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1. Student name: Pham Phuong Anh
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2. Date of birth: 27/04/2004
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Choose an article in about 700 – 1.000 words in a 3-day-updated international newspaper or

magazine with its exact sources to identify the linguistic features as required below:

I, Grammar: Find two examples to illustrate for different kinds of

1. Syntactic functions of five kinds of phrases

2. Kinds of dependent clauses according to their functional classification

3. Seven basic sentence patterns in both simple sentence and complex one.

II, Lexicology: Find two examples to illustrate for 8 kinds of word formation in English.

1. affixation

2. compounding/word composition

3. shortening

4. conversion

5. sound imitation

6. back derivation (back formation)

7. sound and stress interchange

8. word from names (metaphor and metonymy based words)

III, Phonetics and phonology

1. Find two examples to illustrate for word stress patterns:

a. Two-syllable words:

• |’_ _|
• |_ ‘_|
• |,_ ‘_|
b. Three-syllable words:

• |’_ _ _|
• |_ ‘_ _|
• |,_’_ _|
• |,_ _’_|
c. Four-syllable words:

• |’_ _ _ _|
• |_’_ _ _|
• |,_’_ _ _|
• |,_ _’_ _|
• |,_ _ _’_|
• |_,_ _’_|
2. Find three examples illustrate for cases of assimilation, elision and liking happening.

3. Find three examples to illustrate for using different kinds of tune”

a. Glide down (falling tune)

b. Glide up (rising tune)
c. Take-off (second rising tune)
d. Dive (falling – rising tune)

Note: Plagiarism is prohibited under any circumstances. Students who commit

plagiarism are penalized in accordance with the course regulations and could be marked
as not completing the course.

(Write your answer below)

Over half a century ago, India’s then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi talked about the staggering
challenge for developing nations: to industrialize without harming the environment.
“On the one hand the rich look askance at our continuing poverty — on the other, they warn us
against their own methods,” she told a United Nations event in Stockholm in 1972, the first
global conference to make the environment a major issue.

“We do not wish to impoverish the environment any further and yet we cannot for a moment
forget the grim poverty of large numbers of people,” she added.

Her words have never been more relevant. The tension between economic growth and
environmental protection is at the heart of global discussions about how to tackle the ever
accelerating climate crisis.

Addressing the opening session of the COP28 climate talks in Dubai on Friday, India’s current
prime minister, Narendra Modi, said all developing countries must be given “a fair share in the
global carbon budget” — the amount of planet-warming carbon pollution the world can emit and
still avoid climate catastrophe.

Even though Earth is now heating up to dangerous levels, many governments around the world
persist with viewing coal, oil and gas as sources of economic development, energy security and
geopolitical power, the UN said this year.

As a result, the world’s fossil fuel production in 2030 is set to be more than twice the amount
needed to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the
goal of the Paris climate agreement, a recent UN Environment Programme report found.

One of the major contributors to that disastrous overshoot will be India, which is burning ever
greater amounts of coal and oil as it tries to meet the needs of its 1.4 billion people. It plans to
double domestic coal production by 2030.

But even as the world’s most populous nation clings to coal with one hand, there are some signs
that it is attempting to chart a more sustainable course with the other.

India has made “significant investments and set ambitious targets for renewable energy,” the
UNEP report said, noting that the world’s fastest growing major economy has earmarked over $4
billion toward energy transition in this year’s national budget.

Other global agencies have also noted India’s growing ambitions in the pursuit of green energy.
The Paris-based International Energy Agency said in a report in October that the country was
“moving into a dynamic new phase in its energy development marked by a long-term net zero
emissions ambition.”

In 2021, Modi pledged India would achieve net zero emissions by 2070, which is still a couple of
decades later than developed economies.

Transforming India’s energy sector, like most things in the country, is going to be chaotic and
muddled, but it will have far-reaching implications for the global energy market and the race to
limit global warming.

“India’s net zero by 2070 target, if met in full and on time along with all respective national
targets, will take the world to 1.7 degree Celsius global average surface temperature rise by
2100,” said Siddharth Singh, energy investment analyst at the IEA.

Getting there need not come at the cost of growth. Already there are “early signs of a gradually
loosening link between economic development and carbon emissions,” said Singh.

If the country is able to meet its pledges, its carbon emissions will fall by over 40% by 2050,
even as its GDP quadruples over this period, IEA said in its report.

Modern India is yet to be built.

India is the world’s third-largest energy consuming country, although its energy use and
emissions per person are less than half the world average, IEA data shows.

