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Bank of Baroda

~3IT:~~: 114:3690 30.09.2022


~ :~ cfit Rlfiliffil aftm ~ ~~ ~Cllf.l'fij ••• 4. •• IR.lf ~ ~ ~ aftm ~ 'tiT '1cfl;ft",(ol: 2022-23

~~~~~fo!; ~1iTU R1~c:f11 <ftm~'if;~ flqlf.'l"i'd if)1l""1lfhl ~~ Rl~c:1;11 <ftm~

2022 - 2 3 'if; ;:1<:n;fl if) '(0 1 oIiT tf'rsroTT oIiT .,-t ~.

mffi~~~~cf;q";ft~oIiTw.mt01~, 2022 "fr31 ~,2023 CfifloliT~~'if;~ofl'"1lif)dt

If'tfffift '1 cfl if) ",(01 cfit ~ ~~ f.l \ill i~I ( ~:
1. f.i~Rlf@d fl6l1f.i1'd ~/fl6lIfii1'd Cflll""1lfb:il· oIiTWlms:B"~'liTm'l1~'if;~-qT?f~:
'1:. ~ B"m;;ft ~ Cf"1f (2021 - 22) fl61 1f.i1'd ~ m~<r aftm ~ 'if; ~ ~~.
orr. itir fl61 1 fii1'd ~lflqlf.'l1'd Cflll"1IR4"l ofiT w-ml ~
if)1l""11!1:4"1" oIiT Cf"1f 'if; ~ w-m (~
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BT. itir~;;ft01 ~,2021 ~30~, 2022 'if;~ ?l6lIfii1'd g<:;~/cft~'IiT~¥~.
tT. itir~;;ft01~, 2021 "fr30~, 202201iT~'if;~?l6lIfii1'd g<:;~*01 ~2022
"fr 30 ~ 2022 oIiT ~ %TI ~ $ oIiT ~ ~ oIiT ?l61 1 f.'l1'd Cflll""1l ft41 %TI ~ ~<r aftm
2. ~ 'if; '"1 \'ic:6I 'r't f.=l<n:r * ~rif f.'l~ 1 it! 1 '( ~:
'1:. ?l6l1f.i1'd "'1l""1lft4"r oIiT~~ifCfil'l't'if;~'liTm fii~lil;1l,(~;
~.1 ~ * ~. 2 ~ -ufu 'if; ~: ~
oIiT ~ Cfil'I't CflT fuT<:rr ~ -ufu 'if; 1.5% Cfifl ~ W<rr
* ~ 'liT ~ 'liT fuT<:rr ~ -ufu 'if; 2% Cfifl ~ W<rr.
~. 3 ~ *~. 4 ~ oIiT ~ -ufu 'if; ~: Cfil'I't'IiT fuT<:rr ~ ~.50001- Cfifl * ~ 'liT fuT<:rr ~.
75001- m Cfifl ~ W<rr.
orr. aftm cflq";:ft;r ~ fCfPl<T aftm ~ 31~ 31cITi"RT4'i %TI 1/2/3 ~ * ~ %TI 1/2/3/4 ~
oIiT tt~T9'i~T oIiT t
"fft. 1fft ~ afR ~~ ~ftffit ~~~, it ~ ~ ~ 'fiT ~ ~ ~"fr'fiVIT
tT. ?l6l1f.i1'd ~,~Cf"1f 2022 - 23 'if;~ 'ilif?lRl<1(1 ~'if;~ 1 'if;fir.:rr~CflT"I'"f'1"if)"'(~
t mr ~ ~ ~ CfTif oIiT ~ 2021 - 22 if ~ m~ 'liT "I""4'l fcI;<rr"&.
t ~rn-3f11~ 2021 - 22 'if;~'fiCf"{~~~ ?l6l1f.i1'd~, 2022-23 %TI~rn-3f11~
CflT m'l1 OOT ~~. WR rn-3f11 ~ ~ ~ if f.faffur B'mT 'if; B11ffi ~ 'if; orR ~ ~ ~~.

3. GCfT ~ 'if; B"m f<f<1" 1 ~"4"""'( 'J11 (1Cfldt CflT ~ ~ fu ~ (~) ~~. ~ ~'IT"f ~ fo!; ~ ~m
~ if mff ~ * 'ilif?l Rl <1 (1 (~) ~ 00 'if; fuQ: ~~.
_,.VfI , ,
. lfT.Rlf. - treT"ffR, ~ ~, 3ffi".~.GU m, 31cl4)lgift, ~-390007. ~. ('qffif).
Head Office : HRM - 6th Floor, "Baroda Bhavan", R. C. Dutt Road, Alkapuri, Baroda - 390007. Gujarat (INDIA).
