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Amir Tsarfati

The Deception of the Nations

The message this morning is a title and a topic that I tried to stay away from, for a quite a

long time, “The Deception of the Nations.” When you speak of the deception of the enemy, you

always have to prepare yourself for trouble when you deal with it. The media is very much in his

hands, and I call them the “Media-nites.” They can brainwash people in a very effective way. The

Bible says that Satan’s name is the prince of the

air, which is using the airwaves to broadcast a lot

of deception, all over the world, non-stop.

It’s very interesting, because you are

probably asking yourself, “Are you going to talk about the elections in Israel?” No, I’m not. All

right... [Audience: Laughter] one thing; just one thing. I want you to know that in spite of hundreds

of millions [dollars] that were poured in by your own administration, by European countries, and

by other nonprofit organizations that were established for that purpose alone; against all odds and

even with some very—I will call false polls that

were published a few days before the elections just

to show there was a momentum on the other

side—Benjamin Netanyahu won the election in

what we call a landslide victory. [Audience:

Applause] Now, you probably know that he was here in your country, probably at that time doing

a better job in his campaign than if back in Israel, he was here, unveiling a big scam, a big deception.

He was here unveiling the horrible collaboration of the nations of the world to accept a treaty that

eventually, not only will not prevent any war, but will accelerate it. You know, Winston Churchill The Deception of the Nations 1/21

said in 1938, just five years after Adolf Hitler won his elections, Winston Churchill said to his best

friend, Lord Moyne, “Concerning the German problem over the last five years, I have a very big

concern that before us, we have two choices: shame and war. And I feel that we’re about to choose

shame and then war will be thrown at our doorpost in a much more adverse terms than in the

beginning.” When something begins in sin and deception, when the truth is not being told to people,

then it’s not going to last forever.

It’s interesting, because people around the world, while being brainwashed by the media,

they’re asking themselves, what in the world is going on? We thought Israel is smarter and they

would get rid of that [Gesture: finger quotations] “hardliner, right-wing Netanyahu.” Don’t they

want peace and security, people are asking. Don’t they want hope and prosperity? Don’t they want

to be accepted by the families of the world, by the nations of the world? You know, a lot of Israelis

actually—the slogan of the other camp that was

fighting Netanyahu was “Let’s have hope; let’s

have change; let’s be accepted by the world.” That

was it. Quite interesting, isn’t it? You know, Adolf

Hitler said—and for me Hitler represents Satan

incarnated—and he said: “If you tell a big enough

lie and you tell it frequently enough, it will be

believed.” He also said, “Make the lie big, make it

simple, keep saying it, and eventually they will

believe it.” He also continued and said, “By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda, one can

make people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.” He also said, “It

is not truth that matters, but victory.” The Deception of the Nations 2/21

It’s interesting, because all of that, all of that, I felt on my skin, in my flesh; I felt it

throughout these elections. The Israelis have never been better. They are doing better financially

and even security-wise we are stronger than ever. Yet they sold us that there is despair. They sold

us that we have no hope. They sold us that we’re not secure. That we need to change, that we have

to be accepted because someone in the White House is not happy with us. They sold us so much,

lies and deception. And the slogan was “Victory 2015.” Doesn’t matter the facts, doesn’t matter

the truth, victory is more important. It doesn’t matter that you are doing good. People have a much

better life than they had 10 years ago, 15 years ago. No! We’re going to paint it as if everything is

horrible. We’re going to paint it as if heaven will look like hell. Wow!

And you see, Satan is the master deceiver. What is it to be a deceiver, by the way? To be a

deceiver is to know the truth, and choose to tell somebody the opposite. Because if you don’t know

the truth and tell something wrong, you are just wrong. But when you know the truth, when you

know the truth, and yet you tell somebody the opposite, that makes you a deceiver. So, when Satan

is called the great deceiver, that means he knows exactly that whatever he tells the world is not

true. There are two types of deceptions that I can

see in the world. There’s the global deception, the

deception of the whole world. And we are going

to see it, and we are seeing it in talking about

global economy, global religion, global government. We’re talking about a world leader that will

rise. This will be a worldwide deception, whether Jews or Gentiles, everybody will be deceived.

