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Department of Computer Science, GFGC, Malur

Visual Programming-Vl
(Solved 2019 Question Paper)
Answer any ten questions:
1.What is visual programming language? Write any two features of VB.
Ans: Visual Programming Language(VPL) is a programming language that uses graphical elements
and figures to develop a program graphically rather than by specifying them textually.
• Debugging
• Object Oriented
2. Explain Immediate Window.
Ans: The Immediate window can be used during design time , it is primarily used in Break mode.
When you type a statement into the immediate window and press the enter key, the statement is
executed once. To navigate the immediate window , From the view menu of the Visual Basic Editor,
choose Immediate window.
3. What is Variant data type? Explain with suitable example.
• The variant data type can store numeric, data/time or string data.
• The default visual basic data types are variant data type.
Type Description Size Range
Varient(with number) 16 bytes Any numeric value up
to the range of double
Varient(with Character) 22bytes + string length 0 to approximately 2
4.Explain option button Write any two properties of option button.
Ans: option buttons are used for choices where only one choice in a group is allowed.
Property Description
Name To change of the name of the object .
Font Sets font type, style, size.
5. Distinguish between image and picture.
Sl.No. Picture Box Image Box
1 Having auto size property Not having auto size property
2 Occupies more memory Occupies less memory
3 Not having stretch property Having stretch property
4 Editing picture is possible Editing picture is not possible
6. Explain Dim and Rem statement.
Ans: Dim statement: Declares and allocates storage space for one or more variables .
Syntax: Dim [with events] variable list
Rem statement: The rem statement must be the last statement on the line.
If it follows another statement; the rem must be separated from that statement by a space.
Syntax: Rem comment
7. Distinguish between Implicit and Explicit variable.
Implicit variable Explicit variable
Implicit through not plainly expressed Started clearly and indetail, leaving no room for
confusion or doubt
Var lstInteger=new List<int>(); List<int>lstInteger=newList<int>();

8. Explain the difference between the Exit and End statement.

Exit End
The exit is used for abnormal termination The end statement is the last line of the program
or function
Exit statement allows you to permanently exit The stop or return statement are used for normal
from the block of statements from loop termination

9. What is dynamic array? Explain.

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Ans: Dynamic array are those arrays which are allocated memory at the run time with the help of
heap. Thus dynamic array can change its size during run time.
Syntax: Dim Arrayname() As Integer
ReDim Arrayname(Size) As Integer
Example: Dim list() As Integer
ReDim list(5) As Integer
10. What is splitter window? Mention types of splitter window.
Ans: A splitter window is a way to split the screen into two or more different pans.
Types of splitter window
• Static splitter window
• Dynamic splitter window
11. Define Serialization. Name the three classes used in MFC Serialization.
Ans: Serialization is the method used by MFC to store an object to a file or another type of storage.
Three classes:
• CFile
• CObject
• CArchive
12. Define OLE. Give two features of OLE.
Ans: Object Linking and Embedding(OLE) is a compound document standard developed by
Microsoft corporation. It enables you to create objects with one application and then link or embed
them in second application.
• Linking and Embedding
• Uniform Data Transfer

Answer any five questions.
13. (a) Write a note on Visual basic IDE.
(b) Explain Different types of controls used in visual basic.
Ans: a. A visual basic window is also called integrated development environment (IDE) window.
This window open when we click on standard exe icon from new project dialog box. In visual basic, a
program is referred to as a project. Every visual basic project consists of at list two separate files
called a project file and a form file. A project file which extension is .VBP and form file which
extension is .FRM.
• Title Bar
• Menu Bar
• Tool Bar
• Tool Box
• Form Window
• Project Explorer Window
• Properties Window
• Form Layout Window