~-~/E-mail:, ~/Website:
*m fol;- mrn
iI"~ {~~ ~ IITU ~ Pf;<rr 1f<lT t~
01/11/2022 ~ 31/10/2023 Cl'fl <fit ~ ill
~ flglR'lt~l Cfl>l'<1I fb:i'f 'if;Bof'tT-if~'if;'141;:flCfl'(ol 'if;Bof'tT-if R'l'llRirua ~ I~~~:

1. ~ oqf$ ofTfmr ~
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'lJ'TGR m~ ~ 'if; ~ ~ itm ~"CflTc;rr'):f;roT ~ ~ (~Tr@ flgl R'l i{a men ~ 'if; ~
-if ~ wi m mFchr ~ ~ <IT ~ ct I R'l '1'd ~ oiiT '"1T mFchr ~ ) w -m
flglf.i1"d ~ 'if; ~~, 1 ~ it~. 4 ~ C1'fi 3ih: ~qlf.1'"i'd 3lCIli"R11:fi ~ ~ ~~. 1 ~ it~. 3
oo ~ - :sTf?tf?t<:'l(l ~ $
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~) :s I~ f?F'1 D ~ tl; ~ ~ 0<pT CfiT m CfiCf{ Pf;<rr 1f<lT~. a~, :sm f?t <1 D ~ 'if; Bof'tT -if ~ ~
0<pT tl; ~ oiiT m+n- ~ urn 'if; ~ 10% C1'fi ~ ('3<;IQ:,(Olfct,!?,Q: ~. 4 ~ oiiT ~ ~'if;
~ :Sl~ f?t <1 D ~~. 40,0001- 3ih:~, 3 ~ oiiT ~ ~ 'if; ~ ~~. 30,0001- ~)

(urn~, -if)
:sTfllf?t<:'l(l $ ?lClIf.l'fd ~ :sTfllf?t<:'l(l $ ?lCl I f.l'!'d atlil'¥il(l
(~$) (~$)
~~ ~~ ~oqf$ ~~ ~oqf$
400000 57808 39020 97776 65999
300000 41334 27901 77920 52596
200000 27557 18600 51047 34457
100000 15308 10333 25520 17226

(urn~, -if)
:s Tfll f?t <:'I (l $ ?I CI I f.l '!'d ar<rrt ~ :s T fll f?t <:'I (l $ ?I CI I f.l '!'d ar<rrt ~
(~$) (~$)
~~ ~~ ~oqf$ ~~ ~oqf$
300000 41334 27901 77920 52596
200000 27557 18600 51047 34457
100000 15308 10333 25520 17226

1m!: ~ m aj·tpm~r~ft ~ ~
3. \R mft ?lCl I f.l'!'d '¥i4"'11 f) ~ t~ :sTfll f?t<:'l (l $1IT $ ~~
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t) (urn~.-if)
atlil'¥il(l <IfCfIt~
~urn ~m3fq'(~$~):- ~m3fq'(~$~):-
~~ ~oqf$ ~~ ~oqf$
500000 15180 10246 ~~ ~~
400000 12475 8420 12475 8420
300000 9639 6507 9639 6507
200000 6291 4246 6291 4246
100000 3730 2518 3730 2518
fj~ ~~ . ",,\A: \ ,
~ 'P1<.l11?1<.l • lfT.~.~. - -goy ~
, ..• ~" 3ffi.~. G't'J 316ICt>I ~ ~ ,~ -390007. ~. ('q'ffif). m
Head Office : HRM - 6th Floor, "Baroda Bhavan", R. C. Dutt Road, Alkapuri, Baroda - 390007. Gujarat (INDIA).
~-l)(;r/E-mail :, ~/Website :
~ ~ afR WR ffi apr ~"AA -ij" ~ ~~Rt~d m 'tiT;flG~:
1. 6£CITi~~~~~4~;fiT~ufWCfiT~~~m-t"ir~1 ~ ~~~3~d"flo!iT
~,~~~~~if ~1 ~~~ ~4 ~d"fl'4iT~ufu~~CfiT~'ifi'{~~.

2. WRffiapr~m-~ij"'l~i'fd ~~t~~t;it~~~~3~(6£CITi~) orr.::

6£CITi ~ ~ if'q" 3Ttf ~ if ~1/2/3/4 ~ o!iT ~ ufu ~ ~ ~ 'ifi'{ ~~.
~ ~ if'q" 3Ttf ~ if ~1/2/3/4/5 ~ o!iT ~ ufu ~ ~ ~ 'ifi'{ ~~.

3. ~ m-aftpif~ ~ ai"a'mr ill f?I f?lt'I {l oq1f <t>1" ~ ~ foRT lJ<IT ~"

ij", I~'id ~/ ij"'I~'i'd 'fl4-q If{<i!" ;fit w/tffiI- ~ t ~ <t>1" ~ ~ -ij" ~/ ~ mt ~

~ 3I'JCl'l(<I'fldlaff t ~ ~ ~ ~ CfiT 'if'<I"l 'R m-~"

fcffi'r;;rm~~~/~-~m~~, i51fi1f1I~<1fl $m~, ~ir:r-3Ttf$m

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~;;rR~~ ~(~$)~?!11f11,(fu:!:~~:

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5~ 9~ 57808 15180 72988 39020 10246 49266
4~ 8~ 57808 12475 70283 39020 8420 47440
~ 3~ 7~ 57808 9639 67447 39020 6507 45527
4 <'mi' 57808 6291 64099 39020 4246 43266
ijcll f.'I"{'d 2~ 6~
~ 1~ 5~ 57808 3730 61538 39020 2518 41538
!/~ 4~ 57808 ffilJ~ 57808 39020 ffilJ~ 39020
3 <'mi' !/~ 3~ 41334 ffilJ~ 41334 27901 ffilJ~ 27901
4~ 7~ 41334 12475 53809 27901 8420 36321
3~ 6~ 41334 9639 50973 27901 6507 34408
ij<lI f.'I"{'d
3 <'mi' 2~ 5~ 41334 6291 47625 27901 4246 32147
1~ 4~ 41334 3730 45064 27901 2518 30419
!/~ 3~ 41334 ffilJ~ 41334 27901 <1flI~ 27901
ijqlf.'l"{'d 2 <'mi' 2~ 27557 ffilJ~ 27557 18600 ffilJ~ 18600
~ 1 <'mi' ~~ 1~ 15308 ffilJ~ 15308 10333 "fT<J:~ 10333
tm 31iYi f/d}C;1
Bank of Baroda
I ItEA.!. !

