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Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 1 Corrections

01. Choose the correct sentence. [36Zg wewmGm; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 19 ; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (bvMvwj½g): 12]
K. Paper is made of wood L. Paper is made from wood
M. Paper is made by wood N. Paper is made on wood DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : ‡Kvb wKQz w`‡q ˆZwi nIqv eySv‡j of Ges †Kvb wKQz ‡_‡K ˆZwi nIqv eySv‡j from e‡m| A_©vr Drcvw`Z
e¯‘i mv‡_ Dcv`v‡bi wgj eySv ‡M‡j Ôof’ e‡m| Avi Dcv`v‡bi wgj eySv bv †M‡j Ôfrom’ e‡m| †Pqvi KvV w`‡q ˆZwi
GUv †evSv hvq, wKš‘ ‡ccvi KvV w`‡q ˆZwi GUv †evSv hvq bv|
02. After it was repaired, it – again. evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_ we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Rev) : 11]
K. ran perfect L. ran perfectly M. runs perfect N. run perfect DËi: L
e¨vL¨v: cÖ_g As‡k †h‡nZz past tense G i‡q‡Q, †m‡nZz cieZ©x As‡k past tense e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e| Avi ran-Gi
ci adverb em‡e adjective bq| myZivs mwVK DËi (L)|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 2 Corrections
03. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (ivRkvnx wefvM) : 2008]
K. One of my friends are a lawyer L. It rained three days.
M. Do you have a complain against me N. You are proud of Bangladesh DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : Ackb ÔKÕ-‡Z verb singular n‡e| Ackb ÔLÕ †Z it has been raining for three days n‡e|
04. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK: 93]
K. I have urgent piece of business L. I have a urgent piece of business
M. I have a piece of urgent business N. I have an urgent piece of business DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : business kãwU ÔKvRÕ A‡_© uncountable noun wn‡m‡e singular noun wn‡m‡e count Kiv nq| Avi
business ‡K we‡klvwqZ Ki‡Z private, urgent k㸇jv adjective wn‡m‡e business Gi c~‡e© em‡e|
05. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 07]
K. It has been raining for two days. L. He is senior than you
M. Do you know who am I? N. Airport is busy place DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Present perfect continuous tense Abymv‡i cÖ_g AckbwU ï×| Ackb ÔLÕ-‡Z than Gi cwie‡Z© Ôto’
e‡m| Ackb ÔMÕ-‡Z Ôam I’ Gi cwie‡Z© ÔI am’ n‡e| Ackb ÔNÕ-‡Z Ôbusy place’ Gi c~‡e© article Ôa’ em‡e|
06. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (wkDjx) : 2009]
K. I have read the first and second chapters of the book
L. This is the most unique opportunity
M. Four soldiers were wounded and one killed
N. Let him to know all in details DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Ackb ÔLÕ Gi unique kãwU superlative degree bv nIqvq unique Gi c~‡e© Ôa’ em‡e| Ackb ÔMÕ †Z
one was killed n‡e| †Kbbv, complex ev compound sentence Gi Dfq As‡k transitive verb _vK‡j
Dfq As‡kiB passive Ki‡Z nq| Ackb ÔNÕ †Z Ôto know’ Gi cwie‡Z© Ôknow’ n‡e| KviY, Let + object +
verb Gi base form nq|
07. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (wSjvg) : 13]
K. I feel out of sort today L. He tried hardly to succeed
M. I have great deal of work to do N. Please give me attendance DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : Ackb ÔKÕ †Z Out of sort Gi cwie‡Z© out of sorts n‡e| Ackb ÔLÕ †Z hardly Gi cwie‡Z© Ôhard’
n‡e KviY hardly A_© K`vwPr| Ackb ÔMÕ †Z Ôgreat deal ofÕ Gi cwie‡Z© Ôa great deal of’ n‡e| A great
deal of- A‡bK ev cÖPzi|
08. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ivRkvnx wefvM) : 2008]
K. Either he or me is mistaken. L. Many a man has done so.
M. Everyone of the girls love to dance N. He gave me an advices. DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Parallelism Gi wbqgvbymv‡i Either ..., or Df‡qi c‡iB GKB ai‡bi nq| A_©vr Either Gi ci
Subject Form (He) nIqvq or Gi ciI Subject Form (I) n‡e| Ackb ÔMÕ Gi Subject (Everyone)
singular nIqvq verb Gi Singular Form (loves) n‡e| Ackb ÔNÕ †Z a piece of advice n‡e|
10. †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (BQvgwZ) : 2010]
K. Sohel is taller than I L. We write with ink
M. Sohel is taller than me N. I did not think it was her DËi : K
e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b cÖ_g AckbwU Comparative degree Gi wbqgvbymv‡i wVK| wØZxq Ack‡b preposition Gi fzj
Av‡Q A_©vr ÔwithÕ Gi ¯’‡j ÔinÕ n‡e| KviY, in Ink— Kvwj‡Z †jLv| Avevi, Z…Zxq Ack‡bi evK¨wU‡Z `yRb
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 3 Corrections
e¨w³i g‡a¨ Adjective Gi Zzjbv †evSv‡Z †hLv‡b first person ÔI’ Av‡Q| G ai‡bi ev‡K¨ pronoun Gi
subject form e¨eüZ nq A_©vr mwVK evK¨wU n‡e Sohel is taller than I. PZz_© Ack‡b `ywU Clause Av‡Q wKš‘
Clause ؇qi g‡a¨ †Kv‡bv Conjunction ev Comma (,) e¨envi Kiv nqwb| GQvovI PZz_© Ack‡b Ôher’ Gi
cwie‡Z© Subject form (She) n‡e|
11. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Lyjbv I PÆMÖvg wefvM) : 2008]
K. Panna is only present. L. The man was born in 1968.
M. I feel myself hungry. N. The sheeps are quite healthy. DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Ackb ÔKÕ †Z Formation of word order G fzj Av‡Q| Panna is only present Gi cwie‡Z© Only
Panna is present n‡e| Ackb ÔLÕ ï× DËi| Ackb ÔMÕ †Z feel myself Gi cwie‡Z© ïay feel n‡e| KviY, Gi
ci reflexive pronoun emv‡bvi cÖ‡qvRb bvB| Ackb ÔNÕ-‡Z Sheep n‡e ‡Kbbv, Sheep Gi Singular Ges
Plural Form GKB| ZvB bZzb K‡i Ôs’ ‡hvM K‡i Plural Kivi †Póv wbi_©K|
12. Which sentence is correct? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Ki‡Zvqv) : 2012]
K. A big number of money L. I met two women here.
M. Put your sign here. N. I have paid my schooling fees. DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : mwVK Ackb n‡”Q- L. I met two women here. Ab¨ evK¨¸‡jvi ï×iƒc n‡”Q- Ackb K. A big
amount of money. Ackb M- Put your signature here. Ackb N- I have paid my school fees.