Jews will think he is the Messiah. Gentiles will think he is a great leader. Everybody will follow

him. It’s the deception of the whole world. The Deception of the Nations 3/21

Yet, do not be mistaken, there is another type of deception often being overlooked, and it’s

the deception of the nations. What do I mean? The deception of the goyim, of the other nations,

not of Israel. Wow! “Wait a minute, can you see that in the Scriptures?” Of course, I can. In

Revelation 12:7, 9 when it talks about the battle between Michael and Satan, himself, the Bible

says, “7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels fought with the dragon; and

the dragon and his angels fought,” and then it goes on and it says, “9 So the great dragon was

cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world;...”

That’s what Revelation 12 talks about.

Now, in a very interesting manner, when we’re introduced to Satan and how he fell from

heaven, how God casted him all the way down, in Isaiah 14:12, the Bible says, “12 ‘How you are

fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, you

who weakened the nations!’” Wow! It’s not about the whole world, the nations, he weakens the

nations. How can you weaken someone? It’s by selling him the lie, deception. When you have the

truth, you can decide in a much better way of what your next step is. But when your whole decision-

making process is based on deception, and you’re not aware of it, you’re weak. And Satan is

weakening the nations. Weakening the nations; How come? When he turned them against His


Now watch this; if Revelation 12 talks about the deception of the whole world, Revelation

20:1, 3 says, “1 Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the

bottomless pit...” That is just before the thousand-years millennial kingdom. Then it says, “3 and

he cast into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should

deceive the nations no more...” If you continue in that passage, after a thousand years, Satan will The Deception of the Nations 4/21

be released for a short time, and the first thing he will do is go out and deceive the nations once

again. Quite amazing. That’s all he does. That’s a 24/7 job, to deceive the nations.

And the nations is not Israel. When he wants to talk about Israel and the nations, he talks

about the whole world. When he wants to talk

about the nations, he says the nations. The Greek

word in the New Testament for nations is ethne

from ethnos, ethnic. Many nations, ethne in the

plural. In the Hebrew, goy is a nation; goyim is in

plural; nations. In Joel, we talk about how God

will gather all the nations, goyim. In Matthew 25,

it’s how Jesus will gather all the nations, ethne.

And these are exactly the same. The nations are

not Israel. So, when Satan deceives the nations,

and not Israel, it is because Israel is the object. It’s the subject of the deception. The deception is

concerning Israel. That may cause you to understand why the Israelis did not buy the lie that the

media was trying to sell them. Sometimes they know some things that the rest of the nations cannot

see, because they’re being blinded. The only people among the nations that can see many things,

in the same way the Jewish people can, are the believers in Jesus. The Christians and the Jews in

that manner, are the only ones that can call the bluff, and that can see what is planned.

Now it’s interesting, because, don’t be mistaken, Israel is even blinded. But it’s a different

blindness. The Bible says that it is God who blinds Israel. He’s the one who gives them eyes that

cannot see, and ears that they cannot hear, until this very day. Why is that? Through their The Deception of the Nations 5/21

disobedience, through their fall, in order to provoke them to jealousy, salvation will be given to

the Gentiles. It’s amazing, and it’s all written in Romans chapter 11.

What is the deception that Satan is trying to pull out and deceive the nations about Israel?

First, Israel is not God’s people. Some will say, “Israel

is not God’s people, anymore.” They will add that,

because maybe they were once, but they’re no longer.

