan on giving the club president?

Although, I couldn’t help but imagine such a situation. Being in a dimly lit wooden
room. Tachibana-san dressed in a Yukata slowly kills me.

—Well, maybe it’s not such a bad idea.

—Don’t get carried away by your perverted fantasies.

I must give preference to my first love.

I would also like to thank Hayasaka-san for all her support. But there are times when
things get out of hand.

—I’m sorry about the other day. I’ve been meaning to tell you…

On the way home, Hayasaka-san apologizes for what happened. This was all about the
emotional test performed by Tachibana-san the other day.

—I was competing against Tachibana-san, and I didn’t want to lose.

—Did you know that she had my tie all the time?

—Yes. Because Kirishima-kun always wears a tie, even in the summer, but this time
you didn’t.

—I know I should have been more careful. But still, I couldn’t help but feel jealous at
that moment. Sorry.

She looked so listless that I took her hand.


Her face lights up at this situation.

It’s nice to be able to make someone happy by simply caressing their hand like this.
It’s a beautiful thing, and at the same time, it makes me uncomfortable to know that
what I do has such a big impact on her.

—People tend to think of jealousy as an unpleasant emotion.

This is especially true in love. I’ve heard many people say that jealousy is unbecoming
of a man.

—But it’s something that comes naturally when you love someone, isn’t it?

We all want to be exclusive, and we all want to be special.

—I’m jealous because I like you.

Maybe when I’m older I’ll be able to think differently, but for now I can’t.

—But, I got jealous of that person you love the most. That means I’ve been a nuisance,
doesn’t it?

—It was our mistake for underestimating the feelings of a love like ours, even though
we were supposed to be lovers.

My emotions for her are so strong that I can’t control them. Deep inside, I want to stay
with Hayasaka-san.

—Your jealousy is just proof that you are in love with me.

—And is Kirishima-kun jealous too?

—The day Hayasaka-san went to see her senpai, I was so upset that I wished you
wouldn’t go. He was my opponent, so to speak, and seeing the girl who I’m in love with
move away from me made me feel sad.

—I’m happy.

Hayasaka-san looked at me and said,

—I’m happy that Kirishima-kun is jealous because of me. I don’t know why, it’s weird.

—No, that’s good. I’m happy about that too.

Having a secret relationship with a girl, when your goal is to fall in love and be with
another woman, makes jealousy chaos on both sides.

—Kirishima-kun, I want you to be more jealous. When I was gone that day, it seemed
like you didn’t care at all.

—It’s okay.

—Well, now that our feelings have subsided, I must say that, during the match, I
bumped into senpai, and he was very kind.

—I don’t think this is a good time to talk about it.

—He gently touched my thighs when he asked how I was doing.

—Don’t go on.

—I… I was so glad he cared about me like this.

—I don’t mind, I think it’s great that you guys are so close!

—Kirishima-kun, how do you feel now?

— I feel like I’m dying.

Hayasaka-san is my girlfriend and I wish I could hug and kiss her. But she also wants
her senpai to do those things to her, make her feel special, take an interest in her, and
give her the necessary attention she requires.

It’s inevitable… After all, he is Hayasaka-san’s favorite. While I was writhing in

jealousy, Hayasaka-san smiled happily.

—When Kirishima-kun was making out with Tachibana-san, I felt that way too.

—I’m sorry.

—I don’t mind. After all, we’re testing our feelings. This is the real test that we love
each other. Right…? Hey, I want to feel more jealous.

When Hayasaka-san said that, I told her about the rainy day that I hadn’t told her about

—Tachibana-san had asked me to do a Kabedon for her.

—That snake.

—And when I did it, she said she was happy.

—Why did you do it? It’s not something to be done lightly.

—Her face was so close to mine, it made me nervous.

—It doesn’t matter!

Hayasaka-san is jealous, but somehow happy. So I said to myself, it’s my turn now.

—I wish I could go to the music room next door and play the songs I’ve always wanted
to play.

—No way! It’s a really bad idea for Kirishima-kun to go there!

—And at lunchtime, we were in the club room and exchanged lunch dishes.

—I don’t want to listen anymore…

—Tachibana-san even downloaded all the albums from my favorite bands.

—Well, I’m happy for you!

When I told her about my relationship with Tachibana-san, Hayasaka-san squeezed

my hand tightly, looked me in the eyes and clung to my arm.

After that, we bragged about how close we were to each other’s crushes and became
jealous of each other till we were exhausted.

—It’s not easy being the lover in a relationship. But I overlook it because it’s with
Tachibana-san. If you did that with another girl…

—If I did what?

—I don’t think I would get mad at Kirishima-kun. I think I’d get mad at the other girl.
And I’d say something like; “Don’t you dare mess with my boyfriend again.”

—Hayasaka-san, you’re really nice to me.


—But Kirishima-kun, you’re very close friends with Tachibana-san, aren’t you?

—Speaking of which…

I proceeded to tell Hayasaka-san that Tachibana-san had no intention of breaking off

her engagement. So that means she’s all I have left.
—Hey, Hayasaka-san…

—I know, you’re worried that I’ll take pity on Kirishima-kun and give up my first love
place on purpose. Don’t worry about it. I know you don’t like those things.

Tachibana-san looked at me seriously and continued talking.

—I don’t want to do anything that you don’t want to do, so I won’t lose by my first love
on purpose. I’ll do whatever you want, Kirishima-kun. I think it would be good if that
happened. I’m Kirishima-kun’s girlfriend. I want to be a good girlfriend to you,
Kirishima-kun. If there’s anything you want to do, just say so. I’ll do everything for you
and arrange everything.

—Uh, yes.

—When summer vacation comes, we’ll go on many dates, to the beach, fireworks,
summer festivals…

Hayasaka-san says in a squeaky voice.

—So let’s be real lovers in the summer vacations. Let’s make some memories. Let’s go
and do what everyone else is doing. I don’t care if I’m the mistress, I want to be a good
girlfriend to you. As long as it’s just the two of us together, that’s good enough for me.
And that’s because you’re always there to support me when I need you, Kirishima-kun.

Hayasaka-san squeezes my hand tightly. I feel a strong pressure.

—Hey Kirishima-kun, we are lovers, right?

— Y-Yes.

—Then I want you to do to me what you did with Tachibana-san.

— You mean the Kabedon?


Hayasaka-san nodded her head as she said those words.

—Okay, but where do we do it? Do you want to go back to school and use the club

—No, that place smells like her.

—Where then?

—I’d like to go to my room, but my mother is there now.

Then why mention it?

—There’s a shrine a few steps from here.

True, there is a shrine that is not very crowded. At the back of the compound is the
forest surrounding the shrine, where the trees grow thickly. There are rumors of
couples having sex there at night.

—It’s too risky to be here, besides, someone might see us. Are you sure?


She said with an embarrassed face.

—I’m excited to do it.

—Look at me.

Hayasaka-san stands in front of a large cedar tree and leans against a wall.

—Yes. I’m just looking at Kirishima-kun.

Hayasaka-san hugged me without hesitation and pressed her whole body against
mine. From the moment we entered the shrine grounds, Hayasaka-san was completely
aware of everything.

—It’s been a long time since we’ve been alone together.

What did she say? Maybe it’s a reaction to the fight with Tachibana-san.
—I mean, Hayasaka-san, I’m sweating a lot.

It’s so hot, even though we’re in the shade. Even the cicadas are buzzing around us…
Aaagh, I’m sweating a lot. Although, she didn’t seem to be bothered by it.

—It’s okay, I’m sweating too.

As my sweat mixed with her perspiration, the boundary between us seemed to


—I… I’d like you to do the Kabedon for me.

—You’re not supposed to ask me.


—I’m surprised at how embarrassed you get in this situation.

I enjoy the subtlety of distance.

—Well, then I’ll act.

The next thing that happened is that Hayasaka-san pulled my tie, making it stretch and
pulled me close to her. The next moment, she gave me a kiss on my lips, and even stuck
her tongue in my mouth. Then she let go of my tie and hugged me very tightly to
continue concentrating on kissing.

She kissed me for so long that saliva dripped off the edge of my mouth.

—I think I like ties now.

—Me too.

—What’s the difference between me and Tachibana-san?

—I still haven’t kissed Tachibana-san.

—I want you to compare me with Tachibana-san. I think it would be very nice if you
compared me to her.
Hayasaka-san, aren’t we going in the wrong direction?

—Tell me, how was the Kabedon you did with Tachibana-san?

—Tachibana-san is… Very skilled.

—And you got excited?


—I see… I wish I could say that I don’t mind. You and Tachibana-san did a lot of things
that were written in that notebook, right?

When Hayasaka-san asked me what I wanted to do, I thought for a while before

—Yes. I played a game with her callec “Secrets in the Ear”.

—Well, let’s do it.

—Hayasaka-san, you’re not much of a mystery book reader.

—Then let’s play with national book titles.

While standing, I tried to get close to her to whisper in her ear.


—Natsume Soseki

—The Restaurant of Many Orders

—Kenji Miyazawa

After a few questions, Hayasaka-san couldn’t keep up, and I let out a laugh.