Ackb ÔKÕ-‡Z number Gi cwie‡Z© amount e¨eüZ nevi KviY money GKwU uncountable noun. Ackb
ÔNÕ-‡Z Schooling- ‡jLvcov ZvB School n‡e|
13. ‡KvbwU ï× evK¨? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (‡Mvjvc) : 2009]
K. He succeeded to win the prize L. He cannot pronounce the word
M. See the word in the dictionary N. We got up dawn DËi: L
e¨vL¨v: Ackb ÔKÕ-‡Z succeeded to Gi cwie‡Z© succeeded in n‡e| Ackb ÔLÕ ï×| Ackb ÔMÕ-‡Z Ôsee’ Gi
cwie‡Z© Ôlook up’ n‡e| KviY, look up— e¨eüZ nq wWKkbvwi n‡Z kã Lyu‡R †ei Kiv A‡_©| Ackb ÔNÕ-‡Z
dawn (‡Mva~jx) Gi c~‡e© at n‡e| KviY, †QvU mg‡qi c~‡e© Ôat’ nq|
14. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Lyjbv I PÆMÖvg wefvM) : 2008]
K. He cannot pronunciate the word. L. He appeared at the examination.
M. Tuhin is my lovely friend. N. You always offers me many good advices. DËi: L
e¨vL¨v: Ackb ÔKÕ †Z pronounce n‡e| KviY pronunciate kãwU wVK bq| Ackb ÔLÕ ï×| Ackb ÔLÕ ï×|
Ackb ÔMÕ †Z lovely Gi cwie‡Z© lovable n‡e| Ackb ÔNÕ G many kãwUI n‡e bv Avevi advice Gi mv‡_ Ôs’
‡hvM n‡e bv| KviY advice Gi singular Ges plural GKB|
15. Which sentence is correct? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Ki‡Zvqv) : 2012]
K. The news is true L. He gave me an advice.
M. The committee have issued its report. N. Ten kilometers are a long walk.
e¨vL¨v : Ackb ÔKÕ ï×| evwK Ackb¸‡jv wVK bvB| mwVK evK¨¸‡jv n‡jv- He gave me advice (advice Gi
mvg‡b article cÖ‡qvRb bvB), The committee has issued its report (verb singular n‡e) ,Ten
kilometers is a long walk (Singular verb n‡e)|
16. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (wkDjx) : 2009]
K. Honour and glory are his reward L. Either you or he is to blame DËi: L
M. This is the same book which he lost N. He has written no less than four letters
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 4 Corrections
e¨vL¨v : Ackb ÔKÕ †Z are Gi ¯’‡j ÔisÕ n‡e| KviY `y‡Uv wg‡j GKB aviYv †evSv‡”Q| Ackb ÔLÕ ï×| Ackb ÔMÕ-
‡Z which Gi ¯’‡j Ôas’ n‡e| KviY, noun Gi c~‡e© the same _vK‡j relative pronoun wn‡m‡e Ôas’ e¨eüZ
nq| Ackb ÔNÕ-‡Z Ôless’ Gi cwie‡Z© Ôfewer’ n‡e †Kbbv, plural countable noun Gi †ÿ‡Î fewer e‡m Ges
uncountable noun Gi c~‡e© Ôless’ e‡m|
17. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (cÙv) : 2009]
K. Many died by the accident L. The examiner looked over my papers
M. He came today morning. N. I am feeling unwell DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g Ack‡b n‡e- Many people died in the accident. wØZxq Ackb ï×| Z…Zxq Ack‡b Ôtoday’
Gi cwie‡Z© Ôthis’ n‡e| Fear, feel, prefer cÖf…wZ mvaviYZ continuous tense G e¨eüZ nq bv| ZvB Ackb
ÔNÕ-‡Z Ôam feeling’ Gi cwie‡Z© ïay Ôfeel’ n‡e|
18. ‡KvbwU ï× evK¨? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (Rev) : 2009]
K. He is my elder brother L. He went for the examination
M. It is raining for three days
N. He was bitten by the snake while walking in the garden v DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: Ackb ÔKÕ ï×| Ackb ÔLÕ-‡Z went for Gi cwie‡Z© sat for n‡e| Ackb ÔMÕ-‡Z is raining Gi cwie‡Z©
Ôhas been rainingÕ n‡e| Ackb ÔNÕ-‡Z article Gi wbqgvbymv‡i Ôthe snake’ Gi cwie‡Z© Ôa snake’ n‡e|
19. ‡KvbwU ï× evK¨? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (‡ejx) : 2009]
K. It rained for three days L. Grammar is better servant than master
M. He is my elder teacher
N. While he was walking in the garden a snake bit him. DËi: N
e¨vL¨v: Ackb ÔKÕ-‡Z Present perfect continuous tense Abymv‡i Ôhas been raining’ n‡e| Ackb ÔLÕ †Z
n‡e- Grammar is a better servant than master. Ackb ÔMÕ-‡Z Ôteacher’ Gi cwie‡Z© Ôbrother’ n‡e|
KviY ïay m‡nv`‡ii †ÿ‡Î Ôelder’ kãwU e¨eüZ nq|
20. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (‡ejx) : 2009]
K. We write by ink L. An Akbar is not born in every age
M. More he gets, more he wants N. He got the work by doing. DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Ackb ÔKÕ-‡Z preposition Gi fzj Av‡Q A_©vr ÔbyÕ Gi ¯’‡j ÔinÕ n‡e| KviY, in Ink— Kvwj‡Z †jLv|
Ackb ÔLÕ ï× evK¨| Ackb ÔMÕ GKwU cÖev` evK¨| ï× evK¨wU- The more he gets, the more he wants.
21. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (‡Mvjvc) : 2009]
K. He appeared at the examination L. The more he gets, more he wants
M. We write with ink N. He got the work being done DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: Ackb ÔKÕ Gi evK¨wU ï×| Ackb ÔLÕ-G ï× evK¨wU n‡e- The more he gets, the more he wants.
Ackb ÔMÕ -‡Z preposition Gi fzj Av‡Q A_©vr ÔbyÕ Gi ¯’‡j ÔinÕ n‡e| KviY, in Ink— Kvwj‡Z †jLv| Ackb
ÔNÕ Z‡e ÔHave it done’.
22. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï× ? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wZZvm) : 2010]
K. I do not take fruits L. I have no appetite in food
M. He gave me some good advices N. Neither of us was present DËi: N
e¨vL¨v: dj LvIqvi †ÿ‡Î ‘take’ verb e¨envi Kiv hvq bv| †m‡ÿ‡Î ‘eat’ ev ‘have’ verb e¨envi Ki‡Z nq|
GQvovI Ôfruits’ Gi cwie‡Z© Ôfruit’ n‡e| wØZxq Ack‡b appetite Gi ci preposition ‘for’ e¨eüZ n‡e|
Z…Zxq Ack‡b Advice k‡ã fzj i‡q‡Q A_©vr Ôadvices’ Gi ¯’‡j Ôadvice’ n‡e|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 5 Corrections
23. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Lyjbv I PÆMÖvg wefvM) : 2008]
K. Sharif absented from the college. L. Selina prides on her beauty.
M. She is out of her danger. N. Sharif absented himself from the college. DËi: N
e¨vL¨v: cÖ_g Ack‡b Reflexive pronoun wn‡m‡e himself Avm‡e A_©vr Ôabsented himself’ n‡e| wØZxq
Ack‡b Preposition Gi e¨env‡i fzj i‡q‡Q| Me© Kiv A‡_© pride oneself on/ pride in e¨eüZ nq| Ackb
ÔMÕ-‡Z n‡e- out of danger.
24. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 07]
K. Sakib asked that how did he do. L. My son is ill all this week.
M. The United States are a powerful country. N. The game drew numerous spectators DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : Ackb ÔKÕ-‡Z Sentence Gi word order-G fzj Av‡Q| ï× evK¨wU n‡e- Sakib asked that how he
did. Dependent clause nIqvq GwU Assertive sentence-G n‡e| Ackb ÔLÕ -G cy‡iv mßvn a‡i †evSv‡Z Ôis’
Gi cwie‡Z© Ôhas been’ n‡e| Ackb ÔMÕ-‡Z Subject-verb agreement Gi wbqgvbymv‡i ‡`‡ki bv‡gi ci
singular verb (is) n‡e| Ackb ÔNÕ-Gi evK¨wU ï×|
25. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ivRkvnx wefvM) : 2008]
K. Fire and water do not agree. L. Bread and butter are his only food.
M. Justice as well as mercy allow it N. He and me were playing. DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : cÖ‡kœ cª`Ë Ackbmg~‡ni cÖ_g Ack‡b not Gi c~‡e©i Subject Abymv‡i n‡q‡Q| Ackb ÔLÕ-‡Z Bread &
Butter Øviv GKK Lv`¨ ZvwjKv †evSv‡bvq verb singular (is) n‡e| Ackb ÔMÕ-‡Z as well as _vKvq c~‡e©i
noun ‡gvZv‡eK verb wU singular (allows) n‡e| Ackb ÔNÕ †Z Subject Form (I) n‡e|
26. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (Ki‡Zvqv) : 2010]
K. The horse and carriage are at the door L. Time and tide wait for none
M. You are not devoted to gambling N. We get up in dawn DËi : L
e¨vL¨v: Horse Ges Carriage Avjv`v `ywU subject ‡K †evSv‡jI g~jZ `yÕwU‡K GKmv‡_ Ô‡Nvovi MvwoÕ A‡_© GKB
subject wn‡me Ki‡Z n‡e ZvB verb Singular (is) n‡e †Kbbv, `y‡Uv wg‡j GKwU e¨vcvi †evSv‡”Q| Ackb ÔMÕ-‡Z
‘gambling’ noun wU e¨envi bv K‡i gamble e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e| Ackb ÔNÕ-G dawn k‡ãi c‡i ‘at’
preposition e¨envi nq| wKš‘, wØZxq AckbwU‡Z Time I tide Avjv`v `yÕwU subject nIqvq n‡q‡Q hv mwVK|
GQvovI GwU GKwU cÖev` evK¨| Proverbs ev cÖev`evK¨¸wj wbw`©ó wbqgvbymv‡i cwiPvwjZ nq| mwVK evK¨wU nj
Time and tide wait for none. Ackb ÔNÕ-‡Z ÿz`ª mg‡qi c~‡e© Preposition wn‡m‡e Ôat’ e‡m|
27. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv I ewikvj wefvM) : 2008]
K. She was taller than either of her five sisters. L. I was the man whom they thought was dead.
M. Who do you think he is? N. Each of the scholars have done well. DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : Ackb ÔKÕ -‡Z either Gi cwie‡Z© anyone n‡e| KviY, `ywU e¨vcvi/ `yB‡qi g‡a¨ NUbv †evSv‡Z Ôeither’
e¨eüZ nq| Ackb ÔLÕ-‡Z Ôwhom’ Gi cwie‡Z© Ôwho’ em‡e| Ackb ÔMÕ Gi evK¨wU ï×| Ackb ÔNÕ-‡Z
Singular verb (has) n‡e| KviY- One of/neither of/either of / Each of + Plural noun + Singular
verb nq|
28. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (‡nvqvs‡nv) : 13]
K. I will avail the opportunity L. I should take leave of you
M. I have seen two deers N. Television is a wonderful discovery DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Ackb ÔKÕ †Z reflexive pronoun Avm‡e A_©vr evK¨wU n‡e- I will avail myselt the opportunity.
Ackb ÔLÕ-‡Z cÖ`Ë evK¨wU ï×| Ackb ÔMÕ-Gi deers Gi cwie‡Z© deer n‡e| KviY, deer Gi singular Ges
plural form GKB| Ackb ÔNÕ G Ôdiscovery’ Gi cwie‡Z© Ôinvention’ n‡e| KviY †Kvb wKQz bZzb K‡i
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 6 Corrections
Avwe®‹vi Kiv A‡_© invention e¨eüZ nq| c~‡e© Avwe®‹…Z wQj wKš‘ `xN©w`b †LvuR wQj bv, Avevi ‡mwU Avwe®‹…Z n‡j
discovery kãwU e¨eüZ nq|
29. wb‡Pi evK¨¸‡jvi g‡a¨ ï× evK¨ †KvbwU? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 99]
K. I hanged my shirt on the wall L. I saw him playing football
M. One must do his duty N. He gave me a lot of informations DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : Hanged n‡jv dvuwm‡Z Szjv‡bvi Past participle form. ZvB cÖ_g Ack‡b Hang (Szwj‡q ivLv) Gi Past
Participle Form ÔHung’ n‡e| wØZxq AckbwU ï×| KviY, see Gi ci Object Avm‡j Object Gi c‡i
Present Participle nq|
30. wb‡¤œi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (kvcjv) : 2009]
K. His brother is sick L. I took my meal
M. Do not throw the milk N. He took offence at my words DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g Ack‡b Ôsick’ Gi RvqMvq Ôill’ n‡e| wØZxq Ack‡b Ôtook’ Gi cwie‡Z© Ôhad’ n‡e| Z…Zxq Ack‡b
Ôthrow’ Gi cwie‡Z© Ôspill’ n‡e| PZz_© AckbwU ï×|
31. wb‡¤œi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (W¨v‡dvwWj) : 2012]
K. It is raining for three days L. You are an Hercules
M. We write in Ink N. He got the work by doing. DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Ackb ÔKÕ-‡Z Present Perfect Continuous Tense Gi wbqgvbymv‡i Ôis’ Gi cwie‡Z© Ôhas been’
n‡e| Ackb ÔLÕ †Z Ôan’ Gi cwie‡Z© Ôa’ n‡e| Ackb ÔMÕ ï×| KviY, in Ink— Kvwj‡Z †jLv| Ackb ÔNÕ †Z by
doing Gi cwie‡Z© Ôdone’ n‡e|
32. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (Wvwjqv): 12]