That could change rapidly. Thanks to rising incomes, energy demand has doubled since 2000,
with 80% of demand still being met by coal, oil and solid biomass. Over the next three decades,
the South Asian nation will see the largest energy demand growth of any country in the world,
the IEA said.

That superlative isn’t surprising as the country is expected to achieve some impressive economic
milestones. The world’s fifth largest economy is comfortably placed to grow at an annual rate of
at least 6% in the coming few years, analysts say, and may become only the third country with
annual GDP of $10 trillion by 2035.

And as it develops and modernizes, its urban population is going to shoot up, leading to a
massive rise in the construction of homes, offices, shops and other buildings.

“India adds the equivalent of a London to its urban population every year for the next 30 years,”
said Singh.

The Modi government is also trying to boost domestic manufacturing and that has unleashed a
building boom, with everything from roads and bridges to ports and railways springing up
around the country.

This infrastructure bonanza will lead to a surge in demand for coal and steel, which are huge
sources of carbon emissions.

Electricity demand is also expected to skyrocket in the coming years because of factors ranging
from improved standards of living to climate change. The latter has been fueling deadly
heatwaves across India, and as a result, air conditioner ownership is set to see a sharp spike in the
coming years.

By 2050, India’s total electricity demand from residential air conditioners is set to exceed the
total energy consumption in the whole of Africa today, the IEA said this year.

Coal accounts for almost 70% of the country’s electricity generation and is not likely to change
in the near future.

The future role of fossil fuels is one of the most controversial issues nations are grappling with at
COP28. While some are pushing for a “phase-out,” others are calling for the weaker language of
a “phase-down.”

I, Grammar: Find two examples to illustrate for different kinds of

1. Syntactic functions of five kinds of phrases

Nouns phrases

Syntactic functions of Nouns phrases

S (Subject) - Over half a century ago, India’s then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
talked about the staggering challenge for developing nations: to
industrialize without harming the environment.

- Even though Earth is now heating up to dangerous levels, many

governments around the world persist with viewing coal, oil and gas as
sources of economic development, energy security and geopolitical
power, the UN said this year.

Od (Direct object) - Over half a century ago, India’s then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
talked about the staggering challenge for developing nations: to
industrialize without harming the environment.

- It plans to double domestic coal production by 2030.

Oi (Indirect object) - Over half a century ago, India’s then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
talked about the staggering challenge for developing nations: to
industrialize without harming the environment.

Co (Object complement) This is not included in this article.

Cs (Subject complement) - India is the world’s third-largest energy consuming country, although
its energy use and emissions per person are less than half the world
average, IEA data shows.

Cpre (Prepositional - By 2050, India’s total electricity demand from residential air
complement) conditioners is set to exceed the total energy consumption in the whole
of Africa today, the IEA said this year.

- Coal accounts for almost 70% of the country’s electricity generation

and is not likely to change in the near future.

App (Appositive) - “On the one hand the rich look askance at our continuing poverty —
on the other, they warn us against their own methods,” she told a
United Nations event in Stockholm in 1972, the first global conference
to make the environment a major issue.

- Addressing the opening session of the COP28 climate talks in Dubai

on Friday, India’s current prime minister, Narendra Modi, said all
developing countries must be given “a fair share in the global carbon
budget” — the amount of planet-warming carbon pollution the world
can emit and still avoid climate catastrophe.

A (Adverbial) - The Paris-based International Energy Agency said in a report in

October that the country was “moving into a dynamic new phase in its
energy development marked by a long-term net zero emissions

- Electricity demand is also expected to skyrocket in the coming years

because of factors ranging from improved standards of living to climate

C.Adj (Adjective - But even as the world’s most populous nation clings to coal with one
complement) hand, there are some signs that it is attempting to chart a more
sustainable course with the other.

- This infrastructure bonanza will lead to a surge in demand for coal

and steel, which are huge sources of carbon emissions.

Adjective phrases

Syntactic functions of Adjective phrases


Pre-modifiers - Over half a century ago, India’s then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
talked about the staggering challenge for developing nations: to
industrialize without harming the environment.

- Addressing the opening session of the COP28 climate talks in Dubai

on Friday, India’s current prime minister, Narendra Modi, said all
developing countries must be given “a fair share in the global carbon
budget” — the amount of planet-warming carbon pollution the world
can emit and still avoid climate catastrophe.

Post-modifiers This is not included in this article.

Co (Object complement) - “On the one hand the rich look askance at our continuing poverty —
on the other, they warn us against their own methods,” she told a
United Nations event in Stockholm in 1972, the first global conference

to make the environment a major issue.