—What’s so funny?

The game of Secrets in the Ear or the game where you can’t use your hands becomes
interesting depending on the player’s intentions. So Tachibana-san’s imagination
made it go to irrational extremes.

—This game is supposed to make men and women feel closer, how can I do that?

As Hayasaka-san was confused, I had no choice but to tell her what Tachibana-san had

—The point of these games is for us to get aroused in the process, and then start
hugging each other, or licking each other’s ears. And I say that as something I’m
imagining, it’s not like I did it with Tachibana-san or something.

—Lame, uh…

Hayasaka-san puts his hand behind my neck. And he’s getting closer to my ear.
Therefore, her breathing changes drastically.

—That’s… Stupid.

Her eyes are wide open and her mouth smiles faintly.

—We’re lovers, aren’t we? We don’t need a game to get to know each other.


—We don’t need excuses like that to do it, there’s no need to trick each other like that.

Then Hayasaka-san started licking my ear. My brakes were completely broken.

Hayasaka-san shamelessly presses her breasts against me. As she did that, I felt myself
getting more and more excited. I felt myself getting stronger and stronger, and my
breathing getting heavier and heavier.

—Hey, Kirishima-kun


—How does this compare to Tachibana-san?

—I’ve never done anything like this with Tachibana-san.

It’s a dirty lie, but I have no choice but to do it.

—At least try to imagine it, and I want you to compare me to her.

—… Hayasaka-san’s tongue is hotter, wetter and more pleasant. More than Tachibana-

When she heard me say that, I could feel her joy being transmitted from her breath in
my ear. I can feel Hayasaka-san’s happiness all over his body.

To be honest, Tachibana-san is more skilled, more educated, more versatile, and

because of our unusually good chemistry, I feel more physical pleasure with her.

And even though Hayasaka-san is clumsy, she is also hardworking, serious, and there
is a sense of peripheral pleasure in knowing that a girl likes you so much.

—Come on, lick my ear too.

I stroked her head while licking her ear. Hayasaka-san’s body began shaking.


—Hayasaka-san… Your voice…

The sound of Hayasaka-san’s lovely voice also makes me feel strange.

I thoroughly and relentlessly licked her ear. She was getting happier and happier, so I
didn’t stop. The moment I placed my tongue at the back, she screamed loudly. Her
thighs were covered in sweat, and it began to spread beyond her legs… Or maybe it
wasn’t sweat.

—Hayasaka-san, it’s time.

—Kirishima-kun, let’s do it again!

Maybe it’s not about licking each other’s ears, but something else. Hayasaka-san’s eyes
are unfocused.
—No, there’s a rule about kissing.

—I don’t want that anymore. I’m Kirishima-kun’s girlfriend, remember?

—Yes, I remember.

—There’s something I thought when I saw Tachibana-san wearing your tie.

—And what was it?

—I was wondering how things went with her. Will she become his girlfriend if he
confesses? But at that time, there was no difference between me and her. I was
supposed to be your girlfriend, and despite that, I was losing to her.

—That’s not true.

—But it’s okay, because I knew I could have you with me regardless.

Hayasaka-san grabs my hand and pulls it to her chest. Her disheveled hair is strangely
sexy, and her underwear was visible due to her sweat. When my hand went to her
chest, Hayasaka-san’s face lit up with joy.

—No, wait a minute, if we’re going to do what boyfriends do, why are we doing it here?


Hayasaka-san says while pressing my leg between her thighs.

—I think it’s okay for Kirishima-kun and Tachibana-san to be together. But I want
Kirishima-kun to remember that I’m his girlfriend. That’s why I want to do a lot of
things that you can only perform with me.

That was Tachibana-san’s level of seriousness.

—I want to do it here, and now. There’s no pressure. Because, you know, I’ve been… I
feel hot and tingly… Kirishima-kun, don’t you want to help me?

I try to think of something to say, but then I feel Hayasaka-san’s body pressing against
—… Yes, I would like to.

—Good. I want you to do whatever you want, Kirishima-kun. I want you to touch all
the parts of my body that you haven’t touched yet.

Hayasaka-san’s cheeks are flushed.

After those words, I squeezed her breasts tightly.

—Aah, Kirishima-kun…

A moan escapes from her.

Hayasaka-san reacts in an interesting way. Her facial expression changed, and her
voice was agitated.

Then I touched her hips, and then her thighs.

—Kirishima-kun… Aaah…

Then I started kissing her lips.

I had never seen her expression and reaction like that. I wanted to see more of that, so
I touched Hayasaka-san’s body.

I wanted to keep hearing that voice and her moans, so I proceeded to put my hand
under her skirt.

—Are you sure?

—Yes, I…

That’s when it happened. Her phone started ringing.

—Give me a minute.

Hayasaka-san squats down and reaches out to grab it.

—I’m going to turn it off, because I don’t want us to be interrupted.

She pulls out her phone, looks at the screen and freezes.


Her phone was still ringing, but her gaze was still fixed on the screen. So I walked over
to her, and looked at the screen, that’s when I realized the situation.

I see.

That was what Maki had been talking about. After all, he is the student council
president, these things he should have known in advance.

So, I proceeded to look at my phone as well.

The same message that Hayasaka-san received was also sent to me. It was Yanagi-

“I’m transferring to your school, Kirishima, it will be a pleasure to study together!”

—I hate that guy!

It was lunchtime, and Maki spoke with a bitter look down the hall.

—It’s not fair that he’s suddenly so popular and all the girls like him. I’m the student
council president, and I worked hard to earn respect and admiration. Then that guy
comes along, and out of nowhere he takes that place away from me.

Yanagi-senpai is in third year, and he had to transfer to another school, which became
a hot topic in our high school because he is a very cheerful, cool and charming guy.

—Don’t be like that. You were the same way when you came here.

—I know, I know, I know, I know. But I’m unique! I’m the president of the student
council! Do you know what happened today? A girl came up to me and asked me if I
knew him, she wanted to know if she could join the council. It’s crazy!

When the girls found out that I got along with Yanagi-senapi, they kept questioning
me, asking me questions like, “What’s his favorite food? What kind of music does he
listen to? Does he have a girlfriend?”

—It’s the whole package. The fact that he was part of the student soccer team, and
then quit due to injury, makes him more influential. Girls love guys with tragedies…
Hey, Kirishima, where are you going?

—I promised Senpai I’d show him around.

—So you’re going to be his slave now?

I left Maki whining and headed for the third grade classroom. I immediately
recognized the third graders because they were taller than me.

—Hey, Kirishima.

Yanagi-senpai sees me and approaches me. As we walked down the hall together,
everyone had their eyes on us. It’s inevitable when you’re friends with someone very

During the walk, I explained which room belonged to which subject.

—I’m surprised by your sudden change of school.

—Yes, I’m not very good at exams and I wanted to change to a more advanced school
as soon as possible.

—There are also summer classes. Although, don’t you want to play soccer anymore,

—No. There are already many boys who play better than me. Besides, Kirishima, you
don’t have to use honorifics with me. I’ve already told you many times.

—You know I can’t do that.

While we were talking, I suddenly realized that Sakai was standing in the hallway in
her nerd mode.

—You must be Yanagi-kun, the new kid in school.

Sakai is not afraid of Yanagi-senpai. The people around us were very surprised.
—Well, I have something to do, I’d better go.

—Eh? Why?

—Something tells me I’m not the one you guys want to talk to.

Hiding behind Sakai’s back, Hayasaka-san was watching us.

Sakai pushes Hayasaka to stand in front of her.

—Hey, Hayasaka-chan

Yanagai-san couldn’t help but be surprised. Hayasaka-san’s face turned red instantly.


Then she looked at me and became nervous as she said:

—Kirishia-kun… Hello.

Apparently, Hayasaka-san becomes more awkward when she’s in front of senpai.

—Senpai, Kirishima-kun is showing you around school?!

—Hayasaka-chan, what’s wrong with you? You look so red.

—It’s too hot today.

—You look a little bad.

—Yeah, well, I’m still not used to the idea of seeing my Senpai at school, hahaha.

As they talked, Hayasaka-san became more and more relaxed.

—Hayasaka-san, why don’t you finish showing Senpai around?

—Huh? Me?

—Yes. I got a bad grade on the last exam. So I have to prepare for the make-up exam.
—How is it possible for Kirishima-kun to get bad grades? Oh…

After a moment, Hayasaka-san understood what I was trying to do.

—Oh well, I’ll take care of it. I’ll do my best.

—Great. Then, I’ll let you take care of it.

I tried to walk away quickly. Unfortunately, it wasn’t like that.

—Come on, don’t be so stiff, Kirishima, let’s go for a ride together, the three of us.

Yanagi-senpai prevents my impromptu escape.

—If you want to study, I’ll help you out later. Just like in kindergarten.

“Besides,” he says, whispering in my ear.

—Kirishima, you like Hayasaka-chan, don’t you?

—No, not at all.

—Don’t be shy, I’ll take care of it.

