Ring Bending Test

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Ce JSJAMIANTIT Date Subject Test Details Place of Testing Test Specification TYPE TEST 14° September 2023 Type Test Report of DN1000mm Ductile Iron Pipe Performance Test of DN1000mm Pipe Diametric Stiffness Test Saudi Arabian Ductile Iron Pipe Co. Ltd (SADIP) Testing Facilities, Dammam K.S.A ISO 2531-2009/BSEN 598:2007+A1:2009E / BSEN 545:2010 Scope: = To qualify the specimen that it can withstand the test load with an Ovalization not exceed of 4% value and shall be no damage to external coating and cement lining. Test Specimen: = DN1000mm with the length of 500mm+20mm Page 1 of 3 CN JAMIANTIT Procedure: = The test shall be carried out on a pipe section 500mm+20mm. The pipe section shall be placed on a V shape support. The load shall be applied at the pipe crown with the support. Testing Details : = The initial load applied of the pipe crown and increased steadily until it reches the lest load of 43.4KN/m corresponding to the minimum diametral stiffness of 16KN/M?. The vertical deflection of the pipe section was measured and calculate the ovalization of the specimen. The pipe section was visually inspected of any damaged on external coating and lining. The testing was witnessed by M/s.Gemanicher Lyod Industrial Services6mbH (GL) Requirements: = No damage of coating and cement lining and allowable pipe ovalization dle : of not more than4%. \ Page 2 of 3 CEN JAMIANTIT Test Result are as follows:- Ovalization: (A2-A1) X 100% (A2+A1) 1085mm — 1043mm) X100% = 1.97% (1085mm + 1043mm) = The computed ovalization is less than 4 % "No visible damage on the external coating and cement lining Conclusion: = Based on the qualification test result, it can be confirm that the test specimen can withstood the load of 43.4KN/m corresponding to the minimum diametral stiffness of 16KN/m?. Safety: * All safety precautions took place during pressure test. Test Prepared & Arranged By: SADIP QC & Difav production. - QC Engineer — Davalasab Tondikhan. - QC Team Leader —- Noor Mohammed Abdul Rauf - Fitting Manufacturing Supervisor: Akram Mohammad Esam Al Rafei Test witnessed & reviewed *\ Test Present by | Abdullah Abdutaziz A Page 3 0f3,

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