Cs (Subject complement) - Transforming India’s energy sector, like most things in the country, is
going to be chaotic and muddled, but it will have far-reaching
implications for the global energy market and the race to limit global

- That superlative isn’t surprising as the country is expected to achieve

some impressive economic milestones.

Head of noun phrase - This infrastructure bonanza will lead to a surge in demand for coal
and steel, which are huge sources of carbon emissions.

- “On the one hand the rich look askance at our continuing poverty —
on the other, they warn us against their own methods,” she told a
United Nations event in Stockholm in 1972, the first global conference
to make the environment a major issue.

Supplementative Adj. Cl This is not included in this article.

Adverb phrases

Syntactic functions of Adverb phrases

As adverbials

Adjunct - On the one hand the rich look askance at our continuing poverty — on
the other, they warn us against their own methods,” she told a United
Nations event in Stockholm in 1972, the first global conference to make
the environment a major issue.

- Addressing the opening session of the COP28 climate talks in Dubai on

Friday, India’s current prime minister, Narendra Modi, said all developing
countries must be given “a fair share in the global carbon budget” — the
amount of planet-warming carbon pollution the world can emit and still
avoid climate catastrophe.

Disjunct - Over half a century ago, India’s then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi
talked about the staggering challenge for developing nations: to
industrialize without harming the environment.

- In 2021, Modi pledged India would achieve net zero emissions by 2070,
which is still a couple of decades later than developed economies.

Conjunct - “We do not wish to impoverish the environment any further and yet we
cannot for a moment forget the grim poverty of large numbers of people,”

she added.

- And as it develops and modernizes, its urban population is going to

shoot up, leading to a massive rise in the construction of homes, offices,
shops and other buildings.

As modifiers

Of adjective - Getting there need not come at the cost of growth. Already there are
“early signs of a gradually loosening link between economic development
and carbon emissions,” said Singh.

- But even as the world’s most populous nation clings to coal with one
hand, there are some signs that it is attempting to chart a more sustainable
course with the other.

Of adverb - India has made “significant investments and set ambitious targets for
renewable energy,” the UNEP report said, noting that the world’s fastest
growing major economy has earmarked over $4 billion toward energy
transition in this year’s national budget.

Of prepositional phrase - Coal accounts for almost 70% of the country’s electricity generation and
is not likely to change in the near future.

- Getting there need not come at the cost of growth. Already there are
“early signs of a gradually loosening link between economic development
and carbon emissions,” said Singh.

Of determiner This is not included in this article.

Of noun phrase - Transforming India’s energy sector, like most things in the country, is
going to be chaotic and muddled, but it will have far-reaching
implications for the global energy market and the race to limit global

- The latter has been fueling deadly heatwaves across India, and as a
result, air conditioner ownership is set to see a sharp spike in the coming

As complement of This is not included in this article.


Prepositional phrases

Syntactic functions of prepositional phrases

Adjunct - Addressing the opening session of the COP28 climate talks in Dubai

on Friday, India’s current prime minister, Narendra Modi, said all
developing countries must be given “a fair share in the global carbon
budget” — the amount of planet-warming carbon pollution the world
can emit and still avoid climate catastrophe.

- The world’s fifth largest economy is comfortably placed to grow at an

annual rate of at least 6% in the coming few years, analysts say, and
may become only the third country with annual GDP of $10 trillion by

Disjunct - “On the one hand the rich look askance at our continuing poverty —
on the other, they warn us against their own methods,” she told a
United Nations event in Stockholm in 1972, the first global conference
to make the environment a major issue.

- Already there are “early signs of a gradually loosening link between

economic development and carbon emissions,” said Singh.

Conjunct - As a result, the world’s fossil fuel production in 2030 is set to be

more than twice the amount needed to limit the global temperature rise
to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the goal of the Paris
climate agreement, a recent UN Environment Programme report found.

- “On the one hand the rich look askance at our continuing poverty —
on the other, they warn us against their own methods,” she told a
United Nations event in Stockholm in 1972, the first global conference
to make the environment a major issue.

Post modifier in a NP - Over the next three decades, the South Asian nation will see the
largest energy demand growth of any country in the world, the IEA

- And as it develops and modernizes, its urban population is going to

shoot up, leading to a massive rise in the construction of homes,
offices, shops and other buildings.

Complementation of a - “India’s net zero by 2070 target, if met in full and on time along with
verb all respective national targets, will take the world to 1.7 degree Celsius
global average surface temperature rise by 2100,” said Siddharth
Singh, energy investment analyst at the IEA.