I know you’re trying to help me, but the thing is, I already have a secret relationship
with Hayasaka-san.

In the end, the three of us decide to take a look at the school building. Hayasaka-san
walks awkwardly in front of us, so Yanagi-senpai approaches her and speaks to her in
a whisper.

—As far as I’m concerned, Kirishima is the one.

—What makes you think so?

—Hayasaka-chan, you’re so embarrassed. He’s definitely the one you’re attracted to.

Yanagi-senpai. You’re so insensitive. It was the same in high school when we’d go to
the convenience store after school for ice cream, and the girls would stare at you, but
you never did anything about it.
—Kirishima, you’re very popular, aren’t you?

—Not in a billion years. Unlike you, Senpai, no one notices me every time I walk.

I looked at Hayasaka-san and saw how nervous she was. She probably feels
disappointed not to be alone with her senpai… That, or she feels uncomfortable
because all eyes are on her for walking next to the most popular guy in the place.

The relationship between her and Yanagi is materializing so fast it seems


So I approached her and spoke to her in a low voice.

—Hey, you have my full support.

Hayasaka-san smiles and clenches her fist.

—Thank you, I’ll do my best.

—You’re a bit of an idiot. You look like a juvenile delinquent.

Sakai says.

I was in the bike yard. I was skipping class because I didn’t feel like going inside, and
that’s when she saw me.

—Is this about Akane?

—No, I was looking for Yamanaka-kun. Maki asked me to cut the storyboard for the
short film. And I kept thinking about the script.

—The script will be done by Tachibana-san, so you don’t have to worry about it.

I had finished my conversation, but Sakai was still standing in front of me.

—Akane has been too clumsy lately, so much that I can’t stand her.

—That’s not the point here.

—I made cookies in the cooking class. Since I had some left over I gave them to Akane.
Didn’t she give them to you?


“I’m going to give it to my Senpai,” she said happily. He didn’t seem to care about me
at all.

—So, does that mean she’s already won him over?

—How should I know? She’s so clumsy that before she left, she stumbled while
walking. It’s getting harder for me to process her attitude.

—Why don’t you try talking to her in the classroom? Or on the way home?

—Impossible. She’s distracted all the time in class, and when I suggested we go home
together, she left me stranded.

—That’s classic Hayasaka-san. You must know how she is, is she so different with me
than when she’s with Senpai?

—I’m standing beside the man who got discarded. What does that tell you?

—Did you come here to make fun of me?

—Not at all. But there’s something else. Akane hasn’t forgotten about you.

—She hasn’t?

—In fact, she was very worried about it. Weren’t you the one who made it possible for
her to go on a date with her senpai that day at the soccer hall?

That’s right. I kept it a secret for a long time, but now it turns out that Yanagi and I
were really close, so that truth came out.

—Akane was talking to herself again. “I made Kirishima-kun do terrible things just
because I like his best friend. I feel so guilty… He probably hates me,” that was what
she was saying, as she was on the verge of bursting into tears.

—I did it because I wanted to. She doesn’t owe me anything.

Even Hayasaka-san helped me by leaving an umbrella when I was alone with
Tachibana-san that day. I want her to be really happy with Yanagi-senpai.

—I think Akane is confused.

—Is she? I get the impression that she feels better now that she’s close to the person
she loves the most.

—That’s because Akane is trying to be considerate of you and is trying to fit into the
scenario you drew for her. Feelings manifest from the person you interact and spend
time with the most. And that was you. But seeing that you and Tachibana get along,
she is now forcing herself to be with her Senpai. After all, this is Akane we’re talking

Saki tilted her head and looked at me seriously.

—After all the barbarities you guys have done together, she was this close to falling
completely in love with you, and suddenly your best friend shows up, so she has no
choice but to be together with him. Do you think a person can change their feelings so

—I’m still the second one.

—In Akane’s mind, maybe. But in her heart, you’re the first.

—What are you trying to say?

—If you ask Akane to do something, she’ll do it.

—How do you know that?

—Hmm. As long as there’s no change in the rules, things will take their course.


—Aagh, you’re the one who’s always supporting her and insisting on doing something.
She will act according to your wishes.

—Tch, let her do what she wants. I won’t regret what happens between them.
Sakai’s advice on love had an effect on me after school. I was the last in the class when
a smiling Hayasaka-san approached me.

—Senpai asked me out. He said we should go to a new pancake store together.

—… Good for you.

It was probably Sakai, who had the courage to influence Yanagi. That girl is really

—I’m glad you’re finally going on a date alone with him.

—Yes, then Kirishima-kun, let’s go together.


I don’t understand anything she just said. But Hayasaka-san says it with a really
unmistakable smile.

—I’m no good without you, Kirishima-kun. Please stay by my side forever!

Sakai was right after all. Hayasaka-san is too confused.

—Why do the senpai and Kirishima-kun get along so well?

Hayasaka-san asks, and senpai replied.

—When I was in kindergarten, there was a camping trip organized by the local
government. We had to sleep in the open and cook our food on the campfire. And, by
chance, Kirishima and I were partners.

—True, I pitched my tent on the sandbank because it looked like fun. But in the middle
of the night, I woke up to the sound of the river running. It had rained a lot, and that
caused the water to rise, causing the river to swell. We were forced to leave the place,
but I fell into the water… Then you saved me.
—Oh, come on, you’re leaving out the most important parts.


Hayasaka-san asks in a matter-of-fact tone.

At the pancake store she was able to have a smoother conversation than usual.
Whenever she heard senpai’s voice, Hayasaka-san looked like a girl in love.

But when my knee and Hayasaka’s knee collide under the table, she looks at me and
makes an embarrassed face. But I remembered that I am with senpai, so I tried to keep
my composure.

From time to time, she would look at me with a puzzled expression. She was having a
hard time coping with this situation.

—When Kirishima was asleep, I was outside the tent gathering my things.

—And when I woke up, I hadn’t seen you anywhere, so I hurried out. A piece of wood
that was in a tree fell, and so that’s how it happened.

—Indeed, that’s when I jumped into the river to help you. It’s not every day that a man
jumps into the river to save someone else’s life.

—Well, it’s because Senpai is such an amazing person.

—And that’s how Kirishima and I saved each other’s lives. That’s why we used to be
together in high school.

The relationship between Yanagi-senapi and me is very natural, like two brothers who
love each other. But, the reason why I feel uncomfortable is because of the relationship
I have with Hayasaka-san. It’s not natural, nor healthy.

—Well, I have some things to do.

Senpai stands up after saying those words.

—Now it’s up to you two.

That’s all he said, then he paid the bill for us and left. Surely it was in his plans for
Hayasaka-san and I to be alone at some point.

—Did your date turn out to be pleasant? I’m sorry I couldn’t help you in a better way.

Despite my words, Hayasaka-san remains silent with her head bowed.

—What’s the matter?

—… I’m sorry too. I’m sorry for bringing Kirishima-kun here when I was with Yanagi-
senpai. Now that I think about it, I did something terrible.

—No problem. You’ve done a lot for me, haven’t you, Hayasaka-san?

—I didn’t want Kirishima-kun to do this. I’m a bad person.

Hayasaka-san starts to cry.

—Hayasaka-san, you must be very tired.

After a while, Hayasaka-san remained silent, crying quietly.

I looked out the window and it was pouring rain. I leaned my elbows on the table and
watched the water pouring down over the city.

When the sun peeked through the clouds, Hayasaka-san raised her head.

She had a smile on her face that made it hard to look at her.

—I’m going to confess my feelings to Senpai on the last day of school.

One or two confessions are a guarantee of failure. It may sound dramatic, but it’s like
quitting a game halfway through.

After the end of the school day, she was sitting alone in the classroom.

Hayasaka-san is now heading to the third-year classroom to confess her feelings to

Yanagi-senpai. A few days ago we talked about such a situation again in the cafeteria.
—It’s very difficult for me.

Hayasaka-san said, taking a sip of her tea.

—When I’m with senpai, I can’t help but be awkward. But when I’m with Kirishima-
kun, I feel like myself.

—How hard can it be?

—In front of senpai, I act like I don’t have a boyfriend. But that’s kind of fake knowing
that I have you. It was easier when senpai was studying at another school, and having
him in the same place makes everything more complicated.

The fact that Yanagi-senpai and I are in the same place makes her feel more confused
than unusual.

—I’m not cut out to be an actress.

—Well, we can both agree you’re bad at acting.

From that moment on, Hayasaka-san didn’t listen to me and said a series of words to

—I must confess my feelings to him… I don’t know what I’m going to do if I don’t… It’s
not that I want to do it on a whim, I want to do it because I have to. Although, that’s
the reason Kirishima-kun hates me, isn’t it?

I can’t say anything about it. Hayasaka-san has a tendency to not budge when she
makes up her mind about something.
And on the last day of class, I was waiting for the result of Hayasaka-san’s confession.
But, unfortunately, I was feeling very impatient.

Yanagi-senpai thinks that I like Hayasaka-san. So he will never accept her feelings. He’s
the kind of man who respects other people’s love lives.

