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HTML Notes

Q. How to start html?

Open VS Code.
Click on “File” menu.
Click on “New Text File”
Click on “Select a language”
Select “HTML”.
Q. How to save html file?
Click on “File” menu.
Click on “Save As”
Browse the folder.
Type the name of the file with “.html” extension [example name.html]
Click on “Save” button.
Q. Write an HTML program to create a basic page.
<title>Title of the Page</title>
Welcome to my first page. This is the body of the page.
Q. Write an HTML program to create different header.
<title>Header Type</title>
<h1>This is header 1</h1>
<h2>This is header 1</h2>
<h3>This is header 1</h3>
<h4>This is header 1</h4>
<h5>This is header 1</h5>
<h6>This is header 1</h6>
Q. Write an HTML program to present body colour.
<title>Body Colour</title>
<body bgcolor="#f6a421">
<p>This page have background colour which is using hexadecimal colour
<p>The colour code follows #RRGGBB format which is also known as
RGB format. R for Red, G for Green and B for blue.</p>
<p>p tag is used for paragraph tag, br tag is used for break tag and hr tag is
used for horizontal rule.</p>
Q. Write an HTML program to present bold, italic, underline statements.
<title>Bold Italic Underline</title>
<b>This Statement will be shown in Bold</b>
<i>This Statement will be shown in Italic</i>
<u>This Statement will be shown in Underlined</u>

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