Second one, the land’s real name is not Israel, it’s

Palestine. You can ask most people on this planet, and they’ll tell you that this is it. In fact, your

own Bible, in the map section, will show you that Israel in the time of Jesus was called Palestine,

which is a big lie. It’s in your Bible. The Arabs were there first. We’ll examine that. The occupation

is the problem. That’s something I keep hearing every time I travel. Everybody around says, “The

occupation is the trouble, end the occupation.” What occupation? Of what? Peace in the Middle

East is possible. They are selling us the delusion that peace can be achieved. They’re telling

Netanyahu, “If you’re not going to admit that the solution of two states is the only solution, then

we will act upon it in the UN. We will vote for two states for two people.” That’s what the

American administration just made very clear to Netanyahu, 24 hours ago. I don’t envy you.

What about Israel not being God’s people?

The Bible says in Deuteronomy 14:2, “2 For you

are a holy people to the LORD your God, and

the LORD has chosen you to be a people for

Himself, a special treasure above all the peoples

who are on the face of the earth.” I guess that’s what the Bible says. I guess this is what God

says. Well, if that’s not enough, I can read to you in Zechariah 2:8, “8 For thus says the LORD The Deception of the Nations 6/21

of hosts: ‘He sent Me after glory, to the nations which plunder you; for he who touches you

touches the apple of His eye.’” Wow! God sent the prophet to the nations, and he’s warning them,

“He that touches Israel is touching the apple of My eye.” Do you know what? We are a weak

nation when it comes to being hated. Nobody wants to be hated. Everybody wants to be accepted.

Everybody wants to have their 10 minutes of fame and glory in their life. Israel wants to be part

of the family of the world. And a lot of people were somehow convinced that we need to maybe

concede to all the things that the world is telling us in order to be part of it.

The Jewish people in general—and my grandparents are part of it because they survived

Auschwitz—they thought that God really forsook them. “So, if God is not on our side: we need

America on our side; we need Europe on our side; we need some great nation on our side.” [Isaiah

49:14–16], “14 But Zion said, ‘The LORD has forsaken me, and my Lord has forgotten me.’”

And God says, “15 ‘Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the
son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you. See, I have inscribed

you on the palms of My hands;...’” That’s what God said. Now you can say whatever you want,

[Amir points to Scripture] these are the words of God. And I’m not here to preach politics, we are

here to examine the Word of God.

Then, in Romans 11... but if you think, “Okay, but that’s Old Testament. Now we are

Christians; we believe in Jesus. Jesus is Christian; He’s not Jewish.” [Audience: Laughter] You

know that God is not Jewish? God is not Jewish, but Jesus is also not Christian. Did you know

that? He never, ever preached on the New Testament, even once. Jesus is not a follower of Jesus.

A Christian is a follower of Jesus; so Jesus is not a Christian. If anything, He came to the world as

a Jew. But what I’m trying to say is that in Romans 11, when Paul, who was sent to the Gentiles

and was telling them of all the great things that God is doing to the Gentiles, he immediately saw, The Deception of the Nations 7/21

“Okay, so now they think that Israel is no longer God’s people.” Then he said in Romans 11:1–2,

“1 I say then, has God cast away His people?...” Because they kind of rejected Him?

“1 ...Certainly not! For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.
2 God has not cast away His people whom He foreknew....” Period. If God forgot His people,

He can forget you! You need to hold on to this verse. Because if God is faithful to His promises to

Israel, He surely will be faithful to His promises to you. If He is able to break His covenant and to

break His promises, then He might be able to do

it to you also. That’s not my God.

What about the land Palestine and not

Israel? Look at your Bible and see, you can find

in the map section, it says, “Palestine, in Christ’s

Time.” You’ll see that, most of the Bibles have it.

Just so you know, historically, that it is not true.

In the time of Jesus, the land was not called

Palestine. If anything, in Matthew 2:19-21, “19

Now when Herod was dead, behold, an angel

of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt, 20 saying, ‘Arise, take the young Child

and His mother, and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the young Child’s life are

dead.’ 21 Then he arose, took the young Child and His mother, and came into the land of

Israel.” It’s a very boring verse, think about it. Not much, “Arise, take the son, and take the mother,

and go to the land of Israel.” “Okay,” so, he arose, took the son, and the mother, and went to the

land of Israel. It’s very simple. Yet we see here the truth, the land was called Israel. That’s the The Deception of the Nations 8/21

name. I apologize if I offend you, but that’s the name not only in the Old Testament, surely in the

New Testament as well.