To be frank, it would be more convenient for me if Hayasaka-san was rejected. This

way, I’ll be able to be with her if things with Tachibana-san don’t work out.

Hayasaka-san is a perfect insurance policy, and the chance of heartbreak is zero


More importantly, I don’t have to hand over that cute, sweet, cuddly girl Hayasaka-san
to anyone else.

I got up from my seat and proceeded to leave the classroom.

I want Hayasaka-san to be happy. So, even if it doesn’t suit me, this confession, the
success rate of which is almost zero, has to be put to an end.

I have to make her tell the truth, that she is in love with someone else.

If things don’t turn out the way I think they will. The chances of Yanagi-senpai falling
in love with Hayasaka-san are high. And the reason why I want to do this is because I
really like Hayasaka-san.

I don’t know if I would have cheered up if I had been the first one, but I’m a little sad
about it. When I got to the third-grade classroom, I saw Hayasaka-san.

She was standing in the hallway, holding her hand to her chest and taking a deep

—Kirishima-kun, what’s wrong?

It was then that Hayasaka-san saw me. Just then, Yanagi-senpai came out of the

Hayasaka-san and I said in unison.

The reason is that, behind Yanagi-senpai, there was an unexpected person.


It was Tachibana-san, it seemed that she had returned from her competition. Then she
looked between me and Hayasaka-san with a suspicious look.

—What is going on here?

—Nothing is going on, Tachibana-san.

Seeing me in a daze, Yanagi-senpai nods his head.

—Kirishima, what’s wrong?

—Senpai, do you know Tachibana-san?


Yanagi-senpai scratches his head and looks at Tachibana-san.

—Can I leave?

When senpai asked, Tachibana-san said, “Okay.” Since they don’t use honorifics, you
can tell they’ve known each other for some time.

I have a bad feeling about this. I don’t want to listen to anything he says. I just want to
get away as quickly as possible.

Tachibana-san looks at me, but her gaze drifts diagonally downward with her usual

A somewhat sad attitude convinces me that my hunch is correct. I need to mentally

prepare myself for the emotional impact.

I turn my head with the intention of sword, but before I could move my body, my
senpai stops me in my tracks.
—I’m engaged to her.


—We’ll get married after we graduate.

Yanagi-senpai and Tachibana-san are getting married? What kind of response do you
give to these situations?

—Oh, umm… Congratulations?

—It’s still too early to say that.

My mind can’t keep up with the situation.

What should I do now, and what could I do. Am I now involved in a love picture where
Tachibana-san, Hayasaka-san, Yanagi-senpai and I are all part of it?

I look to my side and see Hayasaka-san smiling calmly.

She can’t think of anything. She has an enlightened look on her face. It would be easier
if I could act like her.

—By the way, Maki talked to me. You don’t have enough people to make a short film,
do you? I’ll help you with that. Let’s work together, Hayasaka-chan!

Hayasaka-san nods while keeping a buddha-like smile on her face.

I’m trying to think of something, but I can’t get my head around the camp. First of all,
I have to put the situation in perspective.

At times like this, it’s good to go through repetitive daily motions to calm the mind. I’ll
start sharpening pencils when I get home.

By the time I sharpened the eleventh pencil, I should have regained my composure…
Or so I thought.
Akane Hayasaka was talking to Sakai in a coffee shop. They were talking about where
they were going on their summer vacation and other trivial things.

—Akane, can you drink black coffee?

—Yes, well, I’m trying to get used to the taste.

—How strange, all you used to do was drink tea… Who influenced you…?

Saki raises an eyebrow after saying those words, and Akane proceeds to place two
sugar cubes in her coffee.

—I never imagined that Tachibana-san and Yanagi-senpai were engaged.

—Yes. I was very surprised when I heard about it. I heard it was a mutual decision
between their parents.

—Akane, what do you plan to do?

—Me? I plan to continue. I’m not going to give up on him… Even if they’re engaged.

—Well, I don’t think you should be in a hurry to decide who you’re going to marry. And
I think it’s wrong for families to force their children to get engaged. Besides, if you and
Yanagi-senpai end up doing well, it means Kirishima-kun will be doing well too.

—Huh? Do you know?

—Yes, I know.

—I see… even from Aya-chan’s point of view, Kirishima-kun likes Tachibana-san.

—Then I have to make an effort. If I succeed, Tachibana-san will be free from that
commitment, and she can be with Kirishima-kun, right…? Kirishima-kun… He… Will
he be happy? I have to become a good girl for Kirishima-kun.

—Hey, Akane…


—… No, nothing, it doesn’t matter. So, are you going to the summer camp?

—Yes, I’m going. Aya-chan was also invited, right?

—Yes, Maki asked me to perform for him.

—Oh, then we’ll all go together, it’ll be fun.

—… Sure.

Sakai lowers her gaze, and thinks for a bit before continuing the conversation.

—I’m worried, though I’m surprised that Yanagi and Kirishima are friends.

—Yes, it’s amazing that the two of them are such good friends.

Akane cheerfully tells the story of how Kirishima almost drowned in the river.

—Kirishima-kun is amazing. He’s kind and brave. He pretends to be smart, but he’s
not. But he has many weaknesses, which makes him likeable. And then…


—… Who are you really in love with?

—With Yanagi-senpai, of course.

—What do you like about Yanagi?

—I don’t know… A lot of things. The feeling that he’s a boy who works hard when he
plays soccer, how gentle he is, how well people like him, how reliable he becomes.
Don’t you think the same when you see him-…?

Hayasaka-san stops talking and goes blank? Then he blinks several times and opens
his mouth again.

—Um, Yanagi-senpai… the reason I like him? Uh, I guess I haven’t recovered from my
flu yet… Anyway, I like him very much, and I have to do my best…
It was the first morning of August and I was on the express train to Hakone. I was on
my way to the summer camp organized by Maki.

Those who will be on site to participate in the short film are Tachibana-san, Hayasaka-
san, Sakai-san, Yanagi-senpai, Yamanaka-kun, Maki, and as an advisor, Miki-chan.

– Are you okay, Senpai?

I asked Yanagi-senpai, who was sitting next to me.

-I had to study for my exams.

-It doesn’t hurt to take a few days off to rest, besides, you could have brought your
study materials.

-Yes, although it’s also a good thing, since now I’ll have time to make some good
memories with Hikari.

Yanagi-senapi calls Tachibana-san by his first name.

Speaking of which, the person in question was sitting next to Hayasaka-san two seats
in front of us, chatting with her about the script they were going to use for the

-Tachibana-san, the script you wrote is very good.

– Really?

-Yes. Although Kirishima-kun is the first to die, his corpse will appear in the first scene,
whose idea was that? Maki-kun’s?

-No, in fact, I wanted to.

– Aren’t you ashamed to admit it?

-No, he’s of more use to us as a corpse.

It’s good that Hayasaka-san and Tachibana-san get along so well.

-Kirishima, thank you very much.

-But I didn’t do anything, it was Maki who organized all this.

-Even so.

The real reason Yanagi-senpai moved to the new school was because of Tachibana-
san. Since he is her fiance, he only sees her once a month, and they hardly spend any
time together.

So, before getting married, they have to get along better as a couple.

-At first I only met her because my parents told me so. I had the impression that she
was a very unsociable girl.

Senpai started talking about how he met Tachibana-san. I couldn’t help but feel a little
nervous that someone else might overhear us.

But Tachibana-san seems to be enjoying the sweets she bought at the station. She and
Hayasaka-san are having a great time.

-After meeting with her a few times, my impression had changed completely. She was
willing to accept a marriage proposal for the sake of her mother. She didn’t want her
to suffer for raising her on her own. Don’t you think that’s surprisingly old-fashioned?

It’s quite unusual for Yanagi-senpai to express himself that way. And I can already
imagine what he’s going to say next. Honestly, I don’t want to listen to him. I wish
someone would come now and interrupt us so I don’t have to listen to him.

But Sakai-san and Yamanaka-kun’s seats are far away from us. Even Miki-chan and
Maki aren’t even in their seats… Speaking of which, where are they?

-And then I realized… That I had fallen in love with her.

I immediately looked at Hayasaka-san in front of me. I didn’t want her to hear those

Fortunately, Hayasaka-san had stopped at the candy cart, and was concentrating on
picking out lots of goodies. I wonder if she’ll be able to eat all that by herself.

Yanagi-senpai likes Tachibana-san, regardless of whether he is married to her or not.

It’s much more real when you hear it in person.

A love triangle has materialized.

-Senpai, do you want to join the mystery and research club?

-Don’t worry. It’s bad enough that I transferred so suddenly to your school.

-But after school, it’s just the two of us.

-I trust you, Kirishima. I know you’re not the kind of guy who does weird things with

-I-I see.

He doesn’t know that Tachibana-san and I have a promise since childhood, and until
recently, we had performed the spiciest games to ever exist in the club room.

My senpai trusts me unconditionally, but I am hiding things from him.

-I am in love with her, and I want to be by her side as close as possible.