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Title Bar: A title bar is the horizontal bar located the top of the screen. It includes the project name,
an icon that closes visual basic at the left and icon that minimize the group window, change the size of
the group or close visual basic on right. This component common for all window application.
Menu Bar: The menu bar is also common for all document window. It contents command required
and build an application. The main menu items have some menu items that can be chosen when
Tool Bar: The tool bars gives us quick access to commonly used menu command. Beside the main
tool bar, which is displays by default window the menu bar, visual basic IDE provides additional tool
bar for specific purpose. The four built in tool bar are standard, edit, debug and from editor. By
default, standard tool bar appear immediately below the menu bar.
Tool Box: The tool box contains the icon of the control we can place on a form to create the
application’s user interface. By default tool box contains a pointer icon and twenty other icon of
ActiveX controls. The tool box appear at the left side on screen by default. User can change its
position anywhere on the form. Even tool box can be turn off on screen. To place a control on a form,
we first select it with a mouse and then move the mouse over the form. When the mouse is over the
form, the curser turns into a large plus sign, and we can draw control on the form.
Form Window: A form window used in visual basic to create project inside the form. A form
window appear on screen just like grid of dots inform of matrix. We can increase or decrease size of
form window according to our need. By default only one form window will appear on screen but
more than one form window can be open on the project window.
Project Explorer window: The docked on the right side of the screen and just below standard tool
bar, is the project explorer window. The project explorer window holds the file name for the file
included in our project. A window’s title bar holds the name our project with .VBP file extension,
which is project one by default until we save it with a new name.
Properties window: The properties window is docked under the project explorer window. The
properties window allows us to assign or change properties associated with a particular object.
Properties are attributes such as size, position etc. like a form, each control has its own set of
Form Layout window: The form layout window specifies a form’s position on the screen at run time.
The form layout window appear below the properties window. It consist of an image representing the
screen and the form’s relative position on the screen.
b. Types of controls used in Visual Basic
• Intrinsic Control
• ActiveX Control
• Insertable Objects
Intrinsic Control:

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• The built in Visual basic controls is called intrinsic control.

• All intrinsic controls will show up in the Tool Box.
• They are inside the visual basic with .exe file name extension.

ActiveX Control: The ActiveX control as separate files with a .ocx file name extension. These
include controls that are available in all editions of visual basic and those that are available only in the
professional and enterprise editions(such as Listview, Toolbar, Animation, and Tabbed Dialog).
Common Dialog CMDLG32.OCX Automatically installed
DataComboBox MSDATLST.OCX Automatically installed
DataList MSDATLST.OCX Automatically installed
MSFlexGrid MSFLXGRD.OCX Automatically installed

Insertable objects: Insertable objects can be added to the toolbox, so they can be considered
controls. For example, like the Excel Worksheet object; with a list of the employees, or a project
Calendar object having the scheduling information for a project.
14. (a) Distinguish between Combo box and List box.
(b) Explain the scroll bar control with suitable example.
Ans. a.
Sl.No List Box Combo Box
1 List box displayed multiple items. Combo box displayed single item.
2 In the list box we can only select item. In combo box we can write/search and select
3 List box is only listed items box. Combo box is combination of textbox listbox.
4 In the list box we have scroll down and In the Combo box we have only dropdown
scroll up facility. facilities.
5 Check box can be used within a list box. Check box cannot be used within a combo box.
6 List box is much easier to handle. Combo box is not easier as well as list box to
7 Can’t add image item in list box. Can add image item in combo box.
8 List box have 2 styles: Combo box have 3 styles:
0- Standard 0- Dropdown combo
1- Checkbox 1- Simple combo
2- Dropdown list

b. The ScrollBar is a commonly used control, which enables the user to select a value by positioning
it at the desired location. It represents a set of values. The Min and Max property represents the

Department of Computer Science, GFGC, Malur

minimum and maximum value. The value property of the ScrollBar represents its current value, that
may be any integer between minimum and maximum values assigned.
The scroll bar controls display Vertical and Horizontal scroll bar on the form. This is used for
navigating through large amount of information.
These are the two types of scroll bar controls:
1. Horizontal scrollbar
2. Vertical scrollbar
Horizontal scrollbar: The Horizontal Scroll Bar is widely used in windows applications. Scroll bars
provide a way to move through a list of information and make great input devices. The appearance of
a Horizontal scroll bar is shown in following figure.