tfm;ft~ ~oqftf;
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5~ 9~ 97776 15180 112956 65999 10246 76245
4~ 8~ 97776 12475 110251 65999 8420 74419
3~ 7~ 97776 9639 107415 65999 6507 72506
~ 4~
2~ 6~ 97776 6291 104067 65999 4246 70245
f.I 'fa
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artUW 1~ 5~ 97776 3730 101506 65999 2518 68517
~B 4~ 97776 <1T'J:~ 97776 659M ~~ ~MM
3~ ~p:r 3~ 77920 ~~ 77920 52596 ~rr@ 52596
4~ 7~ 77920 12475 90395 52596 8420 61016
3~ 6~ 77920 9639 87559 52596 6507 59103
{lq If.I'fa
3~ 2~ 5~ 77920 6291 84211 52596 4246 56842
1~ 4~ 77920 3730 81650 52596 2518 55114
~p:r 3~ 77920 <1T'J:~ 77920 52596 ~~ 52596
{lq I f.I 'fa
2~ ~~ 2~ 51047 ~~ 51047 34457 ~~ 34457
1~ ~~ 1~ 25520 ~~ 25520 17226 ~~ 17226

~ ~ fcliffi I ifhfnftfl~~ ~ ~ ~ ell f.l'rd ",4-<'11 R.lf I ~ 'IfGft ~ lJftt qif ~:

~ fl Gi I f.'1 'i'd 'fl4'i1 I fbff 1:f{ ~ <ftm ~ 'it 'l'!n: 'fiT 'fi1'f 'fiB 'it ~ ~ fl Gi I f.'1 'i'd 'fl4'i1 I fbi! 1 ~ W ~ -qfu
'fiT~~~3IT:<fTa:rr<::114:28~: 11.02.2022 'it ~ ~f<t;c!:11 <ftm ~ ~~ f.'1fl 1'j;!:1 I ( ~:

~ ~~~(~)
~ 25000 CfCfi i:f~R~- 8000
~ 250011- it ~ 40,0001- CfCfi i:f~R ~ 6000
~ 40001/- aih:~~i:f~R~ 5000
~ ~ 'fiB ~ 1 1fCl9' 'fl4"lI~ql' ~ W <IT-qfu 6000
(i:f~R ~ it ~~, 2022 'if;"l1TQ it ~ m i:f~R it ~).

~ ~ afrn:i orircrr ~ Wlfi i:f~ ~~ ~~ ~ ';ffOT:

~;r ~ ~~~ ~ 'if; '1 41 'fl(01 ~ <ftm ufu 'if; 'TfCIR it ~ ~ 'fiB ~ ~ ~"1f.l"51 ",4'i1 InA"'f
~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~m 'RR' fot.<rr~.

"fflJf ~ ~ ufu, '141'fl(01 <ftm ufu <IT ~72,988/-;;iT 'lfr 'fi1'f ir, ~ aih: ~ ~ 10 m~ f'if;~cIT
it ~ 'lfT ~ t ~?f!UT ~ ~ m~
oft' 'if; ~ it ~ ~. <rQ:?f!UT 24 ~, 2022 CfCfi >rTH fot.<rr 'lfT

~ flGiIf.'1'i'd ~I 3fCITi"Rr'fi1 ~i:f~Rmm, ;;iT~"fflJf~m'fiT~~~~, ~i:f~R 'lj;lldl'1'fldf ~TT"l5IT

~ ID'U ~~a f{a ~ ~ ~ if~ ~~ ~ ~ it "flIT <fit ~ ~ ~ m "flIT <fit ~ t
Qi! fiNm. f.C~ """ >it>RT '"' i(t "" it ""'" _ uflr "" 'lR "'" ~ # oil;, ".1 <it '""_
?ff1lT ~ <fiT ~ if~R '1' 1 Cl 1'"1 CfiCl f ~m I<l'U ~ llTQ: if~R '1I1TI "ij.'f 'if; ~ 'fil'C m ;m:Mt.
> ~,20221l11l: ~ ~ iflijif 'fiT ~:

~ "1fQ ~ ~ 8'1: ~ ~ ~ ~ fil; ~efI1 mf&"CfiTft it fl C1 1 f.l'{'d Cfi4""l1 ["{<iii ~ if> ~ ~ ~ Cfi+1 ~
'if; ~ ~, 2022 llTQ: <fiT if~R ufu 25 ~, 2022 ~ '1I1TI m 'if; ~ <fiT ~ ~ <ft ~.

1. ~ ~'4T fl C1 1 f.l "I'd "Rl'fi~I fl C1 1 f.l"I'd "Rl'fi ~ <fiT <fiT -r:rclt l'i""fu, ;;IT crt 2022-23 <fiT ~ if ~~
"ij.'f 'if; ~~, ~ 3ftAT ~ 24 ~, 2022 ~ o;:qatl (Cfi~ifG ~ ~ ~ atT"1~ 1~"1 ~"Cf)"( ~ ~.

~ ~ oft;rr ~ (Gf1o;:qatl~) 2022-23 if> "1<flCfi(OI ~ ~ atT"1~I~"1 ~ ~ ~ o;:qatl('fI~ifG

~ ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ 03.10.2022 "t1 24.10.2022 0Cfi ~ WIT ~ 'IT'1
f.h'ti 'je 1 ("~: -----7 'Medical Insurance' ~.

