Laboratory Work 3 Introduction To JMeter For Performance Test

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Laboratory Work 3: Introduction to JMeter for Performance Testing

Objective: The objective of this laboratory work is to familiarize with Apache JMeter and basic performance
testing concepts. You will learn how to create and execute performance tests using JMeter.


 Basic knowledge of web applications and HTTP protocols.

 Familiarity with the Java programming language is a plus but not required for the initial exercises.

Step 1: JMeter Installation

 Download and install Apache JMeter on your computer. You can get the latest version from the
official JMeter website: Apache JMeter Downloads.
Step 2: Creating a Basic Test Plan

 Launch JMeter and create a new test plan.

 Add an HTTP Request Sampler to your test plan to simulate an HTTP request to a website of your
choice (e.g.,, ).
 Configure the sampler with appropriate settings like the HTTP method, path, and any necessary
 Add a View Results Tree Listener to your test plan to view the results of your sampler.
 Save the test plan.
Step 3: Running the Test

 Run the test plan to send an HTTP request to the specified website.
 Observe the results in the View Results Tree Listener. Pay attention to response times, errors, and
other relevant data.
Step 4: Test Scenarios and Thread Groups

 Organize your test scenarios using Thread Groups to control the number of concurrent users and the
test duration.
 Experiment with different thread group configurations to simulate varying levels of load.
 Create scenarios in appendixes.
o Test Scenario 1
o Test Scenario 2
o Test Scenario 3
o Test Scenario 4
Step 5: Analyzing Results

 Run your test plan with various scenarios.

 Analyze the results to identify performance bottlenecks, response time trends, and error rates.
 Create summary reports or charts to present your findings.
Step 6: Reporting

 Generate and save test reports using JMeter's reporting features.

 Explain the significance of test reports and how they help in performance analysis.
Step 7: Documentation and Presentation

 Document your test plan, including the purpose, test scenarios, and any important configurations.
 Prepare a presentation or report summarizing your testing process, results, and any recommendations
for improving performance.

This laboratory work provides with hands-on experience in performance testing using JMeter. It covers the
basics of creating and executing test plans, analyzing results, and documenting findings, which are valuable
skills in software testing and quality assurance.
Test Scenario 1: Basic Load Testing

Objective: Simulate a basic load test on a web application to understand how JMeter sends HTTP requests and
measures response times.

 Create a Test Plan:

 Start JMeter and create a new test plan.
 HTTP Request Sampler:
 Add an HTTP Request Sampler to your test plan.
 Configure it to send an HTTP GET request to a website of your choice (e.g.,,
 View Results Tree Listener:
 Add a View Results Tree Listener to your test plan.
 Run the Test:
 Run the test plan to send the HTTP request.
 Observe and document the response times and any errors in the View Results Tree Listener.
Test Scenario 2: Parameterized Testing

Objective: Understand how to parameterize tests to simulate different user interactions.

 CSV Data Set Config:

 Modify your test plan to include parameterization.
 Add a CSV Data Set Config element to your test plan.
 Configure it to read test data from a CSV file.
 Parameterize HTTP Request:
 Modify the HTTP Request Sampler to use variables from the CSV Data Set Config.
 CSV File Creation:
 Create a CSV file with different input values (e.g., search strings).
 Use this CSV file to parameterize your test plan.
 Run Parameterized Test:
 Run the test plan with parameterization to send multiple requests with different input values.
 Observe and document the responses for each parameterized request.
Test Scenario 3: Load Testing with Thread Groups

Objective: Learn how to create different load scenarios using Thread Groups.

 Thread Groups:
 Create multiple Thread Groups within your test plan.
 Configure them to simulate different scenarios, such as varying numbers of concurrent users.
 HTTP Requests:
 Add multiple HTTP Request Samplers, each representing a different interaction with the web
 Thread Group Configuration:
 Adjust the number of threads (users) and the test duration in each Thread Group to create varying load
 Run Load Tests:
 Run the test plan with different Thread Group configurations.
 Analyze the results to understand how varying loads impact response times and error rates.
Test Scenario 4: Test Reporting

Objective: Generate and interpret test reports using JMeter.

 Generate Test Reports:

 Configure JMeter to generate test reports.
 Use listeners like Summary Report and Response Times Over Time to collect data during the test.
 Analyze Results:
 Generate test reports after running load tests.
 Analyze the reports to identify performance bottlenecks and trends.
 Create Summary Report:
 Create a summary report summarizing your findings, including any recommendations for improving

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