And I want you to know that even much later, when the Lord spoke to the prophet about

what He’s about to do with Israel, when He was about to restore them from the ashes of the

Holocaust and bring them back to the land; He said to Ezekiel 37:11–12, “11 ... ‘Son of man, these

bones are the whole house of Israel. They indeed say, “Our bones are dry, our hope is lost,

and we ourselves are cut off!” 12 Therefore, prophesy and say to them, “Thus says the Lord

GOD: ‘Behold, O My people, I will open your

graves and cause you to come up from your

graves, and I will bring you into the land of

Israel.’”’” That’s what Ezekiel says about the

return of the Jews, 2,000 years later, back to their

land. He didn’t say Palestine. It’s not in the New Testament and it’s not in the Old Testament. So,

where in the world did this name come from? In 135 AD, when Caesar Hadrian wanted to

completely oppress and suppress the second Jewish revolt against the Romans, “In an effort to

wipe out all memory of the bond between the Jews and their land, Hadrian changed the name of

the province from Judaea (Judea) to Syria-Palestina (Palestine), a name that became common in

non-Jewish literature.” It’s actually named after

the Philistines, the old foes of the Israelites. But,

by the way, the Philistines were not Arabs. The

Philistines were people from the Greek isles if

anything. The Philistines were called in Hebrew, Plishtim. Take a look at those three letters: P, L

and S. In the Hebrew, peh-lam-shim, it is the root of the word “to invade”, the invaders. When you The Deception of the Nations 9/21

call yourself a Philistine, or when you call your land Palestine named after the Philistines, what

are you actually testifying of yourself? That you are the invader. It’s not yours. By the way, the

name Palestine became so often used by the whole world, that Israel’s name was forgotten. That

was exactly what the enemy wanted, that the name of Israel will be remembered no more. Read

Psalm 83.

Why am I saying that? Because for the

most part, it is the Jews that were called

Palestinians and not the Arabs. I want you to

see, this is The Jerusalem Post before 1948, it

was called The Palestine Post. I want you to see to the left, the Israeli Philharmonic used to be

called the Palestine Orchestra, a Jewish orchestra. The whole program was in Hebrew. If anything,

the Jews who joined the British Army to fight in World War II—[against] the Nazi Germany—

they were called the Palestinian Brigade. There were Jews, and there were Arabs, and all of them

were called Palestinians then. In fact, for every three Jews there was one Arab in that military unit.

So, if anything, the Jews had more rights to call themselves Palestinians than the Arabs. But why

is it that they don’t call themselves Palestinians? Because that’s not the name of the land, and that’s

not the name of that nation.

“Okay, but you know what? The Arabs

were there first.” Really? Well, let me educate you.

First of all, in the book of Nehemiah 2:20,

Nehemiah is leaving Babylon, he’s on his way,

(excuse me) Persia, and he is on his way out to the land of Israel, to the city of Jerusalem, to rebuild

the walls and the temple. And the king gave him all the manpower as well the material. Along the The Deception of the Nations 10/21

way, he bumped into three people: An Ammonite, a Moabite, and an Arab: Geshem, the Arab;

Tobiah, the Ammonite; and someone else, Sanballat, the Horonite. Thank you. When they saw

him leaving through the main door with everything that was given to him by the king, they thought,

“Ahh, we know your heart. You’re going over there because you’re going to start a rebellion

against the king.” He looked at them, and he said, “Rebellion? I’m not doing that for nothing. I’m

leaving all this wealth. I am the advisor of the king; I could be whatever I want. I’m leaving

everything, I go to where I belong.” I go to the land of my fathers. He said to them, “20 ‘The God

of heaven Himself will prosper us; therefore we His servants will arise and build, but you...”

