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Chapter 4: Research Design

Jimma University Institute of Technology: FECE

December 16, 2022


1 Meaning of Research Design

2 Features of a Good Design
3 Types of Research Designs
4 Research Objectives
Importance of Research Objective
Characteristics of Research Objective
Types of Research Objectives
Research Objectives Statements
5 Hypothesis
Hypothesis Types
6 Deciding on the Title
7 Methodology Vs Method
8 Research Strategies
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Meaning of Research Design

A research design is a
plan, a blue print,
structure and strategy of
investigation . . . to
obtain answers to
research questions or

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Meaning of Research Design

A research design is the

arrangement of
conditions for collection
and analysis of data in a
manner that aims to
combine relevance to the
research purpose with
economy in procedure.1

Claire Selltiz and others, Research Methods in Social Sciences, 1962, p. 50.
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Meaning of Research Design

It must contain a clear

statement of the research
problem; procedures and
techniques to be used for
gathering information;
the population to be
studied;and methods to
be used in processing
and analysing data.

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Features of a Good Design

Minimises bias and maximises

the reliability of the data
collected and analysed.
A Good Research Gives the smallest
Design: experimental error.
Yields maximal information
and provides an opportunity for
considering many different
aspects of a problem.

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Features of a Good Design

A research design appropriate for a particular research problem, usually

involves the consideration of the following factors:

The means of obtaining information;

The availability and skills of the researcher and his
staff, if any;
The objective of the problem to be studied;
The nature of the problem to be studied; and
The availability of time and money for the research

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Types of Research Designs

Aims to explore. Also known as

formulative research studies.
i. Exploratory Subjects with little prior knowledge,
and research.
Used to identify problems. Form
basis for further research.

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Types of Research Designs

It is more of qualitative; i.e., no need

to be precise or accurate.
For such studies, the following
methods are used: (a) the survey of
i. Exploratory concerning literature; (b) the
experience survey and (c) the
analysis of ‘insight-stimulating’
Explains what happened.

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Types of Research Designs

Aims to describe.
We already have certain level of
understanding, but we wand to know
ii. Descriptive more with higher accuracy and
Usually quantitave.
Explains how things happened.

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Research Objectives

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Research Objectives

A research objective is a clear,

concise, declarative statement,
which provides direction to
investigate the variables.

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Research Objectives

A research objective is a clear,

concise, declarative statement,
which provides direction to
investigate the variables.
Generally research objective
focuses on the ways to
measure the variables, such as
to identify or describe them.

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Research Objectives. . .

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Research Objectives. . .

Research objectives are the

results sought by the
researcher at the end of the
research process.

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Research Objectives. . .

Research objectives are the

results sought by the
researcher at the end of the
research process.
The objectives of a research
project summarize what is to
be achieved by the study.

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Research Objectives. . .

Research objectives are the

results sought by the
researcher at the end of the
research process.
The objectives of a research
project summarize what is to
be achieved by the study.
Objective should be closely
related to the statement of the
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Importance of Research Objectives

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Importance of Research Objectives

Enlighten the way in which researchers have to


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Importance of Research Objectives

Enlighten the way in which researchers have to

Facilitates in development of methodology.

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Importance of Research Objectives

Enlighten the way in which researchers have to

Facilitates in development of methodology.
Guides the information to be collected.

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Importance of Research Objectives

Enlighten the way in which researchers have to

Facilitates in development of methodology.
Guides the information to be collected.
Helps to identify and describes the variables of study.

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Importance of Research Objectives

Enlighten the way in which researchers have to

Facilitates in development of methodology.
Guides the information to be collected.
Helps to identify and describes the variables of study.
Helps to orient the collection, analysis, interpretation
and utilization of data.

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Importance of Research Objectives

Enlighten the way in which researchers have to

Facilitates in development of methodology.
Guides the information to be collected.
Helps to identify and describes the variables of study.
Helps to orient the collection, analysis, interpretation
and utilization of data.
Summarizes what to be achieved by the study.

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Importance of Research Objectives


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Importance of Research Objectives

Specific: Relating to one thing not to other.

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Importance of Research Objectives

Specific: Relating to one thing not to other.
Measurable: Can be measured in terms of output.

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Importance of Research Objectives

Specific: Relating to one thing not to other.
Measurable: Can be measured in terms of output.
Achievable: Describes a task which can be achieved.

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Importance of Research Objectives

Specific: Relating to one thing not to other.
Measurable: Can be measured in terms of output.
Achievable: Describes a task which can be achieved.
Realistic: accepting thing as they are in reality.

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Importance of Research Objectives

Specific: Relating to one thing not to other.
Measurable: Can be measured in terms of output.
Achievable: Describes a task which can be achieved.
Realistic: accepting thing as they are in reality.
Time-bounded: set deadlines and milestones.
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Importance of Research Objectives

There are two types of objectives:

1 General Objectives: are the broad goals to be
achieved. State what the researcher expects to
achieve by the study in general terms.
2 Specific Objectives: are short term and narrow in
focus. They are the small logical connected parts to
achieve general objectives.

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Importance of Research Objectives

Research objectives can be stated as:

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Importance of Research Objectives

Research objectives can be stated as:

Questions -the objectives of this study are to answer
the following questions . . .

