Recommendation and Conclusion Tealive

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Customers are the lifeline of every restaurant or cafe business. Even if you have the tastiest food
and the most beautiful interiors, if you don’t have a way to keep customers coming back to your
restaurant or cafe, you will most likely need to close shop before you intend to.

Firstly, we would recommend Tealive to run voucher campaigns. Voucher crusades can be one
more compelling approach to get individuals who don't think about Tealive yet to attempt your
items. Voucher battles are the point at which Tealive offers a particular rate rebate for a chosen
item or items for a particular time frame. While like a Buy 1 Free 1 advancement, voucher
crusades are increasingly appropriate for items that Tealive would prefer not to give a 'modest'
impression of by limiting the rate markdown to under 50%.The advantage of a voucher battle is
that in case Tealive is running it for a particular item, almost certainly, their clients will arrange
other ordinary estimated things. On the off chance that they make some great memories, they'll
likely return again and purchase at a typical cost.

Secondly, partnering with or buy ads from social media influencers. Influencer marketing is one
of the biggest trends in the last few years. It usually means partnering with social media accounts
with a large following to bring awareness to the Tealive brand. Influencer advertising are the new
bulletin promotions. In the event that Tealive needs eyeballs on their image, nowadays, one of
the top spots to search for it is on Instagram accounts. Influencer advertising is especially viable
in light of the fact that their supporters will in general be increasingly drawn in contrasted with
conventional announcements. Working with influencers either by paying for posts or giving them
something consequently can help open your image to their crowd.

Last but not least is the oldest and one of the most effective marketing techniques in the book
which is word of mouth marketing. The most ideal approach to get individuals to prescribe to
Tealive’s business for individuals around them is by giving them an extraordinary help. Cause
another bistro or eatery's standard of greatness to turn into your F&B's normal. Other than
recruiting experienced and proficient staff to assist Tealive with this, Teallive would need
frameworks that can empower their business to run their bistro or café smoothly. The first thing
Tealive has to do is guarantee that their kitchen SOPs are set up. These will guarantee that the
nature of their nourishment and beverages remain steady, regardless of when a client stops by
their FnB establishment. Once that is prepared, Tealive will need to concentrate on guaranteeing

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that their client's entire requesting and feasting experience goes well. The most ideal approach to
accomplish this is by guaranteeing that they have a strong, solid and very much structured FnB
POS System set up.

In conclusion, with an ever-increasing number of bistros and cafés springing up each day in
Malaysia, having incredible tasting nourishment and a decent feel is not, at this point enough to
prop Tealive’s FnB business up. Tealive will additionally need to have a strong promoting plan
set up on the off chance that they need to remain applicable and advance beyond their opposition.
Without one, Tealive will likely face the destiny of a vacant bistro or eatery. Fortunately, there
are numerous ways they can showcase their bistro or eatery to their potential clients. Other than
pulling in them with limits and vouchers, Tealive can acquire the believability of realized brands
by cooperating with them to run advancements. The best advertising, however, is certainly not an
extravagant battle. Rather, it's essentially Tealive’s own pledge to building a bistro or café
experience for their clients that they'll need to return to consistently.


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