I tried to say something about it, but I preferred to keep quiet, and started looking
through the train window.

I noticed that Tachibana-san and Hayasaka-san were quiet. It seems like they were
eating the candy they bought just now.

I put on my headphones and put on some music.

After a while, Hayasaka-san and Tachibana-san left their seats and walked over here.

– What’s going on?

When I take off my headphones, Hayasaka-san answers.

-I thought I’d go to the candy cart, I’m in the mood for ice cream.

– Really? Don’t you think you’ve eaten enough? If you keep it up, you’ll get fat.

-Kirishima-kun, what did you say?

Oh, I think I messed up.

Tachibana-san said nothing about it, and went to the candy cart.

-I know she doesn’t like me.

After the girls went to the next car, the Senpai took the floor.

-But, I also know I have to be patient.

-To get her to fall in love with you?

-Yes. She’s one of those girls who doesn’t want any man to touch her. I’ll have to wait a
lifetime for her to let me do it, or for her to want to do it with me. I’m going to stay
with her and try not to be a bother. I know it’s crazy, but I really like her a lot.

The senpai and I are polar opposites.

He tries to be uncompromising in his love for the girl he loves the most. There is no
fear of giving up, nor of what might happen if his feelings for her end in vain.

I, on the other hand, rejected the fantasy of pure love and committed myself to the
reality of being second best. I’m still of the same mindset, but I can understand why
people like the idea of pure love so much. It’s a bit of a dazzler.

-Everything will be fine.

I meant those words. When I found out that Tachibana-san’s fiance was Yanagi-senpai,
I gave up.

It is true that I felt some affection for Tachibana-san. But there were too many factors,
such as the responsibility she has to her mother and the relationship between Yanagi-
senpai and me.

So before camp, Tachibana-san and I talked about our relationship. And now, we don’t
talk much anymore.

-I’m sure things will go well between you and Tachibana-san.

-Thank you, Kirishima, you’re a great guy. If you ever get into trouble, let me know. I’ll
do anything for you, after all, we’ve saved each other’s lives.

Senpai smiles amicably after those words.

I had always known that I wouldn’t be able to be with the person I love the most, and
that’s the way it’s going to be. I don’t have to get depressed because things didn’t work
out the way I expected. After all, that was always a possibility.

I don’t mind it at all. In fact, I’m thankful that I left the complications of falling in love
with a girl who is engaged to be married.

-By the way, Kirishima, you haven’t eaten your Pocky for a while now.

-Oh, yes, I had already forgotten.

The silver pouch lies in my lap. I had bought it at the convenience store at the station.

-For some reason, I feel like it doesn’t taste very good.

The senpai takes a Pocky stick and eats it.

-How strange, it tastes normal to me.

– Really, you don’t feel like something is missing? You don’t think it’s wrong that the
cookie isn’t moist? I wish they were, it’s not the same…

– Kirishima?

Seeing my reaction, senpai started looking at me suspiciously. I decided to eat a little

more to avoid any misunderstandings.
-You gave up too quickly, just because her fiance is your senpai.

Maki said.

-Although, come to think of it, I was also indebted to Yanagi-senpai when I was in high
school, so I understand Kirishima’s feelings. But, Tachibana is your first love, right?

-That’s right.

It was evening, and Maki and I were taking an open air bath.

The first day, we didn’t do any filming. We just went to a museum, ate hot rolls, and
had a lot of fun sightseeing around the place. Then we went back to the lodge, had
dinner, and are now taking a dip in the hot springs.

-I see. Wouldn’t it be better if you asked Tachibana to break off her engagement? Have
you already tried?

-No, I can’t do something like that.

– Why?

-It would be very selfish of me to do that.

Since there’s a promise between Tachibana-san and I, it would be very foolish of me

not to take advantage of it. I could use it as an excuse to influence her feelings and
make her stay with me. But…

-If this causes the agreement between Yanagi-senpai and Tachibana-san to fall apart,
the economic stability in Tachibana-san’s household will no longer be the same. Then
her future will be affected.

And when she comes to her senses about the choice she made, she might regret it.

-So, this is no longer about a simple high school romance. This is about the future.

-Exactly, it is no longer a matter of simple feelings.

I don’t want to make Tachibana-san unhappy.

-Besides, I can’t betray senpai.

-Well, Kirishima, if that’s what you’ve decided, nothing else can be done. Besides,
Tachibana and her boyfriend make a nice couple.

When we were sightseeing in Hakone, Tachibana-san walked beside him all the time.
And when we had dinner at the inn, she was sitting next to him all the time. It was
quite an unusual action coming from her.

– What did you do to cause her to distance herself from you so much?

-Nothing, we both decided to do so.

– Really…? How is that possible?


It happened a week ago.

During summer vacation, club activities are suspended. But on that day, Tachibana-
san and I met in the club room. The goal was to come up with a scenario for the movie
we’d be shooting at the camp.

-I want us to use anagrams.

-That’s not a good idea, Tachibana-san. It’s not something that has much impact on
movies. Let’s use narrative tricks instead.

It is about the mystery method used for filming. Tachibana-san and I share the same
hobbies. We like night radio and mysteries.

But with a few contrasts. Regarding radio, she listens to the Japan Broadcasting
System. I listen to Japan Cultural Broadcasting.

And regarding mystery books, she loves anagrams, and I love narrative tricks.

-No, I want the anagrams.

Anagrams are tricks with letters.

It is a technique in which a string of unintelligible letters appears, and when the letters
are rearranged, an important fact of the story is revealed.

-But Tachibana-san, how can you possibly want to use anagrams in a short film?

-It has a certain charm, and it will make the end of the film extraordinary.

Tachibana-san, you are more clumsy than I thought.

-No, Tachibana-san. Anagrams are not interesting in a movie.

-Since you put it in that perspective, even your narrative tricks are only viable in

-Like a girl who calls herself me, or an old man who calls himself young. However,
some of them have been worked into movies and have been a success.

The essence of the narrative trick is to exploit the incomprehension of the reader or
viewer. And when the truth comes out, that’s when the viewer realizes how wrong
they were.

-And for that reason, in the first scene, we’ll have a corpse.

-Hmm. Well, for a short film, it’s probably a good idea.

Tachibana-san took notes to outline the story.

-Very well. We’ll use a narrative trick. In exchange, you let me name the characters.

-Sounds good to me.

And so the direction of the script had been decided. But the problems came later.

-President, while we’re here, let’s do this.

Tachibana-san had taken out the love guide again.

-I would like to try more things.

-We can’t.

-President, I see you are in a bad mood.

-Just because I refuse doesn’t mean I’m necessarily in a bad mood.

-It’s all right. I won’t ask again.

Tachibana-san, as she usually does in these situations, prepares to go home and leaves
the club room.

In the past, this was the part where I would stop her and agree to play, but I can’t do it

When she opened the door, Tachibana-san turned and stared at me.

-President, are you sure you don’t want to do it?


– Why?

-I don’t have to tell you.

– Is it because I am engaged? Who decided that?

-I’m not going to play your game again.

Tachibana-san is no longer just a deluded girl. She now knows many things.

– Is it because I’m marrying your friend?


We stared at each other for a while.

We have always pretended to be insensitive to things, and have enjoyed a delicate

relationship together.

But I can no longer ignore that fact. The sun has set… It’s time for me to go home. We
can’t go on with these games, and Tachibana-san can’t risk ruining her and her
mother’s future.

And I cannot betray Yanagi-senpai.

-I feel bad for Yanagi-kun too. I wish I could fall in love with him. I wish I could love
him, just as I would have also felt the desire to touch him, and for him to touch me…
But it’s something that won’t happen. Because I can only do those things with you. I
tried many times not to, but I failed… I only like you.

-I’m sorry.

-It’s okay, it doesn’t matter… But, I’d like to know, were you really in love with me when
we were kids?

-First love is never forgotten.

-Yes. Yet you won’t choose me at the expense of everything around me, do you…? Well,
I don’t really like you either. I was just curious what love was like.

Tachibana-san turns around again, and before leaving says one more thing.

-I will pretend that the promise we made to each other when we were children, and
the memories we created together never happened… Goodbye, Kirishima-kun.

-Maybe things will be better this way. But what about Hayasaka-san?

-I think she hasn’t given up on conquering Yanagi-senpai yet… But it will be difficult
for her to do so.

Hayasaka-san is not the kind of woman who can seduce a man who is engaged.

-You’re right about that.

Things were back to square one. It was only natural that Hayasaka-san and I ended up

-Things were very predictable.

-Yes, after all, that was what we had planned from the beginning.

Even if we end up being second, we have to be able to say that we have done our best
to be the first among us. And that we have no regrets about what we have done.

-This camp is a rite of passage for it.

When this trip is over, the bond between Hayasaka-san and Yanagi-senpai should be

Maki has a totally different idea, though.

-People’s emotions are not a puzzle. They don’t always fit together.

-Let’s get to it!

I express my encouragement before we begin shooting our short film.

We had finally started recording the project. We were supposed to be done yesterday,
but we deviated a lot from our main plans.