K. He denied to help me L. The doctor feels the pulse of the patient.
M. Honesty and truthfulness are necessary for happiness
N. He along with his friends have come. DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g Ack‡b Ôdenied’ kãwUi cwie‡Z© Ôrefused’ n‡e| wØZxq AckbwU wVK Av‡Q| KviY, doctor ‡ivMxi
bvox Abyfe K‡ib| GwU †Pv‡L †`Lv hvq bv| Ackb ÔMÕ-‡Z Honesty and truthfulness Øviv GKK welq ‡evSv‡”Q
ZvB GLv‡b Singular verb (is) n‡e| PZz_© Ack‡b along with _vKvq right form of verb Gi wbqgvbymv‡i
c~‡e©i singular noun Abymv‡i n‡e A_©vr Singular verb (has) n‡e|
33. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (nvmbv‡nbv) : 2011]
K. I had a strong headache L. Asad alone is rediable
M. His head was open N. He came today morning DËi: L
e¨vL¨v: Ackb (K) ‡Z kã PqbRwbZ mgm¨v i‡q‡Q| GLv‡b strong headache Gi cwie‡Z© bad headache)
n‡e| Ackb (M) ‡Z k‡ãi e¨envi mwVK bq| Ackb (N) ‡Z came verb Gi mv‡_ today morning nq bv|
G‡ÿ‡Î past expressions (yesterday/ last night cÖf„wZ) e¨envi ev this morning e¨envi Ki‡j mwVK nZ |
Option (L) ‡Z †Kv‡bv fzj †bB|
34. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (kvcjv) : 2011]
K. I took my tea at 5 p.m. L. He refused to help me
M. Keep it on the table N. I saw him long before DËi: L
e¨vL¨v: Ackb (K) ‡Z ‘my’kãwUi e¨envi AwZwi³| Ackb (L) ‡Z refuse Gi ci to Gi e¨envi i‡q‡Q †hwU
mwVK| Ackb (M) ‡Z keep-Gi cwie‡Z© ‘put’ e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e| Ackb (N) ‡Z long before Gi cwie‡Z©
long ago/many years ago-G ai‡bi expression-Gi e¨envi Ki‡j mwVK n‡e|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 7 Corrections
35. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (kvcjv) : 2011]
K. Put the book on the table L. The examiner saw my papers
M. I feel some better N. He is not in the committee DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: Ackb (K) ‡Z cÖ`Ë evK¨wU ï×| Ackb (L) ‡Z examiner looked over my papers e¨eüZ n‡j ï×
n‡Zv| Ackb (M) ‡Z I feel somewhat better n‡e| Option (N) ‡Z He is not on the committee n‡e|
36. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (nvmbv‡nbv) : 2011]
K. He said me a coward L. He said the truth
M. I love my mother N. I took my meal DËi: M
e¨vL¨v: Ackb (K) He said me a coward Gi cwie‡Z© He called me a coward n‡e| Ackb (L) ‡Z He
said the truth Gi cwie‡Z© He spoke the truth. Ackb (N) †Z I took my meal Gi cwie‡Z© I had my
meal n‡e| Ackb (M) Gi evK¨wU mwVK|
37. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wkDwj) : 2012]
K. There is no place in the bench L. I got two bread
M. It is a nice poem N. I went to my house DËi: M
e¨vL¨v: Option (K) ‡Z place Gi cwie‡Z© room n‡e| Option (L) ‡Z two bread Gi cwie‡Z© two loaves
of bread n‡e| Option (N) ‡Z I went into my house A_ev I went home n‡e| Option (M) ‡Z ‡Kv‡bv
fzj †bB|
38. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wkDwj) : 2012]
K. Quote this from memory L. I got boarding and lodging
M. Put your sign here N. My brother is sick DËi: K
e¨vL¨v: Ackb (K) ‡Z Quote this from memory evK¨wU‡Z ‡Kv‡bv fzj †bB| Option (L) ‡Z ‘boarding and
lodging’ Phrase wU wVK bq| Option (M) ‡Z ‘Put your signature’ e¨envi Ki‡j mwVK nZ| sign verb
wn‡m‡e e¨envi nq e‡j Put e¨envi redundant. Z‡e evK¨wU- Put your signature here wjL‡j ï× nZ|
Option (N) British grammar Abymv‡i Amy¯’Zv eySv‡Z ‘sick’ Gi cwie‡Z© ‘ill’ Gi e¨envi †kÖq|
39. †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (BQvgwZ) : 2010]
K. I have read a poetry L. I have read a piece of poetry
M. I saw his pulse N. The man took his birth in 1968 DËi: L
e¨vL¨v: cÖ_g Ack‡b poetry n‡jv poem Gi collective noun hvi c~‡e© Article nq bv| Z…Zxq Ack‡b saw Gi
¯’‡j felt n‡e KviY bvox †`Lv hvq bv, Abyfe Ki‡Z nq| PZz_© AckbwU fzj KviY †Kv‡bv e¨w³ Rb¥MÖnY Kivi †ÿ‡Î
took birth bv| Gi cwie‡Z© was born n‡e|
40. I spent----with the patient. evK¨wUi k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (†ngšÍ) : 2010;
cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK: 2019]
K. Sometimes L. some time M. sometime N. some times DËi: L
e¨vL¨v: cÖ_g Ackb Gi Sometimes GKwU Adverb hvi A_© Ôgv‡S gv‡SÕ †hwU sentence-Gi context Gi mv‡_
wgj nq bv| wØZxq Ackb Gi some time I GKwU Adverb hvi A_© wKQz mgq| GLv‡b, g~jZ ev‡K¨i A_© `uvovq-
ÔAvwg ‡ivMxi mv‡_ wKQz mgq AwZevwnZ KijvgÕ| G‡ÿ‡Î some time option wUB e¨envi Kiv nq| Sometime,
some times k㸇jvi e¨envi mwVK bq|
41. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (†ngšÍ) : 2010; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv wefvM): 2006]
