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2.0 TYPES OF MOTION 10.1 First Equation of Motion
2.1 Translational Motion 10.2 Second Equation of Motion
(or Translatory Motion) 10.3 Third Equation of Motion
2.2 Rotational Motion (Rotatory 10.4 Distance Covered by the Particle
Motion) in nth Second
2.3 Vibratory (or Oscillatory) Motion
5.0 SCALAR AND VECTOR 12.1 Distance-Time Graph
12.2 Displacement-Time Graph
12.3 Speed-Time Graph
5.1 Scalar Quantity
12.4 Velocity-Time Graph
5.2 Vector Quantity 12.5 Acceleration-Time Graph
5.3 Difference between Scalar &
Vector Quantities 13.0 EQUATIONS OF MOTION BY
6.0 DISTANCE AND DISPLACEMENT 13.1 Derivation of v = u + at
6.1 Distance 1 2
6.2 Displacement 13.2 Derivation of s = ut + at
6.3 Comparison between
13.3 Derivation of v2 = u2 + 2as
Distance and Displacement
7.0 SPEED AND VELOCITY 14.1 Difference between Uniform
7.1 Speed Linear Motion and Uniform
7.2 Velocity Circular Motion
7.3 Comparison between Speed 14.2 Radian
and Velocity 14.3 Angular Displacement and
Unit One

Angular Velocity
8.0 UNIFORM AND NON UNIFORM 14.4 Relation between Linear Speed
MOTION and Angular Velocity
8.1 Uniform Motion 14.5 Centripetal Acceleration
8.2 Non-uniform Motion
9.1 Uniform Acceleration
9.2 Non-uniform Acceleration or EXERCISE 3 (CBSE PATTERN)
Moti on

If we look around us, we find that there are number of objects which are in motion.
An object is said to be in motion if it changes its position with the passage of time.
Now observe the following bodies or objects to understand the meaning of the term "motion". Cars,
cycles, motorcycles, scooters, buses, rickshaws, trucks, etc. running on the road, birds flying in the
sky, fish swimming in water, all these objects are in motion. Very small objects like atoms and
molecules and very large objects like planets, stars and galaxies are also in motion.
Thus, all objects ranging from the smallest atom to the largest galaxy are in continuous motion.


2.1 Translational Motion (or Translatory Motion)
Motion of a body in which all the points in the body follow parallel paths is called ‘translational
motion’. It is a motion in which the orientation of an object remains the same throughout the
journey . The path of a translatory motion can be straight or curved (see fig.1).

(a) A bo ok m oved a long a straight path w ith out cha nging its o rientat ion

(b) A bo ok m oved a long a curved path w ith out changing it s o rientation

Fig.1 Translational motion

On the basis of the path travelled by an object, the translational motion can classified as

(1) Rectilinear motion - If an object moves in a straight line, A

its motion is called rectilinear motion or one dimensional
motion. Motion of car along a straight path, motion of a piston B C
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in the cylinder are examples of rectilinear motion.

x x x
(2) Curvilinear motion - If an object moves along a curved
path without change in its orientation, its motion is called
curvilinear motion. Motion of a car along a curved or circular B' C'
path, motion of an athlete on a circular track are examples
of curvilinear motion.
Fig. 2 Translational motion
The particles of the object shown
cover same distance in a given time.
Class IX - Physics

2.2 Rotational Motion (Rotatory Motion)

Motion of a body turning about an axis is called rotational motion. In other words, ‘a motion in
which an object spins about a fixed axis is called rotational motion’. It is a motion in which the
orientation of an object continuously changes throughout the motion. The path of an object in a
rotational motion is always circular.
Some examples of rotational motion are :
(1) The Earth’s spin on its axis. (2) Motion of a fan or motor.
(3) Motion of blades of windmill. (4) Motion of a spinning top.
(5) Motion of a grinding stone.

(a) Motion of a ceiling fan (b) Motion of Earth about its axis (c) Motion of a spinning top

Fig.3 Some examples of rotational motion

In rotational motion, the particles of the object move through

A y
the unequal distances in a given time depending on their
location in the object (see fig.4). A'
The particle which is located near the axis of rotation, covers B'
less distance as compared to the particle that is located far
away from the axis.
l In translational motion at any instant of time every particle of
the body has the same velocity while in rotational motion at A x is o f
any instant of time particles of the body have different ro tatio n
velocities depending on their position from the axis of rotation. y>x
F ig.4 R o tat io n al m o tion : Par ticle s
l In rotation of a body about a fixed axis, every particle of the co ver u n eq ual distance s in a given
body moves in a circle, which lies in a plane perpendicular to tim e.
the axis and has its centre on the axis.

2.3 Vibratory (or Oscillatory) Motion

A body has vibratory motion if it moves to and fro about a fixed point.
Examples : (i) Motion of the pendulum of a wall clock.
(ii) Motion of a simple pendulum.
Fig. 5 Vibratory motion
Point object - An extended object can be treated as a point object when the distance travelled
by the object is much greater than its own size.
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A point object (or particle) is one, which has no linear dimensions but possesses mass.
Examples - (i) Study of motion of a train travelling from Jaipur to New Delhi. (ii) Revolution
of earth around the sun for one complete revolution.


When a tree is observed by an observer A sitting on a bench, the tree is at rest. This is because
position of the tree is not changing with respect to the observer A.
Now, when the same tree is observed by an observer B sitting in a superfast train moving with
a velocity v, then the tree is moving with respect to the observer because the position of tree is
changing with respect to the observer B.
Moti on

Fig. 6 Describing motion

Rest and motion are relative terms - There is nothing like absolute rest. This means that
an object can be at rest and also in motion at the same time i.e. all objects, which are stationary
on earth, are said to be at rest with respect to each other, but with respect to the sun they are making
revolutions. In order to study motion, therefore, we have to choose a fixed position or point with
respect to which the motion has to be studied. Such a point or fixed position is called a reference
point or the origin.

Illustration 1. Discuss whether the walls of your classroom are at rest or in motion.
Solution The walls of our classroom are at rest with respect to the ground or earth. But, they
are in motion with respect to an object or an observer outside the earth. This is because
the earth is moving about its own axis as well as it is revolving around the sun. Thus,
the state of rest and motion are not absolute, they are relative terms.

Illustration 2. In fig.7, motion a frying pan used in kitchen is shown. Is the motion of the frying pan
a translational motion ? Can it be considered as rotational motion ? Explain.


Solution The motion of frying pan shown in fig.7 cannot be considered as translational motion
though it is moving along a curved path. This is because its orientation is changing during
its journey. Also, the motion of frying pan cannot be considered as rotational motion
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though it is spinning. This is because, rotation means spinning of an object about a

fixed axis. Here, the flask is not spinning about a fixed axis. This type of motion is ‘a
combination of translational motion and rotational motion’.

Class IX - Physics

l Motion of a car or cycle wheels is a combination of translational and rotational motion (see fig.8).

Tran s la tio n al
m o tio n

R o tat io na l m ot io n
Fig.8 Motion of a lylle wheel is a lombination of translational and
rotational motion. Motion of a wheel is also lalled ‘rolling motion’.

Illustration 3. Give two examples where we feel the presence of motion through indirect evidences.
Solution. (i) Trees, electric poles appear to move opposite to the direction of a moving train to the
observer sitting within the train.
(ii) Everyday we see that the Sun rises in the east and sets in the west. This is an
indirect evidence of the fact that the Earth spins about its own axis from west to east.
Illustration 4. A person is sitting in a moving train. Examine and define its state.
Solution. The person sitting inside the moving train is in motion when the frame of reference is
taken as the ground (Earth). But when we consider the moving train as the frame of
reference, the person is in the state of rest. So, to an observer standing on the ground,
the person appears to be moving and to an observer sitting inside the same moving
train, the person appears to be at rest.
Illustration 5. Give one example each of the following types of motion:
(a) Rectilinear motion (b) Curvilinear motion
(c) Oscillatory motion (d) Vibratory motion
(e) Combination of rotational and translational motion
Solution. (a) A stone falling vertically downward when released from some height.
(b) Motion of a javelin or shot put thrown by an athlete
(c) Swinging of pendulum bob
(d) Flapping of mosquito’s wings
(e) Motion of wheel of a running bicycle.
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Moti on

Objective Questions
1. A body whose position with respect to surrounding does not change, is said to be in a state of :
(A) Rest (B) Motion (C) Vibration (D) Oscillation
2. Consider the following statements :
I : Train is at rest with respect to observer P ;
II : Train is in motion with respect to observer Q
(A) I and II can be true only at different times (B) I and II can be true at the same time
(C) If I is true, II can never be true (D) None of these
3. Motion along a straight line is called
(A) Rectilinear motion (B) Circular motion
(C) Oscillatory motion (D) Parabolic motion
4. Which of the following statement is correct
(A) Only absolute rest is possible
(B) Only absolute motion is possible
(C) Both absolute rest and absolute motion are possible
(D) Neither absolute rest nor absolute motion is possible
5. Which two fundamental properties are used to describe motion?
(A) Mass & distance (B) Length & time (C) Speed & mass (D) Distance & speed
Subjective Questions
6. Is it possible that the train in which you are sitting appears to move while it is at rest? Explain.
7. You are moving towards your home. Is your home at rest with respect to you or is it moving with
respect to you? Explain.
8. Is there any object in this universe which is at rest? Support your answer with explanation.
9. Two runners are running along parallel tracks in the same direction such that they cover equal
distance in equal time. Are they (i) At rest with respect to ground? (ii) Moving with respect
to each other?
10. Explain translational and rotational motion along with examples.
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Class IX - Physics


5.1 Scalar Quantity

A physical quantity that is defined by its magnitude only is called a scalar quantity.
Examples - Mass, time, distance, speed, work, power, energy, electric charge, volume, density,
pressure, electric potential, temperature, etc.
Scalar quantities follow the algebraic (scalar) laws of addition.

5.2 Vector Quantity

A physical quantity that is defined by its magnitude as well as direction is called a vector quantity.
Examples - Velocity, acceleration, force, displacement, momentum, weight, area, torque, electric
field, magnetic field, etc.
Vector quantities follow the vector laws of addition.