-I’m pretty sure he’s 100 percent dead.

Said Tachibana-san, who had rubber gloves on and put her hand on my neck.

I was playing the role of a corpse in a large bathroom.

– But is he really dead? Hey, hey.

Tachibana-san plays a dangerous character. She seems to be having fun, but, above all,
I felt that the force of the punch he threw at me contained personal feelings.

And if the blow wasn’t enough, she also threw warm water on me, a method she did
to alter the estimated time of death. I know it’s a movie, but is all this really necessary?

-Maybe it’s too hot? Well, I don’t think it matters, after all, he’s dead. Fufufu.

And to wrap things up, they put me in a sack of rice, and dropped me down a slope
behind the inn.

-And… Cut!!!

The first scene ends with Maki’s voice.

– Are you ok?

It was time for rest, and Hayasaka-san approached me, agitated.

I was sitting in the backyard of the lodge, checking the spot where the shooting of the
first scene ended. I actually fell from that spot, and it hurt a little, but not enough to
bruise me where I landed.

– Is that scene supposed to be a part of the narrative?

-Yes. We will start by showing this scene at the beginning. This way, we’ll make the
viewer think that Tachibana-san killed me.

But the reality is that there is another real killer. Tachibana-san is just getting rid of
my body.

From here on, Tachibana-san will commit more murders to protect Yanagi-san, the
real criminal.

-It’s amazing the script Tachibana-san wrote. However, her naming sense is a bit

-I think the reason my character is named Kirinji Kiriyama is because I like the Kirinji

-Then, why is the character of Yanagi-senpai Ishikura Morishi?

-It’s probably the nickname of his favorite football player. He’s retired now, but there
was a player on the Japanese national team named Morishita.

Sakai’s character Wakui Shea, and Yamanaka’s is Tezukayama Beret.

– And why am I Muneko? I don’t even know what it means.

-Well, that refers to your big breasts. (NT: Mune is japanese for breast, tons ya know

– Is that what it means? I don’t know if I like this name very much.

Hayasaka-san gets angry for a moment, but it was in a playful tone, so she ends up
calming down instantly.

In front of my eyes, I saw Yanagi-senpai. A little farther away was Tachibana-san, who
was beside him. She seemed to be having trouble opening the lid of a jar, so senpai
helped her with it.

It was the classic scene of a man helping his partner.

– Do you like Yanagi-senpai?

Hayasaka-san nodded her head when I asked hee about it.

-Tachibana-san is lucky. She is desired by Kirishima-kun and senpai. She is the most
perfect girl I have ever met.

-Don’t say that, Hayasaka-san. There are many people who are very much attracted to

-Maybe so, but when I’m by her side, everything is completely different. Tachibana-
san is special. Do you know when her birthday is?

-Yes, on January 1.

-Exactly. Tachibana-san was born on the first day of the year. No one can beat her, and
no one can match her. But, even so, I will give my best.

Hayasaka-san expressed while clenching her fist.

-I will find a way to take senpai away from her.

Until recently, her love for him was confused and she couldn’t help but panic. And
when she found out that Yanagi-senpai was Tachibana-san’s fiance, she went into
complete shock. Although, she has been recovering slowly.
-You don’t have to try so hard… Remember that you’re not that kind of person.

-Yes, I know I can’t beat her under normal circumstances. But this time, it’s different.

– What are you trying to say?

-I hate Tachibana-san.

Those were really strong words coming from Hayasaka-san.

-Despite not wanting to break off her engagement to Yanagi-senpai, she was hitting on

So, Hayasaka-san did not like the fact that she was playing with mine and senpai’s

-This time I’m not going to hold back. It’s going to be a tough rivalry, hahaha. I feel like
a bad girl. Besides, it’s beneficial for Kirishima-kun if senpai broke up with her, right?

Hayasaka-san’s feelings seem to be focused on me and Yanagi-senpai.

I wonder if she’s lost sight of her true feelings. I’m a little worried about that.

I looked back in the direction where those two were. I saw Tachibana-san wiping the
sweat from senpai’s forehead with a hand towel.

Hayasaka-san watched him for a while and then looked at me.

-Hey, Kirishima-kun, let’s kiss.

– What?

-I want to kiss you here and now, before anyone sees us.

I think it’s a bad idea, but Hayasaka-san’s expression was blank. I have a feeling that
there’s no way for me to escape this.

-If the two of them can be that affectionate, we should be able to kiss, too.

Hayasaka-san’s eyes are fixed on me.

So I hurried to kiss her without anyone seeing us.

-It’s fun to do bad things.

Hayasaka-san’s expression is very sexy. And she is behaving worse and worse. But she
quickly regained her girlish expression and cheerfully said:

-I’m sorry, I can’t help it. I will still be by your side as your second girlfriend. And I will
be until the end.

By the time shooting was over, the sun was beginning to set.

We had finished editing the short film in the evening, and decided to screen it on
location. Honestly, I am amazed at Maki’s speed in editing.

We were inside a large room, with a big screen on the wall where the movie would be

During the entire recording time, Hayasaka-san had been moving her chips to get
closer to Yanagi-senapi.

But she was still too clumsy and shy to be able to do anything about it.

Hayasaka-san was sitting next to me on the tatami mat, and in front of us was Senpai
and Tachibana-san.

-Well, let’s get started.

The room then gradually darkens.

Yamanaka-kun took control of the computer and played the movie.

The title of the movie was “The Hot Springs Mystery”, immediately after the title, it
shows some big words that say; “Directed by Shota Maki”. It was something that
brought laughter to all of us in the room.

In my case, my eyes had managed to rest not on the screen but on Tachibana-san. Her
hair was up and I could see her thin, fragile neck.
-I guess it didn’t look too bad as a commercial, after all, it’s set in the same inn.


Yanagi-senpai and Tachibana-san were having a conversation in whispers.

The short film is 15 minutes long, so it reached its climax quickly. It was the last scene,
and everyone was impressed by Tachibana-san’s acting skills during the filming.

Tachibana-san was defending Yanagi-senpai, who was the real culprit, and had been
discovered by Detective Maki, and before turning herself in to the police, she tells
Yanagi-senapi that she loves him.

Her performance was so realistic that everyone present thought he was actually
confessing her feelings to Yanagi-senpai.

Even senpai had a smile on his face. I don’t know if I want to see that scene again on
the screen. And then the climax of the movie begins.

Hayasaka-san took my hand in hers as if to say, “You have me.”

Good thing the room is in total darkness and no one can see us. Thanks to that, I
decided to hold her hand tighter.

On the screen appears Tachibana-san, who has a sad face, and her thin lips move.

-I like you, Morishi Ishikura. No matter what happens, I will always love you.

Her facial expressions and lines were beyond acting. It seems that Tachibana-san had
seriously confessed in that scene.

At the end of the screening, I was left with the feeling that I had seen a romantic movie.

People have different tastes when it comes to fireworks. Hayasaka-san likes colorful
things and Tachibana-san likes simple things.

In the evening, we set off fireworks in the courtyard of the inn. It was a way to have
good memories of this trip, and Miki-chan had prepared everything.
Each person has their own hand-held sparkler and watches the sparks fly. The
combination was natural.

-I’m glad it’s over.

Hayasaka-san says.

-It was a good short film we all made today.

-Yes, and the title of the film was good too.

-And the scene where Tachibana-san tells Yanagi-senpai that she loves him was very

Tachibana-san was with Yanagi-senpai a little farther away from us, they were lighting
other fireworks. They looked like a couple.

-We seem to have missed our chance.

Hayasaka-san says.

-At first I thought Tachibana-san was trying to make Kirishima-kun jealous. But she
hasn’t turned around to see you even once.

-I know.

-I don’t think she’s still interested in you.

-I know.

That’s when it happened. I could hear the conversation between Tachibana-san and

-Here’s the garbage bag.

Tachibana-san was tugging at the hem of senpai’s shirt. For someone like her, that was
a very advanced act of physical contact between a man and a woman.

Even the expression on senpai’s face showed how shocked he was at such a situation.
-Hikari-chan, why don’t we go for a little walk? I think there is a boardwalk.


Both are getting closer and closer. I could no longer watch such a situation, so I simply
focused on watching my own fireworks.

-I wonder why Tachibana-san doesn’t choose Kirishima-kun instead of senpai. Why do

such a cruel thing in front of us?

Tears were falling from Hayasaka-san’s eyes. I couldn’t help but feel a little sad after
seeing that scene.

-It’s sad that the only person who can make Kirishima-kun happy is Tachibana-san.
Even though she’s standing next to senpai, Kirishima-kun doesn’t stop watching her.
That… That’s too sad.

After wiping away her tears, Hayasaka-san looked exhausted. Her eyes are empty, and
she is unable to improve her expression.

-Even so, I will give my best effort. I don’t plan to give up. I just want to be a good
girlfriend for Kirishima-kun. The second best girlfriend. That’s why I want to be good
for Kirishima-kun, I want to be useful for Kirishima-kun.

-Hey, Hayasaka-san. You’re all out of fireworks.

-… Ah, you’re right.

