English 8th

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Surs8 5. to us.

This classroom belongO elongs

It is
us. It is certai
look SO
certainly. (Ans our
6. The photos BO0d. "They are
7. The dog has a IAns your)
puppy. It is
Ans is

VI. Use
stimple present tense of verb in the
1. Look! bracket and fill the blanks:
He (fy)_ -the kite high. IAn3 lies
Yesterday he went by car, but today he
3. (go)- on a cycle. [Ansgoes
1f he (pass). the exam, he will get
good job. a [Ans passes]
4. Mohan will jump in
joy if he (see). you coming. TAns seesl
If Vijay (run). fast, he will be able to catch the train. (Ans runs]
VI. Use
simple past tense of verb in the bracket and fill the blanks:
. 1 (buy).
this coat from the IAn3 bought
2. Dad (leave) for office

an hour ago. An3lefi)

3. My sister (write) an
essay that was
published in the magazine. An3 wrotel
4. We (come) home, (take)_ some rest and (spend) . time playing cards.
Ans came/ took /spent)
IX. Use simple future tense of verb in the bracket and fill the
1. I (leave)-
for Paris next week.
2. We (party).
at the
Answill leave)
Taj on my birthday. Ans will party]
3. You (move).
to Delhi next month
4. Ten students failed
promotion. (Ans will move)
in the exam. They (write). -their exams
again from Monday.
5. The
(Ans will write)
sun rise was at 6 a.m. lt
(set) a t 5.45 p.m this evening. [Ans will set)
X. Insert the correct form of
infinitive using the given verbs in
1. It would be the brackets:
nice to -

(meet) Dr. Abdul Kalam again.

2. To An3 meet
(cook) this
recipe, you will need 500 grams of
minced meet.
3. Ravi wants to
(take) Raji to the amusement park. An3cook]
4. I need to
_(wash) my hands before I have my food.
Ans take
5. We discussed whether to (invite) Rajiv or not.
Ans wash]
XI. Fill in the blanks with suitable
Ans invite)
Gerund (verb+ing):
1. (meet) is a periodic event
2. She loves_ - (eat) ice creams. (Ans Meeting)
3. I like. - (celebrate) festivals. Ans eating
4. (wait) is torturing. Ans celebrating
5. He was awarded for (run) fast. Ans Waiting]
6. Iachieve by . fwork). Ans running)
Sura's a



A.NOUN in the table.

them appropriately
from the
list and put
Pick out the words
book, thought, green,
tiger, Trichy,
David, Madural. parrot, happiness, Bharthi, problem, brother,
sister, Kalam, woman, pencil,
Narayanan, fan, success,

swan, elephant, Vijay,

Animal ldeas/feeling
Ans Person Place Ihing
Madural book parrot
tiger thought
Narayanan Trichy COmpnter

Mumbai fan swan green

elephant problem
Kalam school penct

b. Read the following paragraph and pick out the different types of nouns

put them in the table. time.

in our free time. It keeps us busy in our leisure
Hobby is an activity we enjoy doing what
of their interests and personality. Do you know
People cho0se their hobby on the basis
Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalams hobby was?

Proper Noun CommonNoun Collective Noun Abstract Noun
Hobby activity
Dr. A.PJ. Abdul Kalam
people leisure
C. Fill in the blanks with the suitable collective noun.

Choir, shower, bowl, lock, cup. pair,'swarm, bunch, herd, botte

I. a -of cows. Ans herd
2. of birds. A3 Hock
. of singers. Ans choir
f. of milk. An3 bottle
5. of tea. An3 cupl
S cho0se Englinh
the correct homophone.
. Every morning mY ather likes to look at the on the grass.
due (b) dew
Chennai is the An3 (b) dew]
(a) capitol of Tamilnadu.
(6) capital
3. I Ans (b) capital]
was very last weekend because my friends
(a) bored made plans that did not include me.
The cat caught the Ans (a) bored]
of a mouse.
(a) scent (b) cent
The -rises in the east. An3 (a) scent)
(a) son
Ans (b) sun]

(a)&(b) Expand the

An31ECG Electrocardiogram
2. LO
International Labour Organisation
State Council of Educational Research and
Indian Institute of Technology Training
Indian Space Research Organisation
6. FIR First Information Report
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural
United Nations International Children's Organization
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Emergency Fund
10 AIDS Administration
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
ADHD Attention Deficit
12 UFOo Hyperactivity Disorder
13 FAQ
Unidentified Flying Object
|Frequently Asked Questions
a. Pick out the correct
1. Do you_
the answer?
2. I can (no, know)

the bells ringing

from a church.
3. He wants to (here, hear) Ans know]
a mobile
raced with tortoise.phone. (buy, by)

4. A
Ans hear
5. We want (hare, hair) Ans buy
something_ -(knew, new) Ans hare
Choose the correct
. homophone.
We heard loud
Ans new
of laughter.
a)peals b) peels

Ans a) peals]
Sura's 8

and searched her hut.

