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Entrepreneurship is not new to India. India needs more than a 100

million jobs a year and the jobs which are generated are mostly from
startups and not big enterprises. Startup entrepreneurship is crucial
because it also brings new innovations, new jobs and competitive
dynamics into the business environment and enterprises India today
has reached that stage of the demographic transition wherein more
than 60 percent of the population is in the economically active age
group of 15-59 years, commonly referred to as the DEMOGRAPHIC
DIVIDEND.Now a days many of the startups have introduced latest
technology Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics etc.

In August 2015, the Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi,

announced the launch of the national flagship initiative – Startup
India, with a mindset to promote and encourage young entrepreneurs
of our country. He imagine the aim of the initiative to transform
India into a Startup nation, “a country of job creators instead of job
seekers. He told for the young blood to be independent in their life.
Don’t go for the job instead of make the job for others. And became
the job provider.

Shri Narendra Modi, launched the Startup India initiative on

January 16, 2016. An Action Plan with 19 action points, focusing on
simplification and hand-holding . The Department of Industrial Policy
and Promotion has been actively taking requisite measures to
encourage entrepreneurship and promote innovation. There are over
14,600 Startups recognized under Startup India that are spread
across 479 districts, covering all 29 States and 6 UTs. In order to
provide growth stage
It is natural and reasonable to think of the history of organizations
and small businesses in evolutionary terms (Simon, 1993). This
history is full of experiences and evidence supporting the evolution
of organizations, however, the existing history lacks enough focus on
the very early stages of a company

Startup companies are newly born companies which struggle for

existence. These entities are mostly formed based on brilliant ideas
and grow to succeed. These phenomena are mentioned in the
literature of management, organization, and entrepreneurship
theories. Startups are redefining the Indian economy. With its
favorable demography, open economic environment and culture of
entrepreneurialism, India is highly conducive to entrepreneurial

However, India’s startup economy has not reached full maturity, and
many startups die in their infancy. Engaging in mentoring
relationships with established companies can help create mutual
success and drive India toward an ever-more dynamic future.

Everything you need to know about entrepreneurship development in

India. Entrepreneurship development is concerned with the study of
entrepreneurial behavior, the dynamics of business set-up,
development and expansion of the enterprise.

Entrepreneurship development (ED) refers to “the process of

enhancing entrepreneurial skills and knowledge through structured
training and institution-building programmes”
Purpose of research
The purpose of research is that to enhance the knowledge in
that particular field. it is important to understand that research
itself is a process that is defined by the approach taken to it in the
first place. While research uncovers some aspect of how the world
is, it also reflects in large part how, where, and when we have asked
the questions.

Research allows you to pursue your interests, to learn something

new, to having your problem-solving skills and to challenge yourself in
new ways. Working on a faculty-initiated research project gives you
the opportunity work closely with a mentor–a faculty member or
other experienced researcher. Which you idol the most .With a self-
initiated research project, you leave the University with a product
that represents the distillation of your interests and studies, and
possibly, a real contribution to knowledge.

There are some points

1. You can get paid. Sometimes as an employee and sometimes as a


 You can publish your work. If you help a faculty member they will mention
your work, or you
 Learn to effectively communicate your ideas and how to analyze and
critique the work of others.
 Work closely with a faculty mentor and have the opportunity to connect
with other faculty and other student researchers who work in your area
of interest.
 Opportunity to discover new knowledge and expand about what you
already know.
 Learn valuable life skills for life and class such as professionalism, time
management, learning how to use online research tools.
The process of undertaking the reseach

1. Choose a topic.
2. Review the literature (past research).
3. Formulate the problem (find the gap in past research).
4. Develop a research question.
5. Choose and organize the research design.
6. Gather the data.
7. Analyze the data.
8. Interpret the data.
9. Communicate the findings
Significance of the study
Starts ups have played and continue to play significant roles in the
growth, development and industrialization of many economies all over
the world. Startup is flagship initiative of the government of India,
intended to build a strong eco-system for nurturing innovation.
Startup will drive sustainable economic growth and generate large
scale employment opportunities and minimize unemployment

There are 7 important point.

1. Entrepreneurs are Innovators

2. Entrepreneurs create jobs

3. Entrepreneurs improve the standard of living

4. Entrepreneurs are Philanthropists

5. Entrepreneurs introduce changes in the community

6. Entrepreneurship leads to economic growth

7. Entrepreneurs support other entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs are Innovators
Entrepreneurship is important for growing the economy, creating
jobs and improving the quality of life while adapting to modern
societal needs. Innovation refers to an individual or organization
creating new ideas, such as new products, workplace processes
and upgrades to existing services or products. In business,
innovation can promote growth, help ensure the organization can
compete with new market trends and help generate profit. Puts
innovative ideas can help a business become a successful
organization in its industry They understand the negative impact
of technological innovations and the loss of certain occupations
but they also sense newer opportunities that can be derived from
this age of technology. These new products or services need
more employees in the various fields of marketing, HR, finance,
operations, etc. Innovators observe consumer problems and find
ways to address the same. Their innovation is what creates
employment. .

Entrepreneurs create jobs

Entrepreneurs create employment opportunities not only for
themselves but for others as well. Entrepreneurial activities may
influence a country’s economic performance by bringing new
products, methods, and production processes to the market and
by boosting productivity and competition more broadly . It is
responsible for creating jobs with varying qualification
requirements. For example, smaller entrepreneurs are more
willing to hire employees with limited or no education, thus
providing opportunities to people from all sections of society.
Entrepreneurs also tend to hire locally, which reinforces the
social fabric of their surrounding communities. Generating
employment on a micro-level is key to national economics on a
macro level. Employed people spend more, thus, giving a boost to
the country’s gross domestic product.
Entrepreneurs improve the standard of living
The journey of entrepreneurship is dynamic. As they see a problem
in the lives of the consumers, they use their creative thinking to
identify a solution.
They start a new organization and create employment. When new
employees are hired, they are remunerated, and this income is spent
in the local economy. This generates an incremental wealth for the
population and results in raising the standard of living for all

Entrepreneurs are Philanthropists

One of the most highlighted importance of entrepreneurship is the
nature to give back to the community.As entrepreneurs earn for
themselves and their employees, they get involved in donations and
Infosys is a classic example of philanthropy. Infosys Foundation
supports the underprivileged sections of society in education,
destitute care, healthcare, culture, and rural development

Entrepreneurs introduce changes in the community

Entrepreneurship benefits the local community and society. The new
company hires employees who earn an income to spend at local
stores. This generates more business for the store owners. When
one business grows, it contributes to the progress of another.
Some business organizations require highly skilled individuals. This
creates a demand for schools, intern programs, and workshops that
can provide
Entrepreneurship leads to economic growth
Among the many different ways that economic development can be
promoted, entrepreneurship is certainly one of the most influential.
More and more countries are experiencing growth because of
entrepreneurial ventures taking place everywhere. Entrepreneurship
is indeed the key factor that promotes economic development in
multiple different ways for a community. Entrepreneur plays a vital
role in economic development. Entrepreneurs serve as the catalysts
in the process of industrialization and economic growth. Technical
progress alone cannot lead to economic development, unless
technological breakthroughs are put to economic use by

Entrepreneurs support other entrepreneurs

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