5.3 Difference between Scalar & Vector Quantities

Scalar quantities Vector quantities
These quantities are completely These quantities are completely specified by their
specified by their magnitude only. magnitude as well as direction.
These quantities change by change in These quantities change by change in either their
their magnitude only. magnitude or direction or both.
These quantities are added or These quantities are added or subtracted by laws
subtracted by laws of ordinary algebra. of vector addition.


6.1 Distance
The length of the actual path between the initial and the final position of a moving object in the
given time interval is known as the distance travelled by the object.
Distance = Length of path I (ACB) I C
Distance is a scalar quantity. It is always taken positive.
Distance is measured by odometer in vehicles A B
Units - In SI system - metre (m). Fig. 9 Concept of distance
In CGS system - centimetre (cm). and displacement

6.2 Displacement
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The shortest distance between the initial position and the final position of a moving object in the
given interval of time is known as the displacement of the object.
Displacement = Length of path II (AB)
Displacement of an object may also be defined as the change in position of the object in a particular
direction. That is,
Displacement of an object = Final position – Initial position
of the object = xƒ – xi.

Moti on

During motion, displacement of an object may be zero but the

distance travelled by the object is never zero.
+ y-axis
Distance travelled by an object is either equal to or greater than
(Vertical direction)
the magnitude of displacement of the object.
– +
Displacement is a vector quantity. (Horizontal direction)
Displacement can be positive, negative or zero. –
Units - In SI system - metre (m) Fig. 10 Sign convention
for displacement
In CGS system - centimetre (cm)

6.3 Comparison between Distance and Displacement

Distance Displacement
1 It is defined as the length of the actual It is the shortest distance between two
path traversed by a body. points which the body moves.
2 It is scalar quantity. It is a vector quantity.
3 It is always positive. It can be negative, positive or zero.
4 Distance can be equal to or greater Displacement can be equal to or less than
than displacement. distance.
5 Distance travelled is not a unique Displacement is a unique path between
path between two points. two points.
6 The distance between two points Displacement between two points does not
gives full information of the type of give full information of the type of path
path followed by the body. followed by the body.
7 Distance never decreases with time. Displacement can decrease with time. For
For a moving body, it is never zero. a moving body, it can be zero.
8 Distance in SI unit is measured in Displacement in SI unit is measured in
meter. meter.

Illustration 1. A honeybee leaves the hive and travels 2 m before returning. Is the displacement for
the trip the same as the distance travelled ? If not, why not ?

H one y bee

H ive
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Solution No, the displacement and the distance are not same. This is because the displacement
is the change of position of object in motion while distance is length of path travelled
by it.
Here, the distance travelled = 2 m
While, the displacement = 0, because the position of honey bee is not changed.

Class IX - Physics

Illustration 2. Motion of a particle is shown below on a number line. Find the displacement from (a)
A to B (b) B to C (c) overall journey. Also, find distance for overall journey.
F in al p o sit io n In itial p o sition
Interm ediate p os ition

–8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 (in m eters )
Fig. 12
Solution (a) Displacement from A to B = xƒ – xi = (6) – (0) = +6 m
(b) Displacement from B to C = xƒ – xi = (–6) – (6) = –12 m
(c) Displacement of overall journey (i.e. A to B, B to C)
= xƒ – xi = (–6) – (0) = –6 m
Here, distance can also be found by adding positive values of displacement AB &
displacement BC. i.e.,Distance travelled during overall journey
= AB + BC = 6 + 12 = 18 m
Here Distance > |Displacement|
Whenever a particle changes its direction, distance is greater than displacement.

Illustration 3. A body falls from a height of 3 m. Find displacement and

distance. 3m

Solution Displacement = –3 m
Distance = 3 m
Fig. 13

Illustration 4. A particle moves along a circular path as shown in figure.

Find distance travelled and displacement.
1 R R
Solution Distance travelled = × (circumference of the circle) A B
Fig. 14
= × (2pR) = pR
Displacement = diameter AB = 2R

Illustration 5. In the fig.15, a car moves on the road from the 20 km mark (its initial position) to the
100 km mark. After that, it reverses and moves back to the 50 km mark (its final position).
Find the displacement and distance travelled by the car.

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20 k m 50 k m 100 k m

Solution Given, initial position, xi = + 20 km ; final position, xf = +50 km
Displacement = xf – xi = (+50) – (+20) = + 30 km
Now, distance travelled by car from A to C, AC = 100 – 20 = 80 km
Distance travelled by car from C to B, BC = 100 – 50 = 50 km
Total distance travelled by car = AB +BC = 80 + 50 = 130 km

Moti on

Objective Questions
1. For motion on a straight line path with constant velocity, the ratio of the magnitude of the dis-
placement to the distance covered is
(A) = 1 (B) ³ 1 (C) £ 1 (D) < 1

2. In 1.0 s, a particle goes from point A to point B, moving in a semicircle of radius 1.0 m (see figure).
The magnitude of the displacement is A
(A) 3.14 m
(B) 2.0 m

(C) 1.0 m

(D) zero B

3. Which of the following is not a characteristic of displacement :

(A) It is always positive
(B) It has both magnitude and direction
(C) It can be zero
(D) Its magnitude may be less than or equal to the actual path length of the object

4. A body is moving on a square track of side 1 m. It completes one revolution in 40 seconds. Calculate
its displacement in 4 minutes :
(A) 2m (B) 3m (C) 0 m (D) 24 m

5. Consider the motion of the tip of the minute hand of a clock. In one hour
(A) the displacement is zero
(B) the distance covered is zero
(C) the displacement is 2p × (length of minute hand)
(D) None of these

Subjective Questions

6. An object has moved through a distance. Can it have zero displacement?

7. An athlete completes one round of a circular track of diameter 200 m in 40 s. What will be the
distance covered and also the displacement at the end of 2 min 20 s?

8. In a long distance race, the athletes were expected to take four rounds of the track such that the
line of finish was same as the line of start. Suppose the length of the track was 200 m.
(i) What is the total distance to be covered by the athletes ?
(ii) What is the displacement of the athletes when they touch the finish line?
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(iii)Is the displacement of an athlete and the distance moved by him at the end of the race equal?

9. An athlete runs along a circular track of radius 50 m. Find the distance travelled and the displacement
of the athelete when he covers th of the circle.

10. An object moves 60 m due east and then 80 m due north. Find the distance travelled and the
magnitude of displacement.

Class IX - Physics

7.1 Speed
Speed of a body is the distance travelled by the body per unit time. The rate of change of distance
is called speed.
distance travelled
Speed =
time taken
If a body covers a distance s in time t then speed,
Unit - In SI system : m/s or ms–1
In CGS system : cm/s or cms–1
A commonly used unit of speed is km/h or kmh–1.
Speed is a scalar quantity, because it has magnitude but no direction. Speed is always taken
Uniform speed - When a body covers equal distances in equal intervals of time, the body is
to be moving with a uniform speed or constant speed.
Examples (i) A train running with a speed of 120 km/h. (ii) An aeroplane flying with a speed
of 600 km/h.
Non-uniform speed - When a body covers unequal distances in equal intervals of time, the body
is said to be moving with non-uniform speed or variable speed.
Examples - (i) A car running on a busy road. (ii) An aeroplane landing on a runway.
Average speed - The average speed of the body in a given time interval is defined as the total
distance travelled, divided by total time taken.
Total distance travelled
Average speed =
Total time taken

Instantaneous speed - The speed of a body at any particular instant of time during its motion
is called the instantaneous speed of the body. It is measured by speedometer in vehicles.

7.2 Velocity
The velocity of a body is the displacement of a body per unit time. y-a x is (V e r t ica l d ire c t io n )
Velocity =
Time x -a x is
– + (H o r izo n ta l d ire ct io n )
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The displacement covered by a body per unit time or the speed of a

body in specified direction is called velocity.
Velocity is a vector quantity. It can be positive, negative or zero. Fig. 16 Sign convention for velocity

Unit - In SI system : m/s or ms–1

In CGS system : cm/s or cms–1

Uniform velocity - When a body covers equal displacements in equal intervals of time in a
particular direction, the body is said to be moving with a uniform velocity.

Moti on
Conditions for uniform velocity are A B C D m o tio n
(i) The body must cover equal displacements in equal
5m 5m 5m
intervals of time.
1s 1s 1s
(ii) The direction of motion of the body should not change.
Example - A train running towards south with a speed of
120 km/h. Fig. 17 Body moving with
uniform velocity

Non-uniform velocity/variable velocity - When a body covers unequal displacements in equal

intervals of time, the body is said to be moving with variable velocity.
When a body covers equal distances in equal intervals of time, but its direction changes, then the
body is said to be moving with variable velocity.
Example - In circular motion, a particle may have constant speed but
its direction changes continuously thus, its velocity is non-uniform. 1s 1 s 5m
Conditions for variable velocity are (i) It should cover unequal
displacements in equal intervals of time. (ii)It should cover D B
equal distances in equal intervals of time but its direction
must change. 1s 1s
5m 5m
Examples - (i) A car running towards north on a busy road has
a variable velocity as the displacement covered by it per unit time C
changes with change
Fig. 18 Body moving with variable velocity
in the road condition.
(ii)The blades of a rotating ceiling fan, a person running around a circular track with constant speed
etc. are the examples of variable velocity.
Average velocity - Total displacement of a particle divided by total time taken is called average
m ot ion
Total displacement 5m 3m 7m
Average velocity =
Total time taken 1s 1s 1s

x 2 - x1
Vav = t - t Fig. 19 Body moving with non-uniform velocity
2 1

l Average speed is always greater than or equal to magnitude of average velocity. Average speed
is equal to average velocity when particle moves in a straight line without change in direction.
Instantaneous velocity is the velocity of a body at any particular instant of time during its motion.

7.3 Comparison between Speed and Velocity

Speed Velocity
1 It is defined as the rate of change of It is defined as the rate of change of
distance. displacement.
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2 It is a scalar quantity. It is a vector quantity.

3 It is always positive. It can be negative, positive or zero.
4 Speed is velocity without direction. Velocity is directed speed.
5 Speed in SI unit is measured in ms–1. Velocity in SI unit is measured in ms –1.
ACTIVE PHYSICS - On any cloudy day or night, sometimes we see frequent lightning and hear
the sound of thunder. The sound of thunder takes some time to reach us after we see the lightning.
This is because light travels with very high speed (= 3 × 108 m/s) while sound travels with much
lower speed (= 346 m/s).