- “We do not wish to impoverish the environment any further and

yet we cannot for a moment forget the grim poverty of large
numbers of people,” she added.

Complementation of an This is not included in this article.

Verb phrases

Syntactic functions of verb phrases

Finite - Over half a century ago, India’s then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi talked about the
verb staggering challenge for developing nations: to industrialize without harming the
phrases environment.

- The tension between economic growth and environmental protection is at the heart of
global discussions about how to tackle the ever accelerating climate crisis.

Non-finite verb phrases

A - Transforming India’s energy sector, like most things in the country, is going to be
chaotic and muddled, but it will have far-reaching implications for the global energy
market and the race to limit global warming.

- The Modi government is also trying to boost domestic manufacturing and that has
unleashed a building boom, with everything from roads and bridges to ports and railways
springing up around the country.

S - Getting there need not come at the cost of growth.

- Transforming India’s energy sector, like most things in the country, is going to be
chaotic and muddled, but it will have far-reaching implications for the global energy
market and the race to limit global warming.

O - India is the world’s third-largest energy consuming country, although its energy use and
emissions per person are less than half the world average, IEA data shows.

Cs This is not included in this article.

Co This is not included in this article.

Cadj - If the country is able to meet its pledges, its carbon emissions will fall by over 40% by
2050, even as its GDP quadruples over this period, IEA said in its report.

- That superlative isn’t surprising as the country is expected to achieve some impressive
economic milestones.

Cprep - Electricity demand is also expected to skyrocket in the coming years because of factors
ranging from improved standards of living to climate change.

App - Addressing the opening session of the COP28 climate talks in Dubai on Friday, India’s
current prime minister, Narendra Modi, said all developing countries must be given “a fair
share in the global carbon budget” — the amount of planet-warming carbon pollution the
world can emit and still avoid climate catastrophe.

Modifier - The Modi government is also trying to boost domestic manufacturing and that has
unleashed a building boom, with everything from roads and bridges to ports and railways
springing up around the country.

2. Kinds of dependent clauses according to functional classification

a) Nominal clauses

Finite clauses

“That” clause

S This is not included in this article.

The Paris-based International Energy Agency said in a report in October that the
Od country was “moving into a dynamic new phase in its energy development marked by
a long-term net zero emissions ambition.”

Cs This is not included in this article.

App This is not included in this article.

Cadj This is not included in this article.

“Wh-” interrogative clause

S This is not included in this article.

Od This is not included in this article.

Cs This is not included in this article.

This infrastructure bonanza will lead to a surge in demand for coal and steel, which
are huge sources of carbon emissions.
In 2021, Modi pledged India would achieve net zero emissions by 2070, which is still
a couple of decades later than developed economies.

Cadj This is not included in this article.

Cprep This is not included in this article.

Nominal relative clause

S This is not included in this article.

Od This is not included in this article.

Oi This is not included in this article.

Cs This is not included in this article.

Co This is not included in this article.

This infrastructure bonanza will lead to a surge in demand for coal and steel, which
are huge sources of carbon emissions.
In 2021, Modi pledged India would achieve net zero emissions by 2070, which is still
a couple of decades later than developed economies.

Cpre This is not included in this article.

Yes/ No interrogative

S This is not included in this article.

Od This is not included in this article.

Cs This is not included in this article.

App This is not included in this article.

Cadj This is not included in this article.

Cpre This is not included in this article.

Non – finite clauses

“To” infinitive

“We do not wish to impoverish the environment any further and yet we cannot for a
moment forget the grim poverty of large numbers of people,” she added.
That superlative isn’t surprising as the country is expected to achieve some impressive
economic milestones.

Cs This is not included in this article.

Co This is not included in this article.

App This is not included in this article.

If the country is able to meet its pledges, its carbon emissions will fall by over 40% by
2050, even as its GDP quadruples over this period, IEA said in its report.
Cadj The Modi government is also trying to boost domestic manufacturing and that has
unleashed a building boom, with everything from roads and bridges to ports and
railways springing up around the country.

Bare infinitive

S This is not included in this article.

Cs This is not included in this article.

Co This is not included in this article.

Ing participle

Getting there need not come at the cost of growth.

S Transforming India’s energy sector, like most things in the country, is going to be
chaotic and muddled, but it will have far-reaching implications for the global energy
market and the race to limit global warming.

Od This is not included in this article.