Arabs, Horonites, Ammonites, you “... have no heritage, or right, or memorial,...” In other

translations, or heritage, “in Jerusalem.” Wow! Nehemiah was a short guy, “knee-high.” [Joke]

Think about it. The guy just told the Arabs, and all the surrounding nations around Israel, “You

have no heritage, no memorial, no right, and no portion in Jerusalem. It’s not yours; it’s ours. I am

going back to rebuild it.” Wow!

How many of you have

heard of Samuel Langhorne

Clemens, known as Mark Twain?

Funny guy, look at him. Mark

Twain visited Israel in 1867. And

he published his impressions in

The Innocents Abroad, a very famous diary. And he described a desolate country, devoid of both

vegetation and human population. In 1867, he walked through the coast of Israel, he didn’t even

see a living soul. People are telling me that the Arabs were there before. There was no one there.

Look at him, he says, “A desolate country, whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to The Deception of the Nations 11/21

weeds... a silent mournful expanse... a desolation... we never saw a human being on the whole

route... hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of

the wilderness soil, had almost deserted this country.1” Wow! I will definitely not use him to

promote Israel tours. [Audience: Laughter] But think about it. The guy saw no one because there

was no one there. Think about it.

I don’t know if you’ve heard of Joan Peters? Joan Peters just died two months ago.

Amazing woman, American woman, Jewish by birth who was a very liberal-media person. Sound

familiar? Jewish, liberal, media, I mean, she got it all in one package. She was a CBS News

producer of documentaries, and an author who served as White House adviser on American foreign

policy in the Middle East during the Carter administration. The Carter administration paid her an

advanced payment to go and write a book about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, justifying the

Palestinian cause. They dictated to her, “Go, you know exactly that the Jews took the land from

the Palestinians, you know exactly that the Arabs were there before. Just write a book. You’re a

Jewish person, that will give it a great, great credibility.” Well, she took the advanced payment.

Hello? And she made it to the land, and she started digging and digging. And she eventually got

into the UN archive and she was shocked. And when she realized that what she was seeing and

finding was completely different

than what everybody was singing

all around her, she returned the

advanced payment and she said,

“No, thank you. I’ll write the book

myself the way I see it.” She wrote

The Innocents Abroad, pg 361–362 The Deception of the Nations 12/21

the book called From Time Immemorial, published in 1984. It’s a must [-read] book for every

Christian. She says there that “Prior to massive immigration of European Jews to Palestine in the

late 19th and early 20th centuries, the land was mostly barren and under-populated. The newly

arrived Jews brought great prosperity which attracted a large number of Arabs from neighboring

lands, who then moved to Palestine to share in the fruit of Jewish ingenuity and wealth. As a result,

many of the people who call themselves Palestinians today are actually descendants of these

relatively recent economic immigrants.”

Think about it. A war between, I don’t know, America and Venezuela, all right? Think

about it. Prior to that war, people from Venezuela, why do I go that far? America and Mexico,

okay? People cross from Tijuana [Mexico] to San Diego [California], they find a job—never mind

if it’s legal or illegal—they find a job, a war breaks out, and now they declare themselves as

refugees. Refugees from where? From San Diego. “Wait a minute, two years ago, you just arrived.”

“Yeah, I’m from San Diego now.” Interesting. She found out, that under the pressure of the Arab

world, the UN changed the criteria by which someone is called a refugee and lowered it from time

immemorial to two years only just to fit the Palestinian agenda so they will be called refugees. She

also found out that the United Nation Relief and Work Association that was founded by the UN

was—only for the Palestinians, and not for anyone else around the world—is giving money more

than the average salary in Lebanon. So, hundreds of thousands registered as refugees just to get

the money.

