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IIM Trichy ,PGP

Managing Difficult People at work

Roll No
My profile based on Psychometric exercises



Big Five Traits

Openness to Experience: (Above average‐49) As my transactional style also suggests, Iam

innovative and curious to know and learn new things. This is also one of the reasons, why I have
worked on multiple projects during my work experience at ericsson.I was always curious to
understand different work functions and divisions at company. To understand managerial aspects in
the company is also one of the reasons why I choose to pursue my further studies in management.

Conscientiousness: (Average‐38) Though iam efficient in doing my tasks, due to the unprecedent
incidents in work I had to stay back after the stipulated office hours in the night shift. Also, due to
the nature of the work, we cannot finish the work activities in case the person at switch is not
available. These incidents have helped me to develop more spontaneous behaviour than planning
out daily activities.

Extraversion: Above average (44) Iam a very outgoing person and highly energetic. I always make
good friends, even at my work place, this is one of the reasons that helped me to develop relations
with people in different teams and helped me gain cross functional knowledge.

Agreeableness: High (53) My extroversion factor being high, I always try to mingle with people and
be friendly. Though I am accommodating , I agree to issues to when I don’t want to argue even
though I disagree with that view point, which I see as not a good aspect as raising my views will be a
prerequisite for higher managerial positions.

Neuroticism: Below Average(23) As reflected by my high emotional intelligence, the score for
neuroticism score is very low. I have developed this attributes to control my anger and emotions as I
have been part of placeom in my college and it was important to be sensitive to batch and team.

Emotional Intelligence : High(95)

• Appraisal and expression of emotion in the self (SEA) ‐ 25

• Appraisal and recognition of emotion in others (OEA) ‐ 25

• Regulation of emotion in the self (ROE) ‐ 25

• Use of emotion to facilitate performance (UOE) – 20

As we can see, regulation of emotion in self, SEA and OEA scores are same. Though I think high SEA
score motivates me from within, I should also try to improve score on OEA i.e, appraisal and
recognition of emotion in others as this would help me understand others behaviours and better
cope up with the situations. I have a very low score on use of emotion to facilitate performance
which is one area where I should improve.


My personality type: ESTP (Extrovert, Sensing, Thinking, Perceiving)

As indicated by my high emotional intelligence and extroversion scores, my personality type is ESTP
as I am outgoing and always look for new experiences as indicated by my innovative transactional
style. As my work experience involved working on live networks, I have developed a style of making
decisions by quickly looking at the facts. Also, in my academics; I am more tilted in learning in an
experimental way (simulations, experiments etc) rather than grasping theory.Iam higly enthusiastic
and get very excited about things.Also, doing my summer internship in a sales and marketing
role, I have realized my personality being ESTP , I could fit into the role well. Iam practical,
observant, fun‐loving and innovative person who like to find alternate solutions to a

Work Preference Schedule:

Achievement Motivation‐19

Affiliation Motivation‐11

Power Motivation‐32

Security Motivation‐19

As it can be seen from the scores, Iam highly motivated by power, followed by achievement and
security. This is because I have high concern for being independent and an urge to take corrective
action when required. At the same time, I prefer a challenging working environment which helps me
be on my toes all the time and encourage me to be inventive.

Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivators:

Extrinsic Motivators Score‐ 70(High)

Intrinsic Motivators Score‐ 35(Average)

As we can see scores, while taking up a job I look at factors such as competitive pay, work that is
challenging and interesting. As indicated by motivational indicators(power motivation), I prefer a
job where I can take responsibility and be independent. Though intrinsic factors like security, work
hours are important, at this point in my life where iam just starting my career, those didn’t seem
very important. This might change if I take this exercise few years down the lane.

Transactional Styles of inventory:

Dominant Style‐ Problem Solving/Innovative (ok adult)

Back up Style‐Resilient (ok adaptive child)


As suggested by MBTI, openness to experience score is very high, I have an innovative style and
problem solving style as my dominant style and being resilient is my backup style as I change my
approach to a problem if the changed context requires so.

Personal Effectiveness

Self‐Disclosure‐ 6 (low)

Openness to feedback‐ 15 (High)

Perceptiveness‐ 13(High)

As indicated above by my backup style being resilient, Iam open to feedback and moulding myself
with every step I go ahead in my life. As my emotional intelligence score is high, EI score overlaps
with perceptiveness, it explains why my perceptiveness score is high. But my self‐disclosure score is
very low, which needs to be worked upon in future.

Johari Window:

Solicits Feedback‐29

Willingness to disclose/give feedback‐26

As suggested by personal effectiveness exercise my soliciting feedback score is above average and
willingness to give feedback is also above average. According to my scores I fall in Arena category in
Johari Window.It means I know about myself and the group also is aware of the same.This helps in
enabling free flow of information between myself and others though, it depends on the level of trust
between me and the group and might change according to the people/groups I come across in

Leadership Profile Indicator:

Directive style‐Score‐2 T
Supportive style‐Score‐6 I (High Reg. Low Nut.) (Low Nut. Low Reg.)
Consulting sytle‐Score‐4
Delegating style‐Score‐0 T STYLE STYLE
Index of Leadership Adaptability‐58.8
O (High Reg. High Nut.) (High Nut. Low Reg.)


My style of leadership is Supportive i.e., highly regulatory and high nurturing. I look at working as a

team and supporting people in achieving tasks rather than just ordering tasks and analyzing results.

However, this approach might not fit in for all situations like when the tasks are straight forward,
supportive management style could lead to waste of time. Hence I need to work on using different
styles depending on the situation and type of organization. As my adaptability score is high, I believe
I can adapt to different styles based on need however I need to still improve upon this factor.

Entrepreneurial attitude:

Acheivement Motivation: Score‐18(Average)

Locus of control: Score ‐17(Average)

Propensity to take risk‐ Score ‐18(Average)

Innovativeness‐ Score ‐17(Average)

Self Confidence ‐Score ‐10(Average)

Extraversion‐ Score ‐10(Average)

Social Networking ‐Score ‐18(High)

Though I have plans to start my own venture in future, right now at this point in my career, Iam
looking for a stable job with with regular income as I have some liabilities/responsibilities to take
care of. This could change in future when my career progresses.


Openness to Experience and highly agreeable.
Innovative( curious and inventive)
High Emotional intelligence score with good understanding of self and others.
High Social Networking
High perceptiveness and openness to feedback


Need to work on using emotional intelligence to facilitate performance.

Work upon and improve self-disclosure.
Not very systematic. Need to work upon this to improve control scores.

Action Plan
Goals Actions to be Evidence or measure Target

Maintain Socialize, connect Able to gather 6 months

Extroversion with people and information needed
be enthusiastic using my social circle.
and energetic
Balance Being highly Avoiding some 6 months.
Agreeableness agreeable is not conversations/meetings
good in all by simply agreeing
situations. Should even when my opinions
try to voice out differ.

my opinions.
Resilient Always be Working and trying our 3 months
resilient and face best to get better
any difficult placements.
Higher emotional Keep up with this Feedback from 6 months
stability with good ,understand others friends/colleagues
understanding of emotions and own
self and others self
High perceptiveness Be open to Feedback from 6 months
and openness to feedback given by friends/colleagues
feedback others and better

Emotional Use emotions and Project scores 2 months

intelligence to use it
facilitate constructively to

performance improve
Self-Disclosure Try to open up a Feedback from 2-3months
little and discuss friends/family
Area of

issues with
Improve control Try to plan and Observation of task 2-3months
attitude do things achievement

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