The Paris-based International Energy Agency said in a report in October that the
Cs country was “moving into a dynamic new phase in its energy development marked by
a long-term net zero emissions ambition.”

Co This is not included in this article.

App This is not included in this article.

India has made “significant investments and set ambitious targets for renewable
energy,” the UNEP report said, noting that the world’s fastest growing major economy
has earmarked over $4 billion toward energy transition in this year’s national budget.
The Modi government is also trying to boost domestic manufacturing and that has
unleashed a building boom, with everything from roads and bridges to ports and
railways springing up around the country.

Cpre Electricity demand is also expected to skyrocket in the coming years because of

factors ranging from improved standards of living to climate change.

b) Comment clauses

Adjunct This is not included in this article.

Disjunct This is not included in this article.

Conjunct - The latter has been fueling deadly heatwaves across India, and as a result, air
conditioner ownership is set to see a sharp spike in the coming years.

- But even as the world’s most populous nation clings to coal with one hand, there are
some signs that it is attempting to chart a more sustainable course with the other.

c) Comparative clauses

Cs - Her words have never been more relevant.

S This is not included in this article.

Od This is not included in this article.

Oi This is not included in this article.

A - In 2021, Modi pledged India would achieve net zero emissions by 2070, which is
still a couple of decades later than developed economies.

- India is the world’s third-largest energy consuming country, although its energy use
and emissions per person are less than half the world average, IEA data shows.

d) Relative clauses

Post modifier in NP - This infrastructure bonanza will lead to a surge in demand for
coal and steel, which are huge sources of carbon emissions.

- India is the world’s third-largest energy consuming country, although

its energy use and emissions per person are less than half the world
average, IEA data shows.

e) Adverbial clauses

Finite Adverbial Clauses

Thanks to rising incomes, energy demand has doubled since 2000, with
80% of demand still being met by coal, oil and solid biomass.
Clauses of time If the country is able to meet its pledges, its carbon emissions will fall
by over 40% by 2050, even as its GDP quadruples over this period,
IEA said in its report.

Clauses of place This is not included in this article.

“India’s net zero by 2070 target, if met in full and on time along with
all respective national targets, will take the world to 1.7 degree Celsius
global average surface temperature rise by 2100,” said Siddharth
Clauses of condition Singh, energy investment analyst at the IEA.

If the country is able to meet its pledges, its carbon emissions will fall
by over 40% by 2050, even as its GDP quadruples over this period,
IEA said in its report.

India is the world’s third-largest energy consuming country, although

its energy use and emissions per person are less than half the world
average, IEA data shows.
Clauses of concession Even though Earth is now heating up to dangerous levels, many
governments around the world persist with viewing coal, oil and gas as
sources of economic development, energy security and geopolitical
power, the UN said this year.

That superlative isn’t surprising as the country is expected to achieve

some impressive economic milestones.
Clauses of reason And as it develops and modernizes, its urban population is going to
shoot up, leading to a massive rise in the construction of homes,
offices, shops and other buildings.

Conditional concessive This is not included in this article.


Clauses of circumstance This is not included in this article.

Clauses of manner This is not included in this article.

Clauses of comparison As a result, the world’s fossil fuel production in 2030 is set to be more
than twice the amount needed to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5
degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, the goal of the Paris
climate agreement, a recent UN Environment Programme report found.

India is the world’s third-largest energy consuming country, although

its energy use and emissions per person are less than half the world
average, IEA data shows.

Clauses of result This is not included in this article.

And as it develops and modernizes, its urban population is going to

Clauses of proportion and
shoot up, leading to a massive rise in the construction of homes,
offices, shops and other buildings.

Non-finite Adverbial clauses

“To” infinitive clauses

It plans to double domestic coal production by 2030.

A of purpose That superlative isn’t surprising as the country is expected to achieve some
impressive economic milestones.

A of result This is not included in this article.

“Ing” participle clauses

A of time This is not included in this article.

A of circumstance This is not included in this article.

Over half a century ago, India’s then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi talked about
the staggering challenge for developing nations: to industrialize without
harming the environment.
A of manner
Even though Earth is now heating up to dangerous levels, many governments
around the world persist with viewing coal, oil and gas as sources of economic
development, energy security and geopolitical power, the UN said this year.

A of reason This is not included in this article.

A of preference This is not included in this article.

A of condition + This is not included in this article.


“Ed/2” participle clauses

A of time This is not included in this article.

A of place This is not included in this article.

A of condition This is not included in this article.

Bare infinitive clauses

A of preference This is not included in this article.

