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College of Computer Studies

Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges

1st Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023
CS 3110- Software Engineering 1


Group 10
Randolf Brigola
Johnben Augustus Nadal
John Mark Pajenago

Scope of the Project:

The scope of this project is to create a table for the expenses and can plot into a pie chart all the
expenses that the user input and categorize all the expenses for better financial analysis the user can add
and clear all the expenses that they input. The algorithm that we use is a data structure, which can
manage and store all the data of the user input and we convert the Python file into executable files for a
user-friendly interface.

Limitations of the Projects:

A personal expense tracker can be a valuable tool because it can manage all the expenses for
the user and manage the expectations of the user, and plan for future improvements. The effectiveness of
the tracker relies on the users consistently inputting data and it focuses on the data that the user input to
create a chart to show all the expenses and to create a better financial analysis.

Project Specification:

The goal of this project is to use formal languages and automata theory to create a personal
expenses tracker application. Improved budgeting, spending management, and financial awareness will
be possible thanks to the application's tracking and analysis of user spending trends. (1) Automate
spending tracking: By integrating bank accounts, scanning receipts, or using other automated
data-gathering techniques, you may reduce the amount of time spent manually entering data. (2) Allow
users to define and monitor their financial objectives, as well as to follow their progress toward reaching
them. (3) Programming languages: Python for implementing automata-based algorithms. (4) Sys and
College of Computer Studies
Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges
1st Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023
CS 3110- Software Engineering 1

Pyside6 for libraries and modules (5) Interface that is easy to use to view financial statistics,
create objectives, and manage spending. (6) Access restrictions and data storage that is trustworthy and
Project Development

By using Python as our choice of programming language, prioritizing performance, scalability,

and compatibility is intended in the user interface. Importing third-party libraries should be thoroughly
evaluated to ensure compatibility. Our programming knowledge plays a vital role in the success of this
project. Testing and Quality assurance are needed for this project in order to identify and address
potential bugs, vulnerabilities, and performance issues before deployment.


College of Computer Studies
Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges
1st Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023
CS 3110- Software Engineering 1
College of Computer Studies
Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges
1st Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023
CS 3110- Software Engineering 1
College of Computer Studies
Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges
1st Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023
CS 3110- Software Engineering 1
College of Computer Studies
Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges
1st Semester, Academic Year 2022-2023
CS 3110- Software Engineering 1


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