(a) thief
(b) Ramayya (d) policel
(c) Meenakshi Ammal (d) police

wife putthe. away in her box.
(d) bangle
Ans(b) stud
10. (b) stud (c) chain
(a) ring
IVery Short Questions and
Where did Ramayya who lived in a town.
Ramayya a simple man

What did the male-bird find?

The male-bird found a diamond stud in a heap.
What did Ramavva's wife notice?
wife noticed the diamond stud, as she was sweeping the
Ans Ramayyaa
Who was Kuppayi?
Meenakshi Ammal.
Ans Kuppayi was the maid-servant of
Did the police find anything?
Ans The police could not find anything.

VShort Questions and Answers:

1.What did the male-bird say to the female-bird about Ramayya's wife?
Ans The male-bird complained to his wife that Ramayya's
wife always quarrelled with kis
What was the state of Ramaya, when the police were searching the stud?
heart was in a flutter. He was frightened that the police would come to his
Ans Ramayyas
house and search for the stud.

VI. Paragraph Question and Answer:

.What is the moral ofthe story The Nose-Jewel?
Ans The moral of the story is that "we should never be greedy for what belongs to others.
Greedines will cause pain. Mrs. Ramaya found the diamond nose stud, when she was
sweeping the floor. It didn't bélong to her. But she was delighted to find it and wore it.
She did not feel guilty that she was wearing someone else's
jewel. Her husband warned
her not to take it. But she did not
pay heed to his words. After some time, she developed
a severe fever and was confined to her
bed. The the rest couple spent of their life in fear.

a. Pick out the correct
. Iam not.
to drink soda. (aloud, allowed)
2. The wind Ans allowedl
the leaves. (blue, blew)
3. I will Ans blew N
my friend. (meat, meet)
4. He will play the in the
Ans meet
5. I have

second play. (role, roll) Ans role

movie before. (scene, seen)
Whe was sunpeted ot stealing the dianheomd
Sura's Std
CaT The mad servant Nuppay was
suspected of stealing the diamond nose stud.
What did
ya wife do with the studf
CR Ramayyas put the stud
away in her
happded wileRamayyas
wife at the end?
Ans Ramayas developed severe lever and was confined to her bed

EAwer the
folwing in
about words. 100
Why did theppa

i n t o

Ans One de. the male a
e t

a diamond n
Parw und
to the
u n d

dlarmond in anose jewel

He uP heap. picked t
i. The emale bird the shining stud in his beak and informed his wile abou

t and tod him

any us to her. She asked the
him that the diamond jewel was not
So the
male sparrow to search lor lood for their young o
bird dropped the diamond stud on the foor and
went out in search of lirte
wormsrthe young ones
Esplain howamayya's wife reacted when
she saw the
Aas when
amayyas wife was
sweeping8 the tloor she found the diarmond nose stud.
picked uP with delight and wore it. Her husband told her that was a mistakeShe to
keep thè jewel. She did not bother about it. She knew that the
neighbeurii daughter. Yet she did nol reveal about it to jewelhebelongedo Det
the ightupecteu. anyone.
he pouce earched her hut, but couldmaid-ean
not hnd it.
Ramayas wile put the stud away in her box. She soon developed severe lever and
was conneu to her bed