Verbless adverbial clauses: Adjectival contingent clauses (with or without subordinators)

A of circumstance This is not included in this article.

A of reason This is not included in this article.

A of concession This is not included in this article.

A of condition This is not included in this article.

A of time This is not included in this article.

3. 7 sentence patterns in both simple sentence and complex one

a) Simple sentence

S+V This is not included in this article.

S+V+A - That could change rapidly.

S + V + Cs - Her words have never been more relevant.

S + V + Od This is not included in this article.

S+V+O+A - By 2050, India’s total electricity demand from residential air conditioners is set
to exceed the total energy consumption in the whole of Africa today, the IEA said
this year.

- It plans to double domestic coal production by 2030.

S + V + Od + Co - The tension between economic growth and environmental protection is at the

heart of global discussions about how to tackle the ever accelerating climate

- Over half a century ago, India’s then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi talked about
the staggering challenge for developing nations: to industrialize without harming
the environment.

S + V + Oi + Od This is not included in this article.

b) Complex sentence

Independent Clause + - “We do not wish to impoverish the environment any further and yet
Coodinative Conjunction we cannot for a moment forget the grim poverty of large numbers of
+ Independent Clause people,” she added.

- Transforming India’s energy sector, like most things in the country, is

going to be chaotic and muddled, but it will have far-reaching
implications for the global energy market and the race to limit global

Independent Clause + This is not included in this article.

Semicolon + Independent

Independent Clause + - India is the world’s third-largest energy consuming country, although
Adverbial Clause + its energy use and emissions per person are less than half the world
Independent Clause average, IEA data shows.

- Even though Earth is now heating up to dangerous levels, many

governments around the world persist with viewing coal, oil and gas as
sources of economic development, energy security and geopolitical
power, the UN said this year.

Dependent Marker + - While some are pushing for a “phase-out,” others are calling for the
Clause + Independent weaker language of a “phase-down.”
- If the country is able to meet its pledges, its carbon emissions will fall
by over 40% by 2050, even as its GDP quadruples over this period, IEA
said in its report.

Relative Pronoun + - One of the major contributors to that disastrous overshoot will be
Clause India, which is burning ever greater amounts of coal and oil as it tries to
meet the needs of its 1.4 billion people.

- In 2021, Modi pledged India would achieve net zero emissions by

2070, which is still a couple of decades later than developed economies.

Dependent Clause + - The Modi government is also trying to boost domestic manufacturing
Independent Clause + and that has unleashed a building boom, with everything from roads and
Coordinating Clause + bridges to ports and railways springing up around the country.
Independent Clause

II, Lexicology: Find two examples to illustrate for 8 kinds of word formation in English.



Thanks to rising incomes, energy demand has doubled since 2000, with 80% of
demand still being met by coal, oil and solid biomass.

Noun - forming
One of the major contributors to that disastrous overshoot will be India, which
is burning ever greater amounts of coal and oil as it tries to meet the needs of
its 1.4 billion people.

That superlative isn’t surprising as the country is expected to achieve some

impressive economic milestones.

Adjective - forming
One of the major contributors to that disastrous overshoot will be India, which
is burning ever greater amounts of coal and oil as it tries to meet the needs of
its 1.4 billion people.

The Modi government is also trying to boost domestic manufacturing and that
has unleashed a building boom, with everything from roads and bridges to
ports and railways springing up around the country.
Verb - forming

Electricity demand is also expected to skyrocket in the coming years because

of factors ranging from improved standards of living to climate change.

Adverb - forming This is not included in this article.


Noun - forming Electricity demand is also expected to skyrocket in the coming years because
of factors ranging from improved standards of living to climate change.

Even though Earth is now heating up to dangerous levels, many governments

around the world persist with viewing coal, oil and gas as sources of economic
development, energy security and geopolitical power, the UN said this year.

The latter has been fueling deadly heatwaves across India, and as a result, air
conditioner ownership is set to see a sharp spike in the coming years.
Adjective - forming
Coal accounts for almost 70% of the country’s electricity generation and is not
likely to change in the near future.

The world’s fifth largest economy is comfortably placed to grow at an annual

rate of at least 6% in the coming few years, analysts say, and may become only
the third country with annual GDP of $10 trillion by 2035.
Numeral - forming
The world’s fifth largest economy is comfortably placed to grow at an annual
rate of at least 6% in the coming few years, analysts say, and may become only
the third country with annual GDP of $10 trillion by 2035.