K. We get up at dawn. L. More he gets, the more he wants.
M. See the word in the dictionary. N. There is no place in my room. DËi: K
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 8 Corrections
e¨vL¨v : GLv‡b, cÖ_g option wU mwVK hvi A_© ÔAvgiv cÖfv‡Z DwVÕ| wØZxq Ackb wU‡Z cÖ_g As‡ki more-Gi c~‡e©
the e¨envi Ki‡j evK¨wU ï× n‡e| Avevi Z…Zxq option wU‡Z Dictionary-‡Z word ‡`Lvi †ÿ‡Î ‘See’ verb
e¨envi Kiv n‡q‡Q| hv mwVK bq, KviY Awfav‡b kã †`Lvi †ÿ‡Î ‘Look up’ phrasal verb wU e¨envi Kiv nq|
PZz_© option –G fzj Av‡Q place kãwU e¨env‡ii †ÿ‡Î| †Kv_vI RvqMv Av‡Q †evSv‡Z place e¨envi bv K‡i
Room word wU e¨envi Kiv nq| AZGe, cÖ_g AckbwUB mwVK|
42. ‡KvbwU ï× evK¨ ? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (kir) : 2010; ‡iwR÷vW© cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (UMi) : 2011]
K. See the word in the dictionary L. Find out the word in the dictionary
M. Pick up the word in the dictionary N. Look up the word in the dictionary DËi: N
e¨vL¨v: ‡Kv‡bv kã Awfav‡b †`Lv ev †LuvRv A‡_© - ‘Look up’ phrasal verb wU e¨envi Kiv nq|
43. Which sentence is with correct punctuation— [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. Maria, my student, is on leave today L. Maria my student, is on leave today
M. Maria my student is on leave today N. Maria my student is, on leave today DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Case in apposition Gi Dfq cv‡k Kgv (,) e‡m|
44. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (KY©dzjx) : 2012]
K. He came this morning L. Asad is sick
M. Anis told me a liar N. Put your sign here. DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : Ackb ÔKÕ G cÖ`Ë evK¨wU ï×| Ab¨vb¨ Ackb¸‡jvi ï×iƒc n‡”Q- Asad is ill, Anis called me a liar,
Put your signature here.
45. Find out the correct sentence. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (Mvgv): 2014]
K. He succeed to get a job L. He is suffering from fever for a week
M. Guard the children against the bad company N. The train is running in time DËi : M
46. Which sentence is correct? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (hgybv) : 2012; cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK: 15; cÖvK-cÖv_wgK
mnKvix wkÿK (Avjdv): 14]
K. He dares go there. L. I came in when he was writing.
M. The police were informed of the matter. N. Matin is good than his brother. DËi : M
e¨vL¨v: mwVK evK¨wU n‡”Q- Ackb (M)- The police were informed of the matter. Ab¨vb¨ Ack‡bi ï× iƒc
n‡e- He dares to go. Matin is better than his brother.
47. Choose the correct sentence. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (Avjdv) : 14]
K. The matter was informed to the police L. The matter has been informed of the police
M. The police was informed of the matter N. The police were informed of the matter DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : The police Gi ci Plural verb e¨eüZ nq| ZvB Ackb ÔNÕ ï×|
48. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (Wvwjqv) : 12]
K. He got the work done L. A Daniel has come to the judgment
M. He went to his elder N. I have read a poetry DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g AckbwU ï×| wØZxq AckbwU‡Z Ôthe’ ev` hv‡e; ïay Judgment _vK‡e| Z…Zxq Ack‡b elder
brother/elder sister w`‡j evK¨wU mgvß n‡e| poetry GKwU collective noun. Gi cwie‡Z© a poem/ a piece
of poetry n‡e|
49. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (W¨v‡dvwWj) : 12]
K. Suffice to say, he is wrong L. Lake Chilka is in Orissa
M. See the word in the dictionary N. There is no place for doubt in it DËi : L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 9 Corrections
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g Ack‡b n‡e- Suffice it to say (Avwg GBUzKz eje †h)| wØZxq AckbwU ï×| Z…Zxq Ack‡b Ôsee’
Gi cwie‡Z© ÔLook up’ n‡e| Look up A_©- kã †LvuRv| †Kv_vI RvqMv Av‡Q †evSv‡Z place e¨envi bv K‡i
Room word wU e¨envi Kiv nq|
50. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK : 09]
K. Walking in the garden a snake bite him L. Grammar is the better servant than master
M. It has been raining for three days N. He gave the examination DËi : M
e¨vL¨v : Ackb ÔLÕ †Z Ôthe better servant’ Gi cwie‡Z© Ôa better servant’ n‡e| Ackb ÔNÕ †Z ÔgaveÕ Gi
cwie‡Z© Ôtook’ n‡e|
51. Which one is the correct sentence? [cÖv_wgK cÖavb wkÿK (K¨v‡gwjqv) : 2012]
K. She has got cent percent marks L. You are a great thief
M. Time and tide waits for none N. Has he got the information? DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : Ackb ÔLÕ †Z great e¨eüZ n‡e bv| †Kbbv, great kãwU e¨eüZ nq BwZevPKfv‡e| Ôgreat’ Gi cwie‡Z©
Ônotorious’ e¨envi Ki‡j evK¨wUi A‡_©i c~Y©Zv Avm‡e| Ackb ÔMÕ †Z plural verb (wait) n‡e|
52. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (wµmvbw_gvg): 2012]
K. I am feeling unwell L. The sceneries here are very beautiful
M. Let you and I do N. Let you and me do it DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : Fear, feel, prefer cÖf…wZ mvaviYZ continuous tense G e¨eüZ nq bv| ZvB Ackb ÔKÕ-‡Z Ôam
feeling’ Gi cwie‡Z© ïay Ôfeel’ n‡e| Ackb ÔLÕ †Z sceneries Gi cwie‡Z© ÔScenary’ n‡e| Ackb ÔMÕ †Z ÔI’
Gi ¯’‡j Ôme’ n‡e|
54. Choose the correct sentence. [11Zg wewmGm; cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (wm‡jU wefvM): 15]
K. Rich is not always happy L. The rich is not always happy
M. The rich is not happy always N. The rich are not always happy DËi: N
e¨vL¨v : we‡kl †Kvb †kÖwY ev m¤úª`vq eySv‡Z Adjective−Gi c~‡e© Ôthe’ e‡m Plural Common Noun nq Ges
Gi c‡i Plural Verb e‡m| GLv‡b The Rich ej‡Z weËevb †kÖwY‡K †evSv‡bv n‡q‡Q|
55. wb‡Pi evK¨¸‡jv g‡a¨ ï× evK¨ †KvbwU? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK : 98]