So, you see, the whole thing is inflated number-wise, factually, is wrong. You’re going to

say, “Well, of course, she’s Jewish, she came to Israel, and she was influenced. What are you

talking about? Of course, it’s a big Jewish propaganda.” Well, let me tell you about Zuheir Mohsen,

the Palestinian leader of the pro-Syria as-Sa’iqa fraction of the PLO, who was there between 1971 The Deception of the Nations 13/21

and 1979, in March of 1977, he was

interviewed by a Dutch newspaper

called Trouw. He said, “Between

Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians,

and Lebanese there are no

differences. We are all part of one

people, the Arab nation. Look, I have family members with Palestinian, Lebanese, Jordanians,

Syrian citizenship.” Citizenship means they are from there, originally. And then he said, “We are

one people. Just for political reasons we carefully underwrite our Palestinian identity because it is

of national interest for the Arabs to advocate the existence of Palestinians to balance Zionism. Yes,

the existence of a separate Palestinian identity exists only for tactical reasons. The establishment

of a Palestinian state is a new tool to continue the fight against Israel and for Arab unity.” Says

who? Palestinian leader.

So, you’re asking me why is it that the Israelis are not buying the idea of two states? We

know exactly what’s going to happen the next

day. Then people say, “Well, the occupation is

the problem, you came, they were there, you

occupied their territory.” Well excuse me, we

did not show up just like that. In 1917, Lord

Balfour wrote to Edmund Rothschild, the leader of the Jewish Congress. He wrote to him, and he

said, “Dear Lord Rothschild, I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty’s

Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspiration, which has been

submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet. ‘His Majesty’s Government view with favor the The Deception of the Nations 14/21

establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people.’” Wow! Amazing, 1917. And

then World War I ended. In 1922, the League of Nations gives the British, our government, a book

called The Mandate. the Mandate for Palestine, the League of Nations. In the Mandate, the British

government actually said, “...To include a national home for the Jewish people, under direct British

rule.” In other words, the British were given an instruction, “Go and prepare Palestine to be the

homeland of the Jewish people.” So, when we came, we actually came legally, under the auspices

of the whole world approving that this is the land of Israel, for the people of Israel. In 1948, by the

way, Israel was attacked by five Arab nations. And we did not have the West Bank, we did not

have Gaza, we did not have the Golan Heights, or Sinai. None of these disputed territories were

part of Israel at that time. Yet, we were attacked.

So, it’s not the occupation. It is our very

existence. The PLO was not established in 1967.

The Palestine Liberation Organization was

established in 1964, way before we had the West

Bank and Gaza. So, they did not really want to

liberate the West Bank. Look at their map, on

their emblem, on their logo is the entire State of

Israel. And you know what people are saying?

“Why can’t you just evacuate that piece of land,

let them live their lives, and everything will be

great.” Really? The last time we did it was in 2005 when Israel pulled all the Israelis from Gaza

Strip. It was a heartbreaking thing. Look at all of the Israeli soldiers. They were given an order to

go to the Jewish homes, get all the people out, and destroy their houses. They cried with them; The Deception of the Nations 15/21

8,500 people were uprooted from their homes, homes that they built there with the approval of the

government. What did we get in return? Gaza is clean from Jews, no more occupation in Gaza. If

you say it’s the problem, there is no more problem. What did we get in return? Rockets, missiles,

mortars, tunnels of terror, wars. We don’t get

peace; we get more wars.

“Well, peace in the Middle East is

possible.” Really? Let me tell you something. I’m

giving you a secret right now, don’t tell anyone.

Promise? The leader of the Muslim-Arab world, in the early 1900s, was named Hussein. He was

known as the sharif of Mecca, the leader of the custodian of all the holy sites for the Muslims:

Mecca and Medina. Do you know what he wrote in the Al Qibla? The Al Qibla is the daily

newspaper of Mecca. In 1918 he wrote, “The resources of the country are still virgin soil and will

be developed by the Jewish immigrants. One of the most amazing things until recent times was

that the Palestinian used to leave his country, wandering over the high seas in every direction. His

native soil could not retain a hold

on him. At the same time, we have

seen the Jews from foreign

countries streaming to Palestine

from Russia, Germany, Austria,

Spain, and America. The cause of

causes could not escape those who had a gift of deeper insight. They knew that the country was

for its original sons, abna’ihi-l-asliyin, for all their differences, a sacred and beloved homeland.