Over half a century ago, India’s then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi talked
about the staggering challenge for developing nations: to industrialize without
harming the environment.
Verb - forming
And as it develops and modernizes, its urban population is going to shoot up,
leading to a massive rise in the construction of homes, offices, shops and other

That could change rapidly.

Adverb - forming
Already there are “early signs of a gradually loosening link between economic
development and carbon emissions,” said Singh.

Compounding/ Word composition

N Addressing the opening session of the COP28 climate talks in Dubai on Friday, India’s
current prime minister, Narendra Modi, said all developing countries must be given “a fair
share in the global carbon budget” — the amount of planet-warming carbon pollution the
world can emit and still avoid climate catastrophe.

The Paris-based International Energy Agency said in a report in October that the country

was “moving into a dynamic new phase in its energy development marked by a long-term
net zero emissions ambition.”

Even though Earth is now heating up to dangerous levels, many governments around the
world persist with viewing coal, oil and gas as sources of economic development, energy
security and geopolitical power, the UN said this year.

As a result, the world’s fossil fuel production in 2030 is set to be more than twice the
amount needed to limit the global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-
industrial levels, the goal of the Paris climate agreement, a recent UN Environment
Programme report found.

Electricity demand is also expected to skyrocket in the coming years because of factors
ranging from improved standards of living to climate change. The latter has been fueling
deadly heatwaves across India, and as a result, air conditioner ownership is set to see a sharp
spike in the coming years.

Adv This is not included in this article.

The Modi government is also trying to boost domestic manufacturing and that has
Pro unleashed a building boom, with everything from roads and bridges to ports and railways
springing up around the country.


Addressing the opening session of the COP28 climate talks in Dubai on Friday,
India’s current prime minister, Narendra Modi, said all developing countries must be
given “a fair share in the global carbon budget” — the amount of planet-warming
carbon pollution the world can emit and still avoid climate catastrophe.
India has made “significant investments and set ambitious targets for renewable
energy,” the UNEP report said, noting that the world’s fastest growing major
economy has earmarked over $4 billion toward energy transition in this year’s
national budget.


Conversion “On the one hand the rich look askance at our continuing poverty — on the other,
they warn us against their own methods,” she told a United Nations event in
Stockholm in 1972, the first global conference to make the environment a major

The latter has been fueling deadly heatwaves across India, and as a result, air
conditioner ownership is set to see a sharp spike in the coming years.

Sound imitation

Sound imitation This is not included in this article.

Back derivation (Back-formation)

One of the major contributors to that disastrous overshoot will

be India, which is burning ever greater amounts of coal and
oil as it tries to meet the needs of its 1.4 billion people. It
plans to double domestic coal production by 2030.
Back derivation (Back-formation)
The world’s fifth largest economy is comfortably placed to
grow at an annual rate of at least 6% in the coming few years,
analysts say, and may become only the third country with
annual GDP of $10 trillion by 2035.

Sound and stress interchange

The Modi government is also trying to boost domestic

manufacturing and that has unleashed a building boom, with
everything from roads and bridges to ports and railways
Sound and stress interchange springing up around the country.

By 2050, India’s total electricity demand from residential air

conditioners is set to exceed the total energy consumption in
the whole of Africa today, the IEA said this year.

Word from names (metaphor and metonymy based words)

Word from names (metaphor and This is not included in this article.
metonymy based words)

III, Phonetics and phonology

1. Find two examples to illustrate for word stress patterns:

Two-syllable words

Over half a century ago, India’s then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi talked about the
staggering challenge for developing nations: to industrialize without harming the
|’_ _| environment.

Over half a century ago, India’s then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi talked about the
staggering challenge for developing nations: to industrialize without environment.

|,_’_| This is not included in this article.

“On the one hand the rich look askance at our continuing poverty — on the other, they warn
us against their own methods,” she told a United Nations event in Stockholm in 1972, the
|_’_| first global conference to make the environment a major issue.

Her words have never been more relevant. The tension between economic growth and
environmental protection is at the heart of global discussions about how to tackle the ever
accelerating climate crisis.

Three–syllable words

Her words have never been more relevant.

|’_ _ _|
But even as the world’s most populous nation clings to coal with one hand, there are some
signs that it is attempting to chart a more sustainable course with the other.

Addressing the opening session of the COP28 climate talks in Dubai on Friday, India’s
current prime minister, Narendra Modi, said all developing countries must be given “a fair
share in the global carbon budget” — the amount of planet-warming carbon pollution the
world can emit and still avoid climate catastrophe.
|_’_ _|
As a result, the world’s fossil fuel production in 2030 is set to be more than twice the
amount needed to limit the global ‘temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-
industrial levels, the goal of the Paris climate agreement, a recent UN Environment
Programme report found.

|,_’_ _| This is not included in this article.

|,_ _’ _| This is not included in this article.