I. Choose the
. The female
said with
for the talicized words
spatow disdain, "Let me see what help you can do for him
)respect (6) Korn (c) value ( d ) admire
2 Find some grul the young ones are TA ib cor
(a) food (b) smoothen C)poison (d) task (Ens (a too
3. She is very cardess and ignorant.
(a) educated (6) unaware ()polite (d) humble
4. If tomorrow
LA(bi unaw ard
the police should come and search our house, it will be
diogrece to us.
(a) honour glory (c) praise (d) dishonour Ans (d) dishonoud
5. The maid-servant Kuppayi was sMapected by everyone to have stolen it.
(a) knew (6) doubted C)amazed (d) believed
TAns ibidoubted
Ramayyas heart was in a flutter.
(a) calm (b) still (c) steady (d) shiver [ Ans td) shive
She was confined to her bed.
(a) invasive (6) restricted (c) released d) freed TAns (b) restricte
8. The loss of thejvel had to be admitted.
(a) dismissed b ) excluded (o) accepted (d) refused
TAnstcl accepte
Choose the correct synonyms for the italicized words
I. Nice fun tndeed
(a) in fact (b) doubtedly (c) fine An3 (a) in fact
2 The poor woman is in a panle.
(a) fear (6) grid (c) crash I a (a)feard
3. The mother consoled her little girl.
(a) pretended (b) comforted (c) left IAn(b)comfortedl
You are always aelfentred.
(4) egoistic (b) generous (c) herd
5. What is the
n(a) egoisticd
secret you are whlspering?
(a) rumourers (b) murmuring (c) shouting Ans (b) murmuring
Find the antonym for the following words.
. delightxdisplease
2disgrace xglory
3. carelessX careful
5. contine xrelease
EL Fill in the blanks.
1. The sparrows bult their nests in the. Ans roof of Ramayya's housed
2. The diamond jewel was
lying in the. Ans muck heapl
3. The diamond jewel belonged to
Ans Meenakshi Ammal's daughterd
was the servant maid of Meenakshi Ammal.
,5. Ramayya and his wife lived with the fear
AnKuppay d
Ans getting caughtd
D. Say the following statements True
are or False.
1. Two sparrows built a nest on a tree top.
2. Kuppayi swept out the diamond jewel.
An3 FalsdJ
3. An3 Trud
Ramayyra gave the diamond jewel to the magistrate.
4. Ramaya's wife put the stud away in her box. n Falsd
The Police searched Rammaya's home AnTrud
An3 Falsed
Answer the
following questions.
1 Where did the sparrows build the nest?
Ans The sparrows builk the nest ina nice spot in the roof of Ramayya's house.
Why did the bird drop diamond stud?
The wife shouted at
Ang bird the male bird to go in search of
food. So it dropped the
diamond stud.
What were the words.of Meenakshi
Ammal to her daughter?
Ans Meenakshi Ammal told her daughter not to tell her father about the lost diamond

nearby lose distant
nE pleasant unpleasant
pank fear calm

picked gorca
picked taken rejecte
poor miserable rich
quarre fight greement
questioned asked replied
rest o
rich wealthy poor
scard frightened brave
secret confidential Overt
severe serious mild
shining bright dim

suspected doubted unsuspected

tempted enticed discouraged
want ned hate/have
young little one old

Ramayya was a simple man, who lived in a town. His house was made of tiled roofs. He lived with
his wife. He was not ridh. But he took good care of his family. On the roof of his house, two sparrows
buit a nest. The mother-bird laid her eggs in it. The male-bird wanted to help Ramayya, as he noticed
Ramayya's wife always quarrelling with him. But the female bird advised her male bird not to bother
about others. But to mind their own business.
One day, the male-bird found a diamond nose-jewel in a heap. When he showed it to his wife, she
replied that it was of no use to her. So she asked him to find some tood for the young ones. The bird
dropped the diamond stud on the floor and went out in search of food.
Remayya's wife noticed the jewel esshe was sweeping the tloor. She picked it with delight and
wore it. Her husband shouted at her and told her that they should go and deliver it to the magistrate.
But his wife wouldnt want to part with it.
This nose-stud belonged to their neighbour, Meenakshi Ammal's daughter. She forgot and left
it have swept it out. Meenakshi Ammal
the bathroom. Kuppayi, their
in servant woman would
soled her daughter. She also advised her not to intorm her father Ramanatham about the lost stud. He
wod become very angry. her husband Ramanatham and the whole village knew about it. The
maid-servant was suspected to have stolen it. The police came and searched for the jewel in her hut
But they could not find it.
Ramayas wife put the stud away in her box. She soon developed a severefever and was alyays
in her bed. The two birds witnessed all this and thought that we should never be greedy for what
belongs to others" Ramayya and his wife spent the rest of their lives in fear of being caught.
merciless or heartless
fsdain (n)
feeling of contempt or scorn
disgrace (n) t h e state
futter (v) of being dishonored, or covered with shame
tofap or wave quickly but
gravely (ad) ina grave or serious
grub (r food
ignorant (adj) unaware
magistrate (n) ofhcer with limited authority to administer and enforce the
muck-heap(n) heap
panic (adj) frightenedd
rage anger
self-centred (adj) concerned with the self
suspected (v) believed to be a cause or at fault
tempted persuaded
whispering8 speaking softly
Words given in bold are taken from Textbook Glossary.

