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Entrepreneurship World Cup 2024 Application

Ends on Mon, Apr 1, 2024 5:00 AM


Applicant First Name (Edikan)*

Applicant Last Name (udiong)*

Applicant Age*

At the time of the application launch (September 1, 2023), I am 18 years or older

Applicant Country of Residence*


Are You the Company Founder or Co-Founder?

YES. I am a founder

What is Your Primary Title Within the Company

Chief Executive Officer

If you are not a C-Level executive in your company, please select "None of the above".

Company Name*


Company HQ - Country*


Company HQ - City*

Lagos, Lekki

Company Website

Year of Company Registration (Age)*


To qualify for EWC, the company must not exceed 10 years in age.

Company Stage*

Early Stage



Early Stage

-Seeking Validation:Your company has commercially viable MVP that is seeking early user/customer
validation in the market

-Seeking Early Funding:Your company is ready for (or actively seeking) its first equity investment

-Early Signs of Growth: Your company shows early evidence of market validation and evidence of
business growth in your home market

-Early Equity Funding: Your company successfully earned seed / angel funding and preparing for Series-A

-Early International Sales:Your company shows signs of international sales but development is still

-Nascent Bootstrapping:Your company shows evidence of small organic growth and is not seeking equity
fundraising (bootstrapping)

-Steps Toward Governance:Your company is Intent or starting to develop a board of directors

-Creating Departments:Your company is growing and there is movement to hiring company executives
(part-time or full-time) relieving the CEO/Founder from some parts of the company's operations

Growth Stage

-Consistent Growth:Your company shows evidence of strong local market validation with consistent
growth for at least three years

-Defined Departments:Your company developed an operating structure containing departments with a

settled executive team that has clear department hiring standards

-Strong Governance: Your company has an active and engaged board of directors
-Repeatable:Your company shows clear evidence of a repeatable business model that has predictable
recurring sales in multiple markets

-Equity Fundraising for Scalability: Your company successfully closed a Series-A (or beyond) round

-Evergreen:Your company can prove strong organic growth without fundraising (you are bootstrapping)

-Exit-Ready:Your company has reached its growth limit or plateau and you are exit-ready (seeking
acquisition or private equity)

Select any Market or Key Industry That Matches Your Company's Work*


Select one answer choice from the drop-down menu.

Is Your Company a Social Enterprise*

YES - We are a social enterprise

NO - We are not a social enterprise

SOMEWHAT - We are hybrid

A social enterprise or social business is defined as a business with specific social objectives that serve its
primary purpose. Social enterprises seek to maximize profits while maximizing benefits to society and
the environment, and the profits are principally used to fund social programs.

Company Description*

Limit: 250 characters

Oleanderlife focuses on the agricultural cultivation and the procurement of agricultural commodities
from farmers across diverse regions of Nigeria. Subsequently, which are then refined to food products
an are then distributed to retail establishments worldwide. Oleanderlife seeks to provide our customers
with healthy dried food that has been frozen to preserve nutritional value, devoid of artificial additives
or preservatives.
One of the major problems facing small African farmers (who are mostly women) and threatening
sustainable food and environmental security, is food losses and waste. We had conducted research and
our pre-findings a significant reasons for high post harvest losses were due to a poor/ inadequate
storage system and packaging materials for fruit b) distance from fruits source c) bad pricing of fruits
d)low standard transportation facilities and low level of demand for fruits were significant to the high
level of post-harvest losses. Some of the poor nutrition and health challenges in Nigeria and many
African countries are also attributed to these food wastages, reducing the availability of quality food for
consumption. This contributes to a wide range of health issues and concerns across the population.
These solutions cater to the needs of consumers while also addressing various challenges in the
agriculture and food industries. Our ingredients are grown, farmed and sourced locally. Our vision is to
create positive impacts in our communities, as we strive to create healthy and organic top-quality
products. In the course of creating these products, we interact with the people in the rural communities,
particularly the women. And we are able to create impact through the following ways: a) Reducing food
waste b) Enhancing shelf life c) Promoting healthy eating d) Supporting small-scale female farmers e)
Packaging Waste Reduction f) Beauty products from natural ingredients g) Supporting Local Economies.

de a 1-2 sentence description of your company. This is a high-level overview of what problem your
company solves and what it sells or commercializes. The limit is 250 characters.