Class IX - Physics

To measure the distance (s) to the nearest point of thunder,

we first measure the time interval (t) between the lightning and
thunder as observed by us using a stop watch.
Thus, distance = speed of sound × time, or s = v × t = 346 × t
For example, if the time interval is 3 s then,
s = 346 × 3 = 1038m
A moving body may cover equal distances in equal intervals of time or different distances in equal
intervals of time. On the basis of above assumption, the motion of a body can be classified as
uniform motion and non-uniform motion.
8.1 Uniform Motion
Time (in second) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

D ista n c e
Distance covered (in metre) 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
When a body covers equal distances in equal intervals of time,
however small may be the time intervals, in a particular direction,
the body is said to describe a uniform motion.
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
l Uniform motion always takes place in a straight line. Fig. 21 Distance-time
T im e graph
for uniform motion
Examples of uniform motion are
(i) An aeroplane flying at a speed of 600 km/h along north.
(ii)A train running at a speed of 120 km/h along east. (iii) Light energy travelling at a speed of
3 × 108 m/s in vacuum.
8.2 Non-uniform Motion
Time (in second) 0 1 2 3 4
D ista nc e

Distance (in metre) 0 1 4 9 16
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
T im e
Fig. 22 Distance-time graph for non-uniform motion
When a body covers unequal distances in equal intervals of time, the body is said to be moving
with a non-uniform motion.
l Any motion along a curved path is always non-uniform motion. Also, any motion in which particle
changes its direction is also non-uniform motion.
Examples of non-uniform motion are
(i) An aeroplane running on a runway before taking off.
(ii) A freely falling stone under the action of gravity.
(iii) When the brakes are applied to a moving car.
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(iv) A fan rotating with constant speed is also a non-uniform motion.

In uniform motion, the velocity remains constant with time. Thus, the change in velocity for any
time interval is zero. But, in non-uniform motion, velocity changes with time. Thus, the change
in velocity for any time interval has a non-zero value.
In non-uniform motion, a new physical quantity called 'acceleration' is used.
The rate of change of velocity of a moving body with time is called acceleration.

Moti on

Change in velocity + y-a xis (Ver tical

Acceleration = direct ion)
Time taken for change
– x-a xis (Horizontal
+ direction)
But change in velocity = final velocity – initial velocity.

Final velocity - Inital velocity v-u
Acceleration = a= Fig. 23 Sign convention for acceleration
Time taken for change t
If body moves with uniform velocity, then v = u and then acceleration is zero i.e. a = 0.
l Acceleration is a vector quantity. It can be negative, positive or zero.
Unit of acceleration- In SI system : m/s2 or ms–2
In CGS system : cm/s2 or cms–2
If the velocity of an object increases with time, such a motion is called 'accelerated motion'. In
such motion, acceleration 'a' is considered positive for numerical problems.
Example - An object starts from rest and its velocity goes on increasing with time.
If velocity of an object decreases with time, such a motion is called 'retarded motion'.
In such a motion, acceleration is called 'retardation' or 'deceleration' and it is considered negative
for numerical problems.
Example - A vehicle in motion is stopped by applying brakes.
9.1 Uniform Acceleration A B C D
When a body moving in a straight line undergoes equal m otion
changes of velocity in equal intervals of time, the body is said 1s 1s 1s
to be moving with a uniform acceleration. Also, uniform
acceleration means an acceleration having a constant 2m /s 4m /s 6m /s 8m /s
magnitude and a constant direction.
Examples - (i) Motion of a freely falling body. Fig.24 Uniformly accelerating body
(ii) Motion of a ball rolling down on an inclined plane.
9.2 Non-uniform Acceleration or Variable Acceleration A B C D
When a body undergoes unequal changes of velocity in equal m o tio n
1s 1s 1s
intervals of time, the body is said to be moving with non-
uniform acceleration.
2 m /s 5 m /s 1 1m / s 1 3m / s
Examples - Fig. 25 Non-uniformly accelerating body
(i) The motion of a bus leaving or entering the bus stop.
(ii) A car moving on a busy road has non-uniform acceleration.

Illustration 1. A car travels first half distance with a uniform speed u and next half distance with a
uniform speed v. Find its average speed.
d d
Solution Total distance = + =d [See fig.26]
2 2 d

Total time = t1 + t2 = t
A d/2 d/2 B
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d/2 é sù t1 t2
\ t1 =
...(i) êë t = v úû u v

t2 = ...(ii) Fig.26
Vav = . Putting the value of equation (i) and (ii),
d d 2 2uv
Vav = = = \ Vav =
d/2 d/2 d æ 1 1ö v+u u+ v
+ çè + ÷ø
u v 2 u v uv
Class IX - Physics

Illustration 2. A car travels first half time with a uniform speed u and next half time with a uniform
speed v. Find its average speed.
t t
Solution d1 = u ´ , d2 = v ´ [See fig.27]
2 2
t t t/2 t/2
Total distance d = d1 + d 2 = u ´ + v ´ A B
2 2
d1 d2
ut vt t
d= + = (u + v) u v
2 2 2
Total time = t Fig. 27
Total distance
Average speed =
Total time taken
(u + v) u+ v
Vav = 2 \ Vav =
t 2

Illustration 3. A particle moves along a path as shown in figure. The time taken during the journey
is 2 seconds. Find the average speed and average velocity during the journey.
Solution Total distance travelled,
s = AB + BL = 6 + 8 = 14 m Fin al
p osit ion
s 14 t
Average speed, Vav = = = 7m / s m en
t 2 ce 8m
Here, displacement rs = AC = AB 2 + BC 2 d
In itial A B
= 2 2 p o sit io n 6m
(6) + (8) = 100 = 10 m
ur r
s 10
\ Average velocity, V av = = = 5 m/s Fig. 28
t 2
Here, average speed is greater than average velocity because the direction of particle
changes during motion.

Illustration 4. In your everyday life, you come across a range of motions in which
(a) Acceleration is in the direction of motion.
(b) Acceleration is against the direction of motion.
(c) Acceleration is uniform.
(d) Acceleration is non-uniform.
Identify one example each of the above types of motion.
Solution (a) While increasing the speed of vehicle using the accelerator, the acceleration is in
the direction of motion.
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(b) While applying brakes of a vehicle, its speed decreases with time. Here, the
acceleration is against the direction of motion.
(c) Motion of a particle under gravity has a uniform acceleration
(g = 9.8 m/s2, vertically downwards ).
(d) Motion of a car in a crowded traffic has non-uniform acceleration as
its speed varies (increases or decreases) as per the need.

Moti on
Illustration 5. An object is sliding down on an inclined plane. The velocity changes at a constant rate
from 10 cm/s to 15 cm/s in 2 seconds. What is its acceleration?
Solution. The situation is shown in figure 29. Let us take BA as the positive direction. The velocity
at t=0 is u = +10 cm/s and that at t = 2s is v = +15 cm/s.

v-u 15 cm / s - 10 cm / s
Thus, a = = 2 sec
5 cm / sec
= = 2.5 cm/s2
2 sec
The acceleration is positive, which means it is in the direction BA. Fig. 29

Objective Questions
1. The position of a particle going along a straight line is x1 = 50m at 10.30 a.m. & x2 = 55m at 10.35
a.m. The velocity of the particle is :
(A) 2m/min (B) 5m/min (C) 1m/min (D) 0.5m/min

2. A body travels half the distance with speed of 20 m/s and the other half with speed of 30 m/s. The
average velocity of the body during whole journey is :
(A) zero (B) 24 m/s (C) 23 m/s (D) None of these

3. A 50 m long train passes over a bridge at a speed of 30 km/h. If it takes 36 seconds to cross the
bridge, the length of the bridge is :
(A) 100 m (B) 200 m (C) 250 m (D) 300 m

4. A car increases its speed uniformly from 10 m/sec to 60 m/sec in 10 sec. its acceleration is :
(A) 7m/s2 (B) 5 m/s2 (C) 6 m/s2 (D) None

5. The average velocity of a body is equal to the mean of its initial and final velocities. The acceleration
of the body is :
(A) uniform (B) variable (C) uniformly variable (D) zero

Subjective Questions
6. Two buses depart from Jaipur, one going to Kota and one to Delhi. Each bus travels at a speed
of 30 m/s. Do they have equal velocities? Explain.

7. One of the following statements is incorrect. (a) The car travelled around the track at a constant
velocity. (b) The car travelled around the track at a constant speed. Which statement is incorrect
and why ?
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8. At a given instant of time, a car and a truck are travelling side by side in adjacent lanes of a highway.
The car has a greater velocity than the truck. Does the car necessarily have a greater acceleration?

9. The average velocity for a trip has a positive value. Is it possible for the instantaneous velocity at
any point during the trip to have a negative value? Justify your answer.

10. The direction in which an object moves is given by the direction of velocity of the object and not by
the direction of acceleration. Give an example to justify this statement.

Class IX - Physics



When an object moves with a uniform acceleration, its motion is called 'uniformly accelerated
In case of uniformly accelerated motion, the average velocity is given by Vav = ,
where v = final velocity, u = initial velocity
These equations give relationship between initial velocity, final velocity, time taken, acceleration
and distance travelled by the body.

10.1 First Equation of Motion

A body having an initial velocity 'u' acted upon by a uniform acceleration 'a' for time 't' such that
final velocity of the body is 'v'.
Change in velocity Final velocity – Initial velocity
Acceleration = =
Time taken Time taken
a= , or v – u = at , or v = u + at

10.2 Second Equation of Motion

It gives the distance travelled by a body in time 't'.
A body having an initial velocity 'u' acted upon by a uniform acceleration 'a' for time 't' such that
final velocity of the body is 'v' and the distance covered is 's'.
Vav =
Distance covered = average velocity× time taken
æ v + uö
s = çè ÷ ×t ... (1)
2 ø
but v = u + at (from first equation of motion) ... (2)
æ u + at + u ö æ 2u at ö æ at ö
Using (1) & (2), we get,s = ç ÷ × t = çè + ÷ × t =çu + ÷ t
è 2 ø 2 2ø è 2ø

1 2
or s = ut + at

10.3 Third Equation of Motion

A body having an initial velocity 'u' moving with a uniform acceleration 'a' for time 't' such that
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final velocity is 'v' and the distance covered is 's'.