(iqBf(f: ~t)

m~ atTffl 'fiT ~ ~ ~ "Cfi'{ ('3~IQ:(OIl'-f:- ~ ~qlf.l"i'd ~ 'fiT ifIlf "(l1f ~ t~

~ ~ ~ 1234 t it ~ atrffi" RM001234 ~)

""11c:: - ~ ~ ~ ~ afCfiT 'fiT ~ ~ t.

~ ~ ifiro ~ atrffi "If{ "C('ti ai'tiJ"!fT "SITff "@orr \ilT o;:q atl ('fI~ ifG ~ ~ 90IT t.
2. ~ ~'4T flcllf.l"I'd ~ ~I flC1If.l"I'd ~ ~ <fiT -r:rcltl 'i""fu, ;;IT crt 2022-23 <fiT ~ if ~~
"ij.'f 'if; ~ t ~ "1fQ ~ "Cf)"( f,f fil; \WfiT ~ m/{-~ ~ 1:fil31n: ~ * if~R ~
1Sffil"/ ffl<n1 ~ m if fu"'fl1 ~ ~.

3. ~ ~ 'fiT ~ ~ ~ >IT¥ f'i.fi1:!: ~"Cf"ffi fctcR:ur:

-c;. W/'i""fu (ifIlf -c;cf ~ ~), (~~ if> ~ ~)
-.ft. wrdT ~ *
~m 'fiT 311 {Q'hQe «1 m.
~. {-~~-c;cf~m.
iT. ~if>~~, ~"Q"CfFHm$~'1dT.
t ~~'fiT~'fi't.

4. ~ atT"1~I~"1 ~ ~ "SITff ~ ~ to it ~ ~ (2021-2022) ~ ~ ~ ~ lfll;

~qlf.l"i'd ~ ~ ~ ~ if ~ ufu;fiT '3q~ ••~Cl I ~ ~ ~ ~ 2021-22fu:!: lfll; ~
amm: ~ ~ (~~ ~ ~ ;sTfl'lffl~{) $ ~ ~ ifq"-3flf $, ~ ~ ~.) ~
anr:, \ilT~ ~ft~mif> ~~'fiT ~~Cfi(ifT~~ ~oft;rr~~~
~~, ~ o;:q atl ('fI~ ifG ~ 'fiT ~:q<fi'f Cfi(ifT "@orr.

5. R-c; 1llJ; ~ if> ~ 25 ~, 2022 ~ (iflijif ~ ~ ~~) ~ m ~ ffl<n1 ~ "@<rr ;;IT

~ m-u ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ If<:fT~. am: <rQ: ~ f.Rr \iITIfT t ~ fu:!: lfll; ~ ~~ ~ ufu
teo 3iIYi fI!!)"
Bank of Baroda

6. ~ ~ 1ll.'!: ~ 'fiT writ it ftfil<m ufu tf.ic ~ ~ ~ 'ffIrffi~.

7. 1J!fi om:: 311'1 (11<'>:'1 ~ 'PT ~ ~ ~~, 24 ~, 2022 ~ '1'mC( fif;m -.It ~ cfiT ~ 'f@

~. ~ifR~~~~~~. ~~~~<fiT~~~.
oft. ~ ~ if f.l; ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ '1cf1ifi(OI ~ <fiT ~ 'ifiTtfT ~ m
<fiT 3!TCf~ ~ t
~ ~ m ~ 25 ~. 2022 'fiT ~ ufu ~ ~ t. m i);m lIT'1T ~ f.l; arrtr Rlf.lJffi I aftm ~

if'<I., .• i,.n <fiT ~~~I{) f.l:i~ sfI~~+i u1t~~t~mlf~ ~uftBIifT ~.

~ -w:ru if fif;m ~ ~ fOQ 21 ifi(OI ~ fc;rQ: 'fY'IT 'lR {- i)c;r G.TD-wrt


slfB RI R1: 1. 'Il"RCf if fB:rcr ~-.It lim3l1'/ ifi III fwil' it aqUu ~ fcf; ~-.It ~ cU f.i 1"(1 'tCT'li ~ cfiT "11'1 ifi I D ~ fmJ: ~
rfTfh:r cfiT 1J!fi m ~ rfTfh:r..rrt 1:f'l:: 3fCI'li<l' ~~.

2. ~-.It lim ~ 'fiT ~ ~ "ITCIT ~ ~ClIf.i1d ifi>{'i'jlfbiT ~ ~ fi1fCf;c*11 ~ ~ '1cf1ifi(OI,

ftfil<m ~ 'TIc'R if ~ 'RR m ~ fmJ: ~ -ofT ~ ~ "ofT3iRr 'tCT'li 'tlil"'fU ~ fmJ: fct~

;ftc: fif;m -.It lim/ ~ if ~ q;'f1:f cfiT ~ m~ i1"@ cfiT ~.

JJUR' ct5I>Qf('l>Q : 1IT.~.JJ. - t90T 'ff<>f, '~'qCR", 3fR.~.~~, ~61q)I~, ~-390007. ~. ('qffif).
Head Office : HRM - 6th Floor, "Baroda Bhavan", R. C. Dutt Road, Alkapuri, Baroda - 390007. Gujarat (INDIA).