Weds Ue Synonym Antonyms

always forever
eangrily furiously calmly
-began started
careless inattentive careful
concern solicitude apathy
COnhned restricted
Consoled comforted
merciless kind
delight pleasure regret
disgrace shame pride
distain contempt respect
dropped abandoned took up
enough adequate Scarce
find search
|flap still
Bravely seriously casually
greedy avaricious unselfish
heap pile meadow
ungry starving well fed
ignorant unaware aware


UNIT Prose
1 The Nose-lewel
-C. Rajagopalachar

The Nose Jewel

Ramayya a simple man lived

Never be greedy for what in a town.
belongs to others.

Two sparrows built a nest in

The couple spent the rest
his roof.
of their life in fear of being
His wife always quarrelled
Mrs. Ramayya developed a with him.
severe fever.

The male bird dropped a

The police came and searched nose-stud on the floor.
her hut, but could not find it.

Mrs. Ramayya found it while

Kuppayi, the maid servant sweeping.
of Meenakshi Ammal was
Wore it with delight.
Her neighbourMeenakshi
Ammal's daughter lost her Ramayya warned her to give
nose-stud. it to the

She pays no heed to him.

admitted made public
bound connected
confined () restricted, kept in a limited space or area
Suras Ndnnsh
1 Re E the Jumbied Sentence
Kumaon lls.
A. m orbett died n 1" Aprl 1959. park in the rea in 190s
India's first rd
2 m played a key rede in a
blishing n fabliahing thin protee
wa s
s namet
naned after him lo honour his rone

w a s initially naned after lord Malcolm Haiey

Corbett National Park.
1957 as "Ihe Jin
Was renaned in Kumaon Hills
T 4.1,, in the
India's first
national park
a key ole In entublishing
ayrd lord Malcolm Halley.
named aller
wAs nilally
died on 19" 1959.
J i m Corbett Apri "The JIm Corbett
National Patk.
was renamed In 1957 as area in 1950s.
he parkarned after him lo honour his role in
establishing this protected

I Read the passage and answer the questions.

was a British wildilife pholographer,
known as JIm Corbett
War Janes popularly
of man-eating tigers and leopards
and writer. He has hunted a number
c k e r , naturalist, other wild animals to shoot with
nis c i n e nim
t e had a lot of experience with tigers and

Who was jim (orbett?

An pm Corbett was a wildlife photographer, hunter, tracker, naturalist and writer.

How did he shoot

tigers and other wild animals?
He shol the tigers and other wild animals with his cine ilm camera.

What was tlhe name

given to linn by his parents?
EANT Jim was glven the name "Edward James Corbett by his parents.

B. Jim Cortbett was always against game hunting. He strongly advocated that deforestation and
human encroachment were the main cause of the mischief of wild animals. He went on lecturing
tours to educate the people about their natural heritage and the need to conserve forests and
their wildlife.

Who was against game hunting?

Ant im Corbett was against game hunting.

According to lim, what were the main cause of the mischief of wild animals?
An Deforestation and human encroachment were the main causes of the mischief of
wild animals.

What did Jim educate the people?

EN Jim went on lecturing tours to educate the people about their natural
the need to conserve wildlife.
heritage and
What did Jim educate the Sura's 8 Std English
Ans Jim people?
went on
the need to conserve
tours to educate the people about their natural heritage
forests and their wildlife. a
v. Paragraph Question with Answer
Describe the attacks of the
Ans Bengal tigress?
Ihetigress began her attacks in Rupal village in
Western Nepal, Himalayas.
were sent to kill the tiger, but she managed to escape from them. The
Taiiea the
to capture kill the tigress. It drove the
Nepalese arny
tigress across the border
There tigress continued her killings in the Kumaon District. She killed the nainto
mosttytoduring the day time. After several incidents, people stopped peopie
torest collect firewood, fruits, roots and other going into

after hearing her roar from things. They were terrihed go o to

the forest.
VII. Mind Map.