Four–syllable words

That superlative isn’t surprising as the country is expected to achieve some impressive
economic milestones. The world’s fifth largest economy is comfortably placed to
grow at an annual rate of at least 6% in the coming few years, analysts say, and may
become only the third country with annual GDP of $10 trillion by 2035.
|’_ _ _ _|

Getting there need not come at the cost of growth. Already there are “early signs of a
gradually loosening link between economic development and carbon emissions,” said

Over half a century ago, India’s then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi talked about the
|_’_ _ _| staggering challenge for developing nations: to industrialize without environment.

“We do not wish to impoverish the environment any further and yet we cannot for a
moment forget the grim poverty of large numbers of people,” she added.

|,_’_ _ _| This is not included in this article.

Transforming India’s energy sector, like most things in the country, is going to be
chaotic and muddled, but it will have far-reaching implications for the global energy
market and the race to limit global warming.
|,_ _’_ _|
Getting there need not come at the cost of growth. Already there are “early signs of a
gradually loosening link between economic development and carbon emissions,” said

|,_ _ _’_| This is not included in this article.

|_,_ _’_| This is not included in this article.

2. Find three examples illustrate for cases of assimilation, elision and liking

Assimilation And as it develops and modernizes, its urban population is going to shoot up, leading

to a massive rise in the construction of homes, offices, shops and other buildings.

“We do not wish to impoverish the environment any further and yet we cannot for a
moment forget the grim poverty of large numbers of people,” she added.

Transforming India’s energy sector, like most things in the country, is going to be
chaotic and muddled, but it will have far-reaching implications for the global energy
market and the race to limit global warming.

By 2050, India’s total electricity demand from residential air conditioners is set to
exceed the total energy consumption in the whole of Africa today, the IEA said this

Elision “India adds the equivalent of a London to its urban population every year for the next
30 years,” said Singh.

In 2021, Modi pledged India would achieve net zero emissions by 2070, which is still
a couple of decades later than developed economies.

This infrastructure bonanza will lead to a surge in demand for coal and steel, which
are huge sources of carbon emissions.

Already there are “early signs of a gradually loosening link between economic
development and carbon emissions,” said Singh.

“We do not wish to impoverish the environment any further and yet we cannot for a
moment forget the grim poverty of large numbers of people,” she added.

3. Find three examples to illustrate for using different kinds of tune”

a) Glide down (Falling tune)

- Even though Earth is now heating up to dangerous levels, many governments around the world
persist with viewing coal, oil and gas as sources of economic development, energy security and
geopolitical power, the UN said this year.

- Even though Earth is now heating up to dangerous levels, many governments around the world
persist with viewing coal, oil and gas as sources of economic development, energy security and
geopolitical power, the UN said this year.

- And as it develops and modernizes, its urban population is going to shoot up, leading to a
massive rise in the construction of homes, offices, shops and other buildings.

b) Glide up (Rising tune)

This is not included in this article.

c) Take-off (second rising tune)

- Her words have never been more relevant.

d) Dive (Falling – rising tune)

- Even though Earth is now heating up to dangerous levels, many governments around the world
persist with viewing coal, oil and gas as sources of economic development, energy security and
geopolitical power, the UN said this year.

- Even though Earth is now heating up to dangerous levels, many governments around the world
persist with viewing coal, oil and gas as sources of economic development, energy security and
geopolitical power, the UN said this year.

- And as it develops and modernizes, its urban population is going to shoot up, leading to a
massive rise in the construction of homes, offices, shops and other buildings.

Words account: 7695

---The End-----

Writing Argumentative Assignment Scoring Rubric


1. The essay fits the assignment. It is an 15

argumentative essay on the topic of ….

2. The essay has an introduction, body, and 15

3. The essay has a funnel or attention-getting 10

introduction with the thesis statement at the end.

4. The thesis statement clearly states the writer’s 10


5. The body paragraphs support the writer’s point 20

of view and rebut the opposing point of view.

6. Each argument is supported with facts, 10

examples, statistics, or quotations.

7. The conclusion summarizes the main points of 5

in-text citations.

8. The essay has correct formatting and form of in- 5

text citations.

9. The essay uses correct punctuation, 5

capitalization, and spelling.

10. The essay has correct grammar and sentence 5





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