Vav =
Distance covered = average velocity × time taken
æ v + uö
s = çè ÷ ×t ... (1)
2 ø
Now, v = u + at, or v – u = at

Moti on

æ v - uö
or t = çè ÷ ... (2)
a ø
From (1) & (2), we get,
æ v + uö æ v - uö v 2 - u2
s = çè ÷ø çè ÷ø =
2 a 2a
or 2as = v2 – u2 , or v 2 = u 2 + 2as

10.4 Distance Covered by the Particle in nth Second

Let Sn and Sn–1 be the displacement of a particle in n and (n – 1) seconds respectively. Then, the
displacement of the particle in nth second is given by
Snth = Sn – Sn–1 ...(1)
1 2
We know, S = ut + at ...(2)
When t = n, then from eqn. (2), we have
1 2
Sn = un + an ...(3)
When t = (n –1), then from eqn. (2) we have
Sn–1 = u(n – 1) + a(n – 1)2 ...(4)
Substituting the value of eqns. (3) and (4) in eqn. (1), we get

1 2 é 1 2ù
Snth = un + an – ê u ( n - 1) + a ( n - 1) ú
2 ë 2 û

1 a
=u– a + an or Snth = u + (2n – 1)
2 2

l Conversion from kmh–1 to ms –1 and vice-versa

1km 1000 m 5
= = m/s
h 60×60 s 18

Velocity in m/s = × velolity in km/h

18 ®
¬¾¾ ms –1
Km h–1 18 ¾
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Till 1600 AD, the teachings of the Greek philosopher Aristotle (384–322 BC) had held that heavier
objects fall faster than lighter ones. The Italian physicist Galileo Galilei gave the present day ideas
of falling objects. Now, it is an established fact that, in the absence of air resistance, all objects
dropped near the Earth’s surface fall with the same constant acceleration under the influence of the
Earth’s gravity.
Free fall is the motion of an object subject only to the influence of gravity. An object is in free fall as
soon as it is dropped from rest, thrown downward or thrown upward.

Class IX - Physics

Acceleration due to gravity - The constant acceleration of a freely falling body is called the
acceleration due to gravity.
l The acceleration due to gravity is the acceleration of an object in free fall that results from the
influence of Earth’s gravity. Its magnitude is denoted with the letter g. The value of g on the surface
of Earth is nearly 9.8 m/s2. In C.G.S. system, g = 980 cm/s 2 ; in F.P.S. system, g = 32 ft/s 2.
Earth’s gravity always pulls downward, so the acceleration (g) of an object in free fall is always
downward and constant in magnitude, regardless of whether the object is moving up, down, or is
at rest, and independent of its speed.

l If the object is moving downward, the downward acceleration makes it speed up; if it is moving
upward, the downward acceleration makes it slow down.

Illustration 1. Speeds of the identical cars are u and 4u at a specific instant. Find the ratio of the
respective distances of which the two cars are stopped from that instant.
v 2 - u12 u12
Solution. S1 = = ...(i)
2a 2a

v 2 - u 22 u 22 16u12
S2 = = = ...(ii)
2a 2a 2a
From (i) & (ii) S2 / S1 = 16

Illustration 2. A body travels 200 cm in first two seconds and 220 cm in next four seconds. What will
be the velocity at the end of the seventh second.
Solution Let u be the initial velocity, a be the acceleration of the body.
For first two seconds, distance travelled is 200 cm i.e., for t = 2 ; s = 200 cm.
1 2
Using second equation of motion, s = ut + at , we get,
u VC s v
1 s
200 = u(2) + a(2)2 or 200 = 2u + 2a
2 A C B
or u + a = 100 .....(1)

For next four seconds, distance travelled is 220 cm. This means for first (2 + 4) second
i.e., first 6 seconds, the distance travelled is 200 + 220 = 420 cm. Here, at t = 6 s ; s
= 420 cm. Again using second equation of motion, we get,
420 = u(6) + a(6)2 or 420 = 6u + 18a
or u + 3a = 70 .....(2)
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Subtracting eq.(1) from eq.(2), we get, u + 3a = 70

– u + a = 100
2a = – 30
or a = – 15 cm/s2
Putting the value of a in eq.(1), we get, u – 15 = 100 or u = 115 cm/s
Now, we have to find velocity at the end of seventh second. Using first equation of
motion, v = u + at we get,
v = 115 + (–15)(7) = 115 – 105 = 10 cm/s

Moti on

Illustration 3. A particle moving with constant acceleration form A to B in straight line AB has
velocities ‘u’ and ‘v’ at A and B respectively. Find the velocity at C, the mid point of
Solution Since C is the mid point of AB,
AC = CB = s (let)
Velocity at A, VA = u ; Velocity at B, VB = v ;
Velocity at C, VC = ?
Applying third equation of motion between A and C, we get,
VC2 = VA2 + 2as or VC2 = u2 + 2as .....(1)
Applying third equation of motion between C and B, we get,
VB2 = VC2 + 2as or v2 = VC2 + 2asor VC2 = v2 – 2as .....(2)
Adding eq.(1) + eq.(2), we get,
VC2 + VC2 = (u2 + 2as) + (v2 – 2as)

v 2 + u2
2VC2 = v2 + u2 or VC 2 =

v 2 + u2
or VC =

Illustration 4. A particle moving with uniform acceleration in a straight line covers 3 m in the 8th
second and 5 m in the 16th second of its motion. Find the distance travelled by it from
the beginning of the 6th second to the end of the 15th second.
Solution Let u be the initial velocity, a be the acceleration of the particle. Distance covered by
the particle in 8th second is 3 m. Using the equation for snth,
1 1
3=u+ a(2 ´ 8 - 1) or 3 = u + a(15) or 2u + 15a = 6 .....(1)
2 2
Distance covered by the particle in 16th second is 5 m. Again, using the equation
for snth,

1 1
5=u+ a(2 ´ 16 - 1) or 5 = u+ a(31) or 2u + 31a = 10 .....(2)
2 2

Eq.(2) – eq.(1) Þ (2u + 31a) – (2u + 15a) = 10 – 6

or 16a = 4 or a = (1/4) m/s2

1 15 9
Using eq.(1), we get, 2u + 15 × =6 or 2u=6 - = or u = (9/8) m/s
4 4 4
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Now, we have to find the distance covered by the particle from the beginning of the 6th
second to the end of the 15th second. At the beginning of the 6th second, total time
elapsed is 5 second. First, we will find the velocity at the end of 5th second using first
equation of motion,

9 æ 1ö 9 5 19
v = u + at or v= + ç ÷ (5)= + = m/s
8 è 4 ø 8 4 8

Class IX - Physics

Now time taken between the beginning of the 6th second to the end of the 15th second
is actually 10 seconds (6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 14th, 15th). [Caution
: If you subtract 15 – 6, you will get 9 seconds while actual time elapsed is 10 seconds]
1 2
Now, using second equation of motion, s = ut + at , we get,

æ 19 ö 1 æ 1ö 190 100 290

s = ç ÷ (10) + ç ÷ (10)2 = + = = 36.25 m
è 8ø 2 è 4ø 8 8 8

Illustration 5. A person, on the top of a building, throws one stone vertically upwards with a velocity
'u'. He throws an another stone from the same place in the downward direction with
a velocity 'u'. Find the ratio of velocities of two stones on the bottom of the building.

Solution For the stone thrown upward, Initial velocity = + u ; acceleration, a = – g ;

distance travelled, s = – H ; final velocity = – v1.

From second equation of motion, we have, v2 = u2 + 2as

or (–v1)2 = (+u)2 + 2(–g)(–H) or v12 = u2 + 2gH or v1 = u 2 + 2gH .....(1)

For the stone thrown downward, Initial velocity = – u ; acceleration, a = – g ;

distance travelled, s = – H ; final velocity = – v2.

v2 = u2 + 2as or (–v2)2 = (–u)2 + 2(–g)(–H)

or v22 = u2 + 2gH or v2 = u 2 + 2gH .....(2)

From eq.(1) and eq.(2), we get that v1 = v2, therefore v1 : v2 = 1 : 1

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Moti on

Objective Questions
1. A particle starts from rest with a uniform acceleration. It travels a distance x in first two seconds
& a distance y in the next two seconds. Then :
(A) y = x (B) y = 2x (C) y = 3x (D) y = 4x

2. A train is travelling at a speed of 90 km/h. Brakes are applied so as to produce a uniform retardation
of 0.5 m/s2. Find how far the train will go before it is brought to rest :
(A) 600 m (B) 625 m (C) 650 m (D) 675 m
–1 –2
3. A body with an intial velocity of 3 m s moves with an acceleration of 2 m s , then the distance
travelled in the 4 second is _______m.
(A) 10 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 28
4. If a ball thrown vertically up attains a maximum height of 80 m, its initial speed is (g = 10 m s )
–1 –1 –1 –1
(A) 40 m s (B) 20 m s (C) 50 m s (D) 10 m s

5. A ball is released from the top of a tower of height h metres. It takes T sec. to reach the ground.
what is the position of the ball from ground in second :
h 7h 8h 17h
(A) m (B) m (C) m (D) m
9 9 9 18

Subjective Questions
6. A marble rolling on a smooth floor has an initial velocity of 0.4 m/s. If the floor offers a retardation
of 0.02 m/s2, calculate the time it will take to come to rest.

7. A car starts with velocity 10 m/s and accelerates at rate 5 m/s2. Find the final velocity when the
car has travelled a distance 30 m.
8. A stone is vertically projected up with a velocity of 25 m s . Find its time of descent.
(Take g = 10 m s )

9. A body is dropped from a height of 2 m. It penetrates into the sand on the ground through a
distance of 10 cm before coming to rest. What is the retardation of the body in the sand?

10. A balloon is ascending at the rate of 5 m/s at a height of 100 m above the ground when a packet
is dropped from the balloon. After how much time does it reach the ground ? (g = 10 m/s 2 )
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Class IX - Physics



Graph - A graph is a line, straight or curved, showing the relation between two variable quantities,
of which one varies as a result of the change in the other.
The quantity which changes independently is called independent variable and the one which changes
as a result of the change in the other is called dependent variable.
y-a xis
12.1 Distance–Time Graph
This graph is plotted between the time taken and the distance covered.