According to Jim's theory a

tiger starts eating human, when As they cannot run fast,|
they are old. they start )

People cannot run as fast So they become


After eating human flesh once

-(iv). will not eat These tigers are called
any other flesh. (v)_

Ans (i) killing humans (ii) as animals

(ii) easy prey (iv) a tiger
(v) man-eaters

Jim's first man-eating tiger It was a ( i ) _ responsible

hunt was _(i)_ for nearly 436 deaths in Nepal.

Her attacks have listed in the The records show the highest number
(iii)_ of_ (iv) from a tiger.

She was shot i n ( v )

by Jim Corbet.

Ans (i) The Champawat Tiger (ii) Bengal Tigress

(ii) Guinness Book of World Records (iv) fatalities
(v) 1907

Suras oB Std oEnglinh district.Kolar
IAns (a) Kumaon)
4 There she continued her killings in the-
Vadodara (d)
(a) Kumaon (b) Wayanad (c)
help the villagers. requested]
5. The British Jim Corbett requested|Ans
(a) advised
(6) ordered commanded (d)
I1 ldentify the Character /Speaker. IAn lim Corbett)
wild animals
1 e had a lot
of experience with tigers and other Ans Berngal tigres
"She was shot in 1907 by Jim Corbett Ans lim Corbett)
3. "He camped in the Kumaon
district (Ans Jim Corbet
4. "He took no joy from the kil. IAn Bengal tigres]
5. "All her kills happened during the daylight"
Write True or False against each statement.
(Ans False
. Jim often hunted with his horse, Robin.
n e bengal tigress was responsible for nearly 336 deaths in Nepal and KumaOn ared
LAns False
3. The British government requested Jim Corbett to help the villagers. (Ans True
Jim Corbett TAns True)
was always against hunting
People were not terrified to go out into the TAns Falsel
IV. Very Short Questions with Answers.
1What did Jim Corbett hunt?
ans Jim Corbett hunted a number of man- eating tigers and leopards in India.
What did Jim admire?
Ans Jim Corbett admired wildlife.
Did he kill wildlife for pleasure or sport?
Ans No, he did not kill wildlife for
pleasure or sport.
When was the tiger shot?
Ans The tiger was shot in 1907 by Jim Corbett.
How old was the girl killed by the
Ans She was 16 years old. tiger?
Questions with Answers.
1. Where did the tiger
begin her attacks?
An3 The tiger began her attacks in a
Rupal village in western
What did the
Nepalese army do? Nepal, Himalayas.
Ans The
Nepalese army, after
faling to kil the
tiger, drove her
across the border into
3. How were the
people to go out and
Ans The
to leave?
people were
terrined to
go out and retused to leave their
hearing the
tigress roar from the hunts for work after
According to Jim, what were the maln
cause of the
Ans Deforestation and human mischief of wild
encroacnment were the
animals main cause of animals?
the mischief of wild
Sura's 8Std English

Analogy- verbal reasoning questiopn
ere certain
1Reading: Knowledge. Work given
words, find the relation to find the
(a) Experience (b) :? missing*
Engagement (c)Experiment(d) Employment
dia 2
Cricket: Bat. Hockey: ? TAs(a) Experiencel
fa) Field (6) Stick
0) Player
Dog: Rabies, Mosquito:? ) Ball Tns (bi Stick
(a) Plague (6) Deathh
(c) Malaria d) Sting
4. Man: Ans(c) Malarial
Biography, Nation:?
(a) Leader (6) People c)
Bread: Bakery, Brick: ? Geography (d) History (Ans (d) Historyl
(a) Mint (b) Kiln (c) Furnace (d) Mine
6. Doctor: TAns (b) Kilnd
(a) Court
Diagnosis, Judge:?
Punishment (c) Lawyer (d) Judgement lAns (d) Judgementd
Try to know whether your hobby
makes things easy.
Hobby Time that you Your feeling
(Thing that you want to make spend in a day Like happy, atus
it casy like Days (Easy
reading writing. (Like 1 hour,
interestin Dili cult)
playing, singing, dancing etc.) 2 hours)
Reading Day 1
One hour Tnteresting Fasy
Writing Day 2 Two hours
Boring Dithctalt