Clicking on End Arrow increments the scroll box a small amount, clicking the Bar Area increment the
scroll box a large amount ,and dragging the scroll box provides continuous motion.
Properties used in the scroll bar:
Name, max, min, Large change, Small change, value.
Event: Change.
Vertical scrollbar: The vertical scroll bar is widely used in windows applications. Scroll bars provide
a way to move through a list of information and make great input devices. The appearance of a
Vertical scroll bar is shown in following figure.

Clicking on End Arrow increments the scroll box a small amount, clicking the Bar Area increment the
scroll box a large amount ,and dragging the scroll box provides continuous motion.
Properties used in the scroll bar:
Name, max, min, Large change, Small change, value.
Event: Change.

Example: Design the form, set the property as follows and execute the program;

Object Properties Values

Text 1 Name Txtvalue
Font size 14

Department of Computer Science, GFGC, Malur

HScroll 1 Name HScroll

Change Private sub HScroll_Change()
txtvalue .Text=HScroll1.Value
End Sub
VScroll 1 Name 14
Change Private sub VScroll_Change()
End Sub

15. (a) Define scope of Variable. Explain the different levels of scope in VB Application.
(b). Explain the branching statement used in VB.
Ans: a. The term Scope refers to whether the variable is available outside the procedure in which it
appears.yhe Scope is procedure-level or module-level.
A variable declared with Dim at the beginning of a procedure is only available in that procedure.
There are three levels in Scope in Vb application:
1. Procedure Level Scope
2. Module Level Scope
3. Global Level Scope
Procedure Level Scope : Also called as Local Variables, all Procedure-Level variables are accessible
only within the procedure or Function in which they are declared. As soon as the procedure finishes,
the variable lost its scope.
For example: In the following code the Variable total is only accessible to code within the procedure.

Module Level Variable: All Procedure-Level variables are accessible only within the Module in
which they are declared. These are variables that are declared outside the Procedure itself at the very
top of any Module. Its value is retained unless the Workbook closes or an End Statement is used.

Department of Computer Science, GFGC, Malur

Global Level Scope: All Global-Level variables are accessible in anywhere in the Project (.i.e; in any
Module, User Form, Classes) within the Workbook in which they are declared. And also accessible to
outside of this project or workbook. These are variables that are declared using ‘Public’ keyword at
the very top of any Public Module .

b. An application needs a built-in capability to test conditions and take a different course of action
depending on the outcome of the test.
Visual Basic supports following branching statements:
I. If Statement
II. Select Case Statement
If Statement: The statement evaluate the expression first, and the depending on expression value the
statement are executed. If expression value is either true or false.
Visual Basic supports the following if Statement:
• If..Then..End If Statement
• If..Then..Else..End If Statement
• Nested If Statement
• If..Than..ElseIf..End If Statement
If..Then..End If Statement: Only when condition is true statement will executed ,otherwise the
action is skipped.
Syntax: If<condition> Then
End If
Flow Chart:

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If..Then..Else..End If Statement: If condition is true statement1 will be executed, otherwise false

statement (statement2) will be executed.
Syntax: If<condition> Then
End If
Flow Chart:

Nested If Statement:
• It is for multiway decision making statement.
• If comndition1 is true statement1 will be executed, otherwise it will check for condition2.
• If condition2 is true It will execute statement2 otherwise it will checjcondition3.
• If condition3 is true statement3 will be executed.
• If none of condition is true statement4 will be executed.
Syntax: If<condition1> Then
Else if<condition2> then
Else if <condition3> Then
End If
Flow Chart:

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• Select Case Statement :

• It is also for multiway decision making statement.
• If the index value and case no is same (equal) statement1 will be executed, otherwise it will
check for index no and case1 if both case no and index no is same statement2 will be
• If none of case no and index no is statement-n will ’n’ executed.
Syntax: Select case Index
Case 0
Statement 1
Case 1
Statement 2
Case else
Statement n
End Select
Flow Chart:

16. (a) Using-Case Statement, write a VB Program to perform all the arithmetic operation.
(b) Distinguish between SDI and MDI application.
Ans: a.
Object Property Values
Label1 Name lblfirst
Caption Enter first number
Label2 Name lblsecond

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Caption Enter second number

Label3 Name lblchoice
Caption Enter your choice
Label4 Name lblresult
Text1 Name txtfirst
Text2 Name txtsecond
Text3 Name txtchoice
Command1 Name cmdresult
Caption Execute
Private sub cmdresult_Click ()
DIM a As Integer
DIM b As Integer
DIM c As Integer
DIM chAs Integer
a = val(txtfirst.Text)
b= val(txtsecond.Text)
ch = val(txtchoice.Text)
Select Case(ch)
Case 1
lblresult.Caption = “addition=” & c
Case 2
lblresult.Caption = “subtraction=” & c
Case 3
c = a* b
lblresult.Caption = “multiplication=” & c
Case 4
lblresult.Caption = “division=” & c
Case Else
lblresult.Caption = “invalid choice”
End Select
End sub

Multiple Document Interface Single Document Interface
We can open multiple documents We can open onlymone document at a time

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All the documents can be maximized in the There needs to be a special command in order to
MDI maximize the documents.
MDI is a Container control SDI not Container control
MDI holds 5 classes SDI app golds only 4 classes
(CChildWnd-CMDIChildWnd, CDoc, Cview, (C View, CDoc, Underframe, CWinApp)
MDI is when your application consists of an SDI is stand-alone, ordinary windows/forms that
MDI parent-form that contains all the other exist independently of each other.
Latest web browsers. windows notepad
17.(a) Write a note on Common dialog box Control.
(b) Explain progress bar Control with an example.
The Common Dialog control provides a standard set of dialog boxes for operations such as opening,
saving, and printing files, as well as selecting colors and fonts and displaying help. Any six of the
different dialog boxes can be displayed with just one Common Dialog control. A particular dialog
box is displayed by using one of the six "Show..." methods of the Common Dialog control:
• ShowOpen
• ShowSave
• ShowPrinter
• ShowColor
• ShowFont
• ShowHelp

The Common Dialog control not an intrinsic control; rather, it is an "Active X" control that must be
added to the toolbox via the Components dialog box, as shown below. This dialog box is accessed
via the Project menu, Components item. Once you check "Microsoft Common Dialog Control 6.0"
and click OK, the control is added to your toolbox (also shown below, circled). Then you can double-
click it to make it appear on your form, as you would with any other control. The Common Dialog
control is not visible at run-time.

ShowOpen: Used to display the dialog to open file using Common dialog control.
ShowSave: Opens “save as” dialog box. That provides the user a mechanism for specifying the name
of a file to save.
ShowPrint: Used to print the opened files.
ShowColor: Used to display the color in dialog box.(used to determine which color was selected).
ShowFont: Used display list of fonts that are available.
ShowHelp: Used to display windows helpfile.

Department of Computer Science, GFGC, Malur

Private sub cmdcolor_Click()

Text1.Backcolor = CommonDialog.color
End Sub
Private sub cmdfont_Click()
Text1.Font= CommonDialog.FontName
Text1.FontBold = CommonDialog.FontBold
Text1.FontSize = CommonDialog.FontSize
End Sub
Private sub cmdhelp_Click()
CommonDialog1.HelpFile = “VB.HLP”
End Sub
Private sub cmdopen_Click()
CommonDialog1.Filter = “Text Files| *. TXT|FRM Files| *.FRM| all Files|*.*”
End Sub
Private sub cmdprinter_Click()
CommonDialog1.Copies = 10
CommonDialog1. FromPage = 5
End Sub
Private sub cmdsave_Click()
CommonDialog1.FileName = “”
Text1.text = “File Selected:” &CommonDialog.FileName
End Sub
Once the user makes selections in the Color Button. It displays the following output.

