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S.S.PUBLIC SCHOOL (NALANDA) Time:- 2 hours Class - 2nd. Subject - Computer Q.1 Multiple Choice Questions. (6 Marks ) 1. Which key allows you to move left and right or up and down ? (a)Backspace key (b)Esc key (c)Cursor controlkey 2. Which key move the cursor to the right by many spaces ?| (a) Home key (b) Tab key —(c) Esc key 3. Which type of mouse is generally used in a laptop ? 4. A mouse has a tail which is attached to the oe ? (a) Monitor (b) keyboard (c)CPU 5. A computer works in .............006 basic steps. (a) Three (b) Four (c) Five 6.The CPU is/an............0. device. (a) Input (b)Output (c) Processing Q.2 Fill in the blanks using the words given below. (5 Marks ) [ Esc ,Ball , Arrow keys ,Right-Click ,Input device ] 1. The cursor control key are known aS.............. . 2 MGs rescennecess Key is used to close a menu or a dialog box . 3. Ale Mouse has a ball under it. A. Th... eee Shows a list of commel on the monitor. 5. Which device are allow you to communicate with the computer... + Q.3 State'T' for True or'F' for False statements. (6 Marks ) 1. Speakers device are output device . () 2. The ALU control the working of all parts of a computer. (— ) 3.A touchpad mouse is aball mouse. (_ ) 4.when you select an item, its colour changes. ( ) 5. There is only one shift key present on a keyboard. (__ ) 6. The CPU is also known as the output device.( ) Q.4 Who Am | ? (10 Marks ) 1. | move the cursor to the end of line... 2. | erase the characters typed on the left of a CUISOR Saerrereru 3. | am generally used to select an item on the Monitor. oe 4. | am used to change the position of an icon on the Screen. o...eeeeeeeees 5. 1am the brain of acomputer. ......... ee 6. | look like a TV screen and am also known as the VDU. we 7. |.am enter data and instructions In the COMPUtEr. oe eee 8. | am works on data according to the instructions to give the result... 9. 1am asmall computer and can be fit your IAP. cece 10. My used for store the data. ..... Q.5 Write the full form given the below. (10Marks) BIPO- ceeeeeeteeeeee Q.6 Write the three name of Input , Output and Storage device. (9 marks ) Q.7 Answer the following questions in one word. 1. which keys are known as' direction key ' or ‘arrow key '? 2. Write the first six characters of the first row of the alphabet key in the keyboard ? 3. Which mouse you can move a page up and down ? 4. which type of mouse is used in your computer lab ? 5. The small picture or items you see on the computer screen are called ? Q.8 Answer the following questions . 1.What do you mean by drag-and-drop? ( 3marks) 2. Define ' single click’ . (2 marks ) 3. Define ‘input’ . (2 marks ) 4. What are storage device ? 5. Define ' cursor’. (3 marks ) 6. What is the Backspace key? (2 marks ) 7. What are the three basic steps on which a computer works ? (2 marks )

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