D ista nc e (m )
The time is taken along the x-axis and the distance covered is taken
along the y-axis.
x-a xis
l The slope of the distance-time graph gives the speed of the body. T im e(s)
Fig. 31 S-t graph for a body at rest

When the body is at rest the position of the body does not change with time. The distance-time
graph of such a body is a straight line parallel to x-axis.

When the body is in uniform motion, v = constant.

Now, s = v × t 500
x2 B
Since v is constant 400
D ista nce

\ s µ t, thus, the distance-time graph of such a body 300 (x 2 – x 1 )

x1 200
is a straight line, inclined to x-axis. C

Slope = = tan q 0 2 4 6 8 10 1 2
t 1 Time t 2
x 2 - x1
Slope = t - t = v Fig. 32 S-t graph for a body in
2 1
uniform motion (a = 0)
Thus, slope of distance-time graph gives speed of the body.

l In a distance-time graph, more the slope of the graph of an object

in motion, more will be its speed and vice-versa.
d ista n ce

Example - In given graph (fig. 33) speed of particle A is greater vA > vB
than the speed of particle B because slope of graph of particle A is
greater than slope of graph of particle B.
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Fig. 33 Two particles moving

with different velocities
l In the given graph (figure 34), speed of particle A is equal to sam e velo cit y
speed of particle B because graphs of both have same slope.
When the body is in non-uniform motion, distance-time graph
x0 A
is a curve. For example, in uniformly accelerated motion,
1 2
s = ut + at O t
Fig. 34 Two particles moving
with same velocities
Moti on
Since s µ t2, definitely the graph is not a straight line, it is a curve.


distan ce
time t im e

Fig. 35 S-t graph of an accelerated Fig. 36 S-t graph of a retarded

motion (speed increasing with time) motion (speed decreasing with time)

l A distance-time graph can never be parallel to y-axis (representing distance), because this line has
inclination of 90°, and slope = tan q = tan 90° = infinite, which means infinite speed; it is impossible.
l Distance-time graph is always positive. It is always increasing, never decreasing.

12.2 Displacement-Time Graph

Here, displacement is taken on y-axis and time is taken on x-axis.
l Displacement-time graph can be positive or negative, it can be increasing or decreasing.

s = constant

s s
t t t

A body at rest A body in A body in uniformly

(s = constant) uniform motion accelerated motion
(v = 0) (s = v × t)
( s = ut + at 2 )
Fig.37 D isp lacem ent-tim e graphs for different state s of m otion

12.3 Speed-Time Graph

Here, speed is taken on y-axis and time is taken on x-axis.
l Speed-time graph is always positive, it can be increasing or decreasing.
l Area enclosed under speed-time graph gives the distance covered by the body.

v v v
v = co ns tan t
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t t t
A b o dy at re st A bo dy in A b o dy in un ifo rm ly
(v = 0) u nifo rm m ot io n accelerated m o t ion
(v = consta nt) (v = u + at)

F ig .3 8 S p ee d -t im e gra p h s fo r d iffe ren t sta te s o f m o tio n

Class IX - Physics

12.4 Velocity-Time Graph

The variation in velocity with time for an object moving in a straight line can be represented by
a velocity-time graph. In this graph, time is represented along the x-axis and velocity is represented
along the y-axis.
The slope of the velocity-time graph gives the acceleration of the body.
Area enclosed under a velocity-time graph gives the displacement of the body.
When the body is at rest, v-t graph is a straight line lying on
the time axis. (Fig. 39)

Fig. 39

When the body is in uniform motion, the body moves with

constant velocity. The velocity of the body is uniform, hence the

magnitude remains same. The graph is a straight line parallel to x-
axis (time-axis). Since the velocity is uniform, its acceleration is
zero. The slope of the graph in this case is zero.

T im e
Fig. 40 v-t graph for an objelt
in uniform motion

When the body is moving with a uniform acceleration, v2

ve lo c it y
v 2– v 1
v -v v1
slope = 2 1 = tan q = a Thus, slope of v–t graph gives
t 2 - t1 t 2– t 1
acceleration of body.
O t1 t2
T im e
Fig. 41 v-t graph for an object
moving with uniform acceleration
When the body is moving with a non-uniform (variable) acceleration, velocity-time
graph is not a straight line, but is a curve.

l Speed or velocity-time graph line can never be parallel to y-axis (speed axis),
because inclination becomes 90°, then tan 90° is infinite i.e. infinite acceleration; v
it is impossible.
l Velocity-time graph can be positive or negative. It can be increasing or
Fig. 42 v-t graph for an object moving
with non-uniform acceleration
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12.5 Acceleration-Time Graph

Here, acceleration is taken on y-axis and time is taken on x-axis.
l Acceleration-time graph can be positive or negative, it can be increasing or decreasing.
l Area enclosed under acceleration-time graph gives change in velocity.

Moti on

a a a a = constant

t t t

A bo dy at re st A b ody in A bo dy in u niform ly
(a = 0) uniform m otion accelerated m otion
(a = 0) (a = constant)
Fig.43 Acceleration-tim e g raphs for different state s o f m otion


Figure 44 represents a velocity-time graph, in which AB represents the initial velocity u, CE represents
final velocity v, such that the change in velocity is represented by CD, which takes place in time t,
represented by AE.

13.1 Derivation of v = u + at y-a xis

Acceleration = slope of the graph line BC C

CD CE - DE Velocity (m /s)
a= = at
éQ DE = AB = u ù D
v-u êQ BD = AE = t ú u u
or a = ê ú A
t x-a xis
êë Q CE = v úû t E
tim e (second s)
v – u = at
v = u + at Fig. 44

13.2 Derivation of s = ut + at2
Distance travelled = Area of trapezium ABCE
= Area of rectangle ABDE + Area of triangle BCD
1 1
= AB × AE + (BD × CD) = u × t + [t × (v–u)]
2 2
éQ BD = AE = t ù
ê ú
ëQ CD = CE – DE = v – u û
=u×t + [t × (u + at – u)] [Q v = u + at]
1 2
s = ut + at
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13.3 Derivation of v2 = u2 + 2as

From the velocity-time graph, distance covered = Area of trapezium ABCE
1 1
Þs= (AB + CE) × AE \s = (u + v) × t ...(i)
2 2
Change in velocity
Acceleration =

Class IX - Physics

v-u v-u
a= \t= ...(ii)
t a
Substituting the value of t in equation (i)
(v + u) (v - u)
s= ´ [Q A2 – B2 = (A + B) × (A – B)]
2 a

v 2 - u2
s= , or v2 – u2 = 2as , or v 2 = u 2 + 2as


When a particle moves along a circular path, its motion is called 'circular motion'.
v v
l In a circular motion, velocity of particle is tangential to the circular path.
If the body covers equal distances along the circumference of the circle, in
equal intervals of time, then motion is said to be a uniform circular
motion. When a body moves along a circular path, then its direction of
motion changes continuously. Thus, a circular motion is always a
non-uniform motion. v v
Fig. 45 Circular motion of a particle
l A uniform circular motion is a motion in which speed remains constant but direction of velocity
changes continuously.
Examples of uniform circular motion are (i) An athlete running on a circular track with
constant speed.
(ii) Motion of tips of the second hand, minute hand and hour hand of a wrist watch.
ACTIVE PHYSICS -Take a piece of thread and tie a small piece of stone
at one of its ends. Move the stone to describe a circular path with constant
speed by holding the thread at the other end (fig. 46). When the stone is
released, it will move in a direction tangential to the circular path. If we
release the stone from different positions direction of movement of stone will
be different for different positions. But, it is always tangential to the circular
path at the position where the stone is released. Fig. 46

14.1 Difference between Uniform Linear Motion And Uniform Circular Motion

Uniform Linear Motion Uniform Circular Motion

1 The direction of motion The direction of motion
does not change. changes continuously.
2 The motion is The motion is accelerated.
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14.2 Radian B
It is the SI unit for measuring plane angles in physics.
The arc AB of the circle has length l and subtends an angle q at the centre C. l

l q A
arc C
If ÐACB = q radians Then, q = \ q= r r
when l = r, then q = 1 radian.
One radian is defined as the angle subtended at the centre of the
circle by an arc which is equal in length to its radius. Fig. 47 Plane angle in
terms of radian

Moti on
Angle subtended by the circumference at the centre,
2pr 360 o
q= = 2p radians ; 2p radians = 360° ; 1 radian =
r 2p
1radian = 57.3o

14.3 Angular Displacement and Angular Velocity


C r P

Fig. 48 An object in circular motion

The angle covered by a body moving along a circular path in a given interval of time is called
'angular displacement'.
The angle covered by a body per unit time is called angular velocity.
It is usually denoted by w and measured in radians per sec.
If q is the angle covered in time 't' then,
Angular displacement q
Angular velocity = \ w=
Time taken t
Unit - Angular displacement q : radian
Angular velocity w : rad/s
14.4 Relation between Linear Speed and Angular Velocity
Let us consider a particle moving along a circular path of radius 'r' with constant angular velocity
'w'. Let it covers an angle 'q' during a time interval 't'. Let the distance covered during time interval
't' be 'l'.
Angular displacement = q = r
l = rq ... (1) v
Also, angular velocity, w = ... (2)
Now, linear speed, v =
rq ac
or v= [using (1)]
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æ qö
or v = rç ÷
è tø
or v = rw [using (2)] Fig. 49 Circular motion always
has radially inward acceleration
Also, linear speed =
where 'T' is the time period for 1 revolution.

Class IX - Physics

14.5 Centripetal Acceleration

Circular motion is always accelerated and it has a radially inward acceleration called 'centripetal

ac =

(rw)2 r 2w 2
Also, ac = = = rw 2
r r

Illustration 1. Figure shows distance-time graph of two objects A and B. Which object is moving with
greater speed when both are moving?


Fig. 50
Solution. The line for object B makes a larger angle with the time-axis. Its slope is larger than
the slope of the line for object A. Thus, the speed of B is greater than that of A.