b. A progress bar is graphical control element used to visualize the progression of an extended
computer operation, such as a download, file transfer, or installation. Sometimes, the graphic is
accompanied by a textual representation of the progress in a present format .The appearance of the
progress bar shown blow:

Department of Computer Science, GFGC, Malur

The following table shows the common properties of a Progress Bar:

Property Description
Appearance Appearance of the object
Name To change the name of the object.
min To set the minimum value.
Max To set the maximum value.
Object Property Values
Label1 Name Label1
Caption Loading Project
Timer1 Name Timer1
Interval 500
Progressbar1 Name Progressbar1

Private sub DTPicker1_Click()

Text.Text =mDTPicker.Value
Text2.text = Formate(DTPicker1.Value, “dd-mm-yyyy)
MsgBox "Installation is completed successfully"
End Sub

18. (a)Write a note on OLE control.

Department of Computer Science, GFGC, Malur

(b).Write a VB program to validate the Username and Passwor, stored in database

and display an appropriate message(use data control).
Ans: a. Object Linking and Embeddingis a comppound document standerd developed by microsoft
corporation. It enables you to create objects with one appilication and then link or embed them in a
second application. Embedded objects retain their original formate and links to the application that
creatted them.
An OLE object may display as an icon. Double clicking the icon opens the associated object
application or asks the user to select an application for object eidting.
OLE-Supported software applications include:
• MicroSofrt windows application,such as Excel, word and powerpoint
• Corel Wordperfect
• Adobe acrobat
• AutoCAD
• Multimedia applications, like photos, audio/vidio clips and powerpoint presentations.
The following example shows how to embed a MixroSoft Excel object into a MicroSoft Word
document. Word is the container and Excel is the server.
STEP1: Open Microsoft word document with some text written in the windows.
STEP2: From insert menu , select object menu item.The object dialog box will appear as shown in
STEP3: Choose Microsoft Excel as the object to embed as shown in below:
STEP4: Click on the word document to return to Microsoft word , and close the application. Thus an
Excel has been embedded in the word document.This object can be edited by double clikking on the
Object Properties Value
Label1 Name Label1
Caption User name and password
Label2 Name Label2
Caption Username
Label3 Name Label3
Caption Password
Text1 Name Txtuser
Text2 Name Txtpass
Passwordchar *
Command1 Name Cmdvalidate
Caption Validate
Command2 Name Cmdexit
Caption Exit
Adodc1 Name Adodc1
Caption Username/Password
NOTE: Create database using(add-Ins ->visual data manager) with the fields(uname, password) and
will be stored in tabel name (Login).
Place the ADO data contol on form. Set the connection string property and the Record source property
of ADO data control.

Department of Computer Science, GFGC, Malur

Private sub Cmdvalidate_Click()

Dim x As Integer
Do While not adodc1.Recordset.EOF
If txtuser.Text = adodc1.Recordset.Fields(0) and txtpass.Text = adodc1.Recordset.Fields(1) Then
MsgBox(“Valid User Name and Password”)
End If
If x=0 Then
MsgBox(“invalid username or password”)
txtuser.Text= “”
txtpass.Text= “”
End If
End Sub
Private sub Cmdexit_Click()
End Sub

19. (a) What is Menu editor? Write the steps to create menu using menu editor.
(b) Explain Dataware controls.
Ans: aVisual Basic Provides the menu Editor to design Menues and attach them to the forms of the
appliaction. The Menu Editor contains menu description tools that let you create the application’s
menu bar,menu commands and shortcut access keys.
To create a list of menu commands on a form
1 Click the form itself (not an object on the form).
2 On the Visual Basic toolbar, click the Menu Editor icon, or select Menu Editor from the Tools

