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A season spent by taking walks in the forest and reading by the

fireplace. It is a moment to appreciate this change that nature offers

us. A perfect season to reflect and refocus.

Autumn brings with it amazing scents; wet wood after the rain,
mushrooms that take on an earthy scent, hot coffee the morning courte-
sy of the first signs of cold, chestnuts grilled over a wood fire among
many other nostalgic scents. The scenery changes drastically too. The
autumn landscape presents amazing orange, green, brown, fiery red
colours, which instil a sense of calm within us.

The produce of the season is quite exceptional with its huge

selection of root vegetables of various shapes and sizes. This offers us
a great canvas to paint on.

I would like to share with you, my excitement and joy, for this
season, by cooking for you the amazing produce that autumn brings
to us. We also pay homage to the tremendous effort of great producers
who bring exceptional vegetables to us, to have fun with.

I hope you enjoy my expression of Autumn.

Bon Appétit
Jeremy Gillon
La Balade du Végétal - $248++
A Sample “Vegetarian” Dinner Menu

parsnip, hazelnut, chervil

lentille du puy, rice crackers crumble
rutabaga, black pepper, cumin
chayote, celtuce, green mango, mint pepper
banana shallot, sarrazin
potimarron, butternut, mandarine
salsify, yuzu
parsley root tea, italian parsley, anthony’s curry
jerusalem artichoke, sunflower & linseed
châtaine, green coffee
kohlrabi, green apple
celeriac, automne truffle
cheese trolley
pear, wasabi, sage
kumquat, oat crumble, lemon

Optional Exceptional Wines’ Pairing - $218++

6 premium wines paired with entire degustation

This menu is a sample and is subject to changes.

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