Singing Day 3 One hour

Happy asy
Playing Day 4 Two hours HapPy Easy

Dancing Day 5 One hour

Happy Easy
Gardening Day 6 Half-an hour nteresting Easy
Watching TV Day 7 One-hour Happy Easy

LChoose the Correct Answers (MCQ).
1. Jim Corbett was a wildlife photographer.
(a) American (b) British c) German d) French An3 (b) Britishd
2. Though he was an expert hunter, he admired
(a) game hunt (b) birds (c) wildlife (d) travel LeA3te) wildlid
3. He took no joy from the.
(a) kill (b) chase (c) deaths (d) survival An3 (d) kill
w the follawing in one or wD words.
hat the
isth thettf
f fim e
a s The isth nane nf Hm C'orbett was dward James Corbett
W hat wa the name if orbett's dog
Aas he nanne of im Corbett's dog was Rodin

l m many
kill fiol tr hampawat iger recordr
Nepal and the Kumaon area o ala.
a w a l Tiger recorded 4 6 deaths in
World Records
as the highest
stedd In the Giuinness Book of
mber rrf *
o death frum a
hor nas the last kill ot the
hampawat iger
lhe last person tn be killed by the Champawat Tiger was a l6-year-o l d girt n a

village near Champawat.

When did lim Corbelt
Ans Jim Corbeti died an 19"
April 1955.
Answer the
following in 100 words.
rding tu C
orbett, why a tiger turns
Accrding to Corbett's theory, a tigerintostarts
Be hurt. As
a man cater
eating humans, when they grow olo or
they cannot run fast, they start killing humans, People
aaninials So they become easy prey. Ater eating human flesh cannot run as
once,a tiger will not
at anyother lesh. These
tigers are called man-eaters. Jim Corbett's first
ger hunt was the
nearly 4.36 deaths inChampawat Tiger. It was a Bengal tigress. It was man-eating
Nepal and the Kumaón area of Indla. responsibe or
Hon was the
LAns Jim hampawat Tiger killed?
Corbett camped in the Kumaon District and
moved around the villages and limited the started tracking the
several activities of the man-eater.tigres
gird was unsuccessfiul
killed by the attempts,It Corbett managed to kill the tiger. When After
whole day of scarch, tigres, left a trall of blood, which was 16-year-old a

Jim, declded to
Thasildar of Champawat, the followed by Jim. After a
balt was
a bait,
the next day. With
the help of the
day, Corbett shot the organised with
tigress dead, near the Chataar about 300 villagers. The next
11. What were the Bridge in
An3 A findings of the postmortem? Champawat.
postmortem was
canine teeth on the done on the Bengal 1Tigress. It
In half and the right side of her mouth were showed that the upper and
old gunshot from one broke right down to the broken. The upper one was lower
the bone. This broken
Corbett, this injury game hunter who falled to track and injury was a
result of an
to hunt humans. prevented her Irom kill it.
hunting8 her natural According to Jim
prey and so she started
otbett wasarnesBrilish wildlife p a
w a ra Corbett. He had
for gers and the wild animal t . hunter,man
the hunt. Jim
tracker, naturalist
and writer. His Dirtn
Corbett h
c.orbet eating tigers arnd leoparas
hunted theseas with in
gnment. hiscine
animals only teofilmcamera. Hisdog, Robin
His hrst help the people and at accompanche
man catng tiger hunt was te
tne st

eponsible tor nearly 46 dea "The

The Champav
Isted in the
in the Guinness deaths i Champawat Tiger. It was Bengal
tigress began her
Book of
ot World
World Records asne Kumaon area of lndia Her tigre attacks have been

attacKs in
en in the Kumaon District. Rupal village in Westerna the highest
number of deaths from
Hunters Nepal, a tige
were frightened to gO to the trest to were sent to kill the tigress, Himalayas. She
government collect firewood, but she continuea e
He requested lim
camped the Aumaon to help the villagers
fruits. roots managea
and other toeThen
attempts. Corbett managed to killTDistrict and started
things. D