Illustration 2. Figure 51 represents the speed-time graph for a particle. Find the distance covered by
the particle between t = 10 min. and t = 30 min.
Speed (km/h) ®

Speed (km/h) ®

15 15
10 10

5 5
0 10 20 30 40 10 20 30 40
time (min) ® time (min) ®
(a) (b)
Fig. 51
Solution. We draw perpendicular lines from the 10-minute point and the 30-minute point to the
D\Allen-Junior wing\Physics\IX\Unit-1\01-Motion\2019-20

line of graph (see fig. 51 (b)). The distance covered is equal to the area of the rectangle
ABCD. Its value is
ABCD = (30 min.–10 min.) × (10 km/h)
= 20 min. × 10 km/h

20 10
= h × 10 km/h = km.
60 3

Moti on

Illustration 3. Find the distance coverd by a particle during the time interval t = 0 to t = 20 s for
which the speed-time graph is shown in figure.


Speed (in m/s) ®



0 5 10 15 20 25
time (in sec.) ®
Fig. 52
Solution. The distance covered in the time interval 0 to 20 s. is equal to the area of the shaded
triangle. It is
1 1
× base × height = × (20 s) × (20 m/s) = 200 m.
2 2

Illustration 4. What is the angular velocity in rad/s of the hour, minute and second hand of clock?
Solution Time period of revolution of hour hand, T 1 = 12 hours = 12 × 60 × 60 s
2p 2p p
Angular velocity of hour hand, w1 = = = rad/s
T1 24 ´ 60 ´ 60 43200
Time period of revolution of minute hand, T2 = 1 hour = 1 × 60 × 60 s
2p 2p p
Angular velocity of minute hand, w2 = = = rad/s
T2 1´ 60 ´ 60 1800
Time period of revolution of second hand, T 3 = 1 minute = 1 × 60 s
2p 2p p
Angular velocity of second hand, w3 = = = rad/s
T3 1´ 60 30

Illustration 5. A particle is moving with constant speed in a circular path. Find the ratio of average
velocity to its instantaneous velocity when the particle describes an angle q = .
q qR pR
Solution Time taken to describe angle q, t = = =
w v 2v
Total displacement 2R 2 2
Average velocity = = = v
totaltime p R/2v p
Instantaneous velocity = v
2 2
The ratio of average velocity to its instantaneous velocity = ans.
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Class IX - Physics

Objective Questions
1. Motion represented in the following graph is :
(A) uniform
(B) Accelerated x
(C) Retarded
(D) None of these t

2. The variation of velocity of a particle moving along a straight line is shown

in the figure. The distance travelled by the particle in 4s is: 20
(A) 25m (B) 30m
(C) 55m (D) 60m 10

1 2 3 4
3. A cyclist goes around a circular track once every 2 minutes. If the radius of the circular track is 105
m, what will be his speed? (Take p = 22/7)
(A) 2.5 m/s (B) 3.5 m/s (C) 4.5 m/s (D) 5.5 m/s

4. Which of the following statement is not true?

(A) The motion along circular path is accelerated
(B) A force is needed to produce a circular motion
(C) The direction of velocity along circular motion remains unchanged
(D) A body moving along circular path may have uniform speed

5. The velocity- time graph of a body moving in a straight line is v(m/sec.)

shown in figure. The displacement and distance travelled by 5
the body in 6 seconds are respectively.
(A) 8 m, 16 m 3
(B) 16 m, 8 m 2
(C) 16 m, 16 m 0 (sec.)
1 2 3 4 5 6 t
(D) 8 m, 8 m
Subjective Questions
6. What is represented by the slope of v–t graph ?

7. Figure shows the velocity-time graphs for two objects, A and B,

moving along the same direction. Which object has greater
acceleration ?

8. State with reasons which of these can not possibly represent one-dimensional motion of a particle.
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9. A body covers a semicircle of radius 7 cm in 5 sec. Find its speed.

10. Uniform circular motion is an example of accelerated motion. Explain.

Moti on

l Electric current has a direction, still it is considered as a scalar quantity. It does not follow the vector
laws of addition, it simply follows the scalar (algebraic) laws.

l Two vectors are equal if they have the same magnitude and the same direction.

l Arrows (or rays) are used to represent vectors. The direction of the arrow gives the direction of the
vector. The length of the arrow is proportional to the magnitude of the vector.


l Distance ³|Displacement|

Distance is equal to magnitude of displacement when a body moves in a straight line in a particular
direction or it is in uniform motion.

l The displacement of a particle in a given interval of time is independent of choice of origin.

l If an object moves without rotation, its motion is called translational motion. A translational motion
can have straight or curved path.

l In uniform motion, velocity of particle remains constant i.e., its magnitude as well as direction are

l In uniform motion, average speed/velocity is equal to instantaneous speed/velocity at any point of


Speed ³ |Velocity|.

l Speed is equal to velocity when a particle moves in a straight line without change in direction.

l Direction of velocity represents direction of motion of body. Also, sign of velocity represents the
direction of motion of body.

l If acceleration of a particle is zero, this means its velocity is constant i.e. the particle is in uniform

l In uniformly accelerated motion, acceleration is constant in both magnitude as well as direction.

l The acceleration needed to keep an object moving in a circular path is called centripetal acceleration.
It always acts towards the centre of circular path.
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Class IX - Physics

1. A body covers a distance of 5 m along a semicircular path from its one end to another end. Then
the ratio of its distance covered to its displacement is :
(A) 11 : 7 (B) 12 : 5 (C) 8 : 3 (D) 7 : 5

2. A dog runs 120 m away from its master in a straight line in 9.0s, and then runs halfway back in
one-third the time. Calculate its average speed
(A) 10m/s (B) 15m/s (C) 20m/s (D) 5m/s

3. A particle covers each 1/3 of the total distance with speed V1, V2 and V3 respectively. Find the
average speed of the particle:
V1 V2 V3 2V1V2 V3 3V1V2 3V1V2V3
(A) V V + V V + V V (B) V V + V V + V V (C) V V + V V (D) V V + V V + V V
1 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 1 2 2 3 1 2 2 3 1 3

4. A farmer has to go 500 m due north, 400 m due east and 200 m due south to reach his field.
If he takes 20 min to reach the field, what is the average velocity of farmer during the walk ?
(A) 35 m/min. (B) 45 m/min. (C) 25 m/min. (D) 55 m/min.

5. The position of a particle going along a straight line is x1=100m at 10:00 A.M. and x2=200m at
10:30 P.M. The velocity of particle is:
10:00 AM 10:30 PM

Origin X
100 m
200 m
(A) 0.3m/min (B) 0.133m/min (C) 6.66m/min (D) 0.5m/min

6. Choose the correct statement:

(A) A body having zero velocity will not necessarily have zero acceleration.
(B) A body having zero velocity will necessarily have zero acceleration.
(C) A body having uniform speed has uniform acceleration.
(D) A body having non-uniform velocity has zero acceleration.

7. Two trains of length 500 m and 1000 m moving in opposite direction with same speed crosses
each other in 10 sec, find their speed ?
(A) 75 m/s (B) 150 m/s (C) 100 m/s (D) None of these

8. Two boys start running towards each other from two points, they are 120 m apart. One runs with
D\Allen-Junior wing\Physics\IX\Unit-1\01-Motion\2019-20

a speed of 5 m/s and other with a speed of 7 m/s. When and where do they meet each other from
first point ?
(A) 10 s, 50 m (B) 10 s, 70 m (C) 24 s, 50 m (D) 17 s, 70 m

9. If the time of fall of two objects are in the ratio 1 : 2, find the ratio of the heights from which they
(A) 1: 2 (B) 2: 1 (C) 1: 4 (D) 4: 1

Moti on

10. A stone dropped from top of a tower reaches the ground in 4s. The height of the tower is about:
(Take g = 10ms–2)
(A) 20m (B) 40m (C) 80m (D) 160m

11. A body falls freely from rest. It covers as much distance in the last second of its motion as covered
in first three seconds. The body has fallen for a time of:
(A) 3s (B) 5s (C) 7s (D) 9s

12. A ball dropped from a height covers half of its total journey from top of a tower in 0.5s. The height
of the tower is: (Take g = 9.8ms–2)
(A) 4.9 m (B) 9.8 m (C) 2.45 m (D) 8.6 m

13. A car moving with an initial velocity u is brought to rest by application of brakes which provides
uniform retardation of 2.5ms–2 for 10s. The value of u is:
(A) 20ms–1 (B) 25ms–1 (C) 30ms–1 (D) 35ms–1

14. A stone is thrown vertically upward with an initial velocity u from the top of a tower. It reaches
the ground with a velocity 3u. The height of the tower is

3u 2 4u 2 6u 2 9u 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
g g g g

15. A person standing near the edge of the top of a building throws two balls A and B. The ball A is
thrown vertically downward and the ball B is thrown vertically upward with the same speed. The
ball A hits the ground with a speed vA and the ball B hits the ground with a speed vB . We have.
(A) vA > vB
(B) vA < vB
(C)vA = vB
(D) The relation between A and B depends on height of the building above the ground.