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3 3. In the Caption text box, type the menu caption (the name that will appear on the menu bar),
and then press TAB.
4 In the Name text box, type the menu name (the name the menu has in the program code). By
convention, programmers use the mnu object name prefix to identify both menus and menu
5 To add the menu to your program menu bar, click Next. The Menu Editor clears the dialog
box for the next menu item. As you build your menus, the structure of the menus and
commands appear at the bottom of the dialog box.
6 In the Caption text box, type the caption of your first menu command.
7 Press tab, and then type the object name of the command in the Name text box.
8 With this first command highlighted in the menu list box, click the right arrow button in
theMenu Editor. In the Menu list box, the command moves one indent (four spaces) to the
right. Click the right arrow button in the Menu Editor dialog box to move items to the right,
and click the left arrow button to move items to the left.
9 Click Next, and then continue to add commands to your menu.

b.Data_Aware controls (Data-Bounds controls) is divided into following:

• DBList control
• DBCombo control
• Data Grid control
• DataList Box:

The first bound data custom tool is the DataList Box. The list box is automatically filled with a field
from a specified data control. Selections from the list box can then be used to update another field
from the same data control or, optionally, used to update a field from another data control.
Some properties of the DataList box are:
DataSource - Name of data control that is updated by the selection.
DataField - Name of field updated in Recordset specified by DataSource.
RowSource - Name of data control used as source of items in list box.
ListField - Name of field in Recordset specified by RowSource used to fill list box.
BoundColumn - Name of field in Recordset specified by RowSource to be passed to DataField, once
selection is made. This is usually the same as ListField.
BoundText - Text value of BoundColumn field. This is the value passed to DataField property.
Text - Text value of selected item in list. Usually the same as BoundText.
• DataCombo Box:

The DataCombo Box is nearly identical to the DataListbox, hence we won’t look at a separate set of
properties. The only differences between the two tools is that, with the DataCombo box, the list
portion appears as a drop-down box and the user is given the opportunity to change the contents of the
returned Text property.

Department of Computer Science, GFGC, Malur

• DataGrid Tool:

The DataGrid tool is, by far, the most useful of the custom data bound tools. It can display an entire
database table, referenced by a data control. The table can then be edited as desired.
The DataGrid control is in a class by itself, when considering its capabilities. It is essentially a
separate, highly functional program. The only property we’ll be concerned with is
the DataSource property, which, as always, identifies the table associated with the respective data
control. Refer to the Visual Basic Programmer’s Guide and other references for complete details on
using the DataGrid control.
As an example of the power of the DataGrid control, here’s what is obtained by simply setting
the DataSource property to the dtaExample data control, which is bound to the Titles table in
the BIBLIO.MDB database:

20.(a) Write a note on DLL.

(b) Explain document view architecture of MFC.
Ans: a.DLL(Dynamic Link Libraries) is an executable file that acts as a shared library of funtions and
resources. Dynamic linking enables an executable to call functions or use resources stored in a
separate files. These functions and resources can be compiled and deplied from the executable that
use them.
Steps to create DLL command:
Step1:start visual basic.
Step2:From any project dialog box select the Active x control as shown below

Step3:Select open it display the used control one dialog box design the Active x control.
Step4: Change the project name as addition and write the code in the command button as shown
Text3.text = val(text1.text) + val(text2.text)
Step5: Create a directry with name DLL from the file menu select make .ocx and store into the DLL
directry .
Step6: Save the project and form in to DLL directry.
Step7: Close the project.
b.The MFC document /view architecture includes a combination of a document, in which data is
stored and a view,in which has privileged space assea to the data.
MFC support two types of document/view applications:
• Single Document Interface(SDI): it suppotrs only one open document at a time.
• Multiple Document Interface(MDI):it allows user to open two or more documents
simultaneously. MDI supports multiple document types.

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Consider the document /view architecture that visual C++ uses for creating SDI applications. When
you create an SDI application,more clasess are created for an SDI application that for a dialog-style
application. Each of these clasess serves a specific purpose in how SDI applications operate. Ignoring
the about window dialog class, four specific classes makeup an SDI application:
• The CWinApp-derived class
• The CFrameView-derived class
• The CDocument-derived class
• The CView-derived class
Allfour these clasess work together to makeup the full functionality of an SDI application as shown in
the following figure.


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