tracking the
When left trail oftigress. After several unsucces
girl. Corbett folowed it. He the
organised bait with about blood, after it a
dead near the Chataar a
killing a
Jim Corbett was
Bridge in
Champawat the year 1907. 00 villagers. The next day, he shotl6-year the
of Game and the always against
All India
game hunting. He promoted "Ihe Association for the
establishing Indias first national park
for the
Preservation of Wildlife. He
played Preservation
April 1955, the park was renamed Hailey National Park'. After Jim
key roiet h
in 1957 as
"The Jim Corbett National Corbetfs death on
A. Fill in the
blanks. Park
1. Jim Corbett died on
2. Corbett shot wild animals AR3 19 April 1955
in his
IAns cine film

was the first man-eater shot

by Corbett. camera
4. Corbett shot the Ans The Champawat Tiger]
tigress dead, near the
B. Read the TAns hataar Bridge]

following pasage and answer the

Jim Corbett played a key role in questions given below.
Hailey National Park, in Uttarakhand, India's first national park in the Kumaon Hills,
India. It was
initially named after, Lord Malcolm the
Jim Corbett died on 19
April 1955. The
Park. It was named after him to honour park
was renamed in 1957 as, Hailey
The Jim Corbett National
his role in
establishing this protected area in 1930s.
key role in establishing the national

Ans Jim Corbett played a key role in park?

establishing India's first National Park in the Kumaon
Wh was the park named Hailey National Park?
Ans The park named
"Hailey National Park' to honour the Governor of Unitedd
Provinces'Lord Malcolm Hailey.
1When was it renamed asJim Corbett National Park?
Ans The park was renamed in 1957 as the Jim Corbett National Park
in establishing the
to honour his role
protected area in 1930s.
wi I. Give p r o p e r names
for the common

Eg: Butter Amul
(Ans Apsara|
2. Ball Pen
An3 Reynoids]|
An3 Apollo)
4. Soft drink Ans Pepsil
5. Car Ans Toyota)

II. Collective nouns:

. A. bees. Ans swarm]
2. A. of keys 3 bunch
3. Ans pack3
A- ofcards.
4. of players. Ans team]
5. A of books. Ans library]
II. Form abstract nouns from these adjectives
Eg: Soft -Softness
1. Cruel IAn3 Cruelty]
2. Polite Ans Politeness]
3. Honest An3 Honesty)
4. Beautiful (An3 Beauty]
5. Lazy Ans Laziness]

IV. Use singular pronouns and fill in the blanks

1. a gift An3 He, her]
2. went out when rained. Ans She, it
3. do not want. to steal things. LAns 1, you
4. When he met. gave some advice. Ans me, him)
V. Use Plural pronouns and fill in the blanks:
1. Raj and Rahul are brothers and live in the same house. An3 theyl
2. They are my friends, I meet in the park A3 theml
3. My father and I went to the mall, but it was closed. could not buy anything Ans Wel
4. We won the match. Everybody congratulated . Ans us
VI. Fill in the blanks with possessive pronouns:
1. The travellers brought a lot of goods. The goods were. Ans theirs
2. A man was riding a motor bike. The bike was Ang his
3. She stitched the torn dresses from ber
cupboard. The dresses were. Ans hers
4. The certificates belong to me. They are
with lever.
2. He s -
b) weak Cb weak
in my shirt.
There was

Ans b) hole

a) whole b) hole
is pleasant today.
a) weather b) whether [Ansa) weather]
5. Her house is near the
An3 b se
) see b) sea


Expand the following:

Ans GST Goods and Services Taz.

2. BPL Below Poverty Line

3 .BSF Border Security Force

CBEC Central Board of Excise and Customs
CBI Central Bureau of Investigation
Central Board of Secondary Education
CCTV Closed-Circuit Television
CFL Compact Fluorescent Lamp
Non-Governmental Organisation
10. SSC StaffSelection Commission

A. Listen to the passage carefuly and choose the right answer

. Why do birds sing?
(a) To locate one another (b) To warn other birds
c) To find a mate (d) All of the above Ans(d) All of the above]
2. Birds perch very high so that. ?
(a) other birds can hear them (b) other birds can see them
(c) they can hide there (d) Both A and B are correct.
[Ans (d) Both A and B are correct.]
3. The health of a bird can be determined
(a) by the length of its song (b) by the complexity of its song.
(c) by the volume of its song (d) Both A and B are correct.
[Ans (d) Both A and B are correct )
4. Shorter bird vocalizations are _

(a) territorial songs (b) mating songs

(c) warnings (d) None of the above Ans (C warnings

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