The light returns to Hayasaka-san’s eyes.

I lit some new fireworks and handed them to her. In the darkness of the night, sparks
of many colors sparkled. The light was intense, but in a way, it was also sad. It seemed
to be our emotions materialized in the sparks.

I like Tachibana-san. I like Hayasaka-san. And I like Yanagi-senpai very much.

The emotions that arise are all genuine, though terribly contradictory. You can’t have
it all. And yet, I can’t explain how I feel about it.

But in a way, I think that’s what love is like.

A lot of emotions that buzz, that change color, that change shape and that explode on
the spot.

That is why the actions and thoughts of those in love become incoherent. And yet,
conversely speaking, they become incomprehensible.

There is no logical love in the world. We get carried away by the true emotions of the
day, we lose ourselves, we worry, and sometimes we even forget how we really feel.

Sometimes we forget what we really feel in the moment, or we don’t realize that our
feelings have been changing since the past and we have been left behind.

That’s what’s going on with Hayasaka-san, so she’s still confused.

-Hayasaka-san, I owe you an apology.

– Why?

-Because you’re not the only girl I love.

She deserved that I only loved her, and no one else. That would be a pure love. Instead,
I have taken her to such an extreme in making her unstable.

-No, that is not the case.

Hayasaka-san shakes his head.

-Me, I’m not a good girl. That’s why I was so happy when you asked me to be your
second girlfriend.

-Even so, you are very confused about your feelings just now. I don’t think you even
know what you’re doing.

– What do you think I should do?

-You need to put your feelings in order.

– And do you have your feelings in order, Kirishima-kun?

-… I have already given up on Tachibana-san.

At the moment I said this, Hayasaka-san looked puzzled, but then her face lit up and
she became happy.

-Hmm, do you think it’s okay if I’m happy about it? I feel like I shouldn’t, but I really
feel very happy.

Her eyes became empty again.

-I’m sorry, I think I said the wrong thing. I’ll go to my room.

After those words, she entered the inn. I guess I’ll be left alone with the fireworks.

After everyone had finished, I wanted to collect all the garbage.

-Kirishima, I will help you.

The person who had spoken to me was Yanagi-senpai.

– Did anything interesting happen?

When asked, he purses his nose in an embarrassed manner.

-I think Hikari and I have taken an important step in getting to know each other.

-I’m happy for you.

– And how did it go with Hayasaka-chan? It seems like you two got along pretty well.

My phone started ringing after the senpai asked me that question. So I reached into
my pocket and picked it up to take a look.

“Come to my room.”

It was a message from Hayasaka-san.

-Things are going well with Hayasaka-san. Let’s talk later tonight.

I replied in voice to see what expression Tachibana-san would make, but she was still
far away, and concentrating on cleaning. She didn’t seem to hear.
Even though I said I have given up on her, I expected her to have some kind of reaction
to hearing that. I still have mixed feelings about it.

Well, I guess it’s best to leave things as they are.

Since it was the season in which there were almost no guests, the inn gave us rooms
for two people.

And we were divided as follows; Maki with Yamanaka-kun, Hayasaka-san with

Tachibana-san, Saki with Miki-chan, Yanagi-senpai and myself.

Taking advantage of the situation where Tachibana-san had gone out with Yanagi-
senpai, Hayasaka-san invited me to her room.


-… Come in.

Hayasaka-san was dressed in a yukata, and sitting on a chair.

-I will prepare some tea.

Hayasaka-san poured hot water from a kettle and made us two cups of green tea. I sat
down in front of her and drank my tea in silence.

-I feel calmer now. And I wanted to talk to you about something…

-It’s okay. It’s true what I said, I have given up on Tachibana-san.

It’s time for us to be official sweethearts. This is how things should be. Tachibana-san
with senpai, and me with Hayasaka-san.

However, just before I proposed it. Hayasaka-san interrupted me.


Her tone is soft, but her will is strong.

-I don’t want that kindness.

-It’s not kindness. I’m serious, I like you, Hayasaka-san.

-I know, but that’s not how I want it.

So, this was what she had been thinking when she came here.

-If Kirishima-kun was my first love, I wouldn’t give up so easily. It’s true that
Tachibana-san and senpai are engaged. But it’s an agreement that hasn’t been
finalized, so anything can happen.

Hayasaka-san is right. It was not yet time to give up. Sexually speaking. If I gave up
now, it would be a dramatic but narcissistic love story.

I think it is much more sincere to be patient and wait for the next opportunity to
conquer this situation. It would be absurd to give up over every obstacle I find in my

Happiness must come from such patience and calmness.

-It’s my fault, isn’t it? Since you saw me weak and confused, you’re giving up on

Yes. I can’t bear to see you break down like that, Hayasaka-san.

-But, it is also Kirishima-kun’s fault.

– My fault?

-It’s your fault that my heart is ruined. But I’m not saying that because you’re my

-Then why is that the case?

-If your relationship with Tachibana-san doesn’t come true, it means that you and I
will be together, right?

-That’s what you say now. But what if it’s not?

That made me uncomfortable.

-Even though we are official sweethearts, I believe that your love for Tachibana-san
will still linger somewhere in your heart.

-I see, is that how you feel about it?


Honestly, I don’t know how I would feel if things with her didn’t work out. What do
you do with your unrequited love? That’s the real question.

-I feel like I’m getting lonely. Kirishima-kun and Yanagi-senpai are only attracted to

-I like you, Hayasaka-san.

-Then make me believe it.

Hayasaka-san stands up. He then sits down on the futon on the tatami floor.

-Convince me that if my relationship with Yanagi-senpai fails, you will come back to
me. I want you to assure me that Kirishima-kun will be my insurance policy if my love
doesn’t come true. Then I will be able to do my best. I will be able to pursue the person
I love the most.

She opens her arms after those words, as if telling me to come to her.

I walked over to the futon and hugged her. I thought that would calm my emotions,
because hugging Hayasaka-san feels too good.

But… Hayasaka-san fell backwards, and I was still clinging to her. If anyone saw us,
they would think I lunged at her.


-Hey Kirishima-kun, we’re sweethearts, right?


-We’re real sweethearts, aren’t we?

-Of course we are.

-So, let’s do things that sweethearts do.

She probably wants more than a kiss.

-… I want to be a real girlfriend to you.

The portion of her chest where the yukata should be is exposed. And Hayasaka-san
doesn’t even bother for a moment to adjust it.

-I don’t want you to leave. I want you to really show me that you like me.

I couldn’t help but swallow after hearing those words. We were supposed to have set
a rule, yet she’s not even making an effort to try to follow it.

But in retrospect, I’m the one who’s pushed Hayasaka-san to do this kind of thing to
make her feel safe. This is what it means to be serious with a girl, and I think I’ve been
running away from it.

-Are you sure?


-If we do this, things could change drastically.

-I know, I’m an idiot. This might make Kirishima-kun the only person I want to love.

It is true that, if this line is crossed, the order of liking may change. And she could also
take Tachibana-san’s position. And unconsciously, she was trying not to think about
that kind of thing.

-If that happens, can I take advantage of your kindness?

-And if I become your favorite, can I be as heavy as I want?


-… Kirishima-kun.

She closed her eyes and lifted her chin.

I’ll let myself go in that situation, so I go over to kiss Hayasaka-san. I’ve been holding
back my feelings until now, so I’ll put all my desire into her.

I can feel the warmth of her body, the sound of your heart and the softness of her

It all happened in a single moment. Suddenly, the door to the room opened.

The situation had completely turned around. I tried to make an excuse, but Tachibana-
san was the first to speak.

-What are you doing?

She had a worried expression on her face.

Hayasaka-san and I are sitting comfortably on the futon. A little farther away,
Tachibana-san was sitting cross-legged.

It was a really awkward situation. Tachibana-san had returned at an inopportune time.

– Didn’t you say you were going for a walk with senpai?

-Yes, but there was a change of plans at the last minute.

said Tachibana with a bewildered look.

-More importantly, are you two in a relationship?

It was Hayasaka-san who responded instantly.


-… I like someone else.

-So why were you two trying to kiss each other?

After that question, Hayasaka-san falls silent. After a short pause, she answered:

-I wanted to practice with Kirishima-kun.

-It didn’t look like a practice.

-Yes, it was practice. Kirishima-kun is just my “practice boyfriend”.

This time, it was Tachibana-san who was silent. But her silence did not last for long.

– What do you mean?

Now, in this room, there is an acute and unique set of emotions, very different from
the relationship between the three of us so far.

Hayasaka-san’s excuse of me being a training boyfriend is not bad. It seems to me that

she was trying to reduce the damage after being found out. But it was clear that she
had a prickly attitude towards Tachibana-san.

-Well, I don’t care who you kiss.

-Exactly. After all, you have Yanagi-senpai.

With the exchange of glances after those words, they could share a lot of feelings
between them.

-However, Hayasaka-san, do you really kiss as practice?

-I do.

-I would not be able to do such a thing.

-I understand that. After all, you are a bit childish.

Hayasaka-san is more belligerent than ever.