~-1)(.I./E-mail :, ~/Website :
Ilti 3ii!1i f/!l}C;1
Bank of Baroda
HO:HRM:114:3690 30.09.2022



Madam I Sir,

Re: Renewal of Group Health Insurance Policy for Retired Employees

Under IBA Medical Insurance Scheme: 2022-23

We are pleased to inform that, IBA has announced the Renewal of Group Medical Insurance Policy
2022-23 for Retired Employees under IBA Medical Insurance Scheme.

MIs. National Insurance Company Ltd. shall continue as the Insurer for the Policy Period from 01st
November 2022 to 31st October 2023.

The Salient Features of the renewal policy are as under:

1. Following Retired Employees / Spouse of Retired Employees are eligible to avail this policy:
a. All those who were covered under the previous year (2021 - 22) Retiree Group Health
Insurance Policy.
b. Retired Employees / Spouse of Retired Employees / Spouse of Deceased Employees
(Including Spouse of Retired Employees deceased during last year) who have opted out /
not availed the IBA Retirees GHI Policies in previous years.
c. Those Employees Retired / Voluntary Retired during 015t October 2021 to 30th September
d. Those Employees who Retired during the period from 015t October 2021 to 30th September
2022 and have / have not joined the one moth's interim IBA Retirees Group Health
I nsurance Policy for the period from 15t October 2022 to 30th October 2022.
2. Important Terms and Conditions of the Policy are as under:
a. Room Rent charges in Retirees Base policy are as follows;
For Sum Insured of 1 Lac and 2 Lac: Room Rent per day shall be payable up to 1.5% of
Sum Insured and ICU charges per day shall be payable upto 2% of Sum Insured.
For Sum Insured of 3 Lacs and 4 Lacs: Room Rent per day shall be payable up to
RS.5000/- and ICU charges of up to RS.7500/-.
b. Insurance Company has offered multiple cover options of Sum Insured i.e. 1 /2/3 Lacs
for Award Staff and 1 / 2 / 3 /4 Lacs for Officers, with different premium rates.
c. If Employee and Spouse, both are alive, family floater premium has to be
compulsorily paid.
d. Retirees can opt With / Without Domiciliary option in Retirees policy 2022 - 23 irrespective
of option they have chosen in last year policy 2021 - 22.
e. Retirees who are not covered under Super Top-up Policy 2021 - 22, can avail Super Top
up policy for 2022 - 23. The Super Top-up will be activated only after the exhaustion of the
Limit prescribed in the Base Policy.
3. All bills / receipts for purchase of medicine must bear valid GST No. (Printed). Please note
that this Condition is applicable for both hospitalization and domiciliary (OPD) Claims.

0"" mrFf q) : 1TI.~.Jr. - UOT (1'(1", '~'qq.f', 3ffi".~.G'ff m, 31C'1q)lg~, ~-390007. ~. ('qffif).
Head Office : HRM - 6th Floor, "Baroda Bhavan", R. C. Dutt Road, Alkapuri, Baroda - 390007. Gujarat (INDIA).
~-1)(;r/E-mail :, ~/Website:
tm 3/h1i flffJC;1
Bank of Baroda
As informed by Mis. National Insurance Company Ltd. following options 1 variants are available
in connection with renewal of the Policy in respect of Retired Employees for the period from
01/11/2022 to 31/10/2023:-
1. Single Person Sum Insured .
Retired employees 1 Spouse of Deceased Retired Employees 1 Spouse of Diseased
Employees can avail coverage as applicable for a Single Person (Only in the case of a
Retiree whose Spouse is not alive or Surviving Spouse of the Retiree), by paying premium at
reduced rates.
2. Family Floater Sum Insured
Retired employees can opt suitable coverage (Sum Insured) as per their choice under Base
Policy, ranging from Rs.1 Lac to Rs.4 Lacs for Retired Officers and Rs.1 Lac to Rs.3 Lac for
Retired members of Award Staff.
A) Option I - Without Domiciliary Coverage
Under this Option, expenses incurred in connection with Hospitalization alone are covered
and expenses incurred for Domiciliary treatments are NOT covered.
B) Option II - With Domiciliary Coverage
Under this Option, expenses incurred for domiciliary treatments are ALSO covered for a
list of diseases (as per Annexure A), in addition to the Hospitalisation expenses. However,
the coverage for expenses incurred in connection with Domiciliary treatments shall be
capped at a maximum of 10% of the Sum Insured (Example: Domiciliary Coverage for Rs.
4 Lac Sum Insured Policy shall be Rs.40,0001- and that for Rs. 3 Lac Sum Insured Policy
shall be Rs.30,0001-)" .
1. Retired Officers - Premium (WITHOUT DOMICILIARY and WITH DOMICILIARY):
. (Amount in Rs. 1-)
Retirees Without Domiciliary Retirees With Domiciliary
Cover Needed
(With GST) (With GST)
Sum Insured Family Floater Single Person Family Floater Single person
400000 57808 39020 97776 65999
300000 41334 27901 77920 52596
200000 27557 18600 51047 34457
100000 15308 10333 25520 17226

2. Retired Award Staff - Premium (WITHOUT DOMICILIARY and WITH DOMICILIARY):

(Amount in Rs. 1-)
Retirees Without Domiciliary Retirees With Domiciliary
Cover Needed
(With GST) (With GST)
Sum Insured Family Floater Single Person Family Floater Single person
300000 41334 27901 77920 52596
200000 27557 18600 51047 34457
100000 15308 10333 25520 17226

3. Super Top Up Policy cover for all retired employees having a Base Policy with or without
domiciliary (Only for those who opted base policy Rs. 3 Lacs (Award Staff) 1 Rs. 4 Lacs (Officer)
(Amount in Rs. 1-)
Officers - Premium Award Staff - Premium
Sum Insured Super Top Up (Rate with GST):- Super Top Up (Rate with GST):-
Family Floater Single person Family Floater Single person
500000 15180 10246 Not available Not available
400000 12475 8420 12475 8420
300000 9639 6507 9639 6507
200000 6291. 4246 6291 4246
100000 3730 2518 3730 2518

~.fl.\ r-; JJtfFf cf)lllf<'lll : l1T.~.~. - UOT (f('1", '-. 'qCfi'f", 3Tf{.~.G'ff m, ~clCf)I~,
~-390007. ~. ('~).