16. The distance of a particle as a function of time is shown below. The ¥

graph indicates that d
(A) The particle starts with certain velocity but the motion is retarded
and finally the particle stops
(B) The velocity of the particle is constant throughout
(C) The acceleration of the particle is constant throughout in the 0 t
direction of motion
(D) The particle starts with some constant velocity, the motion is accelerated, and finally the
particle moves with some constant velocity.
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17. Figure BC represents a body moving :


(A) backward with uniform velocity

(B) forward with uniform velocity A B
(C) backward with non uniform velocity
(D) forward with non uniform velocity O time

Class IX - Physics

18. Which of the following distance–time graphs is not possible :

Distance Distance

(A) (B)

Time Time

Distance Distance

(C) (D)

Time Time

19. The speed of a particle in distance–time graph given below is :

5 sec

0 20 m Distance

(A) 1/4 m/sec (B) 4 m/sec (C) 10 m/sec (D) zero

20. In the graph given below :

(A) The body first accelerates & then decelerates
(B) The body first decelerates & then accelerates
(C) Body has negative velocity
(D) None of these t

21. Two persons A & B are moving along a straight line & their motion is represented in the graph
shown. Who has a greater velocity :

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(A) A (B) B (C) Cannot be predicted (D) both have equal velocity

Moti on

22. The area shown in Figure represents :

(A) momentum

(B) acceleration

(C) displacement

(D) speed

23. For the velocity time graph given below :

10 m/s
15s 20s
5s 10s t(s)
–10 m/s

(A) Displacement in 20s is 75 m (B) Distance travelled in 20s is 125 m

(C) The body has taken only one turn (D) All the above

24. The velocity versus time graph of a body moving along a straight line is as shown in fig. The ratio
of displacement and distance covered by body in 5 seconds is:
v (m/s)

1 2 3 4 5 t (s)


(A) 2 : 3 (B) 3 : 5
(C) 1 : 1 (D) 1.5 : 5

25. If a body is moving with a constant speed of 10ms–1 in a circular path of radius 2m. The angular
velocity of the body is:
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(A) 10 rad/s (B) 5 rad/s (C) 7.5 rad/s (D) 2 rad/s

Class IX - Physics


1. A particle moving in a straight line covers half the distance with speed 3 m/s and the other half of
the distance is covered in two equal time intervals with speed of 4.5 m/s and 7.5 m/s respectively.
Then the average speed of particle during this motion is :
(A) 4m/s (B) 4.5 m/s (C) 5 m/s (D) 5.5 m/s
2. Particle has initial velocity 9 ms–1 due east and constant acceleration of 2 ms–2 due west. If the
distance covered by it in fifth second of its motion is m , then the value of ‘n’ is :
(A) 5 (B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 20
3. A car starts from rest and moves with constant acceleration. Then the ratio of the distance covered
by it in the nth second to that covered in n seconds is :
2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1
(A) 2
- (B) + (C) - (D) +
n n n2 n n n2 n n2

4. A body A starts from rest with an acceleration a1. After 2s, another body B starts from rest with an
acceleration a2. If they travel equal distances in 5th second after start of motion of A, the ratio of
a1:a2 is:
(A) 5:9 (B) 9:5 (C) 5:7 (D) 7:5
a (ms–2)
5. The acceleration of a cart started at t = 0, varies with time
as shown in figure. The car starts from rest. Then the 5
distance travelled by cart in 30 seconds is:
20 30 t (s)
(A) 100m (B) 1000 m 0
(C) 1500 m (D) 3000 m

6. A driver driving a truck at a constant speed of 20 ms–1 suddenly saw a parked car ahead of him by
95 m. He could apply the brake after some time to produce retardation of 2.5 ms–2. An accident
was just avoided, his reaction time is :
(A) 0.5 s (B) 0.75 s (C) 0.8 s (D) 1 s
7. A body is released from a great height and falls freely towards the earth. Another body is released
from the same height one second later. Then, the separation between the two bodies, two seconds
after release of the second body is : (Take g = 9.8 ms–2)
(A) 9.8 m (B) 4.9 m (C) 24.5 m (D) 19.6 m
8. Between two stations a train accelerates uniformly at first, then moves with constant speed and
finally retards uniformly. If the ratios of time taken are 1 : 8 : 1 and the greatest speed is 60 km/hr,
find the average speed over the whole journey.
(A) 60 km/hr (B) 54 km/hr (C) 30 km/hr (D) 20 km/hr
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9. A hot air balloon starts rising from ground with an acceleration of 1.25ms–2. After 8s, a stone is
dropped from it. The stone will:
(A) cover a distance of 40m before hitting the ground
(B) have a displacement of 50m on hitting the ground
(C) reach the ground in 4s
(D) start moving downward instantly after being released
10. A bus is moving with a constant velocity 10 m/s on a straight road. A scooterist wishes to overtake
the bus in 100 s. If the bus is at a distance of 1 km from the scooterist, then the velocity with which
scooterist should chase the bus is :
(A) 50 m/s (B) 40 m/s (C) 30 m/s (D) 20 m/s
Moti on

1. A particle is moving in a circle of diameter 5 m. What is its displacement when it complete 1

2. A body thrown in the vertically upward direction rises upto a height h and comes back to the
position of start. Calculate:
(A) The total distance travelled by the body.
(B) The displacement of the body.

3. An object starts with initial velocity u and attains a final velocity of u. The velocity of the ojbect is
changing at a uniform rate. Write the formula for calculating the average velocity Vau.

4. What kind of motion of a body is represented by the graphs given below?



Time Time
(a) (b)

5. Why is the motion of an athelte moving along the circular path an accelerated motion?

6. Four speed-time graphs are shown below:

y y y y




x x x
Time(s) Time(s) Time(s) Time(s)
(a) (b) (c) (d)

Which graph represents the following case?

(a) A ball thrown vertically upwards and returning to the band of the thrower?
(b) A body decelerating to a constant speed and then accelerating.
Speed (m/s) Time(s)
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
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7. What do the graphs shown below indicate?

y y
Speed (ms–1)

Speed (ms–1)

x x
Time (s) Time (s)

Class IX - Physics

8. The graph given below is the distance-time graph of an object. y

(i) Find the speed of the object during first four seconds of 75

50 P Q
its journery.
(ii) How long was it stationary? 25
R x
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
(iii) Does it represents a real situation? Justify your answer.

9. Joseph jogs from one end A to the other end B of a straight 300 m road in 2 minutes 50 seconds
and then turns around and jogs 100 m back of point C in another 1 minute. What are Joseph's
average speeds and velocities in jogging?

10. Rajeev went from Delhi to Chandigarh on his motorbike. The odometer of the bike read 4200 km
at the start of trip and 4460 km at the end of his trip. If Rajeev took 4h 20 minutes to complete his
tirp, find the average speed in kmh–1 as well as in ms –1.

11. Starting from a stationary position, Rehan paddles his bicycle to attain a velocity of 6 m/s in 30 s.
Then he applies brakes such that the velocity of the bicycle comes down to 4 m/s in the next 5 s.
Calculate the acceleration of the bicycle in the cases.

12. A car is moving on straight road with a uniform acceleration. The following table gives the speed
of the car at various instants of time:

Time (s) 0 10 20 30 40 50

Speed(ms–1) 5 10 15 20 25 30

(i) Draw the shape of speed-time graph representing the above sets of observations.

(ii) Find the acceleration of the car. [CBSE 2010]

13. The V-T graph of cars A and B which starts from the same
place and move along a straight road in the same direction, is



80 A
Calculate : 60
D E CarB

(i) The acceleration of car A between 0 and 8 s. 40

(ii) The acceleration of car B between 2 s and 4 s. 20
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(iii) The points of time at which both the cars have the same C B
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(iv) Which of the two cars is ahead after 8 sec. and by how much? [CBSE 2010]

Moti on

14. The distance-time graph of two trains are given below. The trains start simultaneously in the same

100 R


0 1 2 3
(i) How much ahead of A is B when the motion starts?
(ii) What is the speed of B?
(iii) When and where will A catch B? [CBSE 2010]

15. An object starts linear motion with a velocity 'u' and under uniform acceleration a it acquires a
velocity 'u' in time 't'. Draw velocity-time graph. From this graph obtain the following equations.
(a) u = u + at
(b) S = ut + at2 [CBSE 2010]
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Class IX - Physics

1. A student starts with a velocity 40 km/hr for school at 4 km away from his house. Due to closing of
school he returns soon to his house with a velocity of 60 km/hr. His average velocity will be :
(Rajasthan/NTSE Stage - I 2007)
(A) zero (B) 10 km/hr (C) 48 km/hr (D) 50 km/hr

2. A graph given, shows the variation of velocity and time of two bodies A and B. Choose an alternative
for their average velocities (NSEJS 2009)

(A) Average velocities of both are same since they have same initial and final velocities
(B) Average velocities of both are same since both cover equal distance in equal interval of time
(C) Average velocity of A is greater than that of B since it covers more distance than B in 10 sec.
(D) Nothing can be said since their accelerations are not given

3. A ball is thrown vertically upwards. Ignore air resistance. Take the upward motion as positive.
Which one of the following graphs represents the velocity of the ball as a function of time? (Time is
plotted along the horizontal axis in all cases.) (NSEJS 2009)

(A) (B) (C) (D)

4. Which of the given velocity - time graphs matches the given acceleration- time graph which you see
at the right? (Time is plotted along the horizontal axis in all cases.) (NSEJS 2009)

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(A) (B) (C) (C)

Moti on

5. There are two tracks A and B as shown in the figure. The direction of gravity is also shown in the
figure. If two similar balls begin to move at same uniform velocity at the same time which of the two
balls will reach the end of the track first? (INJSO 2010)

(A) Ball on track A (B) Ball on track B

(C) They will reach on the same time (D) Cannot decide by the data given.

6. Let there be a rigid wheel rolling without sliding on a horizontal surface.

The path of point ‘A’ as seen by an observer on the ground, when the wheel is moving along x
axis is: (INJSO 2010)

(A) (B)

x x

(C) (D)

7. A velocity - time graph for a moving object is shown below. What would be the total displacement
during time t = 0 to t = 6s ? (Orissa/NTSE Stage - I 2013)
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6 t(s)
1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10


(A) 10 m (B) 20 m (C) 2.5 m (D) 0.0 m

Class IX - Physics

8. A ball hits a wall horizontally with a velocity of 6.0 ms–1. After hitting wall it rebounds horizontally
with a velocity of 4.4 ms–1. If the balls remains in the contact of wall for 0.040 sec. The acceleration
of ball would be (take direction of initial velocity as positive)
(Uttarakhand/NTSE Stage - I 2014)
(A) –260 m/s2 (B) +260 m/s2 (C) –26 m/s2 (D) +26 m/s2

9. A body covers half the distance with a speed of 20 m/s and the other half with 30 m/s. The average
speed of the body during the whole journey is : (West Bengal/NTSE Stage - I 2014)
(A) Zero (B) 24 m/s (C) 25 m/s (D) None of the above

10. A body starts from rest at time t = 0, the acceleration time graph is shown in figure. The maximum
velocity attained by the body will be : (Delhi/NTSE Stage - I 2014)


a(m/s )

O 11 t(s)

(A) 1110 m/s (B) 55 m/s (C) 650 m/s (D) 550 m/s

11. A body falling from rest describes distances S1, S2 and S3 is the first, second and third seconds of its
fall. Then the ratio of S1 : S2 : S3 is (Delhi/NTSE Stage - I 2014)
(A) 1 : 1 : 1 (B) 1 : 3 : 5 (C) 1 : 2 : 3 (D) 1 : 4 : 9