From her point of view, Yanagi-senpai and I are brainwashed by Tachibana-san’s

charms, which causes her emotions towards her to be aggressive.

But Tachibana-san is not one to sit back and let others do the talking.

-I want you to kiss him

Tachibana-san expressed while looking at her.


-I want to see you kiss the President. Can you do it?

That seemed to annoy Hayasaka-san, just as I expected. I’m confused because I don’t
feel like letting anyone kiss me either.

-Tachibana-san, is it okay if I kiss him in front of you?

-I don’t care, as you said before, I have Yanagi. Besides… I only like one guy. I’m not like
someone who has more than one affair. So I don’t feel any excitement when I see other
people kissing. I don’t fall in love easily from a single fling.

Slightly ironic words.

On the other hand, Hayasaka-san did not change her expression, but seemed to have
lost his temper.

-Kirishima-kun, let’s do it.

Then she kneels down and brings her face close to mine.

-Wait a moment, Hayasaka-san.

-Tachibana-san wants to see us kiss. So let’s show her.

-I refuse to do so.
I looked at Tachibana-san, her face still expressionless as usual.

-President, do it.

Why do you want to see that? I don’t have to get involved in the emotional conflicts of
two women.

Before I could say anything else, Hayasaka-san grabbed me by the neck with both
hands. I have no escape now.

-Tachibana-san, take a good look at this.

Hayasaka-san presses his lips to mine. At first, the kiss was discreet and I was aware
that someone was watching me.

But Hayasaka-san was looking sideways at Tachibana-san, and seeing that her
expression hadn’t changed at all. He started kissing me more aggressively and
changing her angle.

I am not fascinated by this idea of someone seeing me kissing Hayasaka-san.

But I know the intentions of this kiss. She is trying very hard to make Tachibana-san
be surprised in some way.

So I decided to play along. I hugged her and stuck my tongue inside her mouth.
Hayasaka-san was starting to feel ecstatic, so she also stuck her tongue inside my
mouth soon after.

-Kirishima-kun, I like your spit.

I think Hayasaka-san is surpassing the normal level of ecstasy. She is going into a
complete trance. She’s going out of her way to make Tachibana-san jealous.

But the effort was in vain, as Tachibana-san still had his expressionless face. But…

“Show me more.”

That’s what her eyes were telling me. You want to feel jealous, just like I was when I
saw her pictures with her fake boyfriend on social media.
My kiss with Hayasaka-san made the three of us in the room excited. I want Tachibana-
san to feel the same as me.

I want her to be jealous of me, as I have always been jealous of her.

Hayasaka-san was no longer acting as number two, but as my girlfriend in front of

Tachibana-san. So I was just releasing all the emotions I had repressed until now.

This was Hayasaka-san’s revenge for her having Yanagi-senpai, the person she loves
the most, as her fiance. And this was nothing more than Tachibana-san putting my
feelings to the test, so she forced me to kiss Hayasaka-san.

At the moment she was just staring blankly, while twirling her hair with her finger.
This is one of the few habits Tachibana-san has when she doesn’t like something.

After all the ecstasy dissipated. Hayasaka-san had been the first to regain her reason.

-… I’m an idiot.

Did she feel embarrassed for kissing me in front of someone? Or did she feel disgusted
with herself for listening to Tachibana-san?

Hayasaka-san’s face turns red as she fixes her yukata.

-I’m going to freshen up a bit.

Before leaving the room, she turned to Tachibana-san.

-I just want to make it clear, I did it because I wanted to, not because you asked me to.
Kirishima-kun only does what I tell him to do. It’s all my fault. He doesn’t do anything

Tachibana-san remains silent. After that, she walks out of the room, leaving us alone.
She then proceeds to make tea, as if nothing had happened.

– Would you like some tea?


Everything feels strange. Why doesn’t she say anything? Why does she act like
everything is fine…?

Without another word, I drink my tea, and decide to go back to my room.

-Well, I’m off, see you tomorrow.

Just for tonight, let’s pretend this never happened. But as soon as I got up, Tachibana-
san pounced on me.

She collapsed on top of me, knocking me off balance as I fell backwards. Tachibana-
san fell on top of me and then grabbed me by the chest with both hands.

-You are so disgusting.

She expressed with a serious face. She is being unusually emotional, it seems she is
very angry.

After those words, she came up to me and kissed me.

The impulse was so strong, our teeth clashed together, and the inside of my mouth
hurt a little. So I turned my face away from her.

I begin to feel blood in my mouth.

-I’m sorry. It’s my first time, I’ve never kissed anyone.

While saying that, Tachibana-san pressed her lips against mine once more. Then she
did it again and again.

Her kisses were painful. She continued kissing me roughly for a while and then sat

-I feel like a bad girl.

She had a look of satisfaction.

-Tachibana-san, it’s not right for you to do this to Yanagi-senpai…

-Don’t say it. I don’t want you to keep saying those things. If you really care about
Yanagi-kun, if you really want to stay away, then you shouldn’t have listened to the
short film.

– What do you mean?

-It is useless to play dumb. You can’t possibly be so oblivious.

The atmosphere was eerie and I remained silent. Tachibana-san looked me in the eyes
and said nothing more.

I can hear the hands of the clock ticking.

-… You used an anagram trick.

Tachibana-san giggled like a naughty child and said.

-I see you got the message.

Yes, the film actually has a hidden message. Hayasaka-san’s confession in the short
film was directed at me.

The names of the characters in the script written by Tachibana-san are all slightly

Kiriyama Kirinji, Wakui Shea, Tezukayama Berebo. And there is only one name that
was really intended.

石倉モリシ (Ishikura Morishi)

It was just a matter of rearranging them in the alphabet.

桐島司郎 (Kirishima Shiro)

In the play, Tachibana-san confesses her feelings to Morishi Ishikura, played by Yanagi-

“I like you, Ishikura Morishi. No matter what happens, I will always love you.”

Because he said it so seriously, everyone thought that Tachibana-san felt a real feeling
towards Yanagi-senpai. But in my case, I now see it from another perspective.

“I like you, Kirishima Ishiro. No matter what happens, I will always love you.”

It was a full-fledged confession coming from her. After all, Tachibana-san can be a
genius when it comes to love.

Tachibana-san is still on top of me, and judging by the expression on her face, she is
enjoying it.

-You really like me, don’t you, Shiro?

My feelings for her were all over my face.

-I love you very much, Shiro-kun. You know that, don’t you? You always cared about
me. No matter how cold I’ve been to you, or how close I’ve been to Yanagi-kun. You
always cared about my happiness.

Tachibana-san began to caress my body with both hands.

-Stop, I told you you can’t do that.

-If you really care about Yanagi-kun, if you refuse to accept my feelings, then we
shouldn’t have filmed that short film. And you should have simply changed everyone’s
roles, or at least changed the names of the characters. Now that I’ve confessed my
feelings from the bottom of my heart to you, Shiro-kun, I can’t stop myself. I want you
to like me very much… Hey, tell me, did you like that scene? Did you love seeing me
open up my feelings for you?

It was the best feeling of all.

Tachibana-san is a problem. She laid bare all my deceptions and made me reveal the
injustice that I hide deep inside me. In spite of that, she accepts me as I am.

At that moment, I was overcome with such a special sense of pleasure that I couldn’t
care about anyone but myself, as she had done me an incredible favor.

-I’m sorry I was so hard on you before.

Tachibana-san traces my lips with her finger.

-You did it on purpose because you were angry.


– Can I kiss you again?

Before I could respond, Tachibana-san’s lips came close to mine. And this time, the kiss
was very soft.

After our mouths met, Tachibana-san’s tongue slipped inside. And the next thing she
does is to carefully lick the wound she had given me with her teeth.

-You taste of blood

-Yes, it’s not pleasant.

-How many times have you kissed Hayasaka-san?

-I’ve already lost count.


After that, she kissed me again and again. I could barely catch my breath. When I
looked away, Tachibana’s expression was one of satisfaction.

-Hey Shiro, do you like Hayasaka-san?

For some reason, Tachibana-san is facing the door leading to the hallway. And her gaze
seems to go even further.

-It’s okay if you don’t answer, Shiro-kun, I’ll do as you wish. I’ll remain Yanagi-kun’s

It seems that she does not want to betray her senpai, nor does she want to be
responsible for the destruction of her family.

-And also… You can continue to have your relationship with Hayasaka-san.
It’s pretty scary. Otherwise, she will completely fall apart, and I will be responsible for
ruining her life and hurting her a lot.

-So, you can continue to be friends with your senpai, and be affectionate with the other
girl you like. Not to mention, you’ll be able to possess me and do whatever you want
with me. It’s a good idea, isn’t it? You don’t have to hide it. It’s what you want.

I couldn’t say anything, it was as if she had read my mind.

-I’ll make it all come true. I promise to keep my mouth shut, Shiro-kun. Let’s hide from
everyone and do a lot of bad things together.

After those words, Tachibana-san held up two fingers and said:

-I don’t mind being your second girlfriend.

End of volume 1…

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