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Importance of Research Objectives

Research objectives can be stated as:

Questions -the objectives of this study are to answer
the following questions . . .
Positive sentence -the objectives of this study are to
find out, to establish, to determine,. . .

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Importance of Research Objectives

Research objectives can be stated as:

Questions -the objectives of this study are to answer
the following questions . . .
Positive sentence -the objectives of this study are to
find out, to establish, to determine,. . .
Hypothesis -the objective of this study is to verify
the following hypothesis . . .

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Research Objectives: Examples

The objectives of this study are to answer the
following questions:
▶ Do bio-fuels save energy ?
▶ Do bio-fuels reduce GHGs?

The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of

biofuel on energy saving and GHGs reduction using
quantitative evaluation with life cycle assessment

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Research Objectives: Examples. . .

The objective of this study is to verify as biofuel does
not save energy but does lead to a reduction in GHGs
using quantitative evaluation with life cycle
assessment (LCA).
The objective of this research is to identify the
optimal shape of rotor pole and excitation magnets
that minimizing the mass/volume and simultaneously
maximizing the torque of electric vehicles.
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A hypothesis helps to translate the research problem

and objective into a clear explanation or prediction of
the expected results or outcomes of the study.
derived from the research problems, literature.
logically follow literature review and conceptual

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Hypothesis Types

Simple Hypothesis
Simple hypothesis predicts that, there exist a relationship
between the independent variable and dependent variable.

e.g. Caffeine will affect male and female heart rates


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Hypothesis Types . . .

Complex Hypothesis
Complex hypothesis predicts that there exists relationship
between two or more independent and dependent variable.

e.g. Caffeine and nicotine will affect male and female

heart rates differently and affect the brain function.

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Deciding on the Title

• The title summarizes the main idea or

ideas of your study.

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Deciding on the Title

• The title summarizes the main idea or

ideas of your study.
• Titles speak the nature of the paper
and the subject that as been handled.
• Purpose of research title

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Deciding on the Title

• The title summarizes the main idea or

ideas of your study.
• Titles speak the nature of the paper
and the subject that as been handled.
• Purpose of research title
To state the articles main theme.

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Deciding on the Title

• The title summarizes the main idea or

ideas of your study.
• Titles speak the nature of the paper
and the subject that as been handled.
• Purpose of research title
To state the articles main theme.
To describe the type of research

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Properties of a Good Title

1 The title needs to be very specific in nature, and to be

very clear;
2 Inspite of being specific it should also have the
expressive power to show the full content of the
research study in those few words;
3 It needs to be very definite and clear;
▶ Never use words which can create ambiguity in the mind of the readers.
▶ Try to use simple and powerful words, with the help of, which you can
clearly describe the total nature of your project.
4 The title needs to be attractive and interesting enough
to catch the attention of the readers.
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Methodology Vs Method

The entire research process: problem identification to
data analysis.
A critical evaluation of alternative research strategies
and methods.
Study of methods by which knowledge is gained. Its
aim is to give the work plan of research.
Aims at employment of the correct procedure to find
out solutions.

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Methodology Vs Method

Techniques or procedures used to collect and analyze
The various procedures, schemes, algorithms, etc.
used in research.
Aims at finding solutions to a research problems.

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Research Strategies

Making an inference based on

an observation, often of a
Inductive It starts with singular or
particular statements and ends
up with general or universal
propositions (small → big!).

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Research Strategies

Deductive reasoning, or
deduction, is making an
inference based on widely
accepted facts or premises.
The researcher studies what
Deductive others have done, reads
existing theories of whatever
phenomenon he or she is
studying, and then tests
hypotheses that emerge from
those theories.
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Research Strategies

Making a probable conclusion

from what you know.
A form of logical inference that
Abductive starts with an observation or
set of observations and then
seeks to find the simplest and
most likely conclusion from the

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Research Strategies: Examples

Suppose you don’t know the color of marble in the bag,
and you take one out and it is red. You might infer that
all the marbles in the bag are red.
Suppose a bag contains red marbles and you take one out.
You might infer that the marble is red.
Suppose you find a red marble in the vicinity of a bag of
red marbles. You might infer that the marble is from the
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Which Approach to Select ?

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Which Approach to Select ?

i Depending on the wealth of literature:

▶ More sources, definition of a theoretical framework - deductive
▶ Less sources, data generated and analyzed-inductive approach.

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Which Approach to Select ?

i Depending on the wealth of literature:

▶ More sources, definition of a theoretical framework - deductive
▶ Less sources, data generated and analyzed-inductive approach.
ii Depending on time:
▶ deductive approach is quicker to complete.
▶ Inductive needs time.

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Which Approach to Select ?

i Depending on the wealth of literature:

▶ More sources, definition of a theoretical framework - deductive
▶ Less sources, data generated and analyzed-inductive approach.
ii Depending on time:
▶ deductive approach is quicker to complete.
▶ Inductive needs time.
iii Depending on risk:
▶ Deductive approach is a lower-risk strategy.
▶ Inductive - fear that no theory will emerge.

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Assignment-2: A title, and Literature Review

i Formulate a title based on the topic that you have
selected (5 to 10 words.)
ii Review Related Literature (at least 20) regarding your
title and write a literature review using
“Methodological/conceptual” organization method.
iii Use IEEE referencing style for your citation.

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The End !

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