Competitive Advantage (Unique Value Proposition)*

Please provide a 1-2 sentence description of your companys competitive advantage or unique value
proposition in the market. The limit is 250 characters.

Future Vision*

Projecting 5 years into your companys future, how would you describe the successof this company?:

We aspire to establish ourselves as the foremost organic-African food brand in Nigeria, synonymous
with the essence of "natural."Our vision is to become a household name known for delivering unique
and innovative products that prioritize the needs and convenience of our customers, all while
maintaining unwavering product quality.

To realize this vision, our strategic goals encompass expanding our market share through initiatives such
as securing placement in additional stores. We plan to enhance brand visibility by amplifying our
marketing efforts through a heightened budget. Simultaneously, we aim to augment our production
capacity and output by making strategic investments in state-of-the-art production equipment.
Furthermore, our commitment extends to diversifying our product range by increasing the number of
Stock Keeping Units (SKUs), providing an even broader selection for our valued customers.
Team Size (Headcount)*

There is a team size of 7

There is currently a team size of 6 consisting of full time employees

We have 5 full time employees and 1 executive, our team size is 6.

Your Business Model

B2C (Business to Consumer) - Your customer is a person (or people) accessed through multiple channels.

CEO Description

Limit: 300 characters

Provide a brief description of the CEOs contribution and experience (professional background). Please
Include his / her name. The limit is 300 characters.

Executive Team Leadership Description (Non-CEO)*

Limit: 500 characters

What makes this a winning team? Why will you succeed? Provide a brief description of your executive
teams overall experiences and how they benefit your companys operations. The limit is 500 characters.
Company Revenues (2022)*


Please indicate the companys TOTAL revenues for 2022 (January 01, 2022 - December 31, 2022) in US
Dollars (USD).

Company Revenues (2023)*


Please provide a running sum (January 01 - September 01, 2023) of actual revenues earned. DO NOT
include projections for the remainder of 2023 in this answer.

Paying Customers*


Does Any Single Client Account for 50% or More of Your Companys Annual Revenue?*

Yes. One of our clients accounts for 50% or more of my companys annual revenue.

No. None of our clients account for 50% or more of my companys annual revenue.

Your Geographical Reach (Actual)*

No Geographical Reach/Paying Clients



Australia &Oceania


Central America (excludes US, Canada and Mexico)


Middle East

North America (Continental)

South America

Only consider actual / paying customers. This can include: full contracts, paid pilots, and/or service
agreements where money is exchanged for your companys services. DO NOT CONSIDER: Letters of
Intent (LOIs) or Memorandums of Understanding (MOU) that have not moved to contracting.

Intent to Scale - Select Up to 5 Countries Where Your Company Plans To Grow

Intent to Scale - Select 1st Country*


Intent to Scale - Select 2nd Country


Intent to Scale - Select 3rd Country


Intent to Scale - Select 4th Country


Intent to Scale - Select 5th Country


Fundraising Intent - Is your company interested in raising equity funding from investors?*

Yes. We are interested in raising equity funding from investors

No. We are not interested in raising equity funding from investors

Maybe. We are considering raising equity funding from investors (To be Determined)

Most Recent Round Closed - What is the most recent equity fundraising round closed?*
Not Applicable (We have not raised funds / We are bootstrapping)

Seed (Angel or Angel Syndicate)




Series-D or Beyond

Total Funds Raised to Date*


How much funding (in US Dollars) has your company raised from investors (or in self-funding) since the
company initiated official operations at the time of registration? Provide an accurate estimate of the
funds raised.

Your Company Logo

Choose File

Upload a file. No files have been attached yet.

Acceptable file types: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .svg, .tif, .tiff, .ai, .eps

Submit a Hi-Res Company Logo. Acceptable file types include: TIF, JPG, PNG, SVG, AI, EPS. File size limit

Your Pitch Deck

Choose File

Upload a file. No files have been attached yet.

Acceptable file types: .pdf, .key, .ppt, .pptx

Submit your companys most recent Pitch Deck. Acceptable file types include: PPT, PPTX, PDF. File size
limit 400MB
How Did You Hear About EWC?

Another Entrepreneur (My professional Network)

Are You Interested in Scaling into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?*

Yes - We are interested in creating a subsidiary in Saudi Arabia

Yes - We are interested in working through intermediaries to sell our product or service in Saudi Arabia

Yes - We are interested, but dont know the options

No - We are not interested in expansion to Saudi Arabia

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