The return of these exiles to their homeland will prove materially and spiritually an experimental The Deception of the Nations 16/21

school for their brethren who are with them in the fields, factories, trades and all things connected

to the land.” He’s actually saying, it’s good for the Jews to come back. This is their land and that

will benefit the Arabs that live there. Wow! That is not a surprise then, that a year later, his son

Faisal met with a Jewish leader, Chaim Weizmann, who became the first president of Israel, and

they drafted a peace agreement. In that peace agreement... the Arabs signed it, “... the Arabs would

recognize the Balfour Declaration and would

encourage large-scale Jewish emigration and

settlement in Palestine. Freedom of religion and

worship in Palestine was set forth as a

fundamental principle, and the Muslims’ holy

sites were to be under Muslim control. The Zionist Organization promised to look into the

economic possibilities of another Arab state and to help it develop its resources.” The Arabs said,

“Palestine is Jewish, but we will sign an agreement with you only if you will help us develop our

future country also.” Which was supposed to be Jordan, and Syria, and Lebanon, and Iraq, a big

one; can you imagine? They actually allowed the Jews, not only allowed, they encouraged the

Jews to come back. And they signed the treaty. Look! [points to slide] Chaim Weizmann and, in

Arabic, Faisal. Wow! But guess what happened? When they came to Paris, “Faisal appeared before

the peace conference and demanded an Arab state,

excluding Palestine.” And look what happened.

The nationalists under their [Arab] pressure, he

retracted, and that’s it. We lost it. We almost had

an Arab recognition that the entire Israel is Jewish, and their land is Jordan, Syria. Things could

have been much better than what they are now. Golda Meir once said, “We can forgive the Arabs The Deception of the Nations 17/21

for killing our children. But we

cannot forgive them for forcing us

to kill their children. We will only

have peace with Arabs when they

love their children more than they

hate us.” It’s profound.

If you think about it. How many times was a country, a sovereign country, was offered to

them? In 1937 by the Peel Commission; 1939, the British Mandate, the British White Paper,

proposed it; 1947, the UN; 1979, the Camp David Accord; 1990s, the Oslo agreement; 2000, Ehud

Barak offered them a state; 2008, Ehud Olmert offered them a state. They said no, after no, after

no. Our first foreign minister once said that the Palestinian never missed an opportunity to miss an


But the very sad part is, that according to Daniel 9:27, even the Antichrist will not be able

to produce peace. See, people want peace, they want prosperity. But even the Antichrist will sign

a deal for seven years, and will break it three and one-half years into it. So the world will sell you

that peace is achievable. The world will sell you that there is something on the other side. The

world will sell you that a Palestinian state is a solution, that they were there first, that the name is

Palestine. The world will sell you everything. But

the truth is that there can be no peace in the Middle

East until the Prince of Peace will return.

[Audience: Applause]

So, what is the conclusion? The

conclusion is that supporting Israel is not a political stand, it is a biblical one! The conclusion is The Deception of the Nations 18/21

also that the deception of the nations started crawling into church doctrines. Did you know that? I

just heard on the radio a pastor of a huge church, who said that Genesis 12:3, “3 ‘I will bless those

who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you;...’” is not about Israel. I almost fell off my

chair. I couldn’t believe it and he’s

supposed to be very pro-Israel. But

you see? The deception crawls into

doctrines. Interesting. Did you

know, Donald Barnhouse, a very

profound theologian and pastor,

who passed away in 1960, wrote, “When the Greeks overran Palestine (he called it Palestine,

because in his time it wasn’t Israel yet) and desecrated the altar in the Jewish temple, they were

soon conquered by Rome. When Rome killed Paul and many others, and destroyed Jerusalem

under Titus, Rome soon fell. Spain was reduced to a fifth-rate nation after the Inquisition against

the Jews; Poland fell after the pogroms; Hitler’s Germany went down after its antisemitic [Amir:

“never mind”; chose not to repeat a particular

word from document]; Britain lost her empire

when she broke her faith with Israel.” All of that,

one after the other. Now, do you wish to see more

countries on the list? No one wants to; people don’t listen. People don’t learn their lesson. The

deception is still going on. But yet, I will say, hallelujah, anyway. Why? Because even though the

attempt is to wipe out the Jewish people and to destroy them from the face of the earth, God is out

there to fulfill His plan. What the enemy meant for evil God surely can turn into a good thing. And

a nation was born. Israel was born from the ashes of the Holocaust. Only the Holocaust convinced The Deception of the Nations 19/21

the world that Israel is the place for the Jewish people worldwide, and they voted, “Yea” in the


Last, but not least. If there is one thing I want you to leave this place this morning with, is

the understanding that God will judge the nations of the world that came up against Israel. He will

judge them because they came against Israel. You know, not only in the future, even in the past.

In the Book of Ezekiel 25:1–4, I read it and it’s quite amazing, he says, “1 The word of the LORD

came to me, saying, 2 ‘Son of man, set your face against the Ammonites, and prophesy against

them. 3 Say to the Ammonites, “Hear the word of Lord GOD! Thus, says the Lord GOD:

‘Because you said, “Aha!” against My sanctuary when it was profaned, and against the land

of Israel when it was desolate, and against the house of Judah when they went into captivity,
4 indeed, therefore, I will deliver you as a possession to the men of the East, and they shall set

their encampments among you...’”’” God will punish. He did punish in the past anyone that

triumphed over Israel’s misery and Israel’s judgment, and God will judge in the future. In the Book

of Joel, chapter 3, the Bible says that He will gather all the nations to the Valley of Jehoshaphat

and He will enter into judgment with them according to one thing, “What did you do to My people,

and what did you do to My land.” That’s why

Mount of Olives is filled with Jewish graves. All

the Jews buried there want to resurrect and be

there when God judges all the nations. In

Matthew 25, Jesus says, “Behold, all the nations

are going to come, and I will separate the sheep from the goats.” What are the criteria by which

he’s going to separate the sheep from the goats? These are all Gentiles: some will have eternal life,

will be with Him, some will not. The criteria is: “What did you do to my brethren, to the least of The Deception of the Nations 20/21

my brethren?” Throughout the Tribulation, Gentiles will be tested, not by their faith, but their

actions. As James, chapter 2:14 says, faith without works is not really faith. Not that works save,

but you cannot say, “I’m a Christian,” and behead the people of God. So many brave Christians

around the world right now are being beheaded. Yet, they do not retract from their belief. They do

not deny Jesus, and they go all the way, especially in the Middle East. I’m asking you, “Are you a

sheep or a goat?” Most likely, if you sit here, you don’t have to be concerned, because you’ll be

raptured with everyone, and we’re not here to be throughout the Tribulation. But whatever you

teach your relatives will affect them being sheep or goats. Because when you’re up there, and

they’re not ready yet, so they are not being raptured, they’re staying here, and they go through the

Tribulation, maybe one day they will remember what you said. And maybe many Corrie Ten

Booms will be all around the world at that time. And these are the sheep that will enter His kingdom

after those days.

My prayer is that all of us will understand the schemes of the enemy. And understand the

duty of the Christian is to stand up for the truth even though it’s not that popular, and even though

it sounds too political. We’re not in politics. This is the Word of God. The politicians will try to

make the Word of God irrelevant. Well, they are irrelevant. This is what I trust much more.

* Scripture is taken from the New King James Version unless noted otherwise.

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