12. Value of one Fermi is : (Madhya Pradesh/NTSE Stage - I 2014)

(A) 10–13 metre (B) 10–14 metre (C) 10–15 metre (D) 10–16 metre

13. The graph below describe the motion of a ball rebounding from a horizontal surface being released
from a point above the surface. (Haryana/NTSE Stage - I 2014)

The quantity represented in the y-axis is the ball's :
(A) Displacement (B) Velocity (C) Acceleration (D) Momentum

14. The acceleration versus time graph of an object is as shown in figure. The corresponding velocity-
time graph of the objects is : (Rajasthan/NTSE Stage - I 2014)
D\Allen-Junior wing\Physics\IX\Unit-1\01-Motion\2019-20

v v v v
(A) (B) (C) (D)
t t t t
Moti on

15. A bullet of mass 10g travelling horizontally with a velocity of 160 ms –1 strikes a stationary wooden
block and comes to rest in 0.02 s. The distance of penetration of the bullet into the block will be:
(Rajasthan/NTSE Stage - I 2014)
(A) 1.20 m (B) 1.60 m (C) 2.00 m (D) 2.40 m

16. The velocity-time graph of a body falling from rest under gravity and rebounding from a solid
surface is represented by (Rajasthan/NTSE Stage - I 2014)

v v v

(A) (B) (C) (D)

t t O t

17. A ball is thrown vertically upwards with a given velocity 'u' such that it rises for T seconds (T > 1),
What is the distance traversed by the ball during the last one second of ascent (in meters) ?
(Acceleration due to gravity is g m/s2.) (NTSE Stage - II 2015)
1 2 1
(A) gT (B) vT + g[T 2 - (T - 12 )]
2 2
g 1
(C) (D) g[T 2 - (T - 1)2 ]
2 2

18. A man running with a uniform speed 'u' on a straight road observes a stationary bus at a distance
'd' ahead of him. At that instant, the bus starts with an acceleration 'a'. The condition that he would
be able to catch the bus is- (NTSE Stage - II 2015)

u2 u2 u2 u2
(A) d £ (B) d £ (C) d £ (D) d £
a 2a 3a 4a

19. A stone is dropped from the top of a tower. Its velocity after it has fallen 20 m is (take g = 10 m/s2)
(Bihar/NTSE Stage - I 2015)
(A) –10 m/s (B) 10 m/s (C) 30 m/s (D) 20 m/s

20. A body is dropped from certain height from a uniformly ascending balloon. The correct graph
showing variation of velocity with time for body is : (Haryana/NTSE Stage - I 2015)

(A) (B)
D\Allen-Junior wing\Physics\IX\Unit-1\01-Motion\2019-20

(C) (D)

Class IX - Physics

21. Which motion does the graph of distance and time shows for accelerated motion ?
(Gujarat/NTSE Stage - I 2015)
(A) Non uniformly accelerated

(B) Constant velocity

(C) Uniformly accelerated

(D) Uniformly retarded motion Time

22. A car travels 40 kms at an average speed of 80 km/h and then travels 40 kms at an average speed
of 40 km/h. The average speed of the car for this 80 km trip is: (Rajasthan/NTSE Stage - I 2015)
(A) 40 km/h (B) 45 km/h (C) 48 km/h (D) 53 km/h

23. A particle starts its motion from rest under the action of a constant force. If the distance covered in
first 10s is S1 and that covered in first 20s is S2 then. (Delhi/NTSE Stage - I 2015)
(A) S2 = S1 (B) S2 = 2S1 (C) S2 = 3S1 (D) S2 = 4S1

24. A ball thrown vertically upward returns to the thrower after 6s. The ball is 5 m below the highest
point at t = 2s. The time at which the body will be at same position, (take g = 10 m/s2)
(Delhi/NTSE Stage - I 2015)
(A) 2.5s (B) 3s (C) 4s (D) 5s

25. The speed of a train decreases from 80 km/hour to 60 km/hour in 5 seconds. In the process, find out
the acceleration of the train. (Uttarakhand/NTSE Stage - I 2015)
2 2
(A) 2.22 m/sec (B) –2.22 m/sec (C) –1.11 m/sec2 (D) 1.11 m/sec2

26. Correct relation is ............. (Madhya Pradesh/NTSE Stage - I 2015)

(A) v2 = u2 + 2a2s2 (B) v2 = u2 – 2a2s2
(C) v2 = u2 + 2as (D) v2 = u2 + 2a2s

27. A person takes time t to go once around a circular path of diameter 2R. The speed (v) of this person
would be: (Rajasthan/NTSE Stage - I 2015)

t 2pR pR 2
(A) (B) (C) (D) 2pR.t
2pR t t

28. A body thrown vetically up reaches a maximum height and returns back. Its acceleration is–
(A) Downward during both ascent and descent
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(B) Downward at all positions except at the highest point, where it is zero
(C) Upward during both ascent and descent
(D) Downward during ascent and upward during descent

29. The brakes applied to a car produce an acceleration of 8 m/s2 in the opposite direction to the
motion. If the car takes 3 seconds to stop after the application of brakes, the distance it travels
during the time will be– (Rajasthan/NTSE Stage - I 2016)
(A) 30 m (B) 36 m (C) 25 m (D) 40 m

Moti on

30. Consider the following five graphs (note the axes carefully). Which of the following represents motion
at constant speed ? (NTSE Stage - I 2017)


(A) (B) (C) (D)

Time Time Time Time



(A) D only (B) D and E (C) A, B and C (D) A and D

31. A ball is shot vertically upward with a given initial velocity. It reaches a maximum height of 100 m.
If on a second shot, the initial velocity is doubled then the ball will reach a maximum height of
(NTSE Stage - I 2017)
(A) 70.7 m (B) 141.4 m (C) 200 m (D) 400 m.

32. The position of two blocks at successive 0.20-second time intervals are represented by the numbered
squares in the figure below. The blocks are moving towards right.

Block a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Block b
1 2 3 4 5

The acceleration of the blocks are related as follows :

(A) acceleration of ‘a’ is greater than acceleration of ‘b’.
(B) acceleration of ‘a’ equals acceleration of ‘b’. Both accelerations are greater than zero.
(C) acceleration of ‘b’ is greater than acceleration of ‘a’
(D) acceleration of ‘a’ equals acceleration of ‘b’. Both acceleration are zero

33. If x, v and t represent displacement (m), velocity (m/s) and time (s) respectively for a certain particle
then which pair of the following graphs can be best correlated to each other.
D\Allen-Junior wing\Physics\IX\Unit-1\01-Motion\2019-20

x v v v

t t t t
Fig.I Fig.II Fig.III Fig.IV
(A) I & II (B) I & III (C) I & IV (D) None of these

Class IX - Physics

34. The velocity-time graph of motion of two cars A and B is shown in the figure
(NTSE Stage - II 2018)
Car B

Car A


time (t) ¾®

Choose the correct statement.

(A) Accelerations of two cars are equal to each other at time t = t0.
(B) Accelerations of two cars are equal to each other at an instant greater than t0.
(C) Accelerations of two cars are equal to each other at an instant earlier than t0.
(D) At no instant in the interval 0 £ t £ t0, the two accelerations are equal.

35. Velocity-time graph of a body moving with uniform acceleration is shown in the diagram. The
distance travelled by the body in 3 seconds is (NTSE Stage - I 2018)




0 Time(s)
1 2 3
(A) 90 m (B) 45 m (C) zero (D) 10 m

36. A tiny ball of mass m is initially at rest at height H above a cake of uniform thickness h. At some
moment the particle falls freely, touches the cake surface and then penetrates in it at such a constant
rate that its speed becomes zero on just reaching the ground (bottom of the cake). Speed of the ball
at the instant it touches the cake surface and its retardation inside the cake are respectively

æH ö æH ö
(A) 2gh and g ç - 1÷ (B) 2g(H - h) and g ç - 1÷
èh ø èh ø

æh ö æh ö
(C) 2gh and g ç - 1÷ (D) 2g(H - h) and g ç - 1÷
èH ø èH ø

37. Two particles P1 and P2 move towards origin O, along X and Y-axes (NSEJS-2018-19)
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at constant speed u1 and u2 respectively as shown in the figure. At t O

= 0, the particles P1 and P2 are at distances a and b respectively u1
from O. Then the instantaneous distance s between the two particles
is given by the relation.
(A) s = [a2 + b2 + (u12 + u22)t2 – 2t(au1 + bu2)]1/2
(B) s = [a2 + b2 + (u12 + u22)t2 – 2t(bu1 + au2)]1/2 P2
(C) s = [a + b + (u + u )t + 2t(au1 + bu2)]
2 2
2 2 1/2

(D) s = [a2 – b2 + (u12 + u22)t2 – 2t(au1 + bu2)]1/2

Moti on

1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (D) 5. (B)

1. (A) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (C) 5. (A) 6. Yes
7. Distance = 2200 m, Displacement = 200 m 8. (i) 800 m (ii) 0

9. Distance = 235.7 m, Displacement = 50 2 m 10. Distance=140m, Displacement = 100 m

1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (C) 4. (B) 5. (A)

1. (C) 2. (B) 3. (A) 4. (A) 5. (C) 6. 20 s
7. 20m/s 8. 2.5 s 9. 200 m/s 10. 5 s

1. (B) 2. (C) 3. (D) 4. (C) 5. (A)

Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. A B D C B A A A C C
Que. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. B C B B C A A D B B
Que. 21 22 23 24 25
Ans. B C D B B

Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. A A C A B B C B C D


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u+ v
1. 5 m (from initial position to final position) 2. 2h, 0 3. v avg =
8. (i) 12.5 m/s 9. 1.74 m/s, 0.87 m/s 10. 60 km/h, 16.67 m/s
11. 0.2 ms-2,–0.4m/s2 12. (ii) 0.5 ms-2
13. (i) 10ms-2 (ii) 20ms-2 (iii) at t = 2s and at t = 6s (iv) B is ahead of A by 10 m
14. (i) 100 km (ii) 25 km/h
(iii) After 2 hours A will catch B at a distance of 150 km from the starting point of A.

Class IX - Physics


Que. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Ans. A C C A B A A A B B
Que. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Ans. B C A D B C C B D A
Que. 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Ans. C D D C C C B A B D
Que. 31 32 33 34 35 36 37
Ans. D D B C B B A

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