(..)?' (}Jv - Head Office : HRM - 6th Floor, "Baroda Bhavan", R. C. Dutt Road, Alkapuri, Baroda - 390007. Gujarat (INDIA).
~-~/E-mail:, ~/Website:
tm 3ii!1i fI!1)C;1
Bank of Baroda

Kindly note the following conditions before opting Base and Super Top UP Option:

1. Award staff cannot opt for Rs. 4 Lacs Sum Insured in base policy. They can choose Sum
Insured from the range of Rs. 1 Lac to Rs. 3 Lacs.
However, Officers can opt for any Sum Insured ranging from Rs. 1 Lac to Rs. 4 Lacs as Base

2. Super Top Up policy is available only to those Retirees who opt Rs. 3 Lacs (Award Staff)
and opt Rs. 4 Lacs (Officers) Sum Insured in Base Policy.
Award Staff can opt for Rs. 1 /2/3/4 Lacs Sum Insured in Super Top up policy.
Officer can opt Rs. 1 /2/3/4/5 Lacs Sum Insured in Super Top up policy.

3. Domiciliary Expenses are not covered under Super Top-up Policy.

Retired Employees I Spouse of Retired Employees may opt for suitable Policy, matching
their requirements, after fully understanding I analyzing the policy variants.

Detailed Policy variants Options / Coverage - Single or Family Floater, With or Without
Domiciliary, With or Without Super Top-up, available to Retired Officers and Award Staff and the
corresponding premium to be paid (Including GST) for renewal/joining of Policy are as given

Option I - Premium (Without Domiciliary Coverage):

Family Floater Single Person

Sum Total Total
Sum Insured Sum Total
Insured - Super Insured Base Super Top Premium - Super Top
Cadre Base Single
- Base Top - (Base + Policy - Up Policy Family -Up
Policy (Base +
Policy Up Super Premium - Premium - (Base + Policy
Premium Super Top
Policy Top Up) Family Family Super Top Premium
- Up
- Up Policy)
5 Lac 9 Lac 57808 15180 72988 39020 10246 49266
4 Lac 8 Lac 57808 12475 70283 39020 8420 47440
Retired 4 Lac 3 Lac 7 Lac 57808 9639 67447 39020 6507 45527
Officer 2 Lac 6 Lac 57808 6291 64099 39020 4246 43266
Only 1 Lac 5 Lac 57808 3730 61538 39020 2518 41538
NIL 4 Lac 57808 NA 57808 39020 NA 39020
3 Lac NIL 3 Lac 41334 NA 41334 27901 NA 27901
4 Lac 7 Lac 41334 12475 53809 27901 8420 36321
Retired 3 Lac 6 Lac 41334 9639 50973 27901 6507 34408
Award 3 Lac 2 Lac 5 Lac 41334 6291 47625 27901 4246 32147
Staff 1 Lac 4 Lac 41334 3730 45064 27901 2518 30419
NIL 3 Lac 41334 NA 41334 27901 NA 27901
Officer 2 Lac NA 2 Lac 27557 NA 27557 18600 NA 18600
Award 1 Lac NA 1 Lac 15308 NA 15308 10333 NA 10333

--::J..-.JJtlA" ChI~~.R~. 3ffi".~.G'ff
- UOT"ffi>f, '~'qCf'f", m-,
3l(ifQ)lgtl, ~-390007. ~. ('qffif).
~ (.¥ Head Office : HRM - 6th Floor, "Baroda Bhavan", R. C. Dutt Road, Alkapuri, Baroda - 390007. Gujarat (INDIA).
t-~/E-mail:, ~/Website:
tiIi 3ii!1i fl$)C;1
Bank of Baroda
! ItEM,'!!