K. The flowers smell sweetly L. I am very glad to see you
M. The novel is too interesting N. No one can write as neat as he does DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : sweet kãwU GKwU adjective. Ackb ÔKÕ †Z smell kãwU‡K we‡klvwqZ Kivi Rb¨ sweet kãwU e¨eüZ
n‡e| Ackb ÔLÕ G cÖ`Ë evK¨wU ï×| Ackb ÔMÕ †Z too Gi cwie‡Z© very em‡e| Ackb ÔNÕ †Z neat Gi cwie‡Z©
Ôneatly’ n‡e|
56. What is the correct sentence? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (PÆMÖvg wefvM): 2005]
K. The reason of my silence is due to my illness
L. My silence is due to my illness M. The reason of my silence is a due to my illness
N. My silence is due the my illness DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g Ack‡b reason Ges due to GK mv‡_ e¨eüZ n‡e bv| Ackb ÔMÕ †Z due n‡”Q adjective ZvB Gi
Av‡M a e‡m bv| Ackb ÔNÕ †Z Ôthe’ Gi cwie‡Z© ÔtoÕ e¨eüZ n‡e|
57. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (‡gNbv) : 12]
K. I suffered fever for a week L. She found the boy crying
M. Let you and he be witness N. Rahim play everyday DËi : L
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 10 Corrections
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g Ack‡b Ôsuffered’ Gi cwie‡Z© Ôhave been suffering’ n‡e| wØZxq Ack‡bi evK¨wU ï×| Z…Zxq
Ack‡b Ôhe’ Gi cwie‡Z© Ôhim’ n‡e| Ackb ÔNÕ †Z Rahim 3rd Person singular number nIqvq plays
58. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ivRkvnx wefvM) : 07]
K. I went to my house L. I got my food expenses
M. Do not throw the milk N. The tree was loaded with fruit. DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : here, there, home, abroad cÖf…wZi c~‡e© preposition wn‡m‡e Ôto’ e‡m bv| ZvB cÖ_g Ack‡bi evK¨wU
n‡e- I went home. wØZxq Ack‡bi evK¨wU ï×| Z…Zxq Ack‡b Ôthrow’ Gi cwie‡Z© ÔspillÕ n‡e| PZz_© Ack‡b
Ôloaded’ Gi cwie‡Z© Ôladen’ n‡e| loaded e¨eüZ nq gvjvgv‡j cwic~Y© A‡_© Avi Mv‡Q djg~‡j mw¾Z A‡_©
e¨eüZ nq Ôladen’.
59. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ewikvj wefvM) : 06]
K. She is always fond to talk. L. Is todays’s film worth seeing?
M. I asked him if he is going. N. It has much hot in the summer. DËi : L
60. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (ewikvj wefvM) : 06]
K. Two-thirds of the money are lost. L. I am senior to you by three years.
M. Whom do you think I am? N. He thought it will rain. DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : money uncountable noun nIqvq Gi mvg‡b †h ai‡bi fMœvsk _vKzK bv †Kb, verb singular (is)
n‡e| Ackb ÔLÕ -G cÖ`Ë evK¨ ï×| Ackb ÔMÕ †Z ÔWhom’ Gi cwie‡Z© ÔWho’ n‡e| PZz_© Ack‡b Ôwill rain’
Gi cwie‡Z© Ôwould rain’ n‡e|
61. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (ewikvj wefvM) : 06]
K. Ahshan is better today L. The bus service has been canclled due to fog
M. I have a lot of furnitures for sale N. He prevented me to go DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : mvaviYZ Ôdue to’ e‡m be verb Gi ci| ZvB GLv‡b Ackb ÔLÕ †Z Ôdue to’ Gi cwie‡Z© owing to
em‡e| Furniture kãwUi Singular Ges Plural Form GKB| ZvB Z…Zxq Ack‡b furnitures Gi cwie‡Z©
furniture n‡e| PZz_© Ack‡b Prevented to Gi cwie‡Z© Prevent from em‡e|
62. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (KY©dzjx) : 2012]
K. He gave me a piece of advice. L. I went to my house.
M. He applied for freeship. N. The meat is hard. DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : home, abroad, here, there cÖf…wZ Gi c~‡e© to e‡m bv| ZvB wØZxq Ack‡bi ï× evK¨wU n‡e- I went
home. Z…Zxq Ack‡b freeship Gi cwie‡Z© free studentship em‡e| PZz_© Ack‡b Ôhard Gi cwie‡Z© tough
63. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (KY©dzjx) : 12]
K. I feel unwell. L. I took a bath.
M. I am somewhat sure .N. I sold my furnitures. DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g AckbwU ï×| wØZxq Ack‡b took Gi cwie‡Z© had em‡e| Z…Zxq Ack‡b somewhat kãwUi
e¨envi ev‡K¨i A‡_©i cwic~Y©Zv Av‡b bv| Gi cwie‡Z© Pretty kãwU fvj kãPqb| Ackb ÔNÕ †Z furnitures Gi
¯’‡j furniture n‡e| KviY furniture Gi singular Ges plural GKB|
64. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (ewikvj wefvM) : 06]
K. I forbade him to go . L. The moon shines by night
M. Did they wrote the book? N. He stopped to write letters to me DËi : K
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 11 Corrections
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g AckbwU ï×| wØZxq Ack‡b by night Gi cwie‡Z© at night n‡e| Z…Zxq AckbwU verb Gi base
from (write) em‡e| KviY, Wh question mnKv‡i cÖkœ Kiv n‡j verb Gi base form e‡m|
65. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (myigv) : 12]
K. The cart was laden fully. L. Your information is false.
M. Listen to my advices. N. Who brought these news? DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g Ack‡b laden Gi cwie‡Z© loaded n‡e| wØZxq Ack‡bi evK¨wU ï×| Z…Zxq Ack‡b advices Gi
cwie‡Z© advice n‡e| PZz_© Ack‡b singular verb (this) n‡e| KviY news kãwU †`L‡Z plural n‡jI
singular wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ nq|
66. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK (‡nvqvs‡nv) : 13]
K. Good night, how are you? L. Ali took admission into that college.
M. He asked me where did I go. N. He always speaks the truth. DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : wØZxq Ack‡b took admission Gi cwie‡Z© got himself admitted into n‡e| KviY, get oneself
admitted into e¨eüZ nq †Kvb e¨w³ hLb wb‡R wb‡RB †Kvb cÖwZôv‡b fwZ© nq †m‡ÿ‡Î| Z…Zxq evK¨wU n‡e- He
asked me where I went. KviY, hw` †Kvb ev‡K¨ Wh word gvSLv‡b Av‡m Zvn‡j Zvi ci Assertive
sentence e‡m| ‡hgb- I don’t know where he lives. Do you know where he goes?
67. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (†ngšÍ) : 2010]
K. He shouted in the top of his voice. L. He shouted with the top of his voice.
M. He shouted on the top of his voice. N. He shouted at the top of his voice. DËi : N
e¨vL¨v: evK¨ PviwU‡Z ‘shout’ verb-Gi c‡i wfbœ wfbœ preposition ‡hgb-in, with, on Ges ‘at’| at the top
of- m‡ev©”P mxgvq/ kxl©we›`y‡Z/ wkL‡i|
68. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (K‡cvZvÿ) : 2010]
K. I feel hungry L. I feel myself hungry
M. I am a man of words N. The sheeps are quite healthy DËi : K
e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b, ‘feel’ verb wU n‡jv GKwU ‘verb of perception’ Ges G ai‡bi verb hy³ ev‡K¨i structure
n‡jv Ñ subject + verb of perception + noun/adjective. GLv‡b, ‘feel’ verb Gi c‡i adjective e¨eüZ
n‡e| †m‡ÿ‡Î I feel hungry. GLv‡b- Subject → I, Verb → Feel, Adjective → hungry. wØZxq
Ack‡b reflexive pronoun (myself) ev` hv‡e| Z…Zxq Ack‡b man of few words (Aí K_vi gvbyl) n‡e|
PZz_© Ack‡b sheeps Gi cwie‡Z© ïay sheep n‡e| KviY sheep Gi Singular and Plural GKB|
69. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (K‡cvZvÿ) : 2010]
K. She is a person whom I know is sincere L. She is a person who I know is sincere
M. Tuhin is my lovely friend N. There is no place in my class DËi : L
e¨vL¨v: cÖ_g AckbwU‡Z whom Gi ¯’‡j whom em‡j evK¨wU cwic~Y© n‡e| sub + verb + verb Gi c~‡e©
relative pronoun wn‡m‡e who e‡m| ZvB wØZxq AckbwU mwVK| Z…Zxq AckbwU fzj KviY friend ‡K describe
Kivi Rb¨ ‘lovely’ adjective wU Appropriate bv| GLv‡b lovely Gi ¯’v‡b loving/lovable n‡e| PZy_©
AckbwUI mwVK bq KviY RvqMv †evSv‡Z ÔplaceÕ Gi RvqMvq ÔroomÕ em‡e|
70. ‡KvbwU ï× evK¨? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wZ¯Ív) : 10]
K. Every girls is at her desk. L. Credit this amount against his name.
M. We made fun of it. N. A little number of boys were present. D : M
e¨vL¨v: cÖ_g AckbwU‡Z girls Gi cwie‡Z© girl n‡e| KviY Every Gi ci singular noun nq| A¨vKvD‡›U Rgv
Kiv A‡_© Credit to e¨eüZ nq| Ackb ÔNÕ †Z little number Gi cwie‡Z© small number n‡e|
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 12 Corrections
71. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wZZvm) : 10] DËi : M
K. Grammar is better servant than a master L. Grammar is the better servant than a master
M. Grammar is a better servant than a master N. A Grammar is a better servant than a master.
72. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (ivRkvnx wefvM) : 2008]
K. He was too clever to grasp the point. L. Scarcely had we started when it began to rain
M. Why you have done this? N. A gold is a precious metal. DËi: L
e¨vL¨v: cÖ_g Ack‡b grasp Gi cwie‡Z© miss e¨eüZ n‡e| wØZxq AckbwU ï×| Z…Zxq Ack‡b Sentence Gi
word order wVK bvB| ï× evK¨wU n‡e- Why have you done this? PZz_© Ack‡b Gold Gi mvg‡b †_‡K a
ev` hv‡e|
73. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (wµmvbw_gvg) : 2012]
K. He requested for my help. L. Time and tide wait for no man. DËi : N
M. The ship with its crew, were lost. N. The horse and carriage is at the door.
e¨vL¨v: Ackb ÔMÕ †Z was lost n‡e| Ackb ÔLÕ †Z wait for none n‡e| KviY GwU GKwU cÖev` evK¨| Ackb
ÔKÕ ‡Z ïay requested n‡e|
74. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wZZvm) : 10]
K. Where are your luggages? L. Can you give me an advice?
M. What beautiful scenaries! N. What an awful weather! DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : PZz_© AckbwU ï×| Ab¨vb¨ Ackb¸‡jvi ï× iƒc n‡e- Where is your luggage. Can you give me a
piece of advice? What a beautiful scenary!
75. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (‡Mvjvc) : 09; cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (Wvwjqv) : 12]
K. He cannot pronounce the word. L. I saw his pulse.
M. Tell me where are you going? N. Dog is a faithful animal. DËi : K
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g AckbwU ï×| wØZxq Ack‡b saw Gi cwie‡Z© felt n‡e| KviY, bvoxi ¯ú›`b †`Lv hvq bv, Abyfe Kiv
hvq| Z…Zxq Ack‡b word order wVK bvB| ï× evK¨wU n‡e- Tell me where you are going. The dog is a
faithful animal A_ev Dogs are faithful animals n‡e|
77. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (PÆMÖvg wefvM) : 2008]
K. Inform the accident to him L. He succeeded for winning the prize
M. I could not do justice to him N. I sold my furnitures DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g AckbwU‡Z inform him of the accident n‡e| wØZxq AckbwU‡Z succeeded for Gi cwie‡Z©
succeded in n‡e| Z…Zxq AckbwU ï×| PZz_© Ack‡b furnitures Gi cwie‡Z© furniture n‡e|
78. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (kvcjv) : 2009]
K. He gave me some advice L. Anwar requested for my help
M. I am very better today N. He took nap. DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : wØZxq Ack‡b for ev` hv‡e| Z…Zxq Ack‡b very better Gi cwie‡Z© much better n‡e| PZz_© Ack‡b
nap mvg‡b article (a) Avm‡e| ï× evK¨¸‡jv n‡e- Anwar requested my help. I am much better today.
He took a nap.
78. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 2008]
K. No pains were spared L. He caught my hand
M. Do not make noise N. We shall walk on foot DËi: K
79. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 2008]
K. She resembled to her mother. L. I was not at my home.
M. I could not but shed tears. N. He reached at Sylhet. DËi: M
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 13 Corrections
80. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (PÆMÖvg wefvM) : 2008]
K. He went to his house L. Put your signature here
M. Rusel only is reliable N. He told me a liar DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g Ack‡b He went home n‡e| PZz_© Ack‡b told Gi cwie‡Z© called n‡e|
81. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (evMvbwejvm) : 12]
K. There is no place for doubt. L. I went to my house.
M. All passengers must show their ticket. N. He called me a coward. DËi : N
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g Ack‡b m‡›`‡ni AeKvk bvB A‡_© ‘Room for doubt’ Gi RvqMvq ‘place for doubt’ _vKvq Zv
fzj| here, there, home, abroad cÖf…wZi c~‡e© preposition wn‡m‡e Ôto’ e‡m bv| ZvB wØZxq Ack‡bi evK¨wU
n‡e- I went home. Z…Zxq Ack‡b their tickets n‡e| PZz_© AckbwU ï×|
82. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (‡Mvjvc): 2012]
K. He refused the debt. L. I could not do justice to it.
M. I could not make justice to it. N. I took a bath. DËi : L
83. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 2006]
K. We packed our luggages. L. Listen to my advice.
M. Honey is too sweet. N. Your informations are false. DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g AckbwU‡Z luggages Gi cwie‡Z© luggage n‡e| wØZxq AckbwU ï×| Z…Zxq I PZz_© Ack‡bi evK¨
`ywUi ï× iƒc n‡e- Honey is very sweet. Your information is false. KviY Uncountable noun Gi
Plural nq bv|
84. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (cÙv) : 08]
K. I have an urgent business L. We get up at dawn
M. The reason for success are known to me. N. Suffice to say she did very well. DËi : L
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g AckbwU‡Z business kãwU ÔKvRÕ A‡_© uncountable noun wn‡m‡e singular noun wn‡m‡e
count Kiv nq| ZvB ï× evK¨wU n‡e- I have an urgent piece of business. Ackb ÔMÕ †Z singular verb
(is) n‡e| PZz_© Ack‡b n‡e- Suffice it to say (Avwg GBUzKz eje †h)|
85. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ivRkvnx wefvM) : 07]
K. Honey is too sweet. L. I saw him long before.
M. He took offence at my work. N. Asif only is reliable. DËi: L
e¨vL¨v : ï× evK¨mg~n n‡e- Honey is very sweet. Asif alone is reliable. I saw him long ago.
86. Identify the correct sentence. [cÖvK-cÖv_wgK mnKvix wkÿK cixÿv : 2016]
K. He is working hard to standing first L. He is working hardly to stand first.
M. He is working hard to stand first. N. He works hard to standing first. DËi: M
e¨vL¨v : (K) to stand is correct. (L) hard is correct, (N) to stand is correct. myZivs MVbMZ w`K n‡Z
mwVK n‡”Q- (M) He is working hard to stand first.
87. One should cling ---one’s plan. ev‡K¨i k~b¨¯’v‡b mwVK kã em‡e- [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wZZvm) : 2010;
cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wZZvm) : 2010]
K. with L. to M. of N. for DËi: L
88. Which is right? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wm‡jU wefvM) : 07]
K. He and myself went out L. Myself and he went out
M. I and he went out N. He and I went out DËi: N
89. Which one is correct? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (wm‡jU wefvM) : 07]
K. Mr. karim is blind for his son’s fault L. Mr. karim is blind about his son’s fault
M. Mr. karim is blind to his son’s fault N. Mr. karim is blind of his son’s fault DËi: M
Bb‡mckb I‡qe/A¨vc # Bs‡iwR fvlv # 14 Corrections
e¨vL¨v : Blind to (faulth)- ‡`v‡li cÖwZ AÜ, †`‡LI bv †`Lvi fvb| wg÷vi Kwig Zvi mšÍv‡bi †`v‡li e¨vcv‡i AÜ|
90. Which of the following is a correct sentence? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2006]
K. He was so clever to miss the point. L. He was too clever to miss the point.
M. He was too clever to grasp the point. N. He was too clever not to miss the point. D : L
e¨vL¨v : cÖ_g Ack‡b so Gi cwie‡Z© too n‡e| Z…Zxq Ack‡b grasp Gi cwie‡Z© miss n‡e|
91. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 2006]
K. He is not on the committee. L. He is not in the committee.
M. He is not with the committee. N. He is not at the committee. DËi: K
93. †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2019]
K. Mr. Jamal is not on the committee. L. Mr. Jamal is not in the committee.
M. Mr. Jamal is not in committee. N. Mr. Jamal is not at the committee. DËi: K
94. One should be careful about.........duty. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. one's L. the M. his N. her DËi: K
95. Which sentence is correct? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. He is as good as I. L. He is as good as mine.
M. He is as good as myself. N. He is as good as me. DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : As + Adjective + as Gici pronoun Gi subjective form em‡e | myZivs mwVK DËi n‡jv- (K)
He is as good as I.
96. Identify the correct sentence. [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 2018]
K. The padma is the longest river in Bangladesh.
L. The padma is longest river in Bangladesh.
M. The padma is longest river in the Bangladesh.
N. Padma is longest river in Bangladesh. DËi: K
e¨vL¨v : Adjective Gi superlative form Gi c~‡e© the e‡m| b`-b`xi bv‡gi c~‡e©I the e‡m| myZivs mwVK
DËi n‡”Q- The padma is the longest river in Bangladesh.
96. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (XvKv wefvM) : 2006]
K. He copied the answer word by word. L. He copied the answer word for word.
M. He copied the answer word with word. N. He copied the answer word in word. DËi: L
e¨vL¨v: word for word GKwU phrase hvi A_©- Aÿ‡i Aÿ‡i|
97. ‡Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (ivRkvnx wefvM) : 2005]
K. You are a pride of Bangladesh L. You are pride of Bangladesh
M. You are a pride of the Bangladesh N. You are the pride of Bangladesh DËi: K
98. Choose the correct answer. How long did you wait? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK (PÆMÖvg wefvM) : 02]
K. till lunch time. L. till he came.
M. until 6 O’ clock. N. since this morning. DËi : M
99. wb‡Pi †Kvb evK¨wU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq cÖavb wkÿK (ewikvj wefvM): 08]
K. She told me that she will come tomorrow. L. They went back after we arrived.
M. That was a slip of the pen. N. My son is ill all this week. DËi : M
100. ‡KvbwU ï×? [cÖv_wgK we`¨vjq mnKvix wkÿK : 93]
K. it is a true fact. L. This a fact.
M. It is a fact. N. The fact is true. DËi : M

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