Option II - Premium (With Domiciliary Coverage):
Family Floater Single Person
Sum Total Total Total
Sum Insured Sum Premium - Premium
Base Super Top Family Super Top Single
Insured - Super Insured Base
Cadre Policy - Up Policy (Base + - Up (Base +
- Base Top - (Base + Policy
Premium - Premium - Super Top Policy
Policy Up Super Premium Super Top
Family Family Premium
Policy Top Up) - Up - Up
Policy) Policy)_
5 Lac 9 Lac 97776 15180 112956 65999 10246 76245
4 Lac 8 Lac 97776 12475 110251 65999 8420 74419
Retired 4 Lac 3 Lac 7 Lac 97776 9639 107415 65999 6507 72506
Officer 2 Lac 6 Lac 97776 6291 104067 65999 4246 70245
Only 1 Lac 5 Lac 97776 3730 101506 65999 2518 88517
NIL 4 Lac 97776 NA 97776 65999 NA 65999
3 Lac NIL 3 Lac 77920 NA 77920 52596 NA 52596
4 Lac 7 Lac 77920 12475 90395 52596 8420 61016
Retired 3 Lac 6 Lac 77920 9639 87559 52596 6507 59103
Award 3 Lac 2 Lac 5 Lac 77920 6291 84211 52596 4246 56842
Staff 1 Lac 4 Lac 77920 3730 81650 52596 2518 55114
NIL 3 Lac 77920 NA 77920 52596 NA 52596
2 Lac NA 2 Lac 51047 NA 51047 34457 NA 34457
& Award
1 Lac NA 1 Lac 25520 NA 25520 17226 NA 17226

);> Reimbursement to Retired employees I Surviving spouse towards Medical Insurance


In order to reduce the burden on account of the higher Insurance Premium on our retired
colleagues, Bank will reimburse to Retired employees I Surviving spouse towards Medical
I nsurance P'rerruurn, as per th e C" ircu I ar N 0: HO BR 114 28 D a t e: 11 02 2022 , as und er:
Particulars Reimbursement Amount (Rs.r-)
Pension pay Up to Rs. 25000/- 8000
Pension pay From Rs. 25001/- to Rs. 40000/- 6000
Pension pay Rs. 40001/- & above 5000
PF Optees / Spouse of deceased employees 6000
(Pension Pay means Gross Pension for the Month of October 2022)

);> Special Personal Loan to BOB Staff Pensioners:

Bank is extending "Special Personal Loan to BOB staff pensioners", to help them in
payment of their Medical Insurance Policy renewal premium.

The maximum loan amount shall be up to the renewal premium amount or Rs. 72,988/-
whichever is less and can be repaid in maximum of 10 EMls. Copy of this loan scheme is
enclosed as Annexure B the Loan may be availed up to 24th October, 2022.

Those Retired Officers / Award Staff / Family Pensioner, who wish to avail loan may approach
their pension paying Branch.

The Loan disbursed amount will be credited by the Branch to Pensioner's saving
account, in which the monthly pension is being credited.

~ Cf)1~ : lrr.~.~. - UOT ~, '~~", 3W{.~.G'ff m, ~(1q)I3'ft, ~-390007. ~. (~).
~ Head Office : HRM - 6th Floor, "Baroda Bhavan", R. C. Dutt Road, Alkapuri, Baroda - 390007. Gujarat (INDIA).
~-~/E-mail:, ~/Website:
tm 3/h1i fl$}C;1
Bank of Baroda
We are sle t~ 10ah'tMMe OOili mitigate the hardships of having to bear the burden of the
higher premium amount in one go.
The installment of Loan repayment will be deducted by the Pension Paying Branch every

~ Payment of Pension for the Month of October 2022:

We are pleased to advice that the Competent Authority has accorded approval to credit the
pension amount for the month of October 2022 on 25th October 2022 to ease financial burden
on retirees.

Important Points:

1. All those retired employees / Spouse of Retired employees, who wish to join the policy
2022-23 should submit their OPTIONS ONLINE through HRConnect latest by 24th
October 2022.

The Online Application for Renewal of GHI Policy 2022-23 will be available from
03.10.2022 to 24.10.2022 on Bank's HRConnect Module under Medical Insurance
Tile, path of which is given below: -===t 'Medical Insurance' Tile

(The menu is self-explanatory)

Login by using your User Id, (Example:- Retiree Name is Ram Mohan and EC No. is
1234, then User Id is RM001234)

Note: - EC No. must consist Six Numeric Digit.

An OTP will be received on registered Mobile Number / Email Id (Anyone will be

sufficient), which is linked with HRConnect.

2. All those retired employees / Spouse of Retired employees, who wish to join the policy
2022-23, must ensure that, his / her Mobile Number/ Email Id is linked / registered in HR
Connect & Pension paying Account / Premium paying Account.

3. Details to be provided at the time of submitting online option:

a. Spouse (Name and Date of Birth), (Require for Family Floater)
b. Account number and IFSC code of Branch
c. Email Address and Mobile No
d. Full Address with District, State, Pin Code for any communication.
e. Choose correct option.

4. If NO option is received ONLINE, the Retirees covered under existing policy (2021-
2022) would be continued with the 'Same base policy Option' given last year (i.e.
Without Domiciliary and Without Super Top-up, if any, opted last year) subject to
availability of required amount in the Account.

Hence, those who do not wish to pay premium as per existing policy guidelines and
want to EXIT from the Insurance must give the Exit Option in HRConnect.

5. The premium as per the Option exercised will be debited on 25th October 2022 (After
credit of Pension), from their Account which would be provided by them at the time of
submission of the Option. It is therefore advised that sufficient balance is kept in the
iven account.

-m-, 3I<'Ict>lg;ft, ~-390007.~.
-if P ~ ctll4 : 1TI.~."Sl". - UOT~, ..• 'qCR", 3ffi".~.GU ('qffif).
Head Office : HRM - 6th Floor, "Baroda Bhavan", R. C. Dutt Road, Alkapuri, Baroda - 390007. Gujarat (INDIA).
~-1)(;r/E-mail:, ~/Website:
:::: • EM I ----- ----- ----- 7
6. Options submitted online will be treated as the authority to debit the account for premium

7. Once option is exercised online. NO further change would be allowed after 24 - Oct - 2022.

a) Once the premium is debited, no change in option will be allowed.

b) Please note NO HARD Copy of the renewal option need to be submitted at Head
Office or any other Branch / Office.

If sufficient balance is not available on 25th October 2022 in your account, it will be
considered as not interested in continuing Medical Insurance Policy and accordingly I
Renewal of Policy Will not be done.



For any further clarification please email at:

Copy to: 1. All Branches / Offices in India for information with the request to display a copy of this
notice on your notice board for benefit of all retired staff members.

2. All Branch Heads are advised to extend the "Special Personal Loan to BOB staff
Pensioners", as per Annexure - B, to help them in payment of their Medical Insurance
Policy renewal premium under the Scheme Code LA 664.

Note: No hardcopy of Option form to be accepted at any Branch/Office.

1,1:tl.'R ~-390 0 ~ '{Tffl
He d Office : HRM 390007 G
im rrn.h m
Annexure A
Hospitalization I Domiciliary Treatment
Sr. No Treatments
1 Cancer
2 Leukemia
3 Thalassemia
4 Tuberculosis
5 Paralysis
6 Cardiac Ailments
7 Pleurisy
8 Leprosy
9 Kidney Ailment
10 All Seizure disorders
11 Parkinson's diseases
12 Psychiatric disorder including schizophrenia and QsychotheraQ}o'
13 Diabetes and its complications
14 Hypertension
15 Hepatitis -8
16 Hepatitis - C
17 Hemophilia
18 Myasthenia gravis
19 Wilson's disease
20 Ulcerative Colitis
21 Epidermolysis bullosa
22 Venous Thrombosis(not caused by smoking) Aplastic Anaemia
23 Psoriasis
24 Third Degree burns
25 Arthritis
26 Hypothyroidism
Hyperthyroidism expenses incurred on radiotherapy and chemotherapy in the
treatment of cancer
28 and leukemia
29 Glaucoma
30 Tumor
31 Diptheria
32 Malaria
33 Non-Alcoholic Cirrhosis of Liver
34 Purpura
35 Typhoid
36 Accidents of Serious Nature
37 Cerebral Palsy
38 Polio
3-9 All Strokes Leading to Paralysis
40 Haemorrhages caused by accidents
41 All animallreQtile/insect bite or sting
42 Chronic pancreatitis
43 Immuno suppressants
44 Multiple sclerosisl motorneuron disease
45 Status asthamaticus
46 Sequalea of meningitis
47 Osteoporosis
48 Muscular dystroQhies
49 Sleep apnea syndrome(not related to obesity)

50 Any organ related (chronic) condition
51 Sickle cell disease
52 Systemic lupus erythematous (SLE)
53 Any connective tissue disorder
54 Varicose veins
55 Thrombo embolism venous thrombosis/venous thrombo embolism (VTE)]
56 Growth disorders
57 Graves' disease
58 Chronic Pulmonary Disease
59 Chronic Bronchitis
Physiotherapy and swine flu shall be considered for reimbursement under
domiciliary treatment.
61 Type1 Diabetes
62 Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA)
63 Psoriasis/ Psoriatic Arthritis
64 System Lupus Erythematous
65 I nflammato_ry Bowel Disease
66 Addition's Disease
67 Sjogren's Syndrome
68 Hashimoyo's Thyroiditis
69 Autoimmune Vasculitis
70 Pernicious Anemia
71 Celiac Disease
72 Autoimmune Myositis

Following treatments have also been included in the new Policy for the year 2022-2023:
(a) Approved targeted therapies for treatment of Cancer in Day Care and on a standalone basis.
(The term Immunotherapy - Monoclonal Antibody cancer treatment on standalone basis
added in the list of Day care and Domiciliary treatments.)
(b) Intra Vitreal injections for eye disorders other than ARMD.


All Retired Officers/ Retired Award Staff (Including sub-staff) of Bank

Of Baroda (Pensioners), who are opted for "Group Medical Insurance
1 Target Group for Retirees" and required to remit the renewal premium for the same.
(To National Insurance Company Ltd).
a) Exclusively for funding the renewal premium amount of Group
Medical Insurance for Retirees.
2 Purpose
b) No other purpose/ requirements to be considered under the
Maximum Upto the Renewal Premium amount (Inclusive of GST) for the IBA
3 Amount of Group Mediclaim Insurance for Retirees' or Rs. 72,988/- whichever is
Loan lower.
4 Margin Nil
5 Maximum -10 - months (in EMls)
One year BRLLR (Baroda Repo Linked Lending Rate) + Strategic
6 Rate of Interest
7 Nil
8 Nil
9 Penal Interest Nil
Sanctioning a) The Sanctioning Authority will be the Branch Head of the Bank
Authority & where the retiree is maintaining pension account.
Lending b) DLP of Clean Loans shall be exercised by the Sanctioning
Powers Authoritv.
a) Application Form (Existing application for Baroda Loan to
Documents to
11 Pensioners may be used).
be submitted
b) Details of EC No. / PPO No. etc.
a) DP Note
b) Letter of Instalment with Acceleration Clause.
c) Declaration cum Undertaking cum Authority.
12 Documentation
d) Authority letter to recover monthly Installment from pension
account and to recover the installment from family pension in case
of demise of the retired staff member.
a) The Loan sanctioned wil be credited to the pension account of the
retiree for payment of gross premium only.
b) To ensure that the retiree is deprived of not getting insurance cover
under the scheme, the disbursed amount to be credited to the
Pension account of the retired employee.

The procedure as advised by HRM Department from time to time

13 should be followed for remitting the amount of premium.
Monthly installments to be recovered from the pension paid by the
branch every month on the date of payment of pension without fail.

Proper noting is to be made in the borrowers pension file regarding

granting of the Loan to ensure that the pension payment is not
transferred to any other branch durinq the EMI period.
14 Scheme code Account should be opened in